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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8917546 No.8917546 [Reply] [Original]

So, what if you're an asocial NEET otaku but love going outdoors, not to interact with people but to breathe fresh air, take sunlight and enjoy nature. Maybe hiking or camping alone, or going alone to an empty beach.

Does these kind of activities revoke your truNEET status? Even if you lived in a large property in the countryside and technically didn't even need to leave the house to do some of these things? Or you must also be a hikki to be truNEET?

>> No.8917553

You're confusing NEET with hikikomori.

A hikikomori does not leave their home, if not even their own rooms.

A NEET is someone who simply doesn't work or go to school. It does not mean they can't go outside.

>> No.8917550

Why do you need other people to validate you? Just go fucking enjoy your life the way you like. Moron.

>> No.8917554
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Who told you this joke ?

>> No.8917556

Certainly not.

You are the equivalent of a level 1 hermit. But only level 1, because you lack disciprine.

>> No.8917563

NEET carries connotations of hikikomoriness, particularly in Japan. If you went up to a typical Japanese person and asked him to describe a typical NEET, he would basically describe a chubby anime fan who never leaves his room and eats ramen.

And we're using the term because of the Japanese, whether you like it or not.

>> No.8917570
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Actually I see lots of people who seem to confuse NEET and hikikomori in other threads through my time in /jp/. It's one of the reasons I'm asking.


But I don't really care. Just trying to give food for thought.

>> No.8917575

I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.

>> No.8917595

Some of us do it and some don't. It's their own business and they surely have thought a lot more about their lifestyle than you.

Go to /adv/ or /r9k/ if you want to help people you deem as inferior.

>> No.8917605


I've actually been thinking of reading survivalist books and maybe even take a course. Living like a hermit seems appealing to me. Especially now that most of the countryside has 3.5g reception where I live so I could still have internet in my hut.

>> No.8917608

What are you going to do for electricity?

>> No.8917609



>> No.8917611

In theory a NEET doesn't even have to be socially awkward. They could love playing/hanging out with people but still just be unemployed and out of school. When I think sociable NEETs, the first image that comes to mind is some stoner dropout bro living in his mom's attic haha.

>> No.8917621


The mere fact that you ask means you aren't truNEET, or won't be.

Back to >>>/v/

>> No.8917624

Hey man, we all 'truNEET' here. Just like how we're all little girls as well. Chill.

>> No.8917626


Portable generator and batteries. All I'd really need to power would be my laptop charger and one or two lamps, maybe even a solar generator would be enough

>> No.8917629

Learn to use proper grammar before posting here.

>> No.8917641

Seig heil good sir. Do you perchance require assistance in pulling that stick out of your ass? I'd be more than happy to provide assistance in that endeavour if you suck my cock dude.

>> No.8917643

He's likely not a native speaker. It's fine as long as it's legible.

>> No.8917646

Generators require fuel, a lot of it.
So unless you plan to break seclusion every weekend to stockup that's out.

Solar energy just isn't there yet. Even minimalist as hell, and with a good battery storage area that will neither make them blow up nor rust to hell and back, you'd still need to maintain the panels, and repair them as they go.

Dynamo power is at least a little more feasible for the long term, but equally as silly.

>> No.8917651


The only people who get bent out of shape about truNEET status are the newest generation of neo-/jp/'ers. Just take it easy, anon.

>> No.8917695


That's the idea, unfortunately I'd probably need to go out to get supplies at the very least once every two weeks. If I manage to adapt well to this lifestyle, then I might think of taking it to the next level.

>> No.8917700

I'd describe such a person as "unemployed" rather than "NEET" (unemployed means you're actively seeking work, even if it's very lazily).

>> No.8917705


As for dynamo power, yeah, I though of maybe improvising a water mill to generate power if there's a stream or river nearby.

>> No.8917708

It's not hard to live isolated, but it's assumed you wouldn't have an income doing this,which is where it would get tricky. Also, every two weeks? You'd have a highway leading to your cabin.

Assuming you have some usable land, I could see yearly trips being as frequent as you'd need.

>> No.8917730

Are you japanese? Stop assuming things, asshole. Our nations' crackheads are also NEETs for instance. Are they anything like us? I'm pretty sure some of those reach places like Japan too.

>> No.8917731

who gives a shit

no, seriously, who gives a shit

>> No.8917740

That requires a lot of work, and you'll need a good bit of paperwork to make it happen (due to pollution risks downstream, and pressure issues). Not the best way to go about things for a small operation.

>> No.8917747

I'm Japanese on the inside.

>> No.8917756



>> No.8917770


Also, walking through parts of woods you have never been before, simply to explore, is simply marvelous.

>> No.8917799

Get a load of this weaboo.

>> No.8917848

Are you misspelling it to troll me?
