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8911377 No.8911377[STICKY]  [Reply] [Original]

continued from >>8909155

Also discussion of Kyouko and Mystia as a rock act.

>> No.8911385 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8911409

I don't think Kyouko would ever help her employer's competition. Or be allowed to, for that matter.

>> No.8911438
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>> No.8911441
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Oh, yeah forgot about that.
I wonder about a backing band, the image only shows the two of them.
And is that a scanning artifiact or are there really distortion circles radiating from Kyouko's mouth in that photo?

>> No.8911452
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My prayers have been answered. Now ZUN, Reimu and Sane next to get boobs please.

>> No.8911454

But still very modest boobs.

>> No.8911446 [DELETED] 

And a penis and one leg longer than the other you fucking twat.

>> No.8911448

I'm now imagining Kyouko leaving the temple stealthily by the nightfall, black leather clothes and makeup hidden in her backpack, going to the concert, ROCKING THE FUCK OUT, then returning by the morning.

Hijiri notices the bags under the eyes of her follower when they meet next day, but thinks the poor Yamabiko girl is just praying too hard.

Speaking of hard, I just got a hard-on here imagining this. brb.

>> No.8911462


>> No.8911456
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And a penis and one leg longer than the other you fucking twat.

>> No.8911458

Sanae has already been confirmed for flat.
Also, that picture is too lewd.

>> No.8911467

THAT is a cool idea.
The living sound system has found her calling.

>> No.8911480

O well.

>> No.8911490

and surprisingly normal length arms.

>> No.8911501

>are there really distortion circles radiating from Kyouko's mouth in that photo?
it's the power of HEAVY METAL \m/

>> No.8911502

It's her 2 layers of poofy clothing she's petite

>> No.8911511

The art is fucking wonderful. ZUN finally managed to hire a good artist.

>> No.8911522

so I'm not the only one seeing it?
Its not a scanning artifact or a artifact of my monitor, the artist actually drew that in?

>> No.8911529

Do the new profiles still have threat/human friendship levels?

>> No.8911581

Yes they do.

>> No.8911615

threat/human friendship
Shizuha: Low/High
Minoriko: Medium/Very High
Hina: Very High/Medium
Nitori: High/Medium
Sanae: Low/High
Kanako: Low/High
Suwako: Low/Medium
Yamame: High/Very Low
Parsee: Medium/Nothing
Yuugi: Very High/Unknown
Satori: Very High/Nothing
Rin: Low/High
Utsuho: Unknown/Unknown
Koishi: Unknown/Nothing
Nazrin: Medium/Low
Kogasa: Low/High
Ichirin & Unzan: High/High
Murasa: Very High/Low
Shou: Low/Medium
Byakuren: Unknown/Medium
Nue: High/Low
Kyouko: Low/Very High
Yoshika: Very High/Nothing
Seiga: High/Very High (love humans)
Tojiko: Very high/Low
Futo: Low/Unknown
Miko: Low/Very High
Mamizou: High/Very High

>> No.8911627

Some of those are weird, but then, it's Akyuu + Marisa's opinion, and it's also Touhou.

>> No.8911632

>Yamame: High/Very Low


>> No.8911634

>Hina: Very High/Medium

>> No.8911631
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>Kogasa: Low/High

>> No.8911636

cave dwellers aren't terribly hospitable, she's also poisonous.

>> No.8911640
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Gonna eat you.

>> No.8911647
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>Satori: Very High/Nothing
>Koishi: Unknown/Nothing

>> No.8911641

>Yamame: High/Very Low

So much for friendly cheerful youkai who never uses her power at a whim and is popular at underground parties.

>> No.8911643

no Momiji or Kisume ;_;

>> No.8911652
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Are you a bad enough villager to protect her from a drunk, angry reimu?

>> No.8911656
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>Satori: Very High/Nothing

>> No.8911659
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I'd protect Kogasa with my heart and soul even if she later tried to surprise me.

>> No.8911660
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Parsee: Medium/Nothing

>> No.8911675

feels bad man

>> No.8911677

Doesn't use on Youkai, and at Youkai parties sure. These apply to humans.

>> No.8911692
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>Mamizou: High/Very High

Fuck yeah

>> No.8911687

More like Akyu knows jack shit about the underground so she just fills it in with unknowns and high threat levels.

>> No.8911696

>Rin: Low/High
>Utsuho: Unknown/Unknown
I don't even know what's going on here.

>> No.8911704
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It could be "worst."

>> No.8911705


Byakuren confirmed for hidden murderous intentions like in that one doujin.

>> No.8911709

Akyu, world's greatest liar?

>> No.8911723
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Maybe Okuu's too shy for an interview.

>> No.8911725

Lies and slander everywhere.

>> No.8911730

Rin had a tour of the surface world, Akyu probably knows her.

But the rest is literally stuck in there and it's not unlikely that not even Akyu's memory can pull up a good description from bits and pieces from before they were sealed. Hence threat level very high, friendship level unknown. Or maybe they don't want others to explore the giant hole because it's the city of the underground dwellers and not some drow city to raid, so Akyu calls them dangerous to prevent everyone from being a bother.

>> No.8911741
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Byakuren's sketchiness is already pretty well-documented, given it's stated in UFO backstory that she dragged a whole bunch of humans out to sea under the guise of helping them get rid of a pest and then let that same pest sink their ship and drown them all without batting an eye.

Really, "Medium" for her isn't anything we didn't already know.

>> No.8911742

>>8911615 Hina: Very High/Medium
>Nitori: High/Medium

>> No.8911751

Nitori's threat level is high for anyone in water and with an intact liver. Those aren't going to rip themselves out, you know.

>> No.8911752

I wish we had a sticky for this... Do you guys think it would work?

>> No.8911746

while Hina is weird, Nitori makes sense. I'd consider a massive Gundam chasing you a "High" threat.

>> No.8911760
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Death by moe is a legitimate threat with those two

>> No.8911762

I wonder if Gensokyo Kappa's rape maidens like Japanese ones.

>> No.8911756

Curses so keep away, and getting excited and ripping out your assball.

Remember when Hatate saw a kappa drowning a person.

>> No.8911769
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Hina seems strange to me but the Kappa are dangerous.

>> No.8911772

>Byakuren's sketchiness is already pretty well-documented, given it's stated in UFO backstory that she dragged a whole bunch of humans out to sea under the guise of helping them get rid of a pest and then let that same pest sink their ship and drown them all without batting an eye.
Oh god, I didn't even know that.
I'm also surprised at how Kanako is considered friendly. I always figured that Kanako treats human more like a faith resource more than anything.
Even Suwako was described as medium.

>> No.8911775
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>Minoriko: Medium/Very High
It's time to harvest her crops lovingly.

>> No.8911788
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In MoF end Marisa and Kanako got along quite well. Apparently they are quite similar. So even though Kanako is a bit underhanded she's outgoing and cheerful.

She also has canon snake eyes now. Yes!

>> No.8911790
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>Utsuho: Unknown/Unknown

Such a mysterious girl. I'm actually ok with this since she's always been a character with a wide amount of interpretations.

>> No.8911809
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>> No.8911810

Suwako is such a good girl.

>> No.8911829

>Seiga: High/Very High (love humans)

So she is a big threat to humans but she loves them? Is she tsundere or am I misreading the chart?

>> No.8911825

To be honest, I'm kind of afraid of this fanbook.

I will most likely reevaluate most of the view of my most favourite Touhous and I actually like my current one.

>> No.8911835

Man up.

>> No.8911831


>> No.8911836

A book for fans.

>> No.8911840

Who would that be?

I'm kind of in luck, most of my favourites are from the first nine games, so I don't have to worry about that. Although I really would have liked to see Iku have a profile in this one, there really isn't enough info on her as of now.

>> No.8911839

She steals and does wicked things, but still loves humanity.

>> No.8911845

She loves human.
But she still can blast your fucking head off.

Kyoko for example, not so much

>> No.8911847

Maybe an overpowered, prideful woman? Everything goes fine until something makes her upset and she sends her zombie.

>> No.8911859
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A friendly necromancer is still a necromancer

>> No.8911889

Just because this book might change some of your character's canon personalities, there's no reason that you have to respect those as concrete fact. If you don't like part of the canon, just ignore it.
The whole point of fantasy is to be something you like. So why follow set rules ?

>> No.8911896

I'm a bit upset that they gave my favorite touhou no bloomers.

>> No.8911902

Wasn't ZUN a big proponent of "it's up to you in the end" kind of thinking, anyway?

>> No.8911901 [DELETED] 

why did you sage then you triple autist?

>> No.8911907

Will Tokiko be in it?

>> No.8911908

>Satori: Very High/Nothing
>Very High
Oh, yeah fucking right. I can't wait to hear the reasoning behind this.

>> No.8911911 [DELETED] 


>> No.8911913

Canon is canon anon. You may make little fantasys of how you wished the characters were.
Although it will always be fact that they aren't like the way you imagine.

>> No.8911914 [DELETED] 


>> No.8911918
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>Futo: Low/Unknown

>> No.8911923

Mind reading has the potential to fuck anyone's shit up.

>> No.8911922 [DELETED] 

stop that

>> No.8911932

do you want your deepest secrets and sexual desires for Satori's delicious loins to be revealed?

>> No.8911929

Yeah, a lot of characters and stuff, a very interesting book (really) but...

NO TENSHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8911940
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I'm disappointed at the lack of Tenshi and Iku as well. Fucking love those two.

>> No.8911939

No Ranko or Maribel...

>> No.8911937

fightan gaem aren't real 2hu

>> No.8911946 [DELETED] 

Posting in a sticky.
When was the last time we had one? It seems it was an eternity.

>> No.8911943

Why is Okuu the ONLY unknown/unknown???

>> No.8911951

Aside of Reimu and Marisa, she probably doesn't even know that other humans exist. And she probably never met them, even if she knows about their existence, since she's jailed to Former Hell until forever.

>> No.8911952

I've been infrequently visiting /jp/ for two years and have never seen one until now.

>> No.8911954

I think the last one was for C81

>> No.8911959


>> No.8911961

Tenshi's my fav character, so I'm a bit disappointed... Suika had a profile in PMiSS...
Well... The girls that didn't appear have an small text in the afterword (as I see), so it isn't a "they aren't, ok!"

A full translation wanted, of course.

>> No.8911966

Shes' met plenty of dead ones

>> No.8911974

She is a ditz. As you should know, she is a hotheaded moron that means no harm besides her grand plans of igniting the surface to revive old hell.

>> No.8911975

Save it. Satori is as dangerous as Remilia and FLANDRE? As dangerous as Yamame and Yuugi? As dangerous as fucking YUYUKO!?
I don't buy it, not even for a second.

>> No.8911986

Did... did /jp/ just get an sticky? And an on-topic one at that...

>> No.8911988

>Tojiko: Very high/Low
So what does this actually mean? I refuse to believe Tojiko has a high "power level"

>> No.8911994

I wonder if the list is not based on not only potential, but willingness to cause damage? Her fucking cat eats corpses (even if said cat might, say, also like to sit on some villager lap and the occasional belly rub).

For example, Byakuren is "neutral", but I can easily see her turning people inside out if her precious youkai are threatened.

>> No.8911999

>>8911975 Well, even YUKARI in SA feared Satori because she's a underground youkai. And not a normal one, she's the master of the Palace of the Earth Spirits, so I think she's dangerous.

>> No.8911998

She dislikes you and will spam zigyzaggy arrows at you.

>> No.8912006

>her grand plans of igniting the surface to revive old hell.

You would think that if she was still planning that though that would at least be a good indication of her threat level.

>> No.8912020

Potential, I think.

I don't know how well we can trust Yukari, but wouldn't she fear a mind reader because she has things to hide? She is a schemer, after all.

>> No.8912025

But didn't ZUN say in the description of her theme that fighting isn't her strongest? She might be a good strategist, and what if she can shatter the mind of people? I wouldn't be surprised, since she can read others minds. And also, if she's the master of the palace, maybe the reason why she's dangerous is because of how much power she has in her hands, and not her real powerlevel, if you get what I mean.

>> No.8912032

Maybe her reasoning was "If I revive old hell, will Miss Satori be pleased? Maybe she might give me an extra treat.".

She is, after all, a pet. Not actually malevolent, just bird brained.

>> No.8912040

Here's a thought; Akyuu is one of those racist humans that Satori lives underground to avoid. She does have a pretty long/deep mind to read, after all.

>> No.8912044

Satori is supposed to have many, many pets. Two of them are a hell cat and a hell raven, both very potent on their own. What if her other pets are just as strong, and even worse, very loyal?

She might just overpower most people by blowing a whistle.

>> No.8912045

Here's another thought: Akyu is pulling this stuff out of her ass.

>> No.8912058

She only had those plans when she Yatagarasu drove her berserk. I THINK she's sense calmed down. Maybe that's why it's unknown; most of our experience with her is from when she was not herself. Maybe.
Translations can't come soon enough.

>> No.8912057

it's not her fault that she's never had a chance to meet most of them.

>> No.8912066

Yeah, I get it, but reading someone's mind give her a real advantage because she could anticipate to her opponent. But, yes, she's dangerous, but no as Yuyuko or Flandre, for example.

>> No.8912070

I doubt that's it. Kanako/Suwako have Youkai Mountain loyal to and worshiping them, yet their threat level is low.

>> No.8912072


If I recall correctly I believe that actually WAS her reasoning.

Also It sounds like too many people are using "threat to humans" as an indication for power-levels. I really don't think that's the case at all. Satori is probably ranked so high as a threat because of what >>8912044 mentioned, despite her actual combat ability being very low. She is the underground overseer, after all.

>> No.8912084

And who cares if I'm "Wrong?" What do I have to lose from my interpretation of my favorite character being different from yours?
That doesn't mean that just because the "facts" about my character are different than what I'd prefer that I have to restrict myself to what ZUN says.
I agree that just because I imagine my character how I'd like doesn't change how she acts in the games, but I don't see how that matters.

>> No.8912097


While yes, these are true, there's an area that people don't really see when you're talking about what's canon and what isn't. ZUN making a new book doesn't "change" canon personalities unless something is explicitly retconned; they are simply all canon and the new book expands on what was previously known. Having something "changed" is completely on the part of what was generally accepted by the fandom and is just now being written off. In addition, you sort of do have to respect new developments as concrete fact, outside of the ambiguity and subjectiveness of being recorded by characters rather than a story unfolding for the viewer. However, you're good on the last part: if you don't like a new development in canon and you want to stick to what you appreciated previously, then by all means go for it. When describing Gensokyo as it is for you, in your universe, whether it be written down or is just in your mind, you're free to take as many liberties as you want. What is accepted by other people depends entirely on what those people think, which can also be different from what is canon. As canon expands, the more fans acknowledge it as truth, so how your Gensokyo is accepted by others does depend on canon elements, but in no way is it completely constrained. As I mentioned though, despite your ability to arrange Gensokyo as you please, you do have to respect canon as canon as canon: as fact, to the extent possible. It's certainly "up to you in the end" and those creative liberties is why Touhou is so popular in the first place, but acknowledge that there's a difference between respecting canon as canon and being able to take creative liberties with what is presented.

>> No.8912098
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These gods love humanity. Sure, they can smite you, but you are but a flicker in eternity. In other words, they are not spiteful gods, or at least not easily offended.

Besides, they are gods that bring good weather and fertility. They would be able to hurt humans by NOT DOING ANYTHING. See how it works?

>> No.8912115

Hey at least you didn't get butt hurt and start a bitch fit and I respect that.
Admitting and accepting the truth is what will keep you a true touhou fan.

>> No.8912109

Human friendship level and threat level are two different categories.
It's not about what they would, it's about what they COULD.

>> No.8912159
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But that means Tojiko is one of the EX-tier touhous now

>> No.8912169

It is simply a matter of finding something to argue about. People who need self gratification and assurance to fuel their egoistic narcissism like to argue with others for that reason. Thus, they find that the canon Touhou grounds are for that, but it always bothers me when they leave the canon grounds and start trying to "correct" the fanon area. Anyway, the right thing to do is ignore them and take the importance of canon in your own scope; to the degree that you are most comfortable with. Of course ignoring the large basic canon facts on which the majority of the fanon develops on is not recommended. It just gets annoying (once again) when "canon crusaders" blow aspie gaskets on the most minute inconsistencies.

>> No.8912179

For Hina her ability means she's VERY dangerous if driven to fight because of the Curses she possesses.

Also being around her too long tends to lead to BAD THINGS happening so having her being friendly but dangerous isn't that implausible.

Similarly With Satori's danger rating justification is that if you drive her enough you can't escape or effectively counter as she knows what you're going to do just as you think it. Just like dealing with Psycho Mantis and sorry you can't change controller slots in real life.

Yamame's ability is yet another one that makes her dangerous and she might just hold a grudge (resulting in a lower friendship rating). With other youkai she might be fine but we'll find out more later on.

Also WTF is with the Nothing marks. Is it that they actively avoid human interaction or are openly hostile.

>> No.8912199


It looks like it. Very cool thing to notice.

>> No.8912207
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>Sticky on /jp/

>> No.8912213
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Parsee does not strike as someone who is trustworthy or that trusts other people. Hell, I doubt she even gets along with anybody, just being in her bridge cursing under her breath as she looks at people happier than her pass by.

Yamame might be aware of her ability, and just by being close to people she might bring disease. Maybe she is just being polite?

>> No.8912215

>Also WTF is with the Nothing marks. Is it that they actively avoid human interaction or are openly hostile.
My impression was openly hostile, considering the people who have that mark.

>> No.8912220

>Also WTF is with the Nothing marks. Is it that they actively avoid human interaction or are openly hostile.
They feel no emotion at all towards humans, I suppose.

>> No.8912227


You know, Utsuho manages the nuclear reactor Suwako uses to power the Hisoutensoku in 12.3.

Also, she fights Sanae and Cirno.

>> No.8912236
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I've always saw Parsee as someone who is unfriendly to everyone too.

>> No.8912247

But I like my touhous to be care-free and loving ):

>> No.8912253

Anyone else not know what this is?

>> No.8912271

I'm pretty sure you're vastly misrepresenting these people. Grouping everyone who discusses and argues about canon elements into "they're argumentative narcissistic wieners" is just as pointlessly aggressive as the arguments you're describing. On /jp/ sure there are morons like you describe, but only just as much as people who parade around as if things they made up are canon. There would be no reason to argue with people when there are indeed clear sources of canon, unless the other party is trying to pass their ideas off as canonical. There are situations where you get direct interpretations of canon conflicting with other direct interpretations, but those are pretty isolated and aren't nearly as retarded. If a person is trying to use their imagined Gensokyo as grounds to make a solid claim, then yes that's grounds for a correction. Using their imagined Gensokyo as an ideal or a fanwork or something like that doesn't need correction at all, but you're saying that these things are the majority of what "canon crusaders" attack, which is silly. Discrediting everyone as eager assholes because of a select few you might find on /jp/ of all places seems like a really odd blanket statement to make.

>> No.8912338
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>Kanako: Low/High

>> No.8912345
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I'm pretty sure that it was ambiguously implied that Sanae was dreaming/knocked out for a portion of her route. I didn't remember exactly why, because I hate her guts and only played her route for delicious Suwako, but I'm pretty sure someone K.O.ed her, and Suwacky dragged her back. Might just be me having a hazy memory, so don't yell at me plz.

Also, I'm quite upset that Nue has such bad relations with humans, and Nitori. You'd think that with that high of a threat level, there would be more negative connotations around our lovable Kappa, but I've rarely seen anyone depict her showing any negative emotions, and it seems she actually CARES about humans, since she wanted to protect Marisa and Reimu by scaring them off. As did Hina.

Y'know, I'm just going to completely ignore anything Akyu has to say on those 2hus that humans would normally fear. She's obviously biased as fuck, as there is no way Satori would have a high threat level. Being able to read minds is cool and all, but people who have control over themselves, and of their minds, are practically immune to her power. Plus, being able to read minds is cool and all, but how is a frail little girl with external arteries going to kill a human? Assuming the worst, you just flying tackle her, while clearing your mind, and crush her third eye. She isn't the Satori that is able to read your sub= conscious, so as long as you are smart about it, she shouldn't pose more of a threat than Chen, by herself.

>> No.8912349

Nitori confirmed for ass burglar since double spoiler, her being a threat is hardly news

>> No.8912365


I don't remember any of that. But even if she was dreaming, if Utsuho was in her dreams it implies they knew each other somehow.

>> No.8912369
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Nobody said befriending or romancing a youkai would be easy

>> No.8912376

Drowning is a very dangerous thing

Medium Friendship could EASILY be because she's not that good with human interaction and does things that could be seen as unfriendly because she's jumpy.

Satori's degree of danger as previously stated is mindreading.

>> No.8912392

Continuing: I would assume Akyu also distrusts some other 2hus, which is why she gave them the score she did.

This is acceptable. She is pretty fucking strong, and has the ability to morph from cat to sexy cat lady at will. She is also very loyal, and cares about others.

I never really thought of her that way. I just imagined her sitting around the mountain fucking with things for shits and giggles, but I do suppose that's more of a Suika/Tenshi thing (still butt devastated that ZUN never included her).

Ehhhh, you would think she likes humans as much as she likes scaring them. But I do suppose she didn't treat Marisa/Reimu very kindly, and they probably tattle-taled on her, and, along with previous recollections of her, Akyu just called her the fucking devil and let it be.

I don't think she is overly dangerous. Yeah, she could fucking crush your skull into oblivion, but she doesn't seem like the type of person to be doing that too often. Probably just fear of onis/unknown.

Of fucking course ;-;

Perhaps. Maybe she learned about Utsuho from what Marisa/Reimu told her, or she went with Kanako underground to see her in the first place. Sanae's goddesses do seem to like to fuck around with literally everything they can.

I'd like to imagine she doesn't drown people. The way she acted in MoF doesn't show any signs of hostility towards humans, it's just that she didn't know how to interact with them very well. Also, she wasn't very hostile in SA either. Maybe Akyu just heard some shit about Nitori from the Tengu serial-harassers and jotted it down as absolute fact, or maybe Nitori just put on a facade when dealing with Marisa and Reimu because she knew she would get her ass-obliterated otherwise.

Captcha: advice, iceDosi

>> No.8912389

Mind reading isn't dangerous.

No idea where you're getting that Sanae thing from. She was conscious the whole way through; Meiling was the one who was out cold for her route.

>> No.8912410

Nue's whole existence is about fucking with humans and giving them terrible nightmares. And she got hunted and sealed by them. Seems pretty natural that she doesn't want to socialize with them or whatever it means.

>> No.8912413
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>Yuugi: Very High/Unknown

I guess I'm ok with this.
No doubt that she could pound a human into mush.
I guess we can just choose whether or not she would want to though in the first place. She never seemed malicious to me, I doubt she would attack random, defenseless humans humans.

>> No.8912419

Or Hell Yuugi's danger is that she might actually give you a friendly shoulder slap and leave you in traction

Unknown Human friendship as Akyuu couldn't tell if it was the booze talking or Yuugi's nature

>> No.8912427

Violent people friendship level: very high

>> No.8912425

This shows that not all touhous are just some happy go lucky lolis that want dicks and sex.

>> No.8912439
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>Rin: Low/High

>> No.8912451
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>> No.8912460


>> No.8912463
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Didn't she seal herself up because she was getting bored or something? Might just me having a hazy memory of the actual games, since I didn't really pay attention to the story when I was busy psyching myself up for another long and arduous fight.

Might just be it. Suika and Yuuka, though, seem to be able to control their power to the point where they don't instantly obliterate whatever the accidentally hit with the back of their hands, so I'm assuming Yuugi is the same. Since her and Suika always seem to be drunk, I'd assume they don't have gigantic mood swings, and behave the way they always behave. It's not like either one of them really fear anyone. They're both powerful enough to beat most other 2hus in a fight, especially if you take Yuugi's ability to be "I'm going to cock block you of everything BUT your innate power", meaning that Yukari can't portal.

Same here. I don't even think Yuuka is that malicious, I just think she tends to be misunderstood and grumpy. All it would take is ONE bad encounter with a youkai who doesn't get around much, and their entire reputation is ruined, as no one but Marisa/Reimu/Sanae, or any other final/extra stage boss would ever think of approaching them. All it would take is one misinterpreted photo of Nitori saving a drowning victim, Yamame killing someone out of self defense, or someone getting struck by lightning while Iku was trying to protect them, and they would be forever ruined. That's one of the reasons why Aya/Hatate should get curbstomped, and they probably would if they ever offended someone like Nue or Yukari.

>> No.8912468
File: 183 KB, 402x512, RinSubAni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people making a big deal of of Rin's supposed tails now of all times?

It was never there in the first place.

>> No.8912472

No, Nue was shot by some Japanese hero and sealed away when she tried to mess with the emperor.

>> No.8912485

>Nitori: High/Medium

Fair enough. Kappa technology isn't something that should be taken lightly. And while it would be nice she had a higher human friendship level, her inability to socialize with them due to shyness justifies it.

But anyway, most annotations made by Akyu shall be taken with some doubt, and I recall she said it so in PMiSS.

>> No.8912503

You know I'm just going to wait for translations of the text before I think about this any more.

>> No.8912510
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Oh hey a sticky.

>> No.8912518

threat level has never really meant anything anyway, Gensokyo is a safe place full of responsible youkai

>> No.8912520
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I don't see Yuuka as malicious either.
I'm pretty sure she trades with humans occasionally and such.

Her being grumpy as a character trait always made sense to me. If a witch broke into my house while I am sleeping and tried to steal my powers, I'd be grumpy too.

>> No.8912524

I doubt she would shoot up a human without proper aggravation first. I doubt ANY 2hu would, except for maybe Lily, but srsly guise. Even though Yuuka is seen as some kind of demon that, if she catches you, will go for your jugular, there isn't much evidence to back that up. Maybe there were a couple of bad encounters with Yuuka, but if someone came running into your gigantic garden that you spent years working on, and started fucking with literally everything, wouldn't you attack them? It's likely that the stronger youkai are really about as aggressive as the weaker ones, it's just that they don't know how much they have to limit their powers to incapacitate a human without killing them. It's likely that Yuuka is so powerful it's either kill or nil.

I'm waiting for a translation as well, but I still intend to discuss it. I've had discussions like this with many people over the past 2 years, and they always end up beneficial to both parties.

>> No.8912534


Partial translations are up in the wiki

>> No.8912551

Kyouko and Mystia's rock act is a miracle of the universe.
So is Kogasa's absence of bloomers. I'd let Kogasa fly over me and surprise me all day long.

>> No.8912556
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Shit nigger, we had the same idea.

But yeah, I imagine that Yuuka used to/does trade with humans every now and then. She is the de facto expert on plant life, and she probably does good business with, at the very least, Eirin and Marisa. She probably also trades with the Myouren temple, and roughs up some of the youkai, that are acting like total cunts, in the area. She was a playable character, once upon a time, so I would imagine she is actually very nice, but happens to be /v/ incarnate with the ability to dislocate people's heads with a back-hand.

Anyways, why is Murasa so dangerous too? I always thought that living with Byakuren would've changed her opinions of humans, and living in Gensokyo would make her power practically useless. Unless her power is to be taken literally, and that she can sink not only ships, but anything that ends with -ship, but that would be taking her power way too far, and would be stretching it, so I doubt that's it.

>> No.8912562
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Of course Tojiko is EX-Tier, she's the wife of a Stage 6 boss.

You don't fuck with Japanese wives. Not even the husbands dare fuck with them.

>> No.8912568

Maybe she's got other Sailor Traits....

>> No.8912584

She probably uses her anchor to beat the shit out people.

>> No.8912585
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You'd think being a ghost for 1,000 years would make you lose some of those traits, but being a vengeful spirit could also make you develop some... nasty traits as well. I still like to imagine that Murasa is just anti-social as all fuck, and she just gets a bad press because of the shit she did 1,000 years ago. Perhaps the crow-tengu caught her killing a thief or something. Who knows?

>> No.8912587

Damn, Koishi's is pretty sad. I want to unread it.

>> No.8912588

>I always thought that living with Byakuren would've changed her opinions of humans

Byakuren hates humans.

>> No.8912596
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>I always thought that living with Byakuren would've changed her opinions of humans

This implies that Byakuren has a high opinion of humans.

It's actually kind of confusing to consider that the Myourenites set up shop so close to the human village, given Ichirin seems to be the only one that gives a proper toss about humans and multiple members actively dislike them.

>> No.8912593

Byakuren IS a human. That's what I was getting at there.

>> No.8912607


When they first me, Byakuren was a human that showed her kindness while letting her sink a shipful of humans that wanted to kill her. That probably colored her opinion of Byakuren a bit.

>> No.8912600

A human who hates humans, which Murasa would presumably pick up on.

>> No.8912604

Sinking ships is pretty dangerous if you like being out on the sea.

>> No.8912610

Although honestly the thought of her singing badly and swearing like a sailor would be amusing as hell

>> No.8912615
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Poor Hina. Her profile says that she's cheerful and personable, but barely anyone talks to her because they don't want to get cursed. None of which is really new, but it still feels bad reading it.

>> No.8912618

>sink not only ships, but anything that ends with -ship
What ends with -ship in Japanese?

>> No.8912625

In a land full of youkai, Koishi is the first one to get an actually eerie existance. Made me think on this:


>> No.8912633

I'd imagine all 2hus swear at one point or another. I doubt even Byakuren, Shou, Toyosatomimi, or Reimu are reserved enough to not ever utter a single swear word.

I don't exactly know. Even though I browse /jp/ as much as I browse /v/, I never had the drive to learn moon runes. I was, though, referring to how some people could possibly stretch her ability to stretch to relationships and the sort. She's one of those 2hus who never really has her ability expanded on ever. It's just brought up once, and never mentioned again, just like Yuugi's ability.

>> No.8912658

There are no swear words in Japanese.

>> No.8912661
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I know, not really

>> No.8912667
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>Utsuho: Unknown/Unknown

This seriously better not be laziness on ZUN's part because he doesn't know what to do with her.

>> No.8912666

Get a load of this nerd.

>> No.8912681

Is it translated yet?

>> No.8912677
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I'm crying, Jack. I really am ;-;

I've already thought about all the shit Koishi went through to hell and back, but it's still sad. Koishi has the most depressing backstory of ANY 2hu. Seriously, nothing even compares. Hina might come close, and maybe Yuuka if you see her as actually kind-hearted and lonely because people are afraid of her, but nothing else can match. It's chilling to think that you will never be accepted, because no matter what you do, people will shun you. It might take generations before they even begin really trusting you again.

Hasn't swear words just come to mean words that prudes don't like hearing? In certain cultures, God, Gods, and Goddesses are swear words, especially ultra-conservative-Christian households.

>> No.8912684

Only very crude translations so far.

Accuracy unknown

>> No.8912687

Oh, but c'mon, Mokou's entire family got fucking brought to shame because of Kaguya, and Mokou had to deal with being completely alone for hundreds of years. Not only that, but she eventually met the person she hated the most. As much as I love Koishi (She's my second favorite 2hu, behind Nue), I really think that Mokou suffered much more.

>> No.8912686

Where can I find them?

>> No.8912691

Besides the fact the both she and her hated enemy are both immortal, which means that everyone and everything will fade away, except the one she hates the most.

>> No.8912697

What's this nonsense about Mokou hating Kaguya? They are clearly in love with each other.

>> No.8912715
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Cut it out.

>> No.8912712
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>> No.8912724
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As I see it, when she ate Yatagarasu and gained the powers of nuclear fission and went a bit crazy, she was very dangerous and unfriendly.
But normally, she would be a rather low threat and friendly to humans.
So she can be a mixed bag.

Regardless of it all, Orin is Low/High, so I figure that Okuu should be as well, if not just from copying Orin.

>> No.8912734

You know why they were brought to shame? Because they lacked enough common sense to leave Kaguya the fuck alone. Yeah, she lost her entire family, but at least she can still interact with humans, and does. Koishi used to live in fucking hell because her and her sister were ostracized from the human village, and I doubt if any of them are willing to recant and give Koishi a chance. The only human interaction Koishi will ever have for 60 or so years will be with Marisa and Reimu, and even they might die (if Marisa decides she wants to not increase her lifespan). Keine is going to live much, much longer than Marisa and Reimu, and Mokou doesn't have to deal with having a cranky sister all the damned time.

I love Mokou as much as the next guy, but you'd be deluding yourself to believe Mokou has it nearly as rough. In fact, knowing that you can kick the shit out of your enemy for eternity is a BONUS for her. Koishi doesn't get very many bonuses to start with.

>> No.8912737
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Kaguya and Mokou have by definition the most tragic stories, EVER. They have to stay alive after the Sun becomes a red giant and scorches Earth to a crisp, after the galaxies die, until the protons decay.

When discussing tragic stories, you can just skip the hourai immortals and discuss the next ones in line.

As for Koishi, this is the reality I choose to believe.

>> No.8912749

This tragedy is elegantly avoided because Kaguya has power over eternity, she can keep the universe functioning just fine as long as she likes.

>> No.8912750

I guess it makes sense. But you look like you actually know about Koishi's profile. Could you tell us about it? ;_;

>> No.8912756
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>I doubt she would shoot up a human without proper aggravation first.
Of course, but it is another theme since this would be self-defense or retaliation.

>I doubt ANY Touhou would, except for maybe Lily.
Lily White? Albeit she does it in PoFV, it was just a mean to anounce spring and she didn't with ill-intentions.

I, like you, >>8912556 and >>8912520, don't think Yuuka is deliberately evil. She could be kind of bigot towards humans and some youkai due to their weakness thus not caring about them, but she has no qualms to talk to them if she is not provoked, and if she was, there's a chance you might talk to her and avoid confrontation given the circumstances. This can be backed by her politeness due to being a strong and experienced youkai, instances where she goes to the village and trade and she only fights against strong opponents and is not interested in easy/boring battles, all of this stated in PMiSS. Also, it's stated she tends to lie a lot (PoFV), which could have an effect on how she is seen.

Just be respectful towards her -or any strong- youkai and don't try too hard, then things can go fine.

>> No.8912753
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I always saw Mokou's feud as childish.
I figure that after all those years, one would eventually forgive and forget. I feel that this should be the outcome, but that's not Mokou's style. But such a thing shall only bring pain.

To make one's entire life and continued existence to be about the hatred of another seems like something.... A youkai would be born from.

>> No.8912758
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I hope you're right. I want my Okuu to be the loving and friendly little bird I've always envisioned her as.

>> No.8912770

The reality is is that her situation was so much worse than the hourai women that she inflicted physical harm onto herself so she would be at least a little bit more respected. She had it so bad that she went insane. Kaguya and Mokou are both as sane as ever, because neither of them have to deal with being ostracized. Mokou can socialize with humans, Keine, and other inhabitants of the Bamboo Forest, and Kaguya has Eirin, the moon bunny, and the Earth Bunnies, and she can get visitors from the moon, as shown by the Moon ladies coming down to see her.

Basically, Satori and Koishi, once upon a time, lived with humans. Every day they had to deal with intense hate crimes the likes of which Jews and Blacks have never even thought possible, and were on the verge of being publicly lynched and killed. That's when Satori moved them to old hell, and that's where they took up residene. From then until now, the only interaction Koishi has had with anyone is with her sister, corpses, and her pets. Eventually she went insane from all of that bull shit, and closed her third eye, which would cause her to lose the ability to read minds. Little did Koishi, or anyone else, really, know, closing her third eye gave her an even more horrific power, and caused her to become an emotional carcass. Everyone still fears her and her sister, and no one wants anything to do with them. Not even Marisa is carefree enough to actively seek them out, or even talk to them in passing.

>> No.8912773

I have no words for this shit...

>> No.8912775

She was nobility, these things are a big deal to them.

Besides, it's a cycle. Since they keep beating the shit out of each other, and they seem to enjoy doing it, both Kaguya and Mokou seem to be unwilling to break the cycle.

Maybe if they stopped fighting, they would forget about each other, after all they have all the time in the world to do so. But as I said, neither Mokou nor Kaguya seems to want to bring and end to this.

>> No.8912777

Okuu can be many things brother, but the true Utsuho is only one and she's fucking nuclear.

>> No.8912786

Wow, Satori's hate for humans really make sense now.

>> No.8912790
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Well I could be remembering wrong, but isn't their whole feud basically just for shits and giggles by the time IN rolls around?

They seem to treat it more like just a means to pass the time some.

>> No.8912787


What's the problem with that interpretation? We literally know next to nothing about her personality after SA.

>> No.8912801

We aren't forcing a fucking mindset, but we aren't saying lions are pussies either.

>> No.8912829
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She has the right to outright hate people, unlike some other human hating 2hus. I do wish, though, that both parties could partially forget the animus that went on between them, at least a tiny bit, but I doubt Satori would ever forgive them. That's why she even shows hostility towards Marisa and Reimu in SA, but I do suppose that could also be attributed to them barging into her mansion and shooting the place up. That seems to aggravate people quite a bit these days. However, I don't think living in Hell is all that bad if you're a human, as you get to live with pic related, but we have no idea how long Koishi has suffered. I doubt they are much younger than Yuyuko, and they might possibly be as old as the mountain goddesses.

That's basically what I imagine. Mokou is reasonable are well-adjusted enough to not be carrying on the feud out of pure spite, even after all of those years. Maybe some remnant of their past animosity still resides within both of them, but I'd imagine that they would make a good pair if they ever had to join a team event. I think that they actually really enjoy dueling with eachother, because, to them, a good danmaku fight every now and then is fun, and they don't duel just to fuck each other up.

>> No.8912838


Wait, are you comparing Okuu to a lion? Or am I completely misunderstanding you?

>> No.8912845

Nah, he's just lyin' to ya.

>> No.8912844

I'm sure as hell can't imagine Mokou and Kaguya being "friends", but with given time, I guess they could grow at least to respect each other as rivals, or some shit like that.

>> No.8912849

nigga please

>> No.8912848

Okuu is a hellravenlion. Gaoo.

>> No.8912855

They may as well get to like each other, because they'll be spending eternity together.

>> No.8912858
File: 32 KB, 209x187, kogasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no panties kogasa is canon

>> No.8912875


i'm being serious guys!

>> No.8912872

Double dubs.

Anyways, I was getting at the fact that they don't outright hate each other any more. Sure, they might never become friends, but I can see them actually enjoying each other's company out of sport. They have an eternity to work out their differences, so there isn't a limit to what they could work out.

>> No.8912886 [DELETED] 

dubs thread

>> No.8912887 [DELETED] 

so close but yet so far

>> No.8912894

You don't look like you are being serious though. That's what came to mind, I was trying to do a pussy mention so I used a lion as a reference.

>> No.8912889

Wait, what? I read both Satori and Koishi's profiles and didn't see anything about horrific hate crimes, just that they retreated to Old Hell because humans and youkai were unfriendly towards them. Am I missing something?

Their story is still pretty tragic, though.

>> No.8912895

So she's a fundoshi kinda gal.


>> No.8912907

The biggest surprise she could give to someone

>> No.8912904
File: 108 KB, 641x1000, 1335368707376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Photobomb or Bestest Photobomb?

>> No.8912919

Kisume is still cute and small, though.

>> No.8912920

It's him SUPAR exaggerating (or getting a different translator)

Also WTF captcha stop giving me rel world images to figure out

>> No.8912925

I wasn't trying to derail into a dub thread. Stop this at once.

That's pretty much the gist of it. Both of them are tough enough to put up with intense hate, but what would really cause them to have to move under ground? Yuuka suffers from intense hate, and she lives above ground. So does Nue. What other reason, besides physical danger, would cause them to actually get the fuck out? It just seems logical that humans of the time would try and get rid of them. This is why I'm hoping for more elaboration of exactly what they went through with SoPM.

Nigger, you have it easy. Captcha is giving me pictures of doors, without any numbers or letters on them.

>> No.8912939

Pics or GTFO

Also on the sisters perhaps they would be getting a chance to have some administrative say or the Yama wanted em. And you don't say NO to a Yama giving you a direct order

>> No.8912936
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>> No.8912938


I just wanted to hear what your interpretation was of her on contraire to >>8912758 if you're the same poster as >>8912773. But I just wanted to make sure I wasn't mistakenly taking your words too literally.

>> No.8912941

Cute, small, sporting a shit-eating grin and photobombing motherfucking Yukari Yakumo, of all beings.

My first level midboss can't be this troll.

>> No.8912940

Have you played SA?

>> No.8912953 [DELETED] 

Maybe it's a fundoshi.

>> No.8912960

I'll post a pic of one when I get one. Usually I just type the actual word needed for captcha to authenticate the post and move on.

Yama wouldn't put them in old hell, and you'd think something as major as Shikieiki talking to them would've been brought up at one point or another in Subterranean Animism. I seriously doubt that anyone governs Satori, and it's plausible that even the Yama herself fears Satori/Koishi. Being the judge of hell (new hell, not old one) doesn't exempt you from wanting to avoid beings who could read your mind/control your subconscious.

>> No.8912973

I see Utsuho as she is, that's why I liked her in the first place. But I am not going to force someone to think about Utsuho in a certain way even if it's the opposite of Utsuho's nuclearity.

>> No.8912981

Canon lewd

>> No.8912995

it's probably more along the lines of them moving to avoid trouble long before it escalated to hate crimes. if you could read minds you would avoid these things.

everything past "they moved because they were a bother" is open to interpretation, though.

>> No.8913021

The bigger threat they are the bigger challenge it is to become friends with them. I like that challenge

>> No.8913025

So does Reimu.

>> No.8913033

>Canon lewd

You act like you're surprised.

>> No.8913029

I don't think Reimu really gives a fuck about youkai. Marisa would be the one you're looking for.

>> No.8913037
File: 477 KB, 800x480, 1335174764013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop that.

>> No.8913040

I think you're wrong. If she didn't she wouldn't befriend them. I can already tell we wont see eye to eye. Discussion over.

>> No.8913041

I bet Nitori has a canon lewd butt. I'd steal her ass ball if you know what I'm thinking.

>> No.8913056

Since she feeds on surprise, do you think she's showing those lewd bare legs and jumping that way on purpose? That would make Kogasa the first Touhou officially using sex appeal to survive.

>> No.8913060

Stop that, Kogasa is not lewd.

>> No.8913080

Kogasa's profile picture is objectively lewd.

Heck, I realized I just fapped to Touhou official material. I never thought this day would come.

>> No.8913093
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>> No.8913091

She's reacting to her friendship/threat levels.

>> No.8913095

Good, work your way up to ZUN art.

>> No.8913118 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8913126 [DELETED] 

>He hasnt fapped to Sakuya's glorious tube legs

>> No.8913131 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 878x630, f454r8837c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Owowowow. What a meanie

>> No.8913175 [DELETED] 

>go through entire thread
>no torrent link
>no direct download link
>no download links whatsoever, only scans on a website

And this is why /jp/ is completely and totally useless. You're all a bunch of good for nothing lazy bums who do nothing but leech off of others to the point of pain and then ask for more.

>> No.8913189 [DELETED] 

My irony meter just exploded.

>> No.8913187 [DELETED] 


>saging a sticky

>> No.8913197 [DELETED] 


Wrong. If we leeched anything, we'd be playing KoG's flash games and having fun with Uncle Mugen in his terrible sims while chatting it up on formspring.

>> No.8913200
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You'd never get close enough to her to manage that in the first place.

>> No.8913208

Where the hell are all these people coming from? It's as if /a/ and /v/ invade the place every time there's a new Touhou release.

>> No.8913236 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 500x500, spysbrainisfulloffuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because Touhou threads on /v/ invariably turn into Chen image dumps.
>implying /v/ actually plays video games

>> No.8913228


>> No.8913250 [DELETED] 


Why does /a/ and /v/ only know three Touhous anyway? (Cirno, Chen, Flandre).

>> No.8913255 [DELETED] 


>implying /jp/ actually plays any of the Touhou games and doesn't just wank off to them 24/7

>> No.8913258 [DELETED] 

kill yourself out of /jp/

>> No.8913263 [DELETED] 
File: 450 KB, 1946x1482, Kingofjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8913257

I wonder how that circle that was doing that series where Moku was trying to date Mystia are going to handle this?

>> No.8913269 [DELETED] 

Wow, this thread turned into a steaming pile of shit

>> No.8913271

Because those are the most popular ones outside the fandom. Or the only ones people have heard of, for that matter.

>> No.8913274 [DELETED] 

Damn. I have friends who come from Astoria. I wonder if they know Tokiko in real life. They tell me everyone who lives there knows everyone...

>> No.8913273

Ehhh, we know Murasa quite well, because I frequent both /v/ and /jp/, and I figured she'd be one of the 2hus /v/ would find most acceptable. They also know Marisa quite well, but most of them only know her as Get-out-of-/jp/-tan.

>> No.8913278 [DELETED] 

You butthurt sagefag?

>> No.8913286 [DELETED] 

get out

>> No.8913290 [DELETED] 


Thanks for derailing the thread asshole.

>> No.8913303 [DELETED] 

By looking at the end this thread shouldn't be sticky-ed.

>> No.8913305 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8913309 [DELETED] 

Just report and move on

>> No.8913320
File: 22 KB, 294x167, bitchesdontknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uhh. If you're referring to Mitsumoto's Night Sparrow Love, that series ended almost a year ago.

Took like 2 years to finish besides.

>> No.8913334 [DELETED] 
File: 256 KB, 600x600, 1332299306604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah nothing to say huh sagefag? BUTTDEVASTATED get owned

>> No.8913333 [DELETED] 


hey kog

>> No.8913330 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 320x240, yugiyamiv4f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're welcome.

>> No.8913340 [DELETED] 



this thread just went to HELL

>> No.8913345

You fucker. Don't encourage this shit, even if you get quads.

Anyways, what's the Shou article gonna contain? Shou is so forgotten it isn't even funny.

>> No.8913357 [DELETED] 


Just admit it: KoG is the only thing keeping this board alive. If it wasn't for us constantly hating him, who would we have to hate?

>> No.8913365 [DELETED] 

This is the first time I've seen KoG mentioned in like a year.

Status? o4l.

>> No.8913366

Ourselves, Aya, and Sanae.

>> No.8913373 [DELETED] 


It looks like somebody hasn't been here for the past 2 weeks with the Flanfly and Kogasa threads.

>> No.8913380
File: 2.25 MB, 1600x1141, 53f88f92f8a58e19764fb4df098c1b36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the moon runes weren't in such small font. I want to translate Hina's.

The picture leaves me worried that she's less friendly than previously supposed; or maybe she's come to terms with her isolation and doesn't care about keeping that smile on her face.

>> No.8913389

Maybe she is sad because she is lonely

>> No.8913395 [SPOILER] 
File: 177 KB, 466x398, 1329551280016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she's sad because Nitori got a bad rating and drowned herself.

>> No.8913402



what? /jp/ fucking loves Aya.

>> No.8913409
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She looks more pissed than sad, though.
Maybe you're right.

>> No.8913414 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 198x228, 1334193750408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the stage 6 boss in TD a male or female?

I'll delete thread after

>> No.8913416 [SPOILER] 
File: 619 KB, 200x150, 1326847990721.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not after she caused Nitori to get a bad score through her slander, which led to Nitori drowning herself, and causing Hina to spiral into agonizing depression, and making her curse everyone not in Gensokyo so that they may never set foot in the holy land again.

>> No.8913418


She looks pretty normal to me. Doesn't strike me as being angry or sad.

>> No.8913422

I'm starting to not care anymore, It's nice that ZUN is filling out some of the newer cast but I pretty much hate 90% of the characters on that list, I wish he'd fill out the old ones more first there's still a lot of ambiguous things about them left unanswered.

>> No.8913434

He will probably eventually get to it. Cant be to picky.

>> No.8913435

The only old ones really worth elaborating more on are Keine, Medicine, the Prismrivers, Yuka, Shikieiki, Komachi, Iku, and Tenshi, but I suppose the last ones aren't exactly 'old'. He already elaborated enough on the Eintei cast, and we don't need any more EosD comebacks. They already got the spotlight enough. Alice has been in several recent games to boot, as have have the rest of the PCB cast, minus the Prismrivers, Letty, and Lily.

>> No.8913464 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8913476 [DELETED] 


>> No.8913474 [DELETED] 

What the fuck happened to this thread?

>> No.8913487

I wish that sort of art were more common

>> No.8913491 [DELETED] 

'twas /a/. /v/ was busy shitting themselves over new gaem info.

Discussion died down, and then some asshat came in and started fucking with everything.

>> No.8913501 [DELETED] 

>/jp/ - /a/'s toilet

>> No.8913502
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>> No.8913518 [DELETED] 

Game? If not a fucking game.

>> No.8913522 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8913528 [DELETED] 

>Implying Hong Meiling needs to be expanded opon.
>Implying the EosD characters, minus Sakuya and Flandre, are anywhere near as interesting as characters in later 2hu games.

Vidya gaems? Never heard of the term or something?

>> No.8913531 [DELETED] 

who are you quoting?

>> No.8913538

Whats being discussed in here isn't a new touhou game.

>> No.8913548

George Lucas, from his dance party with Han Solo.

I think you had an interpretation problem, friend. I said /v/ was busy discussing info on new gaems, such as the next Smash brothers.

>> No.8913566
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I frankly think they all need to be expanded on. The problem is that they're so overexposed (sans Flandre and Meiling), that everyone would just groan at the sight of more SDM crowd content. It's an annoying situation where I can only expect disappointment.

As for Meiling not being "interesting enough", well no shit, she's practically non-existent as a character.

>> No.8913584

what, not one. I don't know how I did that.

>> No.8913581

I'd be much more interested in one shoes Kisume wears if any, than anything about China.

>> No.8913585

/v/ is too busy screaming viral and posting gay porn to play video games.

I think the underused characters from the older games need to be brought forward again, but I can't imagine a good way to do it without the overuse of the popular ones like you said.
Especially since I imagine it would lead to cries of "why isn't X Touhou in this?!"

>> No.8913596
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 87dc2cb0e7daa0029bf12b791def98a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her era...her fans...

>> No.8913602

I don't believe they need to, though, as every single one of them, minus Rumia and Flandre, have returned at least once, with Sakuya returning multiple times.

It's also not just that, but there is so much faggotry surrounding those characters. PA-*Knifed*, China got knifed for slacking XD, Flandre is the most powerful ever!, and some other annoying bullshit. EosDkiddos are the main reason Touhou gets so much flak, and that's because that's the game that the secondaries flock to. Well, that and MoF, but MoF has fantastic music, and interesting characters, so I'll let that slide. Honestly, EosD is to Touhou what Red and Green were to pokemon. They were what made the series what it is, but they are the outright worst games in the series, but that comes from the fact that they are the oldest, and the creators got better as time went on.

We play games every now and then, but replace gay porn with calling eachother Sonyggers and Nintenyearolds, and you've got a deal. And, as I said before, bring back Medicine, the Prism Rivers, and Shikieiki, and not very many people will complain.

>> No.8913607
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This. This is some serious BS. There's no damn reason Tenshi couldn't have gotten a profile.

I'm not even that big a fan, and I think it sucks.

>> No.8913612


Wild and horned hermit is not complete.

Tenshi and Iku MAY have a major reveal there. Zun being sneaky. Also we don't know what his notes say

>> No.8913626

I understand Kisume not getting a page, I can almost understand Iku due to being less popular. Though no Tenshi and Momiji is bullshit.

>> No.8913637

because tenshi a shit

>> No.8913648

>drown them all

That part never actually happened.

>> No.8913649
File: 533 KB, 1000x706, f84f87fda1ef6aef85f9cd9a5eaa2c4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ugh. I hate all the stupid goddamn memes surrounding EoSD. I hate that idiots flock to it so hard. And I hate that you're pretty much right.

I didn't choose for the SDM to be my favorite house. EoSD wasn't the first game I played, the doujins weren't the first I read, the songs weren't the first I listened to. But here I am, having to put up with this bullshit.

>> No.8913661

>she's jailed to Former Hell until forever

That's why she goes aboveground for parties, eh?

>> No.8913657

Pretty much everyone here (that's sane (as far as /jp/ goes)) dislikes the Touhou memes.
I never really got why EosD was such a big offender in that regard, damn near every character in that game has an especially annoying one.

>> No.8913675
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But that's wrong, you big dummy.



Most likely because it's the oldest group, they've just had more time to develop retarded memes.

>> No.8913688
File: 814 KB, 670x950, b20d4d494bd28b816b418a3d514cf6d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it might be important to note here that what I took the time to post here as of this point was only a "partial leak" of Symposium of Post-Mysticism.

It's not the entire thing. Whoever was scanning the images of SoPM seem to had stopped so I couldn't put any additional information.

So there may be a chance.... a small chance there may be additional characters that I didn't post that may get revealed when someone buys the book. And when they do, hopfully they or someone will put the book up and show us everything the book has to offer.

So yeah, what we got here was simply a "preview" for tomorrow.

Hope you all have luck finding the remaining information, I shall be doing the same myself.

And I will buy this book, cause it's already shows alot of promise.

>> No.8913692

So Parsee, Satori and Koishi don't like humans at all as opposed to Yuugi and Okuu where it's unknown.
I wonder what stance Okuu takes knowing that both of her mistresses dislike humans.

>> No.8913701


PCB has been around for nearly as long, and there are like what? 3 memes? Crazy Merlin, CHEEEEEEEEEN, and SUPPA Tenko. I guess you could say Yukari herself is a meme, but c'mon. And don't even start that Tsundure Alice bullshit. She's a PC-98 character, and that shit only started in IN. PCB had nothing to do with it.

IN does have a couple of them, though. Kaguya being a NEET is one of them, and I do suppose it holds some merit (plus /jp/ seems to like it), but then there's others, like Useless Bahny so fny lololol, Tsundere Alice, and CAVED. Still not as much as EosD or MoF, but pretty damned bad. PofV and UFO have no memes attributed to them, and if there are, it just goes to show you how unpopular they are.

>> No.8913698

She probably doesn't even understand what being a human means.

>> No.8913703


Well the thing is that we already saw this page >>8909183 which seems to pretty clearly point out "We didn't give these characters real profiles, here's some blurbs from ZUN on them.

>> No.8913713

Please, no.

>> No.8913727

Koishi doesn't dislike humans. In fact, she wants to be around them, but only the special ones. Also, most people consider her to be part of Marisa's harem.

>> No.8913730

PofV kind of spawned Ayayaya being crazy

>> No.8913733
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I suppose it depends on who has more influence over her, Orin or Koishi+Satori. Best friends however tend to share the same values or stances, because that's what makes them friends a lot of the time. This of course only applies though if she herself has no strong independent reasoning for liking or disliking humans.

>> No.8913747

>flung into the sea

That's not "drowned". Read carefully, and don't fill what isn't written with your imagination.

>> No.8913746
File: 351 KB, 1000x989, 1334289398462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that Koishi wouldn't influence her opinion on humans at all, right? Koishi has probably never interacted with humans, because her sister wanted to protect her. Don't try and slander poor 'ol Koishi. She has a lot of bull shit to put up with as it is.

>> No.8913760

>throw people into the middle of the ocean with nothing to save them
>not expecting them to drown

>> No.8913768


Have you even read the earlier peoples posts at all about the translations of their profiles?

>> No.8913767

you're not quoting anyone, stop that.

>> No.8913773

I'm pretty sure most of those are rushed/mistranslated. Not assuming anything until the book itself is released.

>> No.8913784


Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that they have the same level of human friendship as each other.

>> No.8913792

Holy fuck why does it take years for firefox/4chanx to reload the page after a quick reply? It obviously has to do with the number of posts in a thread, but that's all I can figure.

>> No.8913805

None probably means that she has had no interaction with humans, not that she despises them.

>> No.8913826

What's with all this Cloudflare nonsense? is images.4chan.org down?

>> No.8913845

Usurper gods of Hakurei do not exist, this is as it should be. >:D

Also remember - the purpose of Akyu & Keine is literally to keep the other humans scared and semi-ignorant so youkai can survive. So it's no surprise if they're playing up threat levels.

Anything on the religious strife shit yet?

>> No.8913890
File: 441 KB, 800x1131, 1309719238924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, you're really going to argue that a bunch of humans flung out into sea just got away okay? Just ignoring the fact that if any of them had seen what happened after that and survived, Byakuren's entire plan would've been out the window right away?


>> No.8913893

Seeing how Okuu fits into the loyal pet type, I think Satori as her mistress has far bigger influence on her.

No, if she had no interaction it would have been the same as Yuugi. That's not the case for Koishi however.
The only two humans she is interested in are Reimu and Marisa who both aren't exactly prime examples of your usual human.

>> No.8913916

> keep the other humans scared and semi-ignorant
That's wrong. They are trying to do exactly the opposite.

>> No.8913940


Shut the fuck up.

>> No.8913984
File: 146 KB, 672x666, cf55259dda81fc10251e8ba51ffd8b7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the more correct term would be "drawn to them", since we established she acts purely on impulse.

Also, Koishi is watching you as you're reading this right now, but you won't notice her if you turn around

>> No.8914012

Stop giving me reasons to look behind me, its bad enough that my closet door is a giant mirror.

>> No.8914078 [SPOILER] 
File: 106 KB, 240x240, 3763763576537635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, either way you won't notice her if you turn around

>> No.8914098


Keine's BaiJR article.
Sections of PMiSS re: belief in youkai, and all the credits to Yukari.
They're adhering to the party line pretty close, if you ask me. But it's not like I haven't been wrong before.

>> No.8914124

I see nothing wrong with the threat levels listed. This is threat levels to HUMANS. If Satori mind fucks you, you are fucked. That is the end of it. Considering that Satori is not very friendly and the reason why she is isolated is because people fear the satori race, I don't see why she would not repay in kind if you meet her.

>Yama wouldn't put them in old hell, and you'd think something as major as Shikieiki talking to them would've been brought up at one point or another in Subterranean Animism. I seriously doubt that anyone governs Satori, and it's plausible that even the Yama herself fears Satori/Koishi. Being the judge of hell (new hell, not old one) doesn't exempt you from wanting to avoid beings who could read your mind/control your subconscious.

Old Hell is no longer part of Eiki's jurisdiction. She used to govern that area, since it was part of hell. It is beyond me why you assume those abilities work on her. We already know none of the 3 fairies' abilities work on Komachi.

>> No.8914169
File: 594 KB, 1280x1024, 1329712391179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's known that Koishi has had next to no human interaction, thus the 'none' part, but there aren't records of Yuugi interacting with humans, so it's a big fat "I dunno".

Not really. Satori can only read minds. Koishi is the one that can control your subconscious.

And to the second part, how do you go about thinking that the fairies are as strong as Satori? Satori has been alive for a long ass fucking time, and is probably proficient enough at using her power that she could read Yama's mind with ease. The 3 fairies are young, and don't have very good mastery over their abilities, which is probably why Komachi noticed them. If Yukari herself is afraid of Satori, you damned better believe that Satori would have absolute mastery over her power.

>> No.8914172

Satori has no right eye.

>> No.8914201

A few things from the little bits translated.
Yamame apparently if you meet her you have a high chance of getting afflicted by a unknown fever that weakens you. If it isn't treated you can die, it also spreads via human touch. It's not clear if it's deliberate on her part.

Seiga isn't really a part of Miko's group anymore, she runs around Gensokyo bothering people she finds interesting.

She is quick to approach humans, and will leave if she gets bored. She is an exceedingly troublesome hermit.

She does not treat others with particular care, so take care not to be manipulated by her. Even if she approaches you with good will, if you refuse to deal with her, she should get bored and leave.

Regarding her wall removal, it seems that both walls which can be removed and those which cannot exist. The harder a wall, the easier it is to remove, but soft walls are protected. Therefore, it may be a good idea to surround your valuable items with a layer of a material such as rubber. Then again, since she does not desire material things, perhaps there is little need for such worries.

Bites from Kyonshi will create more Kyonshi. A non fatal wound creates a temporary one, fatal a permanent one.

>> No.8914419

So regarding PoFV characters. They have their character background in PMiSS. But not news articles. Do they have it in the new book?

>> No.8914495

Maybe it's just me, but Kyouko's and Mystia's glasses reminds me of Polysics.

What proof do you have that they didn't? Stop assuming things.

>> No.8914656

Well, yes. Byakuren could have just abandoned them I guess, but her plan was to befriend and pacify the youkai. I think you're just assuming they died because the crew of previous ships probably died. Byakuren was sealed away because she was helping the youkai, so at some point yes she was "figured out". I don't think she ever did any of this secretly, after all.

>> No.8914675
File: 144 KB, 500x700, f80c431c6bb7b3a49b83be146826ad41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bites from Kyonshi will create more Kyonshi. A non fatal wound creates a temporary one, fatal a permanent one.

Gensokyo would be a good setting for a resident evil game.

>> No.8914722
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>> No.8914765
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>> No.8914770
File: 168 KB, 880x994, 1335359712950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp you made my day, she for some reason gave me the impression she doesn't really stay with the person she managed to convince once her objective is complete. So it would make sense, that Seiga's doing her own thing now.

Kinda of wander what kinda of deals she tries to push upon you (hehehe).

The main thing that impressed me was her wall removing skills explained in detail.

As for Yoshika yup Resident Evil: Touhou edition!

>> No.8914782

>Caring about used good

>> No.8914810


>> No.8914808


>> No.8914820
File: 1004 KB, 1000x704, 70a598a61e9d50bdccad57fbe27bc672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, exactly how do the threat levels work? I mean, the logical assumption is to believe it's reflects how dangerous the character can potentially be (and by extent, how strong they are), but looking back at PMiSS, Eiki's threat level is Very Low. I don't think anyone's going to argue she's a weakling. So, uh, huh?

>> No.8914828

I think it's more of "if you were to bump into this person/youkai in a dark alley, how safe would your anus be?".

>> No.8914831
File: 366 KB, 1000x1400, 1250461605033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's making assumptions and then there's forming logical conclusions. Figuring that the people on those ship drowned is far more the latter than the former, given the surrounding circumstances.

>> No.8914834
File: 259 KB, 600x600, 1311325970108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense with Yuugi at least. I mean, check out that horn.

>> No.8914858
File: 499 KB, 1280x1024, 1327516966074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuugi would be more likely to have a drinking party with you than she is to kill you.

I'm assuming that threat levels work based on how feared the character is, and how powerful they really are. That's why Satori is sky-high on the list; she's feared by almost fucking everyone, but she isn't dangerous enough to be on Yuuka level. Yuuka has fear factor and power. Yuugi has fear factor, but not very high intent-to-kill. Murasa has a ton of fear floating around her, as does Nue. Rin, though? She isn't very feared, and she doesn't exactly kill people all that often.

The way I see it, there are only 4 things that go into threat level.
>1. Maliciousness
>2. Fear
>3. Actual strength
>4. Reputation

The last one is kinda iffy, but a youkai can insight fear without actually having a bad reputation around the humans, see: Kogasa. Maliciousness is more or less how willing they are to kill. Someone like Yuugi probably doesn't enjoy killing people as much as she does drinking/sporting with them, but, as an Oni, she has a really bad rep.

>> No.8914861

The surrounding circumstances being "it's Byakuren and she's bad" (I assume the invalidity of "it's Byakuren and she can't save them from drowning being a shitty mage that she is" is clear). Long explanation short, circular reasoning.

And there's not even proof they were in the danger of drowning in the first place.

>> No.8914864
File: 375 KB, 1000x933, 2a1f4dee07f08cb9dbcf852a1e59adfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes sense so far. Can you explain Eiki's threat level being Very Low? No rep for caving people's face in?

>> No.8914871

> Can you explain Eiki's threat level being Very Low?

If you'd bump into Eiki it's extremely unlikely that she'd attack you. She'd probably just give you a lecture on everything you did wrong in your life

>> No.8914874

you forgot

>> No.8914873

I don't see how she could be evil or malicious, hell she might even be more merciful than someone people would like to think

>> No.8914886
File: 116 KB, 724x1024, 644170ada2c1da0b784e1cbc5e5c96b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lectures aren't a threat.

>> No.8914904

It did. And the whole thing happens in a sentence, so there's no context to go by whatsoever and nothing about the situation is explained. Speaking of which, she's not perfect but her in-game dialogue goes through a lot to promote equality between humans and youkai. Don't see how that's hating humans or hating anything.

Meanwhile, Miko's entire backstory revolves around deceiving and subjugating half a country's worth of people so she can keep them under her thumb. Then she starts a war with the other half she can't control. The whole thing becomes a long, bloody protracted war simply so she can be immortal. She botches that and then uses her best ally as a guinea pig for pseudo-immortality. Then she's a presumptuous bitch to Youmu. Her friendliness with humans is listed as "very high". What, so she's real good with people until she wants them to die because they don't want to lick her boots?

>> No.8914907
File: 538 KB, 566x800, 1328427668737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low probably stems from her gigantic power, but no maliciousness, no fear surrounding her, and an amazing reputation. Remember, humans don't know very much about her, but what they do know probably paints her as merciful and just, which would make her pretty popular among them. I doubt Shikieki has ever harmed a human much past a light thwap on the head.

Also, these are probably based off of what people have told Akyu. She could have never met Satori herself, so, going by legend, assumed that Satori was one scary mother fucker and called it a day. Her only 'reliable' sources are the Shrine Maiden, the Witch, the vapid Crow Tengu, Keine, and Yukari. Only one of those 5 or a reliable resource, but I do suppose Marisa and Reimu could both stem a Youkai's threat level by telling AKyu "Nah, they're actually pretty cool." Aya, and Hatate, to a lesser extent, are likely to take slanderous and incriminating photos, and Aya is prone to being over come by stupidity (berating Yukari for thwapping Ran over the head for picking a fight). Keine also doesn't get out much, and can be pretty shady if you ask me. It's safe to assume that most of the threat levels things are inaccurate, but give you a general idea of how humans view those Youkai. Satori probably isn't threatening at all, but that doesn't stop humans from passing down bad legends about mean old Satori.

If that were the case, Murasa would be low/very low on the list.

>> No.8914915
File: 780 KB, 768x1024, 1315036167865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they say /jp/ is full of shit. Thanks, dude. That makes perfect sense.

>> No.8914920

I think threat level is in terms of society as a whole. A Necromancer who can literally create infectious 'zombies' is Very High, as is someone who gives of misfortune, and someone who spreads plague. The godesses are obviously not weak, but they have an almost symbiotic relationship with the humans so society can take it easy in regards to them.

>> No.8914921

My theory about threat level also applies to friendliness. What slander do you think humans have passed down/written about her? Even if she was a bitch to Youmu, do you think Akyu would take her word for it? Do you think that she simply let people slander her reputation? Toyosatomimi might be a bitch, but she's a tactical bitch. What she lacks in an (useful) ability, she makes up for in tactical and magical prowess. You could say something similar about Kanako, what with her starting a war with Suwako and all, but she remains friendly to humans.

However, Byakuren is kind of a bitch towards humans. Marisa even calls her out on her shit, saying that humans are the ones being bullied, and that's just fuel for the fire. Byakuren AND Toyosatomimi are both immoral and flawed, and that only strengthens their rivalry. They take Kaguya vs. Mokou level feuds to a whole new level.

Most boards are like that. People at 4chan tend to downplay anything positive about any board, and focus only on the shit in each board, which becomes a defining factor. That's why /v/ is known for hating video games, /a/ for hating anime and manga, and /sp/ for never being on topic. I know one of the biggest mentalities behind it is that it off puts those that they don't want to interact with.

>> No.8914929
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Not to mention's 4chan's rep as a whole. It's like we discuss eating babies on a regular basis or something. Sure, there's shit, but there's gold too if you care to look for it.

>> No.8914933
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That's only half of the problem. It's not that she can do it, it's that she can do it, and has no qualms about doing it, and has a bad rep to boot. The goddesses are usually very friendly to humans, as they need faith, but I assume that they end up liking humans after spending so long pandering to them for faith. They're obviously not going to attack humans either, as, once word gets out that a Goddess maliciously attacked a human, they're gonna lose a ton of faith.

Also, another important thing to note is the 2hu's age. If Yamame were a lot older and wiser, she wouldn't be spreading around plagues, and she would probably earn herself a good reputation. The opposite is also true; once a youkai gets strong, it gets deadly. Yuuka is known to be a walking murder machine, but that's probably just her reputation speaking for her.

As someone on /v/ explained, "People on 4chan or the gamers of olde. We are the social rejects, the people who never really interacted with anyone but our kind, but gaming has been over run with normalfags. 4chan is our last bastion; our final homeland. We must do everything we can to ensure it remains that way." I understand this mentality, and am fine with it since I'm not exactly the most outgoing individual myself, but it is potentially deterring to people you WOULD want to chat up.

>> No.8914935
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Less meta more Post-Mysticism.

I'll never get these names.

>> No.8914942
File: 269 KB, 985x830, 1327280935152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sym·po·si·um   [sim-poh-zee-uhm]
1.a meeting or conference for the discussion of some subject, especially a meeting at which several speakers talk on or discuss a topic before an audience.
2.a collection of opinions expressed or articles contributed by several persons on a given subject or topic.

Post-Mysticism can be taken to mean "After the Magic," so take it to mean "We're talking about magical people that started an incident once." It feels that role quite nicely.

>> No.8914945
File: 278 KB, 509x720, c57688b816d69d83cf6b9336d9d59992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Post-Mysticism it is.
Wasn't the book supposed the have articles on the religions as well? Have they been scanned yet?

>> No.8914950


Ah fuck I'm tired. I was getting ready to go to bed, but then discussion started up.

Assume that they're coming with the actual book. If everything was leaked, no one would want to buy it, other than to support ZUN. Besides, all that we really have, as of right now, are shitty machine-translated articles.

>> No.8914955

Did ZUN make this english title? He sure knows some uncommon words.

>> No.8914953

>no one would want to buy it

Except some people like having physical copies, like me.

>> No.8914957

>Post-Mysticism can be taken to mean "After the Magic,"

Mysticism is nothing even remotely similar to magic.

>> No.8914964
File: 262 KB, 782x700, 1287630878397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was using 'magic' to describe all of the shit that went down during the incidents. I know how to use a dictionary right and fine.
mys·ti·cism   [mis-tuh-siz-uhm]
the beliefs, ideas, or mode of thought of mystics.
a doctrine of an immediate spiritual intuition of truths believed to transcend ordinary understanding, or of a direct, intimate union of the soul with God through contemplation or ecstasy.
obscure thought or speculation.
"We're talking, out of our asses, about magical people that started shit up once."

>> No.8914972

All touhous could easily grind any human to a bloody pulp if they went berserk, but most are civilized enough and can control their own strength and abilities and thus aren't a threat.

>> No.8914979

>I know how to use a dictionary

But you seem to lack the contextual knowledge necessary to understand the definition (and the humility necessary to consider correcting your superficial understanding of it).

This may be more informative:


>> No.8914985

I think it may be:
"A meeting discussing our previous experiences with God/religion"

>> No.8914987

Or it could be "ZUN thought this sounded cool"

>> No.8914993
File: 311 KB, 567x645, 1328427458004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are very few youkai who WOULDN'T fear an angry mob of humans. Only those whose powers could wipe out a large area with ease are safe from humans, and those aren't exactly common. They have to be civilized enough so that humans don't just take them out.

Still, do you think that humans wish for war? I doubt it. I'm sure it's a situation similar to MGQ, in that most people want piece, on the only ones causing strife are the ones that don't know any better (Rumia, Medicine, Cirno), and the radicals (Toyosatomimi, Ilias Kreutz, and the whole shabang).

>Modern understanding
The way I put it into context is fine. Even my sleep-deprived brain can make full sense of that. But >>8914985 works fine as well. ZUN never really elaborates on names (see Koishi's theme).

This, though, is the most plausible answer. It makes so much sense that I'm about to pass out from lack of sleep.

>> No.8914996

See the name of the new album for more proof of this.

>> No.8915021

While a group of humans might be safe from most youkai, a single human isn't, a single unprepared human is even less safe. How many humans live in Gensokyo?

>> No.8915058

If this article can be trusted then the average human from Gensokyo more powerful than the average youkai.

But "the average youkai" is probably referring to the cannon-fodder enemies we fight in the stages while the bosses are far above average youkai strength, even 2hus like Wriggle.

>> No.8915061

That's closer, at least for the "mysticism" part. The "post-" part, however, shouldn't be "past experiences" but rather "something that goes after".

Gensokyo is now home to many differing "religious" traditions, and has always been a dimension that basically turns the supernatural into the natural, making them, basically, all correct and all mundane. What follows is the loss of the special status mystics hold, both as holders of unique knowledge and ultimate truth. What happens is, I assume, everyone getting together and trying to figure out "well, what the fuck are we going to do now? And no infighting, we're now in the same boat, remember?"

>> No.8915113

...I just missed them, or Imperishable Night cast have been left out, apart Mystia?

>> No.8915116

Should I get this? I've only ever played the games, never gotten into the secondary stuff.

>> No.8915123

Starts at Mountain of Faith. It includes everyone afterwards.

>> No.8915179

There are more important things to buy first. Buy the original games if you still don't have them.

If you already have the games, then sure, go ahead. This is the first non-game Touhou item I'll buy because, fuck, this thing is beautiful.

>> No.8915186

Yuuka is still the only Touhou who has a threat level of extremely high, if that is right.

>> No.8915233

I always assumed the mysticism just referred to (Mountain of) Faith, so it's information about everything that happens in that game and after.

>> No.8915265

You know what?

I'm angry and disappointed at the japanese fanartists. Since the first leak at the defunct >>8909155 I've been hounding Pixiv for the first fanarts about the new content.

And there's nothing so far! Just the usual assortment of Remilias, Flandres and kawaii shit. Am I just being too impatient?

>> No.8915307

Truly these are good times, where the gentlemen of /jp/ discuss new material and make their Gensokyo take form

>> No.8915334

I think "post-mysticism" is a reference to the modernized era that led to Gensokyo et cetera. Whether it has anything to do with the talks or not.

>> No.8915391
File: 56 KB, 600x1000, a2d80fa73c24922e08c4cea3dcb26561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Most Japanese fanartists are shrinemaiden-tier secondaries.

>> No.8915399

It's not like the average /jp/ poster is any better nowadays

>> No.8915412

Believe it or not, he is.

>> No.8915417
File: 42 KB, 340x345, milky holmes sniker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kawaii shit

>> No.8915419
File: 308 KB, 991x790, afbf29e0ef95a16806441f528ff0383f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, here's something to get the party started

>> No.8915421

Does it include Hatate and Momiji?
I didn't see their profiles posted here.

>> No.8915426

All I know is lots of bad things are going to happen to kyouko. Again.

>> No.8915479

That article can't be trusted. It has no sources for that statement and according to the only sources we have even young youkai overpower humans physically. Not to speak of their abilities.

>> No.8915491

>Yuugi would be more likely to have a drinking party with you than she is to kill you.
If it's someone who can hold their own against her like our heroines surely, but you know what happens if you lose a game to a oni.

>> No.8915499 [DELETED] 

I thought that they banned sages on stickied threads

>> No.8915506 [DELETED] 

I think most people in this thread do it out of habit.
Happens to me all the time whenever I open a thread or post on other borads

>> No.8915520 [DELETED] 

There is no reason to sage threads like this when you are making a point or contributing.

>out of habit

people like you need to seriously fuck off back to >>>/v/. I'm tired of people saying they "know how to use it" on here when they just do it constantly for no reason even when posting content. Sure it's a moderately slow board but that doesn't justify it. It makes us look just as bad as any other shitty board.

>> No.8915528 [DELETED] 


I think people do it even when contributing because they have an inferiority complex. That's what I've been told a few times before anyway.

>> No.8915534 [DELETED] 

>inferiority complex

I think that's the dumbest thing to be said about any /jp/er.

>> No.8915538 [DELETED] 

Calm down sperglord

>> No.8915541 [DELETED] 

Not gonna lie, I only do it to fit in here and it just became a habit.

I also believe that it never mattered whether it is used correctly or not, it was just another way to tell apart regulars from newcomers from the beginning

>> No.8915543 [DELETED] 

How so?

>> No.8915564 [DELETED] 

What is this about? Why is it stickied? Am I going to get thread banned?

>> No.8915572 [DELETED] 

The higher a thread is bumbed the more likely it is that it will be overrun by sperglords. People do it out of habit or simply don't realize it's a sticky.

>> No.8915581 [DELETED] 

>do it to fit in

That makes you sound like you don't fit in at all, to be honest. Either way this really has to stop.

>> No.8915585

The party doesn't start until the H comes in.

>> No.8915586 [DELETED] 

I don't think so at all.

Even threads with no replies all of a sudden get the worst posters to start fucking it up.

Making the excuse that it's "out of habit" also needs to stop.

>> No.8915588
File: 76 KB, 400x400, 1335444486430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp it's nearly 1 AM in Japan now and the book should be avaliable now. If your in the local Japan area, maybe you can buy it come in the morning.

Otherwise, shop on the internet. It'll be good to get all the Touhou info ASAP.

>> No.8915589
File: 750 KB, 1200x724, Satori583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given that, why is art of animals in chireiden so rare?

>> No.8915592 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1000x1000, 4cf928a5c783bcf1a1c24315fe8b5b94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well when I said I do it "out of habit" I meant that I do it unconsciously.
I don't even want to sage but I do it anyways

>> No.8915600
File: 952 KB, 1402x2000, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because that would involve making original characters?
I'd assume that most pets in Chireiden have their human forms avaible just like Okuu and Orin since in the touhouwiki article about chireiden says that they do stuff like helping out in the garden.
I'd say they are similar to the faerie maids in the SDM in that regard.

Then again I don't know how reliable that article is

>> No.8915601

You know, how about we take it easy and enjoy the discussion about this? Particularly, I would love some details on Nue's profile, but the thread is too big so it would take some time to search for it.

>> No.8915602 [DELETED] 

Well, it looks like you're making an effort now, so thanks.

Even if only one person at a time can kick a bad habit like that and show that they are mature enough to handle things correctly, then that makes all the difference enough in the world to make this board a better place.

>> No.8915613 [DELETED] 

Sageing is not a bad habbit especially on a slow board like /jp/. Always bumping is a bad habbit to do. especially in off topic threads and shit threads. You sage when you do not have anything to contribute to the thread for example the post I am making now. If I were to post new and relevant content in this thread I would bump it.

Also this is a sticky the thread is not going anywhere even if I do not bump it. There is nothing to get worked up about here.

>> No.8915612

Well, as far as I know, the reliable sources would be ZUN interviews (when he's not drunk), the official profiles or the instruction manual profiles, in-game dialogues and of course the print works. So, if you search long enough, you can easily find if the article is reliable. Usually the Touhou wiki articles are very reliable, though, so it's probably true. Also, considering that Okuu doesn't do much (as far as I know), maybe the other pets are just powerful as her, or much worse, and they do simple jobs too.

>> No.8915615 [DELETED] 

With the elitism and the extremely rude condescending posts that come with a "sage," they have a superiority complex, if anything.

>> No.8915618
File: 124 KB, 580x720, 654326435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liebe, commando Kogasa, big tits Byakuren.

So many great things are now canon.

>> No.8915619 [DELETED] 

> mature enough to handle things correctly
How is it immature? No one in /jp/ except for blatant shit posters would ever yell and scream that they are saging like it was supposed to do something.

>> No.8915621

I'd say most pets who work in the mansion are weaker than Orin and much weaker than Okuu since Okuu got her godpowers and working in hell sounds alot more difficult than cooking and cleaning

>> No.8915628 [DELETED] 

>rude condescending posts that come with a "sage,"
Not all saged posts are meant to be condescending or rude. Thats not what it was for. Its just that people associate angry posts with sages it seems.

>> No.8915632

>So many great things are now canon.
Which is funny because they weren't before so now ZUN is bending to the public.

>> No.8915643

god, why can't zun get this guy to do th art for the games

>> No.8915647


>> No.8915650

Why would you want that?

>> No.8915651 [DELETED] 

I know well enough it's not meant to be that way, but it's a FACT that a large majority of the posts here with "sage," are both rude and dismissive. That clearly shows that using "inferiority complex" as an excuse is not valid at all.

>> No.8915656

Explain why Liebe is canon.
That would be terrible.
I think I'm gonna faint.

>> No.8915657
File: 456 KB, 933x1200, 18683521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her job is incredibly difficult. I hope other people besides myself appreciate that she is a hard worker.

>> No.8915676 [DELETED] 

A lot of people who make angry posts use sage along with it. Also I do not think you could actually call it a fact. Most people do post like that but the original intent is still the same which most people have forgotten about. So if someone used sage correctly and they aren't angry someone would simply assume he was simply because he saged. It is not a fact it's just that so many people misuse sage that the act of saging is more often associated with it now. Which is wrong.

>> No.8915685 [DELETED] 

I simply sage because I don't want to bump a thread, there is nothing else to it

>> No.8915688 [DELETED] 

That wasn't even the point.

The point is that people are saging when they are contributing and making good points, the stuff that you age a thread for, not sage it. That's what makes us look just as bad as any other board that uses it incorrectly.

>> No.8915692 [DELETED] 


That's why you belong somewhere else.

>> No.8915701

Koishi is now canonically a truly alienated being. All the touhous, even ones like Flandre or Yuuka, have human minds (super human minds, if you want). You can relate to them, understand them, put yourself in their shoes, etc.

But Koishi, she truly mutilated herself to become first Touhou proper "monster". You won't understand her, ever, and this is actually terrifying.

The most I think about it, the most I hope Akyuu is just putting Marisa's speculations on paper without thinking too hard about them ("because fuck those underground rejects, anyway"). It's actually better to think that Koishi's article reflects a huge prejudice than truth, because the truth is too sad there.

>> No.8915706 [DELETED] 

>The point is that people are saging when they are contributing
Well there isnt much you can do about that. it also depend what they are contributing for. if it just to dump images with little to no discussion then that would be ok to do that. If they ARE actually contributing and discussing thread relevant stuff then it would be ok to bump. You also have to know that /jp/ is not a particularly fast board. Threads can stay around for days a time easily so is it not necessary to bump so often.

>> No.8915716 [DELETED] 

Why can't people just nokosage?
You don't even have to write it in the e-mail field every fucking time you post.

>> No.8915735
File: 1.11 MB, 1398x2000, orin_wants_to_be_cared_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure is difficult

I really hope you are right, because that would be reason enough for me to leave the touhou fandom forever and seclude myself into my own little Gensokyo forever without paying any attention to canon anymore

>> No.8915740

Oh and also, I actually do think you might be right there because in her profile ZUN described how she opened up her heart and how carefree she.

I want to believe ;_;

>> No.8915743 [DELETED] 

>not a fast board

Already been pointed out.


I can say that it does move at a good pace at certain times of the day, but never really gets out of hand unless we are being raided. But we always have blatant off-topic threads on the first and second pages, which is even more reason to stop using unnecessary sages, and save them for posting in threads that are dumps and shit and keep REAL discussions on the front page at all times. I'm sure seeing /jp/ full of shit threads on the first two or three pages has caused someone to deter from browsing /jp/ for the day.

>> No.8915750

All this talk of Koishi. Are you guys just going by the original profile or the new one that came out? Is it already translated?

>> No.8915764

The guys on the Wiki started translating some of the articles already.
Apparently each Touhous powers are now listed with
>Ability: Enough Power to [...]
which sounds really weird imo...

>> No.8915770

Alright, thanks. Just wanted to make sure I am on the same page with everyone.

>> No.8915791

It's less awkward than "Ability to the extent of", but it's still pretty shitty wording.

>> No.8915794
File: 53 KB, 245x274, 1327697376464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fundoshi! Kogasa would never be so lewd.

>> No.8915820
File: 471 KB, 1056x1504, 058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like orin does most of the legwork

>> No.8915841

No. On what basis do you believe that they all have human ideals, human empathy, human feelings, etc.? While they may appear to act like humans at times, they are youkai. They are not human. They take on a humanoid form, but that does not give us any reason to believe that they would think like humans do.

They have the purpose of being feared. Why do you think they start incidents? If they do not, their power will decrease. Even though the number of humans is limited and thus they cannot afford to kill them whenever they please, they still create massive problems periodically. And the reason, is for personal amusement, and to increase their infamy. There is no other reason.

For example, if you think the Scarlet Mist incident didn't cause huge issues for a lot of people living in Gensokyo, you apparently didn't read Perfect Memento. And, you know, she could have just gone outside with an umbrella, but she started that incident instead.

And Remilia is not the only one. Yuyuko herself didn't even need something like infamy, but just out of personal curiosity, she stole away the majority of the Spring (and yes, for humans who receive their food from nature, such as the humans in Gensokyo, that really does mess stuff up). People are starting incidents on this scale all the time, like once per year?

I don't understand. On what basis would you even make that assumption? And yet, so many people do. I feel that this is actually disrespectful to them.

>> No.8915866

It's funny that you mention Remilia and Yuyuko as examples. They both used to be humans, didn't they?

>> No.8915868

Bravo. Someone who hasn't lost their mind to senseless fanon garbage.

>> No.8915885

It's hardly fanon garbage. Youkai may have other ideals and ways of thinking, but for the most part they're pretty similar to humans. At least that's what I'm getting from most of the things ZUN wrote. Most of them may act pretty weird, but the touhous that are actually human do that as well, it's just part of the series. Youkai are not more different from humans than different species of youkai are from each other.

>> No.8915887

I think that a part of the reason is that, after said incidents are resolved, they go have tea and crumpets with Reimu and make idle chit-chat, and many Youkai have societies that resemble human ones, such as the Tengu. Some go shopping in the human village, and sell their wares there, and Meiling, despite being Youkai, happily chats with anyone who wanders up to her, just as Alice performs puppet-shows in the human village. The fact that we, as humans, are capable of empathizing with Youkai at all indicates at least some similarity, for if they were truly alien no such communication could truly exist.

I think it's just as disrespectful to say that all Youkai are incapable of empathy, feelings, or ideals of their own, even empathy, feelings, and ideals that resemble human ones. Some are incapable of empathy and have alien thought processes, while others can strike up long-lasting friendships with humans. Youkai, like humans, are a mixed bag, in that no two are exactly alike.

No, they're not humans. Their immortality, or at least much longer lifespans, gives them a different perspective on existence than humans have by necessity, as does their nature as mythological beings representative of or embodiments of elemental forces. But to say, in a sweeping declaration, that they are incapable of human-like thought is just as wrong-headed as to say that they're basically just humans but with fancy hats and cool powers.

>> No.8915898

>But to say, in a sweeping declaration, that they are incapable of human-like thought is just as wrong-headed as to say that they're basically just humans but with fancy hats and cool powers.
Fucking this.

>> No.8915900

>. But to say, in a sweeping declaration, that they are incapable of human-like thought is just as wrong

especially since some of them were once human

>> No.8915910

Remilia was never confirmed to have been previously human, nor confirmed to have always been a vampire. As far as I know, anyway. Yuyuko, on the other hand, was definitely once human.

I can list plenty of other examples though. Read Nue's TH12 Extra dialogues. Read about Murasa's past, how she sank ships all the time and how Byakuren let the humans accompanying her die to save Murasa. Read Kisume's spell card comments. Read about the reason why Oni left the above ground world. Heck, most of the underground youkai are quite questionable from a human perspective.

And despite what any of you may think, Yuuka's Human Friendship Level is Worst. It was also confirmed by Eiki that she just attacks practically anyone she meets without very much reason.

But yes, they are capable of thinking like humans. I'm simply trying to get the point across that many of them do not.

>> No.8915928

Concerning yuuka, didn't eiki want her to attack humans more, if anything?

Going of off PoFV dialogue, anyway

>> No.8915929

You know, there are, surprisingly enough, humans who aren't capable of thinking like most other humans.

>> No.8915942

She said "Living is that much of a sin" for Yuuka, so I think she may just want her to hurry up and die. But you can interpret it that way.

Of course.

Oh, and I would like to point out yet another example: Yukari. She's the one who is always saying that youkai must be feared, and her thoughts are completely alien to even the very long-lived youkai like Aya.

>> No.8915952
File: 405 KB, 1304x1757, 06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that talk reminds me of this page in WaHH. I suppose it's funny in hindsight.

>> No.8915966

Youkai confirmed for humans.
So the term youkai was just a term all along?
I thought it describes something like a race.

>> No.8915975

I've always seen it as more like a collection of races. Like wolves and bears are both animals, vampires and oni are both youkai.

>> No.8915973

>Nue, Murasa, Byakuren, Yukari
I fail to see how their thinking pattern would differ from humans. Byakuren was even a human before she became a youkai.
They all have different motives and values, just like humans, and that affects their actions.
They may just seem odd since they all have wierd powers.

>> No.8915979

'course, now we're getting into the murky waters of what, exactly, human-like thoughts are. The way we think is vastly different from the way, say, a medieval peasant thinks, or an ancient Roman or a stone-age Australian aborigine. The vast differences in moral codes and views on life caused by gulfs in time and space amongst humans are far greater than the ones observed by humans and Youkai, even though they, at their core, can be remarkably similar. To these ancients, we, with our Enlightenment thinking and progressive civil rights ideals, have moral codes and ideals they hadn't possibly conceived of, just as they adhere to moral codes that many of us today would find abhorrent and utterly inhuman. Not even all our feelings are the same, as language shapes thought which shapes feeling, as some languages have words for feelings that other languages have no words for.

In other words, it's all relative. We may well have more in common with some Youkai than we do with some of our ancestors.

>> No.8915982


Youkai are notoriously self-centered, and thus do not travel in groups very often. Youkai "organizations" such as the Scarlet Devil Mansion and the youkai of Youkai Mountain are noted as exceptions rather than the norm.

The former are stated in Perfect Memento in Strict Sense to live a lifestyle completely different from both youkai and humans, and the latter are described by Ran Yakumo as simply a half-hearted attempt to mimic the outside world in Silent Sinner in Blue Chapter 3.

>go have tea and crumpets with Reimu and make idle chit-chat
Reimu is known to be a exception among humans who attracts youkai. She is in no way representative of the human race in Gensokyo.

Zun makes a point of repeating over and over how youkai have completely different mindset than humans. Human morals and ideals have no meaning for them.

I'm not saying they aren't capable of empathy or feelings. That would be absurd.
It's just that they have their own completely differnt mindset, values, ideals and outlook on life.

>> No.8916006

Of course, there are many who have human thoughts. I never said this wasn't the case.

But there are plenty of those that are different. Remember how I mentioned Oni, and the reason they went underground? And how the majority of the underground youkai seem different?

So your argument is that, since many humans have just as much of a "gray morality" (as society would call it) as these youkai, they aren't that different from humans. Which brings us to this:

Pretty much. According to this, we can easily say that they all think like humans do.

>> No.8916003

Let's take that analogy and apply it to this situation.
Let's say all wolves and bears could suddenly talk to us humans and at some point even function in our society.
When can we call them human?

Sure you could argue now that you will always be able to call them animals because they cannot breed with humans.
But youkai CAN breed with humans.

>> No.8916004

>Hiring shitty artists
God damn it ZUN, only Alphes can make soulful art like yours.

>> No.8916005

Christ, again?
Gensokyo is open to interpretation. You can think of it however you want.

>> No.8916018

Right. This guy pretty much summed up what I was trying to say.

>> No.8916019

>When can we call them human?
Never because humans are a different species . "Human" is not a title or something you earn.
But anyway.

>> No.8916035

>But youkai CAN breed with humans.
That's not canon and just your interpretation.
While sexual activities might be possible, I doubt it result in a halfbreed child.

Many of youkai just come into existance due to human believes and fears or a avatars of nature. We don't know enough about them to decide on anything yet.

>> No.8916038

Rinnosuke is half-human, half-youkai. How did he become like that?

>> No.8916041

I thought the difference between gods and Youkai was that gods take existence from or are influenced by human belief and fear while Youkai would exist independently of said.

I dunno. It's not because he's a magician, because then he'd be a fully-fledged Youkai.

>> No.8916040

But what about half-youkais like Rinnosuke?

>> No.8916054

There are also many legends of humans breeding with youkai.

Take for example... Let's see, I believe the story goes that Abe no Seimei is the child of a human and a kitsune.

Also, it seems to be implied that youkai rely on fear to some degree. However, it could also be that many of them simply desire infamy rather than needing it.

>> No.8916059

I want to add that their different mindset of course doesn't hinder them to live amongst humans and striking up long-lasting friendships.
It doesn't make it impossible to socialize with humans, but we know of many instances of conflict exactly due to these differences. Not every youkai can readily accept human mindset, but there are many who can.

>> No.8916061
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It's fairly difficult to categorize or generalize youkai and human, particularly since ZUN only demonstrates exceptional members of each, but that was a pleasant discourse.

I suspect we're pretty much in agreement at the root of things

>> No.8916068

The root of things being "it depends" and "it's all relative", but, basically, yeah. Isn't it nice when differences are resolved through rational argument and reasoned discourse relying upon specific proofs to back them up?

>> No.8916143


The same way humans are turned into youkai and half-gods through a blessing or touch retroactively, e.g. the Moriya.
Youkai were originally birthed through human believes and fear according to Yukari.
It's probably better to stop thinking of them like a "monster girl race" and regard them as mystic beings fitting their origin.

For now we only know that some are born into the world by themselves while others like Tengus lay eggs.

They need it to exist. That's the whole point of Gensokyo.

>> No.8916153

>others like Tengus lay eggs.
I don't think so.
There are not only crow tengu, and they are just crow tengus and not actual crows

>> No.8916169

Read Ran's article in Bohemian Archive. Aya thinks of herself as a crow.

PMiSS details the nature of "beast" youkai, which is the distinction Aya is making there. They are exceptional animals who became youkai.

>> No.8916168

>But Koishi, she truly mutilated herself to become first Touhou proper "monster".
If you are pulling this from her Symposium of Post Mysticism entry, you are greatly exaggerating. She's alienated, and it's hard for her to communicate with others, but in no way does it say she is monster.

>> No.8916180

The egg the three faires found was from the Tengu. The head even wrote a letter to Reimu.

>> No.8916194

Aya and the crow tengu are not beast youkai.
While crow youkai may exist those are single individuals and not a race. The tengu are a race of youkai.

>> No.8916192

Much of it would depend on their origin, I imagine.
Tsukumogami would likely be infertile
Beast youkai might be fertile, though not necessarily with humans

>> No.8916266
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>though not necessarily with humans

No, we won't go there. Please don't go there. ;_;

>> No.8916277

Don't worry. Have all the half rabbits and half umbrellas you want.
Mine's still speculation too.

>> No.8916280

>half umbrellas

this sounds terrifying

>> No.8916289

To me, the article makes it look like Koishi erased her ego. You tell me that this is not terrifying.

>> No.8916321
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>> No.8916323
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>> No.8916329

>Even if one is apt to have her projected from one's eyes, it would still feel as if she did not exist(*1). When she disappears from one's field of vision, one immediately forgets her.

Creepy as fuck.

>> No.8916331

What exactly is the point you're trying to make here?

>> No.8916339

She didn't mke an appearance.

>> No.8916338

Canon most forgettable Touhou

>> No.8916347


We haven't seen all the pages yet anyway anon. It's too soon to tell.

>> No.8916351

A Yuki Onna (like Letty) married a human man and had children.

>> No.8916362
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Koishi is right behiind you, watching you masturbate

>> No.8916366


>> No.8916371

Come on....I wouldn't call her a monster because of this.
Have you never wished that you could walk around unseen?
Have you never wished that you basicly don't exist for everyone?

>> No.8916373

Someone in the wiki said that ZUN made some comments about specific 2hus (Tenshi, Momiji and some others), and thus it was concluded that they won't appear. ;_;

>> No.8916383

I'm not calling her a monster.
It's just that Koishi seems like something out of a ghost story now.

>> No.8916386
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She's slowly getting better. Youkai live a long time, there's a good chance she will be fine. Definitely probably.

>> No.8916398

If she's satisfied with how she is, then isn't she fine?

>> No.8916402

>Also, this doesn't mean that she lives in devotion to desires. She probably doesn't have any desires. Like a piece of cloth fluttering in the wind, she lives going with the flow.

Koishi reached enlightenment

>> No.8916408

It's probably just me pushing human standards onto her. It would be nice if she got along with her sister a little better though

>> No.8916417

Enlightenment doesn't mean you have no desires. It means that your desires no longer conflict with your environment. Because of that, there is no longer any suffering.

>> No.8916412
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"Strong ones are usually smiling". Koishi really reminds me of /jp/, for some reason. She should be our symbol.

>> No.8916418
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She is what we want to be, basically.

>> No.8916426
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Koishi is everything I want to be.

>> No.8916432

The little girl, right?

>> No.8916434

Someone like that can no longer be viewed as a person.

But if that's what you want, Anon...

>> No.8916441

We need a full translation on Koishi! ;_;

>> No.8916445

You might even say she reached satori

>> No.8916448
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>An existence like a roadside stone.

>> No.8916461

I'm aware of that pun, yes. It's this kind of shit that makes ZUN a decent writer.

Now you're also aware that Koishi means "pebble". You can cry now.

>> No.8916495

This makes no sense. The Id (the subconscious, whatever you want to call it) is full of drives and desires. Koishi surely still has plenty of things she desires, just not on a conscious level.

In addition to that, we have evidence that in TH11, she desired to receive power from the Moriya gods so that she could make her pets strong too (apparently she does have at least one pet?).

In the first place, if you have absolutely no desires, then you won't be doing anything. You'll become a vegetable. Koishi is not a vegetable.

So, how can it be that she has no desires? It doesn't even make any sense. Can someone please correct this translation?

Well, if it's not an inaccurate translation, then maybe Akyuu doesn't know what she's talking about again.

>> No.8916500

Maybe it means that she has no desires on a conscious level and lives purely by instincts, with no ambitions etc

>> No.8916563

I'm sure she has a few pets, in her profile it's said that Satori gave her some and I doubt it was reffering to Okuu and Orin

>> No.8916571

That was really cruel article for Koishi.

>> No.8916640

Oh god, she just kind of... exists, while not really existing. I guess that's a way to interpret the term "living carelessly".

>> No.8916653
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>> No.8916654

>it's either an inaccurate translation or wrong!
Or...you know...she is simply what she is. Considered that already?

It's not the first time people got disappointed their favourite character changed in canon from what they had imagined and I have a feeling it won't be the last time over the course of the translation.

>> No.8916660

Anybody else with firefox/4chanX having trouble viewing and posting in the thread?

>> No.8916666

Using Aurora and it's fine here.

>> No.8916670

She has no conscious thought. There's not really any way to work around this.

My point was that there is a logical contradiction created by this, if in fact she has no desires. She has been explicitly shown to have desires, so you can't just turn around now and say she doesn't have any. I'm not refuting this on the basis that I dislike the change, or whatever.

>> No.8916669

Not really, it's fine for me

>> No.8916690

ZUN, a human, writes the dialogue for youkai. He may say that the characters think and act differently from humans, but in the end, the dialogue reflects ZUN's thinking and view.

>> No.8916720

It's important to note that, as in-universe documents written by a human character with neither complete knowledge nor perfect information, neither Perfect Memento in Strict Sense nor Symposium of Post Mysticism are necessarily 100% accurate. In fact, I'd be extremely surprised if they were. We have to account for bias and inaccuracy, and while we can use the information provided, we have to synthesize it with what we ourselves see in the game and the official profiles in the game booklet, not to mention other official works. We have to construct the most likely profile or scenario based on what we know from all sources provided, rather than taking this one source as absolute.

So, if this source says that Koishi has no desires, but we witness for ourselves Koishi expressing desire within the games with our own eyes, we must, by necessity, disregard that particular piece of information given by Akyuu, given that a witnessed account is more likely to be accurate than an account provided by someone who only came by the information second- or third-hand.

's called being a historian and using critical thinking.

>> No.8916721

I'm not sure how this is a response to my post, but yes, you are correct.

>> No.8916744

But Yuuka probably doesn't desire anything too, aside of taking it easy in the garden or occasionaly fighting against powerful Youkai.

>> No.8916747

Well if you want to try to reconcile it it a little, it was a shallow, childish sort of desire. Satori's pets got awesome power! I want my pets to have power too! Like she didn't really care either way, it was just a random impulse.

>> No.8916758 [DELETED] 

I think you missunderstood the text.

She acts on impulse, and puts no thoughts into her actions.
For example, she can't decide if she'll go left or right. She just follows any path, not caring where it will lead her. She just the does things her unconsciousness tells her too. It's almost like another person is telling her what to do.

>> No.8916775
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What would you have your own little nuclear powered Okuu do for you?

>> No.8916782

Yes. This is essentially what I was saying.

Also, read Memorizable Gensokyo for further evidence that Akyuu's texts are not the most reliable things in the world.

They should not be disregarded for no reason at all, but if you have reason to believe that it is incorrect, then this would be the logical conclusion to reach.

>aside of
Well... Yeah.

And, other than that, she does sometimes do stuff. Like for example, TH9 and Mystic Square.

Any desire, no matter how small or shallow, is a desire. If you have no desires, you are a vegetable. But yes, you could simply disregard "She probably doesn't have any desires." and go with "this doesn't mean that she lives in devotion to desires." In short, desires are present, but her life doesn't revolve around things like that, and they're more like whims.

>> No.8916784

I think you misunderstood the text.

She acts on impulse, and puts no thought into her actions.
She can't decide if she'll go left or right and just follows any path, not caring where it will lead her.
She just does the things her unconsciousness tells her to. It's almost like another person is telling her what to do.

>> No.8916791

When does she do anything that contradicts the article? Never.
She just acts before us out of impulse. No need for desires.
>Like a piece of cloth fluttering in the wind, she lives going with the flow.

>akyuu hurr durr
The amount of inside information Akyuu has about her does lead to the conclusion that she knows what she is talking about.

>> No.8916806
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>> No.8916817
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/jp/ are you programming on Neko yet?
yJula aetas,

>> No.8916836
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That Koishi abandoned ego is nothing new. It was in her profile, too.

>Closing off that ability because it's hated is just running away, and is no different from closing off one's own mind.
>However, she had no mind capable of feeling this loneliness.

However, she changes at the end of T11 when she starts to take interest in Reimu/Marisa who beat her sister and Okuu. When Reimu/Marisa met her in extra stage she already changed from her past self.

The translation up until there describes the past Koishi so guys can take it easy again.

>> No.8916860
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>can take it easy again

It'd be hard to take it any easier than I'm taking it, but I'll do my best since >>8915888 told me to.

>> No.8916921

I have returned from my slumber!

Have you guys, maybe, thought that Akyu is talking out of her ass? Akyu could've NEVER met Koishi. There is no way Akyu could understand her. Perhaps she could understand Koishi's power, but that's where it ends. What little we know about Koishi is what Marisa/Reimu have seen. Marisa is the only one who would've even begun understanding Koishi, being a sort of genius and all, and Reimu would've listed her off as "Crazy psycho-bitch".

Essentially, don't take anything Akyu says about Youkai as truth, unless it's Youkai that frequent the human village, like Alice, Orin, and Kogasa. What you're taking for as truth is observations from Marisa, Reimu, Aya, Keine, and Yukari, all jotted down into a book. Essentially, it's a SYMPOSIUM. What you're seeing as simply what is to be observed of those youkai. You'd have to ask Koishi, or her sister, directly to even remotely try and understand Koishi. You can't just take Marisa's word for it, nor Reimu's, nor Yukari's, nor Aya's.

>> No.8916931
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/jp/ would be a paradise if it weren't for the Finns. They are behind every single shitpost you come across. Forget Jews, they are but small fries compared to Finns.

>> No.8916951

stop being in denial an read this.

>> No.8916968

I can't take it easy at all after reading Koishi article. Even thread about not giving up and Gensokyo is not easy now.

>> No.8916967

Stop it. No 2hu could've been able to see/interpret that. None of them have the power to look inside Koishi's mind. They can only guess until they get to know her better. I'm not siding with any form of Koishi. I'm saying no one could understand or interpret her, since people rarely, if ever, meet her. Symposium is written by Akyu. Akyu has never met Koishi. Thus, Akyu would be writing down what she has heard from Marisa/Reimu. That's why Akyu's accounts of Koishi, and other forlorn youkai, would be inaccurate. Akyu is looking at them subjectively, rather than objectively.

>> No.8916973
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It seems quite beautiful to me, quite cruel yes, but at the same time it seems like she has inner peace.

I wish I could feel how she feels, to me it's endlessly desirable. Desires to have no desires, it's odd to think about.

>> No.8916990
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Please take up a trip so I can filter you. Manually hiding is so much work.

>> No.8916994

You might as well be dead if you have no conscious mind

>> No.8917008

I wish to be how she was, too. It sounds so very peaceful.

>> No.8917033

Ignoring the truth takes too much effort.

>> No.8917038

It was Alice who herself said in the SaBND manga that she doesn't frequent the village for the puppet shows Akyuu writes about. What now?

>> No.8917058

She still goes there more frequently than say, Yuuka. I doubt Orin and Kogasa spend much time in there either, but it's frequent for a youkai, which was my point. Also, Alice has a history of not being entirely truthful.

>> No.8917064

Wasn't there a species like that in Dr. Who?

>> No.8917065

What you desire is not "to have no desires." You desire to live a carefree life, right? But, you still want to live. You don't want to become a vegetable.

Yes, that is endlessly desirable. Koishi is much more "free" than most people, especially people like us. She does not exactly have a "self" as we think of it, but she definitely knows how to take it easy and just go with the flow.

She is "happy" with her life, even if not consciously. Why aren't you happy for her, /jp/?

>> No.8917084

I was somehow under the impression that Akyuu interviewed Satori. I mean, the article talks about how you can know of Koishi's existence through her sister, so...

But now that I think about it, I'm not sure if that makes any sense.

>> No.8917096

>Also, Alice has a history of not being entirely truthful.
You mean that Alice lied? Because in the same chapter, the bullfinches didn't attack Alice.
I find it pretty weird that ZUN has Alice contradict PMiSS and introduce a lie detector in the same chapter. An oversight? Intentional? What was ZUN's intention anyway by having Alice say that she doesn't do anything even remotely interesting outside of her house in that chapter?

Yuuka? I don't know. There's only this one quote:
"She came to the village to shop. She gives proper greetings, and she didn't seem like she's that strong, but..." (Flower Shop)

>> No.8917122

"Came". Yuuka probably went there to sell flowers a couple of times. Also, Alice tends to exaggerate her power level quite a bit. It's quite possible that she lied.

>> No.8917155

>Alice tends to exaggerate her power level quite a bit

More like, she's very afraid of showing her full power, because she doesn't want to be defeated in such a circumstance. And we don't need to worry about lies for this, because it was confirmed in an official profile, which is pretty much the most reliable source of information in all of Touhou.

Therefore, it would be reasonable to assume that whenever we've seen her in the Windows continuity, she was holding back. Instead of exaggerating, she could actually be much stronger than any of us think.

Heck, there was a time when she went from Stage 3 to EX just by reading a grimoire...

>> No.8917175

Let's also assume that 2hus, especially Marisa and Reimu, get more powerful over time. In that case, what would've been an EX boss/midboss could now easily be a stage 2/1 boss. I subscribe to the theory that Touhou takes place over time. Alice's true power is probably somewhere around that of a final stage boss/extra stage midboss at this point, and yeah. Doesn't Alice never shut the hell up about her being able to beat everyone at 100% of her power? If I remember correctly, she's always blabbing about not showing off her true power.

>> No.8917216

I guess.

It is true that the content in the games seems to be largely shaped by perspective. Take, for example, TH9 where it looks a lot like Eiki just came up and started lecturing everyone... And then in her official profile, it says this:
"As she was digesting this, both living humans and youkai attacked her, seething with anger."

And then there's 12.8, where characters that don't look like they would be very powerful just FILL the screen with so many fucking bullets... I mean, even though Marisa was holding back, that Extra stage is just brutal.

So, it would be reasonable to expect that whatever see in the games, is just according to the perspective of the protagonist, and not necessarily the full, objective truth... If Reimu and Marisa did become more powerful as time passed (which would be logical), then certainly, those who they saw as stage 6 and EX bosses in the past may be at a lower stage now.

>> No.8917219
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Danmaku != powerlevel
By your logic Yoshika should be beating the shit out of Remilia and Futo of Yukari.

Doesn't matter how experienced are you in danmaku, a simple new pattern can lock you without being specially hard.

>> No.8917227
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Let's not go there.

>> No.8917237

The protagonists got so strong, Yuyuko is barely a stage 1 boss nowadays...
Not really.

Eiki lecturing spree happens in extra stage, so it's ok.

>> No.8917272

I always felt that Koishi had rocky relations with the rest of the Earth Palace despite all the fanworks that show them being a happy family somehow, guess my assumptions towards Koishi were right in a sense, but kind of wrong in that she doesn't really have relations with them at all.

Guess the only thing I can hope for now is that she opens up her eye and consciousness to Marisa eventually and learns to live like a person again.

>> No.8917287
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>She, who has no mind, is also unable to be seen by her older sister, but still, she has not disappeared from her older sister's mind.

Man so its difficult even for Satori to understand her now.

>> No.8917310

It wouldn't make sense unless that quote is saying that Satori can't see Koishi with her 3rd Eye, which simply means that she can't read her mind. After all, anyone can see Koishi with normal eyes, right?

But yes, it probably is difficult even for Satori...

>> No.8917323

>Her presence cannot be felt except by coming into one's field of vision. Even if one is apt to have her projected from one's eyes, it would still feel as if she did not exist(*1). When she disappears from one's field of vision, one immediately forgets her.

I'd say it is very difficult if not nearly impossible for Satori to read her mind. But she may have a better chance since she is her sister so they may have a stronger bond together. Well whats left of it anyways.

>> No.8917329

Do this mean that, literally, she's outside Satori range of perception like some kind of lights can't be seen by the human eye?

Can Satori perceive her by physical phenomena such as lifting an object or writing something in a paper to communicate?

>> No.8917342



danmaku doesn't equate to power, since spell cards use limited powers.

the requirement to not be impossible is probably relevant too since it is a game

weak bosses in IN have last words. weak bosses in TD have overdrives.

I don't know how you can talk about gaining power over time when it is a theatrical battle system

>> No.8917346

The most reasonable answer is that, because there is no conscious thought, there is nothing for Satori to see with her 3rd Eye, and that she could perceive such physical phenomena regardless.

But, of course, it is up to interpretation. Nobody can give you an answer except for ZUN himself.

Then again, maybe the answer will be in the untranslated parts of the article...

>> No.8917373
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>> No.8917381
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>> No.8917387


She already changed from that state. By the time the heroines meet her in person, Koishi already opened the lid of her 3rd eye a little. It's in her profile.

>> No.8917389

That only shows the start of a change, or perhaps, the possibility of future change. We can't know for sure whether she actually has changed from that state by now.

Of course, she certainly could have, but...

>> No.8917396

Don't forget about her pets damn it.
Her pets helped her too.
Everyone forgets about them

>> No.8917407
File: 69 KB, 718x718, 1332141800922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there no motherfuckers who are curious about the contents of Yuugi's article?

Just what does her power DO, anyway? That article might contain the answer...

>> No.8917423

The fact that she wants to meet the people who beat her sister and Okuu already shows that she regained desires...even if only towards those particular people.

>> No.8917438

She always had desires. Everyone knows that the subconscious mind has all kinds of desires.

On the other hand, because there's no conscious thought, there isn't any real ambition there. She's just drifting, swayed by her whims.

>> No.8917433

All I know is that it won't answer any of our questions.

>> No.8917458

This. Koishi used to be desireless. I guess you could say she has a DESIRE DRIVE

No, but Marisa and Reimu ARE constantly getting stronger, and at a fast pace. It's already been established that 2hus get stronger parallel to their overall experience, which they gain over time. Reimu naturally gets stronger, and Marisa's constantly developing new ways to get stronger. Marisa from IN wouldn't be able to fight Marisa from SA, no matter if it was a Danmaku or real battle.

Danmaku can also be used as a determinate for power level. A weak youkai will have weak danmaku. A medium level youkai can have anywhere from piss easy to strong danmaku. A high level youkai can have medium to strong level danmaku. You won't see a youkai like Yuuka using silly weak Danmaku (Yuyuko doesn't count. She wasn't trying to do more than warm the protags up) , and you won't see a youkai like Wriggle pulling out Extra-stage Danmaku. It's not an accurate 'power level' indicator, but it gives you a general idea of how strong they are, kinda like how these books aren't an accurate evaluation of 2hus, but give you a general idea of how they act.

>> No.8917469
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I fuckin' love you guys.

I fuckin' love this thread.

All this discussion that's about more than just random slice of life silliness. I was starting to fear that there was practically nobody else that could see the Touhou setting's potential for this kind of stuff.

>> No.8917468

Does Satori have a personality now?

>> No.8917475

The reason people discount her pets is because they have not really shown concrete evidence of actually helping.

With the player characters, her eye twitched a little, that's definitely something.

With the pets, we only have Satori's observations that guess maybe she's changing a bit which may not be anything at all.

>> No.8917486
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Why do Finns shitpost so much? Why do they feel like ruining our fun with their primitive memes and catchphrases?

>> No.8917499

>She thought that taking care of the pets might give her a purpose, and it might enable her to begin opening her mind to others again. Indeed, it seemed that Koishi began to change, ever so slightly, after she began to raise her pets.

Taken from her profile.
Looks like a clear evidence

>> No.8917509

This. This this THIS.

This thread has restored a little bit of my faith in /jp/.

>> No.8917524


Kogasa was an EX mid-stage boss.

Danmaku doesn't mean shit when it comes to powerlevels. Stop pushing that it does.

>> No.8917534

experience could help you dodge bullets I guess but for example medicine is very young and tewi is very old but they have around the same level of danmaku in StB. wriggle and cirno can both fill a screen, while being weak, too.

as I mentioned last words and overdrives are very much lunatic level and are used by a large variety of different powered touhous so I don't think danmaku can be used as a way to determine power level. danmaku and power level are two completely different scopes in the first place.

>> No.8917532

That's what I was talking about. In comparison to

>At her destination, the shrine atop the mountain, she happened to meet a human. Her meeting with this stranger changed her mental state ever so slightly.
>She thought, how amazing it is to meet such an interesting person, and wanted to know more about her. For the first time, she regretted having closed her third eye.

>I'll start by inviting her underground to the Palace of the Earth Spirits.
>I wonder what kind of fight she had with my sister, Okuu, and Orin.
>I wonder what kind of youkai she's fought with.
>I want to hear her endless stories.

>When she thought this, Koishi felt the lid of her third eye begin to shift a little.

The pets thing seems less relevant. There's no mention of her third eye and even if it's changing her slightly, in what way is it helping open her third eye. For all we know that subtle change is just her subconscious getting better at taking care of pets.

>> No.8917544

Danmaku IS loosely tied to power levels. Weak youkai aren't able to use high level danmaku. Kogasa is obviously not as weak of a youkai as she was thought to be before the full release of UFO. As I said, medium level youkai can use both high and low leveled danmaku. It's just like the case with Yuyuko. She obviously didn't get any weaker, but decided to use low level danmaku. She could've easily pulled out her final stage spell cards from PCB, but she wanted to take it easy. High level youkai can easily control their power, so that they can go full-on lethal mode, or use their equivalent of rubber bullets.

>> No.8917562
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That's because Medicine has really high potential. She's a really young youkai, so she probably has very little experience in using her ability/developing strong danmaku. Given time, she probably has the potential to be stronger than, say, Remilia or Yuyuko.

Besides, some youkai don't want to show off their full power, a la Alice. Some of them PURPOSEFULLY limit themselves so that fights are a little less one-sided. Yuugi does it, Alice does it, and Yuyuko does it. As I said, Danmaku is a very loose indicator of 'power level'. If they use high level danmaku, you can assume that they are powerful. If they use low level danmaku, you can assume anything.

>> No.8917577


everyone can use high level danmaku

>> No.8917590

No. While it's possible for them to through Last Words or overdrives, they can't consistently use high level danmaku like, say, Mokou or Koishi. Some 2hus might not even be capable of such feats, like Letty or Yamame. Judging what a 2hu is capable of during overdrive/last word segments is like judging what a human can do based on an adrenaline rush.

>> No.8917588

>has the potential to be stronger than, say, Remilia or Yuyuko.
Well, we're all speculating but isn't that too much, I mean, one can insta kill any living being and the other manipulates fate, at most she can reach a stage 5 boss tier.

>> No.8917607

And this is another thing that needs to be taken into account.

Many characters' strengths won't show up in the form of danmaku, because it just isn't that kind of power. How can the power to manipulate fate make your danmaku stronger? I mean, without something stupid like auto-hit, which is against the rules. Things like that mean that even if you're incredibly powerful, you still may not be capable of using high-level danmaku.

>> No.8917615


judging power level by danmaku density is like judging human fitness using the body mass index

>> No.8917616

Yuyuko can't insta-kill everything. It's an ambiguous power at best. She doesn't have the capability of killing Mokou or Kaguya, and even mentions that Eirin might be out of the question as well. One might also assume that Eiki and Yukari might also be out of the question. We have no idea what the limitations to her power are. Remilia's ability to control fate also seems to be out of her control, as being able to augment fate any time you want would make everything go her way. She might be able to affect fate, but I don't see her being able to consistently control/alter it.

Medicine, however, has the ability to control poisons. That's a pretty damned strong ability if you ask me. That ability is definitely stronger than, say, the ability to listen to 20 people at once and listen to their desires. And, judging on how strong she was when she met everyone in PofV, we can already see that she has impressive potential. She is a really young youkai, yet is already that powerful. It's likely that she is capable of contending with Yukari, Yuuka, Koishi, and the likes, as an equal, given time.

Besides, you shouldn't judge a 2hu's strength based on their ability. If you were to, Shikieiki would be really weak, as would Yuuka, Toyosatomimi, Nue, Ran, Youmu, and Byakuren, but they're all top-tier 2hus.

>> No.8917628

While loosely linked, the point is that you don't necessarily estimate power from danmaku, nor do you estimate possible danmaku from power alone. Seeing low-level danmaku, you don't assume anything because you don't know their power. Seeing high-level danmaku, that is only possible because of a given power. I think we're agreeing but eh.

it's fine that you think so but you have absolutely no basis on that medicine thing

>> No.8917625

Don't turn this into a powerlevels thread.

>> No.8917640

So, condensing this down as far as I can, it looks like koishi pretty much labotomized herself? without, you know, actually doing that.

>> No.8917645

What is "high level danmaku", and why does it require a special ability?

>> No.8917658

>Besides, you shouldn't judge a 2hu's strength based on their ability
You sort of just answered yourself. You shouldn't judge actual power through their ability, nor should you judge power based on danmaku alone. Estimating Medicine's capacity for improvement is a thought exercise at best.

>> No.8917666

Medicine doesn't seem like of the characters who would become a "big boss" in any game, power level is secondary.

Also Kaguya and Fujiwara are not living beings. Eirin, Yukari and the others alike are just undefined to give a proper answer.

>> No.8917669

It's already been agreed upon, several times within the past couple of months, that 2hus get stronger over time. They don't just start off as strong as they are; no, they get stronger as they progress. The more they use their power, the more proficient they are at using it. If Medicine is already as strong as she is, she has a lot of potential, seeing as she is a young youkai. If it weren't, she would be the only outlying evidence.

She had. Koishi was tired of putting up with what her and her sister had to go through because of their abilities, so she shut her third eye, which fucked with her conscious mind. Now, her third eye is starting to show signs of being reopened, and she's starting to show interest in life again.

High level danmaku is, simply put, more potent danmaku. An example of low level danmaku would be Wriggle's danmaku, while an example of high level danmaku would be Mokou's. It doesn't require a special ability to be able to use it, it only requires that you have the potential to actually use it. Think of it as level requirements in MMO's and RPG's. You can't equip that Great Sword of Kill Everything until you reach level 52. Wriggle wouldn't be able to use danmaku on the level of Mokou until she gained a ton of experience.

>> No.8917670

Too late.

>> No.8917688

They have all of the functions of a living being, and thus are alive. They fit all of the criteria to be counted as a living being. The Hourai can both die, but they just 'revive' soon afterwards, fully functioning again.

So? Does Remilia seem like she should be a big boss? Toyosatomimi? Futatsuiwa? Suwako? That's rule #1 of Gensokyo: everything is not as it seems. Suika is tiny and doesn't look threatening. Is anyone going to dispute that she is strong? Luna Child looks more threatening than Suika, for Pete's sake.

>> No.8917698

>and thus are alive

According to your definition of the term, yes.

However, by Touhou standards...

"Immortality doesn't mean absence of death, it means the boundary between life and death disappears, and you are in a state neither alive nor dead. Just as if you were in the living world and the Netherworld at the same time, a Necrofantasia."
~Renko, Magical Astronomy

>> No.8917706

"revive" is not the exact word, they don't die and then come back to life, Hourai is not that meek, a more precise term is "physical recomposition" Mokou can't heal her body destroying it, it just forms again as fucked as it was to then heal like a normal human, my theory is that in any moment they stop feeling pain when their bodies shatter in pieces.

They are not alive, being alive implies being able to die, I read somewhere that they are "living" a "necrofantasia."

>> No.8917721
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Being alive implies that they fit all the criteria of life, which they do. As it is, scientists don't even know when a human is considered dead, and if it truly should be used as a metric to assume something is capable of living. There can be life without death, but not the other way around.

>> No.8917737

Sure, but first you have to assume that Medicine is actually already powerful (which so far is based on PoFV where everyone is basically the same while playing which makes it sort of moot), and even then all you can do is say "she has the potential". You could say the same for pretty much any youkai, but obviously not all youkai become "as strong as Remilia or Yuyuko" simply through age alone, and the same goes for Medicine. The potential may be there, but there's nothing actually pointing towards a significant chance that the potential will be filled.

>> No.8917751

Calm down newfriends. There is new touhou content and people are simply discussing about it. It has always been like this. When there is nothing new left to talk about people go on to do other things

>> No.8917750

Gonna clarify something.

If Akyuu is indeed basing her reports off third parties, then let it be known that the info for MoF, SA and TD characters is gotten from Reimu while UFO characters' is gotten from Marisa, due to Reimu having solved the incident and socialized with the cast of her mentioned games (including extra stage bosses) and Marisa for UFO.

In other words, the articles are basically what they both have inferred from their encounters.

Koishi's profile is how Reimu sees her.

>> No.8917754

She's powerful enough as is. If I remember correctly, she is the youngest youkai in the series, and already puts up more of a fight than some youkai who are over 60 (Cirno). ZUN doesn't really give a fuck about Medicine, so all I'm really saying is pure speculation, but saying that she doesn't have the potential is pure denial.

>> No.8917764


It sure as shitballs wasn't like this during TD's release. Everyone was too busy pissing the bed over how boohoocasual it was to talk about anything else.

>> No.8917772

Reimu's the one who did MoF, SA, and TD while Marisa did UFO canonically?

Does it mention this in the book or something?

>> No.8917784
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I still like to assume that Marisa did SA and UFO, while Reimu did MoF and TD. I will continue believing this until proven otherwise.

>> No.8917800

ZUN did mention that he made TD more "accessible" to a "wider range" of people this time around. In the video game industry that usually means hes pussing out.

>> No.8917796

Nope, the games themselves show this. Extra stage backstory and Afterword.

Reimu went ahead in MoF because her shrine was being threatened (this one's obvious), she went in SA because Yukari told her, she ignored UFO's because she didn't consider it an incident nor was she interested in the treasure, she solved TD's because why not.

>> No.8917811

Marisa went to hell because Nitori told her to. Doesn't that imply that Marisa also solved it?

>> No.8917821

See the extra stage afterword of the games.

UFO is the only incident Marisa has solved, she has fought most touhous however, but it seems she doesn't befriend them like Reimu does and instead she just goes to Reimu's shrine every single day in order to get involved into the good stuff.

>> No.8917825

That's just cherrypicking which stories clicked to you the most.

The only route that was specifically stated to be canon by ZUN was MarisaB in UFO which is kind of surprising since that's also the shittiest shottype in UFO sadly.

>> No.8917838

I'm just giving the reasons.

The post-extra scenes reveal that Reimu was the one who solved the incident.

I think UFO didn't have one so ZUN had to announce it himself in an interview that it was Marisa in UFO's case.

>> No.8917858

No, argh, I knew I shouldn't have posted the ''reasons''

Look, as I said, the extra afterwords which are absolute canon regardless of which route/character you pick, show that Reimu solved the incidents I mentioned.

>> No.8917862

What, specifically, are these post-extra and extra afterword scenes? I just want to make sure we're on the same page.

>> No.8917864

More translated parts for Koishi.

>It is said that it is difficult for trained monks to comprehend unconsciousness. However, can you really say for sure that it is a good thing to become like her? Those kinds of things seem to be things heard from what the monks of Myouren-ji say.

So Koishi really reached enlightenment...and gave it up again due to nosy heroines.

>She is neither liked nor hated, as that is how she is like, but it seems like there are also those who yearn for her.

Satori ;_;

>She does not have complex human relations, and she speaks in a way that would make her fit in with children.

Please let her be a bokuko.

>> No.8917886

I always figured Danmaku was a skill you got better at with practice, which is why Cirno's able to kind-of fight Marisa now, why Marisa can fight gods and why Reimu can take on practically anyone

It makes sense that genius Youkai 1000s of years old are able to develop effective strategies more quickly then young humans and Youkai with childlike mentalities.

Though this doesn't explain SSiB's bullshit

I'd love a game where moonbitches attack Gensokyo and Marisa get's to show them how she's improved

>> No.8917891

Check the wiki page for the games, in the category box at the bottom of the page, there should be something akin to afterword in the Extra tab.

I'd post it but I'm using my freaking Wii to post, I can copypaste into the address bar but not inside an actual page.

>> No.8917890

>but it seems like there are also those who yearn for her

How could you not?

>> No.8917898 [DELETED] 
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>I'm using my freaking Wii to post
Why on Earth would you do that?

>> No.8917949

Ahem, to you and everyone else in this thread.

Danmaku isn't a measure of ''power'', according to the draft, anyone can beat anyone in danmaku, the only unique things is applying one's ability into danmaku patterns (eg: Okuu's nuclear fusion manipulation makes her shoot danmaku suns). The rules, according to the books, were made so that the weak could fight the strong on even footing AND remove the chance of dying, as danmaku does not kill. Only patterns bullet dodging skill comes to matter.

People got pissed at the moonbitches not because they were strong, but because Yorihime insta-learned dannaku and whooped the MCs in an instant. Yorihime has anti-everything god summoning as her ability.

Marisa herself said the purpose of spell card battles is not to get more powerful, but to make new, prettier patterns. A display of beauty is what constitutes the battles.

Hence the moonbitches would just whoop her ass again, Reimu's probably the only one that could beat them should she train her summoning skills (Yorihime's same powers), it was shown that in a very short training period, she had already learned how to summon them, her potential is beyond godly according to Yukari (I think)

>> No.8917964

>applying one's ability into danmaku patterns (eg: Okuu's nuclear fusion manipulation makes her shoot danmaku suns)

This is exactly why I think Okuu is a lot stronger than people take her for. She is one of the few Touhous that can actually amplify her actual danmaku ability using her powers, giving her a huge advantage over others. Imagine how fucking ridiculously difficult some Touhous with more complicated danmaku patterns would be if they too could enlarge their own bullets.

>> No.8917970

Ooh, does that mean Reimu will eventually be able to summon Dragon, aka the ZUN-made post-Amaterasu god of gods?

>> No.8917974

Guess I'll look at these extra stories.

First paragraph Reimu is clearly stated to have talked it out with Kanako to resolve the incident. You seem right on this one. However Reimu said that Marisa went back to the mountain so that means Marisa also went along during the incident. To what degree is unknown. There is no indication that either one had any priority in dealing with Suwako though.

There does not seem to be any indication here of who solved the incident directly. She knows what happened though, however Marisa does as well and they discuss it. No indication on who went to the Mountain Shrine specifically either.

This proves your point however and coincides with the ReimuA dialogue.

This coincides exactly with MarisaB's ending. No indication on who got to Nue first.

No indication on who solved the incident. But it seems Reimu was the first in line to meet mamizou.

Well you've got evidence here, however it seems like even if one character in particular solved the incident, the other or others was/were also there as well despite not being mentioned. Which kind of conflicts with the narrative the actual story modes play out. In every game besides IN, there is no mention of the other player characters, however the extra stories always implied they're present. Strange to think about.

I wonder if Gensokyo's timeline works in such a way that timelines split and converge for each game so that multiple versions of the same event happen at the same time. It would explain the multiple characters and story modes thing.

>> No.8918054

Sorry, my bad, I meant ''Epilogues''

The extra story is just a post-tea-party scene that happens before the Extra stage where (except in UFO) Reimu talks to Marisa about the incident she just solved, though it's often started in the middle of the convo (only TD's extra story shows it explicitly).

The epilogue is the post-extra stage and the absolute canon end where it fully shows the final and extra bosses' motivations and the course of events, where the heroine who did the solving is shown, note that this isn't referring to the dialogue that happens after you beat the extra boss, I think this is actually in the manual or something, haven't played in forever.

>> No.8918064

Be sure to read the translated epilogues and such as well.

e.g. http://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Subterranean_Animism/Translation/Extra_epilogue

>> No.8918066 [DELETED] 

Over the past few months /jp/ has seen one of the most significant declines in it's entire history. Dark times. Perhaps the worst — shitposting, spam, and terrible threads are all normal. /a/ and /v/ users are even starting to outnumber actual real posters. Mass shit. Forced memes. Everywhere. And they've effectively won, because our moderation has shunned us. They beat us.~Nohryonnnnn.

Unfortunately for them we won't give up on the place that *was* our home so easily; we're not going down without a fight; in a time where this place is forsaken, and the light at the end of the tunnel is so dim that it's barely visible, and you're so close to death that you just want to close your eyes... the last stand has arrived. Like-minded individuals who once called /jp/ a home will align with our philosophies. Think of this as the last refuge of actual /jp/ers. We're still out here. Shitposters come? We destroy them. The /a/ that has overtaken /jp/ comes? Gunned down. Shitty memes? Not a chance.~Nohryonnnnn.

There's also been allegations of this turning into a circlejerk; know that as long as I breath there's not a chance. Come discuss with us on #true/jp/ @ Rizon. Anyone involved in in founding any initial projects will get some form of authority.~Nohryonnnnn.

>TL note: "Nohryonnnnn" means desu, desu means I don't know

>> No.8918075

Continuing to think about this, if Reimu is always considered the incident solver. I wonder what being Marisa is like. One might assume that every fight Reimu has fought, Marisa has fought as well with exception to IN stage 4. She is not regarded as an incident solver, but her danmaku skills are on par with Reimu's to the point there are rivals. She's the icon for all the games, but Reimu is considered the most main character. This makes me think that Marisa might not actually exist at all and might simply be a split personality of Reimu's which is however disproved by the various canon sideworks.

It's kind of amusing to think of a Gensokyo where Reimu and Marisa are the very same person. Reimu's shrine is located on the boundary between Gensokyo and the real world, however that boundary is actually located in the forest of magic which connects to a forest in the real world. They say the path to finding Gensokyo is getting lost and where else would you get lost besides a forest? It also explains why it's so difficult to get to the shrine for regular human visitors.

Ultimately this theory has way too many holes though, but it was fun to think about for a bit.

>> No.8918085

Ah, I was intending to link that instead of the Yukari/Reimu extra story. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

However for MoF, UFO, and TD there are no extra afterwords. At least not that I can find on the wiki.

>> No.8918132
File: 326 KB, 500x706, 9c1d554668209e36967b3b3e1a3d2ffa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the penultimate questions:

Can Suwako see out of her hat?

Pic related.

>> No.8918138

Marisa said ''I wish I could have gone too'' in TD's extra stage backstory.

UFO, as said before, needed a confirmation from ZUN.

MoF's proof I think it's actually there somewhere. Incidentally, Reimu's good A ending in this game could be considered a 180 degree change in character for those who never read the books or got the good ends in all of the windows-era games, especially with someone who actually threatened her shrine.

>> No.8918160

Link to something else I'm missing? Because I don't see her saying that here.

>> No.8918163

is Utsuho still nuclear after SA? They didn't make her barf up the plutonium god or whatever and return to normal?

Reimu and Marisa sure are irresponsible if they just left her like that

>> No.8918193


I see where you're coming from. But for a different viewpoint, take me, I post on /a/ because I watch anime. I like it here because I like other aspects of Japan other than anime (I also frequent /tg/ quite a bit too but that's by the by here)

Memes are everywhere because teenagers think catchphrase comedy is good. Which it isn't. It's just the mono-sodium glutamate of humour. And teenagers are everywhere on the internet today. It pisses me off no end with their stupid way of thinking that you have to do something in a particular way or someone will take the piss out of you for it, so they re-enforce the rules by doing just that, just because of adolescent insecurities.

I swear, if I could torture, maim and execute every online kid who pissed me off (either on the web or on games) i'd make Kony, Pol Pot and Robespierre look small time!

>> No.8918199
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Of course not.

Why would you do that?

>> No.8918208

Utsuho pretty much fused with the dead god so I don't think that's possible.

Also, it was part of Kanako's plan to use Utsuho as a way to generate power by letting her make her own reactor, manage it by herself and use the generated steam to fill a giant robot-like balloon also known as Hisoutensoku, in order to fool followers.

>> No.8918228
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i wish all /jp/ discussions were like this topic right here

>> No.8918245

It's copypasta, report and hide.

>> No.8918255

Also, why are you people discussing if Okuu lost her powers if in SWR and Hisouten she still has her control rod.

>> No.8918268

I'm the one asking and I didn't play those, I dunno why nobody mentioned it yet :D

>> No.8918289

Super cool you're all being so useful and resourceful for once, despite some of the shitstorming.

So far I think all the new information has been interesting and true to more or less what I expected... Waiting warmly for full scans and translation. I'm very excited for UFO and TD in particular.

>> No.8918348

I, personally, think that both of them usually go, but both end up fighting different bosses. Like that one Last Remote PV where Marisa and Reimu go into hell, and Marisa fights off Orin and Reimu fights Okuu. That's how I imagine it to be. I usually just alternate the bosses though, so if Reimu is the one to solve the incident, Marisa is the one to beat up the first boss and fight the extra boss, whereas if Marisa solves the incident (and Reimu canonically did as well), Reimu ends up fighting the extra stage boss and the first stage boss.

Except for IN. Youmu solved that one.

>> No.8918377

I disagree, I think the girl-wjose-route-isn't-canon's route is merely a what-if scenario, otherwise, there wouldn't be any need for Reimu to tell Marisa about her incident solving story like she always does.

It is true however, that they both EVENTUALLY meet other touhous that they didn't meet.

Marisa seems to literally live 95% of her lifetime being with Reimu so I guess it's useful to meet the other touhous that she hasn't met yet by being on her shrine, since Reimu often makes parties inviting every touhou she knows, not to mention the occassional non-special visits.

>> No.8918415

So I was afraid all day about reading Koishis article because of peoples reaction.
But there is not really anything I didn't already know.
Why is everyone sad?

>> No.8918476

http://en.touhouwiki.net finished Kyouko's article. I like the last line:
>As a side note, when she's alone she is supposedly a well-behaved youkai, but lately she's started to mumble sutras to herself. She probably has a lot of stress

Ha! Aya-chan has found the answer to that hasn't she.

If Kyouko had know town life could be that noisy would she have moved years ago?

>> No.8918524
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>Despite her speaking in a loud voice, she is comparatively timid, and when she runs into guests that are climbing the mountain, she disappears quickly. After that, she'll call out in a loud voice from a distance "Did that surprise you?".
Shouting from far away probably means she's basically shy.
Awwwww~! Kyouko is canon adorable! Though her race going extinct is sad...
Is there really another page?

>> No.8918559

And its sweet of Mystia to be helping her get over her shyness.
And very nice to see that Mystia is doing something for her and not just exploiting her for being a living amplifier

>> No.8918569
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>Though her race going extinct is sad
Well then I guess we will have to repopulate it.

>> No.8918592
File: 511 KB, 1000x1178, kyouko is scared2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-please, don't...!

>> No.8918591
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It's kinda like how Marisa is helping Koishi overcome her problems by simply being the coolest broad in all of Gensokyo.

2hus tend to be helpful in their own unique way, but they help they give is subjective. Yuuka is helpful, but she isn't very pleasant to be around (who can blame her? When you live by yourself in your gigantic flower field, you tend to get lonely. She's basically /jp/ at this point). Yuugi is helpful, but gives you a hard time in exchange for her help. I'm sure most of them are good people, but they're quirky. Quirky is the norm in Gensokyo, after all.

>> No.8918626

Good gods, useless-moe girl, overwhelming...

>> No.8918648

So adorable.

>> No.8918659

Reimu doesn't detail what happens to Marisa in any of the extra stories however.

>> No.8918671

If someone else goes with the "the main characters are so strong now that Yuyuko is just a stage 1 boss" I'm going into a killing rampage

>> No.8918700
File: 46 KB, 496x372, save Yamabiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please save Yamabiko, follow Abe's example.

>> No.8918714
File: 1.65 MB, 1000x1000, kyouko1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm impressed you went through the effort to shop Youkai Mountain into that.

>> No.8918710

Next time I go to the mountains I'll yell at them in hope that a yamabiko will answer me.

>> No.8918740
File: 412 KB, 599x567, 1309989381970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything for my cute Kyouko

>> No.8918768

I liked Kyouko before it was cool

>> No.8918781

Where does it say anything about Marisa helping Koishi?

>> No.8918810

I think he's referring to Koishi's profile where she gains interest in the player character who beat her. Most people choose Marisa for the role since she accepts the invite to go to the Palace of Earth Spirits while Reimu blows Koishi off for the most part.

He also doesn't mean Marisa is actively helping, but instead passively due to "being the coolest broad in all of Gensokyo".

>> No.8918834 [DELETED] 

>that feel when ur the only fat person on /jp/

>> No.8918856

Err, well, Reimu's route is the canon one, if anything.

And how is Marisa the ''coolest broad in Gensokyo''? Barely anyone knows her since she doesn't solve most incidents and doesn't befriend youkai like Reimu does (and somewhat inadvertently did with Koishi). ZUN says that only weirdos (in Gensokyo) could like her. She also pranks her best friend and makes her think that her shrine maiden power is dwindling when it isn't.

A more fitting person would be Byakuren, even Koishi would find hospitality with her.

>> No.8918869

>Err, well, Reimu's route is the canon one, if anything.
Is it?

>> No.8918889

Coolness doesn't have to be directly proportional to how well known you are. Most people and fanworks disregard there being a particular canon route unless specifically mentioning the Reimu can't lose bit.

Also Koishi has never met Byakuren nor had her eyelid twitch from meeting her like she has with the player character whether it be Marisa or Reimu.

>> No.8918903

>need for Reimu to tell Marisa about her incident solving story like she always does

Only she never does.

What always happens is they talking with each other about the incident, both perfectly informed about what exactly happened. Or, in some cases, a final boss coming to them and talking about how they all (this includes third PC of-the-year) fought her.

>> No.8918899

Indeed, says so on SA's epilogue.

>> No.8918911

[citation needed]

>> No.8918935


how did she write a book documenting various spell cards from various touhous she's never met, with a level indicating how useful they were as a reference and comments about them?

>> No.8918960

...And why do fanworks come into matter here?

Either way, I still wouldn't consider Marisa ''cool'', I mean, her fanon portrayal is usually ass backwards, they turn her into a generic animu's shit-eating-grin who gets away with what he/she wants-type of character. Her actual self is a greedy and talkative prankster who generally annoys others in the fighting games, we don't really see much character from her due to mangas' plot always being ''something bad happened to raymoo, watch as she tries to solve issue'' while Marisa stands there as an onlooker who does nothing but talk and mock.

The few times where something happens that does concern her (eg: WaHH's mercury, when she knocks one of Reimu's ritual...statue things in SSiB), she instantly loses it and goes a little too shocked whereas others just look at her funny while she tries to regain her composure.

Truly a case of a remarkable character's face being smudged over completely because of crowd-following popularity.

>> No.8918988

Because as said before, it starts in the middle of the convo, nowhere is it ever hinted thet they both fought, by the way.

Biggest example: ZUN said himself Marisa's route is canon for UFO, yet in UFO's extra story Reimu and Sanae talk like they were there, inmediately Marisa arrives and tells them about the ufos. This obviously means the chit chat has already been done, regardless of how they learned about it, be it Marisa herself or Byakuren, matters not, for it is not shown.

>> No.8919001

I never said she never met them, I said she doesn't befriend them when solving incidents because she rarely does solve one.

>> No.8919009

Link is some posts above, ctrl+f ''epilogue'' if you want.

Anyways, time for me to sleep, was nice talking about new info the whole thread, see ya.

>> No.8919040

you said barely anyone knows her, that just isn't the case.
unless you mean in a friendly sort of way but even then I'd hardly say she's friendly with barely anyone

>> No.8919043

damn I'm replying to the wrong posts, tired I guess

>> No.8919057

I can read the wiki, you dummy. I'm giving you a task of providing an exact quote saying that Reimu's route is the canon one.

A tip: the keyword is "the".

>> No.8919122

Are you still discussing who canonically solved the incidents? I'd like to say that Reimu is the right choice for every game but UFO since Zun said so but at the same time he didn't care about it and we got lot's of plot holes regarding who did what, if you try that someone is canon then there's a hole that indicates otherwise and 2 more that indicate other different things, about this most of the discussion is pointless, why do you keep it?

>> No.8919124

My guess is favoritism of the characters.

>> No.8919133

Some Byakuren stuff:
She has a strict code of conduct (knowns as Sila in Buddhism), and at least two of the Five Percepts have been mentioned here (no alcohol and killing). Interestingly though, it does not say that Byakuren does not kill or cause to kill, but rather she "does not like killing" (also obviously she is a vegetarian). In any case, because she lives by such code of ethics, it is difficult for her to make friends with other humans.
As for Byakuren's ability, it is the same as whatever was stated back in UFO, reinforcing her body with magic, to the point where she can easily survive in the Hakkero (not the mini one Marisa has but the one in the Journey to the West). However, when her magic is not active, she is actually the same as a weak human. Byakuren's longevity, her youthful appearance and whatnot are all the result of her magic. It is also said that since learning and using this kind of magic deviated from the path of Buddhism, she probably can't enter nirvana.
The scroll/sutra she is always holding apparently has a mind of its own and cannot be used by anyone else. It's something Byakuren made when she was still sealed in Makai, it is lighter than paper sutra and has unlimited capacity. It also has an auto reading mode, apparently (Akyuu is not so sure about this herself).
Lastly it's not clear if she is hostile towards humans, but given that she claims to not kill and lives by Buddhist teachings, it is unlikely that she would suddenly attack anyone. It is however stated in her profile that since she was sealed off by humans who feared her and was rescued by youkai who admired her, it is natural to think that she might hold some grudges against humanity. Nonetheless Akyuu says it's better to watch out for Byakuren's youkai followers, since "clearly there are some who do not abide by the percepts".

>> No.8919149


that's a pretty amazing scroll

>> No.8919183
File: 1.04 MB, 2455x2448, Byakuren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No killing, no drinking
>In any case, because she lives by such code of ethics, it is difficult for her to make friends with other humans.
I do not understand how is this an impediment.

>> No.8919251

>nowhere is it ever hinted thet they both fought, by the way

Yes, it is. It may not always be stated outright the way it is in IN, but it's pretty obvious most of the time.

>> No.8919333

I disagree with you because there are mythological basis for humans procreating with youkai and there's no reason for that to be not true in Gensokyo as well.

>> No.8919382

If that was true we would see more than 1 half breed in Gensokyo.
So to be fair unless its stated by ZUN. You cant say what you believe is fact because other sources have youkai breeding with humans.
Just because it applies to other sources doesn't mean it applies to touhou.

>> No.8919397 [DELETED] 

Zun borrows from traditional Japanese mythology, Kappa as example were creatures who are able to breed with humans so it's kind of likely that they'll be able to do so in Gensokyo along with other Youkai.

>> No.8919429

Zun borrows from traditional Japanese mythology, Kappa as example are creatures able to breed with humans, it's kind of likely that they'll be able to do so in Gensokyo along with other Youkai.

>> No.8919455

Kyouko's leg pose is stunning.

>> No.8919471
File: 27 KB, 350x339, notjustariverinegypt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rinnosuke is also the only man ZUN has bothered to make official in Touhou. Does that mean there aren't any other men in Gensokyo?

Jesus, I can't believe some of the things people are arguing in this thread.

>> No.8919526

There are two half-breeds right? Sanae and Kourin.

>> No.8919539

Sanae is more one half to an unknown power-breed. We have no idea how many generations ago Suwako did the boing boing and had a kid.

>> No.8919581
File: 46 KB, 258x224, BSCPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a human/goddess half breed though, but yes, you are correct.

I'm assuming that only certain youkai can breed, though. With all of their powers fucking everything up, I'd imagine more than one would be infertile. Okuu probably roasted her ovaries with all of that radiation, and Mokou/Kaguya could very well have become infertile from the hourai elixir. It's also probably impossible to breed with Medicine, not like anyone would want to die trying to anyways, and breeding with the Ghosts might be impossible as well.

>> No.8919592

One drop rule.

Seriously, though, I don't think Sanae is considered a god because she's Suwako's descendant, but rather because her family line ascended to godhood on her own merits:

>Wind Priestesses were originally a devotees of the wind god, but as they used their secret abilities to create miracles such as summoning the wind and rain, the people around them began to believe in these humans with mysterious abilities.
>In short, over time, people began to mistake the miracles caused by the wind god as being caused by them.
>In addition, as keepers of secrets, they began to accrue faith and be treated as gods, even though they were humans. They became living gods.

>> No.8919610

>on her own

*their own

Write something. Rephrase it a bit before submitting. Forget to change that one word at the end and end up with an incoherent/ungrammatical sentence. Story of my posting anywhere on the internet.

>> No.8919651

Why do people still want to stick to this shit?
If all you need to be divine is to cause miracles, then you could claim your line to anyone else other than Suwako. Heck, Suwako ain't even a wind goddess. Sanae is considered the actual direct descendant of Suwako.

Even the Japanese think this way, which is why Suwako and Sanae are considered sexual as fuck.

>> No.8919678

Why not combine the two?

>> No.8919718

>In any case, because she lives by such code of ethics, it is difficult for her to make friends with other humans.
I call bullshit on that. No religion wants you to just look at faith 24-7 and not interacting with the world. Even the most pious of person can have many friends of all kinds

>> No.8919749

You forgot Youmu and Youki. Half Ghost Half Human is a hybrid breed

>> No.8919754

>Why do people still want to stick to this shit?

Because it's, you know, canon?

>If all you need to be divine is to cause miracles

No, all you need to be divine is faith. Causing miracles obviously helps with that.

>Suwako ain't even a wind goddess.

Of course. Kanako is.

>> No.8919787

hurr no it isn't
>kanako is the wind goddess but sanae isn't her descendant, sanae is the descendant of the curse goddess instead
You know how fucking stupid you are?

>> No.8919799

But... but... Hina would never offer her virginity up to anyone besides me.

Anyways, who gives a shit? All we need to know is that Sanae is the inferior choice for every category she is in. Shrine Maiden? Nope. Green hair? All other green-haired-2hus are better. Outside world? Renko please.

>> No.8919820

>However, Reimu, who was made to go underground,
>confronted them and said angrily,
>"Next time, tell everyone about it before you start!"

>> No.8920077 [DELETED] 

Wasn't this supposed to be out in January? What's so big about it being leaked.

>> No.8920083

Wasn't this supposed to be out in January? What's so big about it being leaked?

>> No.8920104

But it's true, Suwako is Sanae's distant ancestor, but she is still Kanako's priestess.

>> No.8920109

Your point being? This does not contradict Marisa going underground in any way.

So, okay, you say games are now not canon. Fine, whatever.

>> No.8920142

>All routes occurred simultaneously!

>> No.8920140


It got delayed 3 times. And was suppose to come out April 27th. The leak came April 26th.

>> No.8920202
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That's not what he said. What he meant is that it doesn't contradict Marisa having solved the incident before Reimu in any way.

>> No.8920214

>Wait a second, this is Reimu's memory of Patchouli!

>This isn't Marisa's memory, and Satori can't read Patchy's mind.

>Oh well, maybe Reimu just passed by her.

>> No.8920292

How do we know that Satori can't read Patchouli's mind?
Are we sure Marisa hasn't been shown all Patchouli's spell cards?
Who are you quoting?

>> No.8920302

Is there a .pdf of this that I can download?

>> No.8920306

try ebaumsworld, I heard they have good stuff, they may have it.

>> No.8920363
File: 156 KB, 480x854, ArelvrwCAAE2DdH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit unrelated, but someone composed a little song for ZUN.

>> No.8920377 [DELETED] 

>Who are you quoting?


Spellcard comments, to be exact, but this can easily be found by a simple search.

>> No.8920409

...oh dear, disregard, I really suck cocks.

>> No.8920418

Those comments are in no way canon. As they are written by wiki users for shits and giggles.
>The Comments field is reserved for notable spell card trivia, not ZUN's comments
Quoting the wiki

>> No.8920447
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>Shizuha but no Kisume
>Tojiko but no Momiji
>No Tenshi nor Iku

>> No.8920583

>Ability to the extent of stockpiling misfortune
> Ability to the extent of manipulating feng shui

So, the "ability to the extent of" spergmeister is attacking again?

>> No.8920588

You gotta wait for the DLC

>> No.8920600

That's probably confusing whoever is translating this.
I don't know what looks and sounds worse, "ability to the extent of" or "ability on the level of". Just say "manipulation of" or "capability of" or something, damn it.

>> No.8920613

So,did somebody looked into the article with Kisume ? I dunno,it seemed weird to me.

>> No.8920672


How many words do you want to read about this? Multiply your answer by 50, that thread will still have more.

>> No.8920791

>It is however stated in her profile that since she was sealed off by humans who feared her and was rescued by youkai who admired her, it is natural to think that she might hold some grudges against humanity.

Acting like this is a bad thing. Like other humans wouldn't feel the same way. And despite that, is she being feared for only that reason? This is just pathetic.

>> No.8920806

Huh? Youkai have human bodies now?

No idea where you guys get this stuff from... I mean, just because they have vaguely human appearances in Touhou, doesn't mean a thing. In the first place, many of those youkai never looked like that in the past. In other words, this isn't their true form. They've disguised themselves.

Which, of course, there is all kinds of mythological precedence for this. Youkai disguising themselves as humans is nothing new.

Appearance in Touhou literally means almost nothing. Just look at how their eye colors change all the time. Do you think that only happened because ZUN forgot what eye color they have? No. This is a place where magic exists, so isn't that a far more logical explanation?

>> No.8920874

Let's say, Ran, for example.

Fox lady. She has 9 tails and fox ears. But, as a fox, she also has ovaies. If she has grown strong enough to have an humanoid body, how is it not possible for her to still keep her ovaries functioning as well?

Allow me to remind you that fox youkai seduced/married human men and had kids with them. There is nothing stopping her from some day having a kid of her own if she hasn't already.

Hina and Medicine are dolls, though, so they might be sterile. Kappa also were known for raping human women and impregnating them, so Nitori might also be able to bear children.

>> No.8920900

Right, in many of the cases where youkai are born from living animals (human or not), it tends to be more reasonable to assume, at least.

I don't know, something about that Okuu comment really rustled my jimmies. But I guess it doesn't really matter.

>> No.8920920


>Right, in many of the cases where youkai are born from living animals

You mean... like... Okuu? Birds have ovaries.

>> No.8921014
File: 367 KB, 1000x765, 1334591848034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, maybe since Okuu is a HELL RAVEN she can probably bathe in solar radiation and suffer nothing from it. She might give off lots of radiation to those near her, but her kids (as well as her organs) are immune to it as well.

Now, as for Yuuka... she is pretty much a dryad. I doubt she can reproduce normally with a human being. I suspect she might be a very large flower with a humanoid shape.

>> No.8921015

Are all of Satori's pets HELL pets?

>> No.8921018

Could this become /jp/'s first over1000 thread?

>> No.8921021

She lives in Hell.
Most of he pets are outcasts or sent to Hell at some point.
Her known pets normally are seen in hell or battlefields with lots of corpses.
She is not known for venturing out of her hellhole.

So very likely yes.

>> No.8921032
File: 1.03 MB, 971x1359, 1299209040104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taken from Koishis profile
>However, just don't try provocative acts. It is because if by any slim chance, she recovers as a youkai satori, nobody would benefit.

Akyuu is such a bitch.
She is right, it's the best for Koishi to stay that way but there is swinging so much racism with that statement.
She is basicly saying:"These damn mindreader youkais are a threat to us!"
Surely it would benefit Satori

We have huge threads every year for the big cons.

I'd like to see a little boy hellhound/cerberus touhou

>> No.8921036

N-no thank you

>> No.8921046

Keep your shota fetish outta of touhou.

>> No.8921057

;_; sorry.
I just thought some variety would be cool, and it's hard to believe that all of her pets are female.
At least that's how it is in my gensokyo

>> No.8921061
File: 122 KB, 850x796, 1307031134209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REMEMBER: Akyuu is a bitter, bitter soul, never being able to forget their cycle of death and reincarnation, having an adult mind stuck in a dying child's body. She WILL shit on others in her book for a variety of reasons

>> No.8921070

Slander! Recording accurate information about the many powerful beings in Gensokyo is surely the most important thing to her. She has no agenda and her reputation will be tainted forever if she is caught lying.

>> No.8921144

Some of these back stories are so sad.
I expect a rise white knighting over the next two Comikets..
Well its now after official release time. Any new scans? Nothing new since last night seems to have been posted on the Wiki

>> No.8921168
File: 96 KB, 500x336, 1314401398715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can already see tens of doujins about how self inserts of the artists make Koishi recover faith in humanity.

>> No.8921176

Or mindbreaking her even further, given how the fanon is.

>> No.8921191

Both is bad.
She is fine the way she is.
If you don't love her for who she is how can you say that you love her at all?

>> No.8921232

90% will try to insist that faith in humanity can be restored through sex

>> No.8921237
File: 18 KB, 178x197, 1332601350778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want more Gourmet Koishi

>> No.8921297
File: 110 KB, 600x800, toho2ch22843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well looks like someone got the book and boy does it look like some BIG SHIT is about to happen in Gensokyo!

We're talking about the future of Gensokyo itself is hanging in the balance... all due to the new religions that are in play.

Basiclly the book is devided into 6 sections:

1. What the new faction (the Taoists?) brings to Gensokyo;

2. The current status of the world outside Gensokyo;

3. Youkai before and now;

4. The current status and future of the hated one (Byakuren?);

5. Is religion and faith necessary in Gensokyo;

6. Talks about youkai extermination from now on

I smell something dark this way coming... ZUN got something brewing and it smells of awesome.

Also have some Hina http://msnkkan.blogspot.com.au/2012/04/wheel-of-fate-is-turning_28.html

>> No.8921312
File: 943 KB, 1337x1298, 1319426676250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taboos are "pretending to not see Hina", "not walking the same path as her", and "do not start a conversation topic yourself". If one breaks the taboo(s), misfortune will befall that person.

This is even worse than Koishi.

>> No.8921319

This thread went so nicely at first. Now it's
>"No I can impregnate my favourite 2hu you dirty secondary!"
and powerlevels.

>> No.8921321


>We're talking about the future of Gensokyo itself is hanging in the balance

Hate to break it to you but this is just a sign that ZUN is getting ready to end Touhou since he's married now

>> No.8921331
File: 889 KB, 1000x1000, 26661633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't know about that, but I will say that it wouldn't surprise me. The world of Gensokyo has gotten vast and huge, and now with the religion groups in play, the smell of a gigantic event is about to unfold.

so it wouldn't surprise me if this is leading to a climax of sorts.

>> No.8921347

Miare are canonically destined to live short, frail lives.
They aren't even allowed to have social lives or personal experiences outside of their work, as to not mess the memories up. They are forgettable, disposable, only live for their job, and it's a pretty boring one at that.

Akyu is a tragic character and in her writings everyone else in the world outside is dangerous and hostile. She describes stupid fairies like some sort of demon, and she was always biased against the youkai, being a weak human in the human village.

>> No.8921359

There are several canonical records of men in Gensokyo. Howerever not of half-breeds.

In the first place youkai are originally birthed into the world through belief and faith.
Rinnosuke could be just like Sanae.

>direct descendant
That's wrong.
The Moriya became her descendants solely through faith just like the real Moriya.

>> No.8921364

Looks more to me like she's just saying something along these lines:
"Hey, if you do something that would piss her off (just not on a subconscious level), and she recovers as a satori later, she's going to realize it and you might be in danger."

In short, it's not necessarily a bad thing that she might recover. It's just a bad thing for you, because of what you did.

Of course, it should still be possible to piss someone off on a subconscious level, so even if she doesn't "recover" (that word makes her sound like she has some kind of disease... and clearly it is nothing of the sort), you could still piss her off.

For example: Let's say you go up to her and you somehow manage to slice her arm off. That's obviously going to piss her off, whether she's returned to her original state or not, you see?

>> No.8921365

Someone didn't read Memorizable Gensokyo...

>> No.8921373

People like that, are the very reason why I have pretty much no faith in humanity left.

>> No.8921390

>She describes stupid fairies like some sort of demon
No, she says that their pranks sometimes go too far, and that they are always playing pranks, so watch out for them.
>she was always biased against the youkai
No. Explain yourself.

>They aren't even allowed to have social lives or personal experiences outside of their work, as to not mess the memories up.
Can I ask for the source on this?

>> No.8921388


So now you're saying that Suwako did in fact have a child at some point?

Honestly I don't know why this is such a horrifying prospect to people.

>> No.8921395

You cannot be the fucking direct ancestor of the curse goddess (Suwako) if you became known as living goddesses of the wind goddess (Kanako).

The only way that would happen is if Suwako's half-human offspring began using the half-divine powers in their blood, then people MISTOOK their powers as the blessings of Kanako.
Meaning that humans mistakenly thought the Kochiya bloodline started from Kanako but it actually came from SuwaSuwa. That is why Kanako is not Sanae's direct ancestor and Suwako is.

IF they were raised to the status of living gods JUST because of them creating miracles, then Kanako should be Sanae's direct ancestor. But that's not how it worked out in canon. Suwako is her direct ancestor, not Kanako.

>> No.8921423

Just look at her and you should know

>> No.8921437


Wow. Hina embodies the hedgehog's dilemma.

>> No.8921457

so many girls in need love, needing to be rescued!

>> No.8921455

> living goddesses of the wind goddess (Kanako).
Kanako was channeling Suwako's power and the fear towards her. The faith was directed towards Suwako.

The real Moriya became descendants through faith by taking care of the shrine for many generations until they adapted the name.
There is no way Zun didn't know that when creating MoF.

>> No.8921471

Taking on the name of a shrine =/= you're a distant descendant of a goddess

>using real world stories that are in no way supernatural at all and applying it to our wonderful Gensokyo goddess Suwako
You faggot.

>> No.8921482

>The heir of Are is born only for editing books.
>Her brain is well developed but her body is weak. She's unfortunate for having a short life even amongst the short-lived humans.
>There's one thing wrong in this paper. In truth, the only memories left from the past generations (of Miare) are those related to the Gensokyo Chronicles.


Either she doesn't go out much or their personal memories get magically deleted. Also they do die at a rqther young age for having frail bodies.
And being stuck in a fucking village surrounded by your enemies would make you pretty damn biased, right?

>> No.8921480

The faggot I replied to.

>> No.8921475

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8921490
File: 622 KB, 1000x1000, 23838961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it funny that people want to think Suwako didn't fuck a dude. She fucked a dude. Sanae inherited her divinity because of it, now she's half-human, half-goddess.
Deal with it.

>> No.8921497

The only thing that was stated is that Suwako is Sanae's ancestor. This can mean plenty of different things.

Deal with it.

>> No.8921505

But I don't know what I'll do when it's over ;_;

>> No.8921514

An ancestor she inherited powers from, as well as divinity. Also, distant descendancy.

>> No.8921519

>fags want Suwako to be pure
Why? That doesn't even make sense? She's a several thousand year old goddess from the Japanese pantheon of gods that like to fuck.

>> No.8921524
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1333665603688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The took on the name of the shrine and became the descendants through faith.

There is much more to the whole story, but reproducing it here is a waste of time as you just want to stir up shit. >>8921490
I don't know if Suwako fucked a dude of not nor do I care, but I know that Sanae is not a product of it.

>> No.8921520

Baaah. I'll believe that when I see it.

>> No.8921531


Canon and fanon works together probably puts Touhou amongst the most prolific series ever, if not the most prolific, and it's not even finished yet. I'd wager it'll be a long time before there are no Touhou things left to "do".

>> No.8921527

They're 少女病キモイ, that's why.

>> No.8921530

Where did this story come from, anyway?

>> No.8921536
File: 303 KB, 434x608, 161461eacbf9bd874cd0a2349bbca071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't shit.

>> No.8921544

Write ZUN increasingly threatening letters every day

>> No.8921543

He took the real world story from where ZUN based the Moriya shrine and literally think it applies to actual canon.

That's like saying Alexander the Great actually is the descendant of Hercules even if there's no real proof of it.

>> No.8921550

My great grandfather is my ancestor. My greatgrandfather fucked my greatgrandmother at some point. Decades later, me, Anon, posts in /jp/ thanks to that.

Now, when I read "ancestor":

Sanae is currently Kanako's Shrine Maiden, but the reason she can create miracles is because she is >Suwako's distant descendant. Despite this, she does not seem to understand why there are two gods within her own shrine.


子孫 = Offspring/descendant.

I hope that now that this has been resolved we can move on. Suwako met some human man, had a child, and these bloodlines are why Sanae can perform miracles.

>> No.8921552
File: 217 KB, 500x500, 3a4b3b5a584e4033cbc41804b3314b70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, Moreya were a bunch of Japanese that coopted the Shrine and "became divine".

What this freak won't understand is that ZUN actually made them divine due to being real descendants of a goddess in his story. He also changed the name by one syllabus. This guy up here can't separate reality from ZUN's fiction apparently.

>> No.8921563

Hmmm. Your interpretation is just as valid as mine, so I won't say you're wrong when you say that she isn't allowed to do anything outside of her job.

However, my interpretation goes like this:

Those memories aren't deleted, but are simply not carried over by the ritual she performs. Of course, her body is still weak and her lifespan isn't very long, but she is allowed to have a personal life.

I would like to clear up one thing, though. In Memorizable Gensokyo, Akyuu mentions some details about a possible personal life: she says that rather than humans, it would be better for her to get to know the long-lived youkai, who will still be around when she next reincarnates.

At the very least, since she wants to befriend youkai, I can't see how she would be biased against them.

>> No.8921559

>separate reality from ZUN's fiction
In some circles, that's hard to do...

>> No.8921560

This is the first time I ever heard about descendants being related through FAITH.
Suwako is the virgin mary and this thread is about quoting our holy bible the wikia.

Hey guise, just a heads up, Akyu once described Rumia's power of generating darkness as a huuuuge danger, only to reiterate later when she blindly hits her face against a tree, that well, maybe she's just a bumbling idiot.

Akyu thinks everyone is a threat and should be exterminated, buried, etc. Rinosuke thought a gba sp was a portal to hell. Take it easy guys.

>> No.8921571

You seem to be implying that divine beings MUST reproduce in the same way that humans do, or else it's simply impossible and non-canon.

>> No.8921583

There are many stories of gods reproducing by actions or a simple touch.

>> No.8921576

You seem to be implying that you're in denial.

>> No.8921597


in this case, a dick simply touching a pussy

>> No.8921601 [DELETED] 

I already told you there is more to it.
If you want more than just stirring up shit, you need to investigate for yourself a bit. Wikipedia won't do.

You see, sometimes Zun thinks a lot more about his characters than your favourite preggers doujin artist, you see.

>> No.8921605

I already told you there is more to it.
If you want more than just stirring up shit, you need to investigate for yourself a bit. Wikipedia won't do.

You see, sometimes Zun thinks a lot more about his characters than your favourite preggers doujin artist.

>> No.8921604

Why'd you say "you see" twice in the same sentence?

>> No.8921606

>Akyu once described Rumia's power of generating darkness as a huuuuge danger
Okay, let's look at what the article actually says.
>Threat level: Medium
>Rumia falls into the weaker category of youkai

And despite this...
>Akyu thinks everyone is a threat and should be exterminated, buried, etc.
No. Are you an idiot? It's only now, in the time of her current incarnation, that youkai are no longer a huge threat to humans, and Akyuu acknowledges this. For that reason, she has said that her Chronicle, which was originally for the purpose of warning humans about youkai, is no longer very useful at all.

Youkai, in the past, were the very definition of the term "monster." If you don't even know that...

>> No.8921613
File: 47 KB, 518x438, zeus-alcmena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you mean certain judeochristian deity, most of the other deities resorted to good ol' fucking.

>> No.8921623

This is Japan. Where gods reproduce by fucking and penis statues are celebrated.

>> No.8921629

I'm terribly sorry to burst your bubble, but even in Japanese mythology, Izanagi gave birth to Susanoo by washing his nose.

That's just one example.

You guys need to take your shit elsewhere.

>> No.8921626

wasn't it alcmene?

>> No.8921637

We are not talking about Greek gods here.
Gensokyo was part of Japan.

>> No.8921635

No, you need to take your denial elsewhere.

>> No.8921638 [DELETED] 

I need your help guys:

>> No.8921645


>> No.8921651

He didn't care enough to read up on the shrine this was based on. He is not looking for discussion, but only wants to canonify his favourite pregger doujins.

>> No.8921657

I need your help, guys:

>> No.8921661
File: 35 KB, 241x287, 1331763451605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, let's take a look at your reasoning:

-We have evidence that many Japanese gods were born by sexual reproduction.
-We also have evidence of many non-sexual births in the same branch of mythology, but let's ignore that.
-Any opinion and/or interpretation that differs from my own is wrong! This is obviously canon just because I want some Suwako porn and don't want to have to feel bad about it!

>> No.8921665

Yeah, and Zeus gave birth to Athena by thinking too hard. Doesn't mean he didn't enjoy dicking the occasional broad.

>> No.8921673

Greek gods are completely irrelevant.

>> No.8921672 [DELETED] 

Well you're forgetting we're talking about japanese Confusian work politics here, and your interpretation sounds like a western one.
>born ONLY for editing books.
In Asian terms that means that you literally have no life.
Everything else points to her being a reserved workaholic.

She's friends with Keine and Rinnosuke though, so she's probably mentioning Mokou in that line you cited?
Every other youkai to her is supposed to be exterminated.

>> No.8921680
File: 57 KB, 457x546, JesusClearsTemple3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your examples are all gods born from gods.

Sanae is a demigoddess. Half human, but still a deity on her own right.

Picture: Jesus(another demigod) exterminating youkai.

>> No.8921688

>Well you're forgetting we're talking about japanese Confusian work politics here
Maybe so, but people in Gensokyo take it easy and have tea together after they finish beating each other up.

>> No.8921692

Final boss of Touhou will be Jesus (the real one not that seirensen bitch) and extra will be feminism liberating all women from the evil patriarchal oppression of the player.

Then ZUN loses all his copyrighted work that he didn't make to his bitch of a wife in a bad lawsuit and commits sudoku.

>> No.8921691

>Every other youkai to her is supposed to be exterminated.
Whoa, slow down, it seems like Akyuu wants to paint youkai in a good light, rather than slander them. She sees herself as a bridge between human and youkai, and is on friendly terms with Yukari.

>> No.8921710
File: 139 KB, 958x660, 1335549963045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While were on the subject of the Moriya Shirne....anyone notice this about Sanae's hair?

>> No.8921716

Those are some really clean strokes

>> No.8921714

>basing everything on reality
The reason they're divine is because Sanae is the actual descendant (子孫) of Suwako. That is a deviation from the actual history of a bunch of people declaring they're divine because people thought it to be so.

Reality =/= Fiction

By your logic, Hercules fucking existed and Alexander really is his descendant just because his mother said so.

>> No.8921725

I still don't get it. Why do people not want Sanae to actually be Suwako's great(x3829)-granddaughter?

>> No.8921722

Exactly. Now let's look at a very simple scenario.

1. So, here we have god A. He dusts off his clothes and god B somehow spawns from that.
2. Now, god B decides that he wants to fuck a human, so he does that and starts a line of demigods.
3. Somewhere down the line, demigod #234 (Sanae) is born.

Unlike you guys, I'm not trying to say that my interpretation is canon because of some delusion that my opinion is fact, or something. I'm simply giving possibilities.

>> No.8921729

Right... because we keep seeing Suwako making new children with her every move now, don't we?

>> No.8921740

That's what he just said.

>> No.8921737

Or... we can just stick with simple shit. Suwako fucked a dude, now she has a bunch of half-human descendants.

>> No.8921746

Not really, she's firmly on human side all along.

Though the extermination part is just a leftover from previous editions. She admits she left it in simply because she didn't know what else to write at times.

>> No.8921747

She just needs to interact with a pregnant woman to transfer some divinity to the unborn child. There are many possibilities like this that fit Japanese mythology.

>> No.8921760


Because Suwako must be a pure maiden who has never known the touch of a filthy man.

>> No.8921758

>denial about suwako having sexual relations with a man

>> No.8921776

I wish Azuma did Sanae's, then she would have her adorable ahoge.

>> No.8921789


>> No.8921868

>She admits she left it in simply because she didn't know what else to write at times.
I'm sorry, but this is simply wrong. Yes, youkai do not pose as much of a threat as they used to in the past. However...

>Humans have no greater enemy than youkai.
~Youkai article

Let's think about this for a moment.

You are a human, who was born in the Human Village some years ago. You are the 9th Child of Miare, so your job is to collect information regarding the nature of supernatural beings in Gensokyo. In fact, the humans have no greater source of information about them than the Chronicle you are about to write. Naturally, since this is your job, you should be privy to no small amount of information: Not only do you have contact with many of the humans in the village (who have lived there all their lives), but you also have a number of outside sources at your disposal: Marisa, Reimu, and even Yukari have come to visit you at least once, and added their information to yours. There aren't many who would know more about the current state of youkai in Gensokyo than those 3. And on top of that, you've got Keine.

Can you see how she should at least have a very good idea of whether youkai in general tend to pose any kind of threat to humans? We're not talking about any specific youkai, here. Just something like "how often is it that youkai attack humans?" It isn't as though she's been living under a rock, here. But this much should be common knowledge among the humans, so how could she fail to know?

>> No.8921982

>In addition, I received a great number of requests from youkai (*2), so what started out as a guide to help humans defend themselves from youkai was, before I knew it, a manual for youkai to help others learn about them.

>2: Such as, "Make me sound stronger", or "What do you think of this power?"

>In fact, a number of the youkai threat levels have been inflated somewhat in this volume.

>Still, the fact that we've entered into an age where there is practically no more use for the Gensokyo Chronicles means that this is a new, ideal era for both humans and youkai.

~PMISS Monologue

That's because Akyu herself admits to being an unreliable narrator who takes suggestions from youkai and admits to exaggeration on threat levels. Zun loves using unreliable narrators. He loves them so much he went back and made Rinnosuke one when the CoLA was released as a single book.

>> No.8922019

Are you talking about this?
>By the way, Rinnosuke's supposed vast storage of knowledge comes almost entirely out of thin air. Indeed, he doesn't know nearly as much as he thinks he does. If you read closely, you'll notice a lot of wild, meta ideas, but I think that's supposed to be the joke.

That was pretty obvious while reading them.

>> No.8922022

I do understand this, but there is a difference between lying about something that is common knowledge and something that few humans would know.

If you lie about something that's common knowledge, everyone will know, and your work will no longer have even a shred of credibility. Absolutely no one would believe anything in it, unless they're an idiot.

Inflating individual threat levels is completely different from saying "Humans have no greater enemy than youkai" when they are, in fact, not an enemy at all.

>> No.8923506

That picture is glorious.

>> No.8923565

I always wonder why Ran looks so darn serious, though.

>> No.8923563

>Using the custom of people transferring their misfortune to dolls that are thrown into rivers to her advantage, Hina recovers these dolls downstream and sucks the misfortune off them.
>She is surrounded by hina dolls as a result and that's where the page ends.

>> No.8923637

Ran is a personification of the "sandwich generation"
That part of the middle class of modern day Japan that are caught raising their children and caring for their parents at the same time.
A lot of 60something Japanes retirees, freed from the responsibilities of raising kids and going to work 50+ hours a week regress into a kind of adolecescent behavior. The sleep a lot, drink too much, spend too much money, and won't do house work, but continue to demand "respect" from their kids. Exactly like Yukari.
Meenwhile there are also actual kids in the house that the parents are trying to discipline but the grandparents are lying around, or getting into trouble, providing bad examples if not outright enabiling the kids or spoling them with gifts (Yukari and Chen).
Meanwhile the current working generation gets stuck with the bills, and the legal problems of both their parents and kids bad behavior.

>> No.8923657
File: 304 KB, 980x840, 24593021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds about right.

>> No.8923674

Shikigami are not children. In the first place, there is no "Yakumo family." Shikigami are tools. They are programmed to act a certain way. In fact, if you want to get technical, shikigami are the formulas programmed into them. Yukari programs Ran, and Ran programs Chen. Ran serves Yukari and receives power from her, and Chen serves Ran and receives power from her. That's how it is.

In the first place, youkai usually do not have families like humans do. They usually do not have to deal with meaningless government-related/legal shit. They also are (probably) not nearly so worried about appearances/pretense as humans usually are.

>> No.8923708

They act like a family in the official works.

>> No.8923748


I'm not that guy, but Yukari beats Ran for not obeying her in BAiJR. Also you probably didn't read SSiB, because Yukari treats Ran like shit there, ordering her around without explaining anything of what was going on.

>> No.8923762

All I remember is what I saw in SSiB, CiLR, and BAiJR, which doesn't make me inclined to agree with you. However, perhaps there is another official work I haven't read yet, or perhaps your definition of "family" is just completely different from mine.

>> No.8923812
File: 341 KB, 849x1200, oriental_sacred_place_12_23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about you but going to a festival at Reimus shrine together is pretty damn close to family stuff. That or friends.

>> No.8923831

Thats because a lot of the sandwich generation think that their parents treat them like shit.
They abuse the Confucian ideal of "respecting" your parents and elders after you are yourself an adult and turn it into "obeying".
Ran getting physically beaten is symbolic of the guilt tripping and psychological abuse a lot of Japanese feel from the parents they are housing and supporting.

>> No.8923832
File: 5 KB, 83x81, 1335583521071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did I even come.

>> No.8923835

She's smiling though.

>> No.8923840

I like all the yuurei hanging out there. Seems like they get to take it easy

>> No.8923843

+ Byakuren's gradient hair confirmed.
+ Byakuren's confirmed for healthiest motheru.
+ Healthy Minoriko.

- Flat Mamizou.
- Flat Sanae.
- No tail Orin.
- Flat Kanako
- Evil Kisume
- Murasa not using shorts.
- Hina's Hime-ish haircut.

Dang, I have mixed feelings about these portraits and about some profiles, but it was time for us to get some facts confirmed (or refuted).

>Parsee: Medium/Nothing
But I want her to be a threat~

>Mamizou: High/Very High
Yes, drinking match is a GO.

>...she is also unable to be liked by anyone.
>When she disappears from one's field of vision, one immediately forgets her.
... I wanted "Chirei de" to be canon. ;_;

Please don't say such things.

Well, it's too late for my brain to make a mildly intelligent conclusion and I'm overwhelmed by this, so for now I'll keep my shitty theories for myself.


>> No.8923845

In SPm or what ever the acronym is. It stats that if you do talk to her she seems cheerful and happy. But just look at her profile pic.

>> No.8923859

If there's something, then they're saggy as hell.

>> No.8923856

Families where all the kids are adopted are still families.
Chosing someone as your shikigami can be seen as a form of adoption.
UNLESS you CHOSE to dehumanise them and see them only as raw materials to be made into a machine.
Its not an invalid point, but fundamentally it hangs on whether you see a wild fox youkai child or a kitten as a individual, concious, thinking being or as a unthinking animated pile of meat.

>> No.8923853
File: 199 KB, 1330x895, 1335369767116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>- Flat Sanae.

She's just wearing a baggy shirt. There's definitely something there.

>> No.8923883

Meh, her shrine maiden uniform seems pretty loose and assuming she wears a sarashi, she probably still has something, though since she technically still a teen, it's probably less than the gigantic proportions much of fanon likes to give her.

>> No.8923888

...Or they're just not as big as fanon portrays them. There are curves there though.

>> No.8923886

but NOT more something there than Reimu.
And a sarashi flattens the figure, Sanae we should assume wears a bra of some kind.
(plus the Sanae character design is the PC98 era long hair Reimu with a color pallett swap and different hair orniments-ZUN did not spend much time on her, just mearly found a way to bring a design he was fond of back into use)

>> No.8923901

Canon Sanae doesn't have nose.

>> No.8923984

No, there's nothing or nearly nothing. The bagginess starts too low

>> No.8923990

No, there's obviously the shape of breasts under the fabric.

>> No.8924002

Your brightness is set too high

>> No.8924011

No, I'm pretty sure that I can clearly see it start to bag at about her armpits, and concave back in where the bottom of her breasts are. They're there, whether you like it or not.

>> No.8924020
File: 21 KB, 380x320, alleged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be mistaken for jpg artifacts.

>> No.8924059

I'm pretty sure the point of that post was to laugh at the idea of deducing appearance details from drawings like this one.

>> No.8924057

Can you please outline them so we can see how ridiculous they look

>> No.8924067

Deducing appearance details of a character from a drawing of said character? That's crazy talk.

>> No.8924074
File: 304 KB, 1330x895, fdsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done being retarded now?

>> No.8924111
File: 23 KB, 800x473, 1311943761146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could draw the silhouette of a submachine gun and still make sense under those clothes, stop arguing about that, it's impossibe to see if she has breast or not in that image, also you draw her with old woman tits.

>> No.8924114

Her shirt wouldn't curve out in that manner if she didn't have breasts under there. Fuck off.

>> No.8924119
File: 1.00 MB, 1694x2476, img012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, guys... it's not like it's the only drawing of Sanae we have...

So, yeah, there's no nose.

>> No.8924126

The clothing also expands from behind, does that means she has tits in her back? Deal with it, you can't prove or deny if she has tits in that image.

>> No.8924132

I'm not talking about the bottom of the shirt expanding, I'm talking about the part where her tits are. Which has a strange breast-shaped curve to it. I wonder why?

>> No.8924147

I'm not telling if she has tits or not, probably she has if you look at>>8924119, but in that image her outfit is inflated, like air's blowing from below, thing that makes sense since she lives in a mountain, thus hiding any possible shape proving if there's tits or not.

>> No.8924150
File: 269 KB, 1100x1600, wild_and_horned_hermit_ch05_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanae appears to have very small breasts.
Shes not flat but shes not even at normal size either. Seems like your average Japanese high school female.

>> No.8924160

Well I was arguing with someone saying that she was canonically flat, so when you stepped in, I figured that's what you were arguing as well.

>> No.8924621


>> No.8924633

dude are you kidding

>> No.8925049

I don't think you know what penultimate means.

>> No.8925259

is the thread dead?

>> No.8925293

No, just asleep.

>very small breasts
>like your average Japanese high school female

Decide on one.

They simply look perfectly normal to me. The way breasts should look like, unlike those water baloons or sagging bags of fat you often see in porn. If that's "very small", then I guess that puts me in the "no breasts on Touhous thank you" group.

>> No.8925345

Very small != bad
Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.8925400
File: 58 KB, 791x667, 661585c1b2a55fa68eac6689edb1625e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's happening on the translation front? How about that page with all the left out characters?

>> No.8925436
File: 1.19 MB, 1488x1000, 1259144415358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Byakuren's profile has gotten an official translation now.

The summary given before was pretty accurate. Long story short, shady Buddhist magician is shady. And her youkai friends don't really follow the code of Buddhism unlike her.

Also some indepth looks into her magic and her scroll.


>> No.8925470

Now this is very interesting. Although I don't really get why Byakuren is friendly even with youkai that desire power and these things. I guess she takes it too easy.

>> No.8925510

At first I thought that she would start some shit up and return as a final boss for the next game, but perhaps she will get assassinated by some power hungry youkai in the prologue instead.

>> No.8925511

Byakuren practically went ass first into youkaidom because of her fear of death and her sudden liking of youkai was seen as hypocrisy and heresy.

She's probably just really attached to them now after the humans sealed hear for millenia, more so than they would feel comfortable with apparently.

>> No.8925550

What exactly was the story of Byakuren? She feared death and sought to become a youkai/mage, and tried to gather as much youkai as possible. What comes after? I've been seeing it bit by bit so I'm not sure of the right order of things.

>> No.8925554

>Although I don't really get why Byakuren is friendly even with youkai that desire power and these things

If you think about it. That's just about the most logical course of action. Byakuren is trying to build a better relationship between human and youkai here. Tolerant to differences is only correct. Although she's trying to change the way they think, the first step is still to understand and respect individual differences. Changing comes later when you have gained trust.

>> No.8925557
File: 1009 KB, 1630x841, 133325952772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No tail Orin

Remember Orin is a kasha, not a cat. Neither is Chen. As youkai they simply resemble felines.

>> No.8925559


...which is to say that there's no reason for them to resemble cats 100%. I'm disappointed but not surprised.

>> No.8925577

She was afraid of Death since her brother died, so she started learning shady magic spells to strengthen her body and eventually she became a youkai.

As a youkai she begun helping other youkai to maintain her magic and gained reputation with them while disguising as a youkai exterminator. By then Byakuren already had a cult of youkai followers.

When her youkai nature was exposed to humans she was sealed in Makai and well, you know the rest (UFO)

>> No.8925601

welp thanks, was reading Byakuren's profile translation and got confused.

>> No.8925612

lrn 2 read pls

No matter how I read it, it sounds like Akyuu in her usual xenophobe mode more than anything that would actually compromise Byakuren's image. "Be wary, she's different than us!"

>And her youkai friends don't really follow the code of Buddhism

Note this was about "youkai that visit her temple", not ones that live in it. It's unlikely to refer to Ichirin or Shou, rather, it's referring to whoever attends whatever ceremonies and rituals Buddhists have. Basically, welcome to every organized religion ever.

>> No.8925618

I'll keep assuming she's just keeping her tails under that wide, puffy skirt of hers.

Until I'm proven wrong, that is. And given that it'd require an upskirt shot in official media, I'm unlikely to be proven wrong in the foreseeable future.

>> No.8925621
File: 16 KB, 500x346, tHATS NICE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine anon. You can believe what you want. If you believe strong enough it will be less fake.

>> No.8925676

I'm not sure Akyuu is as xenophobic as you say, and it's not like Byakuren would ask her to make her sound untrustworthy, but if Byakuren is really a honest person with good intentions it must be really hurtful for her to read her own profile in this book ;_;

>> No.8925736

Okay that's just ridiculous, if you don't want to accept characters for what they are, might as well call off all profiles. Akyuu isn't 100% accurate all the time but she isn't ''the opposite'' or ''she's a human who hates dem filthy youkais'', because WHY ELSE would ZUN make these books? Literally no reason but to inform the public about character depth.

I'm still waiting on Okuu and Satori's profile, maybe we'll finally get the whole reason behind ''after awakening from a big sleep, chireiden suddenly appeared and was adopted by Satori'' thing for the former, and also what happened to her after Kanako replaced her with cold fusion.

>> No.8925753


> but if Byakuren is really a honest person with good intentions it must be really hurtful for her to read her own profile in this book
Well, that's a difficult question, really. I can imagine how Byakuren picks up that book and reads all this "shady magician is shady, no buddhist code, killers and man-eaters etc". Should be fun. Yeah.

What the hell Akyu is thinking about? Myoren temple is even located near the village! Sheesh.

>> No.8925806

I thought Akyu's basically saying "just watch out wherever you go in Gensokyo, good or not".

>> No.8925823
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That's right. I am sure the kind heart and wise Hijiri Byakuren would most certainly unable to tolerant such a terrible misunderstanding.

>> No.8925839

Are you trying to be sarcatic here? Evil and murderous Byakuren will be quite angry at Akyu too, I daresay. Because she's trying to convince her followers that she is nice and helpful, no?

>> No.8925851
File: 78 KB, 356x425, no dad namusan time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8925854

>if you don't want to accept characters for what they are

I'm really not sure what your point is, since you don't seem to be replying to what has been posted (no-one said anything about Akyuu's factual accuracy, for example). But if you're claiming that Byakuren's article doesn't put her in a good light, you're the one being ridiculous here.

>> No.8925900

why are you still asleep? Wake up already!

>> No.8925906
File: 103 KB, 600x600, 24087724.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we are talking about an evil and wicked Byakuren then I'm suppose you are correct.

This is just a guess but I think the point is that anon was displeased that people denounce Akyuu and take too much liberty in their interpretation. The fact that he quote two unrelated posts might as well be irrelevant because he was temporarily intoxicated with uneasiness.

>> No.8925908
File: 321 KB, 555x776, d686864846f4f43fa1003470fc8824e9-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok someone wrote up a small summary about Miko's first page in her profile. The information in this pretty much shows a contrast between her and Byakuren. I'm personally curious what the following content of Miko's profile has to offer... assuming the someone has gotten the book here yet.

Also some interesting tidbits about Nazrin, Shou, Yuugi, and some Bunbun and Kakashi Spirit News tidbits.


>> No.8925920

>+ Byakuren's gradient hair confirmed.
>+ Byakuren's confirmed for healthiest motheru.
>+ Healthy Minoriko.

>- Flat Mamizou.
>- Flat Sanae.
>- No tail Orin.
>- Flat Kanako
>- Evil Kisume
>- Murasa not using shorts.
>- Hina's Hime-ish haircut.

The artists drew ZUN's character portraits in their own style with only minor changes such as Sanae's hairstyle (which is not important, since hair style can change). What I'm saying is that Byakuren had gradient hair in the game (scroll or not), Rin's tails (if she has any) were not visible, Murasa wears a skirt (it's not clear in the portrait, but ZUN confirmed that in a UFO interview), so they are the same in this fanbook. All these were already canon when ZUN released the games. If Koakuma were drawn in this one, and ZUN told them to stick with the portait/sprite, Koakuma would then most likely only have one pair of wings (on her head).

(Field too long)

split into 2 parts

>> No.8925918


Orin really isn't a cat, but Chen is. She is a beast youkai, that's why the "tails = powerlevel/age" is valid for her. She just became a shikigami, like Ran.

Also, this makes me wonder why the "tails = powerlevel/age" thing does not work for Tewi. She is over a thousand years old after all...

>> No.8925922

>>8925920 part 2

ZUN may have told them to stick with the ingame portrait's depictions, but I highly doubt that ZUN told them the character's official breast sizes. I don't get why some assume that one fan artist's depiction of a character's breasts is canon because it is in an official book. This is also the origin of the Sakuya pad meme, since Alphes drew Sakuya with larger breasts in an official game. This doesn't mean that Sakuya's "canon" breasts are exactly as Alphes drew them or that she must have used pads. Rin may still have tails under her dress, or the tails were replaced by her twintails. It's open to your interpretation. However, if a commissioned artist decides to draw Rin with visible tails in this fanbook, people will think that this is canon. I'm happy that they didn't do that.

On the other hand, cameos in the official manga are not (closely) overseen by ZUN. I'm 100% certain that ZUN didn't tell Aki Eda to draw Lily twice (white and black), draw Ran with 8 tails, make the 3 fairies huge, have Alice and Medicine stand next to each other, etc. . Same for Koakuma food stand or the image in >>8923812.

>> No.8925925

Because you know nothing about youkai. How can someone be so misinformed?

Number of tails only applies to Kitsune, with a top of 9 tails and they don't symbolize power, they symbolise age, one tail every 100 years.
Nekomatas have always 2 tails, always, if they have one they are not nekomata yet, only neko.
Bunnies have only one tail, that's it, they are not some kind of youkai species they are antropomorphic bunnies.

>> No.8925932

There's also the difference between nekomata and bakeneko.

I know that there are (Japanese) stories of cats with more than 2 tails, but you can ignore this comment for now as I cannot cite any sources.

>> No.8925974

>I'm 100% certain that ZUN didn't tell Aki Eda to draw Lily twice

There were numerous art fixes in the tankoubon release. You'd figure things like that would have been fixed too.

Actually, maybe they were, I wouldn't know. Has anyone ever seen it? The tankoubon, or its scans, that is.

>> No.8925989

As the one you replied to, I have not seen either the tankoubon scan itself, nor a comparison of original and fixed version, but I'd like to.

>> No.8926108
File: 193 KB, 420x599, 420px-ThGKByakuren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow, after reading new stuff about Byakuren, I find her really intriguing. I wonder what made her like youkai more than humans..
Also, her eyes in the picture look somewhat scary. I can't be the only one who noticed that

>> No.8926115

Now it's dead, right?

>> No.8926146

So, is a full translation out ? If no, where should i lurk in hopes of finding one when it pops out ?

>> No.8926148
File: 287 KB, 628x1000, 1335359990694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite, information is coming in gradually and there's still plenty of discussion regarding the characters here and there. Trust me, /jp/'s a bit more active now with this book's release.

Also I'm surprised your all not talking about Yuugi's phenomenal sake cup, or Kanako's business like approach with faith, or Miko's constrast to Byakuren.

OR heck, what about the fact Kanako's building a trolley to help human villagers get to the Moriya Shrine!

>> No.8926172
File: 313 KB, 942x768, White Lotus Saint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people shouting "fear the evil overlord Hijiri Byakuren! The Anti-Youchrist!" when ZUN mentioned she's a "good person?"

>> No.8926178

What do you mean, phenomenal sake cup? I think I've missed this. ;_;

>> No.8926182

I was gonna point that out! At least we know Yuugi's sake cup has its own powers like Suika's gourd.

And Kanako is described as dashing? Now I wanna see some fabulous Kanako fanart

>> No.8926199
File: 719 KB, 2289x1600, 1316059720032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read my post here >>8925908

There's a link here to the article. It mainly covers Miko, but also mentioned other characters.

One being Yuugi. Long story short, her sake cup has the power to upgrade the quality of the alcoholic beverage poured into it. However it must be drank quick as it spoils quickly.

>> No.8926218

Yuugi needs to acquire Suika's gourd so she can have an inifinite amount of good quality sake!

>> No.8926223

>If you wish to attack her, you should probably aim for times when she's defenseless.
>There are youkai that are aiming for Hijiri's power, as well as those that target the humans visiting the graveyard.

So Akyuu knows there are less scrupulous youkai who want to take Byakuren's position, and yet she gives out advice to any would be assassins. What the hell Miare?

>> No.8926236


Who knows? Akyu could very well be the mastermind behind incidents, sneaking some info among the true facts, in an attempt to get the youkai to attack one another, getting rid of whatever she thinks is a threat to her...

>> No.8926237

Or they can just have a drinking party togeather.

>> No.8926240
File: 1.78 MB, 1200x1200, source-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But she is the "evil overlord", a lovely hermit once said she was. We can take her word....right?

>> No.8926243
File: 403 KB, 1149x759, Supersaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her magic is a body improving system. By chanting a spell, she can make her fists harder than steel.

>harder than steel


I want a Crisis On Infinite Gensokyo Event for some reason now.

Aya sacrifices herself near the end.

>> No.8926274
File: 208 KB, 500x700, 1059548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, that sounds pretty coo-
Nope, nevermind. Fuck that.

>> No.8926291

With all this new information things can go anywhere. In the bunbunmaru article, Aya states that shinigami are a hermits worst enemy, which is also quite interesting, since the taoists are hermits.

I want a showdown between Byakuren and Miko soon. I wouldn't mind if >>8926236 is turns out to be right, and Akyuu is revealed to be the main bad girl.

>> No.8926320

The English translation may say "hermit" for everyone, but they have different kanji. Did it say sennin?

>> No.8926345
File: 42 KB, 182x139, Aya after running faster than any living thing has ever existed trying to stop the Anti-Monitor from destroying the infinite universes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't worry, she'll live on as the embodiment of the Speed Force and Hatate will pick up where she left off as the new Fastest In Gensokyo.

>> No.8926351
File: 1.15 MB, 2479x3507, c21c3703620314418aa12f7e6683c5d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said no.

>> No.8926409
File: 216 KB, 420x450, Yuugi eating chocolate cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>According to Suika, Yuugi is physically stronger than her but she is better at magic and drinking


>> No.8926418

She's "Yuugi, the strong" after all.
So, Suika has unlimited sake = quantity = better at drinking
Yuugi has "rank up" = better quality
What's left for the other 2 deva?

>> No.8926439

After reading Satori's profile...I'm still not seeing how she's of such a high threat level.
You can't have conversations with her! THE HORROR!!
Also, she's a writer. Neat.

>> No.8926451 [DELETED] 

>Even within the Palace of the Earth Spirits Satori doesn't move much, mostly staying in her room reading and writing books. She especially loves stories with a lot of psychological detail. By reading and writing books, she can experience the same kind of excitement as the people whose minds she reads.
Satori confirmed for VN reading shut-in.

>> No.8926466

Incoming fanart of NEET Satori

>> No.8926471

I don't know. It doesn't look like the fanartists have reacted at all to this yet apart from a few Mystia+Kyouko images.

>> No.8926475

Give it time.

>> No.8926493
File: 198 KB, 600x600, 26861319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with those images of pyromaniac Futo wanting to burn down the buddhist temple?

>> No.8926496


Well, many options. If we assume Kasen really is the third, at least one of them gave up sake...

By the way, what about Kasen? I just remembered about her now. I hope a profile for her shows up. As one for Iku and Tenshi.

>> No.8926503

It's one of her spellcards(?).
Blaze Sign "Sakuraiji in Flames", involves Futo summoning a temple and then burning it down.

>> No.8926504

>She never shows any anger and gives the impression of a good-natured old grandmother.


>> No.8926526

Ah, I really want to know a lot more about Kasen... Though it's almost about confirmed that she might very well be one of the devas, I would like to know her own story.

>> No.8926567

>Although she's a terrifying youkai, luckily there's no chance you'll meet her. In the one-in-a-million event that you do meet her, it's safer to just act defiantly than to come up with any kind of terrible plan.

Lewd thoughts about Satori as weakness confirmed for Canon

>> No.8926568
File: 2.89 MB, 1680x1181, 26189588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As mentioned already by >>8926439
Satori's profile is offically translated.

Also the Wicked Hermit Seiga Kaku is now offically trasnalted.


Prepared to be stalked by a hermit.

>> No.8926594


So like a female Jesus.

>> No.8926599

Oh yes! I was waiting for Seiga's profile. Thanks for the heads up!

>> No.8926627
File: 229 KB, 700x984, 1323387238498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, basically Seiga is into tsundere.

>> No.8926642


>The rest of the premises are used by the pets. It's condition is similar to a zoo.

Jesus man, that's disgusting.

>> No.8926646

Seiga is a necro.

>> No.8926673

Satori's pets:
>According to Reimu Hakurei: "They're just well-treated slaves."

Welp, Chireiden doesn't seem like a happy family anymore.

>> No.8926675

Reimu is full of shit

>> No.8926690
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1080, 2bed7b5576e30895c9c7fcf0fb3eb794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A necromancer who's into tsundere. All the more to make her amusing.

Make you wonder if Miko was a tsundere. She must of been really interested in the prince to try to help her become a shikansen.

>> No.8926724

>An unusually annoying hermit

>> No.8926728
File: 399 KB, 1535x1661, Happypatchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



whoa slow down there before you jump to any conclusions!

>> No.8926731

I hope that Okuu's and Orin's profiles will get translated soon

>> No.8926743


Same. Especially if it'll give a little insight as to why Okuu is the only unknown/unknown on the list.

>> No.8926747

I have no idea whether you're just being ironic or what, but this looks way over the top.

Really, I have no idea what the deal is with all these "xenophobic Akyuu" comments. I know you guys have good intentions, you want all Touhous to be fundamentally good people and all, but you're not even making any sense at this point.

The truth is that Akyuu never said youkai were evil, or anything of the sort. In fact, she has openly displayed the intention of befriending youkai, and helping them to become more well-known to humans. I don't see any hostility there.

What she did say is that youkai are more individualistic, and therefore tend to be more self-centered, preferring not to work in groups. Most of them probably don't have the same concept of empathy that many humans do.

Does this mean they're all psychopaths who are out to kill all humans? Well, disregarding how ridiculous it is to label non-humans as "psychopaths," that is certainly not what's being said here! Stop jumping to conclusions and try to think clearly.

The main reason Akyuu gives for youkai attacking humans, is simply their desire for food. There is absolutely nothing good or evil about that, but she also said that they don't need to eat humans to survive, by any means, and in fact can eat a wide variety of foods. Not only that, she said that it would be a problem for the youkai if all the humans died out, so there is some need for them to coexist.

Anyway, this whole thing has rustled my jimmies, so prepare for a rant.

>> No.8926751


But this doesn't change the fact that, as she said, youkai tend to be stronger than humans. This is obvious, because they have a wide variety of supernatural powers, that humans are less likely to possess. Count the number of exceptionally strong humans in Touhou, and then count the number of exceptionally strong non-humans, and you should be able to get the idea.

Youkai in general, are beings that are widely known to value strength. They have a history of being seen as evil monsters and exterminated, and they don't usually organize themselves in groups, so wouldn't there be something to the effect of "Survival of the Fittest" ingrained into their very beings? 126 years isn't enough to change something like that. However, it is slowly beginning to change, because as you've seen, many of the youkai in official works don't seem to live like wild animals.

Even so, pretty much all people have some capacity to be a threat to any other person. This is true even for humans. And youkai are not only non-human (and therefore don't have the tie of being of the same species) but they do tend to be, as said, more individualistic. They also live long lives and therefore are more susceptible to boredom, which causes them to start weird incidents etc.

You can see how there would be some fear there. If a normal human came into contact with an exceptional youkai, they would probably be thinking something like "if I end up pissing them off, I just might die." Some caution IS necessary.

>> No.8926754


And then there's the non-exceptional youkai I mentioned. They're not very powerful, but they're also not very intelligent. They're far more common than the exceptional ones, and they really are like wild animals. Not only that, but humans generally taste good to them. Come on, they're everywhere in the games, so don't tell me they don't exist. You just slaughter them en masse like fairies. Of course, the protagonists are also exponentially stronger than normal humans, so they can do that. Your everyday human from the Village might have a bit of trouble.

And that probably doesn't help things, does it? You can see how they might be thinking things like "if the lesser youkai attack us like this, then what about the exceptional ones?"

And then there's these posts that I made earlier:

I also have to mention Yukari's philosophy. She's always saying that humans must fear youkai, right? If they do not, the youkai's power will drop. They may even face extinction, like what you see in Kyouko's article. And, as for youkai, their role is to attack humans, for that same reason. But of course, they don't need to kill the humans to do that.

It would be a mistake to think that youkai aren't a threat, you see? However, they are not nearly as much of a threat as they used to be. Right now... As said in WaHH chapter 9, many of them are more like particularly eccentric humans. But if you look at the pages after that, doesn't Reimu say that this isn't a good thing? They do need to at least fulfill their role of attacking humans.

Bottom line is, Akyuu is not a conspiracy theorist. Her message is simply "be careful." It isn't "they're all monsters and should be exterminated."

>> No.8926763

So you're one of those faggots who thinks "I have a Mexican friend, so there is no way I can be racist/xenophobic towards them!" Akyuu only trusts certain youkai, and I would be inclined to say she only trusts youkai that Marisa and Reimu told her were good. Just because Akyuu wants to befriend SOME youkai doesn't mean she views all youkai like that. Someone could befriend a dog and still be afraid of snakes, for example.

Go away please.

>> No.8926768


Let's not resort to name-calling and infighting.

>> No.8926772

You respond to a single one of my arguments and disregard all of the others. Nice.

I didn't say she trusts all youkai. Obviously not. Even though you're a human, do you trust all humans? That would be ridiculous.

>> No.8926778

>Without a trace of hostility towards humans, she's an ally of devils and youkai.

>leave humans to drown to help Murasa
>not hostile

>> No.8926800

Alright then, how about the fact that she slanders the reputations of youkai she has never met simply out of prejudice? How does she know so much about Satori, a youkai she has never met? Either she gets around, or she's simply making shit up.

>> No.8926805

Or, you know, heard it from the humans who were there?

>> No.8926845

But a lot of the things written about her wouldn't have been witnessed by the heroines either. Most likely she just heard slander from Yukari/Aya and wrote it down, along with whatever else she had known.

>> No.8926843

>Her message is simply "be careful." It isn't "they're all monsters and should be exterminated."

I'd be all behind this if it weren’t for this one bit on Byakuren's page:

>Her long life and ageless body are also the results of her magic. If you wish to attack her, you should probably aim for times when she's defenseless.

This isn't advice on how to avoid a Youkai or defend yourself from one. This is advice that can only be used to attack.

>> No.8926856

I really doubt that Reimu, Marisa, and Yukari are her only sources of information here. In Koishi's article, she makes it sound like she's had some form of contact with Satori, for example, because she said this:
>In actuality, she came above ground some time ago, but she was not reflected in anyone's eyes. If you get to know her older sister Satori's existence, you will also gradually get to know that Koishi's exists as well.

In the first place, she's the 9th Child of Miare, so it's very strange to think that she has no other sources of information. It was also said that many youkai came to visit her, for example:

Her name is also widely known. Even if she never left the village, wouldn't she have contact with many people?

But anyway:
>how about the fact that she slanders the reputations of youkai she has never met simply out of prejudice?
Can you give some examples? Because you just called this a "fact" and I'm not really seeing it. Even if she did say something bad about someone, how do you know it's out of prejudice? And if you're so sure that she hasn't met anyone, then wouldn't it be the case that she's basing everything on information she's received? Because outside of that information, she wouldn't know a thing about them.

In the first place, if you really saw someone as a threat, why would you just make up a bunch of lies and slander about them? That tends to be a bad idea. Not to mention that Memorizable Gensokyo just gives the impression that she's trying to spice things up a bit to make it an interesting book.

>> No.8926880

Hm... A fair point. I can't exactly offer any counter-argument for this one.

As for the rest of that article though, it sure didn't seem like slander to me. The fact is that Byakuren is a shady person, and if anything, she's even shadier than the article made her look. Even back when youkai were the "monsters" from those old stories we hear about, she was their ally.

>> No.8926886
File: 706 KB, 1385x1000, 6a9854f6f6ae4b78233213a932011281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miko: Low/Very High
My crown prince!

>> No.8926955 [DELETED] 

I can see it right now.

Seiga catches a glimpse of the secrets Kasen is hiding, and becomes interested, attaching herself to her and seeking to expose all of her past. Kasen is afraid of what people would think if the truth got out, knowing that it will ruin her Hermit disguise and being afraid of what people would think, and rises to the provocation.

A battle to the death ensues.

>> No.8926956

I like Miko after reading her bit in this. I couldn't feel her from TD. I really want to read those conversations.

>> No.8926962

I can see it right now.

Seiga catches a glimpse of the secrets Kasen is hiding, and becomes interested, attaching herself to her and seeking to expose all of her past. Kasen panics, knowing that it will ruin her Hermit disguise and being afraid of what people would think, and rises to the provocation.

A battle to the death ensues.

>> No.8926993
File: 439 KB, 1500x738, 40c118e525aebe189b92b9809298b2cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know of any good place to buy this book?
Amiami and Kinokunia were sold out last time I checked, and Amazon japan has really expensive shipping costs.

>> No.8926995
File: 315 KB, 489x388, 1335370935927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In fact, I got this very big impression that this might be very VERY possible. I'm getting the gut impression Seiga will likely appear during the final chapters of Wild and Horned Hermit to do exactly as you said.

>> No.8927054

Seiga takes a big interest in Kasen, causing her all kinds of anxiety, and when she finally gets found out, Seiga realizes she's not a human and gets bored and leaves her alone.

>> No.8927067

>If she becomes interested in any human or youkai, she'll immediately start sticking to them.
>human or youkai

She likes youkai too.

>> No.8927291

I know she's not that popular, but one character I'm personally very interested in is Tojiko.

I like her, but we don't know much about her and her threat/friend levels just gives me more questions.

>> No.8927299
File: 211 KB, 685x1011, Chinese Vampire with Japanese Ogre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Threat Level :Very High

>Human Friendship Level: Absolutely Nothing

Freaking Chinese Hopping Vampires, man.

>> No.8927307

i am okay with yoshika being a mindless flesh-eating zombie

>> No.8927321

I think this store ships internationally: http://www.bk1.jp/product/03545537

>> No.8927325


God damn it stop calling her a zombie. Seriously, you're insulting her.

>> No.8927335
File: 313 KB, 600x600, 28d4c9bb3544c09b43cd9aafe09ed7f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, based Anon.
Unfortunately I don't know who your favorite touhou is, so please accept this erotic bunny girl.

>> No.8927459

I know she's not actually a zombie, just making silly posts. No need to be so touchy

>> No.8927463

>Jiang Shi
>There's not much difference between them and vampires without brains

So Scarlet sisters confirmed for undead?

>> No.8927486

Vampires are undead, yes.

>> No.8927524

I just realized that Yoshika's threat level is more or less directly connected to Seiga not giving a fuck and just letting her cute pet do whatever she wants. Unless there's something else to be revealed that clarifies this isn't the case, of course.

>> No.8927534


Our vampires are different.

>> No.8927545

So do Seiga, Yoshika, Ichirin and Murasa not have pictures or are they just not on the wiki yet?

>> No.8927559

Check the thread in the OP

>> No.8927568
File: 233 KB, 618x861, seigayoshika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do I posted Seiga and Yoshika's picture on this board a few hours ago, but here.....

I'll find the others in a bit.

>> No.8927584

Other person here, but thanks

I think it's interesting that Seiga and Yoshika got to share an image, the only others who also did that were the Aki sisters(?).

>> No.8927589
File: 231 KB, 2090x1057, 1335369713783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Murasa's profile

>> No.8927592
File: 439 KB, 2200x1092, 1335363292244-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ichirin's Profile

>> No.8927610


Dat Unzan.

>> No.8927611


it's Tewi. close enough

>> No.8927626

Hope someone's working on translating Yuugi. I really want to know about her manipulation of supernatural phenomena

>> No.8927636

Futo's profile is as adorable as you'd expect for her. Incomplete like most of them though.

>> No.8927641

>the biggest manipulative bastard in the entirety of Miko's backstory, who betrayed her entire clan just for Miko's sake

You have good tastes, Anon. And that's not even sarcasm.

>> No.8927650
File: 97 KB, 367x677, ThGKFuto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you telling me that this girl isn't adorable?

>> No.8927656
File: 25 KB, 511x378, 1334031228223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course she is. I'm agreeing with you.

Pic related, she's the most adorable ever!

>> No.8927665


meh, too forgettable

>> No.8927669
File: 1.26 MB, 1200x1200, 1292527996873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koishi IS the most adorable 2hu ever. Only contenders for that role would be Youmoe, Nitori, and Nazrin.

>> No.8927670

Pretty dick move she pulled on Tojiko, too.

>> No.8927677

Tojiko didn't actually mind, though. She didn't care about her human body anyway. Her and Futo go way back, they're good friends.

>> No.8927681
File: 1.84 MB, 1215x1743, 726268ebcc4b5da8c66afcbd38e524e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like it worked out.
Makes for interesting group dynamics, too.

On a side note, I am curious why yuyuko has human-ish legs and she does not

>> No.8927697

I think that it's because she's a Bourei (a spirit that rejects their death). Those spirits have the mostly-corporeal form of whatever they were like when alive, but on the other hand, it's difficult for them to become intangible. It's possible, though, I think.

>> No.8927712

Because ZUN doesn't want her to have consensual sex for the purpose of reproduction in any doujin/picture.

>> No.8927717

She looks cute with ghost legs though.

>> No.8927754
File: 1.09 MB, 1500x2024, 288dd6fc420a73b704948f18f163c8cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support ghost legs. I'm trying to categorize bourei a little better, which is likely another futile endeavor

>> No.8928026

>According to Reimu Hakurei

Well, this proves that she does indeed take info from the heroine's travels.

There was an comment early on the unfriendliness of Satori, I would say she's more of a outcast rather than a someone who dislikes social interaction purely based on the fact that she offered Reimu some tea (which she accepted but unfortunately Yukari stepped in and told her to beat her up instead).

>> No.8928062

Gensokyo's common sense is different from ours, Anon. There, beating someone up equates to becoming their friend. In fact, if Reimu didn't beat Satori up, she might be less likely to become her friend.

>> No.8928322

Mystia and Kyouko images? Where? Is there a tag for them now?

>> No.8928398


>> No.8928446
File: 844 KB, 2592x1936, 569326658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8928452


Alpaca 2hu confirmed for TH14

>> No.8928469

Oh hell yes. Can it also have the power to control bodily fluids, and be a stage 4 boss? It would use saliva as projectiles when fighting Marisa, and urine on Reimu, but she wouldn't actually produce them. In fact, she has two giant alpaca brethren that do that.

>> No.8928473

More and more articles are getting at least partially translated. Tojiko's, Nitori's, Kogasa's, Mamizou's, and probably others. They're not fully translated yet, but it's something.

Incidentally, Genbu Swamp/Marsh is apparently a place in Gensokyo. It seems like it might be the place at the foot of the mountain where the Kappa dwell.

>> No.8928504
File: 84 KB, 640x640, 1335101172396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when alone after failing to run away, she adopts an arrogant attitude. Deep in her heart she seems to look down on humans and other youkai, and she's terrible at hiding it.

>> No.8928518

Futo is such a bitch to Tojiko goddamn. Miko must be a great leader to hold the group together.

>> No.8928529

It makes you wonder why they are friends in the first place.
Well, at least she don't mind being that way

>> No.8928567

If you look at the official profiles for Futo and Tojiko, it doesn't sound like they hate each other very much. I think that Akyuu is exaggerating just a bit here, perhaps due to misinformation.

Also, supposedly Tojiko is really good-natured, but yet she's got such bad human friendship level and such high threat level. Wonder what's the deal with that.

>> No.8928568

Akyuu, the mind reader.

>> No.8928576

Her bad friendship level is probably because of her nature as a bourei

>> No.8928612

Is that just another way of saying she thinks she is smarter than she is?

>> No.8928613

In a 1 v 1 battle, Miko against Byakuren, who would win? Just curious. I`m pretty sure that with so much information from SoPM, we could imagine who would win easier.

>> No.8928640

It's really a lot like Reimu vs. Marisa, in that one of them gets their power from ridiculous amounts of talent, and the other gets their power from all the hard work they've done.

That's what it reminded me of, anyway.

That said, Byakuren's powers weren't detailed in full, because we know that she can do more than just physical augmentation. After all, she was good enough with projectile-based spells that she could use stage 6 danmaku right after being unsealed, for the first time in a millennium.

>> No.8928789

>I have no idea what the deal is with all these "xenophobic Akyuu" comments.

...and then you proceed to explain why she's xenophobic. Did you even attempt for all you've written to make sense?

>It isn't "they're all monsters and should be exterminated."

Actually, that's precisely what her message is.

She doesn't need to mean it. That's just how she writes her articles. This necessitates a caution when reading said articles - to avoid treating her opinions as facts. That's all. What's so hard to understand about this?

>> No.8928892

I understand.

But, as the profiles contain data about the character's traits, based on what the author says, wouldn't you expect at least the portraits to represent reality as close as possible?.

Look at Mamizou, she's a washboard ;_;

>> No.8928898
File: 437 KB, 800x650, nitori rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it, ZUN.

>> No.8928912

>when alone after failing to run away
That seems like really odd wording, what is that supposed to mean?

>> No.8928946

Sounds like someone either cornered or captured her somehow. Which is actually a pretty good excuse for acting like an arrogant dick.

>> No.8928962

>Kappa are not encountered very often, but there is danger from their hideout being so nearby. This is because they can use their control over water to drown people.
And when was the last time they did this, Akyuu? Come the fuck on.

>> No.8929021

>implying that it hasn't happened at least once in the past while

Where do you think Nitori got all those shirikodama in her DS spell card?

>> No.8929139

There's no feasible way for those to be real.

>> No.8929149

Except, if she actually attacked and plundered the asses of hundreds of humans.

Well, kappa are notoriously fascinated with asses, so this is nothing new.

>> No.8929159

She collected tens of thousands of shirikodama, which are a tasty delicacy for kappa, to use them as bullets in a spell card?
Bullshit. It's magic.

>> No.8929168

I specifically remember Aya mentioning that the kappa mass produced them somehow in DS.

They also smell like shit too.

>> No.8929260

Aw man, I thought Nitori was really good with humans in terms of friendship.

>> No.8929284

I think she just is relative to what you might normally expect from a kappa. They trade technology sometimes and generally don't terrorize people for their assballs that often.

>> No.8929345


It seems to be as in "when she has no other kappas with her".

>> No.8929476

The only human Nitori has been seen associating with is just Marisa for the most part and Marisa isn't that friendly to the Human Village either.

>> No.8929481

!!! From where did you get that image of Seiga?

>> No.8929663
File: 167 KB, 874x993, 1335359712950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Found it on Futaba. It kinda took me by surprise cause it gave me this vibe that it was some interesting forshadowing since it has Aya Azama all over it.

Upon further inspection. I found out Aya Azama indeed made this picture and posted it on her twitter account.

In fact she did some art of some of the other cast members from it.

*Still calling that Seiga will likely make an apperance before the end of the WaHH comic

>> No.8929705

You are mistaken about the situation between youkai and humans.
They still kill and eat humans every once in a while.

>> No.8929747

From the outside, probably. But in Gensokyo? I don't know if I can believe you.

>> No.8929763

damn, only another day till we have a music CD too. this is the best

>> No.8929842

I love how some people are trying to deny canon that contradicts their perfect, fluffy, harmless vision of some touhous with the whole ''eh, that can't be true, x is too nice for that! Akyuu must be hatin on dem youkais!''

Let it sink, deep, this is what they really are, and this makes them miles better than the bland-ass stereotype of characters everyone around here seems to have.

>> No.8929852

We already has this discussion here.

>> No.8929872

Koishi doesn't seem nearly as bad as some of you claimed her to be.

I mean, all you have to do is mix her SoPM's profile, SA's profile and Reimu A's extra stage dialogue. In the end, she isn't as much of an empty soul that one may gather from reading the article since she does speak cheerily and actively, she's just a child who is interested in things out of the ordinary, she also seems to still be in touch with her sister judging by the invitation to Chireiden that she gives.

Also note that the article description seems to be pre-SA where it was said that Koishi started having a desire to open her 3rd eye after the battle with Reimu.

>> No.8929923
File: 261 KB, 760x1072, f25480b8f355f867e0bfe03275f93e0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God she is!

I want to pat her head.

>> No.8929935

I guess he decided it was too civil so far.

>> No.8929937

The article is definitely post SA. How the hell would it be before SA?

Also you don't seem to grasp the severity of her problem that well. Not having your ego is an incredibly disturbing thought. It is the closest thing one can consider their own self. Cogito Ergo Sum, I think therefore I am. Thing with Koishi is that she doesn't think. She does not reflect. She does not ponder. She just does and goes like like the wind and sea. Not a person, but just a simple thing.

She may look happy, but so does an insane madman with a constant smile on his face and a crack addict who was just given free cocaine.

>> No.8929987

I also never understood why people thought it would've been Reimu to 'help' Koishi in the first place. As powerful as she is, she isn't nearly the most interesting character. In fact, everything about her is pretty bland. Marisa, though, is pretty outlandish, and is pretty tough as well. I would go as far as to say that Marisa is as powerful as Reimu. Blackwhite also seems to be pretty outgoing, and at least has a more endearing style of speech than Reimu.

Also, Marisa seems flat out more kind than Reimu, even through all of her shenanigans. She might be a hoarder and a thief, but at least she's hard working and sociable. I believe it is that drive, the drive to out do Reimu, that would most affect Koishi. Marisa has desires, goals, aspirations, and everything that makes a human a human. You'd think that that would rub off of Koishi, rather than rigid ol' lazy Reimu.

>> No.8929993

I guess it is hard to try and imagine what Koishi experiences after all.

>> No.8930004

Most people don't. It's just that the extra story stuff that ZUN stuck in a few text files along that conform with the ReimuA route.

The one doujin I know of where Koishi is lead back to opening her eye due to the player character was dumped in >>8928617 and it's Marisa who inspires her. It mostly focuses on Satori taking advantage of that small twitch to get Koishi to open up.

>> No.8930006

It's impossible, imagining requires conscious thought.

>> No.8930047

>she seems cheerful and sociable.
>The countless taboos related to her are things like: "Even if you notice her, you shouldn't look"; "Don't walk on the same road as her"; or "Don't bring up her up as a topic". To violate any of these will cause a curse to befall you. If this happens, the only thing you can do is cross your fingers and pray(*2).

Hina wants to have friends, but Akkyun won't let her...

>> No.8930052

So, whoever next enters Gensokyo should be charged with the task of assassinating Akyu and all spawn thereof, all agreed?

>> No.8930085

No. Murder won't solve anything.

>> No.8930088

That doesn't sound biased at all. Christ you don't even have anything to back up your stuff its all just your opinion. You're basically just saying I like Marisa more so shes better than Reimu in canon.
At least come up with a coherent argument before spewing biased bullshit.

>> No.8930119

That argument goes both ways. Why do Reimufags back up their shit with "B-but she's the main character!"? At least come up with a coherent double standard next time.

>> No.8930125

1000 posts

>> No.8930143
File: 872 KB, 326x300, 1335498375151.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, did I really get the 1,000th? Jesus fuck, it's like that one time I got Quints on /v/. O-oh god m-m-m-my spaghetti is starting to f-f-flow.

Also, I've never considered Reimu as the true main character of any of the Touhou games past 7, and that is simply because Marisa has her face as every icon is a better protagonist character because she isn't a Mary Sue she is a Mary Sa though.

Pic related, it's people who like Reimu more than Marisa.

>> No.8930155
File: 91 KB, 1355x483, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ha ha, no.

>> No.8930160
File: 338 KB, 1400x1000, 2ce9c36ad5cb77457e6935fef97c3229..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: Shinki's profile

>> No.8930159

Take your XD meems back to 9fag

>> No.8930195
File: 21 KB, 500x375, 1335650680891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never realized it was a meme. I always thought spore died already and became niche enough for me to post my spore creation.

Intradstnig, it shows the latest post as the 1005th. Either way, I still get the 1,000th post, because the post before the post before mine also belongs to me.

Wait, am I being trolled here? She hasn't been in since fucking forever ago, and ZUN would never bring her back over Mima, right?

>> No.8930205

looks fake to me

>> No.8930222
