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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8909670 No.8909670 [Reply] [Original]

Are you really living the life that you want to live or are you just deceiving yourself because staying inside is comfortable and safe?

>> No.8909684

I'm really living the life I want to live.


>> No.8909685
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The latter of course.
Nobody REALLY wants to live a life like this.

>> No.8909697

I ask myself this a lot. Self-deception is a tricky thing. Maybe on some level I do wish that I was less of a NEET. I have dreams where I socialize with old friends that I haven't seen in years, but when I'm awake the idea of having friends seems unpleasant.

Maybe it's just terrifying though and I convince myself that it's unpleasant because I'm too scared to go out of my comfort zone.

>> No.8909701

I live the life that I want to live, because staying inside is comfortable and safe. I'm not deceiving anyone.

>> No.8909708

I can't think of anything else I want to do right now, so I pick the first option.

>> No.8909714

What else is there to do?

I guess I wouldn't mind taking a few walks outside and see all of the pretty things in nature, but that would involve interacting with people.

I often fantasize about what it would be like if I suddenly woke up in an alternate dimension and I was the only human on earth. I think I would really like that.

>> No.8909716

Pretty much. I have no idea what I want to do. But I'm pretty happy doing this so it seems like the best option.

>> No.8909717

I busted my ass for this chance to take it easy.
This is everything I ever wanted.

>> No.8909718

In all honesty, OP kinda stated the problem with normalshits. They always want more than they have, regardless of what they have. You have no idea how ridiculously lucky you are to even be able to lead a comfortable and safe life. The entire idea of such a lifestyle being available to everyday common folk is still so very new and fresh and it baffles me that so few people can appreciate it. People in the past, hell, many people today would fucking kill their families for the chance to have enough to eat let alone be able to spend every single day of their lives in total safety doing whatever the fuck they wanted to do and yet NEETs are idiotic fucks depressed because they can't have the life of goddamn James Bond or something. Ugh. Thanks for baiting me OP.

>> No.8909724

>Are you really living the life that you want to live
No. I want to be a normalfriend, but I'm incapable of proper social interaction.

>> No.8909728

If I want to live a comfortable and safe life, then how am I deceiving myself?

>> No.8909729
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No one and nothing is safe with me.

>> No.8909727

The life I want to live involves staying inside being comfortable and safe.

>> No.8909735


I don't think they want to live an exciting life or the life of James Bond, I think they just want basic social contact. If you were to take a person from older times, lock them inside of a small room, but give them all of the food they would ever need, then I don't think they would be very happy.

Sure, they would be safe and well fed, but they would still want some kind of contact with another living thing.

>> No.8909734
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I'm pretty happy.

>> No.8909737

I want a purpose

>> No.8909741

you have one

it's to shitpost

>> No.8909743

I want to be safe and secure
So yes

>> No.8909746


The only purpose or goal in life is the one that you give yourself. Life is a sandbox. Find something you want to do and do it, that's the only purpose.

>> No.8909748

>I don't think they want to live an exciting life or the life of James Bond
Speak for yourself.

>> No.8909753

I'd rather be in a 2D loli harem but this is fine too I guess.

>> No.8909765

I'm not happy with the life that I live, but I don't know what would make me happier.

Theoretically socialization would make me less happy, but since I've been homeschooled my whole life I have never really done it before so that's just in theory.

>> No.8909769

Nah, I'm not, and I'm not deceiving myself. I'm just too lazy to change anything.

>> No.8909780

I'll be totally honest with you, /jp/. I wish that I could live the life of a normalfag for just one year. Just so I could see what it's like and see if I still prefer this life and then I could be perfectly happy with being a NEET.

>> No.8909782


But you're a living thing and I am in contact with you by typing this so your point is moot.

>> No.8909800


>But you're a living thing and I am in contact with you

It's not really the same thing though. You're just text on a screen to me and I'm the same thing to you. It's different when you touch another living thing or hear their voice. I can't put it into words, it's just this connection that you can't get through text.

I've never had a human friend, but I've had a dog and it was like that. He would know when I was sad and sit on my lap, we would go for walks, I would talk to him, etc. It's an experience that you can't really have through the internet.

>> No.8909804

I would have prefered studying in a better uni and having some otaku friends (not normal friends, tbh I find relationships with most normalfags to be pretty much pointless and often annoying), but I can't really complain about my life, I'm not that egoistic.

>> No.8909816

I'm relatively happy.
I get depressed sometimes.
But mostly I take it easy, most of the depressed NEETs here are closet normals.

>> No.8909847

Do shit and life becomes easier. To be honest, I'd say that being busy all the time is the ultimate way of taking it easy in the long run.

>> No.8909883
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Sometimes I feel sad, but I don't actually know why. I love my life. I mean, what's not to love? I take it easy every day, I have access to the fountain of knowledge that is the internet, and I spend my days playing or studying the things that I love, and yet I feel sad sometimes.

I wish I could figure it out. Really look into myself and see what I'm longing for. I don't think it's socialization because I know what that feels like and it's draining.

I suppose maybe I want a truNEET best friend. Just something like, "Marcus is my friend and we're going on a group date to the movie theater today. I'm bringing my DS with Rinko and he's bringing his DS with Nene."

I think that would be fun. We could talk to each other, play Love Plus together, it would be nice.

>> No.8909899

Neither you nor Marcus picked the right girl.

>> No.8909915

>you're just deceiving yourself while thinking that staying inside is comfortable and safe
Prove it.

>> No.8909909

I'd like that.
Even if it's some fat neckbeard.
It would be magical!

>> No.8909920

I think the problem some people on /jp/ may have is that we're so happy that we've become desensitized to happiness.

Our lives are too good. They're so perfect and filled with so much joy that the mind adapts and that level of ecstasy becomes our baseline happiness and we can't do anything to feel better than that so we just feel content. Not happy, not sad, just neutral.

I'm beginning to believe that a happy life requires unpleasantness. It makes no sense, but that seems to be how the mind works. The yin and the yang of it all.

Personally I know that I love being a NEET the most after I've been forced to socialize. Family members come over, I have to speak to them, maybe they stay over for several days, it's awful, but once they're gone it is like heaven to live like this.

>> No.8909929


Sharing is caring. Best friends share everything.

>> No.8909927

what happens if he has the same waifu like you ?

>> No.8909943
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I tried socialising with those types back when I was at college and quickly discovered that most fans of anime and stuff that you'll meet in real life are incredibly aggravating anyway. One of them even followed me into Japanese classes expecting everyone else there to be into Naruto and whatnot like himself. He soon dropped out of course. You're better off without such people in your life.

That said, there's a small chance that you'll meet someone cool, but the one true NEET /jp/er friend I've ever had eventually turned all normal on me after a couple of years and is now attempting to drag me out of my shell with him even though it's really comfortable and warm in here and most importantly there are no people. I dislike most of those and I'm sad that one of the few that I got on with is all outgoing and socialising and whatnot these days, but I know he's happy, so I won't complain. ;_;


>> No.8909958

>most fans of anime and stuff that you'll meet in real life are incredibly aggravating anyway
Truer words have never been spoken.

>> No.8909964

Why are there so many normals?

You want friends? Go to /soc/.

>> No.8910007

I like to pretend that the blocks text on my screen are my friends, friend.

>> No.8910008


I've had this before and it is great. It was only online, so I would imagine that it's even better in real life.

Unfortunately though, he stopped being a NEET. He got a girlfriend, a job, and he's so busy now that we don't really talk anymore. We used to talk every single day. We would play MMOs together, talk about whatever eroge we were playing, and it was great. Happiest time of my life.

I think one best friend is the key to happiness. The love between two best friends is the most sincere form of love. It asks for nothing, there's no lust, it's just two people who care about each other and want to spend time together. It goes far beyond romantic love, which is more of a selfish, lustful love.

>> No.8910038


>You want friends? Go to /soc/.

Stop lying to yourself. Why are you here?

You can do all of this truNEET posturing if you want, but if you truly didn't want friendship then you wouldn't be here. Why would you be? That makes no sense. Someone who doesn't want socialization and yet actively posts in an online community.

Just admit it to yourself. On some level you want a friend, maybe not a lot of friends and certainly not a normal friend, but a /jp/ friend. Even if it never goes beyond talking to the board then it's still a form of friendship.

>> No.8910058

It's really more about like-mindedness; people are going to enjoy talking to people that share the same interests.

You're not going to get the love of VNs, Touhou, idols, figs, etc. in /soc/ than you are here.

>> No.8910062

If I wanted a other life I'd go and have it.
This life is truly bliss

>> No.8910067

There are people who actually come here to discuss their hobbies, you know. It makes finding new things easier, and reminds you of old things worth looking at again.

Not everyone is here to try and fuck each other or whatever it is you people do.

>> No.8910078
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>but the one true NEET /jp/er friend I've ever had eventually turned all normal on me

This is why I'm scared to make friends. I'll get close to them and then they will just suddenly grow up and leave me behind.

Why did he change? Did something trigger it?

>> No.8910090

TruNEETs don't have friends. So the people you will run into trying to socialize here are normals just putting on a show. Eventually they get tired of the act and go back to their usual lives.

It's setting yourself up for failure by trying to meet socially avoidant people.

>> No.8910091

I don't think people come to /jp/ in search of friendship. Nor would I say imageboards are quite comparable to real world socialising, you can still type on the internet and not want friends in real life.

>> No.8910094


>There are people who actually come here to discuss their hobbies
>Not everyone is here to try and fuck each other

That's what friendship is though. Talking to someone who shares your interests, discussing your hobbies, sometimes doing the hobbies together and maybe playing a game together. It's just like /jp/, but you talk to them on a regular basis and you know their name.

It's not fucking each other. Dear god, not at all. Where did you get that idea?

>> No.8910104

You can talk with someone without any desire to be their friend.

>> No.8910127


>TruNEETs don't have friends.

Why not? I don't understand.

Imagine you have two people who are NEETs and they both love the same things and have compatible personalities. Why wouldn't they want to be friends? What is it about being a truNEET that would make someone dislike the idea of having one good friend who they can relate to?

>> No.8910129

>You can talk with someone without any desire to be their friend.
How can you fucks do this online, yet have trouble lining up at a grocery store?

>> No.8910136

You can't be serious.
You're like those /r9k/ types who think every person who looks at you wants to fuck, and spend their lives with you?

>> No.8910146

>but the one true NEET /jp/er friend I've ever had eventually turned all normal on me after a couple of years and is now attempting to drag me out of my shell with him

There is nothing more infuriating than this. This just shows they were unhappy about their life in the past, see their past selves as failures and have pity towards their old friends, trying to show them the "light". He is not happy. Otherwise he wouldn't be trying to shove his lifestyle down your throat.

>> No.8910177
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I'm definitely deceiving myself... lazy and no motivation what so ever. I really need to wake up and get a grip...

>> No.8910182

He started playing around with research chemicals he ordered from the internet and it changed him. He later started going clubbing regularly, got non-NEET friends and even a girlfriend, and we don't really talk much anymore. I think it might actually be a year since we last saw each other in real life.

Again though, I'm kind of happy for him in a way. If he wasn't happy living the way I still am, then it's good that he got out of it. I would never actually say anything bad about it to him, even though I don't have any desire to participate in it all. If it's the drugs alone that have messed up his brain chemistry and turned him into a new, arguably better person, then that is kind of sad in a way though. Regardless, I'm okay with being alone again. It's pretty much my default status anyway.

>> No.8910198
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truNEETs are not exclusively schizoids.

Christ, schizoids are so annoying. Elitist pricks, the whole lot of them. Just because you're some detached robot that can't feel anything towards your own mother doesn't mean that every NEET who isn't as emotionally empty and cold-blooded as you are is just a closet normal.

>> No.8910208

I'm not a NEET, and I have no friends either. I can't claim to be either a NEET or a normal. Being middle ground sucks.

>> No.8910209

They're waiting for you at >>>/soc/.

>> No.8910210


>> No.8910216
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I wish puberty hadn't twisted my one true friend into a shell of his former self.

>> No.8910217

They might ask you a question like whether you have a member card or whether you want paper or plastic. That's too much pressure, man.

>> No.8910228


"Look how witty I am! I can't come up with a coherent argument so I'll just direct anyone with a differing opinion to /soc/!"

>> No.8910242

You don't need to be so upset, just becuase you're different. You're own kind will accept you, everything will be okay!

>> No.8910266


>You're own kind will accept you

Have you realized where you are? The majority of /jp/ is not schizoid. You're not among your own kind. They're avoidant, possibly aspies, but they still have some longing for friendship. Look around at how emotional /jp/ can become and how there's this obvious underlining sense of loneliness in the vast majority of threads.

You're a rarity, even on /jp/.

>> No.8910270

http://4chanfit.wikia.com/wiki/Harsh%27s_Worksheet_(WIP) Thank me in 2 years

>> No.8910276

>there's this obvious underlining sense of loneliness in the vast majority of threads.
da fuq

>> No.8910277

Who cares what offboarders are like, they don't belong here in the first place.

>> No.8910285

Do you mean staying inside the workplace? it's not very comfortable. I'd rather stay in my house.
So I am deceiving myself I guess. But I'd rather live than starve to death.
Actually, the life I want to live would be as a touhou in Gensokyo. Which is impossible.

Also, I hate every single one of you secret club "no friends" NEETs. Why are you so proud to be shitting on the floor and being asexual, sociopathic and depressed?
I've been a NEET hikki for years and never posted like such a faggot. You guys sound like you're angsty 15 yo emobuttlords. "I don't need other human beings, I am the lord of darkness". A true NEET is an unlucky guy that's stuck with that lifestyle and fails miserably every time he tries to change, like Sato from NHK or me until very recently.
The worst part of this is that these neo-NEET faggots that are polluting /jp/ don't even seem to consume otaku culture. Why the fuck are you here, for the self pity depresion metathreads? all these bullshit metathreads should be burned with those cancerous maggots inside.

>> No.8910292

Watch out guys, he's seen NHK. That makes him one high level otaku!

>> No.8910296

While you are correct about some of the people who talk about being truNEET, you commit the mistake that every case is the exact same.

>> No.8910308

Why do people who don't want to socialize play so many visual novels?

I've always wondered this when I see these threads. It seems so odd that people who don't want friends and apparently want nothing to do with socialization would love a genre that is essentially simulated socialization. The entire game is basically nothing but socialization with the intended purpose of making you feel less lonely.

>> No.8910312

Don't mind him. He probably discovered SPD last week and tries to convince himself that he really has it. I was like that a few years ago and even now I sometimes feel the need to act like a schizoid even though I'm just an introvert with a vivid imagination who is prone to depressive thoughts. Once you stop trying to use psychiatric diagnoses as a guide to live your life by, you find being yourself a lot easier.

>> No.8910313

I'm pretty happy being a shut in.

I'd still like to maybe become a parent someday though. Hopefully I'll have a daughter. Some day....

>> No.8910319

> you really living the life that you want to live
> comfortable and safe
Well... Yeah?

>> No.8910321

So people are really now deciding they have schizoid personality disorder because someone mentioned it a couple weeks ago?

I joked about this happening...

>> No.8910323

Actually I have *one* otaku friend. He's the older brother of a former friend of mine.

We all liked anime and such back in high school, but then the younger brother suddenly changed and turned into a normal due to some of his friends. He started clubbing and often was like "sup anon hey you should go out more, drinking is so much fun!" and we eventually stopped talking.

When I started uni I was surprised to meet again with his older brother again. The first thing I told him was "huh... so do you still watch anime? because if you do you've got to watch..." it was a bit risky and I didn't feel very comfortable saying that, but then his expression changed and he said "oh I know, I plan to watch it soon" and we became closer again.

The bad part is that he skips most of the classes so I barely see him. And while he does a decent job hiding his power level (in the sense that he's not a OBNOXIOUS retarded faggot who practically yells at everyone what his embarrasing hobbies are) he talks normally about anime when we're near a bus stop or something while going home. Probably I'm too self-conscious or something, but I feel extremely uncomfortable discussing otaku things around normals.

That being said, I'd like to meet more people like this. I usually enjoy the time we spend talking and such.

>> No.8910329

Because there's a difference between the idealized worlds and characters found in VNs and shitty reality.

>> No.8910332

It's funny because I don't play visual novels.

>> No.8910342

Oh so your otaku hobbies include things like danmaku, doujin, and being an antagonizing dick then?

>> No.8910349

That term is mentioned lots. And the only people using that term are those arguing against the anon that claims the average /jp/er is a loner. Please read the thread.

>> No.8910352


>> No.8910353


Comfortable and safe isn't necessary happy.

It is for some people, but if you simply linger in your comfort zone because you're too scared of doing anything outside of it then you're just living in a state of stagnation for your entire life. Not happy, but not in pain either. Just playing it safe because you don't want to get hurt, but at the price of feeling lethargic and emotionally flat.

>> No.8910354

comfort and safety can only be truly appreciated when you've experienced the opposite...
and the counter resets after a while...

>> No.8910356

Shut the fuck up. I want to be right.

Let me be right about something. Please.

>> No.8910365

Okay. You're right. I'm sorry anon.

You owe me one! I didn't do this because I l-like you, or anything! Jeez!

>> No.8910378


>there's a difference between the idealized worlds and characters found in VNs and shitty reality.

The characters in VNs aren't really idealized. Maybe the girls are, but the friends are typically dicks. You can easily make a better friend in reality than whatever friend the protagonist in a VN usually has.

I think the problem is fear. You said it right there. You see reality as shitty, I'm guessing because it's unpredictable and potentially painful, but that doesn't mean you're some schizoid that would never want a friend. It just means that you're scared to make a friend. I feel the same way.

>> No.8910386

But people play VNs for the girls, not the protagonist's male friend(s).

>> No.8910393

> making friends is easy
Oh god not this again.

>> No.8910397

C-can we start sucking our cocks yet?
... I want to suck a cock no matter what. Yesterday I dreamed that I was Suika but I retained my cock. But I could detach my cock and balls. I did and started sucking it. I could feel my cock under my legs being sucked even though it wasn't there, but at the same I felt that rock hard veiny cock with my entire mouth and tongue. I kept sucking up and down and it felt awesome, but when I was about to cum, I started to feel my ear hurt a lot. I tried to keep sucking but it hurt, so after a while I woke up and my ear was bent in a painful angle under my head. I readjusted it half sleep and proceeded to keep sucking my cock, but after a very short while my alarm clock killed the dream ;_;
It felt 100% real, life like. Now that I've tasted a cock I want more.

>> No.8910398

I went outside the other day. I almost tore my ACL. Stop trying to fool us Jew.

>> No.8910402

Schizoids and avoidants fighting about which one belongs on /jp/? That makes me sad, we're all in the same boat.

>> No.8910417


Well, if all you want is romance then you're probably going to be disappointed by reality. I don't see why the love of 2D girls can't be shared with 3D friends though.

I've had it before and it was fun. You have an idealized 2D girl that you love and you can talk about it with your best 3D friend who understands it and feels the same way about another 2D character and you also share other interests. Just that sense of camaraderie is very comforting and enjoyable.

>> No.8910435
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Not according to them.. Schizoids are big meanies!

>> No.8910447

I am very disappointed by reality. Therefore I play visual novels.

I'm not even one of the people arguing against having friends but I think it's silly to imply that visual novels are anything other than pure escapism, the experience of which can't really be translated into real life all that well.

>> No.8910463

Bullshit. Basically my problem is that I don't know how to deal with potential friends. What to talk about, how to react to certain things, and so on.

There was this guy I knew at university. We always went to the same courses etc. Then both of us stopped going to university (I just stopped going, he graduated I guess), and I've never heard from him again. He probably hates me or didn't think of me as someone important or so.

Being socially retarded sucks.

>> No.8910505
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I'd like an online friend, but every time it turns out they're either assholes or normals.
Always want what you can't have.

>> No.8910518
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I want to be your friend, /jp/.

>> No.8910526


>> No.8910521


>it's silly to imply that visual novels are anything other than pure escapism, the experience of which can't really be translated into real life all that well.

I agree, I don't think you could ever have a relationship in reality that is as good as one that you would have in a visual novel, but I'm just saying that friendship is a whole different thing entirely and to throw it out is to miss out on an amazing part of life.

Personally I think it's better. Romantic love is very selfish when you get down to it, it's based on aesthetics, what they personally find attractive, if you're able to say the right things and make them feel romantic feelings towards you, etc. Friendship is a more gradual and long-lasting form of love that builds up not because of some sort of chemical attraction, but because you genuinely enjoy each other's company. It's sincere and honest love, while romantic love is volatile and lewd, based upon lust and attraction.

>> No.8910527

I'm neither living the life I want nor I am a NEET

>> No.8910533


>> No.8910531

What would you consider "normal"?

>> No.8910544

Being socially acceptable to an extent, and having a job.

>> No.8910553

Oh well I tried.

I can't help being employed, though, I kind of need the money to not die.

>> No.8910558

>he doesn't have autism bucks.
I bet you have friends too!
Get out of here, nerd.

>> No.8910559

So if someone has all the exact same hobbies as you but needs a job to support those hobbies because his parents aren't pushovers or he can't get autism bux or something then fuck that guy?

>> No.8910562


>> No.8910576
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index_Ep10_Misata_Mikoto_[720p,BluRay,x264]_-_THORA.mkv_snapshot_12.14_[2012.03.18_13.26.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's not like this life is perfect, but being a normal is far worse. Trust me I've been there

>> No.8910586

Sounds like you don't want an online friend at all. I'm sure if the perfect friend for you approached you online you'd find some excuse not to be friends with them.

>> No.8910587

>I've been there
Once a normal, always a normal.
Get the fuck out.

>> No.8910597

>Having a job makes you a normalfag
Really now?
You can't leech of your parents forever you know?

>> No.8910603

I've lived the normalfag life, but I never really enjoyed it. Being a hikki is much better.

>> No.8910608

Um, the OP of that post here, I never posted past that original post, the others weren't me.
Although, if I wanted to discuss 2hu and shit, I'd stick to the threads.
I want to talk to people I can relate it to kind of about my gay little feelings.

>> No.8910622

Don't worry, you don't want to be friends with someone who thinks like that. Let them rot in their own feces.
I wouldn't discriminate against someone because of their life situation. If you like that person, you can be friends, and you will enrich each other. Anything else is baddly hidden jealously. It's those stupid "truNEETs" I was talking about earlier.

>> No.8910636

What if I'm so autistic I hate all normals?

>> No.8910635

It's good that you have an open mind, anon~

>> No.8910639

I'd ask "then why the fuck did your parents buy you a computer?"

>> No.8910654

Adapt and enjoy.

>> No.8910658

These try-hard "truNEETs" are the real shitposters.

>> No.8910659
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>110 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.


>> No.8910671

What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.8910664

I can't help it though.
I can't just -stop-

>> No.8910673

Originally the internet was not full of faggots like you

>> No.8910692


Why do you hate them? Actually, why do any of you hate normals?

Does it have something to do with highschool bullying? I was homeschooled, so maybe I bypassed that. I mean, I can realize that we're different when I look at a normal, but I see no reason for why I should feel anything towards them, let alone as strong of an emotion as hatred.

>> No.8910686

Because /r9k/ threads like these are clearly much better

>> No.8910699

Let others help, then.

>> No.8910696

Faggots like me are people with "jobs" apparently.

Which is just wonderful, because I'm certain that no one that used the internet before 1994 had a job.

>> No.8910703

Why does there have to be someone, every fucking day, asking this same question? Why don't you lurk for a moment or check the archives for very elucidative answers instead? Do you seriously think you're the first person to ever come to this sudden realization in all the years this board's been active? I seriously can't understand /jp/ new users sometimes.

>> No.8910706
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>> No.8910712

don't make friends with jp, they will just stop responding
just delete all metathreads please...

>> No.8910718

I have a job. What the fuck are you going to say now?

>> No.8910723

>New users
But you're newer than me and I agree with him.

>> No.8910725

I never had bad experiences, but I feel like.
Well, it reminds me of that banner for 4chan.
Normals shouldn't be here, I want to talk to people that are like ME.
What's wrong with that?

>> No.8910726


I've heard the question asked before, but I've never actually heard a real answer. It's just basically, "They're different and they do things that I don't want to do so I hate them."

That's not an answer. It's something I would expect to hear from a toddler throwing a tantrum.

>> No.8910730

>Actually, why do any of you hate normals?
They're disgusting, impure, lewd, they're intolerant and look down on anyone that doesn't fit the shitty average social stereotype.

>> No.8910741

Witch, I stopped talking to you because email requires so much effort.
I would gladly talk to you on a client though.

>> No.8910748

Then what exactly is it that divides us?

The only reason why I was told I was normal previously was because I had a job.

>> No.8910752

I've been on /jp/ daily for two years and I haven't seen anything that resembles a sensible answer to that question.

>> No.8910757

Because I dont make shitty threads nor do I shit post.

>> No.8910760


Nobody's gonna recognize it, ever.

>> No.8910764
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they took a wikipedia quiz , they know better.

>> No.8910773


>They're disgusting, impure, lewd

I don't understand why this would bother you though. I feel the same way to some degree, but it's no cause for hatred. It's just like when you look at another culture and they're doing strange things. It's odd from my perspective, but it's no reason to hate them. The lewd and perverse nature of normals just adds to the diversity of earth. It's interesting to have different types of people. You don't have to join them, but it's fascinating to know that there's such a wide variety of people out there.

>they're intolerant and look down on anyone that doesn't fit the shitty average social stereotype.

Isn't this basically what half the people in this thread are doing though? Looking down on anyone that doesn't fit the truNEET stereotype.

>> No.8910780

> nor do I shit post.
That's not the first lie you've told.

I didn't make this thread, and your responses clearly show that you partake in shitposting.

There's just too much TurboAutism going on with the truNEET bullshit.

>> No.8910788

Why can't I hold all these projections??

>> No.8910807

Pretty much this.

>> No.8910828

The average /jp/ user is a socially awkward weeaboo that is usually nice (probably too nice) in real life. They probably feel displaced being around judgemental, often very outgoing (even perceived as aggressive) people who share zero interests with them.

>> No.8910863


NEETs typically hate normals for the same reason that western atheists typically hate christians.

They both live in a culture that is largely filled with people who are the exact opposite and they feel that they're being pressured to conform to the majority and they lash out. It's why western atheists basically ignore religions that aren't common in their culture and exclusively lash out at christianity and why NEETs hate normals, but probably have no contempt for the normals in China or India.

>> No.8910886

I don't want to work for 40 hours or more every week, that is for sure.

As for the rest, I like little anime girls more than 3D though maybe getting laid wouldn't be awful. I just want to take it easy, basically.

>> No.8910880

You can choose your company, you know. The average student at my CS faculty wouldn't hurt a fly.

>> No.8910897

The average student at my Computer Engineering faculty is a huge normal. I didn't expect it to be so bad. I'd love to be in a class like the one you've said.

>> No.8910911



Are normals really judgmental? Sure, family members who are normals can be like this, but they do it because they care and they think they're helping you. They may be close-minded, but their heart is in the right place.

You can't really be judgmental unless you care about the person though. It's just not worth the effort. I've never walked outside and suddenly been bombarded by attacks and judgments from every nearby normal whenever I'm shy. Generally everyone keeps to themselves and they don't go outside of their social circles.

>> No.8910937

Not him, I'm apathetic towards normal people in general, but I hate normals on /jp/.
I have had people just point and laugh at me on the street for no reason.

>> No.8910930

Leave it to normals to be upset that they can't corrupt truNEETs.

That's what this is all about. They're being rejected, and simply can't handle it.

>> No.8910945

In Spain, EVERYONE is extremely judgemental. Most people will talk absolute shit about anyone for even the slightest reason. It's horrible.

>> No.8911002
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I love how ridiculously distorted "normal" has become over the years.

What /jp/ considers to be a normal is the average /a/ poster, what /a/ considers a normal is the average /v/ poster, what /v/ considers a normal is the average /r9k/ poster, what /r9k/ considers a normal is the average /soc/ poster, and everyone outside of 4chan that has active social lives and is actually a normal, socially acceptable member of society thinks that everyone here is a huge fucking loser.

>> No.8911012

A normal stumbles into /jp/ thinking, oh boy I finally found people who reject the popular kids who wouldn't talk to me, I'm finally home!

But when these normals approach the NEETs they're only laughed at and degraded. This upsets the normals, they can't understand it. They were so sure that they had finally found their own, they can't let it stand like this! So they fight and bicker, you're all just autists, you know you really want a normal life, you're just lying to yourself! They try and hide their rejection, doing everything they can to bring these NEETs out of their shells. Afterall, these normal can't give up on their happiness so easily. In time more and more normals come, and together they pretend to be the people who even still want nothing to do with them, together claiming there's is the only way to happiness.

So they live their lie. In terms they would understand, it's like stalking a girl after she rejects your confession, mailing her over and over again, "why?".

>> No.8911027


>> No.8911033
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Tryhard truNEETs keep trying hard, but, like normalfags, they can't take it easy.

>> No.8911042

I got diagnosed with OCD today and this website I found says they treat it with SSRIs. any hope for my boner?

>> No.8911044

I don't like normalfags. I'll be honest, I think normal people are the cancer killing 4chan. Look at /b/'s front page, it's all 'my girlfriend' this and 'my girlfriend' that, it's nothing but posturing bravado in my eyes and it doesn't contribute to the overrall quality of a board. Want to know why night time /a/ and previously night time /v/ were remembered so fondly? Because most of the people on 4chan at 2:00am PST are not 'normal' considering societal definition, often abnormal people are the most creative though, they take out their abnormality in artistic ways. That's why so many of them are good at creative writing (look at how many famous authors have been abnormalfags). And I'm not talking serial killer abnormal or, or anyone who feels the need to identify with pathetic subcultures like emo or scene, I'm talking about people who are just quite cynical and have an understanding of the term 'dry wit'.

In short, normal people are boring - they talk about normal things, their normal life with their normal girlfriend at their normal school/college/workplace with their normal friends eating their normal food and retiring to their normal apartment/house. They aren't interesting. Take that horse head dude on Nico Nico, he's clearly as abnormal as they come, yet he's absolutely hilarious as a result. The world would be fucking BORING without people like that. Basically, /b/'s content these days is normal people dealing with normal things in a normal way ('hey /b/, i fucked such and such a girl, but X problem happened, what do I do?') Tell me honestly, is that as hilarious as hearing anons give serious advice on how to jerk off over sleeping girls? Or hearing someone recount an genuine incest story? Fuck no.

>> No.8911057
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I hope you don't consider the people who hate everyone who is more happy than them as /jp/ is just the average idiots from the other boards.

The neet guys have their own threads where they talk about about life ( don't mix them up with the "crawling iiiin my skin" and suicide guys)

1 rule Take it easy , no 1 cares if someone is a neet , hiki or some guy who works 8 hours a day to support his lifestyle.

>> No.8911059

You're so special, can I join your secret tree house?
Who the fuck
>A normal stumbles into /jp/ thinking, oh boy I finally found people who reject the popular kids who wouldn't talk to me, I'm finally home!
would actually think like that when stumbling upon /jp/?

>> No.8911069

Do none of you see the irony of calling "normals" close minded while you readily judge them and place all of them into a single category? These so called normals have got you by the balls, so much so that you develop some kind of unhealthy me against them mentality. Cut yourself free, it's the only way you'll be able to see your true self in the mirror. It's only then that you'll see that YOU are the normal, for you possess fear against the unfamiliar in an inordinate amount. How disappointing.

>> No.8911067

Why did I read this whole thread?

No, I'm not happy with my life and I don't think I ever will be.

>> No.8911072


Why would a normal be coming to /jp/ to seek companionship?

What you're saying makes no sense. By its definition a normal is someone who is the average, it's the most common type that all other types are judged by. A normal would have no trouble "finding their own" because everyone around them is like that.

All that you've done is divide a community into two different camps with your truNEET elitist bullshit. One is filled with schizoids and the other is filled with avoidants. Neither are even remotely normal, but one despises communicating with other humans and the other is just terrified of it.

>> No.8911074

I will kiss it goodbye

>> No.8911077

If I'm happy because I'm deceiving myself, what difference would it make?

>> No.8911096

What did the doctor recommend you get on and how much dosage?

>> No.8911092

You aren't deceiving yourself, because if you were, you wouldn't know about it.

>> No.8911093
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This man is right, the situation is exactly alike with /r9k/ and women.

The hate comsumes you – just take it easy.

>> No.8911108

Hence why I used would instead of does. My English is retarded, sorry.

>> No.8911110

Teenagers, please stop this roleplaying bullshit. This isn't funny. You're shitting up the board.

>> No.8911128


/b/ is a quarantine board though. Same with /r9k/, /soc/, /v/, and /adv/. Normalfags are unavoidable as a site becomes more and more popular, but these boards serve their purpose.

It's like fly strips. You can't avoid flies, they're unpleasant and disgusting, but they're coming anyway. You can setup a bunch of fly strips though and then all of the flies go towards it, get stuck to the strip, and stay there. This keeps the rest of the house clean.

Real normal people like the kind you described are boring, but they're contained and they rarely migrate.

>> No.8911145


Hating things makes me feel better. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

>> No.8911151

No, I think it was me who read it wrong. Sorry, sorry.

>> No.8911203

I share the exact same sentiment!

>> No.8911218

Why are you still here and asking the same question each second day?

We are happy the way we are and have no interest in you normalfags. Can't you just ignore us, too?

>> No.8911254
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>> No.8911277

I don't know if I can do this anymore.

Nothing will get any better, will it?

I thought I would end up with nothing, but at least have the idea that things are going to get better. Now I'm losing that too.

I don't think I can do this. Not if there isn't anything to look forward to.

>> No.8911699

There is something to look forward to. Death.

>> No.8911728


I don't want death. I want life.


Just not like this. I don't even have someone to talk to in real life. There really is only one thing left and I'm afraid I'm going to lose that too.

After that, I will welcome Death with open arms.

>> No.8911748

No, I hate everything and everybody around me.

>> No.8911919

i miss king of /jp/
