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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8905548 No.8905548 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Japan sexualize underage girls?

Haven't parents/teachers/responsible adults spoken up about it? Is it even legal? What gives?

>> No.8905553

well you see,

>> No.8905552

gb2 9fag

>> No.8905559

Underage girls are cute and innocent and don't ask hard questions.

Old hags are gross, jaded, sarcastic, and take all of your money.

Japanese men have solid test

>> No.8905583

Because children are obsessed with sex, and adults who are obsessed with sex are immature like children.

>> No.8905601
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because flat chests are superior

>> No.8905618

Are you saying little girls cant have big tits. Are we talking about the same japan? The japan I know wouldn't limit themselves.

>> No.8905634

Well. The time you go through puberty is one of the times people tend to be the most interested in sex and or the opposite sex. And during that time, it is very common for said children to secretly lust after its classmates or whatever.

Real pornography is pretty shunned upon due to all the rape or whatnot I figure.
But if it was all fiction, then I don't know.

>> No.8905939

what are you OP? gay?

you don't belong here

>> No.8907418

Because most of them don't get laid until they're 20, like us.

>> No.8907437

>only Japan
Virgin Waxing.

>> No.8907451

OP asks a solid, reasonable question and all he gets are replies saying "becuz they are are le epic lolicons like me xD flat chests ftw !!!! wut are u a homo >_>"

Truly a sad world we live in.

>> No.8907472

are you one of those try-hards that think loli is identical to pedophilia?

>> No.8908751

Are you one of those dumbfucks that think fucking a loli wouldn't be pedophilia?

>> No.8908783

are you consciously bumping this thread?

>> No.8908789

Go back to SA, fag, they like scum like you.

>> No.8908793

Are you one of those dumbfucks who think that it's possible to fuck a cartoon?

>> No.8908810
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>> No.8908817


>> No.8908818
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I'm actually shocked that there hasn't been a big American exposé on how much Japan sexualizes children. They have SO MUCH material they could bring up as evidence. I thought this would have been done by now, considering how obsessed people are with denouncing pedophiles. Instead, stereotypes about Japan in the mainstream still remain at, "lol, women with big tits and tentacle rape".

>> No.8908827


Maybe because it's not America's fucking business.

>> No.8908833

They can because culture difference.

America= Blood and violence portrayed in video games is ok because Americans are destined to kill each other.

East= "sexualized" little girls, they aren't going to police your imagination like the barbarians in the west. The east always has and always will be superior in literature and art.

>> No.8908846

The actual answer is that all Japanese girls are sluts so the only way you can be sure a girl is a virgin is if she's 8.

>> No.8908851

Basically there's nothing wrong with sexualizing girls who just riped and ready for procreation (~11-12 years old), look at average marriage age in history, hell many islam countries still follow it. However actual pedophiles prefer younger girls because they seems like an easier target, than grown up women, which is actually true. I myself admit that if i had plenty of sex in my teens, i wouldn't be so obsessed with lolicon.

>> No.8908854

I love it when Westerners call Japan sick because of their galge/anime then go beat off to whatever hyperviolent movie/game is coming out. It's also because of these idiots that games like Senran Kagura won't get localized.

>> No.8908856

Everything is america's business

>> No.8908888

duck my cock dude

>> No.8908953


>> No.8908987

Now, before I answer your question OP, what is 'underage'?

>> No.8909220
File: 6 KB, 183x275, ewtwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a few reason that don't apply to just the Japanese man.
Pedophiles are attracted to young girls because they have no exp. with women their age and with a young girl they can feel strong and smart because she doesn't knows much about sex/world and they feel superior.But there are many more reasons why someone becomes a pedophile

also the japanese public is complaining much about it, even the latest AKB48 CM did cause much problems , parents complaining about the video and kids imitating the CM at school.

Reason why in history it was allowed to have sex with young girls was mostly because of the survival, people didn't leave long and you needed people to work , so people used to have sex at a young age and to produce many children who will work and take care of you later when you are old.Lets say the reason why in Islam its allowed to have more than 1 wife is , because in war many soldiers die and you are left with a bigger population of women and not enough man,so to increase the growth of your nation its better to allow that man can have more than 1 wife also you are only allowed to have more than 1 women if you can support them equally and you have the money to feed them.

>> No.8909232

Pedophiles are attracted to young girls because they're fucking sexy.

>> No.8909250

I can confirm this.
Read sexualis psychopathia if you don't believe us.

>> No.8909248

Isn't just Japan, and isn't just young girls, humans tend to sexualize anything and everything. Moral values would prevent a person from doing so, so I guess those people just have less then others?

Not saying that is a bad thing, I myself don't put much stock into it to begin with.

>> No.8909253

Or at least think they are.

>> No.8909266

Its a different culture you fucks. they are not as religious and retarded as the west and have different morals/ideals. Also Its normal to like "underage" women from 14 and up, its just society and morals which changes that.

>> No.8909268
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What is this English Major bullshit now? Do you also think that people have sex because the survival and continuation of the human race is the utmost priority?
You're losing your grasp on reality, pal.

>> No.8909269

People can find many things sexual.

>> No.8909307
File: 94 KB, 800x450, 2b6f6c7f2aa1981f0cd7daac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the survival of the race is the most important thing for every race, every race wants to survive.
Just in today's world the average guy /girl lives much longer than what they did and the world is much safer and easier to live.You don't have to worry about who will take care of you when you get old , or who will work on the field for you.To marry young and have many children isn't important anymore like it used to be.
Its very hard to put a number at what age its legal to have sex, the world is changing so do the people, there are many girls who look with 16 more mature than some 22 yea old girls.Its not the best system what we use to just say under 18 its forbidden , above 18 its ok, but its better than nothing.

>> No.8909330

It's because neoteny traits are considered desirable sexually.

It's only over the course of things that such ideas will continue to grow to the point where pre-pubescence would be considered desirable.

>> No.8909380
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>the survival of the race is the most important thing for every race, every race wants to survive.
Do you think this is how the uneducated people in Haiti, eating dirt and living in rubble piles, view sex: a mechanic to continue their genetic legacy?
2/10, semi-plausible autism for /jp/ at the start there, but it's getting rather thick.

>> No.8909430

He's not denying people have sex for fun, it's just that as a species, we want to fuck in order to pass on our genes. That's what sex is for--reproduction.

>> No.8909433

can't wait until somethingawful gets a load of this thread

>> No.8909458

nope haiti is a different story
survival should be the most important for every race, making babys is the most easy way to survive, but moving with science forward to increase the life expectancy of each human is a better one.Improving the life of each human , decreases the need to have more than 1 child ,its quit easy to see why all the african country's have such a high birth rate and in the west , people are having 1 child most of the time, but we are fighting with how much it costs to even rise up 1 child.I don't even want to think how much it will cost me to rise up my own child in future.

>> No.8909462

yeah this too

thank you m8

>> No.8909478

Goddamn it. You are the one of the most weirdest normalfaggots who have ever walked on this planet.

But hell, i wouldn't argue with you about thing you said. But then again mostly sex has much of value on entertainment side. As out of the original picture.

>> No.8909479
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>as a species, we want to fuck in order to pass on our genes
No, we, like every other species, just want to fuck. This is why contraceptives exist, if the causal order was reversed (meaning: we want to fuck in order to pass on our genes), we wouldn't have them.

If you want to build philosophical superstructures on sexuality and such and such things, fine, but don't lose the central idea; things are wired to fuck and you're auxiliary lifesupport for your dick.

>> No.8909490
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>The east always has and always will be superior in literature and art.
> always will be superior in literature and art
>always will be superior in literature.

No. 0/10. I'm sorry, but Eastern literature does not hold a candle to Western literature. You must not read a lot.

>> No.8909502 [DELETED] 

>Eastern literature does not hold a candle to Western literature


>> No.8909509

/lit/ here, bring in the glorious eastern literature, I'm genuinely interested.

>> No.8909515

>Eastern literature does not hold a candle to Western literature


>> No.8909520
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What's so funny?

>> No.8909527

If you're going to say that Western literature is better than Eastern, you could at least be plausible and choose Germany or France or even Russia.

I do agree that Western is better, though...

>> No.8909532

> OP's pic as an example
I don't see what 2 little girls licking an ice cream has anything to do with sex.

If you're linking both together then maybe you should question first all the adult sluts who are constantly using every images possible to satisfy their lust and attract men, or women, or animals.

And stop pointing your finger towards Japan, or are you implying that all others countries are better than that?

>> No.8909545

Germany wrote books? I only know philosophers.

>> No.8909564

And what'd those philosophers do? make documentaries of their ideas or something?

>> No.8909595


>at least be plausible and choose Germany or France or even Russia.

I bet you are one of those people who discount 19th century American Literature as well.

>> No.8909630

No, political writings during the 1800's in America were some of the best in the world.

Aside from a select few, most of England hasn't really added much value to the world of literature.

Of course, I'm discounting Ireland and Scotland from "England" because we all know that most of the reason why they hate being lumped in with England is because they're embarrassed of such.

>> No.8909660

How is Moetan in any way comparable to Dora the Explorer?

>> No.8910301

>Pedophiles are attracted to young girls because they have no exp. with women their age and with a young girl they can feel strong and smart because she doesn't knows much about sex/world and they feel superior.
Why do normalfags actually believe this?
Because they want to?

>> No.8910343

Some people think like that. Take note: SOME people.

>> No.8911676


Moetan teaches Japanese English
Dora teaches Americans Spanish

>> No.8912810

Many Japanese people who missed out on childhood sex are willing to spend a lot of money to indulge in fantasies about it.

>> No.8912882
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> Russia
> Western


>> No.8915700
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They think western means white and black people.

>> No.8915726

You guys need to distinguish between2d and 3d.

2d is just cute. I find 3d really sad, not because of my moral compass or anything, but because the girls usually look really sad or broken in those, and that's just not pleasant to look at.

>> No.8917079

Half nip
Half rusky

>> No.8917108

What's wrong with sexualizing underage girls?

>> No.8917166

that feel when people try to explain sexuality with a single cause/reasoning/explanation, even though all sexuality is individual, and there's just some similar facts that apply to broader group (e.g. liking women)

that feel when janitor leaves this thread alone

that feel when this thread is the shittiest on /jp/

that feel that even when spamming that feel your post isn't the worst one on the thread

>> No.8917260


Off to /v/ or /b/ or wherever you came from with you.

>> No.8917417


>> No.8917430

oh wow, that's actually a good point

>> No.8917440

No it isn't. Moetan isn't aimed at children.

>> No.8917443

but it is a parallel I failed to draw originally.

>> No.8917444

Look at this tryhard trying to fit in. You can't seriously believe your post isn't a shitpost.
