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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8904953 No.8904953[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else found that /jp/ has made you more sociable and confident?

I had been staying inside every day for about five years straight and doing all of the typical /jp/ things like pissing in jars and then I realized that I had finally hit rock bottom. At that point I just stopped caring about everything and all of the sudden going outside didn't seem terrifying because nothing really matters at all and life is all just one big game.

I've gone out more recently, I've started dating a 3D girl that I encountered while I was wandering about outside, and I don't even care if she cheats on me because it all just feels like a game now.

Thank you, /jp/.

>> No.8904960


You finally cracked and went insane. Congratulations.

>> No.8904962

It's nice that you found happiness OP, but I'll have to revoke your /jp/ license

>> No.8904958

>I've started dating a 3D girl that I encountered while I was wandering about outside

Are you a magician?

>> No.8904967

fuck off normal

>> No.8904971

shut up you abnormal

>> No.8904972

Reported for shitposting, normal.

>> No.8904973


It's easier than you'd think. Once you lose all of your inhibitions you can just walk up to anyone and start talking to them.

Think about when you play an RPG and it feels normal to just approach random NPCs in the city areas and start talking to them. It feels exactly like that. Once you stop caring then you can do anything.

>> No.8904977

If you didn't care, you wouldn't seek 3DPD.
Get out of here with your normal bullshit.

>> No.8904984

OP confirmed for faggot.

>> No.8904990


Why even play video games then?

You don't care if you die in the game, you don't care if you lose, it's just a game and none of it really matters, but you still play it because it's fun. The same thing applies to real life. There's no reason to limit yourself to either being a normal or a NEET. It doesn't matter at all, just do whatever seems appealing at the moment.

>> No.8904991

If you wanted to date a 3D girl what have you been doing on /jp/ in the first place?

It's just pathetic to see someone use /jp/ as a substitute for a normal life when in fact you want to go out and have a normal life.
If you want a normal life just go and fucking get it but stop bothering us with your shit.

>> No.8904997


>> No.8904994

Tell it to /r9k/ norm.
We do1CCs here.

>> No.8905009


>If you wanted to date a 3D girl what have you been doing on /jp/ in the first place?

Why do you make it mutually exclusive though?

Can't you enjoy going outside and still enjoy /jp/? I don't see how going outside changes anything about the things I love. I still play eroge just as much as ever, I still do everything I did when I was browsing /jp/ all day.

There's no such thing as a normal. People are unique and there's a huge diversity of things that they enjoy. You can't try to fit billions of people into these huge sweeping generalizations.

>> No.8905014

this thread deserves to be all-banned cuz people are still responding

>> No.8905015

yeah, that's great. Stop spewing your normal shit all over the place.

Take it to /r9k/ they love your kind of bullshit.

>> No.8905032

You were doing great until you mentioned dating a 3D. See, it's not that you're not /jp/ material now. You weren't /jp/ material to start with. You just decided to "hit rock bottom" so you can fit in with the board stereotype. In short, you are still a disgusting tryhard. Game over.

>> No.8905030


Why are you so close-minded? You're actively trying very hard to avoid doing anything that you consider normal, but why? Are you scared of going outside? If you were just apathetic towards it and truly didn't care then I don't think you would be so defensive.

>> No.8905035

>Why do you make it mutually exclusive though?

You came here for a reason, when the trauma hits you again you'll remember 3d is pd.
>Can't you enjoy going outside and still enjoy /jp/? I don't see how going outside changes anything about the things I love. I still play eroge just as much as ever, I still do everything I did when I was browsing /jp/ all day.

I love outside, I wish I'd have enough money to build a house out in the country with the land my dad will leave me when he dies. Its being around to many "people" that sickens me. Especially since 80% of them are mindless zombies.

>There's no such thing as a normal. People are unique and there's a huge diversity of things that they enjoy. You can't try to fit billions of people into these huge sweeping generalizations.

True. But get out of /jp/

>> No.8905037

Someone will actually buy this. You're a half decent troll. keep it up and someone might just get a little mad.

Anticipating a response claiming "I'm not trolling, I'm perfectly serious".

>> No.8905046

Why have so many shitty threads that have started on /jp/ recently all had Reimu in the OP?
It's probably all the same shitposter.

>> No.8905047
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I am proud of you anon , except for the pissing part I hope you don't do that anymore.
The problem you are getting hate messages is because , some people use /jp/ as a hiding place to close themselves,they don't want to hear about the outside world or how someone is enjoying their life.You being happy remembers them how they miss such things and they feel awful.

Anyway , good luck anon , hope you have some new joy in your new life if I may say, but best would be if you let this thread die now.It will end in a big shirtstorm about 2D vs 3D
