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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8894273 No.8894273 [Reply] [Original]

I think it's all becoming too much, /jp/. Everything is becoming a blur.

How do you deal with the crippling depression?

>> No.8894275

I shitpost like a madman on /jp/

>> No.8894277
File: 14 KB, 473x357, 1326785289194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't.

>> No.8894278


>> No.8894282

Helium asphyxiation.

>> No.8894280

by banging ur mum

>> No.8894281


>> No.8894284

You take depression by balls and beat the shit out of it.

>> No.8894288

By finding and or forming a group for people seeking suicide pacts. I've been looking forever now, but no luck.
Really, it's surprising given the high suicide rate we have here.

ash is shit. Don't bother.

>> No.8894289

I listen to house music and play touhou

>> No.8894290
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my life is oddly idyllic.

>> No.8894291


>> No.8894295

I peel around 10 bananas, envelop my erect penis in one of the many peels laid aside, approach my keyboard and thwop the buttons with my banana peel penis.


>> No.8894297
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>> No.8894301

Not your blog, faggot.
I don't shitpost but I get angry at people who do and reply to all the shit threads

>> No.8894306

>suicide pact
Don't bother with this shit, if you were apt enough to form social connections with people you'd not be killing yourself.
Just kill yourself like everyone else does without silly pacts.

>> No.8894307

Whining about shitposting is shitposting.

>> No.8894308

"you can do better"

>> No.8894312

Saying something is shitposting is shitposting

>> No.8894310

Reading about shitposting is suffering.

>> No.8894317

Just stop being depressed.
Problem solved.

>> No.8894318

Actually most of them are formed online and the only time they meet in person is on the day they plan to go through with the pact.
How do you think Japan's resident shut-ins off themselves?

>> No.8894324

Most of them just do it by themselves, I thought.
Suicide pacts are still quite uncommon, right?

>> No.8894325


That was awesome

>> No.8894322

posting is shitposting
suck my cock, nerd

>> No.8894327

We should divide the userbase into two sections. The escapists who want to discuss Touhou, VNs, etc. and the misers who want to talk about feeling blue, suicide, drugs, etc. That way people visit the section they like and want to discuss things with, and don't have to put up with the other.

We could call the first section /jp/ and the second section /r9k/.

>> No.8894336

Pfft, /r9k/ is for normals. They don't want to discuss suicide.

>> No.8894345

I am sorry to ruin your fun. But committing suicide over just because your life is not your liking or you feel incapable of doing things. Is a waste and vanity. Foolish and idiotic. I won't say this because i'd like you or know you. I say this because i feel like it.

>> No.8894359

By not being depressed. Simple.

Then again, you are probably a suppressed extrovert and need to get out of /jp/ immediately.

>> No.8894352

No one gives a shit.

>> No.8894354

They're fucking booming in Japan. Especially with the younger generation.
But everywhere else they are very rare, yes.

>> No.8894357

If they felt that way then they wouldn't be killing themselves, now would they?

>> No.8894361


We already have /so/ for those who want the most genuine suicidal hikiNEETmori experience on an English image board.

>> No.8894367

Piss off, Mormon. You aren't stopping /jp/'s field trip to Gensokyo.

>> No.8894371

I had an accidental fap session. I just wanted to check something out and before I knew it I was fapping to a doujin I just randomly came across. I love little moments like that where nature just kicks in and you give in to your body without any planning. I wish I was patient enough to just wait for the feelings to arrive instead of planning to fap during the few moments in the day that I have privacy.

>> No.8894395

>suicidal hikkiNEETmori

Have you even seen /soc/, man? It's facebook, plain and simple.

>> No.8894407

Think he meant a certain less known imageboard, not soc.

>> No.8894418

Yes, that is what I meant, not /soc/.

>> No.8894425

Wait, what?

>> No.8894438

Go play suicide club then kids. I'll spit on the ground for you.

>> No.8894450

He means Tohno-chan. I think /so/ is "SO RONERY ;_;" or similar (I'd check, but the site won't even load for me).

>> No.8894460

I enjoy OTAKU CULTURE, it helps me with my depression.
Making off topic threads is really bad for your depression, trust me. Staying on topic makes you much happier all the time, I guarantee it.
Kindly delete your thread and you'll feel much better, suddenly!
Everyone, trust my advice on this.

>> No.8894464

I hope we get to the point where suicide is no longer taboo or spoken of as a selfish, horrible thing. I'm a great supporter of suicide and think what people do to their bodies is their choice and their choice alone. I would love to set up a place where people could kill themselves by the hundreds, surrounded in peace in their final moments by like-minded individuals.

>> No.8894465

This. I come to /jp/ to escape, not to remember.

Stop trying to bring everyone down with you.

>> No.8894470

It's called Switzerland.

>> No.8894485

Janitor, I think you should accept people's points. We have a personal advice board that was meant to get these threads out of the rest of the site, in the same way /soc/ was made to get social threads out of /b/, and /jp/ was made to get a bunch of stuff out of /a/. If someone starts a NEET/hikikomori thread, that is fine. But this is just people being upset and talking about killing themselves.

It's unfair that you would delete http://fuuka.warosu.org/jp/thread/8894313 but not this.

Unless this is your thread. In which case, egg on my face OR WHAT?

>> No.8894498

I invented a suicide device for such a place.
It is a small booth, that you walk in, give the machine 5 dollars, and it floods the booth with nitrogen, through many holes in the walls and ceiling. Death takes about 2 minutes, then the floor opens up and drops the body into some sort of processing, where it transports the body to be donated to science.
There's a slot for a organ donor card in the machine, you slot it in and you get a half price suicide, and your body's organs are sold. Of course it'd be quite expensive, $150 a pop, but that's to deter children and casuals.
Non-profit organisation- all profits are sent to suicide prevention organisations.

>> No.8894502

I know the janitor can't do anything about this, but I think /jp/ would benefit from being split into an Otaku Culture board and an Otaku/Random board.

>> No.8894509

/jp/ being split again? /jp/ has like 10 active posters.

>> No.8894517

Those would be great for the government. Say that when you commit suicide in one of those booths the government seizes all your money and assets. That'll help bring in some much needed alternate source of revenue for the government to reduce their debt with.

>> No.8894523


As a genuine estimate, how many regular posters (at least one post per week) do you think /jp/ has?

>> No.8894524

I think Otaku/Random would also attract some posters from other boards, so it wouldn't be that bad in terms of number of posters.

>> No.8894526

Euthanasia vending machines. My dream

>> No.8894527

My worry is that they'd become too popular, and the amount of money they generate would be large enough to warrant corruption. As the major controlling party I'd have to say that it should stay as a non-profit registered charity.

>> No.8894530

If a regular poster just has to make one post per week, I would say at least 200, if not more.

>> No.8894534

But then you still die alone. Nobody wants to die alone, anon. We want to die with like-minded people and maybe go to an amusement park and get ice cream on the same day.

And try not to think about how you empty your bowels when you die.

>> No.8894536

This is the result when life is just too easy for you.

>> No.8894545 [SPOILER] 
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/jp/ - Reverse group therapy

pic unrelated

>> No.8894542


That low? I was thinking at least in the thousands given my definition.

>> No.8894551

Don't give me shit about being too young/too socially crippled, you can get anything on the internet now.
Why not, your life a shit, right?

>> No.8894553

When you say one post a week, do you mean everyone who's ever made a casual post here or only people who've posted at least once a week for months?

>> No.8894555


The latter.

>> No.8894558


>> No.8894559

I don't think there are many people who post so little yet so consistently.

>> No.8894562
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I talk about my feelings to a tree because it listens. I always feel better afterwards.

>> No.8894573

In all honesty is there a site where we can talk about and plan a suicide meetup? I don't want to commit suicide alone and would enjoy being in the company of some /jp/sys. I have a few thousand in my bank account so I can fly a few people over and we can go to an amusement park or something before we do it.

>> No.8894570

What do you do when a gust of wind blows and a branch hits you in the face? That always makes me feel depressed again.

>> No.8894589
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>a branch hits you in the face

I talk to a big tall strong tree. Not a weak skinny rubber branch tree.

>> No.8894587
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not sure if troll or retarded :S

>> No.8894588

>Implying one can find out where to get drugs online without already knowing somebody in an inner circle
>Implying we could take them anyways due to serotonin-altering antidepressants that we already take.
>Implying we have a source of income in the first place

>> No.8894598

What would you do if it were struck by lightning and impaled you? I would feel pretty bad.

>> No.8894600

Like another anon said, they're quite common in Japan-land, but anywhere else are nigh impossible to find due to the taboo of suicide in western culture.

>> No.8894601

Wow I guess I'm not the only one. I guess I'm a little different though as the tree I talk to is dead. There's this fallen tree by a lovely little pond I like to visit and converse with.

>> No.8894641
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and like /jp/ does.Its always the same crap you talk about it and you never do it.
Thats a very good point, and I agree with you about it.
Neet/hiki shouldnt be about " xD /jp/ I GOT NO FRIENDS , I WANT TO SUICIDE , LE EPIC".

I said it not a long time ago, people are using the neet threads just to blog about some shitty reasons to suicide but in the end they anyway don't do it and its just for the attention.

Some people go to /jp/ for touhous , figs, random interesting Japanese things, idols , VN , but you have some try hards who go to /jp/ just to baw about how their life is shitty and they need some attention how they want to suicide because they got no friends or some other retarded reason.

Its funny in a strange way people are fighting to survive for even 1 day , some people go trough hard chemo therapy, some lose their legs and arms and still have the motivation to move forward with their life.

and than you have people who cry about their life for the most retarded reasons that a human can image " BAW LIFE HAS NO REASON I WILL SUICIDE WE ALL DIE ANYWAY IN THE END"I am surprised how some people aren't appreciating their life more for what they have compared to others.But no blaming everything on others and the world why your life sucks is much more easy.

>> No.8894652

Pretty sure no-one here blames anyone else for their own inadequacies.
We just aren't human beings.

>> No.8894657

It's called DEPRESSION you dumb LOSER FACE

>> No.8894671
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I take Prozac.

>> No.8894676
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I meet random men on craigslist and end up meeting them to suck their dicks and letting them fuck me, I think that is what love is.

>> No.8894677


I knew there were some cocksluts on here... I just knew it

>> No.8894683
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You are human as much as me and everyone else on this planet, no one here is some special snowflake that needs special attention, we are all humans with different life's and story's.But we all share the same instincts and emotions with each other, we get angry , cry,happy...
Yes there is depression and there is puberty , learn the difference.If you are serious about depression what in Gods name made you think you will find help on dam image board like 4chan , no honestly from all the ways and options to seek help you did pick up 4chan?

Come on you trolling or what?

>> No.8894688


>But we all share the same instincts and emotions with each other, we get angry , cry,happy...


>> No.8894690

Dude, we're all 20+ here.

>> No.8894694

lol same xDD

>> No.8894698

Dude I am not the person looking for help, I am on so many anti depressants and none of them work yet but I don't create shit threads like this I come here for the take it EZ mentality.

>> No.8894700

>you will find help

People with depression don't normally search for help due to being depressed.

>> No.8894702

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about, do you?

>> No.8894707

There are people with real problems who do not bitch as much as depressed people.
People with real problems have real reasons to bitch, unlike depressed people.
I see, it's a linear proportionality between how harsh your life is and how you must feel.
So rich people are constantly orgasming over how easy their lives are? I'm glad for them.

>> No.8894709

> life's and story's

>> No.8894715

It's not about being a cockslut it's about feeling loved. I would recommend it.

>> No.8894718

Be my cockslut~

>> No.8894724
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I didn't say you are doing this threads , I said we are all humans, and I agree /jp/ was about taking life easy

If that's true , than why I see so many idiots searching help on a imageboard

If I would be depressed I think 4chan would be the last place I would go to seek help and talk about my depression.

>> No.8894725

being used sexually =/= being loved

>> No.8894726

Dear sweet anon, you do not need look any farther for love than the beautiful internet! There are infinite 2d characters that will love you entirely for who you are? Why put yourself through the adversities that 3d provide and not sink into depths of the ocean of happiness 2d gives freely?

>> No.8894733

>why I see so many idiots searching help on a imageboard
Nobody really is searching for any serious help.

>> No.8894728

you just did

>> No.8894734

But you're wrong, that is exactly what it means.

>> No.8894754

no, it really isn't

>> No.8894784

We don't want help. Read the thread. People want to end their lives, but it doesn't mean that it has to be a lonely and depressing event. A bunch of guys and gals can meet up, go out for the night and have fun, and then do the deed afterwords.

Just because people are tired of their shitty lives doesn't mean the wear black and cut their wrist. What's wrong with seeking the ultimate escapism in death?

>> No.8894820
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Suicide it easy, /jp/

>> No.8894826
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the first thing OP posted was
>How do you deal with the crippling depression?
and you made a suicide thread out of it.

also suicide isn't funny or some happy moment.
People who do suicide they don't go to a fucking party, they go and do it.There is nothing good or happy about doing suicide , its very sad to see young people who do it and throw their life away.

>What's wrong with seeking the ultimate escapism in death?
Many things , first there are different ways to escape real life, suicide is the worst option. Its fucking sad if I have to be the person to remember you guys not to suicide and how pointless it is.
second /jp/ isn't your suicide club.

If you cant take it easy, I don't think /jp/ is the best place for you

>> No.8894837

Death may be pointless, but existence is equally so. Sometimes people just get tired/bored of existing. Who are you to say that their lives are being thrown away? Should they live to be a slave to your moral worth you attribute to their lives? I think that does not qualify as a living, it's mental death but not physical. I think it is you who is ignorant and not taking it easy.

>> No.8894838

He's just boosting his ego by giving advice where it is not asked. Pay him no mind.

>> No.8894841


Who the fuck told you again that you can use the phrase "take it easy" to mean "express my opinions as fact because they are right hurr"?

You seem to be very highly opinionated against suicide, which means you clearly have no idea of what goes on in the minds of those who are seriously contemplating suicide. If it were as easy to think as you do, no one would be contemplating suicide.

Take it easy, KING.

>> No.8894842

I see you're awful defensive about this topic. We own our own lives. Just because we want to end them doesn't mean we can't enjoy the last night. Christ, you demonize suicide yet go on about how "better ways of escapism" exist. Has it ever occurred to you that these "better ways" get old really, really fast? All they do is prolong a subconscious suffering.

Why is death such a big deal?

>> No.8894847

I don't understand why it isn't. They need you to satisfy themselves and that is love because they need you and if it isn't what is then?

>> No.8894851

You can hold onto your definition of love but you have to understand other people have different interpretations of what love actually is. Love can be a sexual act to you and be a different type of connection to me.

>> No.8894858
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Cutting and medications

>> No.8894861

Dat attention whoring

cut your upper legs next time dumbshit

>> No.8894865

Isn't sex the most intimate type of connection there is?

>> No.8894868

first world much eh?

>> No.8894873

You might want to think about declawing your cat. Or at least getting it's claws trimmed at the vet.

>> No.8894876

Dude you cut yourself after the flan thread
do you hate the best time of the day that much?

Well I wouldn't ask /jp/ that since we don't actually know what it is.

>> No.8894878

Not to me.

>> No.8894881 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 729x625, ashits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look faggot, no one cares. Either kill yourself for real or go on being a homolord asspharoh.

Pic might as well be you.

>> No.8894888

Please delete this picture or spoiler it, that was very rude to all the viewers of this thread.

>> No.8894890


>> No.8894897
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>I don't understand why it isn't. They need you to satisfy themselves and that is love because they need you and if it isn't what is then?

They need you just long enough to get their rocks off.

Love isn't a feeling it's something you do. Love is what holds relationships together.

Sex is not enough to hold a real relationship together.

>> No.8894898

You don't want to kill yourself. You clearly want attention and write poetry about your heart bleeding black.

People like you are detrimental to people who actually want to end their lives. Thanks for the bad press and negative steroetypes, faggot.

>> No.8894900 [SPOILER] 
File: 81 KB, 701x533, ashit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apologies

>> No.8894906


That's one of the most unhealthy things you can do.

>> No.8894926

Delete the original, silly.

>> No.8894937

Only for you.

>> No.8894946
File: 67 KB, 1024x691, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck told you , you can post your fucking suicide crap on a fucking otaku board?
Try to think next time on what board you are posting?
Take it to /soc/, you aren't some special snowflake who needs to post that crap on /jp/

There are enough people who are fed up with you guys bringing your baw story's and suicide shit to /jp/.

If you are serious so much, then go do it , go watch a movie have some fun do what you like but please be a man and have some proud and do it if you say you want to suicide.

>> No.8894953

Good job ignoring the actual challenge to your position.

Also, isn't it against the rules to avatar?

>> No.8894960

Kojp is the new /jp/ police, except with avatarfagging and ugly jap whores.

>> No.8894968


Woah, why are you so mad? I wasn't even the one who posted anything about suiciding myself. That's what you get for attempting to ad hominem on an anonymous messageboard.

Like I said, take it easy king. You aren't /jp/'s police.

>> No.8894976

>baws story

Are we reading the same topic, or did you leave your Mormon-vision on again?
>Otaku board

I would say it's pretty relevant, yeah. Given how those same Otakus that you adore are the pioneers of internet suicide pacts.
Also, please explain to me how you're perfectly okay with comics of little girls getting fucked on the front page, but discussing the ethics of suicide is where you stand your moral ground and freak out.

>> No.8894983

Don't worry anon, we won't start without you~

>> No.8894982

wait people aren't actually making suicide pacts ITT are they

seriously guys... don't

>> No.8894986


T-thank you anon. I don't want to die alone ;__;

>> No.8894987
File: 17 KB, 400x272, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what I am exactly ignoring?
I maid my point very clear that I am against suicide ,that every life should be respected and worth to live for, and against to see that shit on /jp/, because its nothing related to /jp/.

If you are serious about suicide , than do it , why you post that crap on /jp/.I don't see whats the problem if you want to suicide , you can do it very easy, your life is in your hand.
But posting everyday about how you are fed up with your life and you want to suicide or how you see no reason to live anymore is just pure attention whoring or trolling.

Its very easy , people who made up their mind to suicide they don't w8 and spend time on a imageboard to write everyday about it, they go and do it and that's it.

>> No.8894995

You seem to think anyone supportive of suicide is suicidal. This is not the case. Some users of /jp/ happen to be suicidal, you don't like it so you don't want to hear about it, but too bad.

>> No.8894999

I agree with you but
>just pure attention whoring

>> No.8895002

I like happy NEETs rather than depressed closet normalfag NEETs.

>> No.8895004

Not browsing /jp/ helps, concerning depression.

>> No.8895008

Not really. /jp/ is a pretty happy place if you ignore the /r9k/ refugees who have no interest in otaku culture.

>> No.8895022
File: 4 KB, 128x95, 25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am against 3D child pornography, and my knowledge about 2D is almost nothing, I don't read mangas or watch anime , I don't even play anime games.But 2D images aren't real people and no 1 is getting hurt because of that , I have no right to forbid something where no 1 is getting hurt.If it would be real children , I would be totally against it.Also people who rape real children would do it without reading 2D mangas/animes.Video games dont make people go shoot others, the same way 2D mangas dont make people go rape real children.Yes it is correct that people who have interest on real children may like to read 2D story's about it, but its still not reason to forbid them.If we would follow that logic we should forbide video games because it looks like almost every killer played some type of video game.

I answered your off-topic question, now back to my point that this suicide threads have nothing to do with /jp/.

>> No.8895027

You don't know anything about suicide. People who commit suicide often leave blatant clues that they are going to or talk openly about wanting to do it long before they attempt it and usually try to find mild little excuses not to. Given how surprisingly difficult suicide can be sometimes (rope breaking due to shitty knot skillz, not knowing the proper pill combination, etc.) suicide is attempted and failed for some which just makes their life worse and makes it harder to do it. You have this false view of "go-getter take the initiative" suiciders. Granted there certainly are some, but most go through the same game of should I, shouldn't I that these posters are going through.

>> No.8895039

>I don't read mangas or watch anime , I don't even play anime games.

It's ironic that you're judging what does and doesn't belong to /jp/.

>> No.8895043


I agree. I can't stand these "woe is me" NEETs. If you have a fucking problem with your life do something about it and stop moping. Let us truNEETs enjoy our chosen lifestyle without having to constantly read the whining of a bunch of depressed losers.

>> No.8895049

I cut myself.

>> No.8895050

If /jp/ were /a/ and anime and manga were related content then sure, it would be weird for him to call out the stupidity of this thread.

I'm here for Touhou, visual novels, and idols. Down the shitter with that moving pictures anime tripe.

>> No.8895054


>Touhou, visual novels


>> No.8895055

You're describing my behaviour perfectly. But I don't feel like that all the time.
Right now, reading that, I'm pretty fucking scared. It's like there's someone inside my mind that wants to kill me, and he can take over any moment.

>> No.8895057

Oh that's it, attack the things the board was made for. Don't attack "idols", threads which used to result in bans and which two thirds of the board are against.

>> No.8895058
File: 14 KB, 120x90, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I am judging what belong to /jp/ and what not, I have my idol threads that I read and I enjoy some of the random interesting topics that pop out once in a while related to Japan.This is my part of /jp/ that I like, I dont have to be some smart ass to understand that suicide threads aren't related to /jp/ and its a shame to the neet guys who post on /jp/, because they get mixed up in the same bag with the idiots who use the neet threads to write about their shitty life or suicide crap.

I am not a fan of 2D , but its a part of /jp/ , I skip this threads and that's it , but suicide threads aren't a part of /jp/

>> No.8895059

Do you really want help? Do you need someone to talk to?

>> No.8895064

>KING OF /jp/

>> No.8895073


>> No.8895075


/jp/ - Otaku Culture

last time i fucking checked anime and manga were pretty heavily associated with otaku culture. my point is if you're going to fucking bitch about anime and manga being here then you can fuck right off with your touhou and your visual novels.

>> No.8895085

There's nothing you can do. It's my physical condition.
As long as my health is bad I'll be depressed. I can only hope to get better. If the pain arrives I feel like killing myself.


>> No.8895092

It's natural and very normal to feel that way. Humans are very mysterious and it's normal to want others to unravel your mystery, even if they have to fight and struggle to do it, even if you have to leave breadcrumbs for them to understand. I hope you can at least find one person to understand you, although you will most likely pick up lots of emotional wounds and hurts as you sift through the always abundant self-serving people.

>> No.8895093

/jp/ is no content culture.
The only thing allowed here is meta discussion
This thread isn't meta enough

Vastly superior song

>> No.8895098
File: 62 KB, 774x600, thlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh alright then. I only wish moot would make us a new board for our Touhou shit, separate from all the manga and anime. Also suicide.

I'm thinking something along the lines of "/oc/ - Japan/General" perhaps.

>> No.8895106
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ok you 2 managed to make me laugh good.
If you are so serious about this topic, honestly go seek some help, may it be your family or some doctor its up to you, but posting on 4chan will help you in no way, the way to cure depression can be long and hard and its probably very hard to do it alone, you have forums for people with suicide problems, telephone hotlines ( I dont know how much they can help) and medical help.

>> No.8895115

I fail to see the difference between Touhou and anime-manga culture. Touhou is actually a part of the latter.

>> No.8895126

But Touhou doesn't have an official anime, and it`s mainly comprised of games. And besides, this board was made to take everything that wasn't anime and manga off from /a/, so that's why anime and manga don't belong here. Because this was made to be a board about everything that`s not anime and manga that's japanese. (Of course, it's Otaku culture now, but you got the idea).

>> No.8895127

When I realized that I didn't care about love anymore, that my earliest dreams were fantasies, that no matter what I do, it won't make a difference, when I realized that I was doomed, along with all the humanity, I stopped being depressed.

I think that one is depressed because of a deep insatisfaction in life that cannot be fixed, a huge impotence. If you don't care, you don't suffer. If you don't try, you don't sweat.

I wish that you all can have peace of mind again.

>> No.8895129

it has anime, also known as Rozen Maiden

>> No.8895139
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I am no expert on 2D so don't take my answer as good.
But I think what he did mean is anime like TV series belong to /a/ and figs, touhous , mangas VN belong to /jp/ because they aren't related to TV series and are considered as hobby for many otakus same like anime, just anime is much bigger and has his own board for it.

>> No.8895141 [DELETED] 

Get your 3D loving ass back to /a/ or whatever tripshit.
Reported for avataring.

>> No.8895146

Nobody is denying that. But anime/manga explicitly go in the anime/manga board. That's the whole reason why this board exists.

>> No.8895157

Given how much deletion has gone on in and around this thread, I think we can assume the janitor made it.

What someone should do is make a NEET/hikikomori "general" thread every so often. We can discuss the lifestyle as a whole and our roneriness can be tangential to the whole thing. Then if any blogging doesn't fit into that thread, it simply doesn't belong on /jp/.

>> No.8895171

It used to be that way.
Now it's just try hards, the couple of people who are NEETs but have already discussed it all they care to, people pretending, and off boarders taking the opportunity to blog.

>> No.8895172


I'll love you Anon.

>> No.8895183


>> No.8895188

Games go on /v/

Visual Novels can go on /lit/ or /v/ respectively

If you really want to discuss one game or a series like Touhou in detail you can go on /vg/

If you want to post Japanese women being cute you can go on /s/

If you want to discuss tea you can go on /ck/

If you want to discuss fumos and dolls you can go on /toy/

If you want to discuss suicide or ask for depression advice you can go on /r9k/ or /adv/

And of course if you want to talk about touhou comics you can go on /a/

Don't you understand, there is no "/jp/" material. Everything here can fit perfectly inside other boards and be dissected to hell and beyond. Picking and choosing what you want on this board is incredibly pointless. In the end the only /jp/ related things are what random janitors decide to leave. Since this has not been related, guess what it's /jp/ material until it 404's or gets deleted.

>> No.8895195

What is then?

>> No.8895201

Well, but there's a limit between on-topic and off-topic, you know? I don't agree with you on that, because at least in my opinion, the more you lurk, the more you understand what belongs on this board and what not belongs. It's not hard to distinguish. It just takes time.

>> No.8895202

Oh, you are me. Well, almost.

Care not, after all, nothing matters.

>> No.8895204


Thank you Anon, I love you

>> No.8895219

Suicide threads appear as often as anything else on /jp/. Tell people to lurk all you want but /r9k/ NEETlife complaints are just as much a part of this board as otaku hobbies.

>> No.8895224
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I see what you try to say
and yes in a way all this threads could go inside what you posted, but there is a very important thing and its all this things are otaku culture (except the suicide threads they go to /soc/)and there is a board for them, if /jp/ wouldn't exist yes it would make in some way sense that this threads would be posted on other boards and it would be a problem for some boards .But we have /jp/ so we post the otaku related hobby's/things inside /jp/.So other boards dont complain about Touhous,VN,Idols,figs.

>> No.8895227

>except the suicide threads they go to /soc/
I think /r9k/ and /adv/ would be more appropriate.

>> No.8895230

Reported again for avataring, take it to /a/.

>> No.8895238

Correct me if I'm wrong, but those guys will just give you normalfag "don't do it you've got so much to live for" and understand about as much as other NORPs.

>> No.8895244

But /soc/ wouldn't be any better.

>> No.8895251

So do you people not want proper advice or something? I mean, if I wanted advice, I would speak to /adv/. They have people who lurk then post just to help people like me out.

Or is it that you just want to share your feelings specifically with the /jp/ userbase? Not saying there's anything wrong with that, I just don't particularly get it.

>> No.8895252

Go to /k/. Start shitstorm over what kind of ideal weapon and ammunition you should use and the chances of success. It's hilarious.

>> No.8895257

My first instinct upon seeing this thread was to tell them to do it, which is what I assumed most of 4chan would say. The only thing that stopped me was my not being a complete asshole and so I opted to voice my mild dissatisfaction with its content instead.

I realise that /r9k/ is full of normalfriends but I never had them down as very nice people when it comes to helping out those in need. Then again, I haven't actually visited that or any other board since around the time it was first created. Maybe even /b/ is pretty much Facebook by now.

>> No.8895266

They want attention, not advice.

They operate under the assumption that people on /jp/ can sympathize with them, so they shitpost here instead of the more normal boards which they fear will just hand out canned responses.

It's all a rather big waste of time.

>> No.8895274

neet=/= suicide/depression
The very big problem is people use this threads as their personal blog about some childhood trauma or suicide problems.
Did you ever think about that maybe there isn't a good board about suicide on 4 chan and that suicide threads shouldn't even be on 4chan?People who have suicide problems and have the need to talk about it should find some other way or forum/webpage to do it who is about such topics.

>> No.8895286

Hence it's best to support them on their trip to the next world.
They don't get the attention they're looking for (they want someone to show that they care), and if you helped them, it makes it so they don't shitpost again.

Logically, by your own logic, it's best to get people to kill themselves.
Now what faggot?

>> No.8895299

What's wrong, tired of seeing your shitty jap pictures getting deleted?

>> No.8895303

i know that feel ;(

>> No.8895337


They want attention because they didn't get enough as a child or don't get enough now. There's nothing wrong with wanting some kind of loving or sympathetic attention, it's a basic human want.

Don't kill yourselves Anons, I love you.

>> No.8895344

If they want it they should be seeking it somewhere else.
It's s shame there isn't a janitor who can spot and weed these sorts of people out. It might have stopped them from taking root as deeply as they have.

>> No.8895348

You don't love anyone here. You can't love someone you've never met. Don't try to hand out false niceness, that doesn't help anything.

>> No.8895351

This is what people should say. The false internet love just makes people feel worse. You feel better for a little while, but then it just gets worse, much worse.

No-one on the internet loves you.

>> No.8895359


Is it possible to love someone you've never met? Who says so?

I love all of you.

>> No.8895364

>Online Suicide Pacts aren't related to Otaku/Japanese culture

Are you fucking retarded or just fucking retarded? Where do you think they came from?
And just because people discuss ending their lives doesn't mean their posts are mopy and full of woe-is-me. Most of us have accepted that there is no changing our shitty lives and just want to get down to business with some fellow gy/jp/sies.

>> No.8895369

Just wanted to let you know that your post moved me, as I realized that the same is true for me.

>> No.8895390

>They want attention
But that's fucking wrong Aside from the OP, there's not a single "my life sucks X left me and Y hates me". It's people either looking for or discussing the very concept of suicide pacts.

>> No.8895391
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> King of /jp/


>> No.8895399

wtH is that you?

>> No.8895415

Yeah yeah, this thread has just been full of that hasn't it?
Why I must be blind to have missed it all!

Now it's your turn to direct to the three posts with no responses that were actually written to that end, and say "see I told you so".

>> No.8895453

I try to deal with it by making this post in hopes that my friend unblocks me ;_;
you know who you are

>> No.8895457

who, me?

>> No.8895464


>> No.8895466

Sorry but I need more time to myself, just be patient.

>> No.8895474

Sounds like your friend is planning to kill himself without you. Tough break, huh?

>> No.8895478


>> No.8895501

I think it's all becoming too much, /jp/. Everything is becoming a blur.

How do you deal with the crippling depression of cripplingly depressive threads?

>> No.8895509
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Helium Asphyxiation.

>> No.8895522

All you need to do is come home, Hebrew man.

>> No.8895560 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 743x1163, img_15_1476_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue what you saying , also stop using the word faggot, it maybe ok on /v/ but not here.
>Most of us
now you are speaking for /jp/
if you say you did accept it , looks like there is no way back than and you mind up your mind to suicide , also you had your chance to find someone on /jp/ and you failed in this thread.Can you now stop posting your suicide drama on /jp/?

>> No.8895570

Reported for avataring and ban evasion.

>> No.8895588

Horse shit. Shit burns your lungs.

Go to your local Wal-Mart and pick up 2 bottles of equate sleep aid maximum strength. Guzzle down all of it. Still lonely, though.

>Most of us

If you had any sort of reading comprehension, you would understand he wasn't talking about /jp/ as a whole, but supporters of the side of the argument you are so militantly against.

Again, you either can't read or you're just fucking retarded.

>> No.8895596

>Go to your local Wal-Mart and pick up 2 bottles of equate sleep aid maximum strength. Guzzle down all of it. Still lonely, though.
People take more than that recreationally. Won't do the trick, home boy.

>> No.8895607

>burns your lungs

You really are a fucking retard, aren't you?
Look up people using helium to make their voice high pitched.

Use nitrogen instead if you think that helium burns your lungs.

Or do you think nitrogen burns your lungs too?
Wait shit, the atmosphere is 70% nitrogen and you don't fucking notice.

>> No.8895609 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 446x600, 446px-kago_ai_heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also I forgot 1 thing to add
What makes you think suicidal pacts where invented by otakus and is considered a otaku culture?

By that logic ,we did never see suicide pacts before otakus invented it.Dam anon I cant believe suicide pacts did happen the first time in history in Japan , and invented by otakus.

Honestly , I am actually starting to think you are troll.
You see no 1 gives a shit about your suicide drama and we would like to take it easy now on /jp/ and enjoy our time, now you have 2 options you can go seek some help or listen linkin park and cry about your life.

Why cant you just accept that suicide threads aren't part of /jp/ and they are in no way related to otaku culture

>> No.8895617

I didn't say they invented pacts. I said they popularized internet pacts.

Quit being a worthless idiot.

>> No.8895618

And you're trying to convince people to use the incredibly unreliable, incredibly dangerous and shitty sleeping pill method!
You're at the height of stupid.

>> No.8895622

Want to travel to Gensokyo?

Go to your room, find your closet.

Found it? Good.

Now go out and find a grill, a charcoal grill. Now go buy a roll of duct tape and some plastic sheeting. (there are specialty kinds of charcoal that will make this suck far less and still do the job. Research this yourself)

Alright, get back to your damn closet. Tape up the door, plastic sheet over it to make doubly sure. Tape up any rat holes or whatever too, cuase hell why not.

Alright, cozy? Light that fire!

This can be done in larger rooms to save you the trouble of having a face full of eye burning smoke, adjust for size.

Want this to suck even less? Get you a mask of some sort and goggles.

Still not enough for you? Spend your pocket change on some vodka and a bottle of aspirin. Grab some generic benedryl too if you really want to nap before you get all hot and bothered.

Congrats man, you're drunk, napping, and soon to be dead! And it's hardly painful too!

>> No.8895636

No this shit is stupid.
If you do a sealed room method, use liquid nitrogen. Seal the room, spill a gallon of liquid nitrogen.
You'll pass out in literal seconds, and since the cold nitrogen is at the floor, you'll die within a minute or so.

>> No.8895632


>> No.8895641

What is it with you and nitrogen?

>> No.8895644
File: 17 KB, 441x359, 1303222641512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol honestly you believe suicide pacts are otaku culture and should be posted on /jp/?

You see in your eyes I am maybe a worthless idiot, but at least I am not a idiot who spend his time crying on imageboard to suicide.You had your chance in this thread and not even 1 anon wanted to suicide with you together.

>> No.8895655

It's an asphyxiant.
Look it up on wikipedia.

But if you ever work with liquid nitrogen, you're warned not to spill it, and if you do, ventilate, get the fuck out of there and warn everyone.
It makes you pass out in seconds, and you die in minutes.
It causes deaths in the chemical industry, just because people don't notice that they're in a room without oxygen in it.

>> No.8895656
File: 46 KB, 776x602, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8895669

Okay, but why do you have such a hard on for it?
Are you trying to be some kind of super villain with that as your theme?

>> No.8895662

>lol you honestly believe

Holy fucking christ you are stupid. Google it, retard. The internet pacts were and to some degree still are popular in Japan. They involved all sorts of people.

>> No.8895676

But nobody directly asked anyone. It was mostly discussing the idea and ethics.
And then you started posting.

>> No.8895678

I'm just keen on letting people make informed decisions.
I get angry when people say you should eat a bunch of pills. That shit will get you in the hospital, not in the morgue.

>> No.8895690

I never told anyone to eat pills.
I just think it's weird that you're so insistent on using industrial chemicals that would be hard for most broke shut ins to get a hold of, and maybe be difficult for them to operate.

>> No.8895701
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>they involved all sorts of people

so they aren't otaku related,looks like they don't belong on /jp/ than.I dont know from what board you came from , maybe /v/ or /b/ I am not sure.But look my darling suicide threads dont belong on /jp/ , people are sick of you guys using the neet threads to talk about your /soc/ shit.

>> No.8895741

>wasn't here before /jp/ was Japanese Culture
>proceed to accuse of being new
>Again proceed to state that the thread is full of baw and drama when none of that is present

My deep and growing hatred for you has made me want to live so that I may hunt you down and backhand you over and over.
Thanks, faggot. I owe you one.

>> No.8895747

i pretend i'm a solitary witch in a cyber-coven.

>> No.8895761

Please stop posting that abortion.

>> No.8895770

>im sick of you guys using the neet threads

...Do you even know what a neet is, moron?

>> No.8895797

Otaku Culture

Pick one, you shitfaced neo /jp/sie.

>> No.8895810
File: 16 KB, 431x360, 1303221858060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i was far longer on this board than you can imagine , but that's not even important now.

please try to read the thread from start and you will see people made only jokes about you suicide retards , the neet guys hate you for transforming every neet thread into teenager drama about shitty life and suicide shit.The people with true suicide problems don't like to see that shit on /jp/.
Just accept that suicide threads aren't related to /jp/ and you have better boards for that than /jp/ , and dont give me the answer " BUT BUT THEY ARE NORMALS"sunshine you arent a special snowflake who needs special treatment.

and before I leave this thread and do something else , let me just explain you 1 more thing, stop with the retarded acting like a internet tough guy
>My deep and growing hatred for you has made me want to live
Who the fuck are you ?What will you do kill me with your girls arms , stop with the retarded dark and edgy shit and grow up, you will kill no and you will do no damage to someone now shut up and learn to behave.You think I will just stand infront of you and let you hit me.I would probably slap you a few times and bring you back to your parents and explain them what retarded son they have.

like this people
just a few posts what ppl think about this suicide shit that is on /jp/ and inside the neet threads

also yes I know what Neet means, its someone who is in no education or work and isn't looking to get a job or to continue his education.

>> No.8895815

During the act it is love.

>> No.8895819

Opened all of these at the same time thinking they were gifs based on the thumbnails. Closed tabs in disappointment.

>> No.8895825

you wanna fucking fight kid well guess what I just hacked your IP address. yea thats right you can't do shit you fucking pussy... if you try to start ANY MORE shit with me, I'll hack the shit out of your computer so be warned you terrorist piece of shit. and if you try to come to my house just be warned that I know Kung Fu and have a GUN so if you wanna start some? shit I'll fuckin be ready to kick the shit out of you. You've been warned, motherfucker. don't FUCK WITH ME again.

>> No.8895829

Yep, it's a confirmed troll.

>> No.8895832

But he is pretty much right. You are no better than /r9k/ fags, your own kind doesn't want you. You have no place in /jp/, remember that you shitposter.

>> No.8895835
File: 49 KB, 500x129, iceburn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that settles it. This fight is well and truly over.

>> No.8895841

I agree and I can't see it as anything but a good thing that the thread has been derailed with this argument.

>> No.8895853

The thread was fine until you faggots started shitting it up. You keep insisting it was /r9k/ material and I have yet to find any baw posts.
It's a common thing(and nearly exclusive) in Japan. It's related, moron. I'm sorry the concept burns you delicate heart, now go back to your little girls.

>> No.8895855


so true. but /r9k/ is for normals, but what puts me off is the average age on /r9k/ is like, 19, so it's full of tl;dr teen angst drivel. Plus, the sheer amount of "my girlfriend" threads is insufferable. i'm not even sure trolling is even worth the effort there.

>> No.8895861

This thread is mostly filled with /r9k/ refugees. See the post right below you.

>> No.8895881

Remind how discussing the moral ethics of suicide and online suicide pacts is in any way related to /r9k/.
I suggest you actually read the thread this time.

>> No.8895885
File: 265 KB, 668x827, 1548-53-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have yet to find any baw posts

I direct you to the OP:
>it's all becoming too much
>everything is becoming a blur
>crippling depression
>How could this happen to me?
>I've made my mistakes
>Got nowhere to run

>> No.8895891

-Internet-connected suicide pacts are still relatively rare even in Japan
-they still represent only 2% of all group suicide-pacts, and less than 0.01% of all suicides combined
-similar incidents have also been reported from other countries including China, South Korea, Germany, Australia, Norway, the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, and Sweden.

Get out /r9k/ fag

>> No.8895894

That's nice. Anything else? No, they're isn't. Because the thread took a swift turn from the start. Try reading it next time instead of just the OP.

>> No.8895905
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>> No.8895910

In what way do those two things go with/against each other?

>> No.8895916

They don't.
One is an unreliable source and the other is a childish assumption.

>> No.8895919
File: 181 KB, 680x701, 07d4277107af3c1028bd3c9d12358afe..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to quote half the posts in this thread just to prove a point to you. I'm sure you're capable of reading. That is if you can get over your crippling depression and suicidal ideation that you totally have IRL for reals and aren't faking for attention on an unrelated imageboard nope not at all never.

>> No.8895924

