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8893809 No.8893809 [Reply] [Original]

How long does it take my dick to start working again once I stop taking SSRI's?

>> No.8893815


>> No.8893825

Hmmh, i think your days as a man OP are over.

But aren't you happy?

>> No.8893828





I'm just emotionless and apathetic, I can't even get feels anymore

SSRI's are shit don't take them

>> No.8893831

>I can't even get feels anymore

>> No.8893833


Oh /jp/ you so stern

>> No.8893859

Inject blood into it, has to be the same blood type obviously, and simulate the head

>> No.8895028
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Y-you have to get something warm and hot in your butt, and it'll start working again... really.. soo.. can i .. umm. put it inside your butt anon? pplease?

>> No.8895041
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took me around 3 years to start being able to masturbate again, and a year after that to start enjoying it again.

The first thing to re-show itself was my masochism, and then everything else slowly came back after that. Just depends how much you're taking and how long you were taking it,and how old you were when you started taking it.

>> No.8895475

I quit prozac around 4 years ago and still have to death grip my purple tipped dong -- the skin on the shaft is discolored because of friction.

better with lube but if you dry fap you will probably death grip for a while.

doesn't help that I edge for 6~ hour sessions every 2 days. (5 min breaks every 45min)

>> No.8895491

I take them and I fap every two to three days, but it takes effort. I definitely can't get as hard as I used to, unless I skip taking them for a few days.

>> No.8895497

What the fuck do you people take all these meds for?

>> No.8895504

SSRI's can have permanent side effects.

They thought they were super safe but apparently it was bullshit now there are people with ED.

As a bonus once you stop you are massively prone to having worse depression / anxiety issues for the rest of your life.

>> No.8895531

>I'm just emotionless and apathetic, I can't even get feels anymore
>SSRI's are shit don't take them
If being emotionless and apathetic is not an improvement, why the fuck do you even take the pills?
I swear, these kids with their "problems"...

>> No.8895528

Lol I take that shit and I have no problem getting my dick hard.

>> No.8895529
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They were deluded by big pharma into believing magical pills would make them happier.

I'm sorry anon I hope your cock gets better

>> No.8895548


Psychiatric bullshit thinking every kid that isn't happy because his parents are going through a divorce and make him choose sides is sick because he has a chemical imbalance.

Same people who think that if kids have too much energy (ADHD) there is something wrong with him when he doesn't want to sit in a desk for 7 hours a day.

Also the same people that brought you





>> No.8895549

Antidepressants do not have permanent side effects.

>> No.8895554

Depends on the kind.

First they prescribed me shit that totally cut off my ejaculation (I could get boners just fine, just couldn't come) and I demanded for them to fix that bullshit. They got me on another one and it I pretty quick to regain function.

>> No.8895556

woops forgot http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagnostic_and_Statistical_Manual_of_Mental_Disorders

>> No.8895572


Same guy here. Well I just looked up the stuff I take and apparently it doesn't have adverse effects on sexual functions. Maybe I'm just broken or something. I take a generic wellbutrin replacement.

>> No.8895574

for me it was about from 5 days to almost 2 weeks. depends on the dosage I think.

>> No.8895582

>It consists of cutting the connections to and from the prefrontal cortex
Isn't that like blowing off half of your chest?
The article says people lived after those "procedures". How is that even possible?

>> No.8895621

there used to be forced lobotomies on people in the US and Canada when they were deemed as deviants as well as forced sterilization.

Ever hear of a botched lobotomy? the simpsons had quite a few episodes with them in it... not taught in schools anymore because its a black mark in history.


>> No.8895685

Is there a reason you wouldn't? The brainstem is the part that controls unconscious functions like breathing and the heart. Prefrontal controls stuff like thinking.

>> No.8895758

>Prefrontal controls stuff like thinking.
Oh. No big deal then.
