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8893481 No.8893481 [Reply] [Original]

Rate your favorite Touhou game that you enjoyed the most. Was it the most challenging? Did you like the spell cards? Etc. 1 being the game you enjoyed the most going down to the least favorite game. Then in another list type which Touhou game is the least popular. 1 being the least and going down to the most.

(does not have to be just 4)

Favorite Touhou game

1.Most favorite

Least popular Touhou game

1.Least popular

>> No.8893521
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Favorite :
1 - UFO
I really enjoy it because of how different it feels from the other Touhou games, like, it has very "strange" spellcards, and I find it very challenging to graze through the screen only to reach the green or red UFO and get my reward. I also really enjoy the OST, and the cast is extremely memorable to me, even if a lot of people barely care about them. I'm too lazy to explain why I like the others.
2 - SA
3 - EoSD
4 - PCB

1 - Probably SoEW
2 - PoD.D
3 - HrtP
4 - LLS

>> No.8893753
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>> No.8893780

1. PCB
2. IN
3. SA
4. UFO

1 2 3 4 5 = all the PC98

>> No.8893781

There are touhou games now?

>> No.8893818

IOSYS was pretty cool, but Bad Apple was good too

>> No.8893829

Favorite: SA.
Dem giant bullets man, that music.

Least favorite: StB, DS.
I don't know, never liked them.

Oh, and SWR > IaMP

>> No.8893841

Ok I guess I dint make myself clear. What I meant by least popular was what you think is the least popular touhou game. Like why people do not play it or why that game has not gotten enough attention by the touhou audience.

>> No.8893862

I only played four of the games but here are my most to least favorites.

1. SA
2. DS
3. MoF
4. UFO (never finished it; screw you Ichirin)

That's all I've played so far. I kind of lost interest after playing UFO. Probably should pick back up DS as I only got stuck as early as Kogasa but still found it fun. UFO just wasn't fun for me at all, didn't like the UFO system at all.

>> No.8893889
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My favorite is SA. I love all Touhou games, but SA is beautiful, feels long and challenging, great music... I still can't beat Ooku ;_;
EosD is probably second, as it was my first Touhou game and felt so fresh.
IN is really epic even if a bit convoluted. PCB has great gameplay, and MoF has awesome characters and settings.
UFO is great but I get frustrated because it's as cheap as it comes. Ten Desires is a nice small package, but too easy and feels short.
GFW is lovely.

>> No.8893913

UFO > SA > PCB > MoF > IN > TD > EoSD

PCB > UFO > IN > MoF > SA > EoSD > TD

UFO > PCB > SA > IN > MoF > EoSD > TD

>> No.8893912

giant bullets?

so yeah

>> No.8893919

the only fun thing about MoF is its prettiness and VoWG. Can't hold a candle to EoSD.

>> No.8893923

1. Perfect Cherry Blossom
2. Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

To be honest, those are the only two I really liked. The others were fun, but they felt more gimmicky and less arcadey, and ZUN took the music in a direction I didn't like (EoSD in particular had brilliant music). Not saying the other games were bad, I just didn't get into them as much.

Never played the PC-98 games.

>> No.8893929

Most favorite


Least popular


>> No.8893947

Hardly can be considered the most challenging but it is by far the most fun and re-playable. A huge character selection and the biggest in the normal toohoo game, fantastic music and atmosphere...Christ I love it.

My fave five, dawg
1. IN
2. PCB
3. UFO
4. EoSD
5. MoF

>Least favorite
Fuck everything about this game

It's EoSD.
If you have another answer, it's wrong. It's the most popular just for the characters involved alone. More fan works are for characters in this game than in anyother. More people have been introduced to touhou through this game. No touhou game comes CLOSE in terms of popularity.

>Least popular
Any PC98...yes they all tie at #1

>> No.8894405

1. MoF
2. MS
3. SA
4. PCB

1. GFW (i loved the ice system. I dont see why people find it so hard)
2. SA (lol reimu abuse, and hilarious spots to get a boat ton of graze)
3. PCB (Self explanatory)
4. IN (a lot of hilarious spots to get graze too)

Most challenging:
1. UFO
2. DS
3. LLS
4. SA

Most liked
1) MoF
2) GFW
3) SA
4) MS

Most disliked
1) TD (asdf this scoring system makes me rage)
2) IN (Blame bad habits that the 2 second deathbombs bring)
3) DS/StB (not a fan of those)
4) PoFV (Because PoDD is so much better)

>> No.8894426

Fuck IN and fuck anyone who says it's the easiest game, Reimu always destroys me while I can breeze through PCB

>> No.8894495

So for somebody just getting into bullet hell, what other series does /jp/ recommend?
Also, I've been practicing and practicing at EoSD for months and I still can't make it past stage 3(I'm playing on Hard so that I don't miss any spellcards). Any tips? I think my main problem is trying to master streaming. I just can't seem to pull it off.

>> No.8894546

How much I enjoyed it:
SA > TD > PCB > IN > MoF = UFO > EoSD

Playing time:
IN > PCB > SA > EoSD > MoF > TD > UFO

>> No.8895133


Makes me remember a certain boss from Fever SOS.

>> No.8895486


>> No.8895724

every game from Cave

besides Guwange, that game is shit.

>> No.8896705

Soundtrack: TD>UFO>MoF>SA>PCB>PoFV>IN>EoSD

Too hard to rank anything else.
