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8879210 No.8879210 [Reply] [Original]

So they know about Christianity too? I wonder how they got this info. Was this already common knowledge in 1885 Japan?

>> No.8879211


>> No.8879213

1885? Why?

>> No.8879224


Wasn't that the year the barrier was put into place?

>> No.8879223

Of course it was. By then Christian missionaries had been coming to the island for centuries, not to mention the Meiji restoration was well underway, aligning Japanese society closely with Western ones.

>> No.8879241

Before Perry came and forced his american penis inside Japan's collective anus, Portugal came hundreds of years before and managed to get in good relations. And in came the missionaries. But since the peasants that converted started to organize under a banner to oppose the extremely oppresive shogun, they tried to purge christianity after the Amakuza insurrection. After that, christianity survived as an underground cult.

>> No.8879244

Yes. They had many missionaries back then. Remember that japan is celebrating christmas.

>> No.8879247

It's also a possibility they know about it simply due to Alice, Patchouli or Remilia.

>> No.8879256


Thank god they slaughtered those retards.

Japan is one of the most open minded and tolerant societies on the planet when it comes to religion. Converting them to Christianity would ruin everything.

>> No.8879254

They know about a ton of modern stuff.

Typical secondary, thinking Gensokyo hasn't changed since the construction of the Great Hakurei Border.

>> No.8879259

> TL Note
Yeah, thanks for that, guys.

I always wonder: were these sort of notes in the original Japanese? I feel like they're insulting my intelligence a little.

>> No.8879264

I was gonna say that too. Did they REALLY have to TL note the Tower of Babel? How is that not common knowledge?

>> No.8879271


>Typical secondary

Your ass is secondary.


I am interested in your ideas and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

>> No.8879272

Japan doesn't have a barrier that secludes them from the rest of the world, even though they have been somewhat isolated throughout history.

>> No.8879286

Such people exist that don't know, and they are likely christian

>> No.8879291

Probably Jesuits translated the Bible to Japanese quite early. I think that the Portuguese made the first contact in the 16th century.

In addition I wonder if the translators are idiots themselves and need notes for the most basic things or do they just think that all their readers are idiots?

>> No.8879290

hepr derp slaughter everyone who disagrees with me

am i edgie yet

>> No.8879293

That's what the christians said.

>> No.8879295


I dare say that the people who know the least about Christianity are self proclaimed Christians of the fundamentalist variety and your regular 15 year old atheists.

>> No.8879298

It is always refreshing to read about being open mindedness and slaughter on the same sentence.

I wonder if you ever heard of self awareness.

>> No.8879303

That's pretty much what I was saying.

>> No.8879315

The close-minded ancestors of Japan protected the open-minded people in the future from a close-minded religion.

>> No.8879327


Cool christian defense force.

Converting to Christianity sure worked well for all the people in South America.

>> No.8879340

So I guess it wasn't about keeping the peasants in a quasi-slave subordination, eh?

Funny thing, things haven't changed much since then.

>> No.8879344


They were always open minded about religion. Then christfags came and started screaming "There is one God! Murder or convert everybody who disagree!".

And life of average european at that time was so awesome and full of freedom. I bet they loved working in mines at the age of 8.

>> No.8879348

They sure did so well before when they were being sacrificed to their own gods. Also I do not really see what converting to Christianity has to do with lack of immunity to the diseases of Eurasia.

>> No.8879357
File: 79 KB, 350x234, papa buena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much difference actually. We only have less blood sacrifices, but the old pantheon is pretty much intact.

At least the spaniards prefered to enslave/convert rather than outright wipe out the natives.

>> No.8879364
File: 243 KB, 900x750, 1301696393067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even fucking Rumia is vaguely aware of Christianity in the games, and she's not viewed as being very bright at all.

>> No.8879369


Rest of the world was so different back then right?

And Christians killed 60 million people in south america. Which is more than Stalin and Hitler combined.

Such a peaceful religion. I'm sure spanish missionaries cared about well-being of japanese peasants.

>> No.8879391


They used to sacrifice prisoners and children to the sun by ripping their hearts out. I fail to see your point.


Taoists and Confucianists used to wage wars against eachother too. So did the Hindus and the Buddhists. Islam extinguished the oldest monotheist religion in the world. Your entire worldview is built around imaginary guilt and bullshit.

>I bet they loved working in mines at the age of 8.

Oh, you mean people weren't against it? Charles Dickens and no small number of priesthood was against such things.

>> No.8879399
File: 191 KB, 566x800, 4742303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that is a funny story. Did you know that Jews started that trend when they wiped out the christian population of 60,000 in a city in the 7th century? They were given the choice of either becoming jews or be slaughtered. The christians, of course, refused. When news of this reached other cities, the Jews gained the status of being evil incarnate.

After that, people became increasingly intolerant to other religions, and the main reason for jewish persecution worldwide. It's funny! I laugh every time I read about it.

So, when you see christians being intolerant, just remember: It's all the jews fault for making them jaded in the first place.

>> No.8879410
File: 90 KB, 400x320, 346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's one good thing the Portuguese brought to Japan.

>> No.8879412


I'm not saying christians are bad and everybody else is good. Every religion did plenty of shit.

But claiming christian missionaries started a rebellion because they wanted to improve the lives of japanese peasants is just laughable. They wanted more believers, money and another country under the christian banner.

And it's a fact that monotheistic religions are more brutal and expansive.

>> No.8879416

I love how these bullshit statistics almost always seem to include some variation of six million.

>> No.8879429

Actually, it wasn't because of the missionaries. It was because the peasants started to congregate and gain a common ground. They began to organize, which wasn't very common for buddhism besides the occasional festivity.

No missionary was in charge of leading the rebellion, but the peasant themselves. You should read on it, it is quite fascinating how quickly people exchange ideas when they have something in common.

Just like you and me right now.

>> No.8879432

>bullshit statistics

Lowest estimates are still above 20 million.

>> No.8879447


>And it's a fact that monotheistic religions are more brutal and expansive.

You're most likely an American, so I understand you have no way of knowing certain things like the perpetual attacks of Hinduists on the Christian minority in India. And by attacks I mean murders and such not fistfights or tomfoolery. The claim that monotheism of any kind is by default intolerant is crap.

Shit, look at the Aztecs again (since they were mentioned). They were polytheists and they were bloodthirsty as fuck. The Maori too were fond of killing etc.


As for the 60 million deaths in South America - who the fuck knew those people didn't have immunity against Old World diseases? Neither of the two parties involved knew about those things. And if you didn't know the tribes the Aztecs routinely slaughtered rallied under the conquistadores and fought with them against the Aztecs. The disease thing was just an unforseen thing nobody could've predicted.

Let's then be assholes like you are and curse all the nations from China to India to Turkey and the Middle East for giving us the Black Death that wiped out 60% of Europe's population.

>> No.8879443

Still bullshit. Or maybe you have misunderstood the statistics which is quite possible. I would like a source so I could tell which one it is.

>> No.8879449

In before CIDF.

>> No.8879455

Smallpox said hello.

>> No.8879469


>The Black Death was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350.

>Thought to have started in China, it travelled along the Silk Road and reached the Crimea by 1346. From there it was probably carried by Oriental rat fleas living on the black rats that were regular passengers on merchant ships. It spread throughout the Mediterranean and Europe. The Black Death is estimated to have killed 30–60 percent of Europe's population,[2] reducing world population from an estimated 450 million to between 350 and 375 million in the 14th century. The aftermath of the plague created a series of religious, social and economic upheavals, which had profound effects on the course of European history. It took 150 years for Europe's population to recover. The plague returned at various times, killing more people, until it left Europe in the 19th century.

>Figures for the death toll vary widely by area and from source to source as new research and discoveries come to light. It killed an estimated 75 million–200 million people in the 14th century

>"They died by the hundreds, both day and night, and all were thrown in ... ditches and covered with earth. And as soon as those ditches were filled, more were dug. And I, Agnolo di Tura ... buried my five children with my own hands ... And so many died that all believed it was the end of the world."

Shit happens and no one is to blame. Grow up.

>> No.8879471

>Let's then be assholes like you are and curse all the nations from China to India to Turkey and the Middle East for giving us the Black Death that wiped out 60% of Europe's population.
That's just mongols.
Because mongols were awesome.

>> No.8879472


I'm really sure somebody started this trend faster than 7th century.

Btw, remember Hispaniola? That island Columbus discovered. And all those indians who are always nice and friendly in movies.

Over 90% of them died.

>> No.8879489

Well, that's because the Romans were simply thought as heathens and in need of conversion, thus why their atrocities aren't really in the mind of anyone. The problem came when these jews came in, helped invade the city, bought the surviving christians as slaves and killed the whole lot of them. Sure, christians were being killed all the time, but not in this magnitude and not for the express reason of not being jewish. It came as a shock to the other populations since people were getting along more or less. Jews probably lost their best allies that day.

It has been a festering wound that was never given the chance to heal. Something or other always kept bringing it back.

>> No.8879501


The (pagan) Romans despised Jews too. They thought of their religion as an insane death cult. Likewise the Jews hated the Greeks because the Greeks loved beauty (including that of the body which the Jews thought obscene).

Semites gonna sem.

>> No.8879533


>The (pagan) Romans despised Jews too.
Despise is a strong word. If they would have despised Jews as they did despise Druidism and some other Celtic practices they would have massacred Jews.

>They thought of their religion as an insane death cult.
Actually no. Initially Romans had somewhat positive image of Judaism due to various cultural and political reasons but they started to dislike it as Jews kept rebelling later.

>Likewise the Jews hated the Greeks because the Greeks loved beauty (including that of the body which the Jews thought obscene).
And is that why Jews adopted so many Greek habits and partially even their language? Stop being silly. Jews disliked their Greek rulers for their brutality and disrespect of Jewish holy places.

>> No.8879650
File: 8 KB, 396x385, sadfrog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never know how it feels to mercilessly slaughter dozens of gooks for not believing in your magical sky wizard.

>> No.8880738

The spanish wiped out the aztecs. I think you mean the portuguese preferred enslaving/converting.
