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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8875140 No.8875140 [Reply] [Original]

Do your reps for today, baka /jp/!

>> No.8875148

holy shit here eye is on (blue ) fire

is she okay

>> No.8875157

I forgot to do them yesterday. This is all your fault, /jp/.

>> No.8875165

I haven't done them in a month. I think I have forgotten everything.

>> No.8875241

I haven't done them 3 days 'cause of the Mahoyo...I don't even want to look there now [/spoiler];_;

>> No.8875245


She died.

>> No.8875277

After over 1½ years of rigorous daily SRSing, I suddenly stopped 2 weeks ago so my schedule has gone to shit. I feel like I can read Japanese somewhat well and can pick some words just by reading, but I still have to count on JParser for about half the words (depends on the game). I guess it works, but it's still nowhere near SRS in terms of learning.

How long did /jp/ rep before stopping and feeling satisfied?

>> No.8875298

Is it bad ive been learning my kana for a month now? I dont count myself as having learned them untill I can see them in a sentence and can, without having to stop or spend too much time, read them, though.

>> No.8875349

I think I quit, for now. Not because I keep going on and off but because the end of the world is coming, for my country anyway. I can't wait to make some new friends behind those nice spiky fences. Please share your rations with me equally!

>> No.8875347

I hadn't done my reps for close to a month, but I just started back up last night. I was surprised how little I actually failed.

Hopefully I will be able to keep it up for the next several months.

That will come with time.

If you are able to actually write them out move on to doing something else.

>> No.8875356

Is it good practice to write on practice sheets, even if I have no intention of doing calligraphy or handwriting in japanese of any sort? My handwriting is awful, but Id do anything to help me learn..

>> No.8875365

I wrote each character 50 times and I still remember them fluidly to this day. I'd say go for it.

>> No.8875376


Are you Greek?

>> No.8875421


>> No.8875535

what the hell are you talking about, then?

>> No.8875643

Yup, if you are able to scribble out a character on demand it means you actually know the character, instead of just being able to recognize it.

>> No.8875674

I do write each of the new Kanji about 15 times, but I somehow can't even write those I did two weeks ago, which I remember very well with Yomi and Jukugo.

>> No.8875762

I wrote each character 0 times and I still remember them fluidly to this day.

>> No.8878144

Pay the denbs Greece.

>> No.8878154

No. I'd have to stop being a buyfag otherwise.

>> No.8878416
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writing Kanji: how beautiful is your handwriting?

>> No.8878422
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>> No.8878432
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>> No.8878455
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I find it funny how google translates 相棒 (that's how Yami called Yugi) into "homie"

>> No.8878502

Oh boys, nearing the 1500 kanji mark, to think I only need to learn a 1000 more.

I can't wait until I get learn other things because kanji is a steep hill and a heavy rock.

>> No.8878507

eroge everyday

>> No.8878518

Im sorry I haven't done them in 3 weeks Im sorry.

>> No.8878541


The thought of grinding vocab after this tedious battle really discouraged me.

>> No.8878560

At what order did you guys learn stuff in
I've just finished of the Kana and I'm not sure if I should be learning Kanji or vocab at this point.

>> No.8878592
File: 48 KB, 320x331, chiyo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I started learning katakana a few days ago

This thing was designed by idiots or sadists. The syllables aren't distinct enough, and it's incredibly difficult to memorize them.

>> No.8878603

Kanji and vocab at the same time. Learn about 400 kanji and then start learning vocab with the kanji you already know.

After awhile you will read your kana as fast as you read this, it doesn't take long if you try to do it daily.

>> No.8878641

Yeah, I'm using Anki every day. I've already more or less learned hiragana, but I still read very slowly. I should start doing some reading excercises.

>> No.8878656

Wow, you are stupid.

>> No.8878676

I guess I should, 200 is already a lot, doesn't need to go higher.

>> No.8878696

Yeah, silly me for bothering to learn something as unimportant as katakana. All I really need to do to learn Japanese is to watch anime all day long.

>> No.8878711


Wait until the real fun starts


>> No.8878735

Why do you nigs always get on my case whenever I say I memorized the radicals yet I never have any problems with similar looking kanji?

>> No.8878738

All those have noticeable differences if you have been doing kanji awhile.

Katakana is also easy if you actually play a VN with gameplay or a japanese video game, free katakana lessons.

Get on the level of hanzi, some characters are so mashed together they are hard to even understand unless you can figure out their context.

>> No.8878748

惑 / 感 are the only two that really trip me up sometimes.

>> No.8878814

I finished Hiragana and Katakana and they are fun if you ask me.
Started Kanji which seems to be the real challenge but I think I could keep it up.
Do you guys learn your Kanji with meanings only or do you learn it's onyomi too ?

>> No.8878839


well, i learnt hiragana and katakana 2 years ago, it isn't too hard if you spend at least 10 minutes writing the kanas on a paper, however those fuckers confuse me everytime: シ ツ

>> No.8878843

And /so/ and /n/ always get me.

>> No.8879319

How did you guys select which kanji and vocab. to learn? Did you just choose kanji by school grades?

>> No.8879321

I did my reps this morning, writing practice on my kana.

>> No.8879381



>> No.8879450

I usually don't have a problem with similar kanji if i know it and can clearly see all the radicals. But then I try to play some old Japanese game and WTF IS THAT PIXEL SUPPOSED TO BE 木 or 人 RADICAL?

>> No.8879677




>> No.8879750 [DELETED] 
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>mfw I'm not going anywhere

>> No.8879769

I prefer the ahegao one.

I wish they would edit it more so it seems like she is enjoying a good rear pounding.

>> No.8879776
File: 24 KB, 448x324, getangry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out of /jp/

>> No.8879805 [DELETED] 

On a scale of 1 to 10, how buttmad are you, bro?

>> No.8879827 [DELETED] 

Uh oh, looks like the mods are getting buttmad too. 4chan is some serious fucking business.

>> No.8879838

Done this morning.
Kanjis are ok but SRS doesn't work with tae kim and grammar ;_;

>> No.8879849

Mods, on a scale of 1 to 10 how buttmad are you?

>> No.8880029 [DELETED] 

If you mods get so butthurt about memes and 4chanspeak, maybe you should fuck off to SA or "go back to Reddit" (see what I did there).

>> No.8880647

On my 120th kanji. Doing ten kanji a day + anki takes nearly an hour so far. I don't know if I will have the time when I'll need to start reading and doing vocab.

>> No.8880988

Going at the kanji hard, starting today. I'm gonna do 50/day, then I'll be done in ~a month. Wish me luck /jp/!~

>> No.8881013

Have any of you tried Tadoku?

>> No.8881148

I don't think your brain will soak up all that information in time. I would take it easy.

>> No.8882961

Honestly, I don't think so either, but hey, it's worth a try!

>> No.8882977

You'll do ok for a few days to a week, and then the 500 plus reviews will get to you.

I tried the same thing and im on 2500 right now.

>> No.8882980

Meant I am just on 2500 kanji, not reviews.

>> No.8882989

Is there any way to learn kanji without grinding out flash cards? Because as soon as you(read "I") stop for a few days/weeks/months, you'll end up forgetting a lot of it because you're not really learning it in context. Also none of the anki decks don't have voice and a lot of sounds get muffled and/or shortened in casual conversation.

>> No.8882998

Your reasoning is why I do Heisig.

I have a reference point to remember them from, even though now I've been doing them so long I just remember them.

>> No.8883003

I think it could work. Just space the set of 50 characters out into 5 sets of ten characters per day and you might be fine. It shouldn't feel as exhausting as 50 straight in a row would be.

>> No.8883038

You guys shouldn't be spending so much time on hiragana and katakana. Spend a couple days one each of them and you'll know them well enough. You never really "know" something, so you have to constantly expose yourself to it anyways.

>> No.8883064
File: 25 KB, 650x547, ghjktyui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always try following japanese blog twitter sites that update their content daily to keep your memory intact.

>> No.8883065

Why do people complain about kanji so much? I literally speak/write a language that uses nothing but those characters all day every day. It is called Chinese and it isn't that hard. We don't have any easy katakana or hiragana either.

>> No.8883082

never stop doing your reps, have you learned nothing from these threads?

>> No.8883085

"Look at me I grew up with symbols in my language and its so easy for me!"

And if you didn't you are obviously attempting a bad troll because if you learned it later in life you would understand how hard Hanzi can be to learn at first.

Anything you are used too, is easy.

>> No.8883094

I started learning when I was 20, I am now 22. My soon to be wife is from China and I was determined to learn the language so I could ask her grandparents (her parents died when she was five) if I could marry her, and for their blessing. So I sat down and made myself into as close to a native speaker as she has ever heard. Leading me to my current situation where I have gained the respect of her family and will be marrying her as soon as possible.

>> No.8883109

Isn't all that effort going to be wasted when she cheats on you?

>> No.8883125

Not a chance, we have standards and she was raised in a proper home.

>> No.8883126

On the bright side, at least he'll still know a useful language in the end.

>> No.8883139

Plus There are still .75 billion other females that speak the same language. Impossible to fail at this point.

>> No.8883153

If he moves on to another real woman afterwards, he hasn't learned his lesson yet.

>> No.8883158

A proper home is all the more reason she will cheat on you. She's going to want to slut around after all that pressure from her grandparents I'm sure.

>> No.8883174

Stop making the neckbeard nervous that his chinese waifu will cheat on him. Can't anyone be happy here? ;_;

>> No.8883207

I still do my reps every day but I haven't added anything new to my SRS deck in weeks and it's getting kind of stale. It's basically the entire kanjidamage site plus example sentences I found and random sentences from VNs but I'm kind of bored of it now and just want to eroge every day.

>> No.8883216

What's stopping you?

>> No.8883265


Well, kanjidamage gave me some direction in learning kanji/vocab in isolation, but now that I'm through that my only exposure to new words is when I'm reading VNs. And when I'm reading I don't want to stop and interrupt my flow just to add cards. So my deck is stagnating. I feel like I am still learning though, maybe just not as efficiently as I could be.

>> No.8883280

How many Kanjis are in the KD pack? Just download the JPLT1 pack.

>> No.8883385

What are reps? Do you guys go to some site or what?

>> No.8883397

We go to deep net and congregate at the black citadel the foundation of the internet and workout.

The reps are how many times we can climb the citadel without failing for the day.

>> No.8883401

this is like Sisyphus. Open the archive and educate yourself?
Or just google anki, the answer should be apparent.

>> No.8883412

I'm gonna open up Genki after just one more refresh. I'm serious this time.

>> No.8883458


What's Sisyphus? Where's the archive.

I am babby hikkikomori. I know nothing.

>> No.8883472



>> No.8883498


Babby hikkikomori thanks you.

>> No.8885589


Don't forget 天禾. And then there are 朱失牛矢午.

>> No.8886886

It's terrible. I can never motivate myself to do my reps. I would be at least JPLT2 right now.

It feels really bad.
