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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8874730 No.8874730 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, why is the world so dangerous?

I needed some fresh air so I went outside. Just a few seconds after I steped out, this bird attacked me, so I ran like a little girl inside.

How do you guys deal with this shit?

Picture related, its the bird.

>> No.8874732

>Japanese bird attacking little girl

>> No.8874735

I went outside once and it was awful

>> No.8874740

Today I went to the shop and everything was fine but then I was about to walk home and some kids were in front of my door. They started dancing at me because this was apparently funny or whatever, but they were obstructing my forward motion and I sort of just had to stand there while ignoring them.

I'm never going outside every again.

>> No.8874755

I went outside once and after ten minutes I got mugged by a gang.

>> No.8874777

I went outside once. Some huge nigger walked up and said "Yo faggot, that's a nice shirt you got. Marisa is my favorite touhou." Then he wrote down his website on a piece of paper and I went home to watch his replays.

>> No.8874789

I went outside once with my homiez and jumped some gay cracka

>> No.8874814

I always thought blacks preferred Remilia

>> No.8874827

I went outside once and was walking through an underpass when I was stabbed and murdered.

>> No.8874853

I woke up at 10am today with the intent of getting something done outside.

It's now 2:18pm and I lost motivation

>> No.8874860

I went outside once and realized I was moving in an arbitrary direction into an infinite expanse

>> No.8874897

You are near its nest. You wouldn't want a monstrosity attacking your kids, right?

>> No.8874903


Marisa is delicious white wimmin

>> No.8874904

Why would he compliment your touhou shirt and call you a faggot as well?

>> No.8874916

I went outside once and I fell down a hole in the street now I've been living underground ever since

>> No.8874932

>go outside to buy a coffee
>go to local place I have never been to before
>everyone working there is African American
>want a black coffee but don't want to cause any offense
>say "May I have one large colored coffee good sir"
>looks at me like I just enslaved his entire family for 100s of years
>tells me to leave or he is calling the police

Why must life be so hard to understand. I really wish I had one of those 1 cup coffee makers.

I am quoting myself as I wrote this.

>> No.8874937

>I am quoting myself as I wrote this.

Why couldn't you just type it normally and avoid looking like a fucking retard altogether then?

>> No.8874943

Because I know it makes you upset, and I like to try to bring emotion to you, since I know you are close to being devoid of it. I had to take one of the betterment of all /jp/.

>> No.8874948


Forgiven. It's okay if you do it ironically, after all.

>> No.8874958

If you really want to make /jp/ better then please get rid of all the Touhou posts. I'll leave this difficult task in your hands.

>> No.8874960

>I know it makes you upset
But it dint though. Just because I used profanity in my posts does not always mean I am angry.

>> No.8874965

You are supposed to say "2hufags" or something along these lines.

>> No.8874967

I am replying to your post so you can feel good about yourself.

>> No.8874973

This. VN threads too. If anything we should have one "Touhou General" and one "VN General" at any given time. /jp/ only supports up to 160 threads, and I'm sick of as much as a third of those being taken up by 2hushit and vnfaggotry.

>> No.8874976

Most of the touhou threads are being made be people who are using that "how to create successful thread on /jp/" formula

>> No.8874974
File: 357 KB, 721x978, looking chinese touhou ripoff(11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a lot of fun to be outside!

>> No.8874979

Now this is how you do it.

>> No.8874993

If we start having generals then we may as well have /jpg/ - Japan general and /jp/ - Shitposting

>> No.8875001

If you're so pissed off about the word "general" (a 4chan convention that has existed since 2005 or earlier), mentally replace it with "thread".

Either way, condense your fucking threads.

>> No.8875025

He was being sarcastic of course
You nig nog

>> No.8875054

couldn't you deny their existence
and proceed forward?
