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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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887381 No.887381 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it seem like the rest of 4channers hate us? In /a/, /v/, and /r9k/ I often see people talking about how pathetic we are...

>> No.887384

We ARE pathetic. But don't worry, I'll always love you no matter how much of a loser you are, Anonymous!

>> No.887388
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/a/ and /v/ are shit anyway.

>> No.887390
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>> No.887391

This place attracts weeaboos. The annoying kinds.

>> No.887395

They are just bullies.

>> No.887399

Who cares? We hate them more anyway. Normalfags and in the case of /a/ Gaiafags, the true scum of the earth.

>> No.887401

Because we don't allow OPs girlfriend. And OP doesn't like it when we don't allow him to talk about how his night out on the town with his brosephs was so cash.

>> No.887405

Kind of ironic, since 4chan is made by a weeaboo, and is made for weeaboos.

>> No.887414

This is where the cancer collects.

>> No.887418



>> No.887423

/a/ and /v/ are full of cancer and normalfags.
/rk9/ has superiority complex.

Actually, I think /jp/ is the best board for fun and stuff

>> No.887432


I'd put my money on /tg/, but unfortunately most of /tg/ is like gibberish to me so I can't really enjoy it myself.

>> No.887433

/a/'s cancer I meant.

>> No.887434

Who gives a shit?

As long as they stay out of /jp/ I don't care what they do.

>> No.887445

pro-tip: weeaboos are faggots with double standards who think everything made in japan was superior for some reason. they tend to randomly use japanese words, they import expensive japanese candy, they use those ^_^-faces instead of punctuation marks, they believe animu/mango were generally superior to equivalent western media, they listen to shitty japanese pop/rock firmly believing that gackt, miyavi and his funny looking friends were real musicians and of course they believe that katana were eo ipso superior to all other swords.

/a/nonymous is not a weeaboo. he realises that not everything japan shits in our general direction is gold and that japan is most certainly not the magic wonderland that gladly accepts the outcasts of western societies.

>> No.887446


>> No.887451


Touhou and VNs are not and never were /a/'s cancer. Go back to /a/ and enjoy our 5's, Geass, and Cirno imitators.

>> No.887459




>> No.887454

Listen to this man.

>> No.887471

I had in mind the "Learning Japanese", "Visiting Japan", and 3D threads, dear Anonymous.

>> No.887477

In this thread: sage.

>> No.887497

Better protip: /jp/'s weeaboo != /b/'s weeaboo.

>> No.887502


I can't say I recall seeing any of those back in the days when I could actually bear to go near /a/. Aya troll threads and the occasional Higurashi live action porn kind of thing made up the only 3D I remember.

>> No.887532

He was obviously talking about /jp/.

/jp/ was made for /fig/, /vn/ and /touhou/, but it turned into /s/, /lang/, /trv/ and the occasional /mu/ thread about shitty jpop/jrock.

>> No.887552


That is blatant hyperbole. I hate the retards who are shitting up this board with garbage that doesn't belong as much as anyone, but /jp/ is still more Touhou than anything else.

>> No.887553

/jp/ is the shittiest board on 4chan i have been banned like 10 times for trolling already and i rarely visit this board

>> No.887555


And therein lies the reason /jp/ will never be peaceful. The two crowds cannot live together.

/jp/ will always be a shistorm of a battleground.

>> No.887577

You should be banned again for good measure.

>> No.887578

Reported for trolling.

>> No.887583

Reported for trolling and ban evasion.

>> No.887587

If you have a girlfriend you dont belong here.

I think it's that simple.

Also, not all wee/a/boos 'hate' /jp/, that's patent bullshit. The ronery heart of /a/ still beats strong /jp/, the people who dislike /jp/ are mostly just GARfaggots, and they samefag so it looks like there is more of them than there actually is (remember Makoto is SaiGAR?)

>> No.887589

Everything would be solved if we would all just take it easy.

>> No.887590


reported for faggotry and ban evasion

>> No.887595

Get out.

>> No.887604
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>> No.887608


I wish that Makoto guy would fucking stay in /a/.

>> No.887614

/jp/ - Touhou Reposts and People Who Don't Know Anything About Japan

>> No.887636

Just the way I like it.

>> No.887753


>> No.887774

It's been that way since day 5 or so.

>> No.887779
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We've got things that are both anime AND games.
We're too awesome for them

>> No.887794

/jp/ is alright, but 50% of the Touhou fans here are annoying as hell.

>> No.887819


/jp/ talks about /ck/ every now and then. I don't see the problem.

>> No.887811

I'm surprised people outside of /jp/ talk about /jp/

>> No.887826

Truth; I daresay we're all lifers here, reasonably isolated.

>> No.887853

/prog/ is also quite tsundere for /jp/

>> No.887862


fuck you fuck you fuck you

nothing is worse than /prog/ because even /b/ is better at keeping their shitty forced memes to themselves fuck

>> No.887855

lol /a/ and /jp/ are the same shit.

I don't see a fucking difference in faggots in each. It's just the content is slightly different.

>> No.887867


>> No.887864

I lurk /a/, /v/, and /r9k/. I don't have any spite towards you guys. I just don't play Touhou and haven't tried a visual novel yet. I'm sure that I'm not the only one like this.

>> No.887877



>> No.887880


>I lurk /a/, /v/, and /r9k/

leave and never come back

>> No.887885


hax my anus

>> No.887891

What the hell does that even mean?

>> No.887887

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

>> No.887893


Take it easy and read some SICP

>> No.887898


Laugh out loud (Haha), you took/take him to the bar?

>> No.887907


What's the | for then? Isn't it a bit excessive?

>> No.887901
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>> No.887915


I'm trying to get b& dammit, its not working!


>> No.887926

it's a bar.

>> No.887917



>> No.887928

You can do better than that.

>> No.887930


Chickenshit BULLSHIT.

lol u tk him 2da bar|?
lol u tk him 2da bar|?
lol u tk him 2da bar|?

>> No.887942

Just post promotions... but /jp/ is quite unmodded.

>> No.887945


lol u tk him 2da |? would be shorter and more simplified.

>> No.887953

You could at least post loli.

>> No.889617

bump so I can save pics before it dies
