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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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887036 No.887036 [Reply] [Original]

So who do the Nips like for presidency?

>> No.887053

Seems most of the rest of the world prefers Obama

Obama will be a terrible president. I guarantee it.

>> No.887044


>> No.887047
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One Nation

>> No.887051

A Meritocrat.

>> No.887055
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>> No.887058

It doesn't matter who the president is, he's not the one in charge, after all.

Obama seems like a nice guy though (negros are funny!), which means he'll be more fun to watch on TV than Bush or a woman or some old guy.

>> No.887067

As a Democrat I approve of Cirno as the representative of my cold hearted party

>> No.887069

I'll take a terrible president that can blame it on inexperience rather than a terrible president that's been fucking up for decades already.

America NEVER has good presidents anymore; we've gotten used to it.

>> No.887070

>>he's not the one in charge, after all.

did you learn that in high school government?

>> No.887076
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Why don't you vote for a third party?

Guys? ... Hey, guys?

Why won't you vote for me?

>> No.887077

Nope, from being an Eurofag that hates amerika.

>> No.887087

>Nope, from being a Eurofag that hates amerika.

>> No.887091


Lewinsky aside, Clinton was good.


Go back to bed, Nader.

>> No.887093

Can I come live with you? My country's fucked no matter who wins.

>> No.887105


Oh shit, Ultros is that you?

>> No.887097

I would vote for you, but I fear it would end up being a puppet state *ba-dum-pshhh*

>> No.887099

I'd vote for Alice.

>> No.887101


>As a Democrat I approve of Cirno as the representative of my cold hearted, ⑨ party.

>> No.887103

I'd vote for you cause I dont want a black man or a dusty old man running the country

>> No.887104

No, do as the constitution says and rise up with arms against your rulers. (I recommend bringing some weapons though as arms aren't going to do much.)

>> No.887110


ALICE 2008

>> No.887116

Clinton oversaw a modern golden age; I can hardly fault him for cheating on his scary wife.

>> No.887117



>> No.887118


What's wrong, too patriotic for you?

>> No.887127

Second, after seeing his wife run for presidency, I can hardly blame him for cheating on her

if you're going to do good for your country like Clinton did, go ahead and cheat on your wife, it doesn't effect me any.

>> No.887122

reported for /n/

>> No.887129

He did nothing and got lucky....
Not that great of a president.

just sayin'

>> No.887132
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>> No.887133

well you might take the war from iraq to Korea so I might for that.

>> No.887135

He's a flip-flopping religious-right-cocksucking has-been who actually got outmaneauvered politically by Chimp the Lesser.

>> No.887139

>>did nothing

Sir, you seem to miss the point. Doing nothing is the greatest thing an American president can do to serve his country, When they decide they need to start DOING things, we end up with presidencies like the Bush administration.

>> No.887144

Hey, a lot of scientists believe in ID so we should teach it in school. You gotta teach both sides of the debate, kay?

>> No.887146

I don't believe in violence except in self-defense. I'd rather move to one of the higher-tier countries on the freedom list instead.

>> No.887147

Flip-flopping? Unacceptable for a president, the president-sama of the united states of america must never change his mind on anything!!!

>> No.887156

Ok: Communist China or Soviet Russia, both are decent choices, but I'd prefer Russia I think.

>> No.887157


>> No.887155



>> No.887159
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Flip-flopping =/= changing your mind. But nice try with the strawman, Republicunt.

>> No.887163
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Forgot my pic.

>> No.887170

Obama=Inexperience, I wouldn't mind him or John McCain, much better than the shitty leader we have now, Bush decided to chase after loose nukes rather than overthrow corrupt rogue regimes.

At Least Clinton had initiative to take down the enemy when we were given the opportunity.

>> No.887178

Missed that "self-defense" bit, I see...

I don't think we're as bad as China yet. YET.

>> No.887191

I like Ron Paul-- might as well go with a batshit crazy candidate; things can't get any worse than straight down from here, anyway. At least we'd learn some humility.

>> No.887195

I like Obama. I know he lacks experience, but that's what a cabinet's for.

I don't expect any big changes aside from possible withdrawal from Iraq.

>> No.887217

I'm probably in the minority, but I've never seen Obama's inexperience as a problem. It seems like the longer someone is involved in politics, the more corrupt they become.

>> No.887227

/jp/ - America/General

>> No.887358

I hope some crazy fucker stabbs Obama before the election. He is anti gun, I am pro gun, fuck him with a horse cock.

>> No.887472

woo way to decide on weather or not you like a canadate by the policy there least likely to change way to go r-tard

>> No.887487

I bet those guys in Obama love Obama.

>> No.887501

You know, I'm pro-gun too, but I could care fuckall about what laws they pass. They want them, they'll have to come get them.

>> No.887499

If only there were more knives in America, someone could have prevented that knife attack.

>> No.887506



>> No.887520
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aspect ratio

>> No.887564
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>> No.887632

Has he actually made a policy speech on TAKIN UR GUNS AWAY, or are you basing this on instinctual fear that ALL DEMOCRATS WANT MY GUNS?

>> No.887644
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Put an idiot in office via Democrat or a power-hungry bitch via Republican.
Coin Sign 「Indecisive Equivocator's Best Two of Three Flip」

It's either that or we write this fellow in. I don't care if he lacks American citizenship, any other prerequisite, or sobriety.

>> No.887671

why is the /n/ still here

>> No.887751

"Obama supported banning the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic firearms"
"Obama has also stated his opposition to allowing citizens to carry concealed guns[149] and supports a national law outlawing the practice."

Pretty much a gun banner
I would never vote for this inexperienced mystery person who comes out of one of the most corrupt political machines in the nation.

>> No.888619

Nope, to senile.

>> No.888630

better than any nigger.

>> No.888643

>who comes out of one of the most corrupt political machines in the nation.
That's called "politics", dear. We mice have to vote for the black cat, or the white cat.

>> No.888730

faillinois is some corrupt shit has been forever. How else does one explain a unknown nigger getting a presidential nomination?

>> No.888747
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>> No.888749
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posting trains in an /n/ thread

>> No.888765

4chan sucking nigger penis for Obama.

>> No.888768


>> No.888814


Clinton? Good?

He fucked up in Somalia when he withdrew the entire US backing leading to it falling fully under the warlords control.

He fucked up in Iraq when he let Saddam consilidate his power once again, and now when we go in to fix it using HIS plan, his claim of weapons of mass destruction and his calls for regime change.... he lets Bush take all the flak.

He passed the Assault Weapons Ban and Brady Bill which got multitudes of democrats thrown out of office.

The media plays up Bush for getting rid of a couple of dozen Attorney generals when Clinton threw out all Attorney Generals from the previous administration and hired all his own, then he threw out a third more later on.

The budget surplus usually credited to Clinton was actually the dot com bubble before it burst in 2001.

>> No.888836

Don't forget the Sandy Berger scandal.

"On July 19, 2004, it was revealed that the U.S. Justice Department was investigating Berger for unauthorized removal of classified documents in October 2003 from a National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission. The documents were five classified copies of a single report commissioned from Richard Clarke, covering internal assessments of the Clinton administration's handling of the unsuccessful 2000 millennium attack plots. An associate of Berger said Berger took one copy in September 2003 and four copies in October 2003."

Stuffing material down your pants leg and destroying it for your boss and this guy doesn't even get jail time is amazing.

>> No.888873

All true and I am a Republican that voted for Bush twice, but he is still a huge fuck up and the corruption under his watch reminds me of the shit under U.S. Grant. it's pretty bad. Bush is tied with Carter for being the biggest fuck up in the last 100 years.

I still will never vote for Obama, ever.

>> No.888948


Bush is a moron. But frankly I'd say he's done a better job than anyone could have expected.

Even a NO WAR FOR OIL hippie would have to be amazed that 5 years before we hit $4 a gallon gas Bush managed to occupy one of the leading producers in the middle east and even take Afghanistan, one of the leading terrorist havens since the 1980s.

He's taken it hard for his mistakes, but I really don't think he's done anything wrong except for supporting illegal immigration.

>> No.888968

just to give you faggots a heads up /jp/ is STILL not /n/

too bad we have no moderation whatsoever but i'll keep reporting as a futile gesture of rejection if nothing else

>> No.888984

>but I really don't think he's done anything wrong except for supporting illegal immigration.
And illegal wiretaps.
And "losing" years worth of executive department emails.
And turning Iraq into a bullet-ridden shithole.
And dicking up the economy.
And lying to begin the Iraq war.
And turning the entire world against the US.
Etc, etc, etc.

>> No.888987

/jp/ - Politics

>> No.888990

>but I really don't think he's done anything wrong except for supporting illegal immigration.
Yeah. I have no idea how we ever managed to win against those third-world countries. Not at all.

>> No.889005

I am still not voting for that nigger.

>> No.889025

So what's the deal with Obama? I mean, he's a politician and yet everywhere people are sucking his dick like he's the fusion of JFK and Jesus. Surely there's something horribly wrong with him.

>> No.889035

He's a brilliant orator who oozes charisma, and is advocating a platform of achange at a time when many are disillusioned with the current administration.

You do the math.

>> No.889041
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>> No.889040


>And illegal wiretaps.
There's a fine line between monitoring a possible terrorist and trying to explain to the american people that we couldn't prevent an attack from happening because they used our phone network to call from Saudi Arabia to the United States.

>And "losing" years worth of executive department emails.
Losing them/destroying them is a common and better response politically than saying you won't hand them over. It was part of a fishing expedition anyway on the part of the democrats and should have been thrown out.

>And turning Iraq into a bullet-ridden shithole.
UN's Oil for Food program was supposed to keep Saddam from getting his hands on liquid assets. Instead, they accepted bribes and undermined sanctions the only peaceful way to keep Saddam in check.

>And dicking up the economy.
Military spending is currently 4% of GDP, down 1% from Clinton's total military spending even with the Iraq funding taken into account.

>And lying to begin the Iraq war.

>> No.889049

The one thing I can say about Obama is that he's a brilliant strategist and tactician. To survive Chicago city politics, the US senate, and one of the fiercest primary battles in the history of the process against a well established political machine, all while keeping one's basic ideals, is astounding. You listen to him speak at any stage of his career, and he'll sound the same. The same inflections, the same platform, the same message.

Also, to the /k/ommandos browsing, nobody is going to taking your fucking guns you faggots. The most significant bill to ever be passed on the federal level is the assault weapons ban, the most pussified piece of shit I've seen, yet the political ramifications were enormous. Half the democrats in congress are pro-gun for a reason. So shut the fuck up already, you won.

>> No.889059


...That same woman that always passes out and Obama calls for some water for her?

>> No.889061


...That same way a woman at his rally in the front row always passes out and Obama calls for some water for her?

>> No.889068


Fuck yeah Obama

>> No.889076

Sage, fuckers.

>> No.889079

Still not voting for that nigger college boy.

>> No.889116

1. The original FISA bill written in 1978 allows that you moron. All it required was approval of probable cause from a SECRET court. What Bush wants currently is no accountability of any sort in foreign AND domestic spying, and immunity for any people who may(lol) have broken the law.
2. It's a better response politically because it's like shitting on the constitution you ignorant faggot.
3. Good job dicking around with numbers. The military spending is categorized now is completely different from how it was under Clinton. Most of the costs of the Iraq and Afganistan wars arn't included, and are categorized under "supplemental spending". The war spending is NOT included, faggot.
4. This one made me lol. No sane person believes we found WMD in Iraq.
5. This one I can sort of agree with you on. Yes, the UN has been dicking around with us since the Clinton years. However, the entire world isn't the UN, and public opinion polls of America HAVE dropped.

tl;dr Go crawl in a hole and read the National Review like the ignorant faggot you are.

>> No.889136
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Classical Conservatives can never understand how come no one buys into what they are selling but the true believers. Ending you reasoning with "tl;dr Go crawl in a hole and read the National Review like the ignorant faggot you are" is a perfect example of why so many people don't buy what you are selling.

We outnumber you.

>> No.889142

Fox is not pronounced that way.

>> No.889140

Faux news is teh only news.

Don't bother voting, McCain will won because Diebold says so.

>> No.889154


>We outnumber you.

The two most abundant things in the universe are /n/ threads on /jp/ and human stupidity.

>> No.889149
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>> No.889151

Go back to stormfro/n/t. Your kind are welcome there.

>> No.889156

I don't understand why you identified me as a conservative of any stripe. And accusing me of being such does not excuse you of being fucking stupid.

>> No.889158

>>Fox is not pronounced that way.

>> No.889164


No, the people who have been disenfranchised by the republicans outnumber you 200 to one. When the shit hits the fan, we'll eat you and your family, and the people responsible will be living outside of America.

You'll obey all the way to your death.

>> No.889166


How many Poles does it take to screw in a light bulb?

>> No.889168

>The entire world is against the US because they're jealous of us. They'll gladly take US money and US goods.

Sup, Eurofag here, enjoying his own money, his own food, his Japanese car and his Chinese IT goods.

We don't really care of whoever will be you president, since anyway he will be on the far right. But niggers are fun. Hence we'd rather have Obama.

>> No.889170
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>> No.889177


>> No.889184

About as many republicans it takes to rig an election.

>> No.889188

US goods are shit. Fail moar.

>> No.889209

10 things you should know about Barack Hussein Obama (but probably don't):

1. Was born and raised a raised a muslim by his father who was a founding member of Al Qaeda.
2. His black father raped his white mother when he was 27 and she was 13, impregnating her.
3. Obama trained under Osama himself and fought for the Mujahideen in the early 1980s while repelling the Soviets.
4. Barrack Hussein later moved to Iraq during the Gulf War and helped his uncle Saddam Hussein fight off the Americans.
5. Has beheaded at least 6 Americans, 2 Britons and an unknown amount of Russians in his lifetime.
6. Since moving to America and receiving a pardon from notorious rapist and race traitor Bill Clinton he has 'converted' to Christianity in order to gain power and attempt to destroy the US government from within.
7. Used his ties with black nationalists in Chicago such as Jeremiah Wright to create racial hatred in blacks towards their white masters.
8. His first cousin, Raili Odinga, is running for president of Kenya and has promised to implement Muslim Sharia Law on all people in that nation even though 90 percent are Christian. Hussein Obama supports him in this and has said he would support similar legislation in the United States.
9. Has at least 4 illegitimate children by 3 different women, 2 of which were underage when he impregnated them.
10. Wants to reinstate slave labor and force all white males to be slaves. All elderly whites would be killed and all white females would be forced into becoming sex slaves. All their property would be given to poor blacks as 'reparations.'

>> No.889213


List is too short. Missing a lot of facts like how his tears cure cancer but he never cries.

>> No.889216

he's Bin-laden's brother.

Doesn't matter, because the Bin-laden family is friends with the Bush family.

>> No.889217

I chuckled.

>> No.889219

I lolled. Reminds me of Robert Crumb's "When niggers take over".

>> No.889221


Don't forget that because his father was a muslim, any sons of his would be considered muslim by default.

Because Barack became a christian instead of muslim, by islamic law he is to be killed as well as anyone who stands in the way of his killer.

Enjoy your holy war.

>> No.889223


>> No.889244

Hussein. Like that Saddam guy that didn't have any WMD's.

>> No.889259

jesus fuck, this is /jp/. go talk about eroges or something, not this amerikan politics bullshit

>> No.889260


>> No.889267
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Japs have prime ministers, not presidents.

>> No.889272


>> No.889278

And you too.

>> No.889297
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disregard that, I suck cocks

>> No.889399

You fail at politics 101 if you do not know what a Classical Conservative is. You most certainly are one. How can someone so ignorant even think to tell others how they should vote.

Get used to having Obam torn to shreds every time you bring this stuff up on 4chan; this isn't an echo chamber like moveon.org and the daily koz.

>> No.889407

dunecoon sighted.

>> No.891460


Nope, disenfranchised American. Like most people that live in cities.

>> No.891473


thanks for reviving the /n/ just when we got rid of the /a/

fucking faggot

>> No.891884

Cry moar. Your tears are so salty and yummy.

>> No.891884,1 [INTERNAL] 

Things have changed, buddy. We rule this internets now, you hear?

>> No.891884,2 [INTERNAL] 

lol fags /n/ is for trains
