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8868539 No.8868539 [Reply] [Original]

Why does racism still exist?

>> No.8868545


>> No.8868552

Because races are not equal like jews want you to believe.

>> No.8868562


White, Black, Hispanic, Slav, Asian, we're all the fucking same.

>> No.8868566


No. Asians have small ones and blacks have big ones/

>> No.8868568

>we're all the fucking same.
actually no

>> No.8868569

No idea. I wish niggers would quit getting upset at whitey for absolutely no fucking reason.

None of them today (except the super fucking ancient ass negros who don't give a fuck) have ever been slaves in their entire lives yet they act like they were just freed from slavery.

>> No.8868580

hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.8868585

>all races are physically different
>but there is no difference between our brains
Makes perfect sense.

>> No.8868586

But then why are Asians so superior and why is Japan the pinicale of modern civilization?

>> No.8868590

Aren't Slavs a subcategory of White? Have I misunderstood something here?

>> No.8868592
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>> No.8868593

shit my bicycle is gone

>> No.8868595


Probably because races are different, but the media loves telling you otherwise. This belongs in /pol/ or something.

>> No.8868596

It's like I'm really on /int/!

>> No.8868599

I'm black and that's not funny.

>> No.8868601

Multiculturalism is strength
Free speech is hate speech

>> No.8868605

It's not funny when you steal my bicycle either.

>> No.8868606

>boo hoo victim complex
It could have been a native american who stole his bike. Fuck off retarded nigger.

>> No.8868608

That's the joke, retard.

>> No.8868618


>native American

I know /jp/ is stupid but this...

>> No.8868617

Because there are subhuman races and master raceses?

>> No.8868622

slavs are whiter than yoropeons

>> No.8868625
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>there is no difference between our brains
Harvard University

hardly any black student in the classroom

lots of asian

I wonder what went wrong

>> No.8868630

Because niggers, spics, gypsies, sandiggers, japs, gooks, chinks and other jungles monkeys are inferior to the White master race.

>> No.8868645

Gooks are superior.

>> No.8868647


That's because Asians are rich out the ass.

>> No.8868656
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>> No.8868664

White race is decaying, while asian race flourishes like parasites on a dying body.

>> No.8868669

asians are savages
niggers are criminals and barbarians
spics are thugs
gypsies are thieves
sandiggers are terrorists

>> No.8868675

whites are pussies
slavs are masterrace

>> No.8868681


>> No.8868732

>Slavs are communist alcoholics
You missed one. Let me fix that for you.

>> No.8868799

Why arent you fighting for a cause and join stormfront /jp/?

>> No.8868809
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>We are a community of White Nationalists. There are thousands of organizations promoting the interests, values and heritage of non-Whites. We promote ours.

>> No.8868810
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>> No.8868811


If you could not figure out you are quite retarded.

>> No.8868819

most of slavs hate communism though. i think you meant russians. russians are mongoloid, not slavic.

>> No.8868820
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>> No.8868822
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As long as there is one racist human being amongst the total population of humans on earth. It will always be around. Quit your bitching.

>> No.8868830

It just does

>> No.8868833

Because niggers are inferior and heebs are schemers and scammers.

>> No.8868841

Prove me white dogs are smarter than black dogs.
Because humans are fucking apes. It's never going to change, believe me. This problem's been unresolved for all our history. In remote times as pure xenophobia, and now as openly indiscriminate direct "racial" prejudice.

>> No.8868845
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>> No.8868855

The majority of people need to learn the difference between casual banter and actual discrimination before racism can fade away a little. I swear, most of the arguments are started by people who took someone who probably didn't mean a single word he said seriously.

>> No.8868858

no, the whole "racism" system could be used positively; but who the fuck cares about moving humanity forward over making proffit ?

there are no more humanists, and even if they were, the 99% of assholes would exploit any attempt to move forward, while being protected by society.

>> No.8868868

You do know that the original homo sapiens wasn't that smart, but when it mixed with the dwindling but smarter Homo neanderthalis their intelligence sky rocketed, right?

That's where caucasian, asian, native american races come from. And why blacks are so different from the rest of us. They are simply homo sapiens who didn't move out of Africa.

>> No.8868879
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Hispanic is an ethnic group, not a race, you ignorant American.
I should know, I'm a black Hispanic.

>> No.8868885

your dad is also a massive gay

>> No.8868888

too bad the homo neanderthalis were persecuted by homo sapiens.

Also, no homo neanderthalis in Africa, which is why their IQ is lower on average, but they are better at physical tasks.

>> No.8868889


you're some relic from /a/, right? Have you really fallen so low that you've come to /jp/ for attention now?

>> No.8868886


Nuh-uh. He cums in my mommy's pochula every night.

>> No.8868890

that doesn't change the fact that you're subhuman and your parents are gay men.

>> No.8868894

sorry, I don't speak gay so I have no clue what pochula means

>> No.8868893

holy shit I got doubles

>> No.8868891

and it explains why you use a trip and spew your shit everywhere you go. only spics and niggers would be so retarded as to make an identity on an anonymous website so they can make themselves known.

>> No.8868898

could you please stop giving attention to a non-local faggotry? tank you

>> No.8868896

just call yourself a nigger

>> No.8868897

Stop replying to Taiga, even if it's so desperate that it's come to /jp/ seeking for attention.

>> No.8868902


Is attention reserved to local faggotry? Yeah I bet you'd think that. You fucking murican racist.

>> No.8868901

Please delete this thread op you are just as bad by keeping it around and let this shit build up

>> No.8868899

I'm just going to wait for athens to show up.

Also, you can't say one group is smarter than the other, since cognitive abilities can be improved.

>> No.8868908
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>> No.8868913

I find racism ridiculous because all humans are pieces of shit.

>> No.8868912

yea sorri sucks2beu

>> No.8868921
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>1280x720 .gif
>it's actually animated

>> No.8868922

So dark and edgy.

>> No.8868924
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Nope. You got the wrong person.
I'm just an old tripfag. Hired to do some shit posts.

>> No.8868933

too bad you got hired to suck your dad's cock too

fucking virgin

>> No.8868935
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Black females are so fucking ugly, not attracted to them whats-so-ever. My jimmies get rustled when there are girls turned brown or black and are posted in those 'type' of threads. Makes me hate whoever had those type of pictures saved. Poor souls. Isn't that right, Sparky?

>> No.8868940

I like to call it misanthropic and depressed.

>> No.8868937


Fuck you. I don't charge for sucking dicks. I'm a proud slut, I'm not some cheap hooker.

>> No.8868948


Depression is not cool anymore.
Get that shit fixed. You're not some kid, you're an adult now. You got no excuse.

>> No.8868953

> I don't charge for sucking dicks

...where do you live?

>> No.8868952

Whites used to be the greatest race and they contributed many things to humanity, but now most whites are lazy pussies who hand their women to niggers and are going to be extinct in 100 years, asians are the future.

>> No.8868957

wow so you're basically admitting you suck your dads willy for free, that's real cute you fucking nerd

>> No.8868966


You're just jealous because your dad won't let you stick your tongue under his foreskin. Oh wait, neither of you have a foreskin! You fucking dick mangler.

>> No.8868974

I do have a foreskin you turbonerdo I'm not some kind of jewbag like your mom

>> No.8869092

>You're not some kid, you're an adult now.
Couldn't give less fuck about that
