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8867346 No.8867346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What kind of dicks do you find more attractive /jp/?

Cut or uncut?

>> No.8867351

being cut sucks

I wish I had a foreskin. When watching erotic things like doujin and seeing girls play with the foreskin I wonder what I am missing, does that tickle or something? You know when they stretch it a bit and roll their finger around it

>> No.8867349

A nice uncut cock is sexy, but there are lots of ugly ones too.

Cut cocks look more uniform and uninteresting.

>> No.8867359

cocks are too unattractive on the whole for the difference to be detected

>> No.8867358
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I know how you feel, my brother. My goddamned parents let the jews steal my foreskin.

>> No.8867362

Cut cocks are too mainstream for you?

>> No.8867366


They look less juicy and plump.

>> No.8867371

yeah, but that's the thing that perplexes me the most.

I can imagine what happens when stroked as I can do that. but I see all the time in porn of japanese nature the girl sticking her finger in the foreskin

what the fuck is that? how does it feel?!

>> No.8867383

Everytime I masturbate I am scared that I may rip my dick foreskin off from stroking too hard. ;_;

>> No.8867389

okay, maybe not IN but sort of rolling around it... I dunno how to explain. It's a Japan thing I guess.

does it tickle or something? please someone tell me

>> No.8867393


I don't know. My cut is pretty loose, though-It's pretty easy to roll the skin over the top when I'm flaccid.

I wish I had my foreskin back. Fuck you, jews.

>> No.8867399

Well, I saw an image in a shitpost where people compared having no foreskin to having foreskin.

And they said that the foreskin contains some receptors that the other skin does not, like the difference between feeling the top part of your hand and feeling the palm. The palm feels much more ticklish.

>> No.8867406

of coarse, there is no way either of us will know this or if its BS or not

>> No.8867413

I remember fapping so hard to pictures of loli sticking their tongue under the foreskin.

>> No.8867419

The end of the foreskin is quite sensitive from my experience.

>> No.8867420

I want to fap and that shit seems so hot, but I can't feel or imagine it.

It's like not knowing what it's like to have limbs.

>> No.8867428

you could always try 4skin restoration

>> No.8867432
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Your parents had you circumcised at birth taking away any chance you had to get certain women or know the full sensation of sex or masturbation.

>> No.8867440

Yeah but that doesn't restore the nerves you lost, or so they say.

It just makes the other skin protect the glans. I doubt I'll even feel the same sensation if it was tickled like that.

>> No.8867442

Feels good that my dad and the doctor decided against it, I don't know the reason but here I am and I really don't care to have it cut now.

>> No.8867448

Uncut's are my favourite, i like being able to put my tongue under the skin and draw circles on the head with it.

Also i find that uncut ones are more soft under the skin unlike cut ones that tend to be a little more dry and rugged.

That said they can both be great depending on how the owner takes care of it.

>> No.8867454

who PHIMOSIS here

>> No.8867457

also has anyone tried restoration? what's your experience?

can you fap to tongue under foreskin porn and know what it's like too?

>> No.8867466

i'm pretty sure that once its gone, its gone for good. and so is you ever experiencing that. foreskin is unique skin

>> No.8867467 [SPOILER] 
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Yeah I want a foreskin too. Mine was cut because of medical reasons, not anything religious.

And uncut dicks look better I think.

>> No.8867479

When did you get cut?

Also, what did the foreskin feel like? Ever try to tickle and roll your finger around it?

>> No.8867476

Don’t remind me. It’s awful.

>> No.8867480
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you want to suck

not a question

>> No.8867485

I don’t remember how old I was. Younger than 10, maybe 6? I don’t remember.

>> No.8867487

What is? This whole foreskin foreplay shit I can't stop wondering "how does that feel" or what?

I mean, sorry to keep bringing it up but you can understand my frustration as I can't form an opinion on it.

>> No.8867496

>its gone for good. and so is you ever experiencing that. foreskin is unique skin
That. Too bad there is no real foreskin reconstruction.

>> No.8867506

I'm uncut.

The foreskin is nice to play with and they look the same as cut when erect, but looks pretty ugly when flaccid.

>> No.8867507

It would be impossible to explain i think, its pretty amazing though because your head tends to be very sensitive while under the skin.

Proper forskin play will make you ahegao

>> No.8867504 [SPOILER] 
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hmm.. now I wonder.

how DOES this feel? (pic obviously lewd, sorry)

>> No.8867508

Yeah, that's something that will fucking bother me until the end of time.

Especially when I see things like this:

>> No.8867514

I really think circumcision should be a choice left up to someone when they're an adult or only done for medical reasons.

>> No.8867529

I'm cut, but honestly, I'm quite glad for it. My penis was way too sensitive to masturbate with and was painful for me when I was young. Trying to pull back my foreskin was always a big scare for me because of how awkward and painful it was. Course, this was when I was about 15 and quite new to the whole masturbation thing. Only bad experience with being cut was that I had to get 3 shots of anesthesia right into my dick. And have a female nurse stare at my at the time small flaccid bloody penis.

>> No.8867531 [SPOILER] 
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>you'll never experience this

>> No.8867538 [DELETED] 

What an ugly creature.

>> No.8867542

Was it the actual skin that was sensitive or just the head due to it protecting the head?

I need to know this, sorry.

>> No.8867544

Those lucky men..I will never experience a saten-anon doing that to me ;_;

>> No.8867548

>Have foreskin
>Still don't know the feel of having a girl do the things hentai has shown me

>> No.8867554

It's not the outcome of circumcision itself. It's the feeling of sense of loss, shame, and being victimized.

>> No.8867564

>when I was about 15 and quite new to the whole masturbation thing

Wow, check out captain faggot here.

>> No.8867567

My foreskin doesn't stay peeled back when it's erect.

>> No.8867573


Maybe you need a bigger dick.

>> No.8867570

Neither does mine. Is that not normal?

>> No.8867574

Foreskins are great. I use mine to hold my cum until I go to the toilet.

>> No.8867579
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D-does it slide back when you let go of your penis?

>> No.8867580

That sounds gross, dude.

>> No.8867582

that sounds so useful, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

I hate the mess I make

>> No.8867584
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You know, foreskin really isn't that great. I mean, I'm sure it's better to be uncut that cut, if only because I can't imagine how awkward it would be to have your glans exposed at all times. But it's no big deal, it's not something heavenly you're missing out on, like being born a girl.
