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File: 55 KB, 375x523, The Searing Divine Flame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8867252 No.8867252 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else make up touhous? i'm thinking up some to be used in a story sometime.

This first one i have yet to give a name, but i came up with the names and the general theme of the spellcards.

Name: ???
Ability: Ability to the extent of breaking promises

Easy/Normal: Betrayal "Needle's Eye"
Summons a needle made of danmaku. theres a safe spot in the needle's eye large enough for one. once the needle is threaded, everything outside the needle gets hit with danmaku.

Hard/Lunatic: Betrayal "Swallow 1,000 Needles"
Shoots a stream of needles. initially easy to dodge, but when the needles reflect of the wall, they split into more needles. the needles will continue to reflect (and therefore multiply) until they hit a wall they hit before, so they can potentially reflect up to four times.


>> No.8867257

Easy/Normal: Abandonment "Argos, The Faithful"
The entire field is filled with danmaku. Everything is going to hell around you. But in it there is a safe spot where you can wait. For twenty years.
Hard/Lunatic: Abandonment "Chuuken Hachikou"
The safe spot is a good place to wait. Be a good dog and wait. Good dog.

Easy/Normal: Cruelty "Maiden Who Waited By The Sea"
The tear danmaku from the maiden drop from the top of the stage and her praying hands come up from the bottom. You'll have to dodge both, a poor soldier in a stormy sea of loneliness.

Hard/Lunatic: Cruelty "Waiting Wife of Lang Son"
The tear danmaku are especially agressive, and the child on her back will shoot as well. Maybe she should have gone to war along with her husband.

>> No.8867258

ur mom
tap: sux my dick, untaps at enfd of turn

>> No.8867281
File: 30 KB, 375x523, Kanakobon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this thread

>> No.8867297

I try to avoid making up touhous as it feels too derivative

>> No.8867316

Yeah, you've got a point. but truly i'm making them to populate a pathfinder campaign so i need some cannon fodder "bad guys" to throw so they dont, for example, decide to go chase down tewi for soup or try to kill someone like Medicine and get utterly demolished.

>> No.8867425
File: 380 KB, 512x512, 1329095708244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting twowhos in a D&D game

Not sure whether to approve or disapprove

>My GM's face when he realizes I snuck in a PC98 touhou as the goddess of my character

>> No.8867449


As an addendum, I guess it just depends on how well you hide your sources. I assume if you're going to GM, you're smart enough to not say "Okay, Tewi attacks you. Yes, Tewi Inaba."

>> No.8868457

they already know i'm borrowing (read: unabashedly stealing) from the setting as an experiment. they'll be starting as 1st level human, fairies, or half-youkai and dealing with minor threats at first, like bandits or spiders, then ramping up until around level 15-20 when they're tangling with the likes of the birdbrain. Basically, the incident is that someone broke the rules in a spellcard duel, and a youkai died as a result. Gensokyo's on the verge of all out destruction as the youkai are wondering why they even have to follow such a rule. The only person who knows for sure, Yukari Yakumo, is nowhere to be found, presumed to be hibernating.

>> No.8869603

The thumbnail looks like she's holding her skirt up.

>> No.8869629

>Does anyone else make up touhous?
Fan characters a shit.

Plus Touhou is quite popular and ZUN doesn't have to take shit from anybody, but it's still a low-budget production. If I made a series I would be happy with people creating fan works or whatever, but I'd be annoyed if someone created a fan character in case I wanted to do the same thing. Look at Pokémon--not only have Game Freak made a Pokémon for just about everything, but the fans have made "Fakemon" for anything they could ever do in the future. Fuck that noise.
