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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8866392 No.8866392 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ I have recently created an english translation of the Japanese software RETAS Studio Pro HD version 3.5.6, and I need beta testers for the translation. Basically, you'll just run the software, and help to find misspellings, mistranslations and stuff. I've got a guide written that'll explain the whole thing.

If you don't know, this is the software used by all the professional animation studios to make professional animations. I've translated the whole suite.

Anyway, I don't normally go on /jp/ but I need help,and figured you all would be interested in this.

I will be monitoring this thread, but I'll ask if you are interested to go on irc. The channel is #amigostl and the server is rizon, since I'll need to get some contact info for the betatesters, and then we can talk without a captcha.

>> No.8866399

A noble endeavour no doubt, but don't expect much from /jp/.

>> No.8866400

how hard is this to use for a single person and not a studio?

>> No.8866397

You will never make anime.

>> No.8866403

Won't this result in really bad Flash animation level garbage?

>> No.8866406

I don't want to make anime. I just translated the program, because the compay that makes it wont put out an english version.

Its for other people to use, not me.

>> No.8866408

Who is your favorite touhou?

>> No.8866415

Do you know a better place to find people interested in this?

I don't watch that show.

>> No.8866418

I am willing to help. You can expect slow progress, and lots of poorly made penis related animations, however.

>> No.8866419

/a/ should be full of gulliable faggots just all too eager to break into the totally awesome animation business.
/g/ has its share of weaboos and they should support your cause as well.

>> No.8866423

Sure I'll cross post it there too.

>> No.8866434

>I don't watch that show.

It's not a show. Are you trying to troll or something. How can you come into /jp/ and not know what Touhou is? I'm a bit peeved at this.

>> No.8866435

Nice work OP, why don't you upload the english patch then?

>> No.8866439

>I don't watch that show.
I love you.

Unfortunately I don't have Windows, but I wish you the best of luck!

>> No.8866460

Its not ready for a widespread release yet.

*Most public members can become beta tests easily, so the availability isnt a problem

*It sullies our reputation to have final products with poor translation

*Once released it will spread far away from here, so other users won't know to report bugs

*Beta =/= Finished

Basically I want this to be a good english patch, so lets work out all the bugs before it goes out into the world, where it will be traded and people will not have the final version for use.

>> No.8866477

I'm actually interested, but I'm too apathetic to help out with anything.

Best of luck anyway.

And yeah, /a/ is a better place if you haven't tried there already, /jp/ is never a good idea for anything.

>> No.8866475

I feel bad for not being able to help, because this is a wonderful idea. Do you think the English community will benefit, though? I have seen a few videos of it in action, and although it's not intentionally obfuscated or anything, it really does seem like "professional" software. It takes a lot more effort to draw and colour in RETAS than to draw a few blobs in Flash.

>> No.8866487
File: 19 KB, 313x223, getoutofjp_sakuya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unfortunately I don't have Windows

What the fuck are you doing in here? You can't read eroge, play SHMUPs or fighting games on GNU/Linux

Are you only here to shitpost?

>> No.8866499

I thought retas is already in English?

I have a copy of Retas HD though I couldn't figure out how to get it to work, but some menus were accessible and if I remember correctly they were in English.

>> No.8866507

No, only for an old version (6.1). There was also a partial translation, but that person only translated 2 programs out of the whole suite.

>> No.8866509

Actually you can with wine.

>> No.8866516


That's the page I've set up. There's a bugtracker and it'll be easy to use. Just read the Info page first, and then you can just give me some contact information, and sign up on the bugtracker, and give me your name, and I'll send you the beta and set you up to report bugs.

>> No.8866519

You have a website? I don't care to beta test, but after you're finished I might dabble with it.

>> No.8866522

I can (and do) do all of those things under Linux.

>> No.8866528

In theory.

In practice, most recent Touhou SHMUPs do not play ideally (stutters, frameskips, tearing), getting anything else than some eroge using a few mainstream engines work well is impossible and I'm not talking about things like MBAACC.

>> No.8866527

What's Derek's verdict on this?

>> No.8866530
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>> No.8866532

Yeah. I just linked it. This is the only project I've done so far, but might do some more in the future.

And there's a bug tracker. I'm using mantis.

It's on free hosting though, but once the final translation is done I'll release it everywhere, torrents, DDL links, usenet, etc. Once it's done you'll probably find it easy to use.

>> No.8866533

Keep telling yourself that (or lying out of your ass).

>> No.8866536

/co/ would probably also be interested, they have some pro animators that lurk there.

>> No.8866544

They're not emulating instruction sets or anything, they're re-implementing the required portions of DirectX. Performance is usually about the same (or sometimes better). Generally with Wine it either works perfectly or not at all. You might be able to get a game to run, but receive a few FIXME errors and graphical glitches where a particular surface routine hasn't yet been implemented. Most of the integer Touhou games work perfectly for me (Wine's AppDB seems to be mixed about it, however).

>> No.8866558

It's true! Though to ruin my own point, I Just fucked up my video card module and I'm running X with VESA. I know, convenient.

ANON R LEEJUN Linux actually comes with Wine + PCB + IN pre-installed:

>> No.8866639

Can you post some screenshots, I think I've used this program before and would like to see your menus for a comparison, also to see your translation job

>> No.8866696
File: 100 KB, 1280x800, screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a scrreenshot of traceman

>> No.8867811

This is of interest.
