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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 566 KB, 1024x1060, 1323852304740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8864421 No.8864421 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be happy today.

Okay, /jp/?

>> No.8864425
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>> No.8864423


>> No.8864428


>> No.8864434
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>> No.8864437
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Oh yeah, thank you for reminding me to take my pills.

Time for the daily dopamine rush.

>> No.8864440 [DELETED] 

My parents have been yelling at me for about 6hrs now.

>> No.8864450


Why are they yelling at you? Tell them to be nice.

I usually hug people and ask them to be nice to me when they are angry. Most of the time they stop yelling at me.

>> No.8864453
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>> No.8864454



I don't experience that sort of sensation

Just feel kinda numb when I'm on them

>> No.8864473

I take happy pills also.

>> No.8864480
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Oh god no. Those turned me into an emotionless zombie.

I've found that if people aren't selling it on the street then it's not going to make you happy. This generally seems to be true. There's a reason there isn't some drug dealer in the city hustling zoloft and paxil.

I take adderall though. It's prescribed to me by my doctor, but drug dealers sell the same thing so that verifies that it's a useful drug.

You get this incredible dopamine rush after about an hour and then you feel so motivated and energetic, everything in the whole world seems so interesting. Even making a post on /jp/ feels like the most important and exciting thing that you've done in years. There's also a great feeling of euphoria, sometimes I'll just listen to music and dance the whole day.

>> No.8864487


You can become physiologically addicted to Adderall, be careful anonymous.

>/jp/ - Pharmaceuticals

>> No.8864499
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>> No.8864511


>physiologically addicted to Adderall

I'm sure I'm already there. Fortunately though there's so many supplements that are helpful that I've been able to feel great every day for several years now with no bad effects. L-Tyrosine to bypass the comedowns, magnesium to lower tolerance, multi-vitamins to keep you nourished and prevent any bad effects that might come from the loss of appetite.

It's pretty amazing. I love modern medicine so much.

>> No.8864517
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>> No.8864526


What other supplements do you take?

>> No.8864533
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I've been taking prozac for about 7 years now.

>> No.8864530


Adderall is basically speed. Like a watered-down meth. Taking it regularly is probably pretty bad for you, even if prescribed.

And 'happiness' that drug dealers provide are, y'know, pretty shallow. Opiate addiction sucks a million dicks, shit like coke, meth and speed will just burn you out. You're talking about drug-induced euphoria, not happiness. I mean that in the most literal (ie autistic) sense, not the drugs are bad m'kay sense, they are just different things, and calling them the same thing is pretty bad

>> No.8864541

I've heard dexedrine is the best amphetamine there is.

>> No.8864545
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Try listening to some happy music, it might help!

>> No.8864550


I don't have any happy music

Just sad music

Sad music is better

>> No.8864561
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Satori should be happier, like her sister.

>> No.8864569


I take Vyvanse which is pretty damn good. It's is basically the same thing as dexedrine, or rather, it becomes dexedrine when in your system. I never really had any bad experiences with it, but it can be addicting. Your body can build a high tolerance to it, as I have been recently experiencing, so I'm in the process of flushing it out of my system at the moment so I can use it again later when I really need it at it's best potential.

>> No.8864600


I take fish oil, fiber supplements to keep me regular, and I guess those are the only other ones. It's a perfect cocktail as far as I can tell. The L-Tyrosine and the magnesium are really the essential ones, completely avoids that burnout feeling you get once the medicine wears off.


>And 'happiness' that drug dealers provide are, y'know, pretty shallow.

That's the nice part about speed though. There's the euphoria, but there is also genuine happiness as well. For example, take some heroin and you just nod off into bliss for awhile, but with speed you actually do things and enrich your life.

There are so many projects and goals that I've accomplished from taking adderall. I learned enough Japanese to actually play untranslated games and that was a goal that I've had for years but could barely even muster up the motivation to start, I started programming and I'm working on a game now, I improved my art skills, dabbled a bit in music and learned a few instruments, learned to play Dwarf Fortress, finally understood how to play Grand Strategy games, and learned how to play X3.

I would agree that if you just take a drug to be happy then you'll feel like shit whenever you're not high, but some drugs help you improve your life and give you the energy and motivation to make changes that keep you happy even when you're not high.

>> No.8864632


what does happy music sound like?

>> No.8864636

Like a little boy in Spain playing pianos filled with flames.

>> No.8864641


probably like this.


>> No.8864640

My psychiatrist recommends me to talk to a doctor to prescript pills (I believe anti-depressants).

I feel a bit insecure about this.
I believe the side-effects could hurt, and end up damaging more than helping.

I don't really have a big trust for medical personnel in general...

>> No.8864642
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>> No.8864644


like this


>> No.8864649

I like EastNewSound. For some reason I find trance a really happy genre.


>> No.8864657


>> No.8864661


I like-like

>> No.8864663


It's worth a try. Worst case scenario you just have an uncomfortable month or two and then you stop taking it and go back to normal.

Personally I found no use from SSRIs, which is what I'm assuming they would prescribe you, but I didn't notice many side effects aside from the emotional numbing. The withdrawals were a little unpleasant when I stopped taking it, some slight mood swings and a weird tingly electric feeling from time to time, but that lasted about a week and then I was back to normal.

Maybe it works well if you actually have clinical depression though. I'm just apathetic and lethargic, but not actually sad at all, so I need a pill that jump-starts me.

>> No.8864666


>> No.8864688
File: 5 KB, 400x400, Despair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get sad so much as I used to.

My mind also lies in apathy..

We'll see.

>> No.8864692

I'll post it every day


hallo, hallooo~

>> No.8864698

Happy music?


>> No.8864695


Can always try stimulants if the anti-depressants don't work out for you.

Not sure what country you live in, but in the U.S you can get an amphetamine prescription for just talking to a doctor, not even a psychiatrist, and saying that you have no motivation and can't focus.

>> No.8864711
File: 433 KB, 960x1060, eafadc5c5d188e6f42d3ff3c15fa4474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You got it!

>> No.8864712

I live in Sweden.

Physical exercise is my drug for the time being.
It's not that great considering I'm prone to injury.

>> No.8864723

Look like Obama
But I got a shotgun

>> No.8864725

Why is one anon cock sucking this lil b nigger and he has to let all of /jp/ know about it?

>> No.8864724

Damn government. Adderall is only sold in the US and in CA now, I want to try it out so bad, from what I read it would be perfect for me..

>> No.8864754
File: 208 KB, 850x736, looking koishi (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is nice day. There is nice weather and I managed to do something important and last day was very nice too.

Thread related songs

>> No.8864768

i dont get why tohou is everywhere and i dont even know what the fuck is tohous about i cant take this anymore im gonna suicide

>> No.8864767


Everybody loves Lil B

>> No.8864782


You're the only one. Why did you come here? What change do you hope to effect? We don't want you any more than whatever you're fleeing, and you won't be able to alter the board in any meaningful way, because to do so would require staying here, and you don't actually like anything here, so you'll leave once you think things are the way you want them and they'll go right back to how they were. Go pound sand.

>> No.8864788

You're really passionate about this.

>> No.8864794
File: 11 KB, 300x308, biotech soma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modafinil non amerikans.

And I prefer a bunch of benzos and SOMA/Carisoprodol (downers) than uppers.

Carisoprodol needs almost no need for prescription and gives a warm a fuzzy feeling. It's a like a mild opioid/benzo/GHB together. But you have to go for 1g to feel that(and don't fall asleep).

>> No.8864792


its like any stimulant really, makes you motivated and ready to take on any challenge. even the most boring thing becomes interesting. and you actually feel like conversing with people instead of avoiding them..

i havent been to a doc, but i get some of the instant release from street-pharmacists from time to time and they truly are a god-send when you need to get something done. its no wonder half of college students take this stuff. even people with depression are sometimes prescribed this stuff just because its such a boost.

of course theres always a come-down. but like another anon said there are ways to mitigate it not just chemically but just by eating regularly during the day (hard because it ruins your appetite but can be done), not over-doing it by taking too much or staring at a screen and thinking hard for 5 hours straight without a break.

i was somewhat sensitive to it at first but the ir's when taken early in the day allow you to go to bed at a regular time usually. the only problem is the tolerance after a while, but i usually have a slight afterflow from it the next day and can use just that residual feeling to carry me on until the next day after so that helps too.

I didnt take any today but as you can see I still have that feel. this is probably the longest post ive ever made on 4chan.

>> No.8864801
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>You're the only one

How can I be the only one when a /jp/ music thread introduced me to Lil B?

>> No.8864810


Don't worry about these guys anon just stay based.

>> No.8864815

Lil B is the kindest rapper. He cares about you, /jp/. He doesn't laugh when you get tapeworms, he adopts cats, and reminds people to wear their seatbelts. How could anyone not love him?

>> No.8864816
File: 262 KB, 512x512, 1334367343509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am happy. Things aren't so bad right.. I may have no friends and no future b-but at least I'm still alive right? Today is a wonderful day.


>> No.8864818


I just steal my mom's purple xanax.

>> No.8864821

Post your favourite Lil B song


>> No.8864825


You already did.

>> No.8864826

I have a hunch that /jp/ might be the most drug using/abusing board on 4chan.

Is there anyone here who doesn't drink, smoke, or take pills?

>> No.8864831


What's wrong with drinking man child?

>> No.8864833


Stay based /jp/

>> No.8864834

I don't do any of those things, but I don't exactly have a healthy lifestyle.

Sometimes I think about doing something about my depression and anxiety, but I don't want to leave the house to see anyone.

I get addicted to things very easily so I know I probably wouldn't be able to help myself if I started drinking or taking pills.

>> No.8864835
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Summer is coming up. I have that to look forward to.

Maybe I'll do something fun.

>> No.8864840

It's just 2 people who discuss these things in this thread.

>> No.8864843




>> No.8864847

Any Based anons see the speech Lil B gave to NYU. It's inspiring albeit a little sloppy.

>> No.8864849

A 'hunch'?

what do you expect from the worst forum of the worst site of the internet?

f we would know the street better we would IVing whatever shit we can get. But we are too awkward, for your and our own good. We don't do hard drugs.

>> No.8864854


He probably freestyled it

>> No.8864865

Ha ha ha, they're talking about rappers on a Japanese board! How absurd. What a bizarre juxtaposition.

>> No.8864866

They were probably talking about Lil'B the Japanese pop group,

>> No.8864871


>No fun allowed

>> No.8864889
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Weaboos can't be swag?

>> No.8864904
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>I may have no friends and no future

There's nothing better than this though. You're in a great place. You've freed yourself from the shackles that the vast majority of the world are chained to.

Most people live a life surrounded by friends and they constantly look towards their bright future, never enjoying the present moment and always anticipating this supposedly impending time of bliss that they expect to come in the future, whether this is retirement or something like becoming wealthy.

What is a life filled with nothing but looking towards the future and barely paying attention to the present? It's not a life at all. They'll eventually die after having barely lived and even on their deathbed they will be looking to this illusion that they've based their life around and expecting heaven or an afterlife, just another thing off in the future.

Most people on /jp/, you included, are actually in the best place possible. You may have no friends, but that only means you're free of obligations, have plenty of time to enjoy your own company and savor your hobbies and passions, and you are disconnected from the social pressures that causes people to base their life around what is essentially a never-ending chase to reach the mirage off in the distance.

Don't you see? You expect nothing from the future and you have no friends, so you are free to enjoy this moment as much as you possibly can.

>> No.8864916

I have yet to drink my daily dose of alcoholic happiness

>> No.8864918

/jp/ would you let Lil B fuck your 2D bitch?

>> No.8864945
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I'm always happy when I'm with all of you!

>> No.8864957

No, fuck that bitch ass nigga. I'd fuck HIS bitch and he wouldn't do anything about it.
#O.G shit

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.8864960
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Will you be my friend, /jp/?

>> No.8864964

I'd be Nitori's friend, but not yours.

>> No.8864963


Letting the Based god fuck your bitch is an honor.

>> No.8864966

No, you just want my ass orb.

>> No.8864969
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I'm fuwafuwaimouto and I just casually lurk around. I just recently started posting.

>> No.8864974
File: 191 KB, 700x700, mokocchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is the nearest thing I have to "having friends". And I'm not happy with it.

>> No.8864986


We're not your friends so no need to worry.

>> No.8864990

Can you be a suicidal little sister and try to kill yourself? I promise I'll come stop you right at the end, it'll be cute.

>> No.8865002

Oh, nice to meet you!

>> No.8865004

No one here is friend, though.

>> No.8865010

I'm his friend.

>> No.8865016


>And I'm not happy with it.

I have had real friends and believe me when I say that /jp/ is better.

It's actually a terrible experience. Imagine you're playing a reading an eroge that you love, you're totally immersed in an anime, or you're having the time of your life in a game and then suddenly you hear a loud IM sound, the screen minimizes, and someone is saying "sup" because that's basically what having a friend is like. Having a real life friend is the same, but worse.

Friendship is getting messages when you're in the middle of doing something you enjoy, it's being pestered while you're having fun, it's a constant nagging irritation that pops up at the worst possible times, it's being dragged away from the things you enjoy and being forced to do activities that you don't want to do, and on top of all that these same people will occasionally ask you to do things for them when all they have ever given you was annoyance and that's something they call a favor.

Relationships though? They're even worse. It's the same basic idea, but the annoyance is so much worse and they'll even provoke you into fights for no apparent reason.

Just stop thinking that you need friends. It's a lie and when you do actually get them then you will most likely be miserable.

>> No.8865019


You don't sword fight during H-scenes playing VN's with your friends? Then they aren't real friends.

>> No.8865022

If you felt like that, they were never friends to begin.
At least not in my definition of friendship.

>> No.8865025

I was being ironic.

>> No.8865033

You have to plow through a lot of shit to find someone like that.

>> No.8865045
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It seems like you only had acquaintances, not friends. Don't give up, Anonymous. I'm sure people who could be your friends are there somewhere.

>> No.8865049


And why even bother when you have to go through so much to find these mythical good friends?

If those nuts on /x/ are right then you can just make a tulpa, which is essentially a perfect lifelong friend that you hallucinate, and then you're done with it.

I can't see a reason to even bother with humans.

>> No.8865048

Maybe I got lucky at the friendship lottery, because I managed to get two really good friends who I've known for almost my entire lifetime.
I can't relate to what you said.

>> No.8865068
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I have only ever had one friend who I have known for years. I've only ever known him online, but he's a very nice person and we have talked almost every day for about 8 years.

He's not a NEET anymore now though and he's starting a career. He barely ever signs on anymore and we haven't talked in days. I feel very alone and I wish I could make a friend that is also a lifelong NEET.

Good friendship is great, but it feels terrible when they go.

>> No.8865066

It sounds so cool. I wish I had someone who would message me using IM.

>> No.8865077
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Aw... b-but I don't want to kill myself!

Nice to meet you too. I hope we can be friends.

>> No.8865082

who the fuck are you

>> No.8865103
File: 31 KB, 450x332, pepper_pug.jpg_w450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys just need to get a dog.

I used to feel lonely, but then I got a dog and he's my best friend. He sleeps on top of me when I go to bed and he sits next to me when I'm at the computer. Sometimes we go for walks together and explore. I love him very much.

I don't know what I'm going to do when he dies, but I have a song prepared for his funeral.


>> No.8865108

i said i'm fuwafuwaimouto and i'm your new friend

>> No.8865115

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.8865126

can we be the kinds of friends that do lewd things?

>> No.8865127
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Aw sometimes I get my trips mixed up.
Nice to meet you!

>> No.8865137

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.8865146


Like hold hands?

>> No.8865150
File: 49 KB, 600x750, 1334397100514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /jp/ sometimes say mean things to each other?

I thought everyone here was filled with love and kindness.

>> No.8865157


And now we have an avatarfag from /a/. Might be time to head for greener pastures.

>> No.8865159 [DELETED] 


If you are assuming multiple identities, does that mean I have more than one friend now?

>> No.8865163


They just need a hug.

/jp/ is the kind of friend who would say "fugg off loser" when he meets you, but if you hug him then he would cry and let down his hardened shell which he puts up because of all the hurt that he has experienced.

The more aggressive posters on /jp/ just need a hug to warm up their hearts. I wish I could give them that hug.

>> No.8865164

that's ecchi!

>> No.8865165

She is our new friend, please be nice to her

>> No.8865166

I really hate lewd things so.. I can't be lewd with you, I'm sorry.

>> No.8865175


Shut up and whisper more on vocaroo, not specifically in that order.

>> No.8865171

I would never fucking cry on your shoulder, fag, you don't know me like that.

>> No.8865177


>> No.8865178

b-b-but that is all females are good for...

>> No.8865181


You'll be the fag when I make you my boyfriend.

>> No.8865179


We should welcome all new friends with open arms, even if they come from unsavory places.

They might be mean to us, but we don't have to be mean to them.

>> No.8865184

I'm so glad we're friends. I'm actually not from /a/ at all, though. I've been there only a few times in my life.

I would anon, but it really seemed like people hated me for it last night.

>> No.8865186

Do you want to watch the starts in the nightsky with me?

>> No.8865187


What about bento?

>> No.8865190

We will see about that, little bitch.

>> No.8865193

I can't take it easy here anymore. Fuck you all.

>> No.8865203
File: 80 KB, 436x500, 1331579626709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>but it really seemed like people hated me for it last night.

B-but it helped me go to sleep and I liked it a lot..

>> No.8865198

Fuck you too.

>> No.8865210 [DELETED] 


But there are those that enjoyed it, so why not listen to your friends? ;_;

>> No.8865206


Oh we'll see. When I'm sucking yo dick.

>> No.8865212

That's right, lick it clean, dude.

>> No.8865217


It's okay, I'm here now. You don't have pretend with me. I'll hug you as much as you want.

I love you.

>> No.8865218

Please, it was both enjoyable and strangely arousing.

>> No.8865223

i-i-i want /b/ to leave

>> No.8865219


Man you gay as fuck. Why you got to go and say things like that?

>> No.8865222

I'd love to, anon.

Oh well ok then ;_; is there anything you want me to say?

>> No.8865230

No, really, I'm serious now, it's fucking creepy when you do that. Please stay away from me.

>> No.8865232

see, even amongst internet shut ins, women get special treatment and favoritism

life is just too unfair

>> No.8865247

aw fugg i keep posting in between boards lmao sorry this is me

>> No.8865248
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>Oh well ok then ;_; is there anything you want me to say?

Really? Thank you. Anything is fine though, I just like to listen to people with relaxing voices when I go to sleep since it makes me less scared, what they're saying doesn't really matter too much as long as it's not scary or mean.

>> No.8865266

why won't /a/ leave...

>> No.8865270

anything for my friends at /jp/

>> No.8865279
File: 420 KB, 800x816, 1334577403835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is just like this picture! It starts happy and even has Koishi and happy music and then suddenly it's!!!!!!

>> No.8865280

who the fuck are you?

>> No.8865282
File: 36 KB, 586x478, 1317983985496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8865295


>see, even amongst internet shut ins, women get special treatment and favoritism

People like you too though. There's a lot of guys with friendly voices. Women have nice voices because they sound friendly and I think that's why they might get special treatment, but men have voices that are really good at telling stories and I feel safe and cozy when I hear those.

Sometimes when I go to sleep I download audio books and it's really, really relaxing to hear a man with a friendly voice tell me a story when I go to sleep. You could probably get the special treatment and favoritism you mentioned if you read stories to people in a friendly voice.

>> No.8865298

You sound like someone who can take it easy! Can we be friends?

>> No.8865302

your lisp makes me diamonds bro, you have some real fetish potential, ever considered starting a youtube channel?

>> No.8865303

Nyanners, is that you?

>> No.8865317
File: 96 KB, 420x248, 1316552891123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder.... what does /jp/ think of /c/?

>> No.8865316
File: 386 KB, 1000x960, 1330741206657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ganbatte and remember Saten-san is always watching you

>> No.8865322
File: 189 KB, 738x738, 412414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"I'm not from /a/, I'm not from /v/"

Then where are you from?

Is it... /cgl/?

>> No.8865319

O-Of course we can be friends.. I'd love to be friends that's why I started posting here ;_;

I just started a youtube channel under the name fuwafuwaimouto like yesterday and I might make a few sound clips in my leisure time

No, this is me, fuwafuwaimouto ;_;

>> No.8865321

.....what happened halfway through the video...
mind uploading a recording of your real voice?

>> No.8865330

Those piercing green eyes... It's like they're staring straight in the very depths of my cock

>> No.8865337

it's /soc/ bro

>> No.8865336

You mean there's a board entirely for dumping cute images so I don't have to keep making image dumps in /jp/? And it's friendly and has existed for over 8 years?!

Sounds shit.

>> No.8865344
File: 26 KB, 204x199, 1330343594952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I quit my class-A's, stopped fapping, and today I proceeded to meditate, play didge, go for a run, and did strength training without stopping due to distraction.

inb4 my withdrawls creep up in 24 hours and I become despondent again[/]

>> No.8865346

I don't care about what you do or if you trip, only that you take it easy while you're on /jp/. Good stay.


>> No.8865348
File: 73 KB, 500x717, 1315620518577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well then.
But I lol'd

>> No.8865350
File: 167 KB, 200x170, 1324499100207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool! Could we be like online penpals and exchange emails or something?

>> No.8865351


no such thing as fuwafuwaimouto on youtube

>> No.8865355

the truth sucks

and that was my real voice

>> No.8865367


jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.8865361

look at this internet pickup artist here folks

>> No.8865375

well I made a youtube http://www.youtube.com/fuwafuwaimouto

And yes /cgl/ is a very shitty community. ;_;

>> No.8865385
File: 31 KB, 800x473, 1316542364890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the board /jp/ hates the most?
>/b/ doesn't count

>> No.8865388

It's like I'm watching /jp/ die in real time.

>> No.8865392

ur bord

>> No.8865395

More like pick up autist.

>> No.8865400


/a/ /v/ and /mlp/

We are tsundere for the former 2, the latter is our sworn enemy.

>> No.8865402

So, it's like watching a corpse get beaten to death.

>> No.8865404

>My psychiatrist recommends me to talk to a doctor to prescript pills (I believe anti-depressants).

You mean psychologist. Psychiatrists are physicians, they've been to medical school.

Fuck's sake why can't people tell the difference.

>> No.8865405
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 1317196093575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I don't have a home board...

>> No.8865408

Man this thread went places while I was running errands didn't it.

>> No.8865411
File: 78 KB, 512x512, 1318090493926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why /mlp/? Isn't it kind of the least one ever like to interfere with you?

>> No.8865413

it's not fair.
has barely been part of the community, and overnight she has gained significant e-fame and recognition in /jp/.
all because she happens to be a woman.

>> No.8865414
File: 66 KB, 467x671, 1325194905195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to but I don't have an account for that website. I was kinda hoping for disposable emails but if you know how to skip the mobile phone part of registration or you have other preferred methods then by all means!

>> No.8865416

I'm happy thanks to my friends and /jp/

>> No.8865417

Because mlp is the western equivalent of 2hu

We're just autistic about different things

>> No.8865425


lol nope

>> No.8865433


I guess it would probably be a more apt analogy to say it's like watching a group of kids exhume a corpse and take turns trying its clothes on.

>> No.8865444

There are more colorful things you can do to a corpse besides trying its clothes on.

>> No.8865445
File: 30 KB, 411x353, 1317799675414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, that invoked a deja vu for some reason...
Sorry for all the pointless questions,
it's just that /jp/ kind of grew dear to me over the time I lurked, and..
eh, doesn't matter.
However, thanks for the info!

>> No.8865453

Recipe for instant /jp/ fame:
1. Use a trip.
2. Say you're a girl.

The first part is optional.

>> No.8865462


That's what /jp/ seems like lately though - /a/ and /v/ have infiltrated completely and self-identify as /jp/. The erosion of board culture is almost complete at this point.

>> No.8865463

b-b-b-but i'm a girl and i've never had any attention...

>> No.8865469
File: 89 KB, 301x267, thumbsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good start!

>> No.8865467


Get the fuck out of /jp/. How's that for some attention, shitposter?

>> No.8865471

It's still attention, dumbass.

>> No.8865478

U-Uhm my skype is fuwafuwaimouto ;u; anyone can go ahead and add me
and I'm uploading an introduction to youtube right now

>> No.8865483

alright... but i mean we could be friends?
i would really like someone to talk to...

>> No.8865489

I like dicks

>> No.8865499

or at least play some video games with or something...
i really want to try some new VNs and i would love to talk with someone about it!

>> No.8865505

Wanna go out with me? I don't care how ugly you are.

>> No.8865508
File: 494 KB, 1490x1067, 1324683359755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay~! It's going to take me a little while, but I'll be sure to add you today!

Til then my friend!

>> No.8865510

well i guess we could keep correspondence...
do you have messenger, aim... or something?

>> No.8865512

If you're actually a girl post a timestamp with your picture and I will be your friend. I am an attractive but introverted male.

I also have skype

>> No.8865515

Alright, hands off. This one is mine. Get your own ugly female!

>> No.8865521

Not like a person can't have more than one friend. I'll even be your friend if you want.

>> No.8865519

Why are cosplayers such attention whores?

They all have their own youtube channel, they most likely have some blog where they ramble on about themselves, and every year they get dressed up in revealing costumes so that people will look at them. It's understandable to want a certain degree of attention from other humans, but the level that /cgl/ posters and other cosplayers go to is just shameless. There is very little difference between a cosplayer and a stripper, but at least the stripper gets paid for it.

Even the girls on /soc/ aren't as bad. Yeah, they're total sluts, but they admit it and don't try to say that what they are doing is anything other than shameless attention whoring. Normalfags might be slutty, but at least they are honest about it. Can't say the same about cosplayers.

>> No.8865525

Save some for the rest of us bro. ;D

>> No.8865533
File: 63 KB, 490x624, Study_after_Velazquez's_Portrait_of_Pope_Innocent_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sees this thread

>> No.8865536

NSJ, why is this shit okay?

>> No.8865530 [DELETED] 

oh ya bro?
want to add me?

>> No.8865546
File: 86 KB, 600x555, 1294016925855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because mlp is the western equivalent of 2hu


And do not ever say that again.

Touhou is a series of doujin games by a Japanese alcoholic with an obsessive nerd fanbase.

MLP is a series of toys for little girls, adapted into a cartoon for little girls, with an obsessive fanbase of adult men.

>> No.8865549

What the fuck happened to this thread?

It was at least somewhat /jp/ at the start.

>> No.8865553

Hookup attempts by needy faggots
It's bound to happen in this kind of thread.

>> No.8865556


neo/jp/ thinks that telling shitposters that they're shitposting is shitposting. Thus, they shitpost with minimal interference.

>> No.8865563

but telling shitposters that they are shitposting is shitposting, it only devolves into intra thread arguing

>> No.8865570


No shit. That's a much more desirable outcome than the alternative.

>> No.8865574
File: 508 KB, 900x700, 1334296628165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop flirting with the girl, you fucking hypocrites.

How can you do this, /jp/? Explain yourself. This is disgusting. You go on and on about your distaste for 3D girls, but the second one of them shows up here, puts on a fake cutesy voice, and records a few vocaroos then you're all over her and asking for her skype.

Have all of you been lying this entire time? You posture as this independent NEET that has rejected women, but all of that goes out the window as soon as a girl flirts with you? That's pathetic.

Stop lying, you're breaking my heart with all this deceit. You're no different than the rest of them, /jp/. I expected this from /a/, /r9k/, /v/, or any of the normal boards, but I thought you were better.

>> No.8865577
File: 109 KB, 480x320, autism-bubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol BUTTOWNED!! you should called the buttowner cause that was fuckin epic bro!

But seriously, do you actually think telling people to get out of /jp/ offends them in any way? Or actually makes them leave? Because it dosen't. It's just throwing more shit onto the shit pile. Also, reported for autism.

>> No.8865581

Welcome to neo-/jp/.

>> No.8865583

Hmm, you sound like a female. I bet you are one. Wanna go out with me sweetheart?

>> No.8865588

Some do, some don't. These threads always happens and they atract a specific userbase on /jp/. If I were you I wouldn't get too upset about them otherwise it will become impossible to enjoy /jp/

>> No.8865590


It's because /jp/ isn't /jp/ anymore, it's /a/ and /v/ in /jp/'s clothes.


Individually? No. But if everyone takes a minute out of their day to scorn this shit like they should it will. How are people supposed to know that this kind of posting is unacceptable if nobody bothers vocalizing it?
