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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 82 KB, 848x427, collo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8862681 No.8862681 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8862696

sweet. i always wanted a slushie

>> No.8862699

In my computer science class 70% of all people are like this guy but I doubt they browse /jp/

>> No.8862754

Slurpees are really good.
Wish they would bring back green apple

>> No.8862764

I always sat in the very front for some reason.

>> No.8862772

Blue raspberry is the best common flavor.

>> No.8862777


>> No.8862781

I like mixing blue raspberry with other flavors, but I can't much stand it by itself.

>> No.8862831

Bubblegum Slush Puppie master race reporting in.

>> No.8862834

I fucking hated those blue slushies. They always looked so much better than they tasted.

>> No.8862838

organic chem

lol noobs

>> No.8862842

Are some of the students colour-coded or something? What the hell. They look like Skittles.

>> No.8862847


school colors. I can't explain the clusters of red

>> No.8862859
File: 106 KB, 848x427, 1334565199312plus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8862868

Everyone in that room is /a/. /jp/ is outside crying in disgust at all the secondary faggot scum.

>> No.8862911
File: 42 KB, 500x552, c23803182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drinking slush in the classroom

Is this some kind of american culture?

because I don't get it

>> No.8862939


people bring their fucking lunches sometimes, really annoying

>> No.8862942

Blue slushy is my favorite.

>> No.8863223

where do you go to that you have lecture halls with real desks?
shit must be nice

>> No.8863267



>> No.8863276


>> No.8863277

Why the fuck would you even go to lectures if you clearly aren't going to pay attention? What kind of shitty university makes lectures mandatory, because that's the only way I could see a reason for this.

>> No.8863282

To irc with your friends and enjoy the atmosphere.

>> No.8863295

Wow, /jp/ is a fucking normalfag now that has enough money to go to college?

>> No.8863297


those lectures aren't mandatory. I know because I've taken that class

>> No.8863311

Sounds disgusting. I skip 95% of my lectures, why sit around for an hour when you can learn it by yourself in 20 minutes?

>> No.8863434

University is free.

>> No.8863451

Holy fuck, /jp/, it's my first time here and that graph was right. You do love your sage.

>> No.8863581

So how does one manage to see what's written on the board while sitting at the back?

>> No.8865855

You don't.
