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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8857872 No.8857872 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else not able to take it easy when around normals?
Mild anger issues maybe.

>> No.8857879

Only when they yell loudly or play dubstep.

>> No.8857880

What a coincidence OP!
My cousin's over, and I nearly punched him in the face since he's such a cunt sometimes.
He was on his laptop, on MSN, and I didn't think he was a normalfag, so I thought it might have been an online person, so I said "Who's that?"
"One of my friends"
"You have friends?"
"Yeah, only losers don't have friends."
Now, I don't even want friends, they prevent me from taking it easy, but this comment made my blood boil, I've punched him the fuck up several times 'cause he pushes my limits, but I held back this time.
I got a little angry, and got some pop, went to the other room, and pierced a hole with my knife, and I shook it violently, and threw it in his vicinity.
Do you think I may have an anger problem?

>> No.8857881

I just look straight ahead and ignore everyone when I'm outside.

Family is the worst though. I usually just hide from them.

>> No.8857899

I have to wear large, conspicuous headphones in the grocery store so no one talks to me, and I spend most of the time glaring or looking at the floor.

I don't hate or envy normals, really. I just get uncomfortable around them, like they are analyzing me with even a glance, and I feel like every laugh is at my expense when I am in public.

>> No.8857919
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The last 2 years shut in and lurking on shitty boards like /jp/ somehow made me change into that way to really feel despisement and anger towards normals...

>> No.8857924

I don't think you have an anger problem, but I do think you stopped maturing when you were 12. And you're a bit of a cunt.

You clearly can't take it easy.

>> No.8857932

But he was a cunt to me first.

>> No.8857935

I think my parents count as normals:

Today they visited me for the first time in a year and took me out for lunch/dinner (I wake up at 4pm, so I only eat one meal a day).
It was really strange walking beside people, I felt uncomfortable because they were walking faster than my usual pace.
I didn't know how to talk to them, in the end they just talked to each other and I listened.

>> No.8857937

I know two normal people. One of them likes to go to parties and post on Facebook, and the other just likes to study for his college classes. Whenever the former guy tells me about his girlfriend, or some party he went to, it's like a kid telling me about his day at school.

>> No.8857946

Yeah, but I think you were kind of a cunt as an American would use the word. It's fucking incredible how bad that word is here.

Nah, I'm actually just angry thinking about how I would react if somebody threw a fizzing soda at me while I was on my laptop. I'd probably get physically violent.

>> No.8857950

He's a terrible person, don't worry about him.

>> No.8857955

I thought he was an obvious troll.

>> No.8857972
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Depends on the subject of conversation and if they want to involve me. I'm always quick to excuse myself should a few people turn into a group though, because that's when I start to get very uncomfortable.

>> No.8858049
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No, geez /jp/ why are you so cynical and hate everyone.

I'm a NEET because I care too much about everyone and I'm too much of a pushover/care too much about what people think of me, so I just let everyone walk all over me and still somehow desperately want their acceptance.

Although, to be honest, I wish I was more like you and just hated everyone /jp/. But I kind of wonder if you really truly do hate everyone, why you seem to care so much about what the people you hate do with their lives. You already hate them no matter what they do it sounds like.

>> No.8858057

I never know what to say because we have nothing in common, so I just stay silent most of the time and give one word answers to any questions. Eventually they will leave me alone.

>> No.8858062
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>prevent me from taking it easy

>> No.8858063
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Waver thread?

>> No.8858070

