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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 94 KB, 919x841, 20dbcf0add23d34fdd9c291be6faa6dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8855927 No.8855927 [Reply] [Original]

This is an OC thread, any OC is welcome, be it drawings, writings, or what ever else you created!

>> No.8855937

I'll begin with the Summoning Magister and his haters ritual

>> No.8855940
File: 71 KB, 560x509, 2665703_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to do something with my time, since I have nothing better to do, so I tried to learn to draw, to draw cute girls doing cute things.
It didn't really work out, turns out I'm too autistic for that.
Oh well.

>> No.8855954

Did any of the actual drawfags start out later than their teens?

I started drawing in 2010 but the progress is so shit, it's embarassing

>> No.8855963

When ever I see people say these things, they put themselves down when they really shouldn't.
Post some of your work from 2010, and some from 2012.

>> No.8856006

ok guys this is something i wrote
1 day tomake and harry were walking to school, and harry lookd at tomakes eyes and thought "what a beetiful girl", and started smiling
tamke noticed that he was smiling and sayd "why r u smiling?"
should i continue???
my mom rly likes it, but im not sure if i should put in the effrt if u guys dont like it.

>> No.8856030

OP is cute. Demand more like it.

>> No.8856033

:( no response
ok i got another short story
1 day, tamake was washing her underwear lol, and she noticed that harry was washtching, and she was like
"omg why r u watching me?!?!!"
and he said "um, n-no reason D:"
she said "d-do u lik me harry?"
harry blused and said "yes"
she smild and hugged him and said "i luv u harry"
they then had sex
the end

>> No.8856053
File: 202 KB, 720x960, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhh, no tears.
Pic related, I know how it feels.

>> No.8858731

I restarted in 2010 after like eight years, and even I'm better than your average anon, nobody seems to like my shit.
geez, I'm out of dreams to crush.

>> No.8858752
File: 277 KB, 700x700, 1329536153238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

original drawing do not steal

>> No.8858760

Please put the usual title in the header next time, OP, I filter these threads so that I don't have to be reminded that I'm incapable of creating anything.

>> No.8858763

It looks the same, because I don't spend more than 5 minutes at a time.

>> No.8858821

Nocturnes LN Magazine General

Download link for first issue
IRC is #nocturne-magazine at rizon.net
If you don't know how to IRC.

NOCTURNES MAGAZINE is a quarterly Light Novel magazine with the goal of providing a platform of collaboration between artists and writers.
Nocturnes began as a bunch of threads on /jp/ with the idea of creating a Light Novel magazine. It has since then evolved into what you see today while still maintaining the same drive the original threads had.

>> No.8858827 [DELETED] 


>> No.8858832 [DELETED] 

Nocturnes LN Magazine General

Download link for first issue
IRC is #nocturne-magazine at rizon.net
If you don't know how to IRC.

NOCTURNES MAGAZINE is a quarterly Light Novel magazine with the goal of providing a platform of collaboration between artists and writers.
Nocturnes began as a bunch of threads on /jp/ with the idea of creating a Light Novel magazine. It has since then evolved into what you see today while still maintaining the same drive the original threads had.

>> No.8858846
File: 116 KB, 698x658, 1330139411627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>OP's pic looks adorable
>click to enlarge
>it's shit


>> No.8858854

Kuroko is dead just like your prospects as an artist.

>> No.8858857

I like it, it just looks rough

>> No.8858868


It's shit but some people enjoy mediocrity so whatever.

>> No.8858874

Apart from the fact that her legs are really thin and she appears to have lost her buttocks somewhere, what other problems are there?
I wouldn't know, I'm learning

>> No.8858876

He's trying to stir shit up, notice the greentext. Ignore it.

>> No.8858886
File: 21 KB, 573x520, kogasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8858934

Cute. nice job.

>> No.8859017 [DELETED] 

Why is this OC thread not numbered?

I can't take it east like this

>> No.8859024

Why is this OC thread not numbered?

I can't take it easy like this

>> No.8859020 [DELETED] 


>> No.8859027

I don't think it's the same person. The thread picture isn't even OC. Maybe the last Anonymous left, apparently there was a lot of drama.

Fuck you OP, you've ruined my Christmas.

>> No.8859029
File: 31 KB, 494x421, loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the rough look. Mind you I'm not an artist.

I'm glad I'm not because it's walking into another world of hella elitism.

Here is a pic I made of a loli but.

>> No.8859042 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 370x250, SquidrunZala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who ar quoting

>> No.8859058 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 640x480, Repost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not in MY America!

>> No.8859063


>> No.8861564
File: 472 KB, 1595x1201, ex064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this today

Not sure if I'm improving or doing the same ;_;

>> No.8861591


It's coming along well.

btw any particular reason for not using raster/vector graphics editor?

>> No.8861932
File: 186 KB, 600x1290, waifugap063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mouse skills are shit, but I'm planning on getting a tablet for my birthday a cheap one but hopefully it'll improve my output or al least help me with some cleaning.

>> No.8861990

Yukari is not an EX stage boss, though.

>> No.8862004

Does the OC posted have to be OC in the literal sense?

>> No.8862030
File: 45 KB, 840x525, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miipah Rika

>> No.8862048

Needs a number in the title.

>> No.8862052

PNGs, please.

>> No.8862116
File: 78 KB, 840x525, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8862134
File: 149 KB, 630x400, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8862142
File: 45 KB, 840x525, 1329247139185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8862153
File: 51 KB, 840x525, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new OC - Eueika. She like sex. And she is a pirate.

>> No.8862157

I missed the Rika drawings so so so much. Where is the person that makes them?

>> No.8862230

Eye don't see an I patch, so I refuse to believe she's a pirate

>> No.8862233

Does she appear in Guns&Roses?

>> No.8862275
File: 28 KB, 432x602, my next touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, an OC thread.

This is one of my OC Touhous, her name is Annalisa Hammermountain. You can tell she's really lewd because you can see her belly button.

Her hobbies mostly consist of clipping her toenails and farting loudly enough so everybody in the vicinity can hear it.

>> No.8862308
File: 64 KB, 840x525, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a main villian. Nipah one.

>> No.8862371
File: 110 KB, 540x840, Lil 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I'll dump some stuff...

>> No.8862376
File: 205 KB, 729x491, Inanity cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8862378
File: 171 KB, 523x907, Flugtag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8862382
File: 165 KB, 1028x987, Entscheidungsproblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you get it... well... good for you.

>> No.8862385
File: 78 KB, 965x586, 24-7 (Yotsuba II).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

. . .

>> No.8862391
File: 1.93 MB, 1084x833, Kuroi kaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8862393

I really like the look of >>8862376 and >>8862378 I think you're really good with animal and nature illustrations. It's simple and clean, but there's something about them that brings to mind old notebooks found in the back of a bookcase.

>>8862371 just feels off, particularly the neck. The left arm makes less sense the more I analyze it. Shading and cloth looks really good though.

I'd say you should work on your anatomy and perspective. Technique is good, but more practice is required to get the human body down. That or focus on nature illustrations.

>> No.8862395
File: 125 KB, 334x517, el grito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8862404
File: 221 KB, 795x1241, Hanako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. Thanks.

>> No.8862408
File: 329 KB, 760x1126, Asuka B-ES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost done...

>> No.8862412

Double post, but it's necessary. Goddamn >>8862391 is just beautiful. A bit busy, but the detail just impresses me. I insist on my previous point, focus on nature and landscapes. A VN with this sort of stuff for backgrounds would be really something.

If I may request something, can you do something with ruined cities next? Abandoned buildings, rusty cars, and nature taking over all of it with wild grass growth in every concrete crack and roaming animals.

Didn't get the other two, but that last one really got to me.

>> No.8862416
File: 299 KB, 1032x1611, Red Wine (aka wain).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also tried to make made a little song dedicated, well, to her: http://www.mediafire.com/?vqssnoqrb0se46o ("The postman of spring always rings twice")

>> No.8862424
File: 1.50 MB, 820x1107, Stabat Mater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks again...

>ruined cities
Would like to, someday. Right now I'm not capable yet.

>> No.8862487

Pixiv, OP?

>> No.8862508

Yeah, OP didn't create that. I feel betrayed.

>> No.8862511


Op didn't do it? Come on now, doesn't OP know you start the thread off with OC?

>> No.8862517

At least the thread has some contributions and decent critiques.

>> No.8862519


Yeah. At least that's good. Hopefully we can keep it up.

>> No.8862530

Well, I was hoping it'd be HIS Pixiv account...
Drawing is quite pretty, however: fresh and smooth. Favorited there.

>> No.8862546
File: 36 KB, 840x525, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanodesu Rika is my new OC

>> No.8862552
File: 202 KB, 1320x796, 109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8862557


Those prices. Too steep. I am offended.

>> No.8862581

I hope Takano will get them.

>> No.8863800

On the spot orikon creation doesn't work here?

>> No.8863830

I masturbate to anime pictures.

>> No.8866725 [SPOILER] 
File: 66 KB, 1024x739, MoeTRONxTokiko OTP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I was browsing one of the usual late-night bird threads when someone requested lewd MoeTRON x Tokiko fanart (>>8863056). Since I had some free time I decided to throw something together.

I suck horribly at anatomy (and everything else) so unfortunately I had to use some googled 3dpd as a base, but you get the point. And it came out decent enough despite me rushing it.

>> No.8866734

You sir, are a terrible human being, and I hope that you live a long life full of happiness.

>> No.8866841 [SPOILER] 
File: 406 KB, 1622x1418, konata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8866917


So Spear-kun, do you hate Konata? Or do you like her? Or what? You seem to love her doing things with dicks man.

>> No.8866942


>> No.8866953
File: 388 KB, 784x723, shinka2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Magister's..

>> No.8866963

This is your current favorite "spear" ? hope you'll come back to more longer and... invasive to life ones.

>> No.8866964
File: 20 KB, 611x441, strnagast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awh skeet, it's mah strngest

>> No.8867821


Those fingers fucking creep me out man...

>> No.8867854

See, that's the thing.
I see shit like this.
The former is always better than my current best work.

>> No.8867858

Sorry, I can't create OC.
I like to see them though.

>> No.8867889

apart Sai coloring, I don't see much improvement.

>> No.8867968

That's because you suck at art.

>> No.8868019

>I don't see much improvement.
I don't like Magister's style all that much but even then its easy to see there is a clear improvement in essentially every aspect of the picture.

>> No.8868036


>> No.8868041
File: 46 KB, 682x678, u-turn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.8868044
File: 10 KB, 254x384, tensha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no matter how bad at art you are, you are still better than those guys who draw the incredibly awful fetish art

I mean I don't have anything against fetish art in general, but god damn if the MSpaint stuff doesn't kill my soul every time I look at it.

>> No.8868059

>you are still better than those guys who draw the incredibly awful fetish art
I wish.

>> No.8868064

I know that feel, bro.

>> No.8868082 [DELETED] 

All his eyes coloring style are the same, just different color. Also the faces are the same. He needs to change his style.

>> No.8868096

How DARE you insult Master Magicnegro!
>$130 for a single commission


>> No.8868109 [DELETED] 

He charges that much? If he really needed the money and people are willing to give him money. His 500 follower wouldn't mind paying that much.

>> No.8868111

Still hilarious for how shitty his drawings are.

>> No.8868125 [DELETED] 

Dumb people will pay for anything.

>Here you go draw my OC.
>Here is $500

>> No.8868129 [DELETED] 

He's black? No wonder he charges that much.

>> No.8868133 [DELETED] 

He has lots of pictures of lolis with big boobies.

>> No.8868167

I like his colouring

>> No.8868194 [DELETED] 

You like his color dick?

>> No.8868219

Would the Magister hate stop when he draws stuff like realism and western characters?

>> No.8868273

has he ever draw realsm?

>> No.8868289
File: 633 KB, 957x1040, yukiquickie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8868386 [DELETED] 

No. Not now or ever. Go commission some $100 sketch art from him, I'm sure he need the money for his lolis.

>> No.8868406

>$100 for sketch commission
I'm afraid to say that I seen better artists in DA and charges their art much much less...

>> No.8868443 [DELETED] 

I know right. I seen people sketch and draw for free, but $100? Shit's crazy. That's why there NEETs.

>> No.8868454
File: 399 KB, 3507x2480, orinfinal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8868472 [DELETED] 


Bitch we ain't rich like you, dawg. We all don't have 3507x2480 monitor screen. Re-size your picture bitch.

>> No.8868475

speaking of paying for art do Japanese artists ever do commissions or they prefer earning their keep through doujins at Comiket or something?

>> No.8868485

Only a dirty american would ever think of doing commissions, so no.

>> No.8868488 [DELETED] 


They have learned that with dA and dumb murrika, they can made even more money.

>> No.8868536

>click it with your scroll button
>image appears in new tab, scaled

>> No.8868556
File: 279 KB, 700x525, IMG00088-20120417-2043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, so I tried drawing. Sorry for the cellphone-quality picture, my scanner isn't working.

>> No.8868565

no you dumb fuck you scanner AIN'T working

>> No.8868795

When has Magister ever done commissions?

>> No.8868806

I really don't see how coloring your eyes the same is an issue, but there is a fair amount of sameface sometimes.

>> No.8868828

I don't have a problem with that since some of my favorite japanese artists are guilty with that.

>> No.8868831

Since now. Fucking scamming coon.

>> No.8868838

Where can I find this magical deathnigger you speak of

>> No.8868840

I concur. I don't neccesarily have any problems with sameface either as many artists do it. Of course however, that shouldn't mean that it shouldn't be worked on. Variety is the spice of life, and it'd open up new horizons to be able to get out of that habit. But that's merely my opinion. Anyone is free to do what they will, I like Magister's art.

>> No.8868844

Mind showing me where? I'm rather interested to see what people woukd comission him to draw.

>> No.8868846

Pretty sure it's on his DA and he said it in his faggy little stream

>> No.8868850

Meant to quote >>8868831

>> No.8868864

Hmm...I don't see it, but thanks anyway. Guess I'll just ask.

>> No.8868870

You deserve to get scammed over by that fat coon.

>> No.8868881 [DELETED] 

I love how the haters give him more business. Adorably retarded.

>> No.8868882

wat you know what he looks like?

>> No.8868903

Do you really think I'll pay any amount for a drawing I can do myself? Don't make laugh. Sorry, I don't belive in paying someone to draw for me. Try again next time though

>> No.8868911

I like how you jump to concluding he'll pay for it.
Yes, I met him in person one time.
Nice work.

>> No.8868920 [DELETED] 

ITT: Magister Is a Fat Nigger Scammer

>> No.8868926 [DELETED] 

>*Magical Fat Nigger Scammer

>> No.8868942


>> No.8868945


>> No.8868954

>met him in person
Where exactly? Japan? Amehrikkuh?

>> No.8868962

America, I saw him in a library.

>> No.8868980
File: 237 KB, 686x1026, 73 - oc perspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi, /jp/, I did this as practice for this kind of poses.. perspective is so hard for me

>> No.8869005

You're steadily improving, keep it up. You seem to love drawing people in their underwear.

>> No.8869014

how do you even draw things pointed at the viewer? It feels almost impossible to achieve.

>> No.8869028

well, it's easier and I like it a lot...

with the help of 3dpd references... never tracing nor copying of course

Next time I'll deliver more Yakui, I promise...

>> No.8869029 [SPOILER] 
File: 151 KB, 840x735, NSJxMeido lovejuice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannot draw pussy juice

>> No.8869152

Okay so where the drawings at?
Haven't been caring about these threads for some time but the last time there was good stuff. Where is all at?

>> No.8869202 [SPOILER] 
File: 54 KB, 445x456, meow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8869206

Last time was the same as the current one:
amateur work no one gave a shit about, several actually good images no one gave a shit about, and then a dozen of grief posts from people who gladly threw itself into the "discussion".

>> No.8869209

this whole thread is shit then.

>> No.8869219

What happened to the marisa flying simulator and the yuno I don't know stuff? I'm currious about the developement of these finde programming-crafts.

>> No.8869225
File: 1.82 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with some shitty quality photo of a drawing I'm working on

>> No.8869232

Such a shame. It wasn't always like this. Last time I visited these threads was 6-7 months ago. They were good and had good OC.

Thats what I'm thinking based off the stuff being posted.

>> No.8869236
File: 1.78 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is another bad quality photo of a drawing

>> No.8869257
File: 59 KB, 840x525, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my OC - miidesu Rika. One her hand is long, and one is short.

>> No.8869267

Draw Satori pls

>> No.8869555 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 597x581, Asuka (himawari).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MSpaint stuff

Motivated by a certain thread, about a year ago I did some stuff on MSpaint, with a mouse... It's a good challenge.

>> No.8869565

I find it hard to call this a drawing when its copied from an existing image.

>> No.8869567
File: 41 KB, 597x581, Asuka (himawari).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MSpaint stuff

Motivated by a certain thread, about a year ago I did some stuff on MSpaint, with a mouse... It's a good challenge.

>> No.8869581
File: 1.90 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I didn't

Altough the first picture really looks like the reference I used, I wanted it with hair blowing in the wind

>> No.8869595
File: 790 KB, 1700x1700, origin3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8869713

Are you finally done with this one, Sai? Or are you adding more background?

>> No.8869747

It's not done, but I'll be too busy for the rest of the month to draw, so just showing progress.

>> No.8869798
File: 254 KB, 660x909, shizuku2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8869802
File: 230 KB, 600x640, Painter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8869805
File: 192 KB, 660x990, miraclepaintraku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8869808 [DELETED] 

maginigger pls go

>> No.8869813

D'aww, that's unfortunate. Wish you could draw more. Well, keep up the good work.

>> No.8869824 [DELETED] 

-I'm never posting in the OC threads again
-Shits up the next thread and dumps in the one after that

classic maginigger

>> No.8869832

Nice to see it finished!
But somehow I feel that what's above the skirt and what's below it are disconnected from each other.

The other too are nice as well. Nothing specific to say about them.

>> No.8869849

The left hand is small. It possibly could be explained with perspective, if it wasn't for the sleeves that aren't getting smaller along with the rest of the arm.

>> No.8869854 [DELETED] 

I had to point out her neck was broken before, he's godawful at this stuff.

>> No.8869860 [DELETED] 

You are saying it like you were continuing from my reply.

>> No.8869864 [DELETED] 

I was just saying he's a shitty artist.

>> No.8869888
File: 786 KB, 1462x1061, 1307589727766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow are you the same guy that did this? About time one of the old drawer posted in here.
It seems all these threads are now is MS drawings.

>> No.8869890

That sleeve does looks pretty bad.

>> No.8869932 [DELETED] 

Still waiting on a link to this magister fellow's lair.

>> No.8869936 [DELETED] 

Why don't you use google and find out?

>> No.8869944 [DELETED] 

Fuck magister and fuck you too. Can we drop the Magister thing now? Getting pretty fucking sick of the whole "Magister this, Magister that, why does everyone suck in this thread but Magister". For fucks sake.

>> No.8869965 [DELETED] 

That's the level of difference between his art and the rest of the drawfags.

Tell me, who comes even close to his art skills?

>> No.8869967 [DELETED] 

Agreed, why can't Magister and his cocksuckers just leave already? We were having an okay OC thread before they showed up, even though the OP didn't post OC.

>> No.8869970 [DELETED] 

Fuck Magister,
Fuck his followers,
Fuck Magister as a artist, streamer, and as a mother fucking crew.
And if you want to be down with Magister,
Then fuck you too.
Magister defense forces, fuck you too.
All you mother fuckers,
Fuck you too.
All of y'all mother fuckers,
Fuck you, die slow motherfucker.

>> No.8869996

Why can't everyone just stop being cockguzzling faggots and post and critique OC? Fucking christ, is it that hard to ignore shit you don't like? Both sides need to shut the fuck up and do what the thread is supposed.to be about.

>> No.8870011
File: 268 KB, 520x520, satori-sama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a Satori.

>> No.8870025

>cockguzzling faggots
Saten taught us well.

I sort of like it overall, but I don't like the grey colors with the shadows.

>> No.8870039 [DELETED] 

TY mod for removing all the Magihaters posts ^_^ i came here form da sry XD

>> No.8870069

Why the fuck did that mod permaban me for the rap OC?

>> No.8870065

I like your stuff. With what tools do you draw?

>> No.8870567
File: 838 KB, 2250x3000, lineart_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital art is so daunting, considering it takes forever.
Although I work really hard on something, I always end up convincing myself it's shit and give up.
It doesn't help that I want to finish a picture right away. I have patience with everything else, except drawing. How do you guys do it?

>> No.8870885

But digital art is easier, more efficient and looks better. Pretty sure you're just doing it wrong.

>> No.8870897

>looks better

What the fuck did you just say?

>> No.8871218
File: 746 KB, 1796x1158, draw2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to finish that one but then I gave up...
I don't like my own style
It's too ''shounen like''
I'm looking for some tutorials and stuff to let them more cute

>> No.8871229

Well, to be fair, it looks pretty bad regardless of looking too shounen like.

>> No.8871280

It's not "bad" by any means.
That said, he needs to work on his anatomy.

>> No.8871296


>baww good work takes time and effort

Holy shit...who would have known

>How do you guys do it?

look up "perseverance" in a dictionary

>> No.8871326

Hmm well I know it's not BAD, but anatomy is a huge deal. Just by know a few simple proportion tricks those drawings could look a lot better. The lineart also needs a lot of work, if it's not a sketch, that is. It's all about know which brushed to use and how to make strokes properly.

>> No.8871344

I need to start drawing, so I can contribute some OC. I haven't drawn in forever though ;-;

>> No.8872154
File: 108 KB, 880x496, asuka process 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I do sketches on pencil, and then manipulate them digitaly to later work on refined versions and composition. For the final work, I use a mix of watercolour, ink, coffee (makes an awesome dum, but we must be careful with it), coloring pencils and sometimes a bit of acrylic for highlights (though I try to avoid that last one whenever possible).


>Although I work really hard on something, I always end up convincing myself it's shit and give up.
I know that feel. Sometimes, though, I think it is shit only when it's finished; you know: when something that looked promising in sketch (or line-work) ends up looking terrible. In those cases, I simply take a breath, give it a rest, and then start over again, over the same idea, to try to render it cleanly this time (sometimes it's worth it; sometimes not).

>I want to finish a picture right away. I have patience with everything else, except drawing. How do you guys do it?
I guess I just realized that, personally, I simply can't get there right away; that I'll always have to go trough a slow process of elaborating, selecting, doing dummies and cleansing, if I long to get any minimally decent results (hopefully). Also, for good or bad, I do not draw a lot; sketches are one thing, but I rather have fewer but better finished works, than a lot of average ones; for at least I myself can't do both.

>> No.8872240

I kind of think you should be trying to finish your drawings right away, because that gives you more time to do another drawing. If you give yourself a short time limit, not only will you make more drawings (and thus improve faster) but you'll have an excuse to not worry about if it's good or bad. If it takes too long digitally, just switch to paper and keep your sense of impatience.

>> No.8872442
File: 265 KB, 720x560, doodlehong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8872572
File: 442 KB, 850x531, 2photcqs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8873335

looks so wide... so nice

>> No.8873354

Well. seeing something like this and interacting directly with the author is always atrouciously painful for fags like me, already at wizard age but still under average levels of skill and imagination despite years of practice. and a year ago I hoped to reach a almost-decent level by now...with that, I could have tried to become a pro, giving a meaning to all the paper I wasted.
life slowly corrodes and digest dreams.
anyway, I really like what you do, and I hope to see your stuff more often in these threads.

>> No.8873841
File: 711 KB, 640x2013, widemadoka[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8873909

Where are all the musicians? Dead?

>> No.8874078

I'd record you some accordion touhous but I have no mic.

>> No.8874987

Thank you for your reply.

Either you're interpreting something into my post which isn't there, have misread my post, or you're a troll.
I typed:
>I like your stuff
>looks better

>> No.8878340
File: 497 KB, 572x800, 33a5e8c7ac6c3701abae8c6197f57e91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, hey, could someone draw Sakuya present a birthday cake on a tray or plate?
