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8853933 No.8853933 [Reply] [Original]

We had this thread before, lets see if another one can get going.

Heres some links to those who may wanna try this:
Game: http://www.swordgirlsonline.com/
Deck Builder: http://swogitools.com/
Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkhbJcrswgbzdG4wbXRVT29QbV9teTRaLUpnd0hQVkE&hl=en_U

>> No.8855803

I think they keep getting deleted or something. The last one seemed to 404 pretty quickly.

How's everyone doing on ladder? I'm currently just a few points short from breaking into the top 100. I feel like I might have been able to get into it if I started earlier. I finished a couple of rares for my Crux deck the 2nd day of ladder.

>> No.8855860

Excuse me, I've been interested in this game for a couple of days now. I have a few questions. I tried googling them, but I never really found exactly what I wanted to know.

1: How "mandatory" is the cashshop... or whatever system they have? I'm perfectly fine with spending some money, but I'd rather not have to go overboard. By mandatory, I mean... do you stand a chance in the game without paying money? As well, does the game end up being far too slow/grindfest without paying?

2: From what I've read, the game sounds a bit "unfair". Apparently, you can't control your followers? And they act completely randomly? And if you lose in a dungeon or something, you have to start all over?

3: What all things do you pay for in the game, and how useful are they? Like I said, I'm fine with paying a bit of cash, but I'd rather not have it be a scenario of "Either pay 30 bucks to progress quickly or spend a month grinding".

Thank you in advance, gentlemen!

>> No.8855876

>As well, does the game end up being far too slow/grindfest without paying?

>Apparently, you can't control your followers? And they act completely randomly? And if you lose in a dungeon or something, you have to start all over?
There is a lot of randomness and personally it annoys me a lot, but some people argue that it focuses the game more on weighting odds against each other when building decks. If you lose in a dungeon, you don't have to start over.

>> No.8855888

Night time /jp/ gets the raid type of spam going on, so that probably pushes the thread to death. I don't even have the 200 points to compete.

>> No.8855895

As for paying, exactly what type of things do you pay for? All I've heard of are "tokens", and I'm not sure what they do. As well, how much would you expect to pay? $5-10 dollar range? 15-25? Or even higher?

As for the randomness, I imagine I'd probably find it annoying. I'm willing to give it a shot, though. "Weighting odds" sounds like it might be interesting.

Sorry if the answers to these questions are easily found, I'm a moron.

>> No.8856341

How do you progress in this game? The matchmaking is fucking awful - on my first match ever, I was paired up with an extremely powerful opponent who raped me immediately.

>> No.8856383


1. It's not mandatory. It just cuts down the amount of time it would take to grind out cards. Didn't take me too long to get a couple of them.

2. Yes, but that can be used to your advantage as well. It can add to some of the strategy to the game too. If you lose before the boss floor, you go back one floor. If you lose on the boss, you have to start over. I usually save tokens to be able to repeat boss floors and saving progress in a dungeon.

3. See above for a few uses. I find those are the most useful ones.

I feel like if you have a good dungeon grinding deck, it wouldn't take long to build a rare or double rare. It's certainly not a months worth of time.

I think it's $1 usd = 100 tokens. Saving progress in a dungeon is 2, and I think retrying a boss is like 50. You start off with some tokens and the beginning quests give you some as well. The accessory booster after you win a match is 2 tokens and worth it if you buy some tokens.

>> No.8856428
File: 58 KB, 519x391, 1333677405599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are seriously people that believe randomizing attack/spell targets "adds strategy" to a TCG?

>> No.8856450

There are seriously people that uses /b/ tier images?

>> No.8856462

It does make you carefully consider your actions. Without it, it'd just be one side that started off better completely dominating the other side the entire match. With the random, you have to consider if it you can handle your spells going off too late, or if you should throw down a couple cheap followers in hopes your 40atk girl with 1 stam doesn't hit hit this turn.

>> No.8856476

>family guy reaction image
Yes, please do leave.

>> No.8856567

Bullshit, card games are random by nature in the fact that you are limited to how many cards you can draw. That's exactly why good deckbuilding is an essential skill to any competitive card game. By randomizing the order in which spells resolve, the targets of those spells, and attack targets it makes deck building the only factor.

It oversimplifies the necessity of thinking ahead to stay on top of your opponent. Where as in other games one might bait his opponent to waste his removal/counters or provoke an attack with an ulterior motive you can't do any of that in SGO. Even if you have the foresight to save a utility card for a rough situation you still have the randomness contributed by shit like "will this resolve first?", "will this target who I need it to?" and "will said target attack who I need her to?". If any one of those answers happens to be "no", then you're holed because of RNG and not your own lack of execution.

>> No.8856705

>Where as in other games one might bait his opponent to waste his removal/counters or provoke an attack with an ulterior motive you can't do any of that in SGO.

You can do some of the same things in SGO. Let's say you have a size 4 follower out absolutely crushing them. Your opponent will want to do something about that immediately. Most decks run plenty of removal so it's highly likely he has a shrink or arrest. Toss out another rank 4 a slot ahead of your snowballed follower and you can get them to remove that instead.

There are other examples too, maybe you should actually play the game before making judgements about it.

I've played someone twice in a row on ladder and baited out his Fatal Blow the 2nd game. I wiped his board and tossed out a few spells that weren't going to help much later on and kept my stronger followers in hand.

>> No.8856739

You're one of those guys who hates Super Smash brothers because it's not a serious limb based fighting game, aren't you?

I like randomness in games, but then I like wargames and RPGs which are generally more randomized than card games. Randomness makes things fair. If you were going to do some bullshit trick that would win the game for you in 2 turns with overpowered cards, it would actually give the opponent a fighting chance.

>> No.8856796

Thanks for the information. I'm interested and will probably check out the game either tomorrow or the day after. If I enjoy it, spending a bit of cash on tokens won't hurt. It doesn't sound expensive.

>> No.8856850

With every deck having 30 cards and having two shuffles and drawing until you have 5 cards makes sure you tend to have a certain card a lot of the time really.

>> No.8856847

>maybe you should actually play the game before making judgements about it.
Played ~130 games during earlier betas. With about a 2/3 winrate.
Around maybe 60% of those I won/lost because of snowballing but a good quarter of my games literally came down to who's spell resolved first or whether or not the right creep got attacked.

I've been in the kind of situation in your example too, but that by no means occurs as often as simply hoping you're spells resolve first.

No, I don't hate SSB, I don't play it often but it has it's niche as a causal friendly party-game. The problem I have with SGO is that there is a ridiculous amount of RNG involved in it and people have the nerve to chalk that up to "adding depth" to the game.

Randomness only makes things fair in the statistical sense, much like how a fair coin has a H-T ratio of 1:1. It does not make things fair by favoring players who play to a higher skill level. When you limit a player down to deckbuilding and choosing the order in which he plays his cards and not HOW he plays them you're not making the game fair, you're just lowering the skill ceiling to cater to a less-tryhard audience.

I don't dislike SGO, It can be as casual as it fucking wants and that's perfectly fine I just don't like people making it something it's no t.

>> No.8856895
File: 173 KB, 376x396, night denizen vernika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8856957


She's not even that good.

>> No.8856960

Saw alot of those in ladder today.

>> No.8856974


>> No.8856986


>> No.8857094

Is this card useful?

>> No.8857171

It's useful in helping me fap.

Also it kills a card and then denies some space and size. You can just use http://swogitools.com/card.php?id=200083 on it after.

Seriously, I don't normally like big boobs but they look so damn soft.

>> No.8857343

Random thoughts: it might be good if the enemy is snowballing a follower and you aren't, just for the chance to get rid of it while you just risk weenie followers or something.

I would be entertained if someone could successfully use it with Nold to make it size 3, so that you can use it again after it bounces back to you.

Other than that, spell removal might work, as the anon above me said.

>> No.8857612

so what should i look for when i build a deck, i just made a Darklore account

>> No.8857637

Get some vampiric rites and the followers with the lowest sizes and highest atk.

>> No.8857812

Does Knight's Letter counts itself when comparing your field to the opponents?

>> No.8857830

Jesus Christ the maid starter deck is OP. Is there any way to change to it / make the Vita deck less sucky?

>> No.8857840

What do if Crux? That flag girl seems pretty op to me.

>> No.8857850
File: 200 KB, 320x480, 300039L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in Crux is OP. If you mean this card, it's not really. Pintail is the standard OP card.

Why is the Crux logo a nuke with wings? Look at it, it looks just like the Hiroshima bombs.

>> No.8857875


>> No.8857886

what are some neutral type cards that i should get? or try to

>> No.8857908

People use those?

>> No.8857913


>> No.8857917

Just started with Academy deck, what card should I try to get first?

>> No.8857921
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We should maybe make a guide/pastebin

>> No.8857940
File: 189 KB, 320x480, 200117L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good its this card?
Should get some for my pure Vita deck?

>If your character belongs to Vita and you have a follower on your field, then one random enemy follower on the field is sent to the Grave. If this happens, one enemy spell on the field is moved to the bottom of the deck.

>> No.8857979

It's removal. Removal is always good.

However this seems like it can be slightly unreliable in getting rid of the follower you want to get rid of if the opponent has more followers in addition to his snowball which he always should to prevent his snowball from getting swap spelled. It removes to the grave however compared to unionize so it's better in the aspect he won't get it back with a lucky shuffle.

Also avoid keeping your deck pure for the simply sake of purity. There's a few spells that should be kept in every deck including the aforementioned unionize.

It's a removal you have full control over which allows you to target any enemy follower size 3 or higher.

>> No.8858052


It's still better than most cards though. The real problem with it is that it's a size 6. It does the role of both a spell and follower removal, but sometimes you only want the follower removal. It's a card that you use before they get a snowball.

>> No.8858074

As much as I love Pintail, she is shit at higher DP.

>> No.8858124
File: 720 KB, 806x644, 1305967879630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What commander is the best for darklore?

>> No.8858152

I assume you mean character. I'd say Night Denizen Vernika imo.

>> No.8858179
File: 45 KB, 507x720, 1332948780443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I meant character. Thanks, gonna get her sometime. Till then will stick to my default Iri Flina.

>> No.8858201

Err...How do you get her?

>> No.8858213

Iri is hot but her character card kinda sucks, even her transformations aren't as good as the other girls.

>> No.8858230


feed her "heartless blow", "new recipe", "magic stone found". "tighten security","sky surprise","entry denied","flina's command" or "crescent 3rd conundrum".

>> No.8858256

I don't understand why they would add so many random elements. There is nothing more frustrating in gaming than losing to a dice roll.

>> No.8858288

So what's everyone's faction?

>> No.8858306

I have a Crux and a Dakrlore, liking Dark more, less derp.

>> No.8858328

Play some Roguelikes until you man up.

>> No.8858337

Academy because I have a maids fetish and also because cute girls in dresses.

Crux is some sort of gross army of boobinites. Vita is also magical schoolgirls but poorer. Feels redundant.

>> No.8860248

whats the loweset material follower? any faction i guess. I just need to get 10 of the same follower, and i kinda fucked up.

>> No.8860260

Look at a 33pt rare that you want to get. You'll have to get at least one of the followers there 10 times.

>> No.8860510

Somehow it bothers me having to get cards I don't want to get a card that I do. I'd somehow rather grind the materials directly, but I guess it does give the chance for you to get the card through tokens and use it.

>> No.8861032

Is there only 2 coin cards? or do you unlock more?

>> No.8861097

Just signed up and went through that tutorial window-clicking-thingie. During my clicks I got a message saying the server was disconnected. After I was done it told me to click "Quest" to get the reward. It sat there for 20 minutes saying "please wait" and I eventually closed it.

I just don't understand my internet connection sometimes.

>> No.8861122

You sat there for 20 minutes and didn't reload?

>> No.8861140

Well I left the room and came back. Didn't just sit there.

No I didn't reload because I'm a moron.

>> No.8861212

whats the reward for beating the exam hall? im too shitty to beat it

>> No.8861256

I'm pretty sure that it's just there to troll people. That last boss is completely imbalanced.

>> No.8861301


a crappy boss card if you beat it 10 times.

>> No.8861388

No matter what I do I keep getting disconnected...

I-I didn't want to play this s-stupid game anyway...

>> No.8861415

Is that even possible? The final boss cheats like a motherfucker.

>> No.8861470

The boss card's pretty sweet. Buffs your followers and debuffs enemies if you have no followers.

>> No.8861481

Anyone have an idea on where I would find an artbook for Sword Girls?

>> No.8861482

>You should enter a Name
>You should enter one of fiction

Does it really want me to slam my face on the keyboard to produce a name?

>> No.8861534

My name is DeathMachineDarkLordNarutoSasukeXxXxX

I know it's awesome, don't steal it.

>> No.8861582

You could buy em in the ingame shop on the korean version. That's the only place.

A few were given out in events over here too.

>> No.8862108

wait you can buy a physical artbook at the cash shop on the kkorean version?

>> No.8862399

I think that's what he meant. I'll have to spend some time with google translate and poke around.

>> No.8862522

I just started this game, purely because of the art style. Any tips on how to improve the starting meido deck?

>> No.8862544

Senpai Maid and the +2 Sta cards should be something you should be working on. Remove some of your useless weak followers who aren't worth their size and replace them with your sub-par cheap 1pt buffs.

>> No.8863283

Easiest way to improve your deck is to add some cheap spells. Lineage Maintenance or Black Magic Plot are good buffs to get, if you know how to use them properly. Curse and Magic Stone Found are good and cheap debuffs. It's good to have 1 or 2 Unionize for removal. Sense of Belonging is great vs dungeons where the NPCs followers dont match their character faction. And Sacrifice is great for finishing off an opponent who is at 4 or less.

I suggest taking out She Did It, Noble Sacrifice, Tighten Security, Porter Maid and Head Maid and replacing it with some of the things mentioned above. You can take or leave accident depending on the amount of meido in your deck.

>> No.8863309

You seem like a nigger that knows whats up, i've been following this guys advice for darklore>>8857637

What else should i do? im new as well

>> No.8863788

Anyone up for duels?

>> No.8863798

What's your DP bro?

>> No.8863862


>> No.8863934

Any takers?

>> No.8863954


You're not allowed to be new on /jp/.

>> No.8863968

Why angry at him? His post is hours old anyway.
Only new/crazy people get mad at everything, that only derails further.

Anyone dueling?

>> No.8863988


I was being sarcastic, but regardless I didn't think the post came across very angry. Not that I like new people.

>> No.8864799

Meh, he probably meant new to Sword Girls. Maybe? But he also called me a nigger so whatever.

Are you asking for advice on Darklore? I play Academy but I'd probably play a hybrid witch deck with bad apple if I did play Darklore. Not that I'm saying that's good or anything, I just think witches are smexy. Forced Confinement is probably the best removal spell in the game at the moment, and is Darklore only. Full Moon Luna Flina is a great rare to work towards. Red Moon Aka Flina is also good. Tower Visitor is great as a followup for Vampiric Rites, or if you use large followers in general. Feel free to use Full Moon Power as well.

>> No.8865730

any tips using nold?
I'm playing high size followers and size 2 magic

>> No.8865762

I play Darklore, what advice do you need? I lose about half of every match I play so following my advice you'll be just as .... "good" yeah, we'll call it "good" as me!

In all honesty I use swap spell. It's academy but it sometimes helps win, I'm working on Mother Demon Rumor which is Crux and I'll get Forced Confinement when that's done. Forced Confinement is Darklore only and it's pretty good. Just keep in mind it doesn't actually destroy the card, it just puts it on the bottom of their deck, they can shuffle it back and IT'LL STILL HAVE ITS STATS. So keep that in mind. With Mother Demon Rumor the card is destroyed.

I may get Dollmaster for slot 3 cards, I guess it's good against things like flag girls. So slot 1, Swap Spell, slot 2 Mother Demon Rumor, slot 3 Dollmaster.

Maybe it'll work?

Tower Keeper is also nifty but only good against small enemy cards. If you have large cards in your deck throw in Vampiric Education too, I've given followers +9 stamina in one turn.

Remember though, I lose a lot.

>> No.8865778

Low - Med size magics, high size followers. That's probably the best way, in theory. Do your best picking followers that can stay alive.

>> No.8865789

I don't play Darklore, but from what I heard the starter is really bad but it gets decent once you start putting some low cost point cards in.

>> No.8866046

Never forget to use Mass Recall when possible. Lots of people forget to use it but it's incredible. You can even use shrink on something up to size 7.

>> No.8866303

Oh of course, and don't forget your Balance, Reunion, and Fatal Blow!

>> No.8866463

Fuck, so different chacters yield better in the Campsite? I'm guessing the noobie girl they start you off with is horrible

>> No.8866517

Signed up yesterday and finally played today. My god was it fun. Went through the beginner dungeon. At first I had a difficult time because I couldn't remember what effects my cards had, and I kept accidentally not placing cards by the time the 30 seconds ran out. Actually wrote down what some of my cards did and kept the paper close so I could remember.

Got to the end without any losses, somehow. The boss was pretty tough, and I was certain I was going to lose... I had around 3 life and if anything died, so would I. Somehow I pulled a victory and lowered his 12 life to 0 in one turn.

Though I play Crux and people say they're OP so I'm probably not good at all. But fuck it, it was fun.

>> No.8866633

Here's a few starter tips for your Crux deck, get a couple of unionizes, swap spell, shield break, 3 meadow leisures, 3 education results, a quick service, and 2 chrono clocks.

The unionizes and swap spell are pretty much a part of every deck due to their sheer use in getting rid of snowballs, and shield break basically allows you to kill snowballs if they had high def.

Meadow Leisure and Education Results are your meaty Crux buffs. Just remember to make sure that you have an appropriate amount of Crux cards left in your hand when using education results. Chrono Clocks are for when you have something high size like marksman knight or seeker director on the field, but don't be unwilling to use them to just give yourself more size if you've got two 3 size followers on the field. They help shield your high size snowballs from unionize.

Quick service is basically a game reverser if you're doing badly. It even puts up the newly created snowball in a high spot. A strong card can get up to instant snowball status with it and reverse the game entirely.

For followers, scrap all the high size cards from your starter deck. Most of them are worthless. Good ones to get are seeker directors and maybe a single marksman knight. You'll want a lot of fodder size 1 or 2 followers as well as several Fretts and Terras.

That's all my advice for a beginner Crux deck I think.

>> No.8866643

Crux aren't OP, they just have the best starter deck

>> No.8867445
File: 9 KB, 125x211, deck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers for the advice.

I'm finding myself using only two maids at any given time, with a size 2 or 3 in slot 1 and a size 4 or 5 in slot 2 (fuck yeah Mop Maid). Should I really be getting rid of Porter Maid and Head Maid in this instance? Size 1 maids seem useless fodder so I don't bother.

This is my deck at present.

>> No.8867604

>Size 1 maids seem useless fodder so I don't bother.

Get a few Tea Times and you'll be a wrecking ball, with +8/+8 on two followers in a single turn if you're lucky. 1/5/Tea Time/Tea Time is the desired setup. Lineage Maintenance with 1/2/Maintenance/4, 1/2/3/Maintenance, 1/Tea Time/Maintenance/4 and so on is awesome too. Consider the Occult Ladies for your Size 1, since she won't die prematurely and can get up to 8/0/20 in a single turn.

>> No.8867633

>Size 1 maids seem useless fodder
using their own cards as fodder is like half the basis of academy. Burn through maids, burn through spells, debuff and kill the enemy.

Mop maids aren't really useful to most people but if you're in a situation that you can keep it alive for a while it can be good. I just used it as a back up for chief maid to take the heat off it and gain it a bit more attack when I was stuck with a starting deck.

Cheap maids are good though, because you can put a size one on either size of a mop maid and they will both get +1 atk & you can still put down size 3 spells.

Or you can use that one that moves their size around and hope the mop maid ends up with size 1 and then noble sacrifice the high cost maid.

>> No.8867673

>Get to 20th floor of dungeon
>go to training room to restart the timer
>go back
>1st floor

Why? i did this like 3 times already..

>> No.8867696

Did it take you 15 minutes to just reset your timer?

>> No.8867710

Not even a minute, but during that i got my first card of the day.

>> No.8867904
File: 131 KB, 320x480, 300121L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work on replacing New Maid Training with either Lineage Maintenance or Tea Time depending on which strategy you want to try. Porter Maid and Head Maid aren't the worst things ever, it's just that there are much better choices. E.G., Chief Maid, SS Agent Nine, Striker, Tea Time Lady, and Unlucky Lady are all better 4 size Academy followers IMO. For size 5, I'd rather have Mop Maid or Traumatized Hilde than Head Maid. Thats ignoring the great 33point rares for those sizes that Academy has as well such as Linia Pacifica. See pic.

As the anon above said, the main use of the size 1/2 followers is to buff them with either Lineage Maintinence or Tea time, or to place them next to Mop Maid to benefit from her buff.

>> No.8867912
File: 228 KB, 320x480, 300084L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also recomment Patchouli (Insomniac Nanasid) here for a size 2 follower. She is mai waifu.

>> No.8867963
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Okay, I made a second deck to try some of this out (bought a bunch of beginner boosters too) and it went well. Senpai Maid in slot 3 with a bunch of Lineage Maintenances ended up at 34 attack eventually.

Which reminds me - what in the everliving fuck determines direct damage? Swinging for 24 still only did 3 damage but swinging for 8 another time did 5.

>> No.8867985

the size of the follower

>> No.8867989


Direct damage is simply the size of the card that did the attack.

>> No.8867996

Oh. Well that explains it.

>> No.8868144

Eh? i have enough tp but its not letting me upgrade

>> No.8868170

You need a copy of the card to sacrifice also.

>> No.8868191
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Oh, guess you're right.

Man, it must suck to break on a rare, glad i only have shit cards.

>> No.8868604

Rares have higher upgrade chances to compensate. However, upgrade chances are still abysmal and you're usually better off crafting new cards with your materials.

>> No.8868731

Does anyone else do Fights by themselves?

>> No.8868742

like 2 browsers?

>> No.8869410

Yes. You can make one of them lose and finish it in 3-4 rounds. Free accessories!

>> No.8870988

tried before i went to bed last night, ended up having to fight a random, but beat his ass so it wasn't too bad.

>> No.8871005


Chances of fighting yourself is low unless you're playing when everyone isnt

>> No.8871030

It was around 6 am, thought i would be good. Probably was an east coast guy.

>> No.8871054

I've fought five other players so far and beaten all of them. Fought seven NPCs as well though for lack of players.

>> No.8871070

I have a 70 point deck, 90% of the time I fight Bunny Ladys

>> No.8871078

They're dominating the meta if that says anything. Not to mention they have the best starter.

>> No.8871090

Anyone do the surveys for free tokens? how much fake info can you put in before the block you?

>> No.8871166
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So I'm going to try this card out. What should I expect?

>> No.8871172

The stats are okay, but with those kinds of stats that's the kind of thing I'd like to replace. Outside of fighting Witch Tower's boss, I have never seen a deck out. So, yeah don't try it.

>> No.8871183

You could also potentially play 2 mass recalls though. That would be something I guess.

>> No.8871657
File: 5 KB, 84x128, mersault dies at the end of the stranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is snowballing

You're probably not here anymore, but thanks for the advice. Got some of those cards, which made going through the dungeon again go by faster.

Thought I was screwed against the beginner boss again. Had two Pintail knights down, and he raised their size to 5 so I was stuck with them. But because the size of his creatures kept getting lower, and they kept attacking, my knights became invincible over about 3 turns and it was only a matter of time.

I'm enjoying this too much. I haven't even played another person yet.

>> No.8871689

What channel are you all on?

>> No.8871702

That card is just waiting for a SwMassRecall

>> No.8872188

I'm on 4 but it's not like we talk anyway.

>> No.8872214

I'm on 2.

>> No.8872485

Chances are high if you make both of your deck have the exact same DP. Also skim the chat box for players telling their DP and avoid them.

>> No.8872581
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>> No.8872892

I need to help someone's follower for my daily quest. Anyone want to become "friends"?

>> No.8872985

NumberTwo what's yours?

>> No.8873013


>> No.8873025

alright, I helped

>> No.8873050

Chances of fighting anyone is low.

>> No.8873260
File: 207 KB, 320x480, 300179L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this card. That fear in her eyes, I love it.

>> No.8873500

How in the hell are you supposed to beat floor 14 of the second dungeon? You get fucking nuked harder and harder every single turn with no possibility of mitigation, and the enemy plays hardcore defense to keep alive long enough for even more nuking.

>> No.8876650

What's floor 14 of the second dungeon?

>> No.8876781

The character that deals 50% of the current turn in damage and attack reduction every turn. It's 10x worse than the actual boss.

>> No.8876808

Win in 3 turns like most players usually do in PvE.

>> No.8876823

>Win in 3 turns like most players buying tokens usually do in PvE.

Fixed for accuracy.

>> No.8876876

Not really.

>> No.8876887

i'm sure everyone using the starter decks with 3-5 cards switched max is just cruising through everything.

>> No.8876931

You can easily get to that point if you started at Mar 28. But regardless, just drop two followers and continue to buff them. Not weak ones, something with a medium size and a half-decent attack.

>> No.8877424

Are you Vita? That would explain you have trouble in the beginning.

>> No.8877447

Get a Marksman Knight and some buffs like meadow leisure or education results. Buff a follower like mad and protect it from swap.

Get vampiric rites and better followers for it. Pass the blood or enigma is cool too. Use VR and protect that follower from swap.

The only thing you need to worry about in the easy dungeons is swap. Haven't played the other 2 factions.

>> No.8877464

>The only thing you need to worry about in the easy dungeons is swap
There's Shield Break as well. Less concerning than Swap, but going from +3 armor to -3 is a killer

>> No.8877521

Been playing for a couple hours each day for a couple days now. Played my first PVP match. It was fun. Came close to winning but lost at the last second, both me and my opponent down to 1 life. The cause of my death was my failure to do elementary math. I was going to play a Unionize to get rid of some maid bitch, but I ended up with a size of 9/10 and so was stuck unable to do it.

In the end I thought I had pulled a fast one by shuffling my deck and luckily drawing a healing card. Didn't help in the end and I went down crying.

Outside of that, I hate how in the campsite, it said the map for the forest was a one time payment. It isn't, I have to pay each time.

>> No.8877526

> it said the map for the forest was a one time payment. It isn't, I have to pay each time.

Yeah they got me with that too

>> No.8878658

New update added ten loli cards.

Eleven if you count Steparu.

>> No.8878756

Oh god child Vernika, I just had a moegasm

>> No.8879675
File: 171 KB, 320x480, 100079L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Child Panica seems good. Is she good?
However, her in-game text differs from what is on swogitools. I think Child Gart's text is wrong too.


>> No.8879682 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 320x480, 300413L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, enjoy farming 600 days of daily quest to get card child.


>> No.8879717
File: 149 KB, 320x480, 300413L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it, I'm going to post this right.

Enjoy farming 600 days of daily quest to get Coin Child (who also has a text bug. lol.)


>> No.8879785

It also got me,
Some of the quest text are also misinformative.
In one of the dailies you don't have to win the fight, just need to get Rank D.
You can also make 10 of a spell and not just followers in another quest.
I wonder if there's more.

>> No.8880875

There's a Steparu girl card? Really? How much grinding do I need to get it?

>> No.8881631

It's a coin swap card.

So it's not really a matter of grinding, but doing your dailies daily.

>> No.8882200
File: 183 KB, 512x449, bring shita to me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Sita, bring Sita to me

>> No.8883913

That's Mirror Sita. Clearly Vernika wants the real Sita.

>> No.8883984

I don't understand why every character is like a member of every faction. Why is Linia a Crux? I know Rosa joined them but why is Linia at the Crux training ground?

>> No.8884020

Linia seems to be the evil mastermind behind a bunch of shit. She's the one who told Iri that she should turn Vernika, for instance.

>> No.8884039

>She's the one who told Iri that she should turn Vernika, for instance

Is that really evil or her just being homo? She is the most homo character in the whole game, after all. She seems like the type to try to pair other girls up.

>> No.8884095

Linia is some sort of villainous troll witch mastermind.

She convinces Iri to go for Vernika, tells Sita about her sister's sword so she'll end up stealing it, is mind controlling Jaina, and seduces her sister's maids for fun. She's also a witch and wants to turn others into witches.


>> No.8884144

I don't think Linia has seduced anyone's maids but her own. A number of Cinia's maids left to go to her because Cinia is an ass to them.

It's kinda sad for Cinia. Her eldest sister lied to her, her other sister was separated form her, all her maids leave her...

>> No.8884214

It gets worse for her, but she definitely has the chance to be happy again once she lets go of her grudge against Linia since all three sisters are witches now.

Speaking of those three, is it known what Linia's heirloom sword does? Cinia's can change the past and was stolen by Sita to revert Vernika, Rosa's ensures the best possible outcome for any single event and she used it to make sure Crux doesn't figure out she's a witch.

>> No.8884225

Well if Cinia's affects the past, and Rosa's affects the future, one would guess Linia's works on the present. Maybe it's why she can mind control people. Or maybe that's just the drugs in that incense in those two cards about relaxing maids.

>She convinces Iri to go for Vernika, tells Sita about her sister's sword so she'll end up stealing it,
Wait, now that I think about it, why would she have Vernika converted and then changed back?

>> No.8884262

She'll always have Luthica.

Wait, it appears Luthica is in a relationship with that Academy loli now.

It appears Cinia and Iri have the shittiest lives. Well Cinia for when her entire life shatters, it's pretty sweet before that. Iri has it pretty tough throughout the whole thing with the loving somebody who loves somebody else thing. She's apparently in an alternate reality where she isn't a vampire though, it seems that's going pretty decent for her.

Sita has it made, waifu got kidnapped, went on an adventure, saved her waifu, and is living it cosy as far as I can tell.

Luthica now travels with a loving loli.

This is what I've gathered looking at lots of cards in swogitools.

>> No.8884283

Presumably because Vernika and Iri's romance didn't end up like she expected, what with Vernika turning into a megalomaniac vampire lord with too much power for her own good. It was either Sita neutralizing Vernika in a relatively harmless manner or the poor girl getting devoured by Iri's reality-eating magic eye.

It's also odd how Vernika is just about the only overtly aggressive vampire, the others are mostly content to keep to themselves even if they do have a sadistic side. I guess the more conspicuous vampires don't live long with Crux around, so instead of stalking dark alleyways for fresh prey the vampires have to make do with quiz shows, tea parties and practical jokes.

>> No.8884298

>I guess the more conspicuous vampires don't live long with Crux around, so instead of stalking dark alleyways for fresh prey the vampires have to make do with quiz shows, tea parties and practical jokes.

It's probably just against the rules the elders set for them.

I like the quiz and puzzle thing they have going on. There was some sort of legend about vampires being obsessed with things like knots for it's fun to think of their obsession with quizes as a reference to that.

>> No.8884342

I'm pretty sure that's because of this.


Waiting for someone you know will never come I'm sure drives her to become aggressive and seek out what she wants most to take it by force.

Playing Darklore Vernika every line is a reference to Sita. The woman is obsessed.

>> No.8884347

Why is Esprit a darklore? I thought she was some beloved sage.

also these cards, I wonder whats with them

>> No.8884418

Though it's far-fetched, the vetala is another potential source of inspiration. It is a vampiric creature said to be the master of all sorts of malign undead and takes the form of a decrepit human hanging upside down from a tree. It can see the future and is sought after for this property, but one must stay absolutely silent in order to capture a vetala, a requirement easily compromised by the creature's fondness of questions.

The twenty-fifth question of a particular vetala is pretty famous, and goes as thus: In a war-torn country, a queen and her daughter seek refuge in the house of a commoner and his son. Eventually, the princess falls for the father, and the queen for his son, and the two couples marry. The queen bears a son and the princess a daughter. What is the relation between the two?

Esprit's cards are usually Neutral, but Darklore is just a term Crux made up to designate individuals undesirable to their nation anyway, so it isn't really a meaningful title. Even Ophelia and her teacher can be branded Darklore because their appearance into the Sword Girls world was unnatural, Esprit explicitly warns Ophelia against that. Besides, she also houses no less than three vampires in her household, which doesn't exactly endear her to Crux.

>> No.8884463

Uncle, nephew, aunt, and niece.

That actually might not really illicit much speaking since that question really forces you to actually think it out.

>> No.8885752

How much work/ money would be needed to evolve a character card ?

Kinda thinking about getting Night Denizen Vernika for my DL deck, but not really sure I want to spend 20+(?) dollar for her to evolve.
Might just settle for Rose Witch Rosa or something like that.

>> No.8885866

You'll need quite some effort, but fortunately you only need one transformed card so try to choose well. Upgrades are much more time and money-intensive. Also, keep in mind that Wedding Dress cards are not feasible to obtain without money, even though it's possible on paper.

>> No.8886423

If you have your 300 tokens still, you should but a bunch of starter decks. I'll get you at least 1/2 there. you just have to craft the rest after that.

>> No.8888156

what's "Season 1 accessories bundle"?

>> No.8888213

You know when you're facing an enemy, and you're snowballing and got a follower up to insane attack and stamina, you're crushing the enemy -- and they just swap spell and take it from you?

And then you sit there hopelessly, being torn to bits by it, praying for a swap spell, a unionize, anything that can help? But no matter how much you shuffle, you just don't get it?

And eventually you lose. Completely destroyed and humiliated, kneeling at the mercy of the other character.

I can't be the only one who has to masturbate furiously after losing in this game.

>> No.8888243

Cannelle kept putting fretts into my 3rd slot

>> No.8888359

Cat dolls, stockings, books, ribons, etc.

>> No.8888400
File: 56 KB, 355x339, 1331881839415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MLP is banned from 4chan if all 8s

>> No.8888625

I do my best to never let that happen by simply always keeping a low size follower or Frett in slot 1. It works amazingly.

The one time in PvP where I once decided to just not put a follower there due to having low life(still had enough life for a low size follower to die), I got swap spelled badly because of it. My marksman knight got swap spelled and I had nothing to defend with.

Now I never leave myself open to it out of habit.

>> No.8888698

Speaking of this kind of thing, does anyone ever use followers that aren't the same type as their character? Or is sense of belonging only ever used in dungeons?

>> No.8888739

Some people use SG characters like Henlifei or Ginger. Also, besides going full on maids, is there anyway else to build Academy?

>> No.8888826

I use an even mix of meidos and ladies, with Maid Revolution.

>> No.8889033

Actually, you could gradually transition to using ladies. Maids are good because of Synergies but ladies tend to have better powers. The students/random mages of academy are the only kind of lame cards.

You could build a deck around using that Stigma Flint card that has infinite removal but you need several copies of a crux character to use it. (however it does buff the Flint if it gets to go before Flint is attacked/attacks.) It really needs to be buffed and get its def up, so it might take a couple turns before you actually start killing things since the basic two cards are sizes 3 and 4. Basically the Stigma flint needs to be the focus of your buffing and occasionally getting a removal in.

Most buffs work on academy followers instead of just maids, including new maid training so it's mostly the same. I really like the Aristocrat Girl since she'll at least do 3 stam in damage to high def types.

I ended up with a bloody Lady somehow and while it's high size, it's pretty decent to start. If you can reduce its size somehow, it's pretty good just as a card that can get out there and do/take damage. Also it's a pretty sure thing for forced entry.

The Justice cards seem based around removals and generally encouraging you to use them, so they might be worth trying a build, although it's probably less useful than it seems. However the focus point (a size 10 card that can become size 5 if you specially summon it) is also good for using forced entry if you get it into the right slot, for even more removal.

I am focused using spells myself (debuffing stam/atk but might try def too), with only a few cheap maids for buffing/debuffing and fodder for more spells/prevent character damage. I'm experimenting with the cards that bring back cards from the grave because I actually do get down to 1 or 2 cards a lot.

>> No.8889502


What starter decks ? 300 Tokens ain't really giving me any decks at all, starter decks are all 500 each.
And than I'd prolly be better of to buy the bundle of all 4 starters for 1,2k Tokens.

>> No.8889530

>starter decks are all 500 each.
Wait, really? I thought they used to be 100 tokens. My mistake.

>> No.8889543
File: 173 KB, 776x584, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We Pintail now.

>> No.8889673

Any tips on how to improve my deck ? Mainly a Darklore buff follower deck. http://swogitools.com/showcase.php?deck=100150D1P300166C2P300165C3P300164C3P300136C2P300163C1P300137

I feel especially in PvP I just get steamrolled after all my followers get shrunk/ removed/ debuffed asap. Or the other guy manages to get a 15+/x/1x follower out within one turn which decimates whatever I got.

>> No.8889928 [DELETED] 

Less followers, more removals, more buffing. Unionize, PtB if you keep the huge defense followers, Sister's Letter, Mass Recall, Forced Entry, Magic Eye, Third Conundrum (absolutely hilarious to use with the Occult Ladies, if you want to dip into Academy, and has good synergy with Vampiric Rites too if you want to go that way), Agent's Visit, Scarlet Ritual, Conqueror of the Night. Add some and you'll do well. Only use the buffs with a few emergency removals (Forced Entry is good to recover after Swap Spells) for dungeoneering.

>> No.8889934

Less followers, more removals, more buffing. Unionize, PtB if you keep the huge defense followers, Sister's Letter, Mass Recall, Forced Entry, Magic Eye, Third Conundrum (absolutely hilarious to use with the Occult Ladies, if you want to dip into Academy, and has good synergy with Vampiric Rites too if you want to go that way), Agent's Visit, Scardel Ritual, Conqueror of the Night. Add some and you'll do well. Only use the buffs with a few emergency removals (Forced Entry is good to recover after Swap Spells) for dungeoneering.

>> No.8890225

Crux question. When browsing the game's forums and other places, I hear a lot of flac towards the Pintail knight. A lot of people claim she isn't a good card. However, I've had 2 in my deck since always, and they've almost always been game changers (in my favor).

However, I'm still new, and have only done the Beginner Dungeon and a bit of the Intermediate dungeon. At the same time, I've only lost 2 out of around 12 PVP battles.

Do I only find the Pintails useful because I'm not facing good enough foes yet, or do I just use them "right"? I especially find it useful in slot 3 with a flag knight in another slot to buff it. I face enough people who use size 3 and less, so the pintail becomes practically invincible within a couple of turns. However, even in other slots, it seems to do fine.


>> No.8890245

Pintail is excellent for dungeons and decent for PvP, she certainly isn't bad by any measure. Crux gets a lot of good choices later on though, so a bunch of idiots think Pintail is terrible when she no longer rips through everything like she does in the 50DP range.

She's cheap to make, so she's a good upgrade target.

>> No.8890247

You are suffering what people call, Katie syndrome. Because its similar to Vita's Katie. At first, against NPCs it seems to work well. After all, no damage? Okay. So OP. But wait. As you get further and further. Why is my Pintail/Katie dying so fast? It never works anymore, the effect never gets off. Oh god, the damage is terrible also. When I attack, it heals my opponent and I take 4 life damage because it died!!! Get farther in the game and I'm sure you'll replace it. Maybe.

>> No.8891284

Switch out the generic +2atk/+2sta spells

>> No.8892032

Goddamn it. Play as Crux, and several times I'll face another Crux who will foolishly snowball and waste all their buffs on one flag knight or something else. They never suspect I have 3 Unionizes and Swap Spells. I always come back with that, and even at 2 Life I'll take down around 25 of theirs and win.

Fucked up bad this time. Was playing a Crux and they got an Escort Knight up to around 30 attack and 25 Stamina. I wasn't concentrating and kept throwing down the wrong cards. Shuffled, got a swap spell. In my last 5 seconds to place cards, I got confused and thought that MY first card would switch with HIS third card. Got a Terra switched with a New Knight.

My last ray of hope. I spent about 15 seconds thinking, then shuffled and got a Unionize. I spent about 6 seconds doing the math to figure out which cards I could play to take out his size 5 Escort Knight. Fucked up and placed 4 cards total, destroying nothing. Was then killed.

This fucker also had a Pintail knight that started on the field with 17 attack, holy shit.

>> No.8893435

Silent Maid can be pretty good really quickly if it's kept alive.

I just found another use for Occult club members: using the magic summit to give their stam to other characters

>> No.8893518

The RNG in this game is lolsy. I've lost so many fights because my Followers JUST WON'T KILL THE CARD WITH 24 ATACK and 3 STAMINA!

I've also won plenty of times that just make no sense whatsoever due to similar situations in reverse. Just get lucky on a spell going off first (mother demon rumor has won me a few games that way) or swap spelling someone just AFTER they were buffed by a card of doom.

It's an interesting dynamic.

>> No.8893544

>I've lost so many fights because my Followers JUST WON'T KILL THE CARD WITH 24 ATACK and 3 STAMINA!

That's what spells are for. Shoddy magic, man. or a field of 4 maids and an accident or a couple curses or whatever your faction has. If some follower has like 3 stamina, it's essentially dead.

My problem is not getting the cards I need. Each deck can only be built to do like exaclty one thing with no backup plan, but then the cards don't come out anywhere near the right order. If it were only possible to have 40 cards instead of 30 it wouldn't be as bad.

>> No.8893579

Darklore, I have Forced Confinement, Swap Spells, and Mother Demon Rumors. Someone with 24 attack and 3 stamina in slot 3 (which is where she was in this case) is essentially untouchable.

>> No.8893775

>Someone with 24 attack and 3 stamina in slot 3 (which is where she was in this case) is essentially untouchable.


>> No.8893813

Considering I don't have that card it would be impossible for me to play it.

>> No.8894127
File: 134 KB, 320x480, 300184L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chief and Mop Maid
Hot and good? Or just hot?


>> No.8894178

Is there any point in training if I don't have tokens?

>> No.8894604

How many of each removal spells should I keep for clearing normal-category dungeons? Do you guys rearrange cards at some floors, for example before fighting boss?

>> No.8894654

Are you asking if its worthwhile to -upgrade- cards if you don't have tokens? Because training is free for the normal training rate. I have heard the successful upgrade is 10% at basic; 20% if you use the advanced gym/blessed relic item. Is +10% to your success rate worth a dollar of tokens? You decide.

I don't feel that too much removal is needed, since the NPC players kinda suck and don't do a good job (usually) of buffing their own stuff. So, I prefer reliable debuffs like curse that I can always use safely even if I just wiped his field, and buffing my own cards. But, I don't do high level dungeons at all so yeah.

>> No.8896784

This game is now nothing but Crux.

Games I've played against Crux players today: about 30
Games I've played against anyone not playing Crux today: 0

Seriously, what the fuck, my deck was made to eat Crux, guess what it does? eat Crux

>> No.8896824

Silly Cannelle, Crux are for kids.

>> No.8898123

What are some good builds for darklore?

I'm wondering if I should make a doll or GS deck ... maybe witches?
