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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 15 KB, 325x396, Data,_2366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8850615 No.8850615 [Reply] [Original]

Believing oneself to be perfect, is often a sign of a delusional mind.

>> No.8850622

I wish to rub my penis on Data's forehead.

>> No.8850634

comma splice

>> No.8850647

Small words from a small being, trying to attack what it doesn't understand.

>> No.8851129

And then UNTZ UNTZ

>> No.8851553

It could also be the sign of a perfect mind. A perfect mind knows itself as well as it does anything else.

>> No.8851972

I'll never forgive them for ruining the Borg in that movie. Did the writers not even understand what it was that made the Borg such a terrifying foe?

>> No.8852991

What if you know it is a lie but use that premise as the hipothetical imperative of all your acts? You assume it for its positive outcome, not for its truth value.

>> No.8855801
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I'm not perfect, I'm just too abnormal to be able to interact with normal people.

I'm an orangutan and most people are gorillas. Neither is better than the other, but we're too different to associate with each other successfully.

>> No.8855806
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>> No.8855809

Define "perfect".

According to my arbitrary criteria, I am perfect.

>> No.8855813

>I'm an orangutan and most people are gorillas. Neither is better than the other, but we're too different to associate with each other successfully.

I kind of thing along this line, but I'm still think I am subhuman.

>> No.8855815
File: 1.64 MB, 1472x1748, Orangutan_-Zoologischer_Garten_Berlin-8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Orangutans live a more solitary lifestyle than the other great apes. Most social bonds occur between adult females and their dependent and weaned offspring. Adult males and independent adolescents of both sexes tend to live alone.

They are our kin

>> No.8855821

I wonder what his favorite anime is?

>> No.8855828
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x900, orangutan-wallpaper-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who orangutan here

>> No.8855852


Orangutans have a hard life.

Only one orangutan is ever the dominant one and this is the one with the biggest cheek flaps. Every other male orangutan either lives alone without having ever mated or he gets so lonely that he rapes female orangutans. There have even been a few recorded cases of very lonely orangutans that have raped human females.

>> No.8855851
File: 9 KB, 142x118, idontevenknowanymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never have an orangutan bro.

>> No.8855863


Orangutan unsuccessfully attempts to gently rape Julia Roberts at 1:45


>> No.8855869

I wish I could
We could swing around trees and shit like that erryday, and while we would communicate only through visual language and grunts, we would understand each other more than we ever could do with our own kind.

>> No.8855894
File: 213 KB, 1248x479, orangutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at those sad, lonely eyes.

>> No.8855904
File: 52 KB, 300x380, dolph-ziggler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am perfection

>> No.8855921
File: 25 KB, 288x361, mr-perfect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two would make the most perfect tag team ever.

>> No.8855949


I want to cuddle him

>> No.8855960
File: 82 KB, 405x309, 1324342932800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't there human shelters?

Those orangutans have it so good. I want to be able to spend my life rolling around in a big safe enclosure, being fed every day, and having pretty girls take care of me. I wouldn't talk or anything, I could just be like one of the other primates.

Someone please make a human sanctuary

>> No.8855968

Oh gosh.
That would be fantastic!
Although, I had experiences like that when I was in an autistic home.

>> No.8855977

Because humans are not suffering risk of extinction.

Maybe when Gorilla warlords destroy and conquer humanity, they will build shelters for what remain of us, so we could at least take it easy

>> No.8855999


I am a rare type of human and I'm suffering possible extinction.

I'm too scared to work, I'm too scared to breed, I'm too scared to leave my home. I think I qualify for shelter, without it we all may go extinct. Some kind person should make a hikki shelter. We could all sit together in a big enclosure, eat, and roll around in the grass.

>> No.8856013

Yeah but you are still considered human.
Until we officially get degraded to subhuman status, and if we don't get exterminated if they do degrade us, we will have to do with just autism bux and this kind of thing.

>> No.8856056

I wish I could be the human pet to an alien overlord.

>> No.8856072

If I go into a doctor's office and poop on his floor will I get autism bucks?

>> No.8856178

System0 was a decent song.

>> No.8856184

No Offence Here, Honestly, But to white people, Japanese people, ALL look Feminin.!

In the eighties, when metal bands grew up, longhaired, Japanese metalheads, were in danger of getting Raped by drunk,"Gaigin" metalheads.!! True!! But NO Man, wants to be seen as "a woman", I get that,.. but, to us, nipponsins do.!.. Sorry.!..

>> No.8856180


You'll probably be hit by the police if you refuse to clean it up.
