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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8850040 No.8850040 [Reply] [Original]

Hey NEETs, Hikikomori, and Otaku - Got a question for you, listen for a sec.

I've been trying to cut down on reasons why I leave my room recently. I got piss bottles, I got a bunch of packaged food, I got a computer. I have a pretty nice set up. Unfortunately, I still have to occasionally leave the sanctity of my NEETcave for two reasons: I gotta cycle out human waste, and I gotta get my food. You smarter folks will see where I'm going; everyone else, hold on tight. My problem for you, the otaku oracle, the high wizards of /jp/: is there a way to convert human waste to an edible product? It doesn't even have to taste that good. Anything to avoid leaving my room.

>> No.8850051

I already use my window and a little tub for dumping out shit, but again, there's the problem of food.

>> No.8850052

Not that you are actually interested in a serious answer of any sort, but it is yes, though it involves either more technology or more land than you have access to.

>> No.8850048

Astronauts do this, but it involves complicated equipment. Either use a container and your window, or get one of those portable chemical toilets.

>> No.8850058

In which case, just get more food. You can get cheap food that lasts long enough, specifically tinned stuff.

The only reasonable way I see the waste-for-food thing working is if you make a miniature vegetable garden on your windowsill and use your feces as fertilizer.

>> No.8850070

Are those very hard to set up? There's not a lot of rain in my area, so I'd probably need to run a hose into my room to water them. I heard that piss is too salty for plants...

How long would it take to grow the minimum amount of food for survival?

>> No.8850073

>and I gotta get my food.
Stock up on protein powder and oil. Enough for say a year.
>I gotta cycle out human waste
Don't you have plumbing?

>> No.8850080

No idea. Though a few /jp/ers have "piss plants", and I presume the plants are still alive.

>> No.8850100

>How long would it take to grow the minimum amount of food for survival?
You're not going to grow it on a fucking windowsill, that's for sure.

>> No.8850108

Just put your mailbox on a string and have food mailed to you.

>> No.8850110

There was that (japanese?) scientist who extracted protein out of shit.

>> No.8850125

I heard that was a hoax. The shitburger guy, right?

>> No.8850147

Create a pulley system that collects rain water from outside and you can water your plants with it. Then install wacky chutes into your house for food deliveries. Eventually you'll have this whole Swiss Family Robinson thing going on and you'll become internet famous as "the hikikomori MacGyver".

>> No.8850155
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have a trash disposal near your window. Make sure that stuff is bagged up good though or the smell will get in.

You don't need to worry about food if you're eating less. Canned food is nice, always fully cooked, easy storage. Stuff full of fiber like vegetables make you feel full longer since it's harder to digest.

>> No.8850182

What's so hard about stockpiling bigger amounts of food?

Shit out the window, and keep a few small appliances in your room and you live a nearly normal quality of life.

I only go food shopping once every six months or so.

>> No.8850190

You need to make your room bigger so it includes a farm or something.

Better yet, define your room as being everything outside that little box you're in now, and the door of it to be the doorway to outside. That way, everything in the world is in your room except that little space.

>> No.8850215

Potatoes can be grown in vertical drums, and need only a meager amount of light.

Depending on how much space you want to devote to this, you could end up with enough potato to sustain life. A small herb and vegetable garden to supplement it enough to make a solid diet of spuds suck less.

Don't forget your window space can be utilized by having planter on the bottom, the top, and for really large windows the middle too. You can also have planters that hang from the sill on the outside.

If you live alone in an apartment, you have a ton of room if you utilize the balcony, the living room door access to the balcony, and the bedroom window.

>> No.8850216

Set up shop in the bathroom instead. A bathtub can become an excellent bed, a padded toilet seat is the best place to be during those marathon gaming sessions, and that medicine cabinet or shelf is easily modified into a display case for those plastic waifus. The lack of outlets is easily rectified with several extension cords. As for the food, start getting it delivered. A lot of places offer online shopping for all your shut-in needs. Just toss on a robe, answer the door, and you're good for the rest of the month.

>> No.8850218

This this this. Bathrooms are the best rooms. They have everything, or can be adjusted to have everything. Kitchen is a close second, but have you ever tried shitting in a sink? Not pretty.

>> No.8850220

You could also run clotheslines in your bathroom so you can pretend to be somewhat hygienic if you do this.

>> No.8850223

>enough potato to sustain life
Potatoes are poisonous though. Will he be able to cook the potatoes properly so he doesn't die?

>> No.8850226

You'd have to be like 4'2" to sleep in a standard bathtub.

>> No.8850230

They're only poisonous when they turn green.

>> No.8850232

Aren't a water heater and miniature convection oven pretty standard things for a shutin to keep in their room?

There are plenty of ways he could cook them.

>> No.8850236

>Potatoes are poisonous

Someone lied to you.

>> No.8850237

I sleep in my bathtub sometimes and it's fine, you just have to bend your knees a bit (more comfortable than it sounds). Plus if your bath arches gently at the end, it's quite ergonomic (though whether it's actually good for your health, I haven't a clue).

>> No.8850240

Jesus Christ OP, how fat are you?
You got to do that walk, it prevents muscles from atrophy-ing even more.

>> No.8850582

I'm thin. I just don't like leaving my room.

>> No.8850588

you'll get muscle atrophy bro

>> No.8850820

/jp/ is fat?

I always tought /jp/ was skinny

>> No.8850861

Probably a person who wandered over from /v/ or something. They tend to assume people are fat. I always thought that /jp/ and the hikki's in general were skinny. Mostly due to not going out to buy food, resulting in not eating.

>> No.8850867

No, you misunderstand, I knew that.
I just see no reason to be incapable of getting out of bed unless you're EXTREMELY fucking skinny, or a landwhale.
A landwhale is more likely than skeleton jelly.

>> No.8850876

I'm 6'3" and 105 pounds.

I am very thin. More so than usual as of late.

>> No.8850886


This anon is on to something. There are services that deliver food to your doorstep, I don't see why they wouldn't save both of you some time and effort and deliver it to a pulley system attached to your window. It might take a little bit of directing the first couple of times but word should get around amongst the delivery guys and they'll know what's up soon enough.

>> No.8850896

But I don't have a window

>> No.8850907

You could just attach a note to the bucket. Or a sign on the wall by it.

>> No.8850943


>> No.8850951

I'm dumb

>> No.8850968

No OP, but...
These ideas... I will implement them into my own home, and when the time is right I may share some photos of my crazy inventions with you, /jp/. I will obtain the title of HikGyve.

>> No.8851521

Looking forward to it, man!
