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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8849114 No.8849114[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /a/ actually has a few cute and likable females like Smoked Cheese and Taiga.

Does /jp/ have any? Thought not. Enjoy being losers guys.

>> No.8849119


>> No.8849120

/jp/ is gay

>> No.8849118

Taiga posts here sometimes.

We also had milk, Pygma, and a few other people whose names I didn't read enough.

>> No.8849127


ull wh am qi qoti nfg

>> No.8849128

pity reply

>> No.8849129


>> No.8849122


>> No.8849126

Girls can't be cute. They can be likeable, just as any poster can, but they can't be physically attractive.

That's right--we reject 3D completely rather than complaining about it. Get on our level, /a/.

>> No.8849139

The girls of /jp/ seem intelligent enough not to point out or make obvious their gender. That alone makes them more of a catch to me than all the outspoken beautiful tripgirls on 4chan.

>> No.8849146
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>> No.8849148

I have a vagina and some people like me

>> No.8849152

lol, Pygma was more beautiful than all of those skanks put together

>> No.8849154

This. Whenever it turns out we have a sizeable female userbase, I am surprised as HELL. Then I question my surprise, and enter a meta-satori of enlightenment.

>> No.8849160

Pygma was a slut.

>> No.8849161
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Milk and Pygma.

Milk is a pretty nice girl. I've started talking to her more personally. Haven't gotten a chance to talk to Pygma tough, she Ignores my tumblr messages.

>> No.8849164

What if we had this type of internet forum okay
And instead of having a username and stuff
So nobody knew who you are or what you looked like
And guys
Here's the thing guys
What you SAY becomes more important than who you ARE

>> No.8849169

And ugly.

>> No.8849172

Pygma-chan is dating 2DTeleidoscope, of the eponymous blog fame now.

>> No.8849175

Are you kidding me? Look at that manface.
Jesus christ, get some standards faggot.

>> No.8849182

We are all cute likeable females here!

>> No.8849183

Can't you have a board without being desperately attached to your concept of what the posters there look like, and whether you are sexually attracted to them?

Go marry a woman, have three children, and raise them to adulthood with your full-time career-driven job.

>> No.8849194

>cute and likable

Whoa whoa WHOA, OP! Let's settle down and not say things that aren't true lest people actually believe you.

>> No.8849203

We have Jessica.

>> No.8849204

Never heard of him. Why does he have 2D (capital D) in his name if he loves 3d (lower-case d)?

>> No.8849211

How new are you?
