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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8849025 No.8849025 [Reply] [Original]

How hard was it for you to learn Japanese? Did you take any extreme measures to make sure that you would stick with it and be successful?

I abused drugs for the sole purpose of learning Japanese. I would do drills for hours every day, read and practice as much as I could, and then whenever I would start to get bored or distracted I would crush up amphetamines, snort them, and then get back to drills as my nose burned and my eye watered. I never left the house, there were times where I wouldn't sleep for days, my heart beat out of my chest the whole time, but it was all worth it.

It was the most grueling several months of my life.

>> No.8849029

I bet the janitor leaves this shitty /lang/ + blog thread like the neo-/jp/er faggot he is.

>> No.8849033


>> No.8849041

I don't waste my time with dying languages.

If it's worth playing then it's translated.

>> No.8849096

How's it feel to be a FAGBOT?

>> No.8849176

>Get Anki
>Cut yourself if you don't do your daily reps.

Seriously speaking I did Heisig's Kanji Hell in 2 months, repped for another 2 while reading Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese and after finishing it started Core 2000 and then moved on to making my own cards with Yomichan. My personal deck now has 4473 cards. I started about 1½ years ago.

Though I haven't done any real studying / repping for few months now apart from reading VNs with JParser's help. Let's look at my two Anki decks...
>858/4473 cards due
>948/2000 cards due
Fuck this gay earth.

>Did you take any extreme measures to make sure that you would stick with it and be successful?
Not really, but I had a masochistic relationship with my studies. If I did too much I didn't have energy to anything else remotely productive (hence my grades dropped quite a bit) and if I didn't do my reps I was stricken with huge guilt.

>> No.8849214


Yeah man Even though I can't read Japanese I know for a fact that everything that stays untranslated is complete garbage! They're just gonna scrap Japanese any minuet too! Someone on the internet told me that 10 years ago, it's coming right around the corner!

>> No.8849255

Lol your post is funny as HELL! Don't worry I caught that you were being sarcastic from the exclamation marks so I'm laughing with you not at you :)

>> No.8849257


He's essentially right though. Aside from some garbage VNs /jp/ really loves for some reason, most everything good gets translated these days as more and more people learn Japanese. Unless you're actually planning to live and work in Japan, there's little practical use in spending hundreds if not thousands of hours learning the language. Of course, it's better and more productive than doing nothing.

>> No.8849272

>I essentially don't know Japanese.

>> No.8849275

I read this in a style guide somewhere once, that writers shouldn't use exclamation marks to signify a joke or sarcasm because it assumes the reader is stupid and sucks out the fun of identifying it for themselves. At the time I thought it was a stupid "rule" and nobody would be so autistic as to care that an author added some punctuation to a joke, but now I finally get it. Thank you, Anonymous.

>> No.8849278 [DELETED] 
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Yeah man because translations by some 20 year old weboo are equal in quality to the original :DDDDDDDDD:DDDD

>> No.8849314

I just deleted my Core 2000 deck because my reviews had grown too much. I'll try it again some time.

>> No.8849329 [DELETED] 

smoke weed every day

>> No.8849349

I don't feel like learning japanese just to enjoy my happy more.
I'll have to deal wirh translations, but that's enough for me most of the time

>> No.8849378

If you cant learn japanese in 6 months or less your a noob

>> No.8849399

Why not learn it? It's a useful language.

Relying on translations is for weak minded idiots.

Enjoy your lack of independence and understanding. Many subtle nuances are lost in translation.

>> No.8849407

Who gives a shit, even the most learned scholars generally read YE OLDE TEXTES in English. The fact that you're reading "He came like the fist of the north star" instead of the original wacky Japanese idiom that doesn't make sense in English doesn't exactly ruin your reading experience.

>> No.8849421

I hope you enjoyed snorting drugs, ruining your health, and wasting several months of your life so you could translate my moe~ anime for free.

You may not be doing it now, but eventually you'll craze the attention and recognition of being a freelance translator, emphasis on the "free".

>> No.8849427
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>> No.8849436

I never claimed I did.

>> No.8849444

I used Anki for the sole purpose of learning Japanese. From the beginning to the middle of my learning career I would do my reps for one or two hours every day, read and practice as much as I felt like and whenever I became bored I would do something else I enjoyed. I left the house for errands, lectures and trips to Japan to put what I learnt in action, there were times when I couldn't sleep on the plane, but it was all worth it.

>> No.8849451


>even the most learned scholars generally read YE OLDE TEXTES in English

That average modern white kid bias. There are thousands among thousands among THOUSANDS of scholarly documents in Asian languages, Ancient African languages, Pacific languages, and whatever languages. Hell there are thousands of languages themselves.

>> No.8849456


That's a lot better than me. I've been studying a lot longer than you, and I still haven't finished Heisig. That's because I quit it every 1-2 months, and then start it again 3-6 months later.

>> No.8849460


Am I pro yet?

>> No.8849472

Which is what I was arguing. Do philosophers, literary buffs and even historians have fluent knowledge of all those languages? Of course not.

I can read Plato in English, the Divine Comedy in English, Dostoyevsky in English, and I'm sure as HELL going to read The Maiden Rape Assault - Violent Semen Inferno in English.

>> No.8849504


Words are words. It's all the same

>> No.8849509

If you read mostly Russian literature, it would make sense to want to learn Russian though. That's what this comes down to.

>> No.8849532

I really dont get you people that dont include Kun-yomi and On-yomi meanings meanwhile grinding kanji and instead go for only memorizing the keywords and then later pick up vocab. Im at the 400 kanji mark, and I browsed through the Core2k deck and I could pretty much read and understand most of the shit that involved kanji I know.

And of course I've probably gained alot from watching anime(~90 days watched) though but yeah.

Is it because of general lazyness? I do around 3-6 hours everyday of constant kanji grinding, involving both Kun-yomi and On-yomi readings. And I have no problems grinding this shit for hours straight, it does get frustrating at times when I cant seem to memorize a particular kanji even though I've went through it like 20 times.

And of course I will still have a shit-ton of vocab work to do after I'm done but atleast it cuts down some of it.

>> No.8849538


>craze the attention and recognition of being a freelance translator

Why would anyone want to spend months of their life translating a game for someone else? A little bit of attention isn't worth all of that shit.

Translation groups in general have always confused me. It's nice and all, but I don't get why they do it. The whole point of learning a language is so that you can skip the waiting for a translation and just play the original. It defeats the whole purpose and actually makes your life a lot more difficult if you become the translator and waste months or years of your life translating games for people you don't even know, especially when you aren't getting money for it.

Attention seeking makes people do some stupid bullshit.

>> No.8849552

Maybe they're doing it for practice. I would consider translating for practice if I ever got to the point where my translations would be passable.

>> No.8849555

>it does get frustrating at times when I cant seem to memorize a particular kanji even though I've went through it like 20 times.
I hate that I never know if I memorized it or not. I always get any exercises I do after it right, but the next day I forget it completely, and it's annoying.

>> No.8849556

As much as I would like to, I don't think I'll ever have the motivation to learn Japanese, or any other language.

>> No.8849560

Some people (usually the worst ones) do it to "improve their Japanese."

If I knew more Japanese, I would do it. Not for the e-fame as such, but so I could have made something (I like the idea of producing something, but I have no creative skills) and so that I could feel warm and fuzzy knowing someone is using something I made happen.
If it was possible as a one-man job, I'd do it all on /jp/ without ever adopting an identity. I don't have anything against people who take credit for their work (in fact I encourage it), but I wouldn't want the attention.

>> No.8849562

thx for sharing :)

>> No.8849572

Yeah, it usually happens with my newest 50~ kanji. That's why I do constant re-reviews of all kanji I know from 1-400 to make sure I dont forget anything.

+ Anki reviews everyday

>> No.8849577

So is it basically:

1. Memorize kana with anki
2. Learn grammar with genki
3. Practice kanji with anki while expanding vocab.
4. Practice by playing untranslated games and things like that when you're able to.

Can anyone confirm if this is pretty much how it is? I have the motivation and I have the focus to do this, but I have trouble doing tasks unless I can break it down into a quick several step summary. Otherwise I just get confused and spend months trying to figure out how to start.

>> No.8849588

Read this:

>> No.8849590

2. Learn grammar with Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese

>> No.8849604

Textfugu > Everything else

>> No.8849614

Kanjidamage or RTK?

>> No.8849619


>> No.8849620


>> No.8849621

This. If you truly love author X, and you learn that some of his key works have never been translated, it seems obvious that you would try to learn foreign languages, unless you're lazy and/or a mere dilettante.

It's not limited to literature either.
One time I got so into early Medieval history that I found myself relearning Latin (which I had promptly forgotten as soon as I finished highschool) so I could dig through millennium-old landholding paperwork. I had little choice. Knowing at least Latin is a must if you want to study medieval history, if you're the slightest bit serious about it (I mean, unless you read shitty vulgarized books.) Everything academics write on the subject is for people who can (and have) read their sources.
Or if you seriously want to study most religions, being able to read the scriptures in the original language is also a must. Which should be obvious to any /jp/er, since you know a shitty translation can completely fuck up the meaning of a sentence and possibly the entire work.
Oh, and the main reason I speak English is that I can find much more information in it than in any other language I know, overall. But I still need the other languages for specialized purposes. And there are plenty of authors that lose their appeal almost completely when they get a mediocre translation, or even any translation at all (basically, someone as great as them needs to do the translating.)

tl;dr for our /v/ friends: If you don't learn foreign languages you're a filthy casual.

>Do philosophers, literary buffs and even historians have fluent knowledge of all those languages? Of course not.
A few decades ago, anyone who called himself a philosopher, a writer or an historian spoke and wrote in 4 to 8 languages fluently, and dabbled in many more.
Western civilization is but a shadow of its former glory.

>> No.8849632

Anki with Kanjidamage deck.

>> No.8849627

Too weeaboo to read this in english when playing Civ3, so I've changed it to the superior language.

>> No.8849643

Heisig is absolute shit. I have no idea how anyone managed to memorize anything from that. The vast majority of his mnemonics are so abstract that you can't really remember the connection between the character and his weird little story for memorizing it. Not to mention that he repeats a lot of the same themes in his mnemonics and with all of that kanji to learn it's just a clusterfuck of "THIS ONE LOOKS LIKE A SOCK WITH A FISH HOOK PLAYING TENNIS WITH A DOLPHIN THAT HAS TWO SWORDS" running through your head by the time you're finished.

>> No.8849652


Dont learn mnemonics, it's a complete waste of time.

>> No.8849654
File: 25 KB, 701x600, Ui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably the only person in 4chan who's using Mnemosyne...

>> No.8849669

>If it's worth playing then it's translated.
This is what English only peasants actually believe.

>> No.8849674

It's not worth playing translated though...

>> No.8849689


This couldn't be further from the truth. If anything, the good VNs are the ones that never get translated.

This is because the only translators we have are a bunch of edgy little fuckers that will only translate the most soul crushing and depressing eroge they can find. This is why EVERY SINGLE translated eroge that you will see in a recommended list is always one that is filled with drama, depression, and bittersweet endings.

All of the feel good and carefree moe stuff will never be translated because those grimdark, masochistic asshole translators are so obsessed with only playing things that make you cry.

>> No.8849695
File: 113 KB, 350x350, 1328566154573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does no one use textfugu?

>> No.8849699


you know, you don't need to samefag to get your point across.

>> No.8849704

>A few decades ago, anyone who called himself a philosopher, a writer or an historian spoke and wrote in 4 to 8 languages fluently, and dabbled in many more.
Oh get off your high horse. I just finished reading Ada Lovelace's translation of the Sketch of the Analytical Engine, a paper written in the 1800s when people had a bit more time to learn and Italian would have been _useful_ for any reader. This shit has been going on for millennia. Why? Because it's convenient. There is no need to read Crito exactly as Plato wrote it when accurate English translations are available. Why waste your time learning Ancient Greek when you could be reading or learning something more relevant to your field? Even if you did, you wouldn't be able to mentally translate the text as well as professional translators wrote it in English.

Unless you're still a child and picking something up as a "proper" second language, don't bother. It's a lot easier, more fun, and even more accurate (in a sense) to read your Japanese games in English than it is to sit there with a text hooker wondering what a "soap land" is.

>> No.8849705

The whole concept that memorizing a whole story for a character is better than memorizing the character alone is suspect in the first place. I mean, who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

You'll naturally come up with a very primitive form of mnemonics anyway, even without Heisig, and it'll be much more effective because it will be spontaneous and come from subconscious instead of being artificial and imposed.
The only thing that you should really take from the Heisig method is "you should look carefully at the kanji and how they are arranged", which is pretty obvious advice.

>> No.8849714

Well the whole point of mnemonics is that they're easier shorthands to remember a more complicated thing. The problem with this however is that they're not easier to remember. Stupid stories might be more "interesting" and even more memorable, but they're so complex and convoluted it just gets confusing.

>> No.8849723


>Drill all 2000+ kanji into your head with mnemonics for a year without any understanding of what you're learning.
>Grammar after memorization

What the fuck is this?

>Article written by Aaeru

Oh, nevermind.

>> No.8849729
File: 794 KB, 900x900, marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would nail Aaeru so hard.

> Korean
> 5'2" && 94 pounds
> A cup breasts
> Slight accent
> Very philosophical and mathematically inclined

damn niqqa such A SWEET FINE GIRL!!

>> No.8849747

who the HELL is aaeru

>> No.8849750


Mnemonics are useful for remembering the context in which a small number of things exist. For example, mnemonics when memorizing different parts of anatomy is very useful or the names of planets, but mnemonics applied to over 2,000 characters is useless. Most of the stories start to become similar to other stories that he already used and when you have a bunch of mnemonics that are all very similar to each other then it becomes difficult to keep track of it, especially when this is being applied to such a vast number of characters.

>> No.8849748

> &&

I want /prog/ to leave.

>> No.8849749

>Ancient African languages
I gaggled.

>> No.8849751

single fujoshi with a PhD in computer science. likes eroge and jp

>> No.8849753

opinions on textfugu? and is there any way to pirate that shit?

>> No.8849754


intelligent women are intimidating as HELL so fuck that

>> No.8849758

Heisig seemed like a good idea, and i'm already 500 characters in, so what am i gonna do? oh well....

>> No.8849765


Its probably a pile of shit like the rest of those money whoring teachers. Yeah I'm looking at you Japanesepod101.

>> No.8849769

Keep going? If it works for you, it works. It's obviously good enough for a lot of those people, and perhaps you are one of them.

>> No.8849771


She believes in love and kindness and nurtures tolerance of all people. She's a strong advocate of equality and despises discrimination, she was the sole inventor of the beautiful term "favorite bishoujo" which has since replaced the widely used, but extremely derogatory "waifu" term.

You see, waifu is a word which implies ownership and objectification. Many female fans of otome novels have been sexually mistreated by former lovers and dislike the term because it reminds them of their troubled past, but Aaeru calmed the storm and settled the situation with love and diplomacy.

>> No.8849774

Now now, don't mislead people. The sexual abuse thing wasn't Aaeru, it was her friend*.

*TL Note: Aaeru has no friends.

>> No.8849775

Many US army field and technical manuals are littered with exclamation marks. I had to stop and ask my supervisor if these manuals were serious.
ex. Place your MRE against a rock or something!
The steam will keep it warm that way!

>> No.8849777


and I just learned about the favorite bishoujo today too when someone told me to call saten-san that. that feel when the world is conspiring to teach you new shit

>> No.8849783


>> No.8849788

congratz on the marriage

>> No.8849795

Look upon my autism, ye mighty, and despair.

>> No.8849800


but she is MY waifu. she BELONGS to me. don't tell me how to name my things

>> No.8849815

Aaeru is my waifu.

>> No.8849817

>I just finished reading Ada Lovelace's translation of the Sketch of the Analytical Engine, a paper written in the 1800s when people had a bit more time to learn and Italian would have been _useful_ for any reader.
First of all, the essay, while translated by an Italian, was a French translation of Babbage's English lecture.
But you don't get it. Menabrea translated the lecture so it could be published in a French journal, and Lovelace translated the paper so it could be published in an English journal. You just don't publish foreign-language papers in a national academic journal as a matter of policy, it's not about knowing the language or not. Hell, even today, every successful academic writes in his native language in his native country and in English in anglophone journals. Every academic is thus capable of reading English by necessity, but they still translate academic papers locally just because. The references of the papers aren't translated and included in the same journal, it's up to the readers to find them and be able to read them.

You'll also notice that an Italian engineer translated a lecture from English to French.
And those weren't "professional translators".

But yes, of course translations have always existed: for children, for dilettantes, and generally to make sure people other than obsessive scientists and erudites had a general education. Not everyone had the time to learn Persian, or even French for that matter.
It doesn't change the fact that any expert was polyglot by necessity and read the subjects of his works in the original language.
Go find me a professor of [insert language] literature, who hasn't read most of the works he teaches about in the original language. And when you find him, please report him to his academy so he can be fired.

>> No.8849823


>> No.8849828

Do you have pictures of her? I'm very curious on what she looks like.

>> No.8849835

I don't get why everyone gets so upset about Heisig. If it doesn't work for you, then go ahead and try something else. There is no need to hate on it.

I took it at a leisurely pace and made my way through RTK 1, now I'm doing Core 2k and my retention is great thanks to being able to recognize the characters. Doing vocab is a lot more fun than kanji (especially with audio sentences), but I don't feel like learning kanji was a waste.

>> No.8849837

People on the internet don't have faces. You don't exist as a fleshy blob of 3D; you're Anonymous, a beautiful little girl. Please extend the same respect to your peers, even if you dislike them.

>> No.8849848

>Why waste your time learning Ancient Greek when you could be reading or learning something more relevant to your field?
If your field is (Ancient Greek) archeology or philosophy, it's pretty fucking relevant.
Also, Latin and Greek were basically the main academical languages in Europe up until the 19th century. People translated a work in Latin or Greek so everyone could read it, then translated it in other tongues if they had the time.

And I mentioned I had to learn Latin. That's because just about every (modern!) paper on early Medieval history heavily references medieval sources, which are always in fucking Latin or worse, and the papers are virtually incomprehensible and superficial if you can't read what they reference. So learning Latin was actually a much better use of my time than plodding on meaninglessly through academic papers, or failing to learn anything from vulgarized science books, which don't even contain the information in the papers, usually.

>It's a lot easier, more fun, and even more accurate (in a sense) to read your Japanese games in English than it is to sit there with a text hooker wondering what a "soap land" is.
I'm sorry, but I can't be satisfied with mediocrity.

>Unless you're still a child and picking something up as a "proper" second language, don't bother.
Please speak for yourself. I started learning English as a third language when I was around 15. I'm still pretty bad at expressing myself in it, but I can read absolutely any work as competently as an educated native speaker.

>> No.8849850

So this isn't about translation any more?

Also I love how the source code is full of tutorial comments on CSS.

Isn't Aaeru a design graduate?

>> No.8849845

Oh, my bad.

But I really am a cute little girl. ;_;

>> No.8849851

I'm stuck at the intermediate stage. I can read most manga without having to look up much vocabulary or kanji (I might have to look up 1 kanji per volume, since the only kanji I don't know are the more obscure ones). However, whenever I watch anime or other shows, I find myself completely lost. I was watching Tokumei Sentai Gobusters the other day, and felt like I could only understand about 50% of what they were saying. And that's a fucking kid's show!

Not sure how to improve my listening comprehension so that it's on par with my reading comprehension.

>> No.8849865

i used the combination of zoloft, cipralex and adderall

i had already been one the former two from my doctor(s) and simply added adderall in secret to be able to concentrate

>> No.8849867
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Finally someone who shares my philosophy!

>> No.8849902

I'm pretty sure it should be ディ

>> No.8849923
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>mfw the mangaka used Rinnosuke as a base for Justice.

>> No.8849976

>PhD in computer science
pretty sure her PhD is in floor/carpet design or some bullshit. Definitely not computer science.

>> No.8850002


She's asian. If you've seen one then you've seen them all.

>> No.8850008

What is this

She's Australian and a design graduate.

What am I missing here?

Did I ruin a joke?


>> No.8850015

Australian girls must be vulgar and say cunt all the time.

>> No.8850016



Just because she was born in the UK doesn't mean that she's not an asian racially.

>> No.8850022

I am Australian and this is fairly true.

>> No.8850046

learning Japanese was piss easy
moved to Japan
spent a year meeting people, hitting bars, working and making friends
fluent Japanese

cant read kanji very well though, but i just ask whoever i'm with what it says or I use Rikaichan plugin on firefox

>> No.8850057

illiterate as fuck

>> No.8850062

Australian girls are so lewd that they actually become not lewd.

It's like with well known slut archetypes. See a tan Jap with blonde hair and you already know she's a slut and you aren't appalled when she does something slutty, so when she does slutty things it's not actually lewd. It's just expected behavior from her character type.

The same is true with Australian girls. They engage in promiscuous sex and speak like sailors, but this isn't lewd. They are simply being Australian.

>> No.8850065

>Not knowing at least 6000 Kanji
Also baka gaijin in Japan Hahaaha

>> No.8850071


>> No.8850083

doesnt matter though. when you live here you dont read hardly at all. if I had to choose between knowing lots of kanji or speaking japanese well I'd take the latter.

I've seen heaps of "i studied japanese for 10 years!" douchebags who can read 5000 kanji but when its their turn to order something in a restaurant.....

there's almost no real need to study, maybe flick through Genki to learn how to conjugate the verbs properly and you're good.

that being said, there "are" people i know who've lived here 8 years and still can't put a sentence together, with others who've been here 6months out-doing their Japanese easily.

at the end of the day though you dont need ANY in day to day life here. infact knowing too much Japanese is a bad thing in a lot of circumstances. for example: dealing with police or picking up girls.

>> No.8850082


>spent a year meeting people, hitting bars, working and making friends

What's the point of this? I never understand when I hear people say that they want to learn Japanese (or any language other than their native tongue) so that they can go to another country and talk to people.

What the hell? You can do that here. Humans are humans, there's very little difference between a human over here and a human over there. Now if you want to watch anime and play untranslated eroge then that's definitely a great reason to learn a new language, but to spend years of your life learning a language just so you can head off to some country and talk to people that are basically just a yellow version of the people in your own country? What's the point?

>> No.8850099

i didnt come here to learn Japanese. saw a good job going and I took it.
meeting people and going to bars is what I do normally anyway, along with the odd game of darts.

japanese darts is pussy though, they all play "soft darts". its hard to find a good English pub that has "hard darts"

>> No.8850102

No one here wants to learn Japanese for the purpose of living in Japan. There is a need to study if you want to read eroge.

>> No.8850115
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>implying everyone in /jp/ gives a fuck about eroge

>> No.8850116
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>meeting people and going to bars is what I do normally

>> No.8850126

/a/ pls go

>> No.8850137

hard darts? don't make me laugh

I'll show you how hard darts can be

>> No.8850169
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Come at me, bro.

>> No.8850173

Yeah, some of us are more concerned with Touhou fangames and doujinshi.

>> No.8850181
File: 13 KB, 474x357, 1331832968870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese are a weak and pitiful people.

Their women sob during intercourse, their entire population apologizes constantly for no apparent reason, and their few meaningful contributions to the world (eroge, manga, and anime) are only further evidence of their own self-hatred.

What do you see when you look at a Japanese person? A fat round head, oily yellow skin, squint eyes. Now what do you see when you look at an anime character? A heart or oval shaped head, clear white skin, and large vibrant eyes. This is the exact opposite of their own appearance.

Learn Japanese so you can enjoy the products that come from Japan. The Japanese are masters of escapism and we can benefit from that, but to speak to the people that make these things? If I want to see a pathetic and worthless person then I'll just look in the mirror, I don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on a plane ticket.

>> No.8850188

>implying browsing 2channel and 2chan isn't worth learning moon alone

>> No.8850200

Cut that out, you neurotypical faggot.

>> No.8850196


>Aside from some garbage VNs /jp/ really loves for some reason

What are you talking about? The best VNs are untranslated, unless you actually like that forced melodramatic dribble that is translated.

>> No.8850206

If those "best VNs" were translated, you'd happily throw them under the same umbrella.

>> No.8850203

I think you're mixing the two up.

>> No.8850207


2chan is the good one.
2ch is the one with normalfags.

>> No.8850212

I was complaining about the word itself.

>> No.8850253

So your point is that you are illiterate but it doesn't matter because you're always outside and speaking to people.

I would like you to look around and check what board you're posting on.

Your advice is completely worthless for people who don't ever leave their computers. Shit, I haven't spoken the local language since 3 days ago, and I'm not even a NEET, just a regular nerd.

>> No.8850249


Name me one fan translated VN that isn't melodramatic bullshit. Just look through a recommended VN list, every single one of them is sad and attempts to make you cry, even if the premise is heartwarming then it will sucker punch you with some unexpected and horrifying ending that makes you sob like a baby.

Being able to make a person cry isn't evidence of quality writing though. The only reason that translators only translate this shit is because our culture is obsessed with the idea that the best type stories are the ones that make you cry the most. Just look around, everyone bases the quality of films and books on how much it made them cry. Fucking masochists.

Japan is filled with quality VNs that aren't like this though. They're heart warming, funny, and carefree. It's basically visual novel slice of life, but this is something you will never see translated because it isn't sad or melodramatic enough to warrant their attention.

So unless you want to cry every day for the rest of your life as you force yourself to play translated VNs then you have to learn Japanese.

>> No.8850268

Do you only watch moe anime because you enjoy it and anime should be fun and entertaining, and reject "mature and edgy"/"deep" anime because moe is better, by any chance?

>> No.8850304


I watch anime that makes me happy. This usually includes things that are funny, cute, and carefree.

Why would I want to watch something that will make me feel bad? It makes no sense. Life is not fun and every day will make you feel like shit if you go out there. Why bring that into your house by forcing yourself to watch even more depressing and heartbreaking things?

I'm convinced that either most of our population is insane and they gain pleasure from being tortured or the only people who like translated VNs are normalfags that are so happy and content in their every day lives that they need to watch grimdark anime and heartbreaking VNs that will make them feel like shit to balance it out.

>> No.8850313
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>So unless you want to cry every day for the rest of your life as you force yourself to play translated VNs then you have to learn Japanese.
I laughed heartily at that autistic image you gave me.

>> No.8850320

I like feeling miserable. Enjoy your happiness, nerd.

>> No.8850348

so i should learn kanji first before concentrating on grammar correct?

>> No.8850353


Why would you even think something so stupid?

>> No.8850356


>> No.8850361

I don't think you know what moe means. Or maybe you do, but you still use it the /a/ way. Whichever the case, please go home.

Or, to put it in a way you're probably more likely to understand:
>Implying Key isn't moe

>> No.8850375 [DELETED] 


The point went way over your head about your bias. All of those are European centric texts. Philosophy == Only European texts.

>> No.8850382


The point went way above your head. It's odd how you prove what I said in your next post. All of the stories you pointed out are European text; this showcases your ignorance and general bias to the world.

>> No.8850386

And just how is that wrong, exactly?

You're not going to understand anything with grammar alone. Kanji alone, though, gives you a pretty good idea about what the sentence is about, even if you can't grasp the actual meaning. Plus grammar is best learned by example, while reading examples is pretty much impossible if you can't read kanji yet.

>> No.8850390


Why? Is something wrong with you?

>> No.8850393

I did, realized you meant contemporary stuff, thought of an argument about how it's been largely the same for centuries anyway (in case you pointed it out), you didn't, played some Touhou, drank cheap wine, read >>8849848
and decided I was mostly wrong all along.

Live in the here and now, Anonymous. You need to stop thinking of the past.

>> No.8850406


>and I'm sure as HELL going to read The Maiden Rape Assault - Violent Semen Inferno in English.

Reading VNs in English is definitely peasant tier. You must be new.

>> No.8850415

Sure is language learning in this thread.

>> No.8850419

Because there are no Black languages with a writing system, though there may be a few African languages with a writing system.
When he said,
>thousands among THOUSANDS of scholarly documents in Ancient African languages
I thought about how that would simply be impossible unless he's referring to North Africa or something Arabians brought over.

>> No.8850427


How fast can you learn a language if you use stimulants? I never thought to do that before, but I could get a prescription of adderall pretty easily if I wanted.

Most things that I've read say that you can learn it within a year or two of 2-3 hours practice each day, but I would imagine that with stimulants you could practice a solid 8 hours straight with no problems.

>> No.8850430

The case can be argued either way with the same argument.
"Why learn how to form sentences if you don't know what to write/type?"
"Why learn what to write/type if you can't even form sentences?"

The point is that grammar acts as a context for kanji, and if you view kanji as vocabulary it's damn useful to know how it all fits together first (particularly in a language that has particles and such). In French or German you might learn a few example sentences, but you wouldn't dive into learning 2,000 words before you know how to put them together. And this is a whole new WRITING system. Shit takes forever, so you may as well take the short time to learn grammar first.

>> No.8850433
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>Because there are no African languages with a writing system, though there may be a few African languages with a writing system.

There are plenty, and that applies to modern African languages too. I recommend researching the topic more, however this discussion isn't for this thread.

>> No.8850448

Well I don't wish to derail this thread either, but you're wrong.

>> No.8850452

This topic isn't for this _board_. None of it is. We have /lang/ and you could discuss even your African languages there.

But nooo, self-entitled faggots NEED /jp/ers to answer their important questions in real-time.

>> No.8850460


I'm glad we share that sentiment, however I'm not. My research goes much further beyond whatever you may have find in 10 minutes of Google, unfortunately.


Well it seems /jp/ has started to be more accepting to learn Japanese thread over time. I noticed this mostly over 2011.

>> No.8850467

Share your "research" and own that nerdlord 4 lyf, nerd.

>> No.8850488


What topic is on-topic for /jp/ though?

What touhou has the smelliest armpits and how to get autism bucks? If that shit is Otaku Culture then learning Japanese might as well be too.

>> No.8850493

> What topic is on-topic for /jp/ though?

Newbie mistake. Lurk that question out of your system.

>> No.8850497


Discussing how to learn Japanese on /jp/ is like discussing how to learn how to ride a bike on a professional cycling forum.

It doesn't apply because everyone there knows how to ride a bike and they do it every day.

>> No.8850515

Even if you're joking, that's not very fair.

A more apt analogy would be asking how to ride a bike on the Film/Games/Off-Topic/whatever board of a "How to Ride a Bike" forum. Everyone else is learning and knows HOW to learn more, and there's a section of the site for help with that, but shut your fucking face in my Film/Games/Off-Topic/whatever board because it's about Films/Games/Off-Topic/whatever not the bullshit we're all doing that we have a WHOLE FUCKING BOARD for.

>> No.8850520

>Well it seems /jp/ has started to be more accepting to learn Japanese thread over time. I noticed this mostly over 2011.

Out of curiosity I checked our first language learning thread: >>408
Ah, those were the days...

>> No.8850639


Maybe 10% of /jp/ actually know enough Japanese to play untranslated shit

>> No.8850696

Why would you want to learn incomprehensible nigger babble?

>> No.8850704

Ebonics is pretty cool


>> No.8850725


You underestimate us.

Just because no one flaunts it doesn't mean that they don't know it. We're all speaking english, but I don't see anyone making threads about it.

>> No.8850785

We can all learn a thing from our man Steve Kaufmann, a polyglot living in Canada who speaks over 10 languages! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRjIaCnl1Xc

Sign up now at lingq: http://www.lingq.com/signup/

>> No.8850814



>> No.8850847

The people who still post "troll ratings" are the worst fucking posters, I swear

>> No.8850843

Poor you OP. I got into manga as a kid so I started learning Japanese early. It was a lot easier, I was completely fluent after three years of self-study.

>> No.8850872

Nice try, but my jimmies remain unrustled.


>> No.8850873


It was the only worthy response of his post.

>> No.8851063

Alright guys, how DO I learn Japanese via the internet?

>> No.8851071

Step 1: Find information on Japanese to study
Step 2: Study information on Japanese

>> No.8851073

That's no fun.

>> No.8851121

I wouldn't even say you abused those drugs, OP.

I think you used them really well.

All I used to do when I'd stay at home snorting blow is play music really loud, make weird mixed drinks out of rum and McArthur Dairy Jungle Juice and indulge my internet addiction.

I did other things to but they were even less productive.

>> No.8851190

Just got through all the kanjis for JPLT3 on and trying to do at least an hour of work out of Genki a day.

Just changed my phone language to Jap too because why not.

>> No.8851627

Hold on, with the Anki approach to learning kanji, do you not learn the actual Japanese pronunciations for each kanji? Does it just give you the English definitions?

>> No.8851642

>Anki approach to learning kanji

Anki is merely a SRS implementation. It can give you whatever you want it to.

>> No.8851663
File: 69 KB, 420x366, 1330930067717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anki uses decks. Depending on which deck you choose (or make yourself), the cards contain less or more information.
RTK has only english meaning.
Kanjidicks has Jukugo, Kunyomi and Onyomi.
Some people think that learning those three plus the english meaning is unnecessary, but I would say that it is a fantastic memorization aid. Plus, Kanjidamage has funnier mnemonics.
kanjidicks > rtk

>> No.8852747

Hmmm.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI58xq9oP7g&feature=g-u-u&context=G203a765FUAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.8852897

I knew there was a joke in that pic somewhere, but it took me a while to get

>> No.8853973


He's sexy

>> No.8854370

I'm not a native english speaker so I had to say it like 20 times before I got it.

>> No.8857374

I understand.

I barely even have the motivation to post a reply

>> No.8857537

I haven't even gotten done with Katakana. Just take it easy and learn as you go along.
Why do you faggots always push yourselves so hard when you know you'll end up burntout?

>> No.8857748

It worked for this guy>>8849275
