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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8848323 No.8848323 [Reply] [Original]

I am now watching Men behind the sun movie depicting human experimentation program commited by japanese in northern china.
I understand that japanese culture is very demanding with its requirements for a person. And the only thing that I saw was obedience by the soldiers, lab assistants and officers. All the same requirements are required from today's japanese people, to be a good worker, to obey your superiors. These values are valued above all.
here's the movie

how does it make you feel about the japanese culture?
do you think it is much different today than it was 70 years ago?
you know those who defy to value the traditional japanese values are mocked and ridiculed for their perceived laziness, and that they refuse to pursue the proper carrer?

All I'm saying that you maybe idolize Japanese culture, so I want you to provide to you another insight.
You all may be familliar with numerous japanese war crimes

interesting thing is that japanese war crimes were a taboo in japanese society even in the 1970's, compared to europe where holocaust was known, and even in soviet union the crimes of stalinist regime were condemned, that speaks for itself

>> No.8848333

Why should Germany be a model for Japan to follow?

Most Germans have zero pride or respect for their traditional culture. It is why they are disappearing as a race of people and being replaced by Turks.

>> No.8848338

>japanese war crimes

Honestly I couldn't care less about that shit, I just play eroge and touhou.

>> No.8848350

my point is that in japan blind following of traditional values allowed for such terrible atrocities to be commited, and it gave an excuse to do what they were doing because their culture told them that this was right to obey and not to question your superiors

in germany it was ideology of nazism and fascism that allowed it

>> No.8848358

as I see there are just harmless otakus and no wapanese dewouts it calms my mind

>> No.8848353

I think Japan cares about what's good for the Japanese, rightfully. No reason for Japan to become self loathing like Germany did.

>> No.8848370

No, japan was just demilitarized, no change it culture, values whatsoever, the self-loathing that you described was necessary, but who am I to care, in 50 years, the japan will perish because the average japanese girl is repulsed by the average japanese guy, and the thought of her having sex with him totally disgusts her

so you can now just enjoy the fruits of otaku culture now

>> No.8848375

who gives a shit reported

>> No.8848376

Self loathing as a culture is good, it makes multiculturalism strong and therefore the nation strong. Never forget the 10 million jews you awful germans killed.

>> No.8848380

>how does it make you feel about the japanese culture?
Feels great knowing that my favorite country is crazy badass and doesn't take any bullshit. Other nations should learn from Japan. Like America, for example. Look at America, still arguing over human and animal rights and racism and other crap like that when they should be prioritizing what's important.

>> No.8848381

I am descended directly from a family who either depending on the viewpoint:

i) Slew hundreds of the foes of their kin, invaders of their land, and burned their terrible villages to the ground so they would never return. All to protect his people.
ii) Murdered hundreds of people's families who were trying to settle away from the fighting in other regions, burned their houses and livelihood to the ground to ruin their lives, and harried the few survivors as they fled back to their certain deaths at the hands of previous conflict they had fled from.

You think I care about this in the least? It wasn't me.

You think a few hundred people who happened to be Japanese should draw blame unto an entire people as though they had commit the acts themselves?

Sheer foolishness. Utterly devoid of intelligence and wisdom.

>> No.8848384
File: 52 KB, 492x544, 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sigh , last time I answer all this WHITO PIGU youtube videos /storys and WW2 crimes.

99% of Japan doesn't even know about unit 731
They don't learn much about WW2 in highschool, my girlfriend had in her old school book only a few pages about WW2

Most of them dont know what Japan did in WW2.
They are doing the oposit what germany did , they try to forget it and leave it as bad memory.

If you will ever go to Japan,you will notice there aren't many Japanese flags in the city.Actually the japanese think USA and EU are so much superior to them.

Todays Japan has not much to do with before WW2 Japan.
People dont give a fuck about the emperor and they would never like to go to war again.

>> No.8848393
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>> No.8848396

Wrong. The US did psych warfare on Germany after WW2, they completely destroyed their sense of nationhood. That is why Germany is now the godfather of the EU, which is the supreme enabler of multiculti anywhere in Europe.

Germans have no pride.

>the self-loathing that you described was necessary

Then go do it to the Mongols for their crimes, which are far more numerous than the Japanese.

Fact is there's nothing particularly unique about what Japan did to the Chinese, or Germany to the Jews. Look at what the Chinese themselves did early in their History to the Sogdonians and Baoyue in Canton.

People have been wiping other people out for a long time now.

Stripping a nation and a race of their sense of self just makes them weaker and more vulnerable to the forces of globalist consumerism.

>> No.8848399

>abducting innocent women and using them as sex slaves
It's like something out of a manga.
Holy shit, that's a great idea actually.
Guys, who wants to make a hentai manga about the Japanese war crimes?

>> No.8848406

>the japan will perish because the average japanese girl is repulsed by the average japanese guy, and the thought of her having sex with him totally disgusts her

Japan won't perish, their birth rates are low because the cost of living is so fucking high over there for anyone who isn't a short term orientated nigger.

Once their populations falls, cost of living with fall along with it and make having children economically viable again.

By that point Germany will be 90% Turk and 10% African.

So yes, ethnocentrism and nationalism always win, deal with it.

>> No.8848426

no1 cares weeaboo

>> No.8848433

Go away AoC you fucking leftard.

>> No.8848434

>my point is that in japan blind following of traditional values
Yes goyim, traditional values are very evil and whites are a plague on this world because of their intolerance and "blind" following---take some more Turks and Muslims, tolerance is good. Now give me more money so that I may live in Israel as the fathers of my fathers used to.

>> No.8848444
File: 102 KB, 501x585, 1323487994156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8848476

>Unit 731 thread
>OP doesn't even mention unit 731

Dude just look it up on wikipedia.

>> No.8848529
File: 21 KB, 302x302, jesuschrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never heard about it before, I just looked it up.

>> No.8848536

Men behind the sun is the film about Unit 731 you subhuman assfelch.

>> No.8848543

I didn't click the link, or even pay attention to the original post.

>> No.8848547

Truly the only "people" who care about this shit are chinks and gooks. And we all know that chinks and gooks are subhumans. This thread is an eyesore.

>> No.8848548

Unit 731 makes me wonder how people can do things like that. Obviously it's fine to read it as a jaded internet user and not care, but someone had to actually do all these crazy experiments on their own people. I wonder if they had to undergo some sort of desensitization training. No matter your culture or background, you can't comfortably vivisect people and play around with their organs and limbs while they're kicking and screaming in front of you.

>> No.8848558

The Rape of Nanking never happened, it is a fable created by chinese

>> No.8848559

You can if you are a sociopath or something like that.

>> No.8848561

What chinese cartoons have taught me is that Japanese people are dicks.
Manga too. Most of the 'lol deep' manga are about Japanese culture in that they're all groupthink assholes.

>> No.8848565

I don't want to watch this.
"The film is extremely controversial for its use of what Mou claims to be actual autopsy footage of a young boy and also for a scene in which a live cat appears to be thrown into a room to be eaten alive by hundreds of frenzied rats.[8] In a scene later in the movie, live rats were set on fire, which drew criticism for its cruelty in many countries."

>> No.8848578

I watched it.
It's pretty brutal.
They actually decompressed a corpse too- I think that was the worst one.

Do you know what happens when you put a corpse in a reduced atmosphere?
First he (or she, I'm no sexist) balloons up to about twice their size, and they get a lot rounder. Their colour changes, and then the guts pop out. Thing prolapse but on a massive scale. The guts just start shitting themselves out of the ass and going everywhere.

>> No.8848589

You haven't read a lot about wars, have you?

>> No.8848586

Jesus christ
Fuck that shit.

>> No.8848628

I watched that one documentary about Freud and his family, which kind of touched on how normal people committed the atrocities of the Holocaust.

I'll admit I'm not super educated on such things, and I still don't understand how people can be so fine with it they can carry it out. Brutal as it was, there must have been delicate surgery involved. I think even the most dedicated surgeon who has been cutting people up for decades would at least shake a little and ruin something while sawing up a baby without anasthetic.

>> No.8848677

This also highlights strong cultural/training differences too though. Notice how all the Japs back then (young and old) were all I-die-for-glory-of-Emperor and lapping up the warrior and never-surrender doctrine? Meanwhile the average Chinese was a fucking pussy. I wonder why they still surrended in droves EVEN when they knew about what terrible things the Japs would do to them from their own propaganda and the '3-alls' the Imperial army was actually operating under in China. They were doing that long before the 'rape' of Nanking. One would expect even a mouse to fight valiantly when cornered with no choice (more painful death upon surrender) and yet they still surrender like fucking pussies? Unbelievable. By their family and through their schooling, Jap men were taught to be men and fight. Chinese men were taught to be meek and try not to stand out in any way.

>> No.8848685

This so much, if you're going to die either way, fight like a man.

>> No.8848704

we all know japs are subhuman, animalistic, unstable, impulsive savages, no matter how much they try to deny this. yes, just are just like niggers.


>> No.8848714

If you're going to die, why would you care about being "manly"?

>> No.8848710

Hideo Kojima wouldn't hurt a fly though.

>> No.8848713

Why is this thread still here? NSJ so good.

>> No.8848729

Because then you'll give your family a chance of getting away, and also, it's better than getting amputated on an operated table whilst alive without any anaesthetic.

>> No.8848730

This is why I wish I had grown up in a different culture. Not necessarily a warzone, but if I had been taught to be a man and had a strong work/fighting ethic, I wouldn't be the self-entitled emotional mess I am today.

>> No.8848734

What's NSJ?
Google shows no results.

>> No.8848745

You died a better death that way. Bought a few more seconds before your wife/sister was raped right in front of you or allowed your buddies to fall back and regroup. The irony is that the Japs would have probably respected the Chinese more if they had stood their ground and died like men similar to their own warrior culture. Instead they felt like they were just culling sub-human cowardly animals, not dueling properly-raised honourable Samurai-ish opponents. It's not hard to argue there might have been more humane treatment arising from this greater respect. In fact, this is how the Jap soldier truly grew to respect the Americans. Not because of their superior numbers (like the Chinese) but because they were fucking willing to go hand-to-hand with them in some dark cave on some godforsaken malaria-infested island in the middle of nowhere. Their opponents had balls. They truly respect that.

>> No.8848748

Because you might be able to take a few of those fuckers with you. You did your duty to your country and family.

>> No.8848750

Some fellow said, "If I receive repeating digits at the end of my post number, the new janitor shall henceforth be known as the ``New Shitty Janitor''!" He indeed got those repeating digits, and a few samefriend reactions later everyone forgot.
Meanwhile, the shady cabal of internet supervillains who treat /jp/ as their personal playground to laugh at themselves acting like idiots were planning their next move. They came across said post and decided to use "NSJ" until it was in our collective lexicon and used by people other than themselves. They did so and declared it an epic win for the group, then moved on to their next evil scheme.
What will it be? Find out next week, on the thrilling adventures of /jp/!

>> No.8848750,1 [INTERNAL] 

Who gives shit? The White Man looks down on every race which is not White.
gookochinkojaps&monkeys, sandniggers(some of them are related to masterrace though) niggers etc. All those subhumans are good only as serfs for the White Man.
The White Man is the greatest conqueror, the greatest inventor, the greatest lawmaker as well as the greatest leader.

It's such a good thing that at the end of the day, even if my life is shit, I can always say to myself―
"At least I'm white".
