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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 207 KB, 869x958, boobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8837883 No.8837883 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if you swapped bodies with a girl in highschool?

>> No.8837898

I'd be an interesting and successful woman without flaunting it, and I would remain a pure maiden to set an example for the other girls.

>> No.8837903

I would be the purest maiden to ever walk this earth.

>> No.8837911

Assuming my hormones went to teenage female levels, I would break the cliché answer by never masturbating at all. Then I would write a blog about how I was a strong, independent woman who don't need no lewd.

>> No.8837919

>strong, independent woman who don't need no lewd.


>> No.8837927

I'd be as lewd as I could to ruin her reputation, assuming I could switch back.

>> No.8837929

Oh shit, I never thought of this.

But I wouldn't so far as to have...sekusu~.
That means putting a penis inside me and that's pretty gay.

>> No.8837931

Marry some older rich guy so i could never work and spend his money buying anime-related stuff

>> No.8837934

Op can you tell me where it is from?

>> No.8837938

I would definitely give the best buttjobs.

>> No.8837940

The usual. Bitch around, drop out.

>> No.8837947

I would menstruate and want to die.

>> No.8837958

Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo

>> No.8837959

I'd be more interested in how they would cope with my body. I haven't showered for a week and my underwear is brown and smelly and my crotch burns from not having been washed for a while.

How is that gay?

>> No.8837963

Oh I thought it could be a doujin

>> No.8837973

Yell at my parents, listen to bad music, get drunk regularly and have unprotected sex with random community college students, wear sweatpants with writing on the ass, take obnoxious pictures of myself acting whorish and post them on facebook to solicit attention, fail to regulate my body weight with diet and exercise, contract venereal disease, use texting slang in all written correspondence, complain loudly about not being appreciated, tan myself orange, gossip loudly about people I don't like

>> No.8837981

Take the opportunity to stroll through school and university. I would love the chance to experience being female, and the chance to retry my life.

>> No.8837989
File: 783 KB, 1300x800, 1330653364132..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, the only reason why I want to be a girl is so I could have sex with hot teenage boys (but only feminine ones, I'm not gay).

>> No.8837991

I know a lesbian who would like to swap bodies with me.
It would be nice. You know, she has many lesbian friends.

>> No.8837992

It'll all go swell until the girl in your body tries to get her body back. If you want to truly take it easy you'd have to kill your old body, unless she likes it better for some reason.

>> No.8837998

I have a cute friend who wishes she was a man. I wish to be the little girl, so one day I asked her if she would swap bodies with me if she could, but she said I'm "not manly enough".
Would have been easier to stomach if we hadn't dated as teenagers.

>> No.8838013

Just appreciate my new body, I guess.

And struggle with the paranoia of getting raped anywhere and everywhere.

But then again, I have that paranoia anyway.

>> No.8838038

This is my fetish.

I would probably be a massive slut.

>> No.8838089

Wouldn't you get bored of that after a couple abortions?

>> No.8838104

If she says you're not manly, that must mean you're pretty cute anon.

>> No.8838112
File: 98 KB, 728x1077, 1328842401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8838120

Or that he is just a fag.
Not every faggot is cute.

>> No.8838122

I would find my male body and teach its new host the joy of having a dick. It would be awesome seeing that manly body with its huge cock pant like a high school girl as "he" for the first time feels pleasure unlike anything he has felt before.

>> No.8838129

Find a girl half my age, get close to her because girls can, then say I'd like to play with her body and it's okay because we're both girls.

>> No.8838132

>as "he" for the first time feels pleasure unlike anything he has felt before

"He" may end up being disappointed since women's bodies are supposed to be more enjoyable.

>> No.8838133

I’d love it. But I would hate not having a penis. I would hate menstruating, too.

Can I please be a girl with a penis?

>> No.8838134

First things first, I'd masturbate, that's fucking obligatory.
After that I'd find a way to get back, I have no intention in being stuck in a 3D woman's body, female society is ugly and I want nothing to do with that.

>> No.8838137

Half your age? She'd be like 5-8...

>> No.8838140

That's a myth. You don't have any proof.

>> No.8838143


>> No.8838153
File: 1.21 MB, 1421x1155, ^^1322535709939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hug everyone

>> No.8838150

This doesn't even deserve a smug "Welcome to /jp/."

>> No.8838158

Women have a refractory period close to fucking 0, thus they can reach multiple orgasms.
That alone is good enough.

>> No.8838171 [DELETED] 

I would be a massive slut
so would you
admit it

>> No.8838181

Social anxiety doesn't disappear when you get a new body.

Well it might, but only for a short while.

I feel like the most charismatic bastard alive after I cut my hair.

>> No.8838186
File: 32 KB, 276x348, 1313811543543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from the obvious and short-lived sexual fantasies, if this is going to be permanent and I'm gonna have to live as a girl from now on (which means I have a reputation to keep), I'll evaluate my options.

If I think I'm attractive enough, I'd learn how to cook and become a violinist, then find a guy who has a PhD and promising career in plasma physics (or similar fields) and is honorable, curious, open-minded and sincere. (somewhat a pattern among the more highly educated)

If I'm not attractive enough and therefore most certain to die alone, I'd become a doctor.

>> No.8838206

>promising career in plasma physics (or similar fields)
What a strange criterion.

>> No.8838218

Just like how choosing the violin was almost arbitrary, it's just a random choice based on some personal preference.

>> No.8838220

Whatever, we're just going to be as socially retarded as we were before and either marry to a bastard or die alone sorrounded by cats.

>> No.8838240
File: 1.52 MB, 320x180, laughingwhores.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a cute friend who wishes she was a man.
>I wish to be the little girl,
>so one day I asked her if she would swap bodies with me if she could,

>but she said I'm "not manly enough".

>Would have been easier to stomach if we hadn't dated as teenagers.

>> No.8838233

But we could cosplay and turn famous into our world.

>> No.8838236

Lets be friends, okay?

>> No.8838250

( ;∀;)

>> No.8838268

Damn dude, that's pretty sad.

>> No.8838271
File: 301 KB, 953x1400, hutahime_039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd teach.

>> No.8838314

I'd live my life mostly the same way, only with a little less misery.

>> No.8838327

I'd attention whore in /jp/.

>> No.8838343

Would I get to finish high school this time?

Either way it would be better than who I am now.

>> No.8838379

Well that depends if I were ugly or not. Being an ugly girl is truly the worst. If you are an ugly guy you can at least work out and get buff to make up for it. However, being an ugly girl leaves you with no way to compensate. You will forever be undesirable. If I were an ugly girl I would probably kill myself.

>> No.8838400

Yesterday I was reading some information about transgender people. When I got to the part that described what sort of changes taking hormones caused I got a boner and a weird feeling, like the feeling I got when I saw porn for the first time. I'm not sure what this means.

>> No.8838404

Plastic surgery, boob job, etc. You're not thinking it through.

>> No.8838409

As long as you have a vagina, you will be desirable to someone.

>> No.8838410

I think the complete opposite. There is no shortage to what you can do as a woman with makeup and hairstyles. Barring some sort of severe deformity, you can make yourself look attractive without surgery. There's not a lot that can go wrong.

Whereas if you're a guy, you just have to be born handsome. You weren't? Tough shit.

>> No.8838422

Sleep with football players and then accuse the richest one of raping me.

Gather a bunch of sassy girls around me as friends and then bully shy girls.

Gossip about everyone and tease nerds into thinking I like them and then arrange a meetup where they catch me getting fucked by a black guy.

Become the president of the gay/straight alliance

Sleep with a teacher and break up their marriage

>> No.8838428

That's not really an option unless you're lucky enough to find someone to pay for it or you work really hard to do it yourself..but by that point it wouldn't really matter anyway.

The kind of ugly I'm referring to is the kind that no amount of makeup or cute clothes could remedy.

>> No.8838445
File: 310 KB, 850x1313, touhou casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear cute, stylish clothing. I find mens wear completely bland and generic.

>> No.8838454

>Gossip about everyone and tease nerds into thinking I like them and then arrange a meetup where they catch me getting fucked by a black guy.
>Sleep with a teacher and break up their marriage
exquisite taste, sir

>> No.8838457

That's because you haven't studied men's fashion enough. You can mix really fun patterns and add lots of little accessories to an outfit to make your appearance pop!

>> No.8838461
File: 116 KB, 245x578, Casual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then I get called a fucking hipster. No thank you.

>> No.8838464

Not him but from my real life expert opinion, that's very difficult. There's not a lot you can do before it delves into, "Look at that faggot wearing a pea coat and fedora," territory.

>> No.8838472

Go on /cgl/, the things girls get called for dressing in any cute way gets called far nastier names. Besides, "hipster" is just a cultural boogieman term that no one can even properly define, it's a baseless insult that you should never take seriously.

>> No.8838476

hipster is a dumb term anyway used by people that would classify as hipsters themselves.
if you want to dress stylish then go for it man, youll feel good for it even if its just in your room and no one sees you

>> No.8838479

There's really no male equivalent to cute stuff like skirts, thighhighs and panties.

Well, unless you're Scottish.

>> No.8838480

I like wearing a necktie. It's fun and masculine, makes me feel handsome.
Combined with the rest of my attire makes for some casual look that pops in a sea of tshirts and jeans.

>> No.8838487

Regardless of semantics, men who make too much effort to be different and stand out are judged poorly by pretty much everyone else in the room. There aren't a lot of nice contemporary clothes men can wear without looking obnoxious, but there is no end to all the pretty dresses and skirts that women can wear.

>> No.8838488

You can be a man and wear panties and tighhighs.

>> No.8838495

I'm telling you, girls get judged harsher than men for wearing anything out of the norm. Even if you just went reeeeally casual lolita you'd hear girls whispering maliciously.

>> No.8838499

Shut the fuck up you literal faggots.

>> No.8838501

yeah when theyre douchebags
girls have it just as hard really, other girls are complete bitches to them if they dress out of the norm
just dress however you want

>> No.8838505

I'd stay in my apartment and browse /jp/, maybe play some VNs or somesuch. Becoming a girl isn't going to make me want to go outside.

>> No.8838506

Why do women type like this?

>> No.8838510

We live in a world where some trashy whore wear writing on their ass and no one gives a fuck.

Now that's just sad.

>> No.8838523

I have seen women wear pyjamas and crappy clothes they made themselves in public. Nobody bats an eyelid.

Even if they strictly had to wear normal clothes, they have a lot more variety.

>> No.8838525

And I do.

One is dangerous and the other infeasible to do in public, though.

>> No.8838528

how could you possibly consider lazy typing a woman thing? that's just silly

that's just a result of most women having no tastes, i wish people would judge them for it so theyd fucking stop. gross

>> No.8838531
File: 109 KB, 590x795, stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be fashionable like Stalin.

>> No.8838539

No I mean, a lot of women have a telltale typing style. >>8838501 reads like something a 16-year-old girl would say on Omegle.
I don't like stereotyping women, but I've seen "girls" as old as their twenties say things like
>yea just be youreself dont judge ppl thats wrong lol
without a semblance of irony. Very few males type like that at that age, even if English isn't their native language.

>> No.8838543

From the thumbnail I thought that was Keanu Reeves.

Welp, there's another one for the "Keanu is immortal" list...

>> No.8838547

8/10 would bang despite communism

>> No.8838548

o: what do you mean lol

>> No.8838564

i see what you mean yeah. i probably am seeming that way. i just think he should dress however he wants and worrying is silly. ;_;
since he clearly wants to and all!

>> No.8838608

I'd cosplay a different touhou every day of the week

monday - satorin
tuesday - tewi
wednesday - aya
thursday - sakuya
friday - kant
saturday - yuuka
sunday - yuyuko

>> No.8838633

No Ran?

What is wrong with you, Anon?

>> No.8838641

Baggy pants, long neck socks, and briefs.

>> No.8838662
File: 84 KB, 600x600, 1322283288633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to be able to wear this and neat touhou dresses, since ...

>> No.8838667

If you're a fit black guy you could wear those.

>> No.8838674

I'd discover a way to drop a dimension.

>> No.8838675

Thats bullshit and you know it. I've seen a lot of shitty typing from girls but I have just as much from men. I know a guy thats almost thirty and still uses "u" instead you and ends every other sentence with xD. How many girls do you regularly communicate via text on a regular basis anyway? You can't judge everything off of fucking omegle. Thats like judging the average human's intelligence off of youtube comments.

>> No.8838707
File: 46 KB, 400x394, SlipPouchAd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... this< just isn't quite the same.

>> No.8838711

Girls, definitely.

>> No.8838715

your FACE is a girl

>> No.8838720


I know, man.

I just want to wear cute dresses

>> No.8838725

xD oh no GIRLS EW im scared of cooties x_x

>> No.8838732

Your sense of cute is pretty warped, man.

>> No.8838793
File: 457 KB, 1200x1726, SaHa_Becoming_a_Girl_Ch.4_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd be a colossal whore

>> No.8838805

So what? you could dress down as a woman and have people judge you or even as a guy. There is nothing you can wear that will please everyone. Bad argument.

>> No.8838810


>> No.8838818

You're actually agreeing with my opinion. You just don't realize it.

>> No.8838843

>agreeing with my opinion
Those weren't opinions, those were FACTS.

>> No.8838856

If any of you become cute girls take my virginity

>> No.8838871

If I become a cute girl I will become /jp/'s personal call girl. You have to pay for me to get to your home though but I will do anything sexual you ask of me except for scatological activities.

>> No.8838872

You seem to be arguing against wearing lolita fashion or certain dresses because people will judge you. The previous guy who I agree with says women have more interesting clothing than guys. My biggest problem is women think everything is slutty so we get boring ass blue jeans and guy shirts. Women dress pretty blandly these days.

>> No.8838900

Well originally he was saying he wanted to be a girl so he could wear prettier and more stylish things because he was working under the assumption that girls can wear whatever they want without criticism whereas guys will be called hipsters if they try to wear something cute and stylish. I wasn't really arguing against lolita, I'm actually very fond of it and promote anyone dressing up and not being a slob. It's just that weather you're a guy or girl you will be judged and made fun of no matter what you wear so it's okay to dress up and be spiffy and eccentric as a guy.

Sorry if I'm not making sense I'm currently on my way to being drunk with a lovely bottle of apothic red.

>> No.8838937

I saw a JAV like that once. It's DVDES-339 iirc.

>> No.8838940
File: 105 KB, 625x750, 0d9bff4a0efafbc8fa8e708eea3987b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I would like to wear something like this or hina's.
But I preffer Tenshi's due to her MARVELOUS rainbow accessory, Flan's has rainbows too but it sucks.

>> No.8838949

Being a girl would be ideal, as I'd prefer to be lesbian, their love seem so much more pure. Other than that I don't see my life being any different, I guess aside from all the cosplay type stuff (which I already do anyway) I would be pretty tomboyish.

>> No.8838954

I'm a girl Can I be one of your personal sluts? ;_;

>> No.8838972

You are trolling right?

>> No.8838973

Would you dress like a touhou?

>> No.8838977

Suck my cock dude.

>> No.8838982

Only if you're very pale, have straight teeth, a wild pubic bush, and athletically toned abs.

>> No.8838992

Things we never hear girls say in real life. Shit sucks.

>> No.8838999

I'd dress like a tow truck

>> No.8839005

Please be my wife then.

>> No.8839011

Did you lose your virginity? If so, you can have mine.

>> No.8839032

sorry I don't collect virginities

>> No.8839034

I've heard that one before. She wasn't pretty. She looked like a boy.

No thanks.

Unless you'll rape me, in which I'd love.

>> No.8839040

I've always wanted to be raped by a girl. It almost happened once when a fat girl stole a key from a friend and snuck into my bed. Unfortunately I had ejaculated three days previously in the day so I was flaccid as a wet sock and nothing could be done about it.

>> No.8839051

fuck boys fuck boys fuck boys fuck boys fuck boys fuck boys fuck boys fuck boys fuck boys fuck boys fuck boys fuck boys fuck boys fuck boys fuck boys

>> No.8839047
File: 247 KB, 462x1200, 1334100866653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would make sweet, pure, yuri love to my innocent waifu.

I would dress up in cute outfits

I would cos-play as every Touhou at cons, and show off my outfit

I would become like a big sister, and encourage /jp/ers to venture out to 3D girls

Live my life as a proud, independent, but anti-feminazi

>> No.8839052

My previous girlfriend did that when she slept over. I felt so disgusted at first, but she was interrupted by our cleaning lady calling out my name for breakfast.

It's shameful and yet so fulfilling. But it was so awkward at the time so we broke up.

>> No.8839053

would you really want a fat girl to rape you?

>> No.8839055

You have to go over three DAYS in between cumming? The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8839060


Fapping: Saving lives

>> No.8839065

She was extremely graceful and seductive in her movements for a fat girl. On a clear sunny day after a good fap I'd say "no no fat girls are abhorrent," but deep down I really want a woman to conquer my body.

>> No.8839067

So you can't even make an exception?

>> No.8839071

I know right? I think he has a problem.

My penis can cum again after 30 minutes post-fapping. And that's when I'm not turned on.

Maybe because I don't have a job and I just fap all day, and study when I'm not fapping.

>> No.8839080

well I hope you find a girl that can some day.
Just hope she doesn't get pregnant and claims that you raped her while forcing you to pay child support.

>> No.8839085

Does that really happen in the USA?

Oh god, I'm starting to get scared of finding a job there.

>> No.8839086

>three days previously in the day

He obviously meant 'three times previously in the day', sillies.

>> No.8839084

I'm sorry I meant 3 times that day. Brainfart.

>> No.8839095

Sorry, I read it as >three days previously, never thought about it being three times in the day.

>> No.8839104

You should get a vasectomy before having sex with a girl. It's reversible and you can't get a girl pregnant even if she thinks she's tricking you. You can however be accused of rape if you sleep with a drunk girl, even if she seduces you.

>> No.8839106

Sometimes yeah. No one believes that a woman can rape a man. Hell a woman could convince a man a child is his and force him to pay 18 years of child support

>> No.8839107

My heart.

>> No.8839120

Would it be better if I cut off all connections to them?
Oh dear.

I think I'll just settle with long distance relationships with Japanese women

>> No.8839137

If I were a man I'd definitely get a vasectomy before having sex with any woman.

>> No.8839151

Get straight A's in strictly academic subjects while avoiding all extra-curricular subjects because I find them boring, avoid people due to a combination of social phobia and apathy towards people. Because of this utter lack of networking, I'd see people much less deserving of me get opportunities I'm denied, and slowly start falling into complete misanthropy and contempt towards others. This would motivate me harder in my academics in my attempts to show that I'm just as deserving as the popular people of praise. Which would only feed my superiority complex, making it even more crushing to see how easy life is for other people. Leading to a downward spiral of total and utter hate towards almost everyone.
Basically, it would be highschool all over again, only this time it would be really cute because smart lonely girls are cute.

>> No.8839153

Is it truly reversible? I've heard about it once that they sometimes cut the vas deferens to make sure it shoots blanks.

>> No.8839162

It's completely reversible, no worries. I plan on getting one if I ever invest in a relationship. There's no need to be fertile until it's worth deciding to have kids. I've heard it's possible for it to even reverse itself naturally.

>> No.8839167

How much does the operation cost usually?

Oh dear. It seems I'd prefer to stay single for a while longer.

>> No.8839174

>Typically, vasectomy costs will be in the range of $500 to $1,000, depending on geographic location, the surgical technique used by the doctor and other variables. But there may be little or no out-of-pocket cost to you.

>> No.8839182

So it's probably included to insurance?

>> No.8839192
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, 673215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress like Dalian. Then masturbate, I guess.

>> No.8839193

Thankfully I'll never have sex, so I won't have to get a vasectomy

>> No.8839204

Well either way it's notging compared to possibly paying child support every month for 18 years

>> No.8839213

Ribbons, frills, and more frills.
I would settle for nothing less than being the cutest.

>> No.8839231

That poor girl.

Wait, no, maybe she could do something with my life.

>> No.8839241

masturbate, find my body and destroy it or take it back.

If I fail at that probably kill myself.

>> No.8839263

I'm more interested in what the girl would do with my body.

>> No.8839295

Unless you plan on sleeping with 1,000 women I wouldn't get a vasectomy

>> No.8839307

>That's a myth. You don't have any proof.

They have more nerve endings in their genitals which makes it a plausible assumption. They also make stupid faces when they orgasm, as opposed to men who remain fairly calm. (For example, on several occasions U.S. President Bill Clinton took phone calls in his office while receiving oral sex.) That could just be due a general lack of self-control, though.

>> No.8839375

While I do thing that females in general have more pleasurable sex because of their biology, a lot of how much enjoyment one actually get out of sex is dependent on how well conditioned and skillful the individual is. Also in the context of switch from one gender's orgasm to the other's I would imagine that the orgasm that one is not accustomed to would be more exotic and pleasurable at least in the short term.

>> No.8839410
File: 812 KB, 1024x1024, b4f1ffb9652a6e009259bdfc0c21b41f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd lose weight

>> No.8839547

>No urinate while standing up
No? That is the one advantage of being a man.

>> No.8839587

Just chiming in here with my experience, I had it done and it cost me only $100 out of pocket. Less than most otaku goods, really. Worth it to me.

Heh, I had it done anyways.

>> No.8839604


thanks for posting that image, i just read the manga, it's pretty good

>> No.8839616

I'd try to become the ideal of what I wanted in a woman when I was a man

>> No.8839759

Yeah it's really nice, glad you liked it.

>> No.8839779

Through hypnosis, mental exercises and active listening to sexually arousing music I have actually managed to feel how it's like to have a vagina, fingering myself through my tight little thong, and feeling how it's like to have a dick penetrating me, stretching my pussy and sliding in and out.

So yeah, I think the first thing I'd do would be masturbating.

>> No.8839790

Female orgasms, or at least what I think they are, feel less intense but also longer, and they feel slightly painful too, unlike male orgasms which are just the feeling of extreme arousal combined with extreme tension (shorter but stronger). It's a completely different feel though, and it's pretty rad to feel it every now and then.

>> No.8839792
File: 57 KB, 525x588, lewdfeeling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I have actually managed to feel how it's like to have a vagina, fingering myself through my tight little thong

>> No.8839811

I tell you, it feels fucking great. Being able to shape your mind into seeing and feeling what you see in porn, and on the female side of it to boot... it's just delicious.

Fuck, I'm getting so horny from just thinking about it...

>> No.8839813

What would you do if you swapped bodies with a girl in elementary schol?

>> No.8839821

What is it with people quoting an entire post instead of just linking it?

>> No.8839826

who are you quoting?

>> No.8839840

She will probably be selling your asshole to the highest bidder right away.

>> No.8839865

Elementary, my dear watson.

I become Milky Holmes.

>> No.8839910

That survey's for boys, asking what they'd do if they were girls.

Myself, I'd straight shota irl.

>> No.8840031
File: 123 KB, 850x743, nanoha x nanoha wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find myself/person i sawped with and then have hot smex......Its technicaly masterbation right?

>> No.8840073

I tried imaging what things for her would be like but the scenario turned into The Hot Chick.

>> No.8840082

According to all sexual research that's been done on orgasms, the female orgasm lasts longer, feels stronger, and comes in multiples.

This is information that comes from MRI scans of people who are brought to orgasm so it's pretty incontrovertible.

The thinking is that men, who are required to be more alert in case of hostile animals/other humans, evolved to have less intense and less long lasting orgasms than females.

Yeah, sucks.

>> No.8840379

i haven't read the science behind that but that seems like a pretty poor explanation. certainly, men would be optimized if orgasm was less draining, leaving them more alert to defend themselves, but evolution is not the same as optimization. you'd have to compare the natural selection pressures of a slight increase in alertness for the few minutes after sex vs more pleasure during sex, and you'd have to show that there's significant enough evolutionary pressure to result in tangible change. it just doesn't sound very convincing.

>> No.8840398

Well the idea is to impregnate, and the faster you can do it without them escaping the better

>> No.8840431

so my premature ejaculation is really a fitness advantage

>> No.8840439

In the days before contraception, abortion and rape suddenly being bad, anyway.

>> No.8840457
File: 988 KB, 1402x2000, 9f8219fd5095cbd2ad98c14e5a1241b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, multiple orgasms.

Every time I masturbate while focusing my mind on feeling female pleasure, I usually end up getting like 3 or 4 orgasms. Dear fuck, it's absolutely awesome and in these times I end up with my head spinning and feeling so ecstatic afterwards.

The thing I prefer about male orgasms, though, is the huge surge of endorphine I get afterwards. It's literally like being stoned, without even injecting crap into my system. Resting on my bed feels just wonderful and I usually end up drifting into a nice, comfortable sleep.

Damn, I'm feeling horny again from this kind of lewd talk...

>> No.8840469

Excuse my faggotry.
May I have sauce for the OP pic?

>> No.8840676

I would be the biggest nerd slut to ever walk the Earth

and I would spend hours in the girl's showers

>> No.8840687

Google reverse image search

>> No.8840768

Vasovasostomy is effective at achieving pregnancy in only 50%-70% of cases, and it is costly, with total out-of-pocket costs in the United States often upwards of $10,000.

>> No.8840802

ay yo nigga what anime is that from son that shit funny af

>> No.8840853

Of course I would jerk off first to finally feel how does being a girl is then feel my breasts study my body more and act like one that I have been always wanted to do.
And... I think that's it and live my whole new life.

>> No.8840863

girls cannot jerk off

>> No.8840881

Sexist pig.

>> No.8841894

I'm the anon you're responding to, and crucially, I'm not the one recommending surgery later to undo it.

The difference between us is that I don't want kids and never will. From that perspective, just $100 saved me from something I'll never want. If you feel the same, then it's a good deal.

>> No.8842620
File: 399 KB, 947x711, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of sniping your tubes, why wouldn't you want kids, personally I look forward to the prospect of raising them on nothing but anime, manga and video game. Well plus all the classic sci-fi films from my childhood. I cant imagine them not truing out as otaku.

>> No.8842625

Just like your dad tried to raise you into liking sports and being a jock?

Forcing your hobbies on your children is always silly, they will most likely end up hating it.
Let them discover what they like by themself.

>> No.8842645

Most /jp/ers have a nice host of mental illnesses. The kid would be spawned from quite the genetic cocktail, and while they might not end up otakus, it's fairly likely they will even have the capability to be normal, especially when you factor in how their upbringing would be.

>> No.8842687

My father raised me on stuff like The Road Warrior, Blade Runner, Star War, Star Trek, Stargate, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Hunt for the Red October and a host of science programs like NOVA. He made me in to a nerd, I simply explored the field and found other stuff l liked. (By the way my father hates sports, just as I do.) I would not force any thing on them that is simply what would be available to them, and if they expressed interest in other thing I would make sure they would have access to them.

>> No.8843065

>>8841894 here,
This is a cruel and disgusting world: I have seen many wrongs rewarded and many good people die. And there is little to fault for this besides humanity.

I would love my potential kids too much to force them into a world like this. I'll let the possibilities die with me.

>> No.8844245

ill probably just spend the rest of my life raping my self in anyway possible

>> No.8844667

Unprotected sex and enough abortions to build a throne out of unborn fetuses. God I love abortions, they make me so horny.
