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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8836364 No.8836364 [Reply] [Original]

I've always wondered, how did most people in /jp/ discover touhou in the first place?

Were you a /v/ fan who got involved for the bullet hell gameplay, or was it people drawn in by the hentai/fanart and they only later realized it was a shooter?

I'm the later. I would do batch downloads on newsgroups for raw doujins in the late 90s and first half of the 00's. I was generally familiar with most anime from 1995-2005, but these characters in some of the doujins were alien to me at the time. I'm guessing this was around 2003-2004 where I started to notice them, and didn't pay much attention until 2005.

It was mostly Marissa and Alice doing lewd things, but eventually it prompted me into finding out wtf it was. Even after finding out they were form a game it would be a few more years before I bothered to play any of them (maybe 2007 or 2008?)


Share your nostalgia and oldfag stories.

>> No.8836370

I watched Bad Apple and thought it was hella cool.

>> No.8836379

I found some hentai doujins about it last year and now I've been fapping to 2hus nonstop
Why the fuck should I care about anyhting else

>> No.8836383

I was banging your mother and she told me about it.

>> No.8836460

I saw that one video with tewi, where she tries to for the moon, and its set to that sekkenya song. then i got really into sekkenya, and eventually into touhou

>> No.8836461

I was a vivid follower of the doujin scene, and had bout it when it were on PC-98, and then tried it when it was made for Windows.

>> No.8836466

I really like masochistically hard games and one day I saw a screenshot of PCB.

>> No.8836485

I was curious why DoujinStyle had a separate section for Touhou so I downloaded one. After a week I was eagerly awaiting SA's release.

>> No.8836490

Downloaded the demo for Phantasmagoria of Flower View somewhere, sat on my computer for a while. Played it one day and thought it was pretty cool. Didn't know it was called touhou though, never pursued it further. Eventually discovered /jp/ through clone-army and realized that crazy shooter game i had was touhou and the rest is history.

>> No.8836521
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I believe that if you're on the internet long enough, you'll always see Touhou popping up here and there, but you won't know what it truly is. For example, you'll see a cute anime girl and ask the source of it. Most of the time, the response will be Touhou. Or you'll see a really cool video like Bad Apple, and find out it's from that big thing called Touhou. Then you'll find out that Touhou isn't an anime and you'll be even more confused.

Eventually, the curiosity will get to you and you'll search google to find out what this huge Touhou thing is really about. The wikipedia definition is confusing at first, so you spend several hours on different sites just reading about what the heck Touhou is. It sounds interesting so you download one of the games, and it all starts from there.

That's how it was for me, anyway

>> No.8836543

I was an anime fan who was bombarded by spam every single day of 2007 and when /jp/ split off I emigrated here accepting that I would be bombarded by spam every single minute.

>> No.8836545

It was 1987 and I was only about 38 and some guy comes up to me and says, "Hey do you know what the Touhou Project is?" and I said, "Yeah man I've been playing it since I was 7," because I discovered it in 1954.

>> No.8836547

You're too primary for me, man.

>> No.8836550

/tg/ wouldn't shut the fuck up about it so I gave it a go. A couple weeks later, moot added /jp/ so I gradually migrated here, asking retarded questions about WHATS MARISSA AND HOW DO I MAKE HER DO THAT SPELL THING WHAT SHE DOES.

>> No.8836556

Discovering Yukari did it for me.
I needed to know who she was and what she was up to. I immediately fell in love with her and the world she watched over.

>> No.8836558

/tg/? Really?
Were they talking about that one silly Touhou tabletop that no one on here seems to like or something?

>> No.8836561

In late 2002 the neckbeard who rented our basement showed it to me.

I owe him a lot.

>> No.8836567


>> No.8836584

Cirno spam > Games > Music > Hentai > Official manga > Doujin manga

>> No.8836591

No, they just discussed fantasy settings a lot and Touhou kept coming up. Early /tg/ was kind of weird like that, people pretty much discussed anything.

>> No.8836601

I came to /jp/ because it seemed like a really cool board and better than /a/. Then I thought, what is this 2hu?
The gameplay was flashy and bright as hell with fast paced music and it looked good to play. That's how I like my videogames.

>> No.8836598
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An avatar tripfags from /k/ used to post a lot of pics of Marisa. And then I came to /jp/ and some anons told me to start playing Touhou 6.

>> No.8836609
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What the fuck happend to me? I used to be a hardcore commando, now I want to become a little girl, go to Gensokyo and marry Koishi

>> No.8836614

It's easy to do both, you know?
Sometimes even at the same time.

>> No.8836616
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I started hanging out in /v/ in 2004 so I knew what PCB was but never played it, but didn't know it was related to the Touhou hijacks that occurred in later years until I saw a Ran art dump (image related) and she became my favorite toohoo. After that I downloaded EoSD to get started and so it goes.

I'm thankful for Touhou. I enjoyed playing Recca and Gradius in high school, but /jp/ later turned me on to other danmaku games, including Dai-Ou-Jou, which has replaced PCB as my favorite.

>> No.8836625

A friend showed me

>> No.8836627

I had the game presented to me quite a while ago by a Japanese friend. It didn't draw my attention back then, but I kept it saved nevertheless. A few years later I got into the fanart somehow and it made me look for the games.
Yet I guess I should be recognized as a secondary anyway. Should have sticked to my friend's suggestion so I'd be a couple years into it earlier.

>> No.8836630


I think the Alice tripfag was on /k/ long before Marissa and his FiveseveN threads, but I guess Marissa drew far more heat because he (or his dad) had some decent guns.

>> No.8836633

I'm not a fan, but was checking dem flashes at some random imageboard and some of those were quite interesting, but I never gave them a second thought.

Some years later I realized those were from Toho.

>> No.8836640
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It really is inexplicable how much /k/ and /jp/ overlap. You really saw it back when /jp/ loved WoT.

>> No.8836816

I once went to the house of a guy I met while playing RO, and when I got there he was playing EoSD. I asked him about it, but didn't give it much thought. Later, Touhou hijacks on /a/ made me end up into it.

I always guessed Touhou hijacks and Cirnospam were to blame for most people knowing about Touhou on 4chan in general nowadays.

>> No.8836928

Quite this.

Welcome to the internet => Wondrous world of Japanese animation => Art and manga everywhere => This cute girls are from... Touhou? => Touhou not an anime?! => (several years timeskip) => Whatever, let's finally try and play this (why not?)

'sage' for no reason whatsoever

>> No.8839684

I used to browse /f/ a lot in 2006 and 2007, and saw a few IOSYS flashes. No idea what touhou was at the time.

Actually had a classmate in highschool introduce me to the games, then I made the connection. And now here I am. What a long strange trip its been...

>> No.8839691

>Were you a /v/ fan

Don't disgrace us with the idea of ever being from that place.

>> No.8839687

The annoying Touhou hijacks on /a/.

>> No.8839722

Played EoSD some years ago after searching for "extremely hard shooting games" or something of that sort in google. Didn't think much of it so I played it a bit then deleted it. A few years later I realized that the same "Touhou" music I began listening to was from that series of games I played years ago. Decided to pick up the games again and played them heavily for 2 years and then stopped recently because I wasn't making progress and am now just a full time secondary.
