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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 371 KB, 646x512, 1333328849550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8836361 No.8836361 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread 404'd
Previous thread:>>8813783

Post your IP if you are hosting followed by world location (with continent and area is ok, I.E Western europe) and your own "tier" if you feel like to.

About the game:
(shamelessly copied from the wiki)
Touhou Hisoutensoku is the third fighting game in the Touhou Project and like its predecessors, Immaterial and Missing Power and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Touhou Hisoutensoku is a collaboration between ZUN and Twilight Frontier. Due to that collaboration, its art was drawn by Alphes and the music was composed by U2 Akiyama, both from Twilight Frontier.

Download link:

Hisoutensoku + 1.10 patch + english patch:

For playing online it's recommended to have the latest version, 1.10a which you can find the patches for here:


SWR + English patch:

Optionally there is also a Voice mod found here:

Before playing online please close any process that uses bandwith to avoid lag, also try to play with people close to your area if possible.

Also vote on this if you want.

>> No.8836376

Smack them with your fist

>> No.8836637

Anyone hosting?

>> No.8836678 (US West)
Lunatic Tier
West/Central only please.

I'm actually planning to go for a long session today.

>> No.8837972

Who are you hosting? tier

>> No.8837969

Wow this is dead today.

>> No.8838017

hm, try one more time

>> No.8838152
US West

>> No.8838578

HOLY SHIT way to mash buttons in latency rofl fucking FAGGOT face me 1v1 PoFV and see what happens fucking scrub BITCH

>> No.8838699

say that to my facefucker not online and see what happens

>> No.8838760

GGs Ganondorf.

I don't know if you want tips or not, but you mostly ignore delayed things like Komachi wisps, Yukari's gold sparks spell, and Yuyuko's 2-card reversal where the butterflies don't come out right away. You might hit them, but generally it's just not worth it for the damage you risk. Also seems like you play with the intent of landing that white sword cancel combo a little too hard...

>> No.8838775
File: 22 KB, 475x350, 1334141643722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8838806

Tips are good
Yukari, Komachi, Alice are pains in my head so I have trouble
The delay things I really don't notice I'm blind to them

>> No.8838851
File: 363 KB, 646x485, 12.3 CRAZY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8839698

Meiling jumping/super jumping gif would be nice

>> No.8839941
File: 1.81 MB, 320x240, 1298732963428.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a super jumping gif with meiling, if that counts.

>> No.8839958

Wanted Meiling to do the jumping but a Sanae is fine too

>> No.8840496

How do you play PoFV online? Is it the same way as Soku?

>> No.8840510

Similar, yes. /jp/ used to have occasional PoFV threads, but there hasn't been enough interest in a long time. Besides, all of the regulars of those threads formed their own IRC channel, and even they are tired of it now.

>> No.8840523

So does that mean we can play PoFV? Now im intersted

>> No.8840531
ON, Canada.
Masochistic Papillon tier

>> No.8840536

connection failed

>> No.8840540

Ah, I'm gonna give up trying to host.

>> No.8840543

check firewalls made by the antivirus

>> No.8840547

Sure, if you want to. Here's an outdated, but still useful pastebin from the channel.


You can also hop into #PoFV on Rizon for help.

>> No.8840559

Ah thanks! I really appreciate it!

>> No.8840557
File: 1.57 MB, 326x200, 1331152279303.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8840557 EU

>> No.8840565

Its not working

>> No.8840673

GGs , thanks for the games.

>> No.8840674

gg, real yuyuko fights melee only

>> No.8840679


do i just copy and paste that url into my browser?

i'm afraid to try

>> No.8840682

what... no?
copy it ""
and then open 12.3
go to network
Connect IP from Clipboard

>> No.8840686 [DELETED] 



is there like, instructions i can google?

like..where do i open "network?"

>> No.8840690

you are like the most retarded person ive talked to, congrats

>> No.8840692


I just DLed the game, didn't know what he meant by 12.3, but i got it now

>> No.8840703

lol, what the hell did you think this thread was about?

>> No.8840732


i thought we could spectate through our browsers or something

>> No.8840781
File: 41 KB, 176x240, asset.JPG?id=1000000263&ext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8841313

Get a load of this baka.

>> No.8842021

Who wanna go?

>> No.8842240 (US West)
Lunatic Tier
West and Central only please.

>> No.8842262

Anyone hosting?

>> No.8842290 EU only, please.

Let's go.

>> No.8842327

Not working

>> No.8842449

My bad; should be okay now. Rehosting.

>> No.8842500
File: 48 KB, 367x480, 49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Host from the North of Europe
49% winratio tier

>> No.8842508



>> No.8842548



>> No.8842555

The lag at the end was unplayable and during the whole match I had the worst lage with you, that one that happens only in the middle of comboes or on wake up.
Anyway good games. I ope we can play sometime without that annoying lag.

>> No.8842559


How in the fuck?

>> No.8842565

GGs. My hack is working fine I see.

>> No.8842569

ggs its its lagging too hard on my side tho

>> No.8842572

Magic, I tell you.

>> No.8842580


ggs Makoto, delay was rather heavy, was thinking it just crashed since it went off during loading screen but I guess you are finished since you didn't reconnect


>> No.8842611

sry, food came

>> No.8842614


ggs Mokou


>> No.8842617

4 control rods on both players CH and maximum level

>> No.8842629
File: 8 KB, 100x65, mean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do my brother leave the fucking windows open every night tier.

>> No.8842767


ggs Shmoop, you are trying to abuse the lag pretty hard with random Remilia 22 and trickster devil and yuyu 2B2C but while you do get some random hits with that, it won't pay you good in the long run

>> No.8842774

GGs Sitha, I give up on , I'm tired of missing dial A with faster characters, or missing on a one on one aerial fight, my reaction time is shit, I don't even know how I clear the integers in Lunatic seeing how people here destroy me on reflexes.

>> No.8842801

that not reflexes, its the way you do stuff

>> No.8842807


You are making the assumption that everyone plays on reflexes, I don't have any reflexes either, you just need to plan ahead, you have the problem of using the same patterns so I don't as much react to them as I start responding before you even start doing them

>> No.8842881

GGs, I've always wanted to play melty blood.

>> No.8842884

GGs Chiruno. Komachi sure doesn't like Yuyuko. I guess I need a lot more practice in terms of bullet play on her.

It was fun, but you shouldn't be tossin out all those unsafe moves.

>> No.8842889

Are you suggesting I should use 2B more?

>> No.8842897

Nah, I'm suggesting you play more safe. If anything, you use too wayy too many moves. Your bullet cover is good enough to approach with caution instead of trying to catch opponents grazing.

Wake up yuyuko game is cool too, but you shouldn't be doing anything but blocking on wake up (unless specific cases in which you know you should use something, like reversal card on red inch crush trap.)

Most of the damage I got off you was blocking your unsafe yuyuko fans/reversal specials.

>> No.8842905

So how should I avoid 2AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?

>> No.8842922

From Meiling/Youmu? Most people do a short hop back and that pretty much forces us to back off or jump in the air after you (which you'll have the advantage of winning Air to Air). Other than that, you should just block it. Sooner or later they will have to dash to stay in or push you back, but if they're good, they'll mix it up with bullet play/heavy attacks/short 2a strings.

Honestly your best bet when under pressure like that is try to block correctly and wait for your way out. Trying to mash out or attack them isn't really wise, especially if they're good. Find a way to escape the pressure till you're back on even ground with them.

>> No.8842963
US East
Above average

>> No.8843005

Hisouko died on me, sorry bout that.

>> No.8843238

Is anyone hosting? Im not very good compared to you guys though. . .

>> No.8844054
File: 167 KB, 600x498, 1330151458029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, it's Thursday and I don't feel quite like working on homework papers/assignments. Help me take my mind off of it /JP/.

Hosting @ We can have a threesome with me, Reisen, and you in the middle tier.

>> No.8844065

Im in

>> No.8844149
File: 711 KB, 907x1280, 1285808059706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


GGs aRviera/Anon. Didn't play for too long, I'm assuming you either got super discouraged or something came up. Let's play again sometime.

I also forgot to mention that I'm US West. If any of you are really picky on input lag, it would help if you know where I'm coming from.

Game's up again.

>> No.8844151

Damn your good! Put me in my place. Had a few close rounds but no matches. Good games though

>> No.8844164
South America
I prefer low delay, but anyone is welcome.

>> No.8844180

Im in

>> No.8844250

To who was playing with me, sorry for the lag. Im rehosting:
South America
I prefer low delay, but anyone is welcome.

>> No.8844252
File: 124 KB, 850x850, sample-93daebc3343174339b7d2554ace3fbc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Central Mexico
Give it a try

>> No.8844272

Well at least i got a win, Good games Dude! That was fun

>> No.8844307

Are you still going to host? There sure is a lack of South American hosts.

>> No.8844327

I'll never host! You'll never catch me /jp/!

>> No.8844332

GGs kinda laggy though

>> No.8844339

I'm hosting now.

>> No.8844378

It's rare to me to be able to find someone to play with so few lag like you.

>> No.8844381

GG's. I think I'll take the round I won and leave with my head hung down.

Still, it's good to know there's kinsmen out there who enjoy Touhou!

>> No.8844387

ℳℴℯ tier

>> No.8844393


Still hosting?

>> No.8844399

Aren't you guys worried about posting your IP on 4chan?

>> No.8844409


>> No.8844410

You can't do shit with an IP other than find out the city that the person lives in. Quit watching CSI.

>> No.8844413

I'm more afraid of how big a fag you are.

>> No.8844417

are those sprites real? i couldn't find them in the data files, and don't remember seeing them ingame either.

>> No.8844418

I'm only kind of a fag.

>> No.8844424

Remilia here. Good match. <3

>> No.8844432
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, 1311224530434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was fun, though really short...

>> No.8844445


Sorry, I'm trying to get this to work with a friend. Something is wrong with his connection. I just played the match to see if there was something wrong with my connection. Sorry. ;~;

We just started playing this game about a week ago. xD Surprised how good the people on here are.

>> No.8844458
File: 82 KB, 439x620, b6ca3656339f14c55807c52a60bc2aebe0cf49d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Ganon.

Meh... those last two matches sucked. How do you camp me with Meiling, of all characters? It would make sense if you played someone like Patchy or Alice who are, given that fact, suppose to be annoying and campy. But not Meiling, nrrr~.

Well who am I to talk I guess? I play Reisen. I suppose I just have to be patient if I'm going to deliver the same drugs to people.

I guess I also need to stop autopiloting. You need to slow down sometimes, man. I did especially well when I fished out your silly habits of teching all over the places and mashing anytime we traded hits.

I think I'll host one more game before I call it a night. I need someone else to play. No offense Ganon, it just gets boring playing the same person for too long.

>> No.8844464
File: 18 KB, 283x325, 1281594696758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting for a bit. Headache and wanna nap tier.

>> No.8844491

can this game be played fine with a keyboard? I don't have a gamepad

>> No.8844497


I'm done. Tired of getting eaten. ;~;

>> No.8844503

GGs. Don't let it get to you, it's just an experience difference.

Those games only made my head worse ;_;

>> No.8844507


Go take some medicine and go to sleep. xD

>> No.8844590


Without a problem. A few people actually prefer the keyboard.

>> No.8844605


Ugh sorry about thrashing Yukari
Rabbit man pissed me off somehow

>> No.8844857
File: 282 KB, 723x1023, 396264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, how convenient after just talking about respecting your opponent.

I need more practice against Suika. God she's so freaking good.

Thanks for the games. Probably about time I call it quits, with my hands beginning to blister.

>> No.8844864

GGs, i got tired after a few matches and i didnt want to break my pad more, you got a nice reisen but i think you can improve her even more

>> No.8844867 [DELETED] 
File: 198 KB, 787x783, 4479262797_7e00b88882_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US west/central, continental divide. Normal/Hard AI tier.

>> No.8844880
File: 345 KB, 670x1024, 54f3b9c71f0bda40e1a9b5404bdd14a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In that case, play with me more.

I know you're right that I can improve. I have not the motivation though when I get too many laggy connections and people who don't challenge me or get better as I play them more and more.

There isn't much reason to get even better unless you have a lot of competition at the top with you. :/

>> No.8844892

What if you just wanna beat the crap out of the other person can that be motivation also?

>> No.8844897
File: 90 KB, 600x687, dacfe316958c9e80fc2bd651ee3c74d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw i still got hit a lot by reisen 214b i cant stand it too much just like her 66a. Now that i see this threads returned ill be playing here until i regain my rusty skills maybe a few weeks, hope we`ll play again soon

>> No.8844900

South America
I prefer low delay, but anyone is welcome.

>> No.8844917
File: 363 KB, 900x1200, 1280465988433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Uhm... It only goes so far Anon. You eventually get bored and frustrated if the other person isn't making any progress or trying to adapt. I want to work with my opponents to achieve high/top level play at the same time. That would prove once and for all that I am worthy of being called a top-level (Reisen) player. That's where my motivation truly lies.

It's unfortunate, but it's really hard to see what I need to work on unless I'm being punished for it time and time again. That's why I need others to help point these flaws out. Hell, I know I still have some habits I had from months back. I can't find what they are partly because of this, and I just... don't play the game enough. Ahehe.

>> No.8844929
File: 566 KB, 1024x1024, 3350fc3849214d70d0c5dd79a6285531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep that in mind next time fight you

>> No.8845010

That was my first motivation to improve, when i started I couldnt defeat anyone but as i continued playing and
fighting against different opponents i eventually became good

I think you can start by turning off the autopilot and focus on how the opponent plays, i know some bad habits and i have lots of those, but when you take them and focus on how to read the opponent style, you`ll be truly a top-reisen.
Try different approaches and learn to defeat without being on the corner, dont waste all your cores and dont repeat the same pattern and combos all the matches

>> No.8845029

I'm still hosting.

>> No.8845065

I want to play with you, sir.

>> No.8845116

I feel like this is the most obvious thing, but I am pretty stupid when it comes to this stuff. I'm trying to play with someone but our IP address has less numbers than they provide, how do you work around that?

>> No.8845130

Wait what. Just post the IP number at the address.txt and try to connect. Should be something easy.

>> No.8845151


Likely forgetting the fifth series of numbers that come after the colon, which I believe is the port number.

>> No.8845187

ggs Eduardo, sorry for the terrible matches. I'll leave the ip open for someone closer next time.

>> No.8845192

GGs, sorry for the lag.

>> No.8845203 [DELETED] 

Eduardo stills hosting? I want to play with someone from south america.

>> No.8845263

South America (Northern part)

Low tier.

>> No.8845437

Thanks for the games. Distance is unfortunate.

>> No.8845614

Hosting at

US West, low tier player.

>> No.8845655


I'll bump once. I really want to play~

>> No.8845678

Connection failed.

>> No.8845718
File: 270 KB, 2400x1192, 1282194312790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm in there tier.

>> No.8845919
File: 45 KB, 411x584, took-3-days-to-respawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too laggy for me..

anyone hosting on SEA?

>> No.8845954
File: 162 KB, 641x481, www.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8845954 US east
I can barely beat lunatic AI tier

>> No.8846013
File: 79 KB, 850x478, 357957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Midwest US

>> No.8846077

Thanks for the games, Renee. Meiling and Komachi are both characters against which I need more experience.

>> No.8846079

T dieded! GGs though. I really need some better mix ups on my Komachi~

I can't tell which one is your main, Youmu maybe? Yukari felt more refined, but then again I didn't play her with the same character.

>> No.8846115

>I can't tell which one is your main, Youmu maybe? Yukari felt more refined, but then again I didn't play her with the same character.
I'm not sure if I have one. Yukari, Yuyuko, Youmu, Patchouli, Sakuya, Reimu, Sanae, Utsuho, dunno. I just cycle through the same 8 randomly, never really getting good at anyone. I enjoy playing with Sanae and Yukari the most, I think, but they're probably not my best.

>> No.8846225

I second this, Renee. I have never played against a Komachi before this, so it was hard to tell what your moves did..

That and you were much more aggressive than anyone I have ever played.

>> No.8846226

Awwww that's gay. Thanks for sticking around with me Fumo. That was really fun.

That was my first time playing Tenshi against someone, but I think we both know I didn't really know what I was doing. She can combo soo much, all I have to do is spam skills. I won't lay a hand on Remi again, even though she was my first main, I completely can't control her anymore.

>> No.8846232

I could tell you weren't used to that much pressure so I tried to slow it down a bit. I didn't want to seem abusive.

>> No.8846233

Did you disconnect? Or was that me?

>> No.8846240

Ah, don't worry about that. You should just play the way you always do. I won't learn if you take it easy on me~. I appreciate the thought though.

>> No.8846245

It was probably my internet. It's been acting up periodically. I took it as a sign to call it quits though. I actually do want to play some more, but I really need to moderate myself..

Play me again soon~

Will do, I look forward to next time.

>> No.8846251

still hosting!

>> No.8846274


gg Purin. The road is long.

>> No.8846283

Dear god, I'm deleting this game for good.

>> No.8846288

gg though, hope you had some fun

>> No.8846311

Send me them replays!

>> No.8846322
File: 488 KB, 240x200, 1327442703531waha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't save any of them

>> No.8846380
of the host of the Europe of the North
Has not slept tier

>> No.8846386


It is silly fun yes, but you didn't lose that badly yet. There are more better players out there. Though that is your decision to stay with this game or not.

gg FumoFumo. I didn't expect that one china j2a in the air to connect on the left corner since I always seem to miss the timing most of the time.

>> No.8846414


ggs, uh, sorry I forgot the name already, you should consider a bit more what buttons to press and when


>> No.8846447

Hey, gg. Sorry to ditch so soon, but I can barely keep my eyes open.

>> No.8846480

Son of a bitch. Cant seem to connect to anyone without horrible lag

>> No.8846504
South America
I prefer low lag/delay but everyone is welcome.

>> No.8846543

sry about ditching u. but its gonna lag

>> No.8846554 [DELETED] 

No problem.
I'm hosting again.

>> No.8846559

No problem.
I'm hosting again.

>> No.8846616


looks like no more bites today, I shall host again another day

>> No.8847490 EU
Lost memory tier.

>> No.8847585

requesting EU host

>> No.8847588

Sorry, my router restarted.
Rehosting at

>> No.8847591

Random disconnect?
Anyways, ggs. I just can't win at zoning, and just fold under pressure.

>> No.8847606 EU north/west 1.10a

>> No.8847665

thanks for the games
i have never seen suwako be that bouncy
i have much to learn

>> No.8847673

>>8847588 look at >>8847591

Yeah, you need some more experience. It seemed like you had no idea what your characters could do.

>> No.8847696

that's pretty accurate, i have only played with irl friends
where can i read up and become better?
i seriously don't know how to do probably half the attacks

>> No.8847767

Here's a wiki. I never used it myself, though. Learning through experience helped me more.

>> No.8847764 EU only, please.

>> No.8847768

Good games Drewbie, the lag was pretty bad but shikata ga nai

>> No.8847777

Sorry shmoop, but i rly can't do anything with that lagg, it screws up everything I was even having a hard time jump canceling my attacks, we usually don't have this much lagg playing so it was sad to see it was this bad this time, but see you around and hope to have some matches soon again

>> No.8847783

Yeah haven't played you in a while, must be my end, I had pretty bad lag yesterday too.

>> No.8847798


Are you still hosting? I'm getting 'connection failed'

>> No.8847808


Also, is there some sort of steam group for this? seems awkward to organize through here

>> No.8847970


>> No.8847978

GGs, pedom. Grow some manners and you'll be fine, pal.

>> No.8848008

I was playing. Normally you'd get a spec prompt, but not always as the netplay code is unstable.

There are, but most of them have horrible communities. /jp/ is no exception, but it's easier for me personally to tolerate on an imageboard.>>8847764

>> No.8848029

Awkward post composition; I meant to reply to >>8847808, then announce a rehost of this: >>8847764

>> No.8848048 EU
I believe in myself tier

>> No.8848064


>> No.8848155
South America
I prefer low lag/delay, but everyone is welcome.

>> No.8848189

GGs, Mokou; the game froze. Stick to your guns, i.e. Reisen, stop playing like an asshole and you'll actually get good at this game.

>> No.8848201

Sorry can´t play with that much lag.

>> No.8848221

>playing like an asshole
How so?

>> No.8848228
File: 327 KB, 1100x1200, 1323963444748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having trouble forwarding ports with my new ISP, looking for someone to play EC.

>> No.8848239

Hosting again.
Yeah I prefer to play without lag too but sadly I live far away from everyone.

>> No.8848255

Mashing, abusing lag, provoking gestures, etc. Either that or you're really trying to hard.

>> No.8848288

i mash intuitively, have no idea how to abuse lag, provoking gestures? deal with them.

>> No.8848343

Host from the North of Europe

>> No.8848352
File: 926 KB, 1600x1200, 1278927605122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashing intuitively? I lol'd hard. You're probably only winning with your "intuitive" mashing because of lag, which is why you're said to be abusing it.

Hosting for a bit. I'm wayyy to lazy to clean my room for tonight, so I'm gonna waste time here!

>> No.8848360

Hosting at >>8842629

>> No.8848365


The hell are provoking gestures? It's not like there is a taunt.

>> No.8848411

>mash intuitively
What's that even supposed mean? Do you mean poking and knowing your footsies, as in actual game insight? You didn't do or show any of this in-game, so I can't imagine. In any case you mash poorly, and in lag it automatically becomes lag abusage. The skills and strats you favor with Remi supports this statement as well as your general game behavior.

Don't get me wrong, I've played too much of this game to get provoked or scared of anything in it. You asked and I answered. If you don't like my advice then I'm sorry.

>> No.8848431


>> No.8848438

East coast. He probably means you shouldn't take pride in the way you play, being that you mash and "abuse" lag.

Note I'm not saying you do, I'm just making clear what he means.

Still hosting~

>> No.8848448 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, I don't know understand what you are saying~

>> No.8848465

Sorry for referring to you in >>8848438

I see you probably isn't the same person in question. You can still do things while your opponent is dead, or camp for a bit while you're winning. Those things are pretty provocative

>> No.8848478

>The hell are provoking gestures? It's not like there is a taunt.
Have you ever heard of playing BM? This is apparent in games that actually have some meta-gaming to speak of. The meta-game defines a number of things, among them what is conveived to be bad mannered play. You don't need hard-coded taunts to be able to provoke your opponents in a competetive game.

>> No.8848531

i always thought of it as a skill, not as a bad mannered play. If you want to win you do anything for it(not extreme cases like cheating ofc)

>> No.8848550

can you just watch the games? or if you enter a "server?" do you have to play

>> No.8848552 [DELETED] 

I don't think you understand what he means.


Don't make me clean. Please.

>> No.8848580


ggs Ganondorf, got too spiky in the end, I can't handle that

You still keep having the problem that your answer to everything is trying to dash forwards, I can get so many free hits by staggering melee or simply by non airtight melee specials. You also give me too much space, if you do two backdashes before you start moving in to attack, you give me ages to prepare nasty things for you to run into.

>> No.8848591

Apropos provoking play, things like mashing, abusing objectively broken game mechanics and/or unbalanced game properties, abusing lag, playing nonsensical, and generally abusive and cheap play can also be conceived as provocative. Some might say that there's a fine line between playing original, your own way or as pure entertainment, and playing provocative, but really it's not. It's simply about respecting your opponent and doing your share to have good games. I can cut beginners some slack, but I still think it's good advice to kindly point it out to eachother should it be the case that the given advice is due.

Again I don't particularely mind any of this, it's just a natural hazard of hosting to people you don't know, but I do think that it's a nice thing to talk about none the less.

>> No.8848614


When it comes to keeping the opponent in the corner i rather not for some reason

>> No.8848619

No... Just connect, then select don't play a match. It'll join with the intent to spectate. If there isn't a game going, it'll say "the game has not started yet".

If you join a match that's already in progress, it'll say "Already playing. Spectate?"

>> No.8848621
File: 666 KB, 350x197, 1327006956460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone be so kind as to telling me what j. or f. means when used in a command like j.5A?

>> No.8848623

>> No.8848624

The main point of mashing is that it doesn't require any skills to do it - you just push buttons no matter the circumstances. Mashing is the the manifesto of lazy play in any 2D fighting game. It's irrelevant whether you're "better" at mashing than others. I must stress that it's with good intentions that I point out this. I take no joy in proving others wrong, I just want you to evolve your play, and hopefully have you emerge as a better and more respectable player.

>> No.8848627

Jump is j

>> No.8848634

j = jumping, which means doing that command on mid-air
f = far, which means being one character away from your foe.
Also you will find the term CH which means counter hit, and D6 or 66, they are different things. 66 is air dash and D6 is flying to the front.

>> No.8848635

I thought so, what about f?

>> No.8848637


>> No.8848650


f is only used with 5A and it means far since 5A is different if you are further away while close it leads to 5AAAA

>> No.8848645
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Thanks a lot, that should help me quite a bit

>> No.8848655

I was wondering why I sometimes did that one attack instead of my 5AAAA combo, it's been bugging me for quite some time

>> No.8848658


I'm not sure why you would want to not keep your opponent in the corner since them being in the corner means that you can do better combos if you hit and also they have limited options to move since there is no space. Sure it's fine to play loose pressure where you don't stop them from doing anything but instead just try to keep the advantage but simply letting them get back on equal footing for no good reason is a bit counter productive.

>> No.8848667


okay thanks

>> No.8848670

There are some characters that are better baiting the opponent in the middle of the screen than corner, though corner will always be more safe. Some examples are Alice and Remi, they are pretty good on midscreen, though their corner pressure is still safe if you don't screw it.

>> No.8848691

To keep someone in the corner means to capitalize on your skills in zoning with oki and misc strats/gestures with a given character. As long as you don't rely on mid-stage strings you'll have a clear advantage when preassuring your opponent in the corner, so there's no reason not to go for the corner preassure. It is by design easier to preassure and deal damage to your opponent close to the corner than otherwise. If you avoid this then that tells me that you're insecure with your preassure game. To preassure is more than half the fun in a fighting game, and is subjectively the easiest way to earn satisfaction in sucussfully executing. My point is that I urge you to devote at least half of your offense to preassuring, the rest being pure damage dealing.

>> No.8848699

so i downloaded the game..installed the patch into the 12.3 folder, but i can't connect still

and the game the patch created when i insatlled it won't even open

what did i do wrong /jp/

>> No.8848718

Follow the patch instructions on the page, there is a very important note.

>> No.8848725


>NOTE: In order for the entire cast to be available, you must have TH10.5 installed and your TH12.3 installation's configex123.ini must have the following lines in it:

this it?

>> No.8848731
South America
I prefer low lag/delay, but everyone is welcome.

>> No.8848738

no, in the patch notes, when patching it tells you to change some route that has tasofro bla bla bla 12.3 etc... to the folder you are going to install it, and remove that th12.3 thing, just search it, it´s on the patch notes on the page.

>> No.8848740 USA central
Spam and Mash tier

>> No.8849523
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There's #Hisouten on the IRC if you find that match-making on /JP/ to be a bit inconvenient.


But I want Reisen to be provoking. ;_;


Not the kind of attitude you want, bro. Unless you don't mind that people will stop playing with you after so much of it.


Have you ever heard of teabagging?


Don't be a scrub, man. The only thing that's considered ban-worthy in this game is a particular scaling reset glitch with Iku and her alternate grab skill.

Some of what you mentioned is just good play on the opponents' end and by no means are they suppose to to adjust their play so as to provide you with a more "fun" time. It's your responsibility to adapt, overcome the obstacles, and be the winner at the end.


Hey now, if this were Mario party, mashers would be Gods at certain mini-games. :X


All this aside, I suppose I'll be hosting @ >>8844054. You now cannot unsee that Reisen's 3-card bunny potion is an aphrodisiac-tier.

>> No.8849536

>Reisen's 3-card bunny potion
what does that card even do?

>> No.8849539 EU
Lunatic tier

>> No.8849567
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Increases Reisen's defense and her offense.

The 4th use, which you'll almost never see unless the Reisen is being silly or has some funky Diamond Dust set-up, blows her up.

>> No.8849573

Reisen blowing up?
gonna check this out

>> No.8849591

Had to go to the bathroom. Rehosted.

>> No.8849596


Man she doesnt even do damage to herself that sucks

>> No.8849665
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Central Mexico
Rusty tier

>> No.8849672


GGs, that was painful. First time playing online, was pleased to see that lag was so insignificant. You're really good

>> No.8849681
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Ha, you have a point.

Then again, though, sine we're in Genskoyo we are suppose to abandon any old sense of logic we had. That includes taking no damage from implosions.

Anyway, GGs Eric/Anon. Game's up. I also forgot to mention again that I'm from US West, so yeah.

>> No.8849772
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ggs, had to go... God dammit i suck now.

>> No.8849781


>> No.8849887 (US West)
Lunatic Tier
West/Central only please.

>> No.8849945

Haven't gotten anyone recently. I'll call it a night here.

>> No.8850084

Am I ready for nettoplayu if I can 1cc arcade modo on Lunatic?

>> No.8850104

You'll probably still get beaten but you can't really improve much more with the AI at that point. Go for it.

>> No.8850161

If anything, you can just consider yourself at the starting line. Lunatic AI is really a given for anyone to be able to defeat. Not to mention, 1CC is really easy with any character because all you really need to do is spam bullets and just know a tad bit of grazing.

Netplay is where stuff gets difficult since you need to learn how blockstring/combo/BE correctly/ etc etc. and whatnot.

>> No.8850186

anyone else hosting? chip damage tier.

>> No.8850256
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How the hell do i avoid getting raped by Patchy? She simply has to keep spamming those fireballs that spread out all over the screen, and I will be unable to get out of being hit by them. Then the solar flare card basically 1 hit kills me in the second round every time.

>> No.8850257 ec/cen Spinning Rainbows 67 degrees with a slight chance of acid.

>> No.8850280

Are there any youtube channels where I can find high level hisoutensoku videos? It would be fun to see how a good Suwako looks in action.

>> No.8850298

my suggestion is graze in, wait until she runs out of orbs to spam, and then go in for the kill. alternatively block it all.

>> No.8850325


Uh, what's a BE?

>> No.8850346

Border Escape

>> No.8850380

Hosting at

US West, low AI tier.

>> No.8850391


Let me know if you can't connect, I've been having some problems hosting lately and I'd rather not sit here forever~

>> No.8850416


One bump.

>> No.8850422


Tried connecting, gave me a Failed to Connect

>> No.8850426


Damnit. Do you feel like hosting? I'd really like to play.

>> No.8850434

too hard milk. I use to be good at this game but that China wrecked me.

>> No.8850444


gg Railgun. Do you believe you can mash out on wake up and win most of the time or something? I don't understand that.

>> No.8850456


Renee's China? Well, taking a break from it will make you rusty unless you tell yourself this is soku.

>> No.8850472


Unfortunately I'm not close enough to US West to get non-lagging games. Was just helping you out with testing.

>> No.8850473

Put bluntly, vs a patchi, it's literally a battle of patience. Though her normals are strong, without much set up, you can call them practically useless. Her bullets are one of the best in this game however, and her fireball spam isn't really a "spam" due to the fact that you can triangle dash/graze in this game. Abusing that, you shouldnt be getting hit by at least 90% of the fireballs.

Patchi is good at punishing mindless rushdowns, and usually that requires you to 'force' her into a bad position before even trying the offensive and that in and of itself isnt very easy. Against lower tier patchs though, you can just play punish style and win really.

Otherwise, its really a matter of patience. First to lose patience wins, and yes, some patchis do have the endurance to make the game go on for longer than 15 minutes.

Also at that: (US West)
Lunatic Tier
West/Central only please.

>> No.8850478


Okay, thanks anyway.

>> No.8850500


GG's. Way out of my league ;_;

>> No.8850504

Thanks for the games. Aha, don't worry about it. You'll get there soon ^^;;

>> No.8850600

Replies in late, but I'm sure the thread will be around for the rest of the week.

>Don't be a scrub, man.
Don't yourself. I made an effort to make it apparent that my post was based on a hypothetical level about fighting games and userbase etiquette in general, independent of personal bias. I specifically wrote that I don't mind much of anything in this game, or else I wouldn't be playing it.

>Some of what you mentioned is just good play on the opponents' end and by no means are they suppose to to adjust their play so as to provide you with a more "fun" time. It's your responsibility to adapt, overcome the obstacles, and be the winner at the end.
All of this I agree with fullheartedly. You should know by now that the statements I made wasn't based on personal beliefs, I just made a few points that can lead others to frustration. There's a difference between abusing and capitalizing, and some will have a hard time seeing it.

>Hey now, if this were Mario party, mashers would be Gods at certain mini-games.
But it isn't, it's a 2D fighting game. Still Hisoutesoku is one of the most rewarding games for lazy play.

>> No.8850633

Any EUs wanna go?

>> No.8851511

Which character is best for a newbie?

>> No.8851540

your favorite 2hu

>> No.8851922 EU
Annoying tier

>> No.8851934

Whoever you enjoy playing the most.
All characters are viable in this game.

>> No.8851979

still hosting

>> No.8852116
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>Don't yourself. I made an effort to make it apparent that my post was based on a hypothetical level about fighting games and userbase etiquette in general, independent of personal bias. I specifically wrote that I don't mind much of anything in this game, or else I wouldn't be playing it.

Fair enough. But don't give people the wrong idea that there's a code of respect when or if you put everything on the line. As far as the game is concerned, any tactic used, either to frustrate your opponents mentally or through the game's engine, is legitimate.

To be fair, though, I guess not many people here are really going to play for pride or money. Hehe, silly me, I forgot that this game could be enjoyed with friends and played for the sake of getting better. Admittedly though, it isn't as fun or rewarding if I don't get to act in whatever way I want... I myself like to use spellcards or land "lovetap" attacks at the end of rounds. In the case of the former especially, though, it will drag on the game and I understand if people want to keep things moving. IMO I worked for that privilege but I'm not a complete asshole... eh... I really wish more people took those taunts as a challenge to improve, not as blatant flaunting intended to make you give up or retort at me because I happen to make the right moves those particular times we had clashes. :/

>But it isn't, it's a 2D fighting game. Still Hisoutesoku is one of the most rewarding games for lazy play.

I didn't drive this point in enough. Mashing is a skill too. One that most refuse to acknowledge, and one that gets punished for more times than not, but it's still something that people use to get by... Or that they let happen, hahaha.

>> No.8852431
West Europe
average tier

>> No.8852481

sry, i had an important call

>> No.8852516

I like to scale my play according to the opponent. It makes for more interesting matches and is likely more fun for everyone. I usually do weird things like see if I can win using one type of attack or something.

>> No.8852525

That's called trolling.

>> No.8852587 [DELETED] EU

>> No.8852610

not working.

>> No.8852688

how the hell you blocked remilias' back slide skill, inhuman

>> No.8852689 [DELETED] 

GGs Mokou.

>> No.8852693

If I know it's coming, all I have to do is press forward without paying much attention to anything.

>> No.8852696

b-but its so fast!

>> No.8852699
File: 363 KB, 200x200, 1XXjk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am still learning to play. How important is your spellcard deck? Will you be at a major disadvantage if you just go with the default ones or am I missing out by not customizing?

>> No.8852704

i dont like the blue bottle cards since i dont feel like they do anything, gives you cool aura though

>> No.8852721

They are very important, also you should never, absolutely never have your hand full of cards when on a match unless you plan to use a level 5 spellcard.
Btw, nearly every character most useful skill cards is alternate so you should try them all.

>> No.8852776

Some of the default ones aren't horrible, by virtue of the character's default skills being the best and their default spellcards being pretty decent (Youmu, Remilia). Most of them are abysmal though, since some alt. skills are super good and the default spellcards are super bad (Reimu), and are filled with bottles and shit.

Really, there's no reason not to customize it. Just play around until you get something that works for you.

>> No.8852805

Demon dinner fork and Chain gang are both better than Servant flier.
Trickster Devil is equally useful with Demon lord walk.
And the spellcards, you should only equip Miserable fate, Spear the Gungnir and Scarlet Devil
Youmu has a pretty good defaul though so I agree with you there.

>> No.8852865

EU only

>> No.8852926

GGs, 8 delay is a tad too high for me though

>> No.8852927

>better than servant flier
I would take delayed projectiles over any kind of combo tool. Godlike for wakeup game.
>Trickster devil
Works for the first 3 times or in laggy environment. Gimmicky and also punishable if blocked. The default is great because it grazes instantly.
Her 22B/C options are just bad.
All of her spellcards are useful except maybe the lvl2 cradle and the unblockable because it needs diamond dust.

I also disagree on Reimu's default skills to be bad but some characters can be played in so many ways.

>> No.8852929

Good games, yeah the lag was a bit annoying, specially when I couldn't time my patchy 66B CH into 6A, with lag it's pretty hard to do it.

>> No.8852942
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i was expecting more...

>> No.8852955

It's a good spellcard as long as you have all 4 on your desk, because the real improvement on both defense and offense is on the 3rd use, and the 4th use you blow up so..

>> No.8852960

The attack and defense bonuses were awesome in 1.03. No idea why they changed that, no one uses it anymore.

>> No.8852982

>the 4th use you blow up

dealing 7k damage to the opponent if they are close enough to get hit by the blast. unblockable physical damage, too.

>> No.8852988

I was not implying it was bad, I was just saying that having all 4 is good, 3rd use is a great improvement, and having the 4th equipped is already very threatening and probably a safe win ticket.

>> No.8852993

Unblockable but grazeable, no? Just like Marisa's big bomb, useless.

>> No.8853017
File: 1.52 MB, 199x202, 1282842932084.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graze a physical attack

>> No.8853031

Lovetaps are legit, they build meter, and can change weather.

>> No.8853057

not grazeable though it has a huge startup and if interrupted you lsoe all the improvement of the 3rd level anyway.

>> No.8853076

GGs Idler, your Cirno is very solid.

>> No.8853094
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>> No.8853097
File: 168 KB, 550x400, 35e28779ed416b3d24627b2e22c275d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs, that was fun. Nice to have someone beat me up a bit for a change.

>> No.8853122

Anyone hosting at the moment? A noob would like to try. I just reinstalled the game and thus have no advanced cards. I'd just like to get beat up a little before work. EU prefered.

>> No.8853129

download the save file with all the cards.

>> No.8853137


I'd rather win them all myself in a slow fashion.

>> No.8853136

I'd really beg to argue on this one. Remilia is one of those characters who can abuse alts based on matchup shenanigans.

Her 22 default is surprisingly effective against those who have long bullet startups (ie yuyuko at neutral) or personal matchup based players who always autopilot 2 bullets in 1 go.

Her ceiling fear is really playstyle dependant. I run it a lot because it gives free damage off j.8A BE catches from hj8BE (Which is why you rarely should always 6BE [block] remilias instead lol)

Her 22 alt is arguably the best alt because its kinda stupid in the fact that she jumps up and doesnt afraid of anything + dat chip damage + AoE.

Her trickster devil is probably her only useless one and that can even be used somewhat like SUP to an effective rate.

Also all of reimu's alts are really useful. Double Border = CH fishing style. Default borders are really effective in strings and zoning. Perma borders give you the indefinite ground zone. Her default 236 is strong against those who have weak bullets. Her spread is good for zone control too. Youkai busters is probably her best, if not has the most utility among the 236s. 623 default is good as it is. 'nuff said. 623 rekka is really good for crush strings. raindance = gimmick galore, etc etc etc.

The only characters who probably has a useless specials are probably suwako (alt 214), cirno (Default 214) and utsuho (default 214)

Ever tried 2B 6C (236B narrowspark) lockdowns + BE catch fishing after setting up a 4card bomb?

>> No.8853148

I played the game for 4 months everyday and was still missing like a 15% of the cards, and there were cards that I only had one.

>> No.8853157


I enjoy the game. Highscores and such don't interest me as much as the process of playing.

>> No.8853158

South-East coast US. Amateur tier.

>> No.8853182

>Marisa 2B 6C
Dis' not SWR, boy. I don't think Marisa has any tight strings left.

>> No.8853250

>The only characters who probably has a useless specials are probably suwako (alt 214), cirno (Default 214), utsuho (default 214), and alice (default 623)

Fixed that for you. If anyone else can think of things to add, by all means do so

>> No.8853307 EU
Hard tier

>> No.8853338

Sorry shmoop, that's too laggy for me.

>> No.8853341

Uhhh, I guess good game, too laggy though.

>> No.8853430


>> No.8853438

>(...) don't give people the wrong idea that there's a code of respect when or if you put everything on the line.
I think people are free to believe whatever they want. Most here are casuals, so it doesn't matter.

>Mashing is a skill too.
Then we agree to disagree. Personally I go for poking, footsies, opponent reads and meta-gaming.

>> No.8853493

still hosting?

>> No.8853511

bump test~

>> No.8853517

It's obviously not bumping it has 307 replies.
I will make another thread when this one reaches page 8 or so

>> No.8853620

What is this?

>> No.8853637

GGs mukyuu

>> No.8853639

GGs. You mannered up, chicky, GJ!

>> No.8853643

Wrong ref. Meant this: >>8853637

>> No.8853653


>> No.8853682

At any rate, it has nothing to do with videogames so why is it getting thrown around so much?

>> No.8853688

Depending on who you play as I'll play correspondingly. At least you didn't play Suika this time. Su, I assume.

>> No.8853752

You didn't even look at the contents summary, did you?

>Recently the term metagame has come to be included in PC Gaming as an emergent methodology that is a subset of the basic strategy necessary to play the game at a high level. The definitions of this term are varied but can include "pre-game" theory, behavior prediction, or "ad hoc strategy" depending on the game being played. An example of this would be in StarCraft where a player's previous matches with the same opponent have given them insight into that player's playstyle and may cause them to make certain decisions which would otherwise seem inferior. Another example would be in the action RTS genre or World of Warcraft; where the metagame refers to the current playstyle and hero choices being favored by high level teams in recent competitive play.

I'm probably the only one who uses it, as I'm coming from a SC community. It's relevant to all competetive video games, but the term will really only make sense in highly matured competetive gaming communities. It's about using pre-game knowledge to your advantage, as the meta refers.

>> No.8853758

Not quite, but that's okay - I still love you.

>> No.8853790

Complete nonsense. What you're talking about is...
wait for it...
the game. No 'meta-' necessary. I mean "emergent methodology that is a subset of the basic strategy"? Really?

>> No.8853835

It's hard to put into words, don't blame the author. It's like describing micro and macro. It has its uses; if you're not familiar with it then you'll have a hard time understanding it just like that, it's only natural.

>> No.8853914

The person who "meta-gaming"
What he really means is "Picking the higher tier characters because they're supposedly broken."

>> No.8853978

Oh trust me, her 2B 6C is still damn viable. If you're good at fishing for BEs, this is actually a string thats at your pure advantage.

wrongblock force -> 2[B] is airtight. Then 6C to prevent anyone from trying to mash you out (lead with an hj8 j.2D/j.3D j.A or something along that line. If they hj8BE, you can easily catch them with a simple hj8 j.A and marisa aerial strings are pretty bs in and of itself. Getting them into an aerial string is usually what you want to do if you're not going for ground pressure. If you can't force them to respect your strings as a marisa, you're doing it wrong. Plus if you add 22 alt timebomb in your arsenal, it actually becomes a really strong combo.

On that side note:
Lunatic Tier
West/Central only please

>> No.8854241

Profile1p, whoever that was, thanks for the games. It's kinda laggy, and thus why i'm stopping.

Try to not to mash on both wake up and blockstrings as much. As you saw, it's really easily punishable by someone who knows how to keep blockstrings tight, mostly around the higher level crew.


>> No.8854424
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Not when you've won the second round and you're certain to go to the character select screen, broski. :X

And by love-tap, I mean things that don't necessary wall- or ground-bounce.



>The only characters who probably has a useless specials are probably suwako (alt 214), cirno (Default 214), utsuho (default 214), alice (default 623), and reisen (alt 236)

With all this said, I'll be hosting @ >>8844054. US West preferred, moar sexy threesome tier.

>> No.8854469

Thanks for the games T.

>The only characters who probably has a useless specials are probably suwako (alt 214), cirno (Default 214), utsuho (default 214), alice (default 623), and reisen (alt 236)

Uhh, which alt? If its the explosion alt, that shit is actually REALLY useful against zone heavy characters ie: Suwako and Alice.

If its the fall shot alt, sure, why not lol.

Rehosting again. The Lunatic Ice, Frog, Wind tier

>> No.8854697


Specific alt skills weren't given/mentioned, so I just thought we'd give the inputs inputs. :X

Also autosage boo.

>> No.8854743

there you go.
New thread.

>> No.8857052

5.57.216:10800 Midwest
Below average teir
