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8827030 No.8827030 [Reply] [Original]

There seems to be a lot of SSiB hate around here, but usually it's about shitty battles, moonbitches, bad art and so on.

Who else was entirely disappointed at how they portrayed Lunarian civilization?

They are supposed to be a crazy advanced magical civilization wielding amazing technology. But in SSiB they were a boring bunch of peach eating, Go playing faggots living in medieval China style wooden houses.

I was expecting space navy and Nanoha style magi-tech. Not cowardly rabbits with hunting rifles.

>> No.8827050

I think their lifestyle fits them considering that they live for thousands of years.
They appear kinda...enlightened.
That's why it's is even better that they get trolled hard by Yukari.It's nice to see someone arrogant realize that they got played like a fool

>> No.8827064



With their high and mighty attitudes and widespread rabbit abuse? They all act like spoiled brats.

>> No.8827071

That's my point.
They only seem like that, and that fits them.

>> No.8827092
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I used to hate the Lunarians, but they have lots of potential.

I'm hope we will get another game or story about them.

>> No.8827155
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>> No.8827167


I like Toyohime. She deserve more love.

Yorihime can go choke on a horse dick though.

>> No.8827209
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How mean.

>> No.8827237

I still hope they have ships and something that looks more advanced than WW1 rifles...

>> No.8827297

>peach eating, Go playing faggots living in medieval China style wooden houses

Sounds smarter than Earthlings allright.

>> No.8827302

Is this the thread where we rape Reisen?

>> No.8827350

You can't rape someone who goes into heat for weeks each month.

>> No.8827357

I don't see how Yukari's invasion failed. The princesses are retard strong, but their army of rabbits are moe fodder.

>> No.8827358
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I love LDC uniforms.

>> No.8827372


Get out. Now.

>> No.8827398


LDC are more like border defense corps that do nothing 99.99% of the time.

Lunarians most definitely have more something-himes. And rabbits who can actually fight.

>> No.8827405 [DELETED] 


>> No.8827426


>> No.8827439 [DELETED] 

Reisen is strong.

>> No.8827607

Why are moon rabbits so unbelievably sexual?

>> No.8827657

It wasn't always like that. I'm sure they were fairly competent commandos at one point, but then Reisen came along and the moon bitches decided they'd rather have an army of weak fanservice bunnies.

>> No.8827663

So are the moon rabbits actually rabbits or just lunarians that they stuck bunny ears on to keep up appearances?

>> No.8827677


Different species entirely. They are servants of moon goddess Chang'e.

Chang'e was imprisoned by lunarians because of her sins or something, and now moon rabbits must serve them to atone for her sins.

>> No.8827693
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I really wished to battle bunnies look like end game X-COM troops.
Power armors with rabbit ear protection and plasma rifles look more convincing for advanced aliens than bamboo muskets.

>> No.8827709


Their guns look more like modern hunting rifles. And they shoot magic. Lunarians use magical technology, not the usual sci-fi stuff.

Bunny themed power armors would be pretty fun though.

>> No.8827716

Not really, if ZUN had made the Lunar capital some sort of futuristic city it'd be generic. If you've seen one future space nation you've seen them all. Having the lunar society have the aesthetics of medieval Japan/China while having mind bogglingly advanced tech is cool. The contrast of the antiquated and the cutting edge. Pretty original for ZUN.

One thing I can't forgive is the useless bunnies. But even that makes sense. I mean, they're only good for their sex appeal, right?

>> No.8827722

But according to the moon mary sues bitches just living on Earth is a sin, so that means that Chang'e is more likely than not innocent. It is a downright hostage situation. The rabbits have no choice unless they want their deity dead.

Damnit. I keep finding reasons to hate their guts. Hopefully Yukari or Yuyuko will figure a way to destroy their nice little setup.

Also, how did the moonwhores not manage to discover a mighty undead in the middle of their capital? Damn Yuyuko can invoke death at will.

>> No.8827743


I wish ZUN did something with that whole revolution on the moon thing.

>> No.8827843

As ghosts, they were technically pure. Moonbitches couldn't detect them like the others. I'm more surprised the rabbits didn't say anything.

>> No.8827854

Something tells me that Yuyuko is actually intimidating in person, just as how normal ghosts feel cold to the touch, she might actually freeze your soul. According to my fanwank.

>> No.8827860

WW1 rifles are still more advanced than anything in Gensokyo. Lunar capital as depicted is highly advanced without straying into unambiguous sci-fi instead of the combination of modernity, ancient fantasy, and little girls that Touhou is known for.

>> No.8827894
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Maybe, but these whores consider a crew of 3 (2 engineers and one soldier) a "Human Invasion". I am going to take with a grain of salt anything they say about being advanced.

>> No.8827939

On what is real Lunarian tech, see PMiSS; the Lunarian Capital and Kaguya articles specifically.

>> No.8827956


Nope. Kappa and Tengu have tech at least on par with the outside world.

And we know Lunarians have stuff like miniguns and hover tanks.

>> No.8828058

It's hard to tell if they are more advanced or it's just technology used for different things. It's like 50 years ago everyone imagined that we will have flying cars after 2000, but no one thought that we will have internet or computers smaller than pocket watch.

>> No.8830221

I can't help to think their lives are incredibly boring.

They do same shit over, and over and over again for centuries.

>> No.8830241

Don't worry they have high speed internet and have riveting discussions on many forums.

>> No.8830259

Planck bombs, holographic and interactive paper and flying cars all sound advanced to me.

>> No.8831296

I guess Kaguya is stealing internet connection from her old home at moon.

>> No.8835213

I love Toyohime.

>> No.8835219
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>> No.8835220

Why is there an SSiB thread in 2012?

It's old news people, just like the SDM.

>> No.8835222

Nanoha is shit.

>> No.8835250

Touhou isn't sci-fi.

Also, SSiB is the best Touhou manga, with WaHH being the close second. That fairy manga can go to hell for all I care.

>> No.8835276

So, any other Touhou stories where Yukari gets her ass kicked?
