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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8826812 No.8826812[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Email moot: moot@4chan.org

Tell him to change the rules for this board and only allow Japanese Visual novels (while gust threads stay by the community's power). And suggest to him that he makes a board ONLY for touhou.

It will make everyone happy, but it wont happen if you don't email him: moot@4chan.org

>> No.8826815

We'd need a board for idols, a board for neta, a board for doujin games and a board for shitposting too.

>> No.8826816

But then where will I make my epic shitposts? ;_;

>> No.8826814

/jp/ - Random / Autism

>> No.8826818

Are you trying to say thats what this board isn't about already?

I mean with the exception of >>8826815
The idols, doujins, dolls, tea, and all that shit are fine.
Also we already have two boards for shitposting.

>> No.8826822

How about he finally changes the name to /dg/ - Doujin Games, the thing we discuss here instead of the shitty OTAKU CULTURE.

>> No.8826819

why would we need three video game boards?

>> No.8826821


>and a board for shitposting too.
don't /b/, /r9k/, /adv/, /mlp/, /pol/, and /soc/ already cover that?

>> No.8826824

We already decided against this last month when moot asked if we wanted a separate VN board

>> No.8826829

he's probably some buttmad refugee from /a/ that wants to discuss Fate Stay Shit for the 30th time.

>> No.8826827

Defintely a better idea than what OP suggested.

>> No.8826835

/v/- I can't say since I never post there
/vg/-moot said translated stuff only
/jp/- non translated stuff

As for the idols,kigurumi, and doll threads...they already have their respective boards although they never bothered me as much as touhou.

>> No.8826836

Haruka is the miracle of the Universe. Sometimes I wish I was Chihaya, so I could run away with Haruka and live together, with nothing but our pure love.

>> No.8826833

No need to over react OP.
Those faggots congoers are gone already.
Not sure when they will be back with another shitty con.
Remember how we used to laugh at that stupid sushi girugamesh ad? Cant believe we have people from here going to said dumb con.

>> No.8826832

Touhou is c, e, w, y

>> No.8826838
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>> No.8826842
File: 114 KB, 320x320, sanae_slut_level_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw dudes. Rename the board back to Japan / General. It's much less autismologic than Otaku Culture, since basically anything can be Otaku Culture.

>> No.8826840

And the janiturd was babysitting the thread, to boot.

>> No.8826841

why do you hate touhou so much?

>> No.8826845

How about a VIP board?.
Fuck textboards I cant post autism images there.

>> No.8826846

I want /jp/ to be exclusively about sucking cocks.

>> No.8826850

It's called >>>/hm/, please fuck off to there.

>> No.8826856

Because touhoufags do not condense their threads.

>> No.8826854

Go back to your board, if you don't like Touhou why come to /jp/ knowing that this board was made mostly due to touhou? VNs threads have no problems with Touhou thread or MB threads, the only problem here is the amount of /v/ and /a/ scum, aside from the autist name/avatar shitposters that have no life and keep spamming the board with off-topic threads, without these people the board would normally be around 10 pages, and that is the meter to know when /jp/ is crap, if it has more than 11 pages it's probably crap, between 8 and 11 it´s average, less than 7 is perfect and mostly on-topic threads.
Said this, Get out of /jp/.

>> No.8826855

how about a /jv/ for all the touhou and vn stuff, with users from /v/ (jrpgs) to have a sufficient userbase for it?

>> No.8826862

well we can't combine two different character image dumps into one thread, it would be chaos!

>> No.8826867

/jp/ is fine as is, you ass explorer.

>> No.8826870

Why so much hate for Touhou?
It is a good thing that cute touhous are being used as fillers.
You should direct your anger at scum bloggers and cock suckers.

>> No.8826872

There is a board for image dumps. You are the cancer thats killing touhou here.

>> No.8826877

It's not so much Touhou that's the problem as much as it is shitposters who use touhou to try and legitimize off-topic threads.
"Hurr I posted a Touhou pic so my /r9k/ /soc/ /pol/ /b/ whatever thread is totally related."

>> No.8826886

cock sucking is a big part of /jp/ culture. go back to fucking /a/ you normalfag piece of shit.

>> No.8826887

Split /jp/ into /vn/ and /2hu/

>> No.8826890

/jp/ is a disgrace to touhou and ZUN would kill himself if he saw the fandom here.
Only touhou games discussion should be allowed here because quite frankly, any other discussion attract touhou fans of the worst kind.

>> No.8826896

Fags pls go, and take Saten-anon with you.

>> No.8826895

2hu is a retarded meme that is now mainly used by people who don't realize it was originally supposed to be ironic and they think touhou is actually pronounced that way.

>> No.8826899

>This is the appropriate board for the discussion of Japanese visual and light novels. Western visual novels should be posted to /vg/, and translated visual novels are fine on either board.
Not sure if I'm glad because that feel culture is kept somewhere else or pissed because oelvn's outside KS have no official place to be (don't say it's /vg/ unless you're dumb)

>> No.8826902
File: 42 KB, 400x400, marisagetout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how many cocks did you suck at the last con?
Anyway get out of /jp/.

>> No.8826905

The whole cocksucking thing was a way to keep new people with shit taste out, similar to how /a/ drives away /v/ with other tactics like "I want >>>/v/ to leave". Its supposed to be annoying.

>> No.8826907

if i wasn't a hardcore truNEET i'd have gone to a convention and sucked at least 20 dicks. but i am, so i'm sitting here posting 2hu wishing i could suck some otaku dicks. deal with it, /a/sshole.

>> No.8826909

Are you really making a distinction between oelvns and western VNs?

And how does that make OTHER people dumb?

>> No.8826913

Despite the claims it still makes the board seem gay. I'd rather it not being used.

>> No.8826919

Except that now the ronery fags take it seriously and think sucking cocks is otaku culture just because they jack off to doujins about touhous choking on cocks.

>> No.8826920

Use floor shitting and bottle pissing instead.
Cock sucking is actually attracting faggots from /soc/ and subhuman from /cgl/.

>> No.8826924
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i don't think it's as ironic as you claim. you'd have to be some kind of idiot to think /jp/ (a board with a large amount of gender dismorphia) is 100% straight. dicks are sexy. deal with it.

a /jp/ meatup is the closest thing to a real relationship any of us can even dream about

>> No.8826929


How about, oh I dunno.
Threads being deleted and bannings.

Oh wait, thats what is already happening, yet you sperglords take it as some sort of declaration of war.

>> No.8826931

Everything on /jp/ can work on another board. /vn/ was a great idea. Too bad you all love your shitpile too much and went against it.

This dump serves no good purpose. Rid of it.

>> No.8826935

You guys do understand that the one and only reason that /jp/ was created was to keep touhou out of /a/, and to a lesser extent visual novels, idols, and other non anime associated topics from Japan? What most people here forget or don't realize is that /jp/ was used for touhou for the same reason that /mlp/ is used to quarantine their ilk.

>> No.8826939

Do it yourself instead of being a lazy bastard and begging the community to do it yourself.

>And suggest to him that he makes a board ONLY for touhou.

What is this board for again may I ask? I could have 'sworn' it was about touhou's, VNs, and blogging stuff.
