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8825775 No.8825775 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do?
-Other shit

I don't even know how alcohol tastes and I'm proud. I'm a pure Anon.

>> No.8825782

i drink on occasion

>> No.8825799

need more replies to overcome shitposting

>> No.8825811

Alcoholic chan smoker here.

Don't really recommend it.

>> No.8825817

But this thread is terrible

>> No.8825822

None of the above.

>> No.8825838

Just zoloft atm.
When I move out I will buy a hookah, roll my own cigarettes, and if I can get a hook up, a bong for marijuana.

>> No.8825839

blog post go!

-I recently kicked an addiction to pain pills (vicoproufen and tramadol intermittently). Now I take them for migranes, which I get almost every other day, but it's a good feeling to be using the drug rather than to have it be using you.

-I don't smoke, my parents and sister all smoke, my dad smokes weed. I keep all my clothes freshly washed and spray before I head out and I still get people telling me I smell like smoke or asking to bum ciggs off me that I don't even fucking have, sucks man.

-Haven't drank in while due to aforementioned pill issues. Might do that recreationally now that I don't have to worry about killing myself accidentally.

Current mood: tired
Current music: drowning pool!! ^_^

>> No.8825842

I don't smoke, drink or do drugs because I want to live forever.

>> No.8825847

I drink. Drinking a beer right now.

>> No.8825894

I smoke dat cali lace erry day, nigga!

>> No.8826182
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>> No.8826197

I can't afford that stuff.

>> No.8826210
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Sometimes beer.
I just drink like three or four caguamones and fall asleep on my desk.

>> No.8826220



These are my only dependencies

>> No.8826230
File: 58 KB, 487x487, yakui37591e9cc98e09f7d480e2366cd7eeb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your not the only yakui here

>> No.8826253

