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8819369 No.8819369 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever bullied you

I assume you all know that feel ;_;

>> No.8819374 [DELETED] 
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1 time on /jp/
never irl
id get called an emo (as a joke) and stuff but i was pretty cool with everyone

>> No.8819375

I became close to a bully's younger twin sisters. I've posted many times about them before. They were really playful and friendly with me. I remember having a bike and one of them leaning forward on the handlebars while standing on the front pegs and I had a clear view of her entire flat chest. I was taking guitar lessons back then and they'd always act really excited when I'd practice and it would just make me mess up because I was nervous. There were a few times when they sat in my lap. They were friends with one of my cousins and I was over at my aunt's house a lot, or my cousin was over at my house, so that's how we came into contact so often. Once my cousin and them started going to different schools in jr. high our contact dwindled, and now I don't even know if they're alright. I'm really not ashamed to admit that I do love them. It's not perverted at all. Maybe what I felt to them was sexual in the beginning, but over the years I've just become more and more worried about if they're safe or not.

Their brother (who used to bully me very badly) eventually softened up to me and although we never really became friends, he stopped bullying me and he'd make an effort to talk to me whenever we saw eachother. I wonder if either of the sisters or their brother remembers me at all.

>> No.8819378
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>> No.8819380

they don't and they're smoking cock right now

They're sucking mine right now dude

>> No.8819383


>> No.8819384

Also, last I heard the brother of those girls was doing quite nicely. He went into a private school and was supposedly at the top of the class.

The other bullies got addicted to drugs.

>> No.8819392

Not really, no.

The only effort people ever made to bully me was calling me fat. I mean come on, really? That's your best shot? Congratulations, you have eyes, you can see that I'm fat. What of it?

If I were a special snowflake who thought he was perfect, or they insulted something that I couldn't change, maybe that would get to me, but since thanks to my parents being retarded I thought myself morbidly obese despite being only slightly chubby, the insults didn't really get to me and never lasted long.

I hated human interaction enough to develop pretty good social skills anyway, to talk my way out of any possible embarrassing situations and hide my real personality, so I was pretty good at fitting in.

Not saying that you can do the same in every situation, though - there are just some things that are going to get you bullied no matter what. There was a dude with darker skin in our class, he was pretty mercilessly bullied, even though he put up fronts that he didn't care. Also, and this is a thing that bothers me up to this day, I had a friend in middle school - he was small and looked girly, and for that he was bullied pretty bad, including some nasty roughing up. I still regret I chose to ignore it instead of standing up for him.

Oh well, I was pretty much a worthless excuse for a human being all the way until the last year of high school, so I guess that was to be expected of me back then.

>> No.8819396

fact: only beta nerds get bullied so no

>> No.8819482

I was bullied hardcore in HS ;_;
I was threatened with weapons daily because at first I tried to confront him ("leader" of a gang of delinquents). The bullying was personal and kept secret, and it was mostly psychologycal 1v1 except he had backup and I didn't. It was an horrible experience. I was afraid of going to school and there were days were I couldn't think about anything else, feeling like shit the whole day.
Funny thing is that now that I'm an adult I've handled HS kids and they even said I totally looked like I was a big bully in HS. I also made best friends with the delinquents for some reason. I guess I learnt how to handle them after my hardcore training.
I'm 100% sure the bullying has made me the socially incompetent viegin I am today. It took me years to recover, even if now it sounds silly even to me, it was hell.

>> No.8819534

In high school there were these jock type guys that picked on me a lot during one of my classes. They harassed me, made fun of my appearance, taped things to my back as a prank, kicked me in the shins. Things like that.

>> No.8819578
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There was this sociopathic girl who used to pick on me all the time, wetting my clothes when we were in lines and stealing from me/breaking my things. After a while kids from other classes joined in because I was an easy target.

The principal didn't care and tried to keep my parents from getting involved but I think my teacher did something about it, like threaten to kill her if he saw ANYONE picking on me because suddenly one day she'd chuck a fit and lay into anyone who tried to start shit with me and it lasted until we were too old for overt bullying.

>> No.8819617

>that feel
do you ever think about serving a dish that is best served cold?

>> No.8819641

Yes. I thought of a thousand ways to kill him. I've decided the effort of tracking him down is not worth it, but if I ever see him again there will be blood. I am a nasty motherfucker nowadays.

>> No.8819652


>> No.8819703
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I was in the hip part of the highschool, so we did end up bulling some fat guy.It would always be the same shit , someone would ask him some sexual questions and then we would proceed to laugh about him, but sometimes he would get beaten.Not much proud of it , but I am sure he is doing fine now , he had very good grades.

Would apologize to him if I had the chance to meet him again.

>> No.8819707

Actually yeah, in first or second grade for no reason or reasons I can't remember. I talked to my teacher about it and she talked to the two guys and they apologized and we became best friends.

In 8th or so grade we had this huge, ugly and disgusting fucktard in class that thought he was the funniest guy ever and the whole class hated him and everyone bullied him pretty heavily. Me included. It was huge fun.

>> No.8819718

I'm friends with some of the bullies here but I'm not a bully myself, but they tease me sometimes because of my hobby.
So, meh not really i dunno what people see on me.

>> No.8819721

Are you still in HS?

>> No.8819726

Hm, I think so. But they were powerless so I avoided physical confrontation.

The cliquish mindset of humans is really outdated these days. We no longer live in small bands of hunter-gatherers but behave as if nothing has changed since evolution's so slow. It's kind of interesting, right? I wouldn't be surprised if humans thousands of years in the future feel no need to befriend others or enforce social standards.

>> No.8819739

4th year and 15

>> No.8819744

Yeah, back when I was 12 I was bullied by some kids in class. Don't remember much about it, which seems kind of odd considering things got so serious I my mother kept me from going to school for a week.
A year later a HUGE guy, who was two years younger than me, tried to bully me. He saw me as an easy target and after my previous experiences I quickly proved him wrong by getting into a few fights with him and his friends (with my friends). I can't say I didn't get the shit beat out of me, but I did well enough for him to leave me alone after school staff got involved.

>> No.8819754

Why don't you read the rules of this site and get the fuck out? fucking faggot hipster boogeater

>> No.8819755

All throughout middle school, it all started with some fat fuck with braces. I could write a whole story about it but who gives a shit since I had an empty computer lab all to my self not used by anybody everyday. In 8th grade I got to be a student aid to help the computer teachers, but it turns out they were just picking on me as a joke and actually got other kids who would 'socialize' with them. I skipped classes everyday to be in the lab and nobody ever bothered me because they thought Id bring a gun to school.

No body cares about bullying in High school, and by then I actually found it pretty funny and got used to it.

>> No.8819778

Yeah, then I manned the fuck up.
I try not to tell the stories since people just shout internet tough guy.

>> No.8819788


I never manned up as such, but I got my guy back in a cowardly sort of way after he left school.

>> No.8819802

Yeah, but it was quite mild. A teacher found out though and my school, being quite strict, made an example out of him so he got suspended for a while. He never even acknowledged my presence after that.

>> No.8819831

Multiple times but when it came down to it the only insult they really had against me was that I have a big scar on my cheek.

It's faded quite well now though.

>> No.8819854

Why do you have a scar, Tony Montana?
lol scarface get it noob

>> No.8819860

Yeah, that's pretty much all they said.

>> No.8819863

Seriously, why do you have a scar?

>> No.8819867


You should see the other guy.

>> No.8819876


>> No.8819879

I was protecting my home and parents from a burglar who had a knife.

No, seriously I just had a birth mark removed when I was 7.

You can't really see it any more anyway, it helps being pale.

>> No.8819885

Why do you need a birth mark removed?

>> No.8819898

I don't know what being bullied feels like.
People were scared of me back in school even though I never hurt anyone and just stayed quiet.
I think they assumed I was going to shoot up the school or something.

>> No.8819909

yes, by some hilly billy kid, but he apologised later and regarded me as a friend.

In fact, everyone who bullied me either apologised, befriended me, or were made to apologise by social peer pressure. That or were immigrant who failed at life, but they didn't last long.

I wasn't a cool kid, but everyone knew/heard of me, and I wasn't hated. Disliked by some, of course, but not hated.

>> No.8819955

Yes. Funny thing, before I changed schools and started getting bullied, I was a pretty asshole buly myself, I used to slap the shit out of this puny kid in my class, to the point I even broke some of his bones, and I got into fights with plenty of other kids too. Though I was in good terms with everyone else, nobody really trusted me, even though they considered me their "friend".

Then I changed schools and experienced the other side of the coin. Serves me right for being such an angry frustrated faggot.

>> No.8820082

I was bullied during my first 10 years of school.
There was this one time when the bullies took off my pants in front of the whole school. I didn't go to school for 3 months after that. I wanted to switch to another school but my mom didn't have enough money for that back then, so I had to go back after 3 months and pretend nothing happened. Luckily, everyone did the same, but deep inside I knew they all saw my 12 year old butt.
There was another time when they dropped me from the 2nd floor. It wasn't such a high fall but I fell down in a retarded position and now I have scoliosis.
