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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8810878 No.8810878 [Reply] [Original]

Post your IP if you are hosting followed by world location (with continent and area is ok, I.E Western europe) and your own "tier" if you feel like to.

About the game:
(shamelessly copied from the wiki)
Touhou Hisoutensoku is the third fighting game in the Touhou Project and like its predecessors, Immaterial and Missing Power and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Touhou Hisoutensoku is a collaboration between ZUN and Twilight Frontier. Due to that collaboration, its art was drawn by Alphes and the music was composed by U2 Akiyama, both from Twilight Frontier.

Download link:

Hisoutensoku + 1.10 patch + english patch:

For playing online it's recommended to have the latest version, 1.10a which you can find the patches for here:


SWR + English patch:

Optionally there is also a Voice mod found here:

Before playing online please close any process that uses bandwith to avoid lag, also try to play with people close to your area if possible.

Previous thread is autosaging
Previous thread: >>8802120

>> No.8811042
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>> No.8811098
Hosting EU
US people try to connect as well, since sometimes it doesnt lag, depends on your connection of course.

>> No.8811104
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>> No.8811197

so pushy

>> No.8811257

Hey everyone, I'd like to start playing but I don't want to pick one of those characters that everyone hates fighting against. Who should I avoid?

>> No.8811258

Sorry dude, my family've just came back, had to talk with them a bit.
I'm up for some more fights.

>> No.8811264

Why should you? Make them hate some more.

>> No.8811265

just pick your favorite touhou and enjoy! there's no character everyone hates

>> No.8811456


>> No.8811463

L0Lz n1c3 1p f4g g0nn4 s3nd 4 r00tk1t t0 y0u'r3 system32

>> No.8811471

Had firewall on, try again

>> No.8811482


What these two said:


I think the only character you'd really get bitched at for using unless I'm feeling particularly whiny that day is Utsuho

I don't know, what's the worst matchup in the game? I can't really think of any matchup that has a winrate of less than 45ish% for the weaker character

Anyway, it's not a big deal, is all I'm trying to say

>> No.8811487


>> No.8811491
RU ~newbie

>> No.8811494

While I agree with >>8811265, that you should pick your favorite character and enjoy, in case you have a low self-confidence like me and would feel sad if your opponent was angry, I will just say the ones I see most people around me complaining: yuyuko (because annoying bullet spam), utusho (because damage), youmu I guess? (because j5a and speed).
I am not stating the most annoying ones to play against, just listing the ones I remember seeing more people (including me) complaining when fighting against.

>> No.8811571

I'll back later, Dinner awaits~

>> No.8811570
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girls do their best now and are hosting~
europa sunset

dojikko tier

>> No.8811606

hosting again.

>> No.8811630

Hey, I just want you to know that after taking Gap Caster and going on a pilgrimage to stress-test it with players from around the world, some of them being from as far as Japan and Australia, with as big as 1000ms, only in very, very, very, VERY rare cases we de-synced, and that was after a whole lot of matches.

So basically we were never meant to play together, what with out 200ms connection and 7 buffer margin value, which is unquestionably a much better condition than the people I've played against, yet we still desync every time you win.

I'm sorry.


-Your Favorite Brazilian

>> No.8811655
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>> No.8811662

gg, liked that black skin fun

>> No.8811674

lies... i am frustrated...

>> No.8811677

im sorry

>> No.8811810

Anyone hosting?

>> No.8811825


i watched a youtube tutorial tier

>> No.8811920
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Brazil (South America)

>> No.8811926

Good games. Man I love Sakuya's 3A. Okuu's too if you noticed.

>> No.8811937

I collected all 3A's Need to train more. GGs. What's your tier? I'm playing here 2nd day and don't know how to write mine.

>> No.8811947 [DELETED] 

And hosting again.

>> No.8811966

>Okuu's 3A
All of my rage. It just covers HALF THE SCREEN.

>> No.8811970

Sorry, dude.

Not with this lag

>> No.8811975

My tier would be random tier or didn't-play-for-over-a-year-tier. I played for a few more than 2 days total though.
You should definitely stick to China if you ask me.

>> No.8811983

It's ok, if you're concentrated enough to predict and evade it.
Closed for a while. Need some cooling for my chair.

>> No.8811982

Yeah, haha.

hosting again >>8811920

>> No.8811991
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I just wish it was air blockable. I turn green with envy every time I think about how Alice's 6[A] compares to it ;_;

>> No.8811995
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>> No.8812012

thanks for the games shmoop, sorry to play so badly but i was trying to do new things and things i saw in the wiki etc...

>> No.8812011
File: 112 KB, 1201x375, 3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can avoid it if you jump in with some cover. Meiling is exceptionally great at this.

The next time you try this you'll get a laser to the face anyway.

>> No.8812019

Good games W2
Sorry about being an ass with Sakuya and some others, but I was doing it to try and help you practice blocking, because it is where your play fails a lot. Sakuya has very tight blockstring and that is why I prefered to use her, among with other like Yuyuko. Sorry for doing it but I think is the best way for you to improve, also I leave because I have to eat, it's already 22:10. I hope you progress with Youmu.

>> No.8812026

I'm playing over a year, but the last half I didn't meet players, with whom I wanted to fight. This thread recovered my fighting spirit, I'll leave here to train.

>> No.8812036

That wasn't my post. I know about hitboxes and have frameviewer. Just rustied a lot. %%Commie%%

>> No.8812047

Maybe I'm just not good enough to have people complain, but is it annoying that I main Yuyu? I just like butterflies and hearing her say "Ara~". Now I'm paranoid that people hate me and I'll have to switch to Marisa.

Also, I'll be hosting in a bit if anyone wants to beat on a low-tier tripfag.

>> No.8812063 South America

Low tier.

>> No.8812065

Why would you do that?

>> No.8812068

Sakuya's is so nice it hits twice.

Unless they're blocking low, in which case it'll wrongblock the first hit but whiff the second.
Unless you charged it, then it'll guard crush them!
Unless they're also Sakuya, in which case it'll just completely whiff.

move's fucked up, man

>> No.8812070

Yuyuko is a little annoying, but she doesn't compare to the sheer rage Okuu inspires in all who face her.

>> No.8812074

He just forgot to remove it

>> No.8812075

Because I want to play against some fumo friends, or let people who hate the fumo threads beat on me. I post a lot on /jp/ but only use my trip for this thread and the fumos.

>> No.8812084

So apparently, my internet is a bitch today.
Sorry for that, I think I'll give up for today

>> No.8812083

Oh you only use it for specific things then it's ok, anyway if you are hosting I will play you.

>> No.8812091

What kind of annoying whining faggot goes into a fighting game expecting other people NOT to pick certain characters. Not even kids in kindergarten get this retarded, it's not often that you see a complete idiot telling other people not to pick certain characters, it's like those mugen tournaments and banned characters. This is one of the over 9000 reasons I only take a look at events like EVO. Casual scum.

>> No.8812099

WHATEVER. People should just play the way they like and basta.

Anyone still hosting?

>> No.8812105
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I can't wait until I have a proper connection so I can play you guys. I tried a few days ago, and I had fun even with the insane lag

>> No.8812111

Insane lag is best lag

>> No.8812112

Excuse me? Some person wanted to know which characters enraged the opponents, and I listed the ones I saw more people complaining about. Can you point me where I was an annoying whining faggot, and when I said "don't pick these characters!"? Please think before insulting.

>> No.8812115
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>> No.8812117

Yeah, fighting in slowmotion is kinda cool

>> No.8812122

ggs ganondorf. You are improving again with the systems~

>> No.8812127

Okay, I just hope it wasn't you samefagging and answering to yourself.

>> No.8812128


>> No.8812131


>> No.8812136

It's actually punishable if you wrongblock it. So against Sakuya: just block low. It fucks up her blockstrings too!

>> No.8812148

Sorry pal, but I couldn't bear this lag anymore. gg nevertheless.

>> No.8812151

Wew too laggy, thought it would be better sorry for that.

>> No.8812164


>> No.8812239

The game crashed, I'm hosting again.

>> No.8812265

Common visitor in fumo threads here, and also total low tier player. Would be awesome to fight you.

>> No.8812275

From what city, Brazilian man?

>> No.8812279

Uranus - RJ

>> No.8812284

Is anyone hosting yet?

>> No.8812330

RU, newbie

>> No.8812343

Not working

>> No.8812374

Not the Brazilian man, but Your Favorite Brazilian.

Belo Horizonte - MG

>> No.8812429

Oh, the soku wiki's back.
Pretty sure that was some sort of sick 6-day-april-fool's joke. :V

>> No.8812435

It was down only 1 day...

>> No.8812480

GGs. It was interesting slow-mo.
But I had a player on my server right in this minute, Ba~ka!

>> No.8812558


Anyone else is hosting?

>> No.8812571
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Why do people keep telling me Sakuya is OP? I don't see why.

>> No.8812592

Really good corner pressure, good midscreen pressure, fairly safe blockstrings, good bullet coverage, good combos off of any hit, has one of the best anti-air attacks in the game, time slow is one of the strongest spells in the game

She isn't going to be tossing out stupid 4k combos that seem to impress people, but Sakuya has no trouble whittling down anyone and she tends to dictate the pace of most of her matchups.

In lower level play, its mostly going to be Yuyuko or Utsuho frustrating people though.

>> No.8812599

Hey, are you still on? I'd like to play you. I'll host, I just want to be sure we can play. Sorry about the wait, I fell asleep. Twice.

>> No.8812601

Heh, I'm here, no worries. I just hope the connection wont fail.

>> No.8812614
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Well, you are welcome to try connecting, at least.
Midwest US,
still half asleep tier

>> No.8812636

a bit of lag that I thought I could deal with, but you were the better player.

>> No.8812637

>time slow is one of the strongest spells in the game
What? I've never done anything amazing with it, or seen anyone do.

>> No.8812642

Yeah, a bit of lag, but not too slow mo. GG.

>> No.8812698


He's probably referring to Private Square. It's really, really powerful because used right it guarantees either a guard crush or a combo. Her other time controlling cards are really good, too

>> No.8812714

Thanks for the games! Even though the lag was annoying, I had good time. My overusage of Remilia might be a hint who I am in the fumo threads too.

>> No.8812719

Thank you for playing me, it was very fun. I tried to play as all my fumos, but I think you can tell I don't usually use anyone but Yuyu.

You were much better at melee combat than I was. I can't point out to improve on specifically, I'd say you just need some practice. Good games.

>> No.8812735 [DELETED] 

General practise is what I need, yeah. After all, these were my first games against human opponent. Just more matches for both of us, I think!

>> No.8812737

Woah, you were lagging? It was all clear on my end. Huh. I guess that says something about your skill if you can beat me when only you are lagging.

I had a hunch. Are you the one with the cute knockoff Remi?

>> No.8812743
East-central US, "Looking up combos is for tryhards" tier.
Will probably be laggy as hell, if this works at all.

I'm calling you out, FumoSenpai.

>> No.8812744

I had like half a second lag with everything I did. I dont dare to say it tells something about my skill level, I guess I just got used to it fast!

And yeah, the one and only.

>> No.8812758

Oh, alright..I was gonna go catch up on JJBA, but another couple of matches can't hurt. I won't be staying too long though.

>> No.8812763

Aww, you were already playing against someone.. We'll have to play later.

>> No.8812764

The other ones aren't as good, though. Za Warudo has ridiculous startup and is completely ignorable if the opponent has good timing on his backdash. I've never used circle-clocks, so I can't really say anything about it other than it has hilarious videos on youtube. And Luna Dial is alright, but it shares the same hit confirms as pretty much every single other spellcard she has, and the others have more utility as well.

>> No.8812921
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Central Mexico
Rusty tier

>> No.8812939

You got me. First time I ever played against anyone.

>> No.8812979


Yeah, I didn't even know you could do any of those things. Good game, though. even though I didn't have any chance of winning, I enjoyed it.

>> No.8812987

GGs keep playing and you will be better fast

>> No.8813017

Nice games Motetai. I really like how you play Aya.

>> No.8813023

Sorry, forgot to switch to wired connection. Reconnecting in a sec.

>> No.8813031

GGs, you are pretty good with meiling, you just need to edit the deck.

>> No.8813037
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It's that time again, /jp/ port 10800
West coast USA
Seven colored tier

>> No.8813039

What edits would you suggest? I'm bad at using her spellcards so I was using an all-skillcard deck.

>> No.8813045

You're pretty good with air combos, I suggest you to combo dragon kick with rainbow brilliance palm.

>> No.8813046

If anyone wants to take my netplay virginity I would be honored. Can't host though, doesn't work when I host. Something to do with the ports.

>> No.8813049

see >>8812063

>> No.8813062

>> No.8813171
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Thanks for the games Ganondorf, but I think I'd like to find another opponent now. The only tip I can really offer is to be quicker on the block button. I get *way* too many 'combos' on you that I really shouldn't, all because you don't force me to test my ability to break your guard

Anyway, still hosting at >>8813037

>> No.8813182

GGs you still need to mix up more combos

>> No.8813180
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shitty roommates general

>> No.8813186

Good games, but my hand is hurting me.

>> No.8813188


>> No.8813232

thats a nice alice you have there, i wanna play against her soon

>> No.8813239


Let's play anon. I live there too. You have to host though.

>> No.8813252

Well, technically I'm in Michigan, but a'ight.

Would you happen to be planning to go to ACen?

>> No.8813403


Good game, anon. Also, no, I'm not going to ACen.

>> No.8813405

>1-card cost level 5 Youhou

Ah, I see. Well, thanks for the games, then.

>> No.8813411


All I saw was Christina Vee and some guy drawing with chalk. Why would you go to that? I don't mean to be rude anon.

>> No.8813417

I don't really care about guests, I mostly go to cosplay and hang out with cosplayers. The mid-west Touhou cosplayers are pretty cool people, in general.

>> No.8813431


gg muii. I'm glad you still play this game casually. I didn't know you pick up Reimu now...and in this battle with youmu I discovered BE during j6a somewhat. I laughed when you tried to trick me with the bullet runpast. I learned that lesson a couple of weeks ago with my soku buddy. Don't defend. Graze as if your life depends on it.

>> No.8813461
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bad hitconfirm on my part, i fixed it later.

also for being called innovation, sure isn't anything new.

>> No.8813471
File: 744 KB, 800x617, 1292433391029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the games Vvav, but I think I'm tired of playing against your Patchouli. C-spam: The Strategy is just obnoxious, and all it means for Alice is that I can't press A, ever

Thanks for the games /jp/, I may be up for more later tonight

>> No.8813480

GGs alice dude.

I need to change my decks up. I love the magic potions but holy shit it's annoying wallslamming you, activating it right away, and still not recovering in time to okizeme. It would be so good if I could actually use it in combat. Same goes for Patchy's 3 card mana spell. She's basically unbeatable when it's up but it takes 3 seconds to cast rofl.

Also I hate Spring Mist. Stops me from using blockstrings on you, pulls me in towards your shotguns when I'm too far away, and pushes me out of your awkward zone between 5a and f.A when I'm in on you. Maybe I should get weather cards in my Alice deck just so I can spam Spring Mists rofl. It's like the perfect weather for her.

>> No.8813483


Haha. It was a while back since I had this profile name. Too lazy to change it.

>> No.8813492
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I want to play this Alice, signed Muii.

>> No.8813497

>bitching about Patchy using C
That's standard, man. Only way Patchy can cover the screen is to use her gatling strings, cancelling a C bullet into a special repeatedly, or B into C into special if she has spirit to burn. My strategy is probably better described as 214 spam considering that's what I cancel my C into 99% of the time. I mean, really other than 5C my only options are 6C, which I used a lot too but which gets grazed through so much easier and is laggier, or j.2C, which frankly I was using just as much as 5C when I was in the air.

>> No.8813500

>214 spam
I mean 421. The icicles.

>> No.8813572
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US West

>> No.8813615


>> No.8813730
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Hosting SWR because my DL got throttled for the month before I could get Hisou.
US East
Just Started Last Week Tier (expect much Yuyuko, few spellcards)

>> No.8813741

Disregard, need 1.06a first.

>> No.8813743
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Why was it so much fun to turn the face into Suika?

>> No.8813763
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It's wonderful to be here,
It's certainly a thrill.
You're such a lovely audience,
We'd like to take you home with us,
We'd love to take you home.
