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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8801212 No.8801212 [Reply] [Original]

I've been thinking, /jp/.

Just imagine for a moment you actually liked 3D and went to a bordello. You have a couple of drinks to unwind and then the owner brings out a lineup of women.

Would you be comfortable choosing one from a lineup, or would you feel bad about hurting the feelings of the people you didn't choose? Imagine how bad it would feel to be rejected by people like us.

>> No.8801214

I think they would be thankful for not having to fuck a guy like me.

>> No.8801216

>Just imagine for a moment you actually liked 3D



>> No.8801219

Why would I want to sex with women that had their vag◯◯◯s stretched so much I might as well be humping air and get the same amount of sensation sans STDs.

>> No.8801220

I think they would be relived.
That is untill they find out i have a lot of money, then they would be sad.

>> No.8801224

People like me?

Don't even remind. I know they all want me.

But i got only... 2 parts to share... Oh my oh my... It's gonna be a hassle.

>> No.8801229
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I fuk bitches on daily basis I dont even care for their feelings cause they're BITCHES lols

>> No.8801232

I suppose.

But if you still chose someone, they may feel sad. What if you were a male prostitute and an average looking, shy girl came in and chose someone else?

>> No.8801243

I would feel bad for partaking in this kind of activity in the first place.

But I guess it's their job and they don't give a fuck if a virgin loser chooses them or not, money aside. So no, I wouldn't feel bad.

>> No.8801245

Why would you give a fuck? You fuck people all day. What's one less?
The only way this scenario would be sad is if someone's daughter was forced into a brothel due to hard times or debts, and was perfectly willing and trying hard to be a prostitute, but no one ever chose her in the time she worked there.

>> No.8801246
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How come /jp/ is always so thoughtful of the feelings of others?

>> No.8801260

Someone who works in the sex industry would probably have a decent degree of understanding of human sexual fetishes, and therefore not use a random john choosing some other girl as a measure of self-worth.

>> No.8801267

They like projecting their own insecurities onto others

>> No.8801282

This isn't entirely true or fair.

>> No.8801290

I'd chose none, becuase I still won't like 3D.
I don't like sluts either, so even 2D, I wouldn't be interested in them.

I wouldn't have any problems picking someone in front of other people though.

>> No.8801304
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>Both dogs have penises
>It's a pony

>> No.8801326

But what if she was really happy to be there and wanted to make you happy, and you chose someone else?

I know a guy who walked out of a brothel because in the lineup he didn't like any. I would feel way too bad but also suspect their relief. And they are doing it for money so probably harden their feelings and don't care about you, but it is only human to feel a little rejected.

I watched Louis Theroux in a brothel recently. It made me think about these things.

>> No.8801358

Haven't you ever read an eroge before?
One route at a time. The one who chases two hares loses both, and all that.

Agonizing over something like that just ensures nobody gets what they want.

>> No.8801369

Their mouths don't stretch.

>> No.8801374

Then why is it that trashy girls always have such huge mouths?

>> No.8801388

Take_your_pick tag on gelbooru is one of my fetishes

>> No.8801393

I understand that. But still, I think I would feel bad about it. This is all theoretical anyway. I would probably feel bad buying a puppy too, for similar reasons, but that sounds very bad in the context of this thread and I don't intend that. Maybe I am just disgustingly autismic.

You should watch the documentary. It is pretty interesting.

>> No.8801408

Except at the kennel, there's no extra charge to bring two home and save them both from euthanasia.

>> No.8801444

It would feel bad indeed. Even if they wouldn't like being chosen by a guy like me. Even if they are paid to be fucked.
Anyways, I would feel bad for making them wait and choose one at random, feel bad about not choosing the others, then feel bad because I could have chosen better, then feel bad because I wasted my money.
But the worst of all would be walking out. You... don't do that. I don't do that on supermarkets or kiosks, so I wouldn't do it on a strumpet house.

>> No.8801448

That is different again though.

4chan, /jp/ especially, is renowned for hating women. I imagine prostitutes really despise men. They would be more exposed to the truth of how a LOT of men really are.

>> No.8801449

If don't have what I want at a store, I don't buy the house brand, I go somewhere else.

>> No.8801452

They are people with feelings you insensitive fuck. Same as shopkeeps.

>> No.8801455

So what, you marry every person who confesses to you, and buy something for everyone who throws a sales pitch at you?

>> No.8801453

>You... don't do that

But I do.

>> No.8801456

B-but what about the employees? They watch you go out with nothing on your hands... they could feel they have failed their customer.

>> No.8801458

As if they would even slightly care about your feelings.

>> No.8801459

No, they think you shoplifted something. But if you didn't, there's no reason to care.

>> No.8801460

You are putting too much faith in them. They are likely glad they won't have to attend to another annoying piece of shit this day.

>> No.8801465

Firstly, I doubt anyone will confess to me, ever. And if they did, I would probably reject them because of self-hatred. And I would probably feel terrible about it for a long time.

See, I honestly don't know if I have it in me to reject someone purely because I don't want them to be sad.

>> No.8801467

How do you know they don't care deeply about their business? Like if they run a little takeaway shop with food they really enjoy and are happy when you walk in. Then you look at the menu and leave.

I couldn't do it.

>> No.8801468

I'm not a faggot, so I don't give a shit about other people's feelings. Especially the feelings of prostitutes.

>> No.8801469

That's incredibly unlikely, but if they cared that much then they would come up and ask you about your experience, then you could explain to them politely how you found them lacking and offer some suggestions on what they could do to improve their service in the future.

>> No.8801471

Quit putting pussy on the petal stool, OP.

>> No.8801470

You have a really cute vision of the world and I don't want to corrupt it with my cynicism anymore.

>> No.8801477

Hardcore motherfucker. Nobody fuck with this dude.

>> No.8801481

I wouldn't go to a bordello even if I was into 3d. 2d prostitutes are horrible and 3d is even worse.

This is stupid.

>> No.8801490

We already know that, Autism-chan. OP is proposing a what-if scenario.
We feel alike, Anon.

>> No.8801497

I am touched by how girly anon has melted the icy black heart of cynical anon.

>> No.8801501

I don't think he got melted, it looks like he just didn't want to drag down girly anon with him.

>> No.8801509

>you marry every person who confesses to you
Oh god this part. I've never accepted a single girl who did or hinted she wanted me to. It's starting to weigh heavily on my soul even though they've probably all grown up and moved on and are married to some guys now.

I still wonder, if they ended up alone, or with some shitty guy because they couldn't have me. (I'm not an alcoholic or druggie, so there are worse guys than me) There was even a tsundere type overly shy girl. I wonder if she became confidant or is a female /jp/-type who lives in a realm of 2D media, wondering how her life would have been had she just confessed. I calm myself by assuming they are currently getting pumped full of dicks and don't even remember meeting me.

>> No.8801513

What if I pick the one who is always picked, making the others feel bad about themselves? I wouldn't be able to take it easy

>> No.8801520

Cool blog entry, bro.

>> No.8801523

At the Gensokyo Whorehouse I pick Koakuma.

>> No.8801527

I always fantasize about a hikki girl confessing all her shameful secrets to me, and then I fall for her and marry her. It sort of happened before- but I only had awful, ugly girls confess their macabre secrets to me, or pretty girls confess their boring secrets. I've never met a pretty, shy, reclusive gir-

Damn. Actually there was one. I tried so hard to get her to open up, but she didn't want me. Or maybe she just never had the courage. Or maybe she wasn't who I thought she was... But I'm pretty sure that's not the case. Oh well, I tried.

>> No.8801533

That is comforting in a way. I wonder what made us turn out like this.

I wouldn't say it is girly though. Maybe it is, I don't know.

>> No.8801548

I try not to fantasize about anything. Things never turn out quite like you imagine.

I wish people were kinder to each other.

>> No.8801556

>I always fantasize about a hikki girl confessing all her shameful secrets to me

If she does this, you just got friendzoned. If she still marries you after it, enjoy your "asexual" wife, that fucks other guys while you're at work.
Women are the devil incarnate, just give up on it and save yourself a life of agony. If you start now, you can turn yourself gay in a year or so.

>> No.8801557

>Just imagine for a moment you actually liked 3D
Well I have good imagination but god no!

>> No.8801558

We are the newtypes.

>> No.8801559

But not all woman are sluts, just a few of them, I doubt she would cheat.

>> No.8801568

>just a few of them
99% of them, and those that are not are likely just ugly and haven't had chances to turn into sluts.

>> No.8801573

I don't really want anything to do with women romantically, but they are still people. And like everyone else (people who aren't from /jp/ anyway) they do stupid shit in their social lives and when they are alone again they generally hate themselves and feel more misunderstood etc.

So be nice!

>> No.8801578

You are not rejecting anyone if you only have the option to choose one. Liking someone the most does not mean you don't like other people. You must be very insecure, arrogant or both.

>> No.8801580

>but they are still people
They are very different from men. The concept of love or justice as you know it is completely different to them, I believe they can't even comprehend it.
All the romantic ideal stories you have read, were all written by men. You are in love with the ideals of another man.

I give you a fair warning here that you will remember when you inevitably fuck up; a girl will leave you distraught if you make contact with her. It is in their nature.

>> No.8801582

Used goods aren't REALLY people.

>> No.8801584

Just like all men are not the same, /jp/ is the best example for this, there are also women who are different.
Judge a person based on personality, not based on looks, gender or something else

>> No.8801596

When I am social I give everyone a chance and approach them understanding there is a LOT more to them than what they choose to show in limited social interaction. Not that I am out and about meeting people all the time, but whatever.

It's usually when people lie to me about important things or manipulate me that I get disappointed and drop contact gradually. Most people have something nice about them.

>> No.8801595

Who opened the door to Fagville and let in the faggots?

>> No.8801605
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do you hate all girls? That is horrible.

>> No.8801601

The doctor when he pulled you out of your mothers birthdoor you fucking nerd.

>> No.8801616

>All the romantic ideal stories you have read, were all written by men. You are in love with the ideals of another man.
I am intensely aware of this.

I wish men were cute like little girls so I could just be full on gay.

>> No.8801630

It's weird. Males care more about love, romance, sensitivity etc but are stereotyped as being strong and uncaring etc.

Maybe men were desperate for women so pretended to be "manly" to appease females desire for violence and upsetting peace.

>> No.8801648

No it adds up. Men care about those types of things, it's just that women are supposed to desire strong and uncaring men, and Fabio. That's why they're depicted that way in the media.

>> No.8801654

That is actually what I believe.

Fucking women.

>> No.8801655

To be honest, the only men I've met who care about things like true love were on the internet.

I think seeking true love is frowned upon on by society in general.It will make you look like a creep or a bitch with too high standarts and teenage princess dreams.

There is no place for love in the world of grown up people

>> No.8801664

To be fair, there's no place for anything happy in the world of adults.

>> No.8801663

AIR HYPER VIPER BEAM is the only answer.

>> No.8801665


I agree with this 100%. Women are evil.

>> No.8801668

I'm a very different person IRL than here. Even to my closest friends I will shit talk and lie to make myself seem more "acceptable". The truth is, they just wouldn't understand. People like us are still rare, or at least frowned upon.

>> No.8801672

Ya I know how you feel.
I put on a mask when talking to my closest real life friends.
Sometimes I hint at the weird things I like hoping that they would try to talk with me about it and that they understand but then I realize how silly that is and just try to stop doing this

I can entrust my secrets only to people on the internet

>> No.8801675

I can't help but look down on people who do this.
Why surround yourself with people like that anyway?

>> No.8801682

Because I need "friends" for a number of practical purposes.

Also, they may not understand all of my problems, but they understand some, and there are problems a physical person can solve that internet friends can't.

I don't like it though. I wish /jp/ was a city so I could move there and never look back.

>> No.8801681
File: 30 KB, 640x432, 1332028017792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring love back

>> No.8801689

Because they are friends from way back then in middle school and even though they don't understand my weirdness they are still good people and I have lots of fun with them

>lso, they may not understand all of my problems, but they understand some, and there are problems a physical person can solve that internet friends can't.
Also this

>> No.8801692

Sounds like you must live pretty active social lives to need something like that.

>> No.8801694


I used to do that when I was younger but it felt really shitty so I just distanced myself from people and stopped interacting with them.

>> No.8801695
File: 110 KB, 850x850, nazrinsad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that mean we can't be friends anymore anon?
If I wouldn't have a social life my parents would bother me too much...

>> No.8801699

>Just imagine for a moment you actually liked 3D and went to a bordello.
Not /jp/ related

>> No.8801702

If that's what your parents bother you about, then you're probably working and going to school too.

How sickening.

>> No.8801708

Does pretending to go to uni count as school?

>> No.8801706

All the attractive women will look be sluts. There are pure women out there, but they are physically disgusting. If they change themselves to be healthy, they will turn into sluts as well - it's just that they missed out on that life. The root if the problem is you can't trust a woman to act like a man. There are plenty of men on /jp/ who will feel the same way you do, but are not physically attractive to you.

I believe the exclusive love for 2D and homosexuality are deeply linked, because they are both rejections of the alien ways of women. They're two solutions to the same problem, and that's why you find them both here on /jp/.

>> No.8801717

Not if you just do something alone during that time.

>> No.8801720

But greek homosexuality was invented because there were not enough food for everyone.

>> No.8801722

>All the attractive women are sluts.
>Pure women are physically disgusting.
>If they could change themselves to be healthy, they will turn into sluts as well.
Are you me? Never expected someone to reach that conclusion too.

>> No.8801723

>and there are problems a physical person can solve that internet friends can't.
Name one.

>> No.8801729

I'm pretty sure that's what we've all come to understand, I was really just repeating things I already saw expressed in this thread.

>> No.8801730

I drive around in trains, wander around and explore places and post on /jp/ with my phone.

So technically I'm not doing it alone..

>> No.8801732

you never watched Home Improvement?

>> No.8801733

Far, far too active.
Might as well by a cheap off the rack suit and have your 2.5 kids now and get it over with.

>> No.8801740

I used to take trains and wander around all day when I used to pretend to go to school, because I was terrified of interacting with the school kids socially. This was before college age though.

I would have still preferred being at home, but then my parents would know. Can't say I didn't have some good times, though.

>> No.8803065

I agree. People sell themselves as a popular image to fit in but nobody ever gets to know them so they end up lonelier than before in any case. It makes me sad in a way.

>> No.8803083
File: 78 KB, 721x480, Kago_Ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't have much interaction with girl I think.
I know a 10/10 girl that just refused a job in a popular drama , she had to act a whore but she refused to do and quit the job.

Stop acting like all girls are sluts, yes there are many sluts and whores but same thing can be said about man.
Its fucking wonderful when a basement nerd is giving tips/telling people about relationships and women.

and also 2D linked to homosexuality, that has to be the most retarded thing I have heard today.

>> No.8803098
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>> No.8803144

Well, neo-/jp/ shitposting aside, before all of that, /jp/ has always been pretty borderline gay.

>> No.8803152
File: 29 KB, 800x473, 1333337031863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the OP said "a couple of dicks to unwind."

>> No.8803163
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Some people just act gay for fun, but I don't think its important if a large part of /jp/ is gay.

But 2D has nothing to do with homosexuality, and there is no way watching 2D or having a strong desire for 2D character/world could make someone gay.

gay or not isn't even important , its not like they will fuck me or I them.

>> No.8803174
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>> No.8803177 [DELETED] 

I sometimes think I might be gay, and I can even find guys cute, but then I remember cocks are disgusting and the thought of anal sex makes me feel sick. I wouldn't even be able to get in the mood to have sex with another man.

Nice theory, but it's too much of a stretch. Like saying Indians and peacocks are linked because they both like flashy bright colors.

>> No.8803193
File: 76 KB, 450x678, kago_ai_kjp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt you are gay from what you say in your story.
You are just maybe little confused with your feelings.
Thinking that some guys are cute/look good, doesn't makes you gay even a little.

>> No.8803196

You like dicks?

>> No.8803210 [DELETED] 

I imagine so. I have no reason to hide being gay even if I was. My mom thought I was gay for a while, and her opinion of me actually heightened. Probably because it explained why I never had a girlfriend, and old women sure love their homosexual drama.

In many ways it would benefit me to be gay, but I just can't. Maybe one day I'll meet a cute androgynous boy and we'll enter a non-sexual gay relationship and live happily forever. Until then I'm going to have to live as a heterosexual freak and fight off discrimination and disappointment at every turn.

>> No.8803268

I'm not talking about the "suck my cock dude" idiocy. I mean the whole of '09-'10 culture here was borderline gay. Arc for example always use to tease /jp/ for being the gayest board.

But generally I agree 2D and homosexuality aren't linked deeply. Maybe bisexual, lonely nerds just find it appealing. For me myself I'm bi. The first time I had a 2D love was male as well. But I don't think that is typical.

>> No.8803284 [DELETED] 

Why is it acceptable to like 3DPD if you're gay?

Say you licked or stuck your penis in a vagina, you get flames and cries of "3DPD". Say you sucked a cock in a glory hole stall, you get meme-spewing idiots praising you and circlejerking. A lot of the people are quite serious too, like Saten-anon. If he was heterosexual, he wouldn't have gotten so much positive attention and he would have been long gone by now.

>> No.8803290

That's pretty normal for /jp/ I'd imagine. I've got that as well.

Cute is cute, my mind may react to it but my body will not.

>> No.8803321

Who knows? It isn't a really new thing either. Remember a couple of years ago that anon who dressed as a girl and sucked off and old man? That was positively accepted and encouraged too. And all the gay eropasta etc that has been here.

>> No.8803343

I'll add. Finding a loving 2D type human is nigh in impossible. Getting used up and splattered in cum by a bunch of perverts like in a doujin can happen quite easily. The people encouraging Saten-anon and co., might just have a fetish for that type of thing and like the IDEA of someone doing it. If it was just some guy in a relationship with another guy I doubt /jp/ would be positive or even care.

>> No.8804447

well I dunno, that sounds like just a bunch of /b/tards posting shit

>> No.8805304

>2D love is NOT connected to homosexuality
You make it sounds like it's something bad when in fact it doesn't really matter

I'm bi myself, but it's just that I don't care about gender but about personality.
As long as I'm being loved by a nice person everything is dandy

>> No.8805327

It was all fun and games until people started actually discussing going out to suck dick. Then it became fucking stupid and posters (sans shitposters) generally stopped.

>> No.8805358

/jp/ timeline of sexual interest

Lolis are best -> Traps are best -> Shotas are best

Traps. Not even once.

>> No.8805388

But all of them are better in 2d

>> No.8805516
File: 261 KB, 1100x610, 0e987b2364a8707d2f08d01a31b3689c..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know dat feel James.

>> No.8805593

I'm the same but it is more about me having someone to love. Probably sounds weird. It would be nice to have a loving comrade I guess. But one has to cut their losses at some point.

>> No.8805617
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Next is straight up bara. You can't escape /jp/

>> No.8805626
File: 122 KB, 850x750, sample-08c17b7b9b417d6270da0389e6034c8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to, I've tried so hard to turn myself gay. I hate girls. I hate them I hate them.

>> No.8805733

I've tried to get into bara, but often it is just.. I don't know.

I would like to melt lovingly into a mans arms and love him. Not just sex. It doesn't interest me. And that is why 3D is pointless for me, or at least one reason why.

>> No.8805735

You can melt in my arms anon, it's okay...

>> No.8805740


>> No.8805758
File: 37 KB, 1027x578, 1246575519456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to focus on the mental rather than the physical. If you can judge people mostly by how they are mentally, then you will be able to decrease your attraction to girls at least a little. I think the trick most people fall into is that there can be women who aren't woman mentally. But it looks like you already understand that all women are slutty and evil and can only hurt or disgust you. You can take advantage of that.

After that you just need to close your eyes and enjoy the warmth that comes from being hugged.

>> No.8805764

Lately I've been thinking about getting into yaoi, but I hate how there's ALWAYS a dominant "top" and a submissive bottom. I want them both to be cute and shy. If I was to have a gay encounter myself I'd want it to be the same way.

>> No.8805767

Yeah, me too.

That's the thing with /jp/ though, I think most would want to be submissive. Someone needs to get hard and get on top.

I-it's not like I've thought about this before or anything.

>> No.8805769

But then nothing will happen.

>> No.8805784

I only want to be top though, it works out great.

>> No.8805786

Traps are a awesome compromise especially if you are attracted to women but want to be gay.
Just delude yourself into the thaught that it's basicly a girl but with a penis!
Penises are much better anyways

>> No.8805797

>liked 3D

Liking has nothing to do with this. Inserting my dick in a pussy is a hardwired need I can't deny myself, lest I become even more unbalanced than I am.

>went to a bordello

I am confident enough to pick chicks. I have never visited a whore house but I'll go with your line of thought.

>Would you be comfortable choosing one from a lineup


>would you feel bad about hurting the feelings of the people you didn't choose?

Do I feel bad when deciding which cut of meat to pick up at the butchers? The answer is no. Same thing applies here.

>Imagine how bad it would feel to be rejected by people like us.

You can't reject me any more than you can make a person talking on his cellphone stop.

>> No.8805808

Your harshness disturbs me. They are people with feelings, not meat. You say you are hardwired to stick you dick into vagina, you're also hardwired to feel empathy, unless you're a sociopath, which I know it is cool to be on 4chan.

As for the rejection thing, perhaps that is the wrong way to word it. Maybe they would feel bad of themselves for not being chosen by such an obvious loser. I'm not sure how to word it.

>> No.8805811

This is what I fantasize about too. Except that when we get to the sex, after letting you go down on my cock I start moving my hips, then grabbing your head, fucking your troath and I finally force you to swallow my cum. I apologize blushing, but then as I proceed to fuck your ass I get more and more dominant again until I make you beg for my semen with my cock deep in your ass. But that's what you wanted anyway. After all that hot steamy sex where I submit you, we hug and kiss warmly and I whisper "I love you Anon-kun". And then we play some videogames while jacking each other off or something.
I want to lure you out with my shyness and then make you a sex slave to my cock.

>> No.8805814

>unless you're a sociopath

It's you who's being too normal. You can either like 3D or not. Feeling empathy towards other people means you are actually half-there and cannot really appreciate 2D.

>such an obvious loser

I know you're saying this just to spite me, without actually knowing anything about me (and I don't go on talking about my feelings in the outside world). But suffice to say I'm not a loser, and don't look like one.

You are projecting your own insecurities on other people and try to marginalize anyone who does not conform you your views of what is correct. That's wrong.

>> No.8805828

Not the poster you're replying to, but it's definetly normal to feel empathy towards the rejected whores.
We get it, you are such a fucking hardened alpha and you don't give a fuck, why don't you triple backflip in your maserati and leave us alone, faggot.

>> No.8805834

>but it's definetly normal to feel empathy towards the rejected whores.
No it isn't. Women like them deserve much worse.

>> No.8805837

>No it isn't. Women like them deserve much worse.
Yes it is.

>> No.8805844

>it's definetly normal to feel empathy towards the rejected whores.

Stop projecting.

>a fucking hardened alpha and you don't give a fuck, why don't you triple backflip in your maserati and leave us alone, faggot

I'm not alpha. Or beta. Or omega. I'm just me, a miserable pile of misanthropy. And I rarely drive cages.

>> No.8805852

You are taking things I was saying about myself as if they were directed to you, Mr. Egotist.

Obviously I am an insecure person, but saying that I'm projecting doesn't validate your own statement. It's an assumption I am making, based around a theoretical. I'm thinking about something. And honestly, some might get sad or feel rejected for a variety of reasons. You are not a nice person.

>> No.8805858

Project my cock into your mouth, faggot.

>> No.8805865
File: 213 KB, 558x744, asset.JPG?id=1000000797&ext.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you reckon, dude.

>> No.8805874
File: 408 KB, 640x480, logh_angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's definetly normal to feel empathy towards the rejected whores.

>You are taking things I was saying about myself as if they were directed to you, Mr. Egotist.


>You are not a nice person.

You wouldn't be able to tell elsewhere. But threads like these allow me to bring out the true me. It feels nice once in a while to lash out, something you can't do in the real world, and would be considered in poor taste in other threads. It's okay here though, because this thread is of low quality to begin with.


>> No.8805875

No, you shouldn't feel empathy or sympathy to a piece of shit excuse for a person. If they were honest and did something respectable with their lives, I would. Prostitutes are the lowest of the low.

>> No.8805881

And what exactly can you do with your life that is "valuable"? As far as I'm concerned being a prostitute is just as valid as any other normal job.

For all your spewing of projection you sure do a lot of ACTUAL projection yourself.

>> No.8805893

It's normal to feel empathy for every human, unless you're an alienated piece of shit who believes stupid stuff like good and evil.
And desiring punishment against 'evil' indicates both hypocrisy and ignorance.

>> No.8805897

I'm not the one talking about projections.

>As far as I'm concerned being a prostitute is just as valid as any other normal job.
Then go ahead and prostitute yourself then. Let some guys jack off all over you or suck a dick, it's just a job right?

Why are you even here if you don't appreciate true liebe and purity? All sluts should burn in a fire.

>> No.8805905

Because I don't want to do it.

In the normal world of normal people, they work jobs they hate and prostitute themselves anyway. If they want to get paid to take dick they can do it. I'm not going to pay them but they are still people. I'm not going to pretend to be a sociopath because in on 4chan.

>> No.8805907
File: 1.76 MB, 1000x1412, 7a79180d98e0d480004dcc1db65a61ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say Liebe?


We get it anon, you need a scapegoat in order to to lash out onto and make yourself feel better. It's painfully obvious.

>> No.8805912

I'm not a sociopath. A sociopath would say things like what you're saying "There is no good and evil" or "It's just a job to sell yourself, you're just meat huur"

I don't agree with >>8805797, entirely, but he does have a point. If those women treat themselves, and even sell themselves like they were meat, why then be offended when another person does the same? They have no self respect, and expect to be respected. You are the idiot, placing them on some kind of higher plane just for being women. If they really expect empathy from me, they are the hypocrites.

>> No.8805919

Why isn't prostitution respectable? please elaborate

>> No.8805930
File: 59 KB, 444x444, 1332012091888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let some guys jack off all over you or suck a dick
yes please

>> No.8805935

I'm not putting them on a higher plane because they are women. I'm saying they are people who have feelings. If you don't recognize that, that is is sociopathic.

With all the talk of projection, you guys seem to miss how when you say things like they treat themselves like meat with no self respect you are projecting hard yourselves. Not everyone has the same world view, they might WANT to do what they do and think it is a valid job.

I don't like it either and it feels icky to me, but they are still human beings and they may actually be very nice. According to some of you, aren't they at least being honest with themselves about the traits of their gender?

>> No.8805938

Gimme the full version of that image.

>> No.8805939
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>> No.8805945

Like I already said, you're treating yourself as a piece of meat to be used and abused by other people. Think about this, how would you feel if your 3D girlfriend or waifu, decided to prostitute herself while she dated/was married to you? If you don't find that wrong, then it's stupid to read any further because I can see whores and cuckolding is just a fetish for you.

Sex isn't as simple as you make it seem. It isn't just feel good after a few pumps. Many different chemicals are released by a person during copulation, Oxycontin being one of them. A prostitute is destroying their sense of bonding intimately with a future partner, the same as any woman who has had multiple partners. So in reality, you'd have to be a sociopath incapable of feeling love for another person if you actually take prostitution as a career.

>> No.8805949


I don't quite see the logic in dehumanizing someone who's already dehumanized themselves (as you claim). If anything, the opposite would be entailed.

It just seems that you need to delegate some category of persons as being shit-tier in order to imply another tier in which you feel more secure in yourself.

>> No.8805947

You're so stuck to your implemented morals you got blind and can't think through this case. I won't judge you though, that's also very normal.

>> No.8805951

>you are projecting hard yourselves. Not everyone has the same world view, they might WANT to do what they do and think it is a valid job.

I don't think you understand what projecting means. I am not applying my traits onto these girls, I am just stating my viewpoint on the matter. I see our morals do differ, or rather your complete lack of morals differs with me actually holding myself and others to a standard of decency.

>> No.8805952

I don't know if you are trolling or just ignorant. Go watch Louis Theoux and the Brothel on YouTube or whatever. So you can actually get some insight into who these people are.

But of course you won't actually think about it, you only want to reinforce your own opinion anyway.

>> No.8805953
File: 39 KB, 645x511, Whiteknight[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like I'm not >>>/soc/ or something

>> No.8805954

>I'm gonna just go and kill people because murderers are just misunderstood. It's a valid job there is no such thing as good and evil anyways deal with it moralfags I'm above your shit.

>> No.8805958

>how would you feel if your 3D girlfriend or waifu, decided to prostitute herself while she dated/was married to you?
The problem about cheating isn't the act of sex with others itself. Thing is dating implies mutual agreement of loyalty. But just who should a prostitute have to pay respect for? She's not subject to the same laws that apply to yourself and your imaginary girlfriend.

>> No.8805959


>If you don't find that wrong, then it's stupid to read any further

Define wrong.

>Many different chemicals are released by a person...

Many different chemicals are also released by a person's adrenal gland in a fit of anger. In fact, it's quite natural to give into those impulses and hurt someone while in such a state. What's your point?

>> No.8805960

OK well you are making an assumption then.

Empathy is the root of morality. Your total lack of empathy and your hateful insistence on the world being seen black and white by your own baseless standards signifies you are the one who is actually lacking in morals.

>> No.8805963

I would not want my partner to do prostitution, because that would hurt my feelings
But as long as they don't have a partner, or have one that is unfazed by this, they are not hurting anyone.
If they are not hurting anyone, it is respectable in my book. I consider some random suit from a corporation that enslaves kids way worse than a whore, for example. Making tiers outside of that based on your warped sexual morality is retarded, even if everyone does it.
What is that you do that is SO respectable, mr-i'm-better-than-a-whore?

>> No.8805962

It's just a job, why are you so jealous? You just can't stand a strong independent woman making money her own ways. What if she didn't like you doing whatever you're most talented at?

I see it really is YOU the one who is projecting. Is there a family member of yours who prostitutes themselves? A girl you like that really gets around and you're trying to justify getting past that, thinking you can "make her a good girl" again? Or maybe you yourself, I don't really know.

>> No.8805964

And what exactly is wrong with killing other humans? Why is it any less wrong to kill other animals? Ever thought about why we won't feel guilty by crushing insects when they feel pain for traumatic events avoidance, just like we do?
Human rights is based on a mutual agreement, only, and the way you see it is no diferent from religious fundamentalism.

>> No.8805968

A lack in morals you appear to see in me stems from you assuming there can only be one true morality, when it is not the case.
As my morality standards lie on the world average as a normal would see it, it seems mine are closer to anything that would be considered true. Social disorders are also classified by classifying outliers. By virtue you being the outlier in this case, it is you who is lacking, and have a twisted sense of morality.

>> No.8805969
File: 471 KB, 1000x1000, 1328048881488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you seriously comparing sex with murder?
you are just trolling now?

>> No.8805971

You are looking at things too simply and by the end of your post it just becomes absurd.

Everyone looks for something different in a relationship and finds different traits comforting. You don't have to hate everything you don't personally want.

>> No.8805972

What if your partner did prostitution before they met you. Having sex with thousands of men for years before meeting you.

>> No.8805975


No, he's right. And I'm not saying this just because you sound like a normalfag. Those kinds of women are literally selling their bodies. First and foremost, they are treating themselves like meat before everyone else. He's only complying by calling prostitutes pieces of meat, because that's exactly how they're treating themselves.
He's not being a sociopath at all.

His point is self control. People who let their emotions get the better of them are animals. Jeez, this is why I hate extroverts. They act on impulse and never think before they act.

>> No.8805977

But you are the one who believes in one form of morality. An absurd claim you make, especially when appealing to the MAJORITY of NORMAL people. Go show the moral friends and the moral community you are a part of your loli collection and eroge.

By the virtue of your own post you've proven your system of morality is just as worthless as my own in any case.

Empathy being the commonly accepted foundation of morality is not the actual moral dogma itself, anyway.

>> No.8805979

Their misconceptions on loli are a moot point, because that is all they are, misconceptions. As for Eroge, it's just standard porn with a story, there is nothing strange at all about that or really anything else posted on /jp/.

Empathy must be earned anon, it is not something everyone receives just by existing.

>> No.8805980

ITT: people who attempt to propose moral relativism as a serious argument.

Relativism mainly shows that you've already given up in the argument, since you've already decided to diverge into your own respective point of view without even taking to consideration any other argument.

>> No.8805982

"They are just aknowledging the fact that, being pieces of meat, it's possible to make a profit out of other people's ambitions, being in some cases the reward higher than the social repercussion and persecution on their view of things."
Fixed that for you, son. That's basic burgeoise logical thinking.

>> No.8805986

Yeah, they are misconceptions about loli. And, and.. You are also making misconceptions about others in the same way they would about you. And when I said eroge, I was thinking along the lines of BlackLilith and Black cyc.

You are confusing empathy for respect. If you kick a puppy and it looks at you sadly you understand you hurt it and it is hurting. It didn't earn your understanding.

>> No.8805989

Maybe I'd care maybe I won't. In any case, it's my choice to accept that or not.
That I would like it or not does not make her work any less respectable. We are not talking about my ideal woman here, we are talking about why is worse sucking cock for money than typing in a keyboard for money.
Let me tell you, it's just your stupid prudish morality and pro-slavery social conventions, mixed with a childish sense of hygiene. Do you also consider the cleaning lady a less respectable worker than an financial executive? yeah, I already know what you think, even if you lie in this case because some "projecting morally twisted" guys like me managed to turn this around not so long ago.
Bow down to your overlords, brainwashed sheep. Let's perpetuate social castes!

And keyboards have more germs than dicks.

>> No.8805990

ITT: A retard who thinks you'll get anywhere arguing like that.

Everything is relative, everybody wins, hand out the 1st place trophies for everyone!
The moral standards in this thread were brought from a world view standard used by the majority. If we follow "relativism", we might as well extend that to many other things such as mental and social disorders.

>"But that's different!"

Of course it is, we can only use relativism when it suits you, right?

>> No.8805991

By discussing things open-minded like this, you favor logic instead of belief. Where in hell is this bad? Otherwise it'd be a bunch of barbaric clans yelling and trying to impose their thought onto each others.
By putting morality values on equal plane, rebuilding rules become something doable while considering what gives more advantages to all sectors.

>> No.8805995

you guys are fags

>> No.8806001


Relativism is the antithesis of dialectics. If I wish to prove a certain proposition, then I do not concede that it is at the outset of equal truth value as to the proposition I wish to argue against, otherwise undergoing the argument is unnecessary.

Do you wish to contest that view, or do you want to merely grant me agreement while clinging to the agreement of your own position by yourself?

>> No.8806005

Probably, but we've at least had a conversation without too much personal attacks and shitflinging.

>> No.8806008

>it's my choice to accept that or not.
And it is my choice to abhor these people.

>pro-slavery social conventions
Where the fuck does this even come from?

And no, I do not consider her any less respectable. She fills her role in society by cleaning. She may earn less as the labor requires less training and experience than an executive, but she is not destroying herself and stooping down to an animal standard of pleasure for money. She could have had bad luck in life that might have led her to obtain a lesser paying job than she might want, but that is nothing to be ashamed about or be unrespectable. I don't see where you brought that one out of either. Wages have nothing to do with it. A prostitute likely makes quite a bit of money, that still doesn't make them respectable.

>lets perpetuate social castes.

What the flying fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8806010

Why would you bring up moral relativism in the first place? Assuming it was you who appealed to the majority. It's hard to know who is who in this argument.

Appealing to the majority, particularly in a subject as idealistic as morality, will create an entire other argument.

>> No.8806013

99% chance it's a female.

>> No.8806012

I can't believe someone on /jp/ is actually defending prostitution as being a "normal job". Not even "normal" people would agree with you.

>> No.8806014

I think you miss the point of that argument entirely.

>> No.8806015

Seems like you're just ignorant. Educate yourself a bit, observe society and analyze why certain things work this way.
Not that I expect that much from you, anyway.

>> No.8806016

I am actually OP and I'm male.

>> No.8806019


I wasn't the one who introduced moral relativism in the first place, nor did I appeal to the majority:


I should note that anon he is referring to did not appeal to the majority either, at least not on any normative basis. He said that empathy is a feature of the majority of people, not that anything that it entails should be, but as a fact.

>> No.8806020

No, probably a European who wants to visit a brothel and not feel bad about it. He's throwing around that everyone else is projecting like crazy in this thread.

According to him the majority is wrong.
According to him only those who agree with him and argue on his basis of relativism are right, yet by that basis it's impossible for anyone to be right. He can only gain the "upperhand" in the argument by forcing stalemate, and you can hardly call that the upperhand at all.

It was interesting reading through this thread, both guys have rather alien forms of thought.

>> No.8806021

I thought women would be more okay with it than men.

>> No.8806022

Who said prostituion is a normal job? learn to read
And I'm not a female

>> No.8806026

>Can't refute arguments
>anon is so stupid lol

Quoting your actions and words. What a shitty ending to this.

>> No.8806025

>Not even "normal" people would agree with /jp/.
Oh, wow!

>> No.8806029

Funny thing is, the OPs dilemma does not apply at all.

Prostitutes are really desensitized due to their nature of their job. They wouldn't feel the least "hurt" for not being chosen by a customer.

Rather, they'd be annoyed that they didn't get any business, the same way a fruit stall owner get annoyed when someone starts looking at his merchandise for a moment but then walks away uninterested.

>> No.8806033

I actually sympathize with him and I hate to say it, but I'm disappointed as well.

In any case we were talking about why you would abhor them, and "debating" various ways of looking at it.

It could be argued that prostitutes serve their function by offering a relief to men and women who are lonely or stressed and "need" that type of service anyway.

>> No.8806032

>visit a brothel and not feel bad about it
Actually, what people that visit brothels do to not feel bad about it is consider the whores subhuman scum like you do. Also, people that want the problem to magically go away also think this way.
But a real world brothel is way more complicated than the ideal brothel we are discussing here. And so are brothel visitors. For starters, lots of girls are forced into it.

>> No.8806035

He wasn't even the person who brought up moral relativism. So everything you've said is baseless.

>> No.8806036

What arguments? you still haven't proved that prostitution is not a respectable job at all
You're just throwing red herrings around.

>> No.8806039

>And it is my choice to abhor these people.
>Where the fuck does this even come from?
>What the flying fuck are you talking about?
You call these arguments? That's cute.
The other anon had all the rights for that, man.

>> No.8806049


>quoting out of context


>> No.8806050
File: 52 KB, 200x200, getouthong_s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is filled with white-knights and normals.


>> No.8806054

You are quite right. There are many things about this situation we haven't even discussed that add complexity to it.

>> No.8806057

>i have no arguments so i'll play the white knight card
sugoi monogatari

>> No.8806058

I think you use words and have no idea what they mean.

>> No.8806059

Nowhere in my post did I ever imply I agree with slavery nor societal castes. sorry I could not appear eloquent and humor you there.

All my posts have been aimed at a brothel with willing prostitutes. I disagree with any form of forced labor. And by that I mean actual slavery, not "forced" as in they need quick cash.


I typed that up long ago, maybe your memory is slipping.

>> No.8806061


You're wrong. All whores are self-deprecating sluts who deserve to be the scum of the earth, QED.

>> No.8806062

tis tread maked me sad :'(

>> No.8806063

Why would one feel bad for performing a financial transaction exchanging money for services?

>> No.8806072

Come on, man..

Nobody is saying it is this black and white at all. Rather the opposite.

>> No.8806075

Because said financial transactions have higher implications than just pleasure you idiot.
A person with multiple partners like that has not only deprecated themselves mentally, but also has also statistically lowered their chances of ever having a healthy bonded relationship with another human being by a drastic percentage.

Google "cohabitation and premarital sex divorce rates" That should bring up a study on similar matters.

>> No.8806079

Yeah, he actually was. There are followup posts that use moral relativism as a way to get an uppperhand. I don't blame you for being confused, read closely.
Although he might use your post to discard that rule (that did not mean anything given it was ignored)

>> No.8806080


You guys could also watch this to get some insight into, I suppose you could say, willful prostitution. Since he interviews prostitutes, shows what they go through, talks to them about their feelings etc. Hayley seems like a bro of a person.

>> No.8806081


This assumes that the person aims to have a bonded relationship with anyone in the first place. Those facts are only relevant if the prostitute wishes to have such relationships with someone else (in which case they would detrimentally affect its chances), but it is also a matter of fact that undergoing prostitution statistically increases the income one garners, which could've been the intended aim.

>> No.8806082

But whe would an outsider like me care about someone that willfully chooses a profession like that, knowing what it entails?

>> No.8806083


>A person with multiple partners like that has not only deprecated themselves mentally
(citation needed)
>but also has also statistically lowered their chances of ever having a healthy bonded relationship with another human being by a drastic percentage.
And why would they want that at all? That goes against their career directly!

>> No.8806088

You are so fucking pathetic.
>this girl seems nice, they're all this nice!
>It's not like this video is just a way to give prostitutes a better face by society to increase profit margins by prostitutes or their pimps.

Haven't opened the link, I'm assuming the guy is European, interviewing prostitutes and attempted to make them appear sympathetic on youtube. Good idea trying to change the image of that "profession". Anything for money.

>> No.8806092
File: 7 KB, 267x189, imagesdfh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread looks like /v/ just it isn't about video games its about prostitution , but the posts are same.

Pro tip
Feeling empathy for other humans is normal and makes you a human.
Prostitution is more complicated than "pay for sex" there are different reasons why guys/girls pay for sex and why girls/guys work for sex.

I wish some of you guys would stop feeding the retarded dark and edgy kids on this board.

also this thread gave me cancer.

>> No.8806096

The discussion has actually been nice until recently and you've shown yourself to be an utter moron.

>> No.8806098

>And why would they want that at all? That goes against their career directly!
Yes, then they deserve even less if their outlook is the same, for they are knowingly corrupting young men in the same fashion.

>> No.8806103

I consider you a moron as well, so it all works out.

>> No.8806104

It looks like the old threads we'd have at this time of night actually. Apart from the last 20 or so posts.

But I agree with you anyway.

>> No.8806112

You can't justify the shit that was your last post. Seriously, what a stupid way to end this conversation.

>> No.8806113

I knew of two sisters, one 10 and the other 13, whose mother was out from dawn until dusk and they were kicked out of the house during that period of time (don't ask..). They skipped most of school and wandered the streets, until they got raped. Then some men started to pick them up offering money for sex. You could see in their tired faces that no one loved them and they just wandered aimlessly.
Bam, they were street whores. This a true story that happened 3 years ago in a very poor neighbourhood.
If they are still alive and not in jail, the older one is probably a full career prostitute now. When she lines up in the brothel in front of a "cute" guy like you, she want to be picked no matter what, she wants to feel validated at the only thing she could achieve in her sad life, that is being a whore. She wants to feel needed and wants a bit of your warm when you choose her over all the others. When you discard her without even giving her a second look, she feels ugly and worthless and goes to cry alone in her dark, shitty motel room. She has nothing in life. Is she not a human being? why is her life like that? what has she done wrong? She will probably end up killing herself soon.
Won't you feel bad for her?

>> No.8806120

I have not ended it. All the troubles they bring themselves with their job they have earned. Who else would feel pity for such miserable excuse for people but those who have been deceived to do so.

>> No.8806127

Excuse me? is that part of your argument? "European"?

>> No.8806130

Just watch the show. I thought this way before it, and honestly it could go either way. You could have your opinions reinforced or you could think, though that seems very doubtful.

It's a British guy interviewing prostitutes in America unbiasedly actually.

>> No.8806147

I feel bad for them because they were raped, but not for the poor choices that were made. When they decided to wallow in themselves and refuse to advance, they lose my pity.

If that is the entire emotional push behind your posts, it's pathetic. efe Assuming you are also the guy making at the defense of prostitutes, I am extremely disappointed I even argued with you in the first place. I bedeviled you to be a more practical and utilitarian sort of person from your posts. I guess the guy discussing moral relativism really was not you at all. Really, you are an overemotional and weak willed man.

>> No.8806154

It's an assumption as many more nations in Europe have legalized prostitution comparatively to other continents, or better say regions.

Proven my assumption wrongs then, it is likely in Nevada then? That is the only state with Legalized prostitution, and it's not everywhere in state either I think.

>> No.8806159

I wasn't him. But I still disagree with most of your sentiments in this post.

>> No.8806161

You like 3D. Your contribution is unwanted in this thread.

Stay inside your niche threads.

>> No.8806165

Yes it is in Nevada, but that doesn't discredit the documentary.

It isn't just a random dickhead making a YouTube show. It was funded by BBC and it's the same guy who did the pedophile metal hospital documentary.

>> No.8806166

You finally turned ad hominem, because you have no argument. As expected.

>> No.8806168

See this is the thing, I've been arguing in defense of prostitutes and against dehumanizing them and I don't even like 3D. I don't hate women and people and I'm not as hardline over the top about it as some but I'm not so interested romantically or physically.

>> No.8806182

>same guy who did the pedophile metal hospital documentary.
Maybe he also correlates the very wrong both types of people do.

If you're a NEET I don't blame you for disagreeing, I admit I look down harshly on people who refuse to advance themselves to their peak. If no one did so, it would be us still set back by much advancement. If no one holds themselves to standards and reaches to become an ideal themselves, we will always just remain at a lowly human state.

>> No.8806183

About the going to a shop and leaving without buying anything: that makes me very uncomfortable too. I always buy at least SOMETHING. It feels wrong not to.

>> No.8806192

They dehumanize themselves to become merchandise. Why do you assume that everyone is pure and good?

There was no argument in that post, I just expressed my opinion on the story posted and my views on the other anon I have been discussing the topic with in this thread.

>> No.8806191

I kind of wish the thread stayed about that type of thing. That was the intention to begin with.

>> No.8806200

Please just watch it. Your assumptions are just, I don't know. It is annoying.

And yes, I am NEET and your worldview is something I really can't stand, obviously. Everyone is different and some people aren't cut out to do the same kind of Nietzschean stuff you seem to say. There are other things to offer humanity outside of progress and arbitrary ideals.

>> No.8806201

You keep going on and on about how you're disappointed. Get off your high horse idiot, you are the one who has yet to bring up something even remotely relevant besides "eww prostitutes suck everyone knows this"

>> No.8806205

Of course there was no argument, what kind of response is that?

>> No.8806206

I'm talking about the way people like you are dehumanizing them in the very post you just made. We can't keep going around in these circles, seriously.

>> No.8806207
File: 9 KB, 212x238, 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got my respect now.
This is what I call always a real 2D lover, someone who has no interest in the beauty of 3D women , but still has respect and no hatred to 3D or humans in general.

This board would be a much better place with people like you.
But sadly its full of people who try way too hard with all the hating on 3D and everything what makes humans good.Kids acting dark and edgy to be accepted on /jp/ or just old guys grown inside their own hatred for life and humans is what makes this board bad sometimes.

>> No.8806216

I brought up many examples, both biological and societal disruptions caused by prostitution as a profession.
If your reading comprehension is off, I can't take responsibility for that.

>> No.8806217

>This is what I call always a real 2D lover, someone who has no interest in the beauty of 3D women , but still has respect and no hatred to 3D or humans in general.

You're projecting your preferences on others. Don't do that.

>> No.8806220

>I feel bad for them because they were raped, but not for the poor choices that were made. When they decided to wallow in themselves and refuse to advance, they lose my pity.
Burgeois armchair libertarian, the worse type of scum.

>> No.8806225

It was a response to his story, and I seem to be the only one who responded. A response constitutes more than just "good story, would read again"

>> No.8806232

I agree with you 100%

Turning to 2D as a reactionary thing owing to hatred isn't love at all.

>> No.8806236

She could stop bein a prostitute. There are many other jobs she could take. But she wont, because it's easier to just sell herself and be comforted by other men. For all the talk of ad hominem in this thread, the rest of you are quick to use it.

>> No.8806242

I'll leave for now anon. I was interested in your viewpoints and if you would like I would continue with you, as your open view to topics such as prostitution is something strange on /jp/.

>> No.8806247

It was an interesting conversation. I need to get some sleep anyway. Take it easy.

>> No.8806252

I don't know who is talking with who anymore, but I guess I'll leave the discussion too.

>> No.8806266

I am also confused. I wonder how many people were actually arguing.

Oh well, have fun.

>> No.8806277

That's right, your waifu would be disappointed.
I think such a change of mind shouldn't happen out of bitterness but because of disappointment of romantic views

>> No.8806301


I don't hate 3D myself. I'm just unable to relate to it.

I wouldn't mind if the rest of the world ceased to exist, but neither would I will it.

>> No.8806326

dude thats hardcore as fuq

>> No.8806332

>I wouldn't mind if the rest of the world ceased to exist, but neither would I will it.
Think about this for more than a few minutes, and yes you would.

Watch Threads by Barry Hines.

>> No.8806340

I would post the lordofdarkness.jpg but two times in the same thread would be too much darkness, /jp/ wouldn't be able to take it.
