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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 94 KB, 800x532, 040212-japanese-ship-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8797721 No.8797721 [Reply] [Original]


Poor shirp-boat chan... lost due to the earthquake. Abandoned by her onii-sama who says he doesn't want her. She drifted all the way across the ocean to try and find a new home, but even Alaska says she's too filthy and doesn't want her either. All Shrimpboat-chan wants is someone to care for her again after the tragedy.

>> No.8797727


>> No.8797725 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 446x476, 1 (24)393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id take care of her!

>> No.8797738


>> No.8797744

...she lived...

... a hard life...

>> No.8797753

There are entire houses out there.

I would if I could plunder any pantsu from them.

>> No.8797754 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 358x478, 1 (410).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if its actually a fighter robot, sent to take over America??
japs tried to pull a fast one there..

>> No.8797764

What would happen then, Moe-chan? <3

>> No.8797773


That actually looks to be a pretty nice boat. Looks to be in better condition than the Millennium Falcon, and people have been eating that up for 35 years without complaining.
I'd take her.

>> No.8797788

>they don’t want it,” Begich said Friday. “Neither do we.”
Why wouldn't you want your 150 foot long boat back?

Sure, it might be banged up a bit, but I'm sure it's still worth something. How much could you get if you scrapped that son of a bitch, anyways?

>> No.8797791

All of you faggots saying you'd take her should go do it

Maritime Salvage law would be on your side since the ship would be considered abandoned. All you need to do is rent a boat out to it and get on it, and it'd be yours.

Or are you faggots all talk?

>> No.8797803

Go with me.

>> No.8797807

If I was in Alaska, I'd take it. An uncle of mine even owns a tug, so it wouldn't be hard to fetch, too bad it's in the great lakes.

Anyone on the westcoast want to start up /jp/ shrimpboat?

>> No.8797819


What would I do with some ungrateful imboatmo?

Shrimping is shitty cold work, I'm not forest gump.

>> No.8797826

You could make a killing on that scrap if you got it to shore.

>> No.8797833

theres probably a really good logistical reason why nobody has recovered it yet.

either that or its filled with youkai.

>> No.8797906
File: 89 KB, 714x670, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is 100 something miles from fuck-all-nowhere Alaska.

Just getting there is an ordeal in itself

>> No.8797932
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, TakeCareOfHer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she has lasted that long without sinking i would take her to the nearest dock and fix her up!
She could be the /jp/ mansion yacht.

>> No.8797940


Sadly, yes.
I could list full 10.000 word essay on the particular circumstances why as much as I'd love a ship on the high seas there's still no chance I'll get over to Alaska anytime soon, but it's so much faster and less embarassing just admitting I'm more talk than walk on this one.

>> No.8797945
File: 393 KB, 1280x714, Pirates11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it /jp/! since no one wants the boat we can take it and become the legal pirates we have always wanted to be!

>> No.8798004

nice boat

>> No.8798010

They should just tow the thing rather than just monitoring it. I mean, right now it's an out of control object that will eventually slam into something.

>> No.8798037

If no one takes her soon it's only a matter of time before she loses all hope and does something drastic, like barging into someone's home.

>> No.8798052


Indeed. Such as the homes of some random endangered marine birds.
Then suddenly everyone will be very interested.

>> No.8798066


More likely she'll float along the coast and back out to sea following the alaskan current before either doing another loop, or heading down to mexico.

If she ends up going far enough south, a storm will probably eventually sink her, and she'll slowly become a reef. Unwillingly penetrated by countless sea creatures for years.

>> No.8798074

How vulgar!

>> No.8798075

to lewd

>> No.8798114

Towing a several-hundred-ton boat back to shore would probably cost more in fuel than what you could get for scrap metal from it.

>> No.8798130

I'd take that boat in a second.
Imagine stepping on to that old thing and finding some crew member's workplace, his stuff still in his locker and everything. So much fun`

>> No.8798369

If it's a hazard, the government should pay for or subsidize it.

>> No.8798524 [DELETED] 


>> No.8798531

I tried FIFA once but then I remembered that I don't know how to play football/soccer.

>> No.8798532


>> No.8798537

Perhaps the mansion will become a reality, in the form of a rusty, converted shrimp boat.

Adventure, on the high seas!

>> No.8798543

>Shrimpboat-chan lacks internet connection

>> No.8798579

Take out the radio, and none of their screams would ever be heard.

We all know that's how it would turn out anyway.

>> No.8798590

My hull's moving all by itself!
