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8795188 No.8795188 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to leave the house today.
Any tips?

>> No.8795189


>> No.8795192

unless you have an express purpose for it you will just find it uncomfortable.

if you go to a park and jog or something that would work fine.

>> No.8795194

Quit while you are ahead

>> No.8795199

I was supposed to go out and cut my hair yesterday. I'll do it today for sure!

>> No.8795201

1. wear your lucky milky holmes shirt
2. pack lots of candy because the trip will be tiring
3. make sure your phone is fully charged so you can browse /jp/ and formspring so u dont miss all the fun

>> No.8795206
File: 136 KB, 678x692, 1309000191772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just try to be normal, and not to look like a nerdy hikkimori.

Put normal clothes, not fan-made t-shirts. Wash yourself before going out, just in case someone notices your odour. And try to act like anyone else.

Remember to cross the streets only when the peasant light is in green, and trough the zebra crossing.

Don't do weird noises while you walk, don't let your droll drip out of your mouth. Blow your nose with a tissue, not without your arm.

If you do it a million times, you will end blending with the rest of the normal people.

Good luck and do your best.

>> No.8795207

Why would I own a phone?

>> No.8795214
File: 35 KB, 478x478, 1 (167).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fun goes on on formspring?

>> No.8795219

When did you leave your house the last time OP?

>> No.8795232
File: 326 KB, 580x580, expurt!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I happen to be an expert on the subject of out-of-house-traversing. You will have to wait for tomorrow for me to offer a compendium of vital and life-saving tips to your survival. Until then, by all means, don't go out! You might end up gravely hurting yourself and/or inducing psychological trauma.

Tomorrow's advice is exactly like this one

>> No.8795237

That's true, just wait till you accidentally bump into someone while acting all autistic. Embrace for impact.

>> No.8795234

Hey moe!
Will you be my friend?

>> No.8795245

There's going to be bright thing in the sky (a sky is a ceiling, but outside, and too far away to touch). Don't look at the light! It may be bright enough to obscure your vision, so I'd recommend taking some sunglasses with you. Also, stop to rest if you're walking - you don't want to exert yourself too much and end up fainting, or something.
Don't eat heavily before you leave, or your digestion will effect how tired you get, and your ability to think.
DON'T look at the ground! Look straight ahead, or where's you're walking, or the distant sky - but don't make eye contact with people you pass. You might find it difficult to talk with people face-to-face, but don't worry about it.
Make sure you have your route planned before you go - know the landmarks, and do a little google maps to make sure your path doesn't have to cross any busy roads, or areas without a sidewalk.
Go early in the morning, around dawn, but be back before 7AM - that's when rush hour starts. Or leave after 9, and be back by 12 (it will be warmer, though).
You don't want to be out in the afternoon and evening, because that's when niggers and homeless people are most active.

>> No.8795274

If it's too bright just squint your damn eyes. Sunglasses tend to inflate peoples egos by making them unable to connect with other people, so they see other people more as things than as actual people. It's always someone wearing sunglasses that's causing problems outside. It's always people wearing sunglasses that are causing problems inside.

>> No.8795283

I don't think so, I think you have racism issues.

>> No.8795289

What makes you say that?

>> No.8795291


Have you ever worn sunglasses? After a while, you get used to the difference in lighting that you don't notice you're even wearing them. Unless they're uncomfortable prompting you to keep adjusting them, that is.

>> No.8795297

Not once. No reason for them.

>> No.8795395

This takes me back.

Spacing out and bumping in to someone that I fall in love with because of the minor confrontation... the feeling of touch on my body.
It's a wonderful feeling.

Only to have my heart crushed with the realization that I can't even form a word to apologize while staring blankly at the other human.


>> No.8795402

Autism reaching critical levels.

>> No.8795424

Who is that on the OP image?

>> No.8795517

It's okay.
