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879279 No.879279 [Reply] [Original]

Korea is more important than Japan.

>> No.879292

Seeing how prone Korea is to bitching, I'd say they were saving themselves a headache or two.

>> No.879296

<丶`∀´> Look at it this way: South Korea's per-capita GDP is much higher than that of it's neighbors China or Russia nida. Though not as high as Japan, adjusted for purchase power parity (PPP), it is only $5000 less per capita nida. Who needs culture when we have MONEY nida!!! KEKEKEKEKEKE

>> No.879299

Cowboys are actually of Mexican origin.

>> No.879302

Reported for off-topic

>> No.879316

How product goes
 ① (⊂_  ミ Invented by German
 ② ( ´_⊃`) Commercialized by American
 ③ ミ ´_>`) Invested by British
 ④ ξ ・_>・) Designed by French
 ⑤ ( ´U_,`) Publicized by Italian
 ⑥ ( ´∀`) Improved & miniaturized by Japanese
 ⑦ (  `ハ´) Pirated by Chinese

>> No.879319

Koreans invented civilization.

Also, all of Chinese and Japanese culture came from Korea, since Confucius was Korean.

>> No.879322

What's the country with the shit on it's face?
An African one, right?

>> No.879325


>> No.879329

...I'm pretty sure Mesopotamia holds that title...

>> No.879331



>> No.879333


Not if you study Korean history.

>> No.879337

>( ´U_,`) Italian

dear jesus . . .

>> No.879343


Sorry if I'm not weeaboo enough to browse youtube in Japanese.

>> No.879346

>>...I'm pretty sure Mesopotamia holds that title...

How can Mesopotamia hold that when there was another civilization developing simetaneously on the Yellow River Valley ???

>> No.879351

Eurocentric History is Eurocentric

>> No.879361

Imagine, Mexico invading the U.S. They stay there for 40 years, imposing their law and their culture. They ban everyone from speaking english and force you to take weird names like Juan or Pedro, while their soldiers run around doing whatever they want, killing and raping whoever they want, while telling you that THEY are the superior culture and that you must adapt to serve them or die. That's what Japan did to Korea, and it's not easy to forget that sort of thing.

>> No.879365

We all descended from roughly 5000 African females approximately 75,000 years ago. Genetic bottleneck then. First civilizations: Africa. Improvement from then to today: Minimal.
First "modern" society: Victorian England.

>> No.879368

still doesn't excuse them for being fucking annoying

>> No.879369

75,000 years ago, humans had already migrated to every continent.

>> No.879374

>Imagine, Mexico invading the U.S.

But they ARE doing that.

>> No.879380

Korea is Japan from around a decade or so ago.

10 years from now we'll be getting some Woreans or Keeaboos or some crap.

>> No.879381

Sorry, 75,000 years ago, humans had already migrated as far as Asia and Australia.

>> No.879392

I suggest you read up on Mount Toba and the following ice age. All humans living today were reshaped by it, and it wheedled us down such that mitochondrial DNA can demonstrate we bottlenecked and ll descended from a very small number of African females.

>> No.879400

I dunno, something about Tigris and the Euphrates being called "The cradle of civilization" might have something to do with it, I'm sure.

>> No.879416

In other words, Africans are the least changed, most primal humans?

>> No.879421
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>>We all descended from roughly 5000 African females approximately 75,000 years ago.

LOL at the Western 'Out-Of-Africa' theory, when human fossils have been found in China as old as 250,000 years. And as recently as a few months ago, the Chinese found humanoid fossils as old as 100,000 years.


>> No.879437

And how can that be when another civilization - The Chinese - was thriving/flourishing at about the same time along the Yellow River.

>> No.879454

Because Westerners desire not to give up their superiority. It's also why they labeled so many thriving cultures as "savage" and did what they could to "educate" the "primitives".

>> No.879455

LOL at Chinese government spin. I don't know which to believe! The Chinese government, or tens of thousands of climatologists, geneticists, anthropologists and paleontologists! I'm sure the Chinese would LOVE to say they weren't descended from Africans and would use anything to rewrite the history of their origin to better their racial image. Kind of like the Nazis. Fucking moron. Any humanoid species that lived and left those fossils then does not have a -single- living offspring we would classify as human today.

>> No.879479

how is it spin? there is something called carbon--dating which proves otherwise. Believe whatever you want, from Peking Man to this recent discovery, the Chinese do not believe that Modern Human Man came from Africa about 100,000 years ago - the so called 'Out Of Africa' theory.

And they have the evidence to prove it.

>> No.879487

Or we could be wrong.

You do realize that a lot of progress in science starts after people say "Whoops, turned out we were wrong."

Now, whether the fossils are or are not something that can be classified as homo sapiens or, possibly, some creature which could evolve INTO homo sapiens is something different. But to purposefully blind yourself to the possibility by saying "WE KNOW EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING WE KNOW IS RIGHT!!!!!!!" is just plain dumb.

The path to wisdom begins when you know the depth of your ignorance.

>> No.879498

>>The Chinese government, or tens of thousands of climatologists, geneticists, anthropologists and paleontologists

There are plenty of other Western scientists, climatologists, geneticists, anthropologists and paleontologists who do not believe in the 'Out Of Africa' theory and support the 'Multi-Regional Origin Of Humans' theory

>> No.879509

Carbon dating can fairly accurately determine the age of the fossils. But just like neanderthals, which were considered the same as modern humans at one time and then reversed to be detailed as a distinct species that was eliminated those fossils from China are certainly not the ancestor of any living modern human.
Show me the evidence that contradicts the human genome. Do you have any idea what mitochondrial DNA is? Do you understand how the inheritance of it works? How about human genetic variance vs many other animals? How about worldwide genetic sampling demonstrating convergence to a point ~74,000 years ago? A few humanoid bones vs billions of points of available data. By all means, go for it.

>> No.879520

If we take as given that the humanoid skull found is 100-150k years old, we must take into account other evidence such as mitochrondrial DNA and Y chromosomes.

That would be strong evidence that anybody in china 100k years ago has no living decendents.

However I found out when I tried to study this that it is much more difficult to understand than a simple family tree and that some of your basic intuitions can lead you wrong so be careful about drawing conclusions.

>> No.879534

why are americans always shown as cowboys with guns?

>> No.879546

Western movies. And because almost the entire world dresses in Western clothes. You have to caricature.

>> No.879554


I don't know where you live, but here in North Carolina, everyone here wears cowboy hats. Only the men carry around six shooters though.

>> No.879555

It is not proof because it is possible for whole branches of a species to die out. You have to show that people were continuously in China fro 100,000 years and that people today are related to those that were there then.

Genetic evidence supports the assertion that every human alive today is related to a single genetic "Eve" who lived in Africa.

It is fairly solid evidence, but I'm not good enough at population genetics to convince myself that it proves the Africa theory even if true.

>> No.879576


>> No.879587

ITT Rational people argue with Chinese nationalists.

>> No.879600

put another way, fossils from the past prove they existed in china but not that they had descendants who survived.

>> No.879622

Why do you hate African so much? Because white people tell you to? I wouldn't can so bad about them. Humans are still very stupid and primal. Akihabara massacre and Israel and Middle East is proof.

You need to listen. Just because bones are found doesn't mean you descended from them.

>> No.879629

Yeah, that puts it in a simpler way.

On top of that I've heard theories the posit multiple waves of immigration. It would be simplistic to think that because we all came out of Africa all our ancestors are Negros (Which seems to matter to some people).

>> No.879645

This assumes that the people who live in Africa now are descended from people that never left. Is there any evidence that blacks did not come from a group of people that came back into Africa? If not then your conclusion just shows prejudice.

>> No.879650
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>> No.879680

This is one of the few elements of Korean culture that Japan shouldn't have suppressed, but rather brought back with them to their island as well.

>> No.880710

mexican are actually of spanish decent
