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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8792470 No.8792470 [Reply] [Original]

do you think that NEETs are as they are because of a guilt complex or a complete lack of guilt?

>> No.8792472

I feel guilt. But I am also unable to help myself. I suppose some people genuinely are unashamed.

>> No.8792476

in what way cant you help yourself?
Like an invisible wall of sorts?

>> No.8792480

What's with these topics?

>> No.8792484

The way they are is a mechanism of natural selection which causes weak males to isolate themselves from others and thus avoid soiling the gene pool with their abortive seed.

>> No.8792485
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Asuka sucks, Rei is better.

There, I said it.

>> No.8792486

hmm, so you suppose its natural for NEETs to occur within society as humans.
But why is there hate against NEETs then?

>> No.8792490

I think I make myself feel guilty because I need to to not always fuck up relationships because I don't give a fuck.

>> No.8792492

>NEET is synonymous with hikkikomori

>> No.8792493

I don't feel guilty at all

>> No.8792499


For the same reason people shun the gays, because it's detrimental to reproduction and furthering the species.

>> No.8792500
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im afraid im going to have to disagree.

>> No.8792501


>> No.8792507

is it not more of a "eww, what the fuck? how can someone live like this?"
Like a culture shock of sorts.

>> No.8792518


It's the same thing. People don't want their children to be filthy shut-ins that can't attract a mate and don't reproduce.

>> No.8792523

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.8792529

id say its not "attract a mate and reproduce".
I dont think humans actually think like that anymore, they really dont.
I think its more the parents dont want to be in a situation where they are asked at some "shtick-it-up-your-butt" family gathering; "and whats anon doing?" I think its really that simple. Things are always that simple.

"Umm... Umm... well, hes kinda taking a gap year... or two..."

>> No.8792535
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i do.
I find it interesting, arrowfag

>> No.8792543

because society is fucking toxic

you conflate NEET with hiki and shame with guilt

>> No.8792545


>I dont think humans actually think like that anymore, they really dont.

Are we using the same internet? It's all they think about.

>"Umm... Umm... well, hes kinda taking a gap year... or two..."

You taking a gap year is a sign of your inferiority, the inferiority of your genes to be precise. That's why it bothers your parents.

>> No.8792547
File: 269 KB, 640x480, FREAK AM I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I to you? What am I, hmm? Some kind of a circus freak? Is that it? Is that it? Huh? Some kind of a freak? Maybe I should shitpost all over /jp/. Do you like it?

>> No.8792555


>/jp/ - Amateur Eugenics

>> No.8792557

Not guilt, shame.

Do you even lift, OP?

>> No.8792561

i agree and disagree. In alot of cases, humans think of genes, subconsciously. But in the case of a Parent with a child who has grown up in an unconventional way and is still relying on said parent, i think its more a simple situation of; "this isnt fair, what will the neighbours think?" The "what wil the neighbours think" idea doesnt have to do with genes.

>> No.8792570
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>Asuka sucks, Rei is better

>> No.8792572

im still in school,
but i guess i dont really do much, yeah.

>> No.8792590


>The "what wil the neighbours think" idea doesnt have to do with genes.

They care about what others think because being accepted into society is part of passing on your genes, of course. Everyone who has already passed on their genes will naturally want those genes to be passed on further it's an integral part of their original will to have kids.

Do you seriously think the opinion of a few people that live close by is the cause of your parents disrespect for you?

>> No.8792597

im not really sure.
Theres just something about the genes thing that doesnt stand straight for me.
Humans just dont seem that simple...

>> No.8792602
File: 566 KB, 1024x1060, 1323852304740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shame is there in being a NEET or a hikki?

I see nothing wrong with someone who enjoys staying inside and prefers a life of isolation and introspection. If anything, it's actually quite admirable.

Most people spend their entire lives out there, socializing, forming families, chasing a career, all while believing that these things are meaningful and important. NEETs have seen past that though. There's no point to any of this, so why bother doing anything but enjoying your hobbies and exploring your mind through introspection if that's what you find enjoyable?

Socialization is fine if you genuinely enjoy it, but to do something simply because it's normal in our society or because your family wants you to do it is just to fall to peer pressure and betray your own personality.

>> No.8792612

Because you're living off other people and not pulling your own weight. I may not feel shame for being one but I'm not going to delude myself into thinking it's an honorable life.

Now if you were a hermit living on the side of some mountain that might be cool.

>> No.8792618


>Humans just dont seem that simple...

Humans are animals like monkeys and dogs, just that unlike them, we are much more complex, and thus more unpredictable. This gives some people the illusion of posessing a soul or free-will. In fact you are just a very complex, fleshy machine.

>> No.8792621

But in the same sense arent people who go and do something incredible that involves other people a way of saying, in the same way as you have just described, "Well, its all pointless, but i might as well just do something fucking great before the end". Aah, maybe i shouldnt post this on /jp/... ah, who cares...
...in reality, give it a few years time, ill be on this everyday, nothing else. The sad thing is i didnt realise it was creeping up on me. God damn it! Someone invent the fucking time machine already!

>> No.8792633

yeah, i always tell my friends: "well, if i fail my finals, ill just live on the side of a mountain as a hermit" They dont believe it of course, but considering my prospects it might not be a bad idea

>> No.8792642


>is part of passing on your genes

Why would anyone care about this? To be motivated by "passing on your genes" is such primitive and mindless behavior. A desperate and laughably irrational grasp at clinging to life.

Immortality is impossible and leaving a legacy has no meaning. You will be dead. What does it matter if you have left behind no children or dozens of children? You won't be consciously aware of their existence after you die, you just spent a lifetime trying to satisfy a reproductive instinct. I would expect that kind of mindless behavior from a chimp or a dog, but a supposedly intelligent human? It's shameful to allow your life to be controlled by such a thing.

>> No.8792648
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I was kind of NEET for half an year. But my anxiety was acting up.

>> No.8792646


Where is the part where they starve to death once their parents die?

>> No.8792649
File: 18 KB, 247x343, robotsofdawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, maybe...

>cries a little

>> No.8792657


It's probably subconscious.

>> No.8792659
File: 62 KB, 196x186, 1332868899459552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bad part comes when you can't even go buy food, or even rarely speak normally to people. NEETs/hikkys don't usually know how to talk to people. At all.

I was reading I am a hero just now, and that man's socializing is painful to watch, at times.

>> No.8792661

i was waiting for someone like you to come around.
I totally agree.

>> No.8792673
File: 474 KB, 1219x633, hero02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a hero = nice choice of manga.

But he's not even that bad, he has a girlfriend! Well, kind of...

>> No.8792675

there isn't a single day, that i don't think about going back in time.

>> No.8792678


>"Well, its all pointless, but i might as well just do something fucking great before the end"

Greatness is subjective though. In the grand scheme of things you can't really do anything that is even noticeable, let alone great. You could blow up the entire earth and it would be a small and nearly unnoticeable event in the unfathomably huge universe that we live in.

The only greatness you can accomplish in life is based upon what you consider to be great. It's a subjective goal that you determine. A great life for someone who loves eroge might be a life spent doing nothing but playing eroge and posting on /jp/, but a great life for someone else might be something completely different.

Nothing has any inherit value, so you have to assign value to things in life based upon your own personality and what you personally find enjoyable. The trap you must avoid though is allowing society, family, or other people tell you what is a good life, rather than determining it on your own.

>> No.8792680



>> No.8792684


>Why would anyone care about this?

Because millions of years of evolution are hard to fight against. Because 99% of people fap and still have some trace of a sex-drive even though they aren't reproducing.

>Immortality is impossible and leaving a legacy has no meaning.

It has no meaning to you If you have no legacy to leave behind. If you worked all your life and achieved things that you are proud of you wouldn't want them to go to waste, would you? To have your effort be in vain? In the end you are right now communicating with me using means that wouldn't exist if people thought a legacy was meaningless.

>It's shameful to allow your life to be controlled by such a thing.

How is it anymore shameful than being a hikki, if it makes someone happy? Also, you are also controlled by instincts, just that your instincts cause you to hide in your basement.

>> No.8792689


this might be so in some very special cases,
but generally you'll find deep within a NEETs noggin that there is something more.
Of course i know that everything is subjective;
you're making a pretty simple argument that i've heard so many times before.

>> No.8792699


Yes. Once you've actually done something nobody has ever done before... there is nothing like that.
Of course, the world isn't balanced like most people say.
The amount of work put into something does not necessarily = the result

>> No.8792707


>Yes. Once you've actually done something nobody has ever done before...

No. It doesn't have to be anything big. Every little bit counts in the end.

>there is nothing like that.

How do you know?

>> No.8792731


>How is it anymore shameful than being a hikki, if it makes someone happy?
>if it makes someone happy?

That's exactly what it all boils down to though. There is nothing wrong with raising a family or reproducing, but only if it truly makes you happy to do so.

The problem arises when you look out at the people who didn't consider this and just had sex because they blindly followed their instincts or social pressure. They are unhappy, their life cannot support the children they have, and that decision did not make them happy. You must always consider the long-term consequences of any decision. Instincts are not based in reason and to blindly follow an instinct will lead to far more unhappiness than the momentary joy that came from the initial pleasure of satisfying that instinct to breed. This is clearly visible in any poor area where they have far more children than they are able to feed and they are miserable because of the overwhelming stress.

If what makes you happy in life is really just creating a family then by all means you should pursue that with all of your heart, but if you simply want kids because of the social pressure of "it's expected for me to have kids by a certain age and my family will be disappointed, so I should do it" then you aren't following your own happiness, but rather the opinions of others.

>> No.8792732


hmm, i guess i dont know...
But i PRESUME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8792742
File: 26 KB, 307x236, Shin 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am legally NEET but I still sometimes work and earn money off the books. I do that so I can still reap the benefits from the government while making a nice bit of money on the side. I live alone without my parents and I live a nice cozy life. I don't feel any guilt.

>> No.8792759


I don't disagree with any of that. Doing something because society tells you is stupid, doing something that your instincts and genes tell you is perfectly fine. The two might overlap but they are not the same. I was just explaining to the guy why his parents, as people who are all in with passing their genes on, would care about it.

>> No.8792760


this sounds like a pretty nice life.

>> No.8792780


>but generally you'll find deep within a NEETs noggin that there is something more.
>that there is something more

What else is there though? I'll agree that this definitely applies to a NEET or a hikki who is like this out of anxiety. Inhibition is just the suppression of your personality, but there many reasons for why someone not chained down by inhibitions would want to live this lifestyle.

Schizoids, people who genuinely dislike the company of humans, monks, hermits, scholars or spiritual people who have ambitions that lie in the pursuit of internal goals like expanding their mind or experiencing different states of consciousness. All of these people fit the definition of a hikki, but they are doing what they love.

Isolating yourself out of fear is to suppress yourself and these people should consider some way to defeat their anxieties or at least find what they love most in life, but there are many reasons for isolation that are based in being happy and following what you're passionate about and there is no shame in that. It's very admirable to live a life of doing what you enjoy because to do anything else is to live a life that wasn't worth living in the first place.

>> No.8792796

ok, yes.
You used examples so you make a very good point.

>> No.8793020

>Only caring about reproduction.

Fuck off back to >>>/soc/

>> No.8793122

I became a NEET due to very high social anxiety. It led to me being unable to go to college so I dropped out. I don't know if what I feel can be called guilt but I really hate the fact that I'm unable to do what I want with my life because of a stupid feeling I can't control.

>> No.8793294

Yes, exactly. An invisible wall, a mental block. A mind over matter, sort of thing. You're aware of the situation, but you can't help it. Very strange feel.

>> No.8793340

Speaking personally, I'd say lack of guilt. I stay in all day every day because I just don't give a fuck.

>> No.8793394

Hiya. Don't feel too bad, I used to be a NEET like you. One day, I decided to change everything. I ventured out and got a job. This was... 5 years ago (wow, how time flies).

I wish to send a warning back: it is difficult. Very difficult. And people can truly be monsters. I don't think I'm as unhappy now as I was back then... even with the difficulties. It's a bit better than being bored every waking moment.

If only there was a way to be half NEET. To still leave the home, engage with people, bring home the bacon, and buy anime figures. I think it is called retirement. Only 28 now, but I'll keep exploring and let you guys know.

In the meantime, any questions I can help you all with?

>> No.8793401

Why would I feel guilty as a NEET?

>> No.8793417


Did you finish college/university?

>> No.8793423

Yes I did. Work will be paying for my master's as well!

>> No.8793435


Dear Dr. NEET

I have not ever worked; what kind of employment should I seek that pays enough to sustain myself frugally?

>> No.8793449
File: 28 KB, 800x473, 1331770056876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's probably subconscious

>> No.8793496

Dr. NEET, has a nice ring to it!

Hmm. I'm sure you've heard of the comparison:

>"Back in my day, one would start working in the mailroom of a company and work their way up! Nowadays, you need a degree in Mailrooming to just get your foot in the door."

But, this is the hand life has given you, no choice but to work for your keep. Since you have nothing holding you back- why not shoot for something that most people will never have? Work for an industry or something that interests you (but not videogames/anime haha). If you find something that really interests you, you will naturally shine during the interview and while doing the mundane bullshit. It'll take some time to get rid of the social awkwardness (god knows I still have trouble with voice projection and eye contact), but you are the only one who will make your life. I force myself to look people in the eye and hold my ground in heated discussions.

Sorry that is really freaking vague =/ But as is life.
