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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8787556 No.8787556 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have an omegle thread once again, /jp/.
Go to http://omegle.com/ and put /jp/ in common interests.

>> No.8787562

One to one conversations are awkward and scary

>> No.8787560

lol lets get some epic chats up in here bros

>> No.8787563

For some reason all I ever do when I find someone who shares interest X is say, "X is shit." then disconnect. I'm not even trolling since I can't see the fruit of my labour.

I am a strange man.

>> No.8787565

Advertising your site is reportable, omegle dev. Get out.

>> No.8787579

Why do I have feeling omegle is just a setup to get the latest buzzword trends from young people for company's?

>> No.8787581

If you're right, we better do our best to let them know how much we like dicks!

>> No.8787593

that doesn't work at all. Last time I wrote the name of an obscure manga, and I ended talking with a /b/ kid who wrote "nigger jews" in the search box

>> No.8787590

/jp/ otaku turnkey naruto enterprise quality moe kawaii japan general bleach anime visual novel katawa shoujo mugen fate stay night touhou marisa yukkuri doujin manga culture moot omegle neet hikikomori programming korea idol psp cool free ringtones futaba yotsuba reimu indie games

>> No.8787595

Did you become friends?

>> No.8787599

No, after I told him what did I wrote. He called me a gay nigger and disconnected

captcha: pensioC suffering

>> No.8787605
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Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.8787608
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Stranger: /jp/ is shit.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.8787622

>You and the stranger both like little girls, loli, and lolicon.

I never know what to say at this point...

>> No.8787630

That's just too awkward.

>> No.8787633

FBI copypasta.

>> No.8787655

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You and the stranger both like little girls.
You: Awkward
Stranger: Well,
You: This situation
You: It's kinda funny
You: I don't know what to say
Stranger: This is, awkward on so many levels.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.8787658

The one time I choose to not just disconnect, and you're all "fuck you".

No, fuck YOU, /jp/.

>> No.8787667

I guess /jp/ isn't kidding when they want to be a little girl

>> No.8787662

Did you just tell me to prepare my anus?

>> No.8787664
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I had a good conversation with an anon about drawing
Gave me some good tips where to start, maybe its time to pick a new hobby besides gaming and skin beauty.

and i promised him I will shit-post for him.
See ya later /jp/

>> No.8787684

You got some problems anon.

>> No.8787690

> You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
> You and the stranger both like little girls.
> You: Hello :3
> Stranger: hi
> You: I wish to be the little girl :3
> Stranger: okay i'm gonna be daddy
? You have disconnected.

( ._.)

>> No.8787694
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>> No.8787693

scaredy cat

>> No.8787700

Someone is teaching me about functional programming. It's great.

>> No.8787702

Looks legit.

>> No.8787714

I have had two /jp/ matches but I disconnected every time.
It’s scary.

>> No.8787720

It sure is a bit intimidating.

Talking with /jp/ people on Omegle makes me feel both happy and really scared.

It's way better than random strangers, though...

>> No.8787721

I was about to tell you to take deep breaths.

I could have helped you with your anxieties, Anonymous.

>> No.8787724


>> No.8787726

>You and the stranger both like little girls, touhou, /jp/, and loli.
>Stranger: bring the fucking ruckus
>Your conversational partner has disconnected.
I don't understand ;_;

>> No.8787730

>Stranger: congrats on the marriage

I'm not ZUN!bar you dumbass

>> No.8787729
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>> No.8787732

Oh wow.

>> No.8787736


>> No.8787738

Some guy just bullied me.

>> No.8787739

That’s awful! What did he do?

>> No.8787747
File: 121 KB, 1280x1280, piccolo_after_seeing_to_many_purple_and_green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you guys can be fucking creepy sometimes

>> No.8787749

>thrusts hips at the speed of haiyaku

That one was great.

>> No.8787751
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>> No.8787754

This never stops being funny.

>> No.8787755

He called me a pedoshit.

>> No.8787758

I'm sure there are some nice /jp/ers...


>> No.8787761
File: 59 KB, 471x399, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real fucking neato.

>> No.8787764

I'll be nice, if we can cuddle.

>> No.8787769

You're not disconnecting hard enough.

>> No.8787775

Wow I am getting quite a lot of racists now.

>> No.8787780
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>> No.8787779

lol u're slav get out

>> No.8787784


>> No.8787787

Lol epic joke you made there brah.

>> No.8787791

/jp/ - ``ironically'' bad at conversations.

>> No.8787801

"Omegle couldn't find anyone who shares interests with you, so this stranger is completely random. Try adding more interests!"
Filthy normals.

>> No.8787803

I am trying to get e-text-sex and getting nothing in response.

I think that one guy bitching about illegals is using it as a metaphor for people from other sites.

>> No.8787807
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>> No.8787808
File: 533 KB, 512x384, b6d6614be916888e8099e1578fcb7a4e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still shitposting even if you are being ironic.

>> No.8787813

You and the stranger both like anime.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

>> No.8787816


>> No.8787818

None of us, because interests don't carry over into spy mode.

>> No.8787825

"...I'm on the bus right now. It's hard, but I won't give in. I won't let go! I won't!

...Oh no, there's a wet spot on this lewd thing... it's right at the tip of my dick, everyone's going to think I'm some kind of perv who gets off flashing themselves, but it's just pee... I was stupid to try and tough this out..."

Anon subsequently pissed himself on the subway in front of his friends from school. He had to suck their dicks one-by one in the bathroom so they wouldn't tell anyone, and mail the photos to his evil sister. He tried to walk barefoot the rest of the way to the mall, but his pee- and cum-soaked bikini drew the attention of a feral dog* which tore it off. By the time Anon got to the mall, he was naked except for the swimsuit top. Fortunately, no one seemed to notice much and he was able to dress again in a restroom.

*Editor note: this is just someone's pet beagle trying to play, it's small and not fierce at all

>> No.8787839

Can you get banned from this omegle thing? because I'm shitposting as hard as I can...

>> No.8787851


>> No.8787858
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>> No.8787860


I'm the guy who posted this and I'm telling myself to go to /y/.

>>>/y/, me.

>> No.8787862


god if this really is our core userbase there's nothing worth saving here

>> No.8787867


>> No.8787872

Why don't you suck his cock first?

>> No.8787871


I am going to fucking kill you. Get >>8787860 to do it instead.

God, this place has gone to the dogs.

>> No.8787869

I don't know what to say.
"An Insight into the Minds that keep ruining /jp/"
The ending was a bit better.

>> No.8787874

Can't be. The thing is that merely going to omegle is enough to select out a large part of the population. Can you guess which type is willing to go there?

>> No.8787891


T-t-there's a way... that, uh, ...

two guys can... if they...

>> No.8787938

Aww, connection was lost...
/jp/er that I was talking to about koumajou densetsu, are you here?

>> No.8787944

poor Youmu

>> No.8787974
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>> No.8788007

I tought you got bored with the discussion. Too bad about the disconnect. Was nice while it lasted.

>> No.8788012

Nah, it was pretty interesting. Um, do you want to continue through email or MSN or something?

>> No.8788023

Fuck you shitcunts, isn't there anybody with an ounce of intellect?

>> No.8788026

see email. gogogo

>> No.8788032


That question system is kind of shitty. Even if one of the people plays along the other one usually disconnects.

>> No.8788043

>ounce of intellect

>> No.8788045

It didn't go through...

>> No.8788048

Shoot, doesn't work. Try this one instead.

>> No.8788053


>> No.8788057

Dude, if you start typing don't just stop after a while.

I don't mind aliens. Just don't treat me so badly.

>> No.8788087

Aww, you really should've took my hand and let me finish the joke, comrade.

>> No.8788133

I only got 2 people who left me ;_;

Now this:
>Omegle couldn't find anyone who shares interests with you, so this stranger is completely random. Try adding more interests!

>> No.8788141
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