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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 188 KB, 428x480, SakuyaP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8787127 No.8787127 [Reply] [Original]

I had a dream tonight about my sister cosplaying Sakuya for me.

Is this bad?

>> No.8787129

Dreams are dreams.

>> No.8787136

Why would it be 'bad'? Dreams are just dreams, I wouldn't give it too much thought.
Just yesterday I dreamt of someone whose personality was somewhat of a merger of 3 people that I know, it was just weird, but ... interesting.
The other night, I dreamt something far weirder.
Just enjoy whatever you mind makes up and don't let it bother yourself too much. Next time, try dreaming a 2D Sakuya instead!

>> No.8787137

Yes, it shows that you want to fuck your sister and that you see her as your maid

>> No.8787141

No, it shows that you want to fuck your sister and that you see her as your maid

>> No.8787139
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>Is this bad?
It's pretty fucking good. I wish I had a sister and those kind of dreams.
Ask her to cosplay Sakuya for you.

>> No.8787143
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You have you mission. You know what has to be done.

>> No.8787146

And that's bad how, exactly????

>> No.8787151
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this guy speaks the truth , I did major dream psychology at wikipedia.

You are fucked up OP

>> No.8787171

To elaborate, in the dream she was telling me about some costume party she was planning to attend, so i asked her what she was going to wear. Then she told me she'd go as this girl named Sakuya, a maid. I asked her if she knew Touhou and she replied she tried to play it a couple of times and it was fun. In the end I helped her prepare the costume.

If only ;_;

>> No.8787183
File: 87 KB, 331x500, 5773524749_99e9920b42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually I think you did dream about yourself OP
just your brain did use your sisters as the characters because she is the closest face you remember.

Do you have the desire to be a maid OP?

>> No.8787184

I guess your sister is a normalfag who fucking despises even being reminded that she's related to you?

>> No.8787188

you can make your dream come true!

step 1. leave an iosys youtube video casually open in her computer

step 2. watch and enjoy

>> No.8787189

We're on pretty good terms, though she is disappointed I do nothing with my life because I used to be better than her in school.

>> No.8787193


>This music sucks

Anon's dreams shattered ;__;

>> No.8787201

He can always knock her out and watch her wake up dressed as Saku and chained to the basement floor.

>> No.8787232

That's a little harsh don't you think?

>> No.8787246

No if you really love her. You can tell her after you impregnate her... then you'd have sex everyday and she would be your maid/wife.
I learned it in a doujinshi.

>> No.8787251

I question its applicability to real life.

>> No.8787255


It's just a tad lewd, that's all.


No, that's distasteful. He's keeping her locked up in his basement to protect her from the horrors of the world. Just like Flandre, but in reverse.

Perhaps cosplaying as Flan would be more appropriate?

>> No.8787267

Why is it always the basement with you /jp/?

>> No.8787282

I've never even seen a basement in real life. I don't think they make them here.

>> No.8787283


The darkness and enclosed space of the basement is a metaphorical allusion to the womb. /jp/ wishes to retreat back into the womb into a place safe from any harm, shutting themselves in and out of society, in a place where everything is predictable and no harm can befall them.

>> No.8787293


Haven't you ever seen a horror movie? The basement is where all the bad stuff inevitably took/takes place.

>> No.8787303

My grandparents have a root cellar that reeks of mold. It would make a great rape dungeon.

>> No.8787310

There will be no rape dungeons including my sister.

>> No.8787332

If you use the basement, bad things can't happen in it because it's hard to make death traps when the owner of the house is constantly moving about the room.

It's not rape if she wants it though.

>> No.8787334

Are you out of your mind!?

>> No.8787346

Do you realize how much work such a dungeon would be?

>> No.8787351

Then use your closet. That way she's always nearby when you need some cleaning or want to do something.

>> No.8787354


That's why we need to enslave his sister and have her help build it first.

>> No.8787365

We? Get the fuck off my sister.

>> No.8787367

Then get on her.

>> No.8787373
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>> No.8787381

How hot do you find her? if she somehow was a closet otaku that browses /jp/ too and suddenly appeared in your room dressed as Sakuya and wanted to cuddle and suck your cock, would you accept?

>> No.8787385

Definately. She's a 7/10 but add to the the forbidden incest angle and that's a 10/10.

>> No.8787390

I'm going to assume that this is OP's sister.

>> No.8787396
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>> No.8787394

Oh boy. OP here, I think I'm going to fap to that thought later.

>> No.8787397

If you were OP you should go for it.

>> No.8787405

Then don't be too forward. Build up to it.

>> No.8787401

No, there is too much at stake. She's the only one left in the family I care about and my only social contact somewhat my age.

>> No.8787410

How do you even build up to something like that? Also she has a boyfriend.

>> No.8787418

Well, even with knowledge of her getting your sister into incest when you're lacking the basic social skills to get a single friend is kind of a stretch.

>> No.8787413

You know her, I don't. Can't help you. But don't forget to chase him off.

>> No.8787415

Already answered, check >>8787201

>> No.8787421

What's so hard about it? She knows a bit about you already so it shouldn't be too hard to communicate.

>> No.8787425

>it shouldn't be too hard to communicate

Look where you are.

>> No.8787426

But it's different. She already knows him.

>> No.8787431

I like where this thread is going.


>> No.8787434

Also he has us to back him up.
Try rohypnol, OP!

>> No.8787437

Only if she doesn't know he did it. Do it before a date so boyfriend gets mad, too.

>> No.8787442

But rohypnol causes amnesia too. It's paafekuto!!

>> No.8787444

She does not know of my fondness for little drawn girls or other related things.

>> No.8787450

Sounds like a plan. But he needs to be careful with what he does after. He needs to be able to help her and gain something from her, not get her mad at him.

So she somewhat knows you, or thinks she does. There's still enough to work with. I believe in you anon. You can seduce your sister.

>> No.8787453

>So she somewhat knows you, or thinks she does
Where are you getting this from?

>> No.8787458

>She's the only one left in the family I care about and my only social contact
This implies there's some sort of familiarity, some pre-existing relationship.

>> No.8787464

Sadly, that doesn't mean much. She knows my character somewhat, but nothing about what I actually do, ever.
Also, what would you even do after some crazy rape scheme? There are consequences, you know?

>> No.8787466

Don't actually rape her. You want to encourage her to trust you, to love you. And only you. It will be long, careful, and probably difficult, but well worth it.

>> No.8787476
File: 14 KB, 327x319, kaguya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That seems like a lot of work for someone prefering to take it easy.

>> No.8787480

You could take it easy, but then you'll never really be happy. Or you can claim your sister, and both of you will be much happier for it.

>> No.8787482


>> No.8787483

Oh my. Aren't you an ambitious one.

>> No.8787485

I have to be; what will happen to you people if I'm not? A dream isn't much without the dreamer.

>> No.8787493

Most people on here don't mind their dreams staying dreams.

>> No.8787494

Hmm, then just start small, by stealing her used pantsu for onanism, for example.

>> No.8787498

I can hardly not get involved in this dream, can I? I'm buried in it. I just have to play it through to the end.

>> No.8787500

Already did that in my teens. Also put them on and masturbated. Now it's significantly harder due to her not actually living with us anymore.

Ah, the good old times.

>> No.8787511

Well then anon, will you make me proud and seduce your sister? I have a theory that every time I make a major impact on someone's life they'll end up being a recurring character at some point, because it's easier than making up new ones and it makes it possible to explore what happened to those characters.

>> No.8787519

Just be a man and do it. Do you really want to fade into obscurity and have your life amount to nothing more than one thread?

>> No.8787516

I can't promise anything, I can't even promise trying but if you want I could make up shit and tell the story of how I totally seduced my sister.

>> No.8787523

Please refer to >>8787396

>> No.8787522
File: 161 KB, 1141x829, kaguya sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily, but trying is such a hassle~

>> No.8787526

But don't you want to be happy? It's easier to take it easy if you're happy.

>> No.8787534

Oh you silly ambitious anon. If I want to be happy, I just lower my standards.

>> No.8787537

I just don't understand. You're pretty much telling yourself to seduce your sister but you don't want to do it? I know you can, anon.

>> No.8787538

I'm just being reasonable.

>> No.8787540

Then don't be reasonable. Be happy. Seduce your sister.

>> No.8787541
File: 261 KB, 1200x800, 1316196781911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you really want to fade into obscurity
This is actually my greatest desire. I just wish to justify my existence with work and be left alone. I love observing the world from afar.

>> No.8787548

>I just wish to justify my existence with work

Excuse me?

>> No.8787592
File: 166 KB, 592x704, 1331344162745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>justify my existence with work

>> No.8790364

Your sister is probably the only female you see with regularity in the real world. It is logical that she serves as an expy for your desires
