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File: 981 KB, 1296x778, 英雄*戦姫_2012-03-30_000060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8786246 No.8786246 [Reply] [Original]

Eiyusenki is fucking awesome and everyone should play it.

Dat art.
Dat moe.
Dat gameplay.
Dat everything.

>> No.8786298

Is it like Rance with rape and ntr everywhere?

>> No.8786309


>> No.8786312

Aroduc better be translating this one.

>> No.8786320

There's no rape. It ranges between lovey dovey to S&M, but all the heroines are for it (aside from one or two, like Alexander the Great having reigns attached to her horns as she's railed from behind while crying).

>> No.8786365

>reigns attached to her horns as she's railed from behind while crying
I think I can overlook that.

>> No.8786387

Still busy with Kamidori because I'm so fucking slow.

>> No.8786396

Horns are so under utilized.

>> No.8786403


I'm hoping for it to be translated. Anyhow, has the hcg scenes been uploaded yet? What's the name of the company who made it?

>> No.8786417

They were once called Littlewitch.

>> No.8786421

I'm hoping too. It;s a lighthearted game, but it's lighthearted done really well.

Haven't been uploaded yet (and I've been searching like hell).

Tenco. They're the developers from Littlewitch, who reorganised after Littlewitch died (and after their string of shitty games near the end, it's not hard to see why. The main artist is Oyari Ashito, who's fantastic.

>> No.8786430


Alright. I guess I'll give it a shot. Can I get a name or a link if possible?

>> No.8786431

so, yeah, i'm 125 turns in the game and i have unlocked only 10 hcgs, and 4 of them are of himiko whom i hate

i like kamehameha's cg and i'm mad as hell that nobunaga got the vibrator scene
i'm hoping she has another scene beside that, i don't really like vibrators (even thought she's still hot as hell in that cg)

>> No.8786434




>> No.8786444



Yeah she has another CG. Just keep doing character missions as they come up, the CGs start snowballing.

We have to mirror 2ch's opinion now?

>> No.8786450

I don't like Rance and liked this. Go figure.

>> No.8786459

>she has another cg

thank god, i was kind of disappointed that of my favorite two, one turned evil and went away and the other got the vibro

they are still my favorites anyway
i can't stand himiko thought

>> No.8786457

Translation, fucking where?

btw, does anyone have the homepage for the game? I want to jiggle some boobs.

>> No.8786467

>We have to mirror 2ch's opinion now?
Let's put it this way. I've yet to read anything particularly positive about any aspect of the game besides Himeko from them. Not only that, but specific comments on things they don't like.
At the same time, the primary comments I see here are all generic abstract comments about how fun it is with little indication of any comprehension of any aspect of the game itself besides what is obvious by combat or CGs.

Which should I trust to actually be playing and judging the game instead of being brainless spergloids?

>> No.8786556

That girl that turned evil (Yamato) does come back, and you do get to have sex with her.

Well, I'll say straight up that the story is pretty retarded. Characterisation's shallow (then again, with such a huge castm that shouldn't be a surprise), and the overall plot is just a motivator for a bunch of fighting. It gives a few laughs, but it's not exactly moving.

It's a game built around good gameplay rather than good writing. Take it or leave it.

>> No.8786584

Poorly balanced gameplay that's was already done better a decade ago.

>> No.8786604

The balance is pretty good, the game gets harder with time.
You can also do some hard challenge to get bonus items.

>> No.8786611

I facerolled it for a couple hours. That was more than enough monotonous torture for me, thanks.

>> No.8786609

Why don't you try it and see for yourself?
Stop being so annoying

>> No.8786618

I can faceroll some Paradox games for that long. You've made your point, damn.

>> No.8786635

>Waaah. People are saying mean things on the internet about the mediocre game I overhyped myself on

Grow up.

>> No.8786717

>Waaah. People are liking the game I don't like.
Grow up.

>> No.8786785
File: 2.04 MB, 956x1078, caesar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the lazy folks, there's already a wiki that can be google translated: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&

It's best to redistribute items every turn according to that turn's plan if you dont mind your autism attribute.

>> No.8786786

Can anyone upload a save game file?

>> No.8786798

Do you mean a 100% cg save with new game mode unlocked?

>> No.8786799

You really want people to dislike this game, don't you? You've been basically calling it shit since the trial, because your posts are awfully simple to tell apart.

>> No.8786810

The trial was fun enough; I'm giving it a shot. It doesn't have to be Sengoku Rance as long as it has a decent difficulty incline and dat Ashito porn.

>> No.8786813

Sucks that Hannibal didn't get an H-scene.

Still totally awesome though. One thing I like is the incredible spread of appearances. Muscular to lithe, loli to mature, brown to white, it's just an amazing variety.

>> No.8786822


Q: Is there rape or NTR in this game?
A: It was announced on the official site that there is none. One character's sex scene is pretty humiliating, but that's about it.

>> No.8786823

But there are not enough jiggling cowtits in the h-scenses. 80% are loli and 80% of the remaining are shown from behind.

>> No.8786827

can you check if the transfered items new game mode has every items? The Last one I got has 3 missing.

>> No.8786828

More than one. Aside from the aforementioned one with the reigns, there are four girls who are chained up and pretty dubiously consenting.

>> No.8786844


Nah, that's what I wanted. Thanks.

>> No.8786919

Man, this is fun. Abe no Seimei is fantastic, plus it's hilarious that they essentially got Isshiki Hikaru to come in and basically play Natsume from Kara no Shoujo all over again as her VA.

>> No.8786976

This looks pretty good. Where can I find it?

>> No.8787020
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 4758-258337927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can say is there'd better be Gilgamesh x Enkidu yuri.

>> No.8787056

See >>8786444

I hoped for that too. There's none. The only yuri is HimekoxKyoto.

>> No.8787061

Fuck is that shit. Gilgamesh/Enkidu is fucking canon, fuck this game.

>> No.8787084

Y'know, it seems like a lot of historical-character-heroines type of eroge, especially the SLG ones and what-have-you, are full of missed opportunities like these.

Far in the back of my mind, I sort of hope for this to become the next Katawa Shoujo-type community project, with all the heroines done right.

>> No.8787840
File: 1.97 MB, 1466x976, Atlas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last I have bested Atlas. Didnt lose any units though wasted a turn extension item but who care. It was the most fun battle in the game so far. Felt kinda like raiding in wow with all the buffs being tossed around. In fact, it was the first battle where I found buffs useful.

>> No.8787864

It's me or since the release they blocked non-japanese IPs from their site?
I could access their site easily before and now I get the 403 error.

>> No.8787913

>dat feel when this is the best eroge of all time

>> No.8787928

and stay there.

>> No.8787932

Your jimmies have been rustled

>> No.8787933

If you like the character designs, Oyari's, Rance's gameplay and not many ero scenes then you'll love this game

>> No.8788068

Getting sick of all this vanilla shit. I'm looking at you Kamidori and Eiyu

Sengoku was made good with pillowy mounds of rape and Guro/NTR

>> No.8788073

So edgy.

>> No.8788095

I have been meaning to ask: Does the OP not play fluidly for everyone, or is it only me?

My computer isn't exactly high end, but it does play, say, BioShock on highest settings fluidly, and plays 1080p just fine. It should be able to play a damn eroge OP.

>> No.8788104

It's just you. I play it on a shit laptop's 2nd full hd monitor on virtual full and it's great. Maybe your HDD is overworking due to torrent and stuff?

>> No.8788107




>> No.8788123

Do the girls ever comment on their countries of origin? Any funny quotes? I don't plan on playing it anytime soon.

>> No.8788155

my thoughts

I actually like the lack of h scenes, because i feel like being forced to watch them would destroy whatever little personality these characters have. I already want to smack himiko whenever she talks (and for being a shit healer), and I skipped straight through arthur's, because she never did shit. I'm probably in the minority, but I don't even want to see the h scene for my favorite character.

MC is also boring, I never use him in battle because I dislike his voice, which makes all the more surreal/hilarious that he gets all the credit for not doing shit. (appearing out of nowhere and catching the heroine before she falls--hurr i love you)

Turn 77 and I've only struggled on two battles (three wave pirates and overleveled AOE Incan boomerangs---goddamn that was some bullshit). Then again, I never expanded any of my units, and am currently sitting on 300k I don't plan to use. Game is too easy in general, especially for the first 5 hours, but it does get fun later if you don't overlevel/farm for gold

>It;s a lighthearted game, but it's lighthearted done really well.
agreed. I actually like it more than rance.

>> No.8788197

Good art but far too easy yet long and grindy with shit characters/plot seems to be the prevailing opinion in Moonland. Sounds like another one to skip although certainly not as much of a dog as Daiteikoku was.

>> No.8788228

I don't really see them commenting on their own countries, sometimes the difference in culture is mentioned, but very rarely. Seeing as everyone basically speaks fluent japanese, the variety is mostly in the looks and the humor is your standard manzai, (at least, that's all I found funny)

Yeah, easy is better than dysfunctional.

But you know, if it's too easy, why not just make it difficult? I'm pretty sure you won't find it so easy if you're dealing with Russia, Macedonia, the Incan empire, and random pirate attacks at the same time.

>> No.8788243
File: 1.73 MB, 1134x925, niggers!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are about to hit a wall when you realize you'd need to spend that gold. Keep going.

In an another news, Africa is infested with dark, creepy and inhumane creatures. The holes in that mountain is also a very nice touch. Trypophobically.

>> No.8788262

I want to cuddle with miss lancelot and the Inca bird. Their random food quotes are just too cute.

>> No.8788266

>why not just make it difficult?
Not to pick on you or this game in particular, but it always pisses me off when people spit out this bullshit. It's not the player's job to jump through hoops or intentionally play badly to make a game interesting. It's shitty design and deserves to be regarded as such, not made excuses for. If a game has multiple difficulty levels like Civilization, then yes, complaining that it's too easy while playing on Easy is retarded, but that's not the case with first games here.

>> No.8788444

Am I mistaken or some of the scenes on the product page didnt make it to the game? From the top of my head: that scene where the protagonist hold up a small girl, I think the loli version of a KotRT and that australia tea part scene.

>> No.8788493

Oh so THAT'S where girlcelly went. Fuck yes.

>> No.8788521

what, you didnt know until now? Damn, and I thought I was late.

>> No.8788528

>Dat art.
The art is shit.

>> No.8788659

-Not enough H scenes, should have been at least 1 scene for each character with the major characters getting 2 or 3.

-Lack of character development, but then again there is a fuck huge cast so...

-Bland plot

-Great gameplay, easily as good as Rance and Kamidori in that department.

-Guaranteed to have at least 1 character you like.

-Decent quality H-scenes, even if they lack in fetish material they are well done.

-Genuinely a fun game with fun characters

>> No.8788666

>Great gameplay, easily as good as Rance and Kamidori in that department

>> No.8788697

Nice trip. You sure do have pretty strong opinion without actually playing the game.

>> No.8788714

073 タリスマン 揮発ヘイト(減らない憎まれ度合い)発生-20%
074 ヒスイの仮面 揮発ヘイト(増減する憎まれ度合い)発生-50%
Would someone kindly translate what these do? Google translation and testing revealed nothing.

>> No.8788715

But I have.

Which is how I know that he's full of shit, but that's obvious anyway from listing "It's good" as a pro.

>> No.8788749

As someone with a low power level, is the interface easy enough to figure out if you can't read most of it? I recall someone playing the demo a little while back said there were lots of intuitive icons and such.

>> No.8788781

>>Great gameplay, easily as good as Rance and Kamidori in that department

>> No.8788867

Pretty much every icon is a picture with some action on it so the interface is very easy to understand

>> No.8788930

The game is very forgiving, you'd figure things out eventually without being forced to play over from the beginning. Also, >>8788867

Very well. Then allow me state my opinion:
+ AI is quite smarter then Rance's, it doesnt just target and fire at random. It's still quite simple however, and can be easily exploited.
+ The intricate combination of counter and zone of influence allows insanely dynamics and almost puzzle like combat. Sengoku Sustain was so great, 99% battles have at least one stack of footman and/or miko somewhere. In fact, you'd most likely lose without them. Not the case in this game. Gunners for example will shoot down both front line units and Himiko equally well.

+ Outside of combat, the sliding majorities of characters have exploration/negotiation/construction skills, total of which being 5 on average. The game is heavily optimized in this regard, ensuring the player almost always have to use a large portion of his commanders per side quests. Combine this with the fighting uses; not a single turn will be the same and every single commanders will see their use, both in and out of combats.

+ Items in the games are just as varied as the commanders and smart uses of them can make seemingly weak commanders absurdly powerful. This is of course entirely situational, the matter is how often such situations will be. A prime example would be Himiko's healing ability being nigh useless without the target having sufficiently beefed defense and/or items 97-99. About the only strategy in the game that doesnt involve items is the straight up annihilate-them-before-we-get-annihilated because it incurs the heaviest lost on the player.

>> No.8788966

>Not enough H scenes, should have been at least 1 scene for each character
Wait, you're saying that there are characters that don't have H-scenes?
Fucking dropped.

>> No.8788993

There are like 25 h scenes, each person will probably find 3-5 matching his fetish. The scenes are very static, that make at best 5 pictures for a 2GB+ download. Play the game, or dont bother.

>> No.8788992

Little of which matter when the game's just a repetetive faceroll? You're listing things that could be cool about the engine if the game demanded even a fraction of that to dominate it.

>> No.8789008


No Guro, scat, prolapse, large insertion, spread ... all vanilla.


>> No.8789019

what's "spread"? First time I've heard of it.

>> No.8789040

Is there a CG set anywhere on the internet?

>> No.8789090

This game has been fun as hell so far. I'm up to the point where you fight Britannia. The gameplay reminds me more of daiteikoku then sengoku rance since it's more about looking at the enemy composition to plan out your formation.

>> No.8789094
File: 113 KB, 350x400, 1329349956349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I play this weeaboo trash when I can play Civilization V, or better yet, The Witcher 2?

Goddamn Redanians. The Pontar Valley belongs to Aedirn.

>> No.8790554
File: 940 KB, 1280x720, woo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Russia was tough. Also holy shit Ivan has the magic sword attack.

>> No.8790562

i gave up with russia when i saw my troops sliced in half and went straight for europe since i wanted napoleon so bad
now i'm doing some character events to get some cgs

also, i can't conquer babylonia, since i can't understand runes i don't know what to do and just left them there

>> No.8790605

Does this game have a time limit? Say, you get a gameover because you fucked around too much?

>> No.8790613

i'm fucking around waaaay too much and not a single thing happened yet

>> No.8791186

I'm on day/turn 30 and all I've managed to do is take over all of China.

Not sure if I'm doing alright or terrible

This game is addicting as fuck

>> No.8791419


Yeah Napoleon is damn cutie here too, so many choices so little time.

>> No.8791424

I'd assume there's a time limit for the true ending. Other then that, moon inhabitants have reported up to 300 turns dicking around in hard mode just to conquer Russia before EU with no consequences.

>> No.8791430

>>8788714 is here, What do those items do?

>> No.8791435


Supposedly you can only conquer Babylonia after you conquer EU and Russia, which is kind of a shame since iirc thats the only artifical roadblock in the game but I assume that's because it's connected to the main story.

>> No.8791466


If you're familiar with MMOs, imagine it as hate or threat. They're items that deal with 'hate'. Items that say 減らない憎まれ度合い means the hate decreases less, while items that say 増減する憎まれ度合い means the hate generation is modified both for decreasing and increasing.

>> No.8791486

what does "hate" do, then?

>> No.8791494

To be more clear, I've never seen it in use in the game. The only reference is in those items.

>> No.8791519

I'd play it once I get an english translation.
I don't trust Google Translate to do it for me.

>> No.8791582
File: 251 KB, 450x450, 1316415935920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8791635

But that's not much different from google translation.

I personally dont care about the story but I do want to perfectly play the game so I'm patiently waiting http://wikiwiki.jp/eiyuusenki/?%CA%F5%B6%F1 to finish with the obtaining note so I can start playing again in hard mode and number crunch to the max to beat all the goals in one playthrough.

On an another note, I dont think >>8788266 consider hard objectives with clear rewards official and intended difficulty but yet an another stupid hoop I'm hopping myself over.

>> No.8791656

I'd play it if the faces were redrawn. They look pretty dopey to me.

>> No.8791663

Id play it lemme just wait for that English patch.

Suddenly I'm thirty five and the game is finally ready to play.

>> No.8791807
File: 638 KB, 1680x1050, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like day and night fighting EU after Russia. Here's a photo of Caeser's army seconds away from being pulverized.

>> No.8791835

I did hear yesterday that some anon was working on a translation and would be finished by next week.
Although I highly doubt it.

>> No.8791837

Silly anon, you shouldnt doubt a promise from a total stranger.

>> No.8791840

Well it did bring me some closure that this game isn't left in the dark.
I'm completely hyped up to play this game.

>> No.8791873

I don't think you understand what closure means.

Or have been paying attention to everybody saying that the game is piss easy and everything about the writing is total shit.

>> No.8791879


In the time you waste waiting for english patches, you could learn Japanese and then play a million games.

>> No.8791902

I'm on it, 名無し-様!

>> No.8791945

I actually like the writing. It's nothing spectacular of course, but the characters are cute and interesting and that's enough for me. But you're right about it being too easy. I haven't finished yet, but so far I've been able to just breeze through everything.

Honestly though, I'm just happy to see the old Littlewitch team still producing games.

>> No.8791962

My Japanese is extremely limited so I dont have any clues about the writing but I'm already quite happy with the cute-girls-saying-cute-quotes thing during combat. For example, Lancelot's "RICEBALL!!" and that bird girl's "Let's eat after this" (I think) make me DAAAAAWWWW every time.

>> No.8791967
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1200, 1328523974986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved the combat in the demo but the dialogue runes in this version are too advanced for me to understand much, and there's TONS of it.

Is it important I understand the conversations to be successful or can I just skip them for now?

>> No.8791980

Skip them. For item use, see below. 71-78 still make no sense to me tho.

Oh and Weight is the cast time for some skills and Delay is the time till the next action after using the skill. Skill tool tips show Brave cost / Weight / Delay to the top right and Damage multiplier / Attack counts to the bottom left. Took me a while to figure that out.

>> No.8791994

How much of a difference does it make whether I use the strongest heroes? Will it fuck me over if I just use the ones I find most cute?

I noticed the strength differences were quite significant in the demo, but I was hoping that during the campaign, you can power up your favorites in various ways (troop sizes, stat buff, skill unlocks, etc). I fucking love it when there's a character I really like and the game allows me to make her the strongest of my units.

>> No.8792025

Sure you can, everyone eventually gets a 5 brave orb hero special move so everyone stays usable.

>> No.8792035

>I was hoping that during the campaign, you can power up your favorites in various ways (troop sizes, stat buff, skill unlocks, etc).

You can. Each character has a couple of little mini-events you can do and they usually unlock a new skill or give them an extra item slot or something.

There's probably still a big difference in power between characters, but you can probably make anyone pretty effective.

>> No.8792063


Fantastic! Thanks for the tips. Long live this thread!

>> No.8793233

So I'm guessing with the huge amount of text in this there's pretty much no chance it's ever going to get translated, so how playable is it if I only know a little bit of Japanese?

>> No.8793252

>huge amount of text
You mean banal.

>> No.8793256

i don't know any rune and i'm close to finish it
i guess you don't really need to know any japanese just to play it

of course, the dowside is that i can't get to know the caracter well and i can only guess by their reactions
even with the plot i didn't find any problem in understanding it (approximately of course)

the only real problem is that i can't relate to the main character for shit, since he doesn't talk i don't have any idea of what he says and what's his personality

>> No.8793279

The interactions look like they might be cute enough, but I got instantly turned off as soon as they went over to storytelling. Could it be a more enjoyable experience if I just skipped any narration and just stopped at interaction between characters I like?

>> No.8793521

it's what i'm doing, i HAD to skip all the storytelling since i couldn't understand anything

the only events i tried to listen to were the ones of my favorite characters
of course i didn't understand much, but since the characters aren't really complex to begin with i managed to know them a little

i'm looking forward to play with again once i'm capable of understanding runes

>> No.8793548

Why do gameplay VN's attract these types of people?

>> No.8793579

Cause it's game to them. Just like how touhou have an actual western fanbase.

>> No.8793582

That question only makes sense if the story is so good that only a certain type of person would be disinterested in it.

>> No.8793584

shut up
I liked civ5

>> No.8793596

you imply these are not games?

>> No.8793617

I'm on turn 80~ and I still haven't found a character I -really- like. Didn't have that problem in games like rance.

They should have made lancelot fat

>> No.8793624

I dont. In fact that's what I were saying: they are actual games since I believe the person I replied to probably do.

>> No.8793643

i actually had an hard time finding a character i -really- liked in rance, and in in the end it was only suzume and shizuka

it wasn't that hard in this game or in bba from when i played it

>> No.8793658

The gameplay here's not good either though. It COULD have been fun if there was even a slight amount of challenge to it, but it's the first game of a new studio of a bunch of people who are clearly inexperienced at making and testing games. I can barely even count the number of ways that it could be streamlined and improved without even getting into the utter lack of any challenge.
Hopefully they learn from it And make a REAL Littlewitch SRPG next

>> No.8793690

i agree for the game not being challenging enough but i kind of disagree with it not having a good gameplay

of course it's not perfect and it could have been improved, but it's fun and addicting in a "just one more turn and i'll stop" manner

if it was just the gameplay, as in just the battles and skill mechanics, i would have liked it more than rance, but maybe that's just me

i'm hoping too they'll learn from it and keep working

>> No.8793731
File: 1.07 MB, 1024x600, Go kevin go!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, go Kevin!

Lol this'll be hillarious, watching them all call this jackass Kevin.

>> No.8793754

>it's fun and addicting in a "just one more turn and i'll stop" manner
It's really not.

>> No.8793757

it is for me at least

>> No.8793782

And what does that say about you?

>> No.8793797

If you ignore items and do side missions sparingly; every turn mostly just buy/heal troops and rush to the next battle then yes, you get that feeling. The game is as fast as you make it to be.

>> No.8793812

Congratulations. You have now defined a formula that makes every single bad game good.

Bad game design? Ha ha. It is to laugh. You just aren't playing it RIGHT.

>> No.8793908

because if you dont playing it as it is designed for you wont get any enjoyment. Much like how there's only one way to enjoy an ona hole as it was not designed for any other ways.

>> No.8793912

Have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like?

>> No.8793924

>ignore items
>skip sidequests
>rush immediately into wars
>playing it as designed

One of these things is not like the others.

>> No.8793922

My inept little brain cannot do that.

>> No.8793953

>then yes, you get that feeling

I'm >>8791635. I spend like half an hour planning a turn. I dont play like him but at least I can see how it came to him. Not every one a hardcore gamer and/or Japanese fluent. Doesnt mean they cant give it a go and have fun. You probably have realized but most of the "I love this game" anons are probably this kind of people.

>> No.8793962

>not Japanese fluent
Then why are you pretending like you have a worthwhile opinion on a game in Japanese?

>> No.8794003

>on 4chan
>think other people's opinions stink more then his
Ho boy. You should stop sniffing your own feces.

>> No.8794024

Visual novels and games like these aren't trying to appeal to the casual or non-fluent crowd. What a fucking shocker.

If you don't think you're cut out to read hours and hours of text or grind like you're playing post-game Disgaea, you really, really shouldn't be playing games like these.

>> No.8794052

anybody know what item 89 does? the google translated definition of "10 get the ball when the ball was overthrown Brave in combat" isn't helping much.

>> No.8794050

Have you played the game or read the thread? Absolutely casual grandpas who cant even pronounce the game's name can and have been cruising through it.

>> No.8794074

Get one full brave point (10 balls toward the orbs) when the other side have more brave point.

I havent used it in combat so I'm not sure if this apply to both side and if it occur only on the wearer's turn.

>> No.8794093


No you're wrong. You get XX brave orbs when the person holding the item falls in battle. These items were critical for my pre-EU Russian campaign.

>> No.8794142

Do you know what 72-79 do by any chance?

>> No.8794148
File: 11 KB, 600x500, spurdohijack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8794305

>Absolutely casual grandpas who cant even pronounce the game's name can and have been cruising through it
They're also the only ones who think it's deep, addictive, or fun.

>> No.8794349



>> No.8794354



>> No.8794900

I just started and I'm already sick of this game. I can't fuck girls, I can't attack countries, the story is linear, you just click mission after mission until you attack a country then wait till it lets you do it again.

I'm just dicking around in Japan chatting with girls waiting till it lets me attack the next country.

Sengoku Rance this is not.

>> No.8794904

You get the freedom to go any direction you want after conquering east asia.

>> No.8794913

How do you hit on the girls and fuck them then?

>> No.8794917

Yea. The game is pretty bad. I'd rather play Daiteikoku.

>> No.8795164

Get more girls and more land to unlock the girls's missions. There's some sort of scripted pacing for the game to prevent early girls from being OP so you get more girl mission per land acquisition as the game goes on.

The protagonist isnt a serial rapist so not all the girls are touched, by the way. Asoka for instance, dont have any even though he clearly stare at her exposed boobs every time they chat. In an another instance, Ceasar had to go out of her way to fuck him, since he doesnt understand her language of jiggling boobs.

>> No.8795227
File: 527 KB, 450x1195, 1314303353391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope somebody picks this up!

LittleWitch has many followers here!

>> No.8795281

I've been ctrling half of the time, the writing is just that bad.
But I'm enjoying the gameplay though Vinland is kicking my ass right now

>> No.8795303



Translation would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.8795313

Doesnt look like Oashito's drawing. In fact, he doesnt seem to be in charge of chibis

The idea of La Tour Eiffel fucking Arc de Triomphe is pretty interesting though.

>> No.8795322

Hit its weak point for massive damage.

>> No.8795574

Haters gonna nonstop hating

I'm 4 more enemies/countries, including the final boss, in from finishing the game and I read through every single scene and convo except for some of the sex scenes. And the game has been perfectly fine for me. Pleasant even, if I were to describe this game it would be that it's extremely pleasant and chillax. The gameplay is non stressful, the music is pleasant, the art is beautiful. The interface design and elements are so good because when you click you feel like you clicked, a small thing but it adds to the experience. Then there's the fact that theres over half a hundred girls each a moe-fied version of a famous person in history, and the broader tastes you have the more girls you'll find cute. I also like Paradox games and history so all the little tidbits and reinterpretations of famous people and how the these moe-fied people interact with each other on other world landmarks and food is just cute. This isn't a plot driven game but a character driven game. If you hate all the characters and don't care for things like being star stucked by the fact that someone like the monkey king priest is in the game then yeah, sucks to be you but this game isn't for you.

Supposedly the ending is kinda crap and whatever but oh well. One thing I really wish they'll add in a later patch is some kind of netplay. Everyone gets the same amount of troops and no items and there can be different maps, maybe even some bigger than 3x3. Not very likely but it's nice to hope.

>> No.8795589


>> No.8795788

>when you click you feel like you clicked

Yes, this is one of the hallmarks of a great game.
It couldn't be more obvious that you were Atlasing the game if you came out and said it.

>> No.8795908

Even if that's true, how does it carry any kind of relevance? Is he not allowed to judge it just because he used a very flaw method of reading the text?

I saw you doing the exact same thing with Daiteikoku, trying to find any excuse to hate it and the people who enjoy it, simply because you have some ridiculous fear that it will attract people from /a/ and /v/ who enjoyed Sengoku Rance.

>> No.8795914

Daiteikoku was pretty bad though.
Eiyuu senki is even entertaining and fun, but daiteikoku was a savescumming hell.

>> No.8795952

>Daiteikoku was pretty bad though.
Not saying it wasn't, but it was easy to tell that some people had actually tried it and didn't find it entertaining, while others just wanted to hate the game. The latter were just obnoxious faggots, people who need to constantly reaffirm to themselves how much better they are than eroge players from /a/ and /v/. I can understand the sentiment, but they really take it way too far, they're like normalfags having a pissing contest.

>> No.8795983

With that I agree, you could see there was a certain person who just wanted it to fail since the trial.

>> No.8796053
File: 64 KB, 219x188, avatar10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest reason Daiteikoku is disliked is because of how different it was from the other 'Dai' games (This is in Japan). It was simplified a great deal and had hardly any replayability in comparison to Daikuji and Daibanchou. Everyone on this board that I have ever seen post hate for it hasn't hit on things that it failed on in comparison to the other 'dai' games. Constantly saving and reloading is not a necessity within the game. Everything is available to you that is needed to handle each situation properly. The intelligent and patient few, would be able to complete it without failing or requiring a reload. Another common complaint (And one that I hold) is the lack of middleground within Daitekoku, you either win or lose and once either result is perceived you have no reason to play out the rest of each battle. This makes it play more like a puzzle game than a strategy RPG that its siblings (Dai series) and cousin (Sengoku Rance) have conditioned people to expect from AliceSoft.

>> No.8796091

So I guess I'm the only one that hates Daiteikoku for its writing and plot? A giant Marysue MC and Japan's ability to do no wrong really ruins the whole thing.
I know that this is not supposed to be WWII, but since Alicesoft made so many allusions to it, the least they can do is to portray the story somewhat correctly.
I probably would have liked it more if they include the atrocities committed by all sides in the game.
Not to mention the gameplay isn't exactly fun either.

>> No.8796092

I'm really enjoying this game.
I can understand your disappointment if you were expecting another Sengoku Rance, but I went in hoping for something more along the lines of Romanesque and was quite satisfied when I got it.

It has its flaws, but it carries enough of that Littlewitch charm to earn a pass from me.

>> No.8796294

>The biggest reason Daiteikoku is disliked is because blah blah blah flat out lies about the need for save scumming blah blah blah

The biggest reason it's disliked is because it's bad.

>> No.8796611

Daiteikoku was generally disliked because of the poor gameplay.

>> No.8797086
File: 1.99 MB, 1284x721, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know why I'm unable to capture the one circled in red I've attacked it at least twice in the same turn and for whatever reason it wont become mine

>> No.8797344

I dont know if slowpoke but whatever

>> No.8797578

I don't remember saying anywhere "experience your retarded nerd fantasies about WWII" or "relive WWII" for that matter. I think that was pretty clear the moment the humanoid animals and furballs appeared along with the stellar animations. You have to be a loser to think it was going to be a just another guro WWII, wait maybe that's why you don't like "mary-sues", you are a fucking loser.
>hur dur ur wrong daiteikoku is bad bad gameplay
This people are trash. They are always looking for a way to bring down Daiteikoku, don't they have something decent to say other than HURRR DURR UR WRONG BAD GAMEPLAY.

>> No.8797592

Oh god, the daiteikoku autist strikes again.
Your shit game was nearly unplayabnle before getting patches and even after that it was garbage, get over it.
It had terrible characters and awful gameplay, which obviously make for a shit game.

>> No.8797626

You are such a fucking joke and a loser. You think that's an opinion when all you are doing is calling the game bad. That's retarded, but what gives when someone dissing Daiteikoku is just sperging out UR WRONG AND IT'S BAD, probably that's how you are used to review the games you play.

>> No.8797640

Hi Dingus! We missed you! Have you figured out whan an RNG is yet? I'm eagerly waiting to see the results of your months of study.

>> No.8797647

The fuck is wrong with you, are you still clinging on that RNG thing. It's random number generation by the way, I think I already told you. But since you are a fucking retarded faggot I guess you wanted to forget about it like an idiot.

>> No.8797813

So that's a no, you haven't learned then? You've learned nothing since December?

>> No.8798332

Holy shit, you guys are autistic. Both of you. It depresses me that people like you even exist.

>> No.8798518

The general consensus on Daiteikoku was that it had poor gameplay. There is a plethora of reviews out there saying so. I wasn't even saying I disliked the game, I'm just saying what most people disliked about it.

If you thought the gameplay was cool and great, then awesome man, all the power to you. But you must understand you are in the minority, and you should relax.

>> No.8799072

If I remember correctly there's a quest in the last city in the other branch that allow you to attack the one you highlighted. You'd know it when it create a new route to the one you highlighted.

>> No.8799479

You need to complete the mission in the island you cornered Cook on. It'll open up a sea path to the place you circled and then you can conquer it.

>> No.8800086
File: 1.16 MB, 1024x600, i wish to fuck the little angel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, wait, wait. Is this supposed to be Joan of Arc? If so, why the fuck is she in Australia?

>> No.8800093

The opening part of the story explains that the hero knows the time periods and all of that are conflated. Hence ordering vibrators from Amazon. I think Jeanne said she was visiting because she was instructed to by god or something.

>> No.8800374

dat file name!!

Arc with the -50% delay item and drake with the 2 remaining major -delay items with the 3 + brave items to the rest of the team (who can be anything) is my favourite combo. Between Arc's speed up and Drake's slow down, I can prevent the enemies from ever retaliating. I guess it mean something when those major -delay items are armors with wings.

Am I the only one who think Arc and Arthur look similar? That probably has something to do with the hairbuns.

Unfortunately she keep her whole army during her h-scene. I like it with tits.

>> No.8800463

Oh I adore angels. Which is why I shared Seitenshi Charlotte with /jp/ like 3 years ago. It's still on my media fire account and it was downloaded some 3000 times. I didn't even know there were that many people on /jp/

>> No.8800741

mind sharing it again?

>> No.8801365

When do you get more actions per turn? And why is that first India fight such a bitch?

>> No.8801542

I believe it's linked to your progress in the game, since I always get mine after a big campaign.

>> No.8801607

Check the archive then kill yourself.

>> No.8801615

Found nothin'

>> No.8801629

You forgot step two.

>> No.8801731

I first need to get that game.

>> No.8801746

I wonder if there will ever be some kind of plus disc for this. I've only just started but the omission of Yoshitsune, Lu Bu, and Asoka (if the Japanese wiki is correct) H seems pretty glaring. Although those onsen scenes might have been trying to hint to me that Yoshitsune has a cock I'm not sure yet.

Oh god I can't wait for Kublai Khan x Marco Polo scene, they are adorable. I will never be able to think of Invisible Cities the same way again.

>> No.8801783

>Kublai Khan
Kamikaze was here, Kublai Khan is a loser.

>> No.8802334
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x600, fucking russia you suck!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! How do you fight Russia?

Is there some way to prevent them from killing half my troops at the start of every fight?

>> No.8802343

Sure would be easier if you could read Japanese, right?

>> No.8802367

Shush boy, what's the trick?

>> No.8802817

Be a Man and fight Russia with it
or be a scrub and kill eu first to get event that prevents it

Killing Russia with the -50% troop debuff was one of the most enjoyable parts of this game for me, took a lot of getting the right party comp and items on the right people

>> No.8802956

Do you get anything aside from personal satisfaction for doing Russia first?

>> No.8803046

I can't fight the EU. I can fight, Babylon, Russia, USA. There is no choice to fight the EU. Do I have to go through America to attack Russia? That's gay, I want my loli Ivan!

>> No.8803437

Oh sorry, I've been dicking around.

By the way, if you'd gone to VNDB and looked up Seitenshi Charlotte you'd have found everything you needed to know.


Also, it's linear, there's no choices, and it's only about an hour and a half long but it's cute as hell.

>> No.8803746


God damn. I was going to move on to Russia after rescuing Kamehameha but...maybe I'll do Australia and Macedonia first. That looks like all kinds of ugly.

>> No.8804420

About that, how does that work? It looks like if you respect certain conditions while conquering a country, you get to chose whether you take the bonus item or not, but if you take it, it'll make the game harder.
I don't understand moonspeak that well, but it sure doesn't look worth it.

>> No.8804650
File: 821 KB, 1280x720, kenshin 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain this

>> No.8804682
File: 1.65 MB, 2100x3066, 443531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's an appearance by Kenshin from Sengoku Rance.

>> No.8804683

are you real?

>> No.8804687

want for game...increased 10 fold...

>> No.8804689

If this is real, thanks for the spoiler. Fucker.

>> No.8804702

Damn, wish I'd known that sooner.

Now that I'm fighting in the US I notice people like Leif Ericson, and Wyatt Earp are nobody NPCs you kill along the way.

Sad. Wonder how many other people I've been killing that I simply didn't see because I wasn't paying attention.

Also, my home town was full of gangsters, lols.

>> No.8804708

is anyone working on a translation?

i cant read moonrunes and i really want to play this, mostly for the history aspect i think its pretty cool

>> No.8804744

of course not, she has no events and no ingame voice

>> No.8804739

Can we fuck her?

>> No.8804747

Some dudes are working on the interface translation

>> No.8805175

If you reject the item you get a 5% increase in army size instead.

>> No.8805191 [SPOILER] 
File: 451 KB, 1280x720, stopcallingmeoniisan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished it, as i expected, the ending wasn't -that- good but i certainly wasn't playing for the plot

while the gameplay was nice and there were some characters i really liked i'm pretty annoyed by the fact that there is just one route
and that many characters don't have an hscene (all the knights of the round table don't, except for a penis crushing scene with bedivere)
and that there are very few StoryCG and almost all of them are of all-your-knights-are-stronger-than-you arthur and who-cares-about-you himiko

>> No.8805196

1 route? confirm y/n?

>> No.8805202

it's just a linear story and you don't have to select any choice at all, except for maybe what country to attack first?

when you finish the game you have 100% completition of cgs, hscenes and music

>> No.8805210

I'm gonna download it now.

I've been kinda putting it off since no TL and I figured it was gonna be too text intensive to figure out the gameplay but now that the interface is translated I figure I can manage with it and a text hooker.

The character designs are just awesome. Oyari Ashito's a god.

>> No.8805398

Yeah, a rare item (Philisopher's Stone, pictured in >>8790554).
I have no idea what it does though (累積ヘイト-100% - accumulation of what?)

>> No.8805462

Are all the lolis fuckable? Including Montezuma and Ivan?

>> No.8805466

not all of the characters have H, but montezuma and ivan do

montezuma has 1 scene while ivan has 1 footjob scene, another sadist sex scene and she's also in rasputin's hscene

>> No.8805468

No, yes, yes

>> No.8807392
File: 929 KB, 1280x720, wahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to wonder if any real thought went into designing Alexander or if they just had a bunch of leftover character design elements and mashed them all together. Like I saw her on the website, and I laughed at how silly it was, but now every time I look at her I can't help but stare at her wackiness.

Also, two questions:
-Do those fucking bandit attacks in Japan ever stop?
-What determines the rate at which you get character missions?

>> No.8807640
File: 1.33 MB, 1024x600, go forth my lolis, destroy!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexander the Great had heterochromia. I guess they ran with it and put her split down the middle with different colors.

I think I've done something very wrong. I've now conquered, all of Asia (except for Russia), all of the middle east, Egypt, Australia, the pacific islands, and ALL of North and South America.

The ONLY places I can interact with is:
Russia, which is unbeatable
Babylon, which is unbeatable.

That's it, there are no other options, I do not have the option to attack Great Britain or the EU.

By declaring war on Babylon did I fuck up the mission order or something?

I can't attack that place, it's fucking impossible and Russia always gains 2x the number of troops you have (they've got 8000+ troops now that I have 5000s) and you always lose half your troop number.

I don't want to have to restart but I don't see another choice, it's either unbeatable Russia or unbeatable Babylon.

>> No.8807678

Nevermind, as soon as I ended my turn it opened up Napoleon

>> No.8807734

Wait so the mature women get fucking shafted even in this game? only the loli get sex seances?

>> No.8807745

I mean why would they fucking shaft them when almost 90% of them have boobs, its bullshit

>> No.8807773

what characters actually get sex scenes in the game? is there at least a Balance, how about Columbus, does she has some scenes ? she was hot.

>> No.8807779

Stop it with the autism.

>> No.8807794

I just want to know if this game will annoy the shit out of me, do a lot of the sexy/mature women get scenes or do the lolis take it over even though there are like fucking 3 of them? I was waiting for this game because it seemed to have a lot of sexy women but fuck this shit.

>> No.8807810

not this shit again

>> No.8807816

just tell me and i will shut up, but i will be pissed if a lot of the women i liked got shafted.

>> No.8807841

So any Columbus h-scenes? Any anal?

>> No.8807844

Check >>8797344

You weren't going to play this for the gameplay anyways.

>> No.8807899

wow fucking lolis taking up all the fucking scenes yet again when there are not even a lot of them, fucking bullshit.

>> No.8807919

They didnt even do 1/3 of the cast that actually i was looking forward too,instead they just fucking picking all the lolis, lazy shits.
shit game and once again im in a bad mood over vns.

>> No.8807932

They made 90% of the cast older women with tits.. and used the 6 lolis for sex, fucking retarded. what where they even thinking when they made the cast, did they want to piss off people like me even more?

>> No.8808041

>just tell me and i will shut up

Appearantly not...

>> No.8808095
File: 109 KB, 600x576, 1320430832309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to crack the .dat files to extract the graphics.
The website tenco.cc is still blocked (why did they do this??).
Does anybody know which tools to use? I've been trying some programs without success.

Also, we need to start a new thread soon...

>> No.8808116

I got really mad and had to blow some steam,sorry.
Its not easy being a mature lover with Japanese media. not that i have anything against lolis. i just wish they would fucking balance it out more instead of SHAFTING THEM,ALWAYS.

>> No.8808147

Oh, just shut up you autist.

>> No.8808154

I remember when being a autist on /jp/ was good, now only normalshits and little kids come here. this place went to shit.

>> No.8808220

It's not the autism.
It's the endless whining instead of taking it easy.

>> No.8808546
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x600, a cat is added.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't .... you don't fuck this thing do you? I mean ... that would actually be hilarious but I don't think I want to stomach it

>> No.8808618

you do fuck her. The sex scene showed neither tits nor pussy even though she was in her human form

>> No.8808730

Oh, heh. Was wondering why uh ... she ... was in the game.

>> No.8808775

Can someone upload the HCG pack on something other than Exhentai?

>> No.8808948


I don't know what's going to be more uncomfortable, Teach or Lancelot.

Also I'm starting to get my ass kicked, I'm going to stop doing these difficulty bonuses. I'm sure I could sit around and stock up on money for turn after turn but Russia scares me and I still want to do them before the EU, and I don't want them to be insanely overpowered.

>> No.8809748

+ Do the other nations until you get through america and have 4 table knights before doing russia. By this time, you'd have enough commanders to rotate about for them to heal. Commanders heal 10% per turn regardless of whether you use them that turn or not, so this is a good time to do those side missions.
+ Rotate those +heal per turn items around so they heal faster. China has a +50% treasure and India a +20% one.
+ You dont need to win land in one go. You can attack multiple times, softening them.
+ This also apply when defend. It's ok if you lose land if you damage them enough so they eventually lose.

I'm not sure if "conquer EU" start when you when you war dec EU or when you defeat it. If it's the latter, I'd recommend attacking EU until you get all of their cities except Paris before going to Russia.

>> No.8809812

When you are at it, please check if you have full item list at the end of the game. http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate..
lacks 10 items, I want to make sure you can get them from normally playing the game ala their list of difficulty bonus is complete.

>> No.8810760
File: 325 KB, 350x489, ch_today03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bump for tools to extract data!!

This game totally needed a "encyclopedia" section...

By the way! According to the wiki, I've missed Galileo Galilei from joining in Australia... HOW?? I hope I've read wrong and I stumble upon her later on...

>> No.8810767 [SPOILER] 
File: 446 KB, 719x674, ナイアラルトホテップ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /jp/

I finally managed to unpack the dat files!

I have a new favorite character: Nyarlathotep!

She doesn't appear in the wiki... or I haven't seen her! Secret boss material here?

>> No.8810769

She is the last boss

>> No.8810771 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 274x274, ナイアラルトホテップ_変身.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dat face...

>> No.8810788 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.40 MB, 1380x820, 神_ナイアラルトホテップ(変身).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her already!

thanks! I didn't know! I supposed they were the bunch of "serious boss" characters.

>> No.8810799

Speaking of that, do you get to fuck that cute giant horrific ripped werewolf monster?

>> No.8810837

I am uploading the CG as we speak. It'll be ready in half an hour or so. 96 MB.

I am uploading a "image pack" later with the characters etc, which is 150 MB. For whoever is interested. The game is beautiful :)

>> No.8810834

Can you extract the BGM as well? I really like the Oriental Wind battle track

>> No.8810843


of course! It's 129 MB. Ogg format. It'll take a while, though. I will keep you updated.

If anybody else wants anything specific, just let me know!

>> No.8810882
File: 156 KB, 720x720, 1295208715818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a "image pack" later with the characters etc, which is 150 MB. For whoever is interested.

waiting warmly.
that "image pack" includes the 96 Mb of CGs, right?

>> No.8810907
File: 154 KB, 469x438, char.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it doesn't.

It includes unit icons, sub unit icons, characters images, character talking icons, the items and the flags.

>> No.8810922
File: 250 KB, 676x405, logotitle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK! The CG pack is done. Enjoy!


>> No.8810941

sadly, you don't.

>> No.8810945
File: 853 KB, 1280x720, c033_五右衛門風呂.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it irks me how the ponos censor is made as to just barely cover it meanwhile the vagoo is about 3 blocks wider than it needs to be on either side. oh well.

>> No.8811033
File: 90 KB, 274x274, クーフーリン(変身)_洗脳.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ???? characters:

Achilles (girl with the A)

Cú Chulainn (wolf girl)

Siegfried (light blue hair)

Taigong Wang -famous chinese strategist- (jester girl)

Magoroku -famous swords-smith- (blacksmith girl)

Am I forgetting anybody?

>> No.8811041
File: 64 KB, 508x379, flag_ジパング_江戸.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally, it's done.

BGM pack:

Image pack: http://uploadmirrors.com/download/YDAN3ASI/eiyuu_senki_CHARACTERS_PACK.rar


>> No.8811054


>> No.8811097
File: 468 KB, 1380x820, フビライ・ハン.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best

>> No.8811105
File: 397 KB, 1380x820, マルコ・ポーロ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a delicious couple they make

>> No.8811234


Do you have the chibis too?

>> No.8811240

I can't seem to find them anywhere... I'm sorry. I just found the "goodbye" Himiko image of >>8810907

>> No.8811262

I double checked and they are nowhere to be found in the files. It's weird since I also saw chibis for characters like Alexander.

>> No.8811282


Ok, thanks anyway.

>> No.8811407
File: 1.45 MB, 1258x732, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can somebody tell me what the hearts under the name mean?

>> No.8811447

Superior to the loli one

>> No.8811455

the amount of character missions you have undertaken.

>> No.8811464

thank you!

>> No.8811634


Thanks for the tips. Sadly I already abandoned my quest and I had already missed one in China early on so I won't have the full list, but thus far I've found no inconsistencies with the Japanese wiki. Could be that there are some more secretive endgame ones no one's figured out. I'd be more apt to contribute to their encyclopedia section (check the "book -former material" section, >>8810760) but I'm self-conscious about my Japanese and don't want them getting mad that a dirty gaijin edited it. Plus I won't finish for a while, won't be able to play at all this weekend.


Much obliged, anon.

>> No.8812121
File: 174 KB, 321x330, what the fuck is this bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except their h scene is a fucking 3 way with the MC. Goddamnit, where was my lesbian Marco Polo?

Also, what the fuck is this shit? Don't wreck my kemonomimi dream!

>> No.8812139

I don't see anything wrong with it.

>> No.8812159

I assume it's about having 4 ears. I always go with the animal ears being for frequencies above 20 khz

>> No.8812380

What the hell is that ghost above Rasputin? ユスポフさん? who the hell is that? Bing ... Japanese Wikipedia ... Felix Yusupov ... Prince Felix Yusupov, one of the men who murdered Rasputin. Who the hell is this? Prince ... lived to 1967, wait, what? All the royal family was killed ... married Princess Zinaida Nikolaevna, only niece to Tsar Nicholas II, died in Paris 1939 ... one daughter Irina Yusupova ... current descendents Marilia Vamvakidis and Yasmine Xenia Vamvakidis born in 2004 and 2006.

Holy shit! There's still members of the Russian royal family left!

Learning Russian history through eroge.

>> No.8812884

Damn it keeps failing for me, could you upload the BGM somewhere else? preferably mediafire. Thanks

>> No.8813116 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x600, Everyone ..........png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she just say? She's a loli, riding a white lion ... and they have her say this?

My god.

>> No.8813125 [SPOILER] 
File: 854 KB, 1024x600, Everyone ..........png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My God the mouth on this girl!

>> No.8813143

How do you "unlock" events for the girls? I still haven't seen any events for Marco, and I'm at turn 68.

Is it something like you have to use them in a battle with the MC?

>> No.8813187

LAAAAAAAAATE Game you get events. As you conquer the world you unlock events. The more of the world you own the more events you get. You won't be fucking anyone but Himiko for a long long time.

>> No.8813184

you just have to progress with the story and the conquering and they will appear
nothing to do with deploying them or using them

>> No.8813194

Mine always show up after a successful city conquest. I guess that's the only trigger.

>> No.8813211

What? She's British.

>> No.8813221


when you use her in battle she has no problem saying "fuck" or "kickass"

>> No.8813220

Add a british accent

>> No.8813238

"mazaafakka da yo!"

Should add a heart or a star behind.

>> No.8813247

Enjoy your threads while it lasts. This is getting translated.

>> No.8813250

[citation needed]

>> No.8813315

Who's doing the translation?

>> No.8813437


Here you are:
Eiyuu Senki BGM

>> No.8813661
File: 549 KB, 1380x820, ベディヴィエール.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd be content with a MG translation just for the uncensored CG pack.

>> No.8814666

HGTP is starting to translate it (or atleast some people there are)

>> No.8814712

This is not bad. I'm looking forward to their patch! It's going to take years, though, taking into account the quantity of image editing that it requires...
However, I hope that they release a "system" patch soon, with the battle menus, status, abilities and items translated.

>> No.8814713


>> No.8815211
File: 645 KB, 1380x820, ハンムラビ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just conquered Egypt. After defeating Hammurabi 3 times in a row, it still won't let me conquer Babylon. What is the requirement that has to be met in order to advance to Uruk?

>> No.8815379
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, so_linear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done it myself yet, but someone mentioned earlier that you need to beat both Russia and the EU. That will have to wait for after the weekend, though. Cleaned out South America and started catching up on character quests last night, this is a healthy change from the dearth of missions early game.

>> No.8815535

There's a partially translated item list going around pulled of the Japanese wiki. While the effects were translated, it was hard to tell which item was which since it was all in runes, so a friend and I worked on the names and put up a picture item table.

