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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[SPOILER] No.8783811[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ rate my Miku drawing. Consider that I am a veryyoungfag.

>> No.8783818

Don't you ever wish you could draw like some of the artist on pixiv? I dream about being able to draw my own dōjinshi and stuff like that

>> No.8783825
File: 87 KB, 140x471, E 1957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls try drawing moetron

>> No.8783828

Don't ever learn to draw.

You're going to enjoy maybe 1/10 of what you can enjoy now.

Well, other than porn.

>> No.8783831

Ok I will try. But it will take a lot because I don't have much free time. The best would be if you say what's your E-mail or whatsoever.

>> No.8783838

No, I wish I could paint like Bouguereau then I could paint some really cool 2hu pictures

>> No.8783849 [DELETED] 
File: 263 KB, 543x476, 1 (457)913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8783856

Ok. Maybe it will be done in two days [sorry, it's just that with school and stuff I don't have much free time] but yeah, it will be done.

>> No.8783862

Unless you're veryyoungfag as in 11 (in case of which GTFO), it's really bad.

Anyone can learn to draw if they shed enough tears, sweat and blood trying their best to learn, though. I've heard of over 20-year-olds going from zero experience to professional and great at their work.

For you though it's a long way. I'd say if you go to school and have any other hobbies, but try your best when you find the time to draw, you could draw half-decent stuff in 8-12 years.

>> No.8783897

I'm 14 [yes, I should be +18 and GTFO] and that was actually a quick sketch I made in class in less than an hour. I just thought if someone rated this positively, maybe I should bother myself doing a better ones.

>> No.8783907
File: 115 KB, 1440x812, ohboyherewego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 14
Are you a boy? I like little boys.

>> No.8783903

It's Saturday.. who da fuq has school on SATURDAY?

>> No.8783915

Let's see you try to draw Miku in under an hour.

>> No.8783912

Less than an hour? That shouldn't have taken you more than 5 minutes.

>> No.8783928

Japanese kids.
I'm not an asian kid, I referred to homework and studying.

>> No.8783929

>in less than an hour
Nothing to brag about.

>> No.8783933



>> No.8783942

I know my draw isn't good. I just wanted to clarify that is not my very best.

>> No.8783948


>> No.8783950

For a 14-year-old (which is just young fag, not very young, IMO), I'd say that's 3/10 or so.

>I just thought if someone rated this positively, maybe I should bother myself doing a better ones
So you came here looking for praise rather than for honest opinions? That isn't a good attitude in going into drawing generally. The road of an artist is one of great effort and little recognition. The older and more skilled you get the more honest people become. If you're in it for the praise rather than enjoying drawing and wanting to learn how to do it better... it's going to be tough.

I think the poster's point is valid, and many skilled artists could surely draw a great sketch of Miku in 5-15 minutes.

>> No.8783953

>janitor deletes on-topic archive thread
>leaves bullshite by someone who admits they're underage

>> No.8783946

Do your very best then.

>> No.8783954
File: 7 KB, 348x325, 1332433052476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who are you quoting

>> No.8783955

I forgot what 14-year-olds are. Do they listen to metal and cry at that point? Am I pedophile if I want to fuck you? Have you fucked and drank and done drugs yet?

Seriously, how old is 14?

>> No.8783956

I'm not skilled and I don't take drawing seriously, just as a pastime.

>> No.8783957

Hey, some of us might enjoy the company of the occasional autistic shota that wanders in.

>> No.8783962

>Do they listen to metal and cry at that point?

>Am I pedophile if I want to fuck you?
Depends on where you live, but by technical definition, no

>Seriously, how old is 14?
Fourteen years after birth

>> No.8783965


>> No.8783970

Thank you, that was helpful.

Also I know what pedophilia is, but this is 2012 and if you so much as feel attracted to someone UNDER 18 WHO HAS ALREADY BEEN LONG PAST THE START OF PUBERTY then you're a pedo. So WHO KNOWS at this point.

>> No.8783971

Have you fucked her?

>> No.8783966
File: 187 KB, 291x471, E 3320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my brother has a friend thats 12 and she goes drinking and is quite the little slut..

>> No.8783967 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 865x450, 89798798798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your new janitor, faggot.
It seems retarded misuse of the quote function is now officially encouraged. Enjoy your greentext subhumans.
>mfw le janitor banned me
>spaggethi in my pockets
>gf wants to fuk

>> No.8783975

Janitors can't ban, sperglord.

>> No.8783976 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 640x845, underground-garage-kids-nightclub-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how old is 14?

>> No.8783974
File: 9 KB, 340x336, descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you give it to her?

>> No.8783977 [DELETED] 

that's every 12 year old girl in the 21st century, trust me

>> No.8783978 [DELETED] 

Janitors can't ban. That's what you get for spamming catchphrases on other boards.

>> No.8783983

It's different in Britain though.

Not to play the LOL WE'RE SO HARDCORE XD card, but my friends and I started drinking the moment we entered secondary school. Fuck that this is normal working class behaviour and fuck that media like "Skins" encourages it.

>> No.8783982 [DELETED] 

I never visit other boards.
Okay, enjoy your new MOD, happy now, buttmutilated autists?

>> No.8783988

That's the same old /m/ mod, nerdlord.

>> No.8783986

Mods are global, you butt-ravaging faggot.

>> No.8783991

The only mod who dedicatedly cared about /jp/ quit after he tried to hit on strangers using the warn system.

Lurk more, you stupid newbie.

>> No.8783990

The arms are shit. It's like powerpuffgirls stile shit. The rest is -okay 4/10.

>> No.8783991,1 [INTERNAL] 

What a coincidence, the imaginary mod in my head banned me and deleted all my posts! I must be dreaming.
