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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 138 KB, 1600x1200, Something Awful 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8780137 No.8780137 [Reply] [Original]

I'm growing tired of the low quality posts and autistic mindset of 4chan. What are some good pseudonymous communities? Are there any you guys visit?

Pic marginally related.

>> No.8780144

The 'YAD is fairly fucking cool

Shout out to my boy Lyle, much love

>> No.8780149

You may want to give /bun/ a try.

>> No.8780152

Way to like the worst forum. It's basically /b/ with names.

>> No.8780154

Tohno-chan if you're autistic enough for it.

>> No.8780156

You post in GBS

>> No.8780157

Imageboards are anonymous, moron.

At least in theory.

>> No.8780159

I think that if SA keeps trying to advertise here, I'm going to DDoS their forums until they can no longer afford to run them.

Also, blow up Kevin Bowen and whoever's with him with a suicide propane bomb.

>> No.8780167

Internet tough guy!

I just posted SA as an example because it's actually pretty good as far as phpBB/vBulletin/whatever-style forums go. I don't even have an account there (well I do, but it was made before the paywall and fuck it if I can remember what username I used when I was 16).

>> No.8780168

Do they still do the 10bux thing?

>> No.8780173

People who strive for "quality," especially in internet discussions, tend to be incredibly dull people. Imageboards have always been informal and absurd.

>> No.8780174


Not really. I'm suicidally depressed and feel like doing something with it.

>> No.8780179

Yes. Which is better than it sounds because it's a barrier to entry and means fewer 13-year-old idiots. However it also means retarded self-entitlement because I PAID 10BUX I DESERVE TO BE AN IDIOT AND HAVE MY STUPID QUESTIONS ANSWERED!!!
SA is kind of dumb in general like that. People circlejerk over stupid enhancements like custom titles and it's really retarded.

>> No.8780190



>> No.8780191

Said it much better than I could have ever said it.

Your post is going in my Opera notes.

>> No.8780194

That's because 4chan sort of set a stupid precedent for imageboards. Well so did Futaba Channel really, since it's more geared at otaku than 2channel. I still think they have more potential.

Text boards are fun though. 4-ch in particular is good for verbose but interesting discussions that take place over the course of years (mostly because it gets like 2 visitors a month). I prefer sites like that, but 4chan is fun for just posting in the here-and-now and not giving a fuck.

>> No.8780207

You're shit.

>> No.8780204

It's shit.

>> No.8780208

SA is advertising on 4chan because they're dying, because no one wants to spend money on useless e-shit in a bad economy

I would rather tongue-kiss a pedophile than read anything a goon has to say.

>> No.8780226

>I would rather tongue-kiss a pedophile
If you utttered that in any context (even sarcastically or tongue-in-cheek) on SA, you would have been banned by now.

>> No.8780228

I post on 4-ch out of pity sometimes. It seems like a lost cause though.
I don't know, maybe I am just an idiot, but I find /lounge/ and /vip/ much more entertaining. I don't see much of a point to being serious online.

>> No.8780246

Sometimes being serious is fun. I think everyone who posts on 4chan regularly can agree that just fucking around is a lot more fun, though.

In fact /lounge/ in particular blows my mind sometimes. Even the most stupid posts about conspiracies or farting or whatever are sometimes so intelligent and drawn-out I simply can't believe someone bothered. There's a very 1990s Usenet feel to it that you don't get on the imageboards, and I don't know why.

>> No.8780243


What? I wouldn't pay 10bux to access somewhere I can't make a pedo joke.

>> No.8780253
File: 43 KB, 808x739, shiido.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Something Awful, pedophilia is serious business.

>> No.8780256

They deleted all the good boards. Don't bother.

>> No.8780263

>Sometimes being serious is fun.
You should go away or shut up.

>> No.8780270
File: 165 KB, 540x540, Graham_Chapman_Colonel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your response was too serious.

>> No.8780278

lol at how much they care

who gives a shit

>> No.8780288

We can't have people being attracted to 16-year-olds or anime drawings of children, Anonymous. It's the goons' sworn duty to make the world a better place by ridding it of ``pedoshit''!

>> No.8780294


So what you're saying is, all we have to do is crank the loli-generator up and that'll keep them at bay?


>> No.8780299

What the fuck? How did that community manage to birth 4chan in the first place?

>> No.8780308



>> No.8780312

ADTRW was always walking a fine line because any modern anime is pedoshit to goons. Most of the people from Raspberry Heaven or Studio ADTRW or wherever were banned because they had the nerve to enjoy shows with an under-18 cast.

Which is kind of strange because there are a lot of anime fans on Something Awful. They even share the anti-ZOMG SO KAWAII ^__^ mindset that 4chan does. They just hate anything made after 1999 or that has cute girls.

>> No.8780320


Sounds like a bunch of homos. Really, I wish they'd go away. They've been spamming all the boards with stuff they made trying to draw in traffic and I'm sick to death of it.

>> No.8780333
File: 88 KB, 590x406, paranormal 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because Something Awful is the finest OC generator on the 'net. Join today, only $10!

>> No.8780339

>anti-ZOMG SO KAWAII ^__^ mindset that 4chan does

speak for your fucking self

>> No.8780348



>> No.8780359


Nothing wrong with wanting to keep degenerates off of your site. Look at 4chan for instance. It's full of Jews, pedophiles, and retards.

Sometimes, isolationism is best.

>> No.8780386


If they're isolationist why are they spamming their shit everywhere

Oh, right. Kyanka needs money to buy more asian bride feet.

SA is not relevant, it has not been relevant since '04, no amount of spam will ever fix that, no one except spoiled upper-middle-class twits is going to pay money to use an internet forum.

I mean, the whole thing is bourgeois affectation. That's what it IS, on a fundamental level, the idea that money makes things better. And the values that supposedly promotes? "Quality", politeness, sexual normalcy? All bourgeois. It's shit, and you're shit.

>> No.8780405

So you DON'T hate ZOMG SO KAWAII ^___^ teenage idiots?

Get the fuck off my 4chan.

>> No.8780414

Not the guy you're replying to and I agree with you, but barriers to entry are a good thing. Even if they're completely arbitrary.
$10 isn't a lot of money (even to a NEET) and it means you're personally investing something and old enough to use a debit card. Nobody would shitpost right off the bat like on 4chan, because there's a real risk involved. Plus it means a slightly older userbase. I could be wrong, but it seems like all the well-known SA goons are in their late twenties or early thirties. 4chan's more teenage audience is funny, but it can get annoying.

>> No.8780425

But you receive access to such quality discussion as this!


>> No.8780446

Then again /jp/s quality touhou discussion is "Which 2hu would you fuck?"

>> No.8780454

I was reading this a few days ago.
The discussion isn't terrible and there are interesting posters, but 90% of the thread is pointless as fuck. "I LIKE MARISA" or "WHAT IS THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION I COULD HAVE LOOKED UP ON THE WIKI". I'd understand if it was more of a "live" medium like an image board, but they have fucking forever between posts.

>> No.8780457

>$10 isn't a lot of money (even to a NEET)
Wrong and who the fuck are you to tell me what my finances are like?
>and it means you're personally investing something
Ronald Reagan? I thought you died!
>and old enough to use a debit card
Because no kid can get someone else to sign up for him.

>late twenties or early thirties
Yeah. They're boring, old, and conservative. The one claim you had to being relevant was LF, and that got deleted because you're a bunch of cowards.

Fuck goons. They're like bronies without the brony's sole virtue of being nice. Someone needs to take that site down.

Also, fuck "quality". Fuck you, pay ME. They're boring and played out and sanitized.

>> No.8780459

Do people really think this? You have to read between the lines a bit and ignore the quite vocal shitposting, and /jp/ is a really good place. I think a lot of more ADD types choose to ignore the good posts because they like shitposting and drama more, which is unfortunate.

You guys are awesome, /jp/. I really mean that.

>> No.8780461

SA is a far better example of commodified dissent or commodified social relationships, or commodified whatever-they-are, because the fact remains that no matter how good they might be, they are charging you money to use it. There is no getting away from that.

All of these futuristic sci-fi dystopias where capitalism has destroyed everything human should look to their example.

You have a service that costs money, where the consumers themselves, through memes and other forms of propaganda, spread and improve and protect the brand, which also essentially is the service-- then they perform the service themselves, because the service is interacting with each other.

It's genius. It's a product that literally produces, packages, markets, and distributes itself, then hands the money to the holder.

There are other components to the genius of this, such as the fact that the platform necessarily excludes those who aren't on board with it, because they aren't willing to pay the money, and allows the contextualization of dissent against it as 'other' and 'lesser'.

To wit:

SA a shit

>> No.8780474

FYAD-lite for the edgy teenage 4chan types.

I miss it.

>> No.8780478

You're trading all of the kids for an equally irritating group of entitled autists and pedants.

4chan is anonymous by default for a reason. If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to stay here; go to ATDRW and have fun with the megathreads full of attention whores.

>> No.8780481

Lol what a newfag. At least learn the names of the boards you pretend to know so much about, fag.

>> No.8780482

Jp is good when the tripfags aren't around.

>> No.8780483

Why the fuck has no one got their site shut down yet? They're irritating enough. Someone needs to find some bullshit in their "mart" and sue or create a fake persona and get them to raid it, then sue under a cyber-bullying law or something.

I wish they'd fuck off. I don't want to hear about Fark or Kuro5hin, either.

>> No.8780488
File: 2.33 MB, 367x207, 1330996334704.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and the rest which is probably 5 more people shut the HELL up, youre here forever

>> No.8780489

LF had the best LPs.

I still remember lines such as this fondly:

>Confused by buildings more than two stories tall, and offended by requests that they bathe before entering brothels, Serbian officers in New Orleans chimp out and sack the town

>> No.8780493

>Why the fuck has no one got their site shut down yet?
Because freedom of speech*.

* For conservative, anti-pedophile values of "freedom of speech".

>> No.8780498

Let's repopulate Usenet.

>> No.8780505

I actually still post on Usenet all the time. A few of the uk.* groups are pretty active, even if it's mostly this guy:

There's far too much spam though, and DejaNews/Google Groups completely ruined the fun for me. Now I have to know that my stupid 13-year-old self's posts are on a hard drive somewhere, forever.

>> No.8780508

SA has served, and continues to serve as the diaper of the internet's bowels. All of us know deep down that if SA were to go down 4chan would be flooded by tripfags and shitposters.

Like, more than it already is.

>> No.8780515

It's like if moot had made /soc/ before 4chan ever existed.

>> No.8780520


>LF closed
>4chan gets worse


>> No.8780534

LF turned to complete shit long before Lowtax put it out of its misery.

>> No.8780536


Oh, by the way, you have apparently insulted the sensibilities of one of the mods. You must translate this entire document into Russian and request permission from them in order to post in any LF threads until we decide that playing Jihad/Socialist Revolution is boring and move onto Objectivism or whatever

>> No.8780549

I don't see why I would pay money for SA. I only care for video games, and it's not like they have a community of elite players with tons of noteworthy accomplishments that I could learn from (quite the opposite, in fact). So why pay money to interact with people who aren't on my level?

>> No.8780562

I thought 4chan was the bad one and that was why atrdw spun off into 4chan. You're telling me SA is even worse?

>> No.8780566

The LPs are/were fun. Obviously you can just watch/read those, though. A lot of people seem to sign up just to post in LP threads and I don't see the point.

>> No.8780567

Shitposting there results in bans that can't be bypassed by resetting one's router so no.

>> No.8780572

Depends what you mean by worse. We have more LOL FAGGOT NIGGER I FAP TO HITLER DIE IN A FIRE shit because it's an anonymous board and people are just assholes. However SA is very inclusive (I'd say "elitist" but that makes them sound good) and incredibly stupid as a whole. Not that there aren't good posters/threads/fads, it just exemplifies the worst of Western late 90s/early 2000s type forums.

>> No.8780585

I reported this and not once posted without sage and yet it's still being bumped.

Looks like meido can't do their fucking job. Unless it's deleting fun shit.

Anyway, goons go die. I wish they never existed. I wish 4chan had been founded by, I dunno, a professor of Japanese culture or something.

By the way, they absolutely are viralling. I have evidence.

>> No.8780587


this guy = correct 100%

SA a bourgeois

>> No.8780588

>not once posted without sage
Oh shit man that's hardcore.

>> No.8780595


"Oh shit that's hardcore" doesn't mean anything. You're just mad I said this thread was shit. That's a stock response when you have nothing to say. You dumb toad.

>> No.8780598

That was kind of a given.

>> No.8780599


>> No.8780610

Not once in my /jp/ career have I posted without sage. Get on my motherfucking level, scrubs.

>> No.8780616

In order of preference:
Random boards on 2ch

>> No.8780618

>linking SA

Weird. I am certainly sure that this site went to shit a bunch of years ago and all that's left is some retarded circlejerking and people fucking admins/mods to get rights. They don't even produce good OC anymore.

>> No.8780622
File: 144 KB, 400x400, spin.1232256577982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should move on to IRC.

>> No.8780624
File: 10 KB, 171x192, index..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SA a shit

>> No.8780653
File: 8 KB, 200x240, 1328746294246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kill yourself.

You realize most goons are edgy normals right? More than half the people on SA are married and have kids. It's like facebook for people who had internet access in the 90s.

>> No.8780661

>Bumping a SA spam thread.

>> No.8780662 [SPOILER] 
File: 167 KB, 550x816, 1329705874095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hai, hai!

Spoilered for your conveniece.

>> No.8780669


Do it. Moetronic accelerator to full output. Pump the relays.

>> No.8780666

Die in an oven, Jewtax.

>> No.8780674
File: 245 KB, 500x500, 1301291957933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It pleases me that the subhumans have been reduced to trolling for cash even in our humble board.

>> No.8780682


Everyone whose ben on the net for long knows that LUE/LL>>>>>SA for fucking ever.

>> No.8780686

>They just hate anything made after 1999
Sounds like the best place to discuss anime.

>> No.8780691

You ever notice how goons have lumpy, shapeless faces? Weird. Same kind of chromosomal disorder as Daniel Tosh, I think.

>> No.8780707

Thread tl;dr

SA is worth checking out, at the very least for how shitty it is. It takes the shittiest of pre-2005 forums and lives it out today, in 2011. The novelty value of the crap that is called Something Awful will set you back 10 dollars - not unlike buying a new, sealed copy of Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing at retail price.


>> No.8780708
File: 193 KB, 1400x815, asslaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pride yourself on an elite userbase and keeping out "shitposters"

>no one comes to your site

>site dies

>reduced to begging for scraps from 4chan

>while begging, still trying to maintain the facade of superiority and dignity

>> No.8780715

Then join them, normalfag.

>> No.8780726


God damn look at this shit.

Why is this thread still here?

>> No.8780727

But that is just for posting though isn't it? If you want you can just view the shittiness for free.

>> No.8780731
File: 469 KB, 328x365, kisame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, you're not advertising at all! That's not what this is!

Every time I see you people trying to convince me to give Jewtax money, I hate you a little more. Go canvas Reddit some more. We're not giving donations.

>> No.8780733

Why are we having a thread about SA anyway? Are we going on a pedo hunt?

>> No.8780735
File: 46 KB, 480x568, Rembrandt_-_Portrait_of_an_Old_Jew_-_WGA19181-e1331866235225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP we're still waiting

>> No.8780750

I made the Big Rigs comparison to try to show what I'm saying is tongue-in-cheek. I should sleep. But yes, anybody who gives their money to SA now is a moron.

>> No.8780779
File: 156 KB, 1400x890, top-10-most-perverted-anime-girls-2011-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure! What are we hunting this time?

>> No.8780792


>> No.8780798


Gelbooru a shit. Only purpose is to go somewhere else other than danbooru when you've exhausted it and are ready to something second-tier.

>> No.8780819
File: 419 KB, 477x700, 1277769546528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking janitor why the fuck is this adverstisement still up while you deleted much better threads?
You are a joke.

>> No.8780999

Why does Tokiko and his retarded goon friends feel the need to constantly advertise their shitty phpBB garbage here constantly?

>> No.8781572

congrats on the marriage
