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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8778721 No.8778721 [Reply] [Original]

What would you American /jp/ers do if you won the $640 million lottery?

>> No.8778730

Buy /jp/ from moot

>> No.8778727

I'd buy ZUN.

>> No.8778734

Be happy for once. Hopefully I win.

>> No.8778735

Take it easy for the rest of my days, naturally.

>> No.8778750

Finally be able to afford all those figurines and dolls I've always wanted.

>> No.8778744

Exactly what I do now.

>> No.8778747

pay off all debts, put aside enough to pay for education and life after, put the rest in medium risk investments.

>> No.8778748

I'll buy a nuculear weapon and kill all the terrists.

>> No.8778752

Take it easier than easy.
And build a castle

>> No.8778758

I'd buy a house out in the middle of fucking nowhere and live off of it for the rest of my life.

>> No.8778761

Give every /jp/er a million dollars.

>> No.8778765

Donate it to the Hakurei Shrine.


>> No.8778769

Then you'll still have 637 left.

>> No.8778767

Feed my nendoroid addiction
Also, buy a house that would be one gigantic mancave. One room would be nothing but weeaboo shit, maybe an entire miniature town for the nendoroids
One room with legos. I'd buy all the superexpensive ones that I couldn't get as a kid, like the space monorail. $2000 bucks on ebay
One room with gigantic tv for vidya games and movies
And one room for music stuff, with drums/keyboards/recording stuff to mess around with
Ya baby.

>> No.8778774

A mixture of making my own charities, investing into private schooling for gifted, under-privileged people from anywhere around the world, and probably try to create jobs whenever possible. I'd probably also give my dad a million dollars for dealing with my shit for so long.

Oh, and I'd also invest into ending diseases and cancer etc

>> No.8778770

I'd take the payment that extends over 26 years. That way I get all the money in its entirety and the illusion of income would make me feel better than a big lump sum. I mean hey, even if I blow it all in a year I have 25 more chances to not fuck up. Either way I'd get a modest but tasteful house with a flamboyant tower I can lock myself in and hire a secretary, a meido, and a gate guard to take care of my affairs and make sure I don't have to leave my house.

>> No.8778772


What will you do with the other $637 million though?

>> No.8778785

So many boy scouts here...

>> No.8778789

spend with figs, a new pc, a good house, give half of it to my family and then use the rest of the money to drink myself to death.

>> No.8778799

Make sure there's enough funding for a long time for personal use for myself, friends and family. Pay some "debts" I owe (as in, donate to some people that I think would deserve the funds). Invest a certain precentage.

Rest goes to messing with certain industries that I want completely reshaped, but that might not be enough. Changing the world through technology.

No donations to the poor and needy (the usual charities), because if the previous idea would work right, that money would end up increasing everyone's quality of life a lot more and spending it there would result in greater utility for humanity.

One of many endgoals: /jp/ gets some of their dreams fulfilled. Not spoiling anything here.

>> No.8778803


pathetic, you're the worst kind of NEET, the kind that has no dreams or aspirations

>> No.8778818

Buy myself an island and build a huge mansion. Then invite all the people here to live with me.

>> No.8778828


>> No.8778836

Nothing. forever. Maybe spend 5million over the course of my life, invest some in something, store some somewhere just in case.

>> No.8778832

I think think it's so much as being a boy scout but more like /jp/ knows the feeling of worthless with no easy way out and if put in the position to do something about it would like to help others if they had the ability.

I like what >>8778799 said, I would like to help out my fellow man in some way that would help more over the long term rather than just donating tons of money for food, etc.

>> No.8778841


>> No.8778864

I'd buy all the fumos, dolls, and figs I want.

Then I'd buy a house, big enough for me and a few others. I'd live in it by myself until it got lonely, then I'd invite some /jp/sies in to live for free (no rent). After that I'd just take it easy and not work for as long as possible.

>> No.8778877

I'd buy you a house

>> No.8778883


What will you do with the other $639m?

>> No.8778892

Recreate the events of Umineko by buying an island and planting a giant bomb underneath it, having a gender ambiguous child with my own daughter in secret, setting up everything so the murder mystery would play out, the works.

>> No.8778909

I'd pay you all to suck my cock, dude. The best ones can stay with me in the /jp/ mansion. Wardrobe will be provided.

>> No.8778915

I'm in.

If I can live there for free, you wont even have to pay me.

>> No.8778914

Why on an island?

>> No.8778919
File: 727 KB, 3061x4617, Kamei_Hatachi034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy /jp/ from moot and force post ID , remove dubs, and autoban a few words

>> No.8778932

I wonder how much it would cost to buy a whole prefecture so we could run shit the way it should be?

>> No.8778934

Quit my shitty job, probably travel to Japan, and of course, buy a lot of shit. Maybe move out of this shitty apartment. But that's thinking to far. Bought and filled out 18 tickets, now I'm just hoping hoping for at least something.

>> No.8778938

I would use it to create and support a utopian community of /jp/sies.

>> No.8778939


Will you implement kana captchas, too please?

>> No.8778942

Move to a comfortable and affordable neighborhood. Take it easy for the rest of my life.

>> No.8778951

id become normal. hire people to teach me how to socialize, what normal people talk about and what they do, how to get a nice girlfriend, etc.

>> No.8778956

Post IDs are insecure. A better solution would be a private local ID database and each thread to have its entries renamed. Overall, I can't say I'm that fond of the idea, but if you're going to do it, at least don't make it insecure (IPs are recoverable from IDs if you leak your salt file, which did happen enough time in 4chan's history).

>> No.8778960

After making sure my money is safe and multiplying, I'd just fund the shit I want to see.

Start a game developer, start an anime studio, get some mangaka and western comic book writers and artists I like to work on shit without having to worry about mass appeal, and so on.

Also, I'd get a proper education. Not an university(though I'd need a degree I guess) just pay good teachers to teach me shit I want to learn.

>> No.8778963

Continue to pursue the girl I like, hoping above all hopes she doesn't find out I won the money, because I would want her to accept me for me then find out I'm stinking rich. Then I'd spend it all on selfish shit because I'd finally be happy.

>> No.8778970

"is that where that weird guy lives?"
"shhh don't talk so loud he might hear you!"
"I hear he never leaves his house"
"ewww that's so gross"

>> No.8778985

I've decided what I want... I want an army of Mohawk Roadwarriors.

>> No.8778992

Donate $250,000 to everyone on /jp/

>> No.8778994
File: 621 KB, 3088x4617, Kamei_Hatachi036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not that much into how it would be implemented.
I can understand some people enjoy to be anonymous.
But some forced ID or trips , would get rid of the samefagging and the sometimes confusion who is posting what.
it would kill 90% of /jp/s population

but to remove dubs shouldn't be that hard, we did all see today what did happen.

>> No.8778998

>it would kill 90% of /jp/s population
That wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.8779030

Thankfully king of /jp/ isn't going to win.

>> No.8779048

Create hikki-manor and lose myself to my own delusions in my home. Since I would have money, I would be labeled as eccentric instead of batshit crazy.

>> No.8779120

Can I buy a lottery ticket online?
I don't want to go down the street to get one.

>> No.8779135
File: 682 KB, 3088x4599, Kamei_Hatachi075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait
1 day I will

moot should just remove post numbers or auto-skip dubs

>> No.8779149

Removing post numbers makes quotes hard to read. Dealing with an annoying invasion for an hour or two every few months seems tolerable compared to having to look at the source (or use an userscript) to know the post number (when following quotes).

>> No.8779440

Hire a few full-time translators.

>> No.8779461

We have a 21mil lottery happening soon here. If I won that I would /jp/ mansion as well as travel, an I could get education in things I actually care about learning without worrying about money and the foreboding future.

>> No.8779487

I'd have to go through all the animation companies and commission a Tsukihime anime, with 6-12 episodes for each separate arc. Also I'd want myself animated in an Akiha hentai. I love Akiha.

>> No.8779493

i'd hire an assassin to eliminate moot, then disappear to japan and live there watching anime reading manga collecting figures playing games and eating sushi for the remainder of my days

>> No.8779500

I'd start a nation or at least some sort of society where NEETs can live in harmony.

>> No.8779506

i bought a ticket yesterday.

if i win, ill build a /jp/ mansion and invite all of you to live with me. ill give you guys each $1,000,000 and i'd also buy 4chan from moot.

besides that, i'd do exactly what i do now. maybe i'd buy more figs

>> No.8779519

I just bought a $5 ticket. I plan on buying a modest apartment, acceptance into a university, a swanky desktop, and a Realdoll. All else will be invested.

Also, /jp/ manor will live.

>> No.8780058

I would first take care of myself and my family, then I would probably fund some sort of /jp/-related venture just to give back all the time I've spent and shared with you all. Perhaps actually funding a /jp/ mansion where only people like us can live, of course since I would be the landlord I would take care of all the semen stains free of charge.

the umineko idea is also enticing.

>> No.8780091

Buy every Touhou merchandise in the world

>> No.8780111

Start my own cartel in Mexico, turn the millions into billions and win the war.

>> No.8780113

See, this is all a big ploy. We'll hear strange noises in the night and find our landlord naked licking up puddles of cum, collecting hairs from the sink trying to make some abomination golem of /jp/sie semen and hair for his Tulpa to possess.

You are truly a fucked up person.

>> No.8780126

Buy a small house in the middle of nowhere and live out the rest of my days. I bought $10 of tickets too so I have my fingers crossed.

>> No.8780155
File: 10 KB, 80x80, 01f782313dfe3e618e308a3822f853f9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy everyone in my state a cheap gun and pack of bullets for the up coming war. And build an underground base, pay an army sluts to guard the entrance. And a helicopter to escape just in case shit goes down. I'll use my own savings to move to china.

>> No.8780185

I'd Invest just about everything except for a million or so.

Of course I won't win, I only bought one ticket. Saw some lady buying 90 and she looked all raggedy and broke and high. Kind of depressing. It's more of a whim than actually wanting to win for me.

>> No.8780202

Build the worlds greatest 4x4 4wd diesel truck in the known world, and start an international chain of bbq restraunts.

>> No.8780235

Make an arcade/japanese restaurant. Hire /jp/sies to cook. Also I'd make all of my employees wear chastity belts so that they couldn't be lewd and couldn't come in the food.

>> No.8780260

Invite all my internet friends to come live with me in the REAL DEAL /jp/ mansion all expenses paid.

Actually, I would make everyone get autism bucks and give them to me. It would kinda be like those nursing homes that rob the elderly of their social security.

We'd have trap maids and really fast internet, though.

>> No.8780283

For those of you willing to accommodate fellow /jp/ers, how are you going to separate the trueNEETS from the opportunistic, money-grubbing normals who'd run off with the money as soon as they get it?

>> No.8780332

Interview process.

Also, those motherfuckers will never touch my Jew Golds. I'd just pay for everything. I'd probably buy presents and stuff, too, but if the person was a dick he wouldn't be there in the first place.

>> No.8780341

Just found out I won 2 dollars on it. Put in 1. 100% profit baby.

>> No.8780442
File: 68 KB, 649x590, 1327459903169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post ID
>faggier than usual for faggot tripfag

i'll take my shitposts and dubz anyday

>> No.8780458

Blow it all on cokes and hookers.

>> No.8780499

Move grorious Nippon and become a hermit who buys figures and never leaves the house. I will hire a maid and cook to take care of food and all that junk.

>> No.8780510

I'd take it easy.

Two chicks at the same time.

>> No.8781132

Build a replica of the Shire from lotr and live the rest of my days taken it easy

>> No.8781213

Buy all the figs, fumos, vidya I want, finally replace my desktop, and get a car and a house. Then invite anyone from /jp/ to stay and save the rest for bills and food and more vidya.

>> No.8781314

Already been done.

>> No.8781363

I copied this answer from another lotto thread, but it's still awesome.
Buy several hundred million dollars worth of gold, jewels, etc.
Buy a cave. Put the loot at the end of the cave, and then fill the cave with gnarly ass deathtraps.
Memorize location of cave, make a map, divide map into 10 pieces, tattoo the pieces onto some people.
Kill yourself.

>> No.8781382

Sail around the world
Cure my acne
Cure my acne scars
Live in different parts of the world

It's fun to dream.

>> No.8781400

I want to eat one of every animal.
Insects will take too long so they're lower priority.

>> No.8781410

Spend every night on cocaine on /jp

>> No.8781422


i got the peezo, wanna smoke some meth instead?

>> No.8781423

There's a story about a club devoted to doing that

The Epicurean club, I believe it was?

>> No.8781425

Give like 200 million people a million dollars.

>> No.8781427

but that's like $200,000,000,000,000

>> No.8781428

sounds plausible. Do they eat people too?
I mean I don't need a whole one or anything

>> No.8781438

How much would it cost to start up a private army? I wish I could start up something like outer haven.

>> No.8781442
File: 64 KB, 890x890, sweatyreimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god



my ticket

it m

oh my god
itmatches oh my god my god

>> No.8781459

Start a little trust for my family and close associates, to cover things like emergency expenses, education, politics, etc. The trust would be a legal corporation, and it would own the account the money was in, not me, and it would be governed by a legal document, not me, so it'd be impossible for all the little psycho bastards that would crawl out of the woodwork to get their hooks into me or my family.

>> No.8781467

I would buy a sizeable plot of land in a nice place and recreate Floaroma Town.

It would be sort of like building my own home, but it would not be a private place, I'd like everyone to enjoy it.

>> No.8781472

where in maryland do you live?

>> No.8781528
File: 22 KB, 213x320, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did win the $640 million, though. I made a thread soliciting /jp/sie emails but meido deleted it.

>> No.8781539

Am I still able to be the cook?

>> No.8781538

Make /jp/ mansion in Japan.

Also, maids because it would probably be horribly disgusting without them.

>> No.8781578

If I ever figure out how to house a whole bunch of socially retarded freeloaders without beating every single one of you to death with a dakimakura, I will totally look at your cooking resume.

>> No.8781584

But I'd have $640 million dollars. I'd make it someone else's problem. Not to mention, it would be set up as a business, because I'm sure /jp/ would get in trouble for shit they do on the internet, and otherwise, it would come back to me.

>> No.8781587

Don't the winning numbers have to be in order?

And for me? I'd just move out to a better area with nicer weather, probably LA. Get a nice computer, build up a few project cars, and live off of the interest forever as a NEET lurking and shitposting on /jp/. Maybe repay my parents with a house for putting up with my lazy ass.

>> No.8781590

No, they needn't be. Your ticket always has them in ascending numeric order, but they are drawn at random.

>> No.8781593


>> No.8781605

I would buy /jp/, then hire a hitman for each of /jp/'s tripfags.

>> No.8781606

Also, if they had to be in order, your odds of winning would be about 21 billion to 1, instead of "just" 175 million to 1.

>> No.8781612

Why am I honestly surprised that someone on /jp/ actually have a basic understanding of P&C?

>> No.8781621

Probably because you have a slightly better understanding and want to show off by making a post about it.

>> No.8781630

But we're both anonymous so that doesn't make sense, your critical thinking needs work.

The actual point is an insult to the people who have no understanding of it.

>> No.8781649
File: 526 KB, 923x568, nn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, is this real?

>> No.8781655

The only real thing is your autism.

>> No.8781663

I studied mathematics in college before I locked myself in my room. But to be honest, it wasn't really that special. Any reasonably bright high school student could grind those out.

>> No.8781664

grab photo from innernets
post on jp

fuck yeah

>> No.8781672

Even if you're anonymous, it's nice to feel superior to other people.

>> No.8781678

The whole point of being anonymous is that you can call other people shit to feel good about yourself, without anyone knowing that you are actually as shit as they are.

>> No.8781685

Disregard that. I suck dicks.

>> No.8781686

This. It's also funny because a researcher has already posted in this thread.

>> No.8781687

That's funny because I actually am homosexual.

>> No.8786350

Get out of /jp/ faggot

>> No.8786370

Pay off all debts owing.

Then build a /jp/ mansion, which I'll pretend is a sanctuary for all of the social misfits that post here, but in reality I'll use it to make Project Mayhem.
