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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 184 KB, 600x600, sanae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8772433 No.8772433 [Reply] [Original]

ITT your favorite Touhou characters and why you hate kikes.

My favorite Touhou character is Sanae Kochiya and I hate kikes because of their shameless exploitation of the Holohoax, which they blew out of proportion thanks to the falsified reports that they forged in many of the post-war kangaroo courts. It has been over 60 years ago, yet you're still using it as an excuse to get a free pass on EVERYTHING: the insane manipulation of media, the lobbying, the atrocities you're committing against the Palestinians in the lands you STOLE thanks to your Jew friends in the United Kingdom.
Everyone knows what you're doing and you've been doing in these 50 years, the only reason this spiral of silence still exists today is because you'd be called a Nazi, an anti-semite, you'de be ostracized from society.
Can you imagine a Kurd terrorist being excused because 90 years ago the Ottomans attempted to kill his people? It would be inexcusable, but then again Jews have their friends in Hollywood who love to line their pockets by tugging at goyim's heartstrings.
I'm fucking sick and tired of your slimeball tactics. If you really have the support of people in the western hemisphere then are you still wasting no effort to influence and manipulate public opinione, kikes?

>> No.8772434
File: 32 KB, 343x400, 1332430125405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8772441

ITT seven words about your favorite Touhou character and thirty paragraphs explaining Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

>> No.8772448


>> No.8772449

Israel won't be around much longer.

>> No.8772450

That's the entire point, as long as it is connected with 2hus, it is jp-related.

>> No.8772455

I like all Touhous.

I don't hate the Jewish people, but I hate Zionist imperialism that works together with American imperialism.

This thread is /new/ related and thus reportable.

>> No.8772460


>> No.8772471

>As Seen On: /jp/ - Otaku Culture

>> No.8772478
File: 741 KB, 1017x2010, 1332624762623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8772841
File: 164 KB, 482x600, jews_image01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8772847
File: 97 KB, 600x433, jews_image15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8772859
File: 97 KB, 640x480, holocaust_memorial_(holocaust_mahnmal).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought /jp/ would stoop to such a low. How dare you? To both desecrate the honor of the State of Israel and the memory of the Holocaust? How dare you say the holocaust is a playing card.

Reported for anti-semitism.

>> No.8772864

>90 years ago the Ottomans attempted to kill his [Kurdish] people?

>> No.8772881

That feel when I am israeli browsing /jp/ and I notice other /jp/ers pretending to be israeli and constantly making anti-israeli threads and everyone joining in to make fun of Israelis and the janitors/mods lets it slide since they also like to make fun of israelis and I can't do nothing about it since I am a israeli and get reported for being israeli.

>> No.8772883

if Reimu and a kike fight over a 10 yen coin, who would win?

>> No.8772886


>> No.8772890

Someone needs to post those horrible 4komas of Sanae as a jewish girl who loves to kvetch

>I like 'em, no one makes a better strudel in my city than the jews

>> No.8772892
File: 172 KB, 482x600, Jews revelatione.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite Touhou character is Patchouli Knowledge and I hate kikes because of the Palestinian question.

>> No.8772894

/jp/ = Palestine
/a/v/b/cgl/ shitposters = jews
4chan boards = UN

>> No.8772897

Go away, /pol/.

inb4 the janitor deletes 42452 /jp/ threads within 15 minutes but a poorly disguised /pol/ thread is left untouched for hours.

>> No.8772898

Haha, That's our moot.

>> No.8772905

The Jews aren't the problem, the globalists and the Bilderbergs are

>> No.8772908

The jews gave us pornography?

I did not know that.

I wonder how hard it is to convert...

>> No.8772910

I thought you'd finally learned to fuck off. Jeez.

>> No.8772913

/pol/ is going absolutely nuts over the Zimmerman killing and I guess the board's regulars are fleeing for safer ground, testing the waters to see where they can post Jewish Birds Cooking Strudel

>> No.8772917

reported for ban evasion
