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File: 54 KB, 540x390, Thewallscreaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8772189 No.8772189 [Reply] [Original]

Hey jaypee, I've been listening to Pink Floyd a lot recently, especially The Wall, and it reminds me a lot of you, considering it's biggest themes are isolation, loneliness and the desire to escape everyone.

In the Flesh?
>/jp/er enters the real world, only to retract and reject it
The Thin Ice
>/jp/er reflecting on childhood and how horrible his life became
Another Brick in the Wall Part 1
>vague elementary school memories mixed with father memories
The Happiest Days of our Lives
>School memories in middle school
Another Brick in the Wall Part 2
>/jp/s highschool days
>/jp/ wants to stay with mommy
Goodbye Blue Sky
>/jp/ moves inside to become tru NEET
Empty Spaces
>/jp/ getting lonely

>> No.8772195
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Young Lust
>/jp/ gets to e-pimping and cybering and fapping to hentai doujins
One of My Turns
>/jp/ gets fucking mad at life and thinks about hurting people
Don't Leave Me Now
>/jp/ gets butthurt and tries to keep his epimp status
Another Brick in the Wall Part 3
>/jp/ bawwws about all the chances missed in HS
Goodbye Cruel World
>/jp/ considers suicide
Hey You
>/jp/ changes mind and starts looking for fellow NEETs on the internet
Is There Anybody Out There?
>/jp/ continues the search fruitlessly, only to be flamed on imageboards
Nobody Home
>Parents stop talking to NEETiepoo
>/jp/ sings about their waifu in a bout of loneliness
Bring the Boys Back Home
>/jp/ gets mad and yells at people on CNN about politics, slowly not giving a fuck

>> No.8772193


>> No.8772201
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Comfortably Numb
>/jp/ starts drinking to numb the pain
The Show Must Go On
>/jp/ is kicked out of mommy's house
In The Flesh
>/jp/ is forced to apply for welfare
Run Like Hell
>/jp/ is denied autism bucks and has to seek work
Waiting for the Worms
>/jp/ becomes homeless and browses internet at the library all day; sleeps under bridge
>/jp/ more seriously considers suicide
The Trial
>/jp/ spends a day in a drug-induced haze on the streets, finally coming to grips with being a faggot deciding to try once again for a normal life
Outside the Wall
>/jp/ becomes a wealthy mouthpussy for rich old men at a gloryhole, and gets a few tranny friends to share an apartment with

>> No.8772202

I liked Dark Side of the Moon better. Then again, I also liked Meddle better too.

>> No.8772199
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>> No.8772210
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OP here. Not a big fan of Dark Side of the Moon.

My favorite is actually Wish you were here or Animals , but I think The Wall is a great and very ambitious album.

>> No.8772218

Works better as a movie. I cry like a little girl every time I watch it.

>> No.8772230 [DELETED] 

WYWH > DSotM > Animals > PatGoD

>> No.8772240

None of those are bad choices really. I was never partial to the Rock Opera thing, though. For example, I like The Who but I really don't like Tommy even though most critics think it's one of their best albums. I forgive Quadrophenia, but only because of the album's last song.

I also enjoy Syd Barrett's first solo album more than most of Pink Floyd's discography, so take my opinion for what little it's worth.

>> No.8772268
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Well, I adore concept albums and rock operas, but musically, The Wall is underwhelming compared to some of their other albums.

>> No.8772318

>Hey You
>>/jp/ changes mind and starts looking for fellow NEETs on the internet
>Is There Anybody Out There?
>>/jp/ continues the search fruitlessly, only to be flamed on imageboards

This is where I'm at so far. Glad to have a map ready.

>> No.8772319

Inherent Emptiness by Forgotten Woods is /jp/ the song. Check the lyrics.

>> No.8772328


metal a shit

>> No.8772332

days are passing and the agony increases by the minute,
several reflections flows in my mind.
questions that I'm not able to answer...

why is this existance so absurd.
people surrounding me, but I feel a deep loneliness,
they will never find it rules without sense.

very difficult to explain with words...
normal people searching happiness and contentment,
with stupid and superficial methods.
they will never find it,
rules without sense,
looking through the window,
only mindless bodies who can't think in a decent way.
I'm even more frustrated.

I like OPs Wall interpretation better

>> No.8772340

Whatever you reckon, nerd.

>> No.8772341
File: 193 KB, 512x512, agirihigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But metal is a genre specifically aimed at nerds and tryhards, nerd.

>> No.8772344

Not exactly what the album was about, but I guess it was an OK attempt at humor.

>> No.8772348
File: 15 KB, 100x100, arcadedance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus Christ those lyrics really are /jp/; they read like autism given poetic form in structure and content.

>very difficult to explain with words...
>normal people searching happiness and contentment,

Lost my shit, autismal mass: critical

>> No.8772351

Pink Floyd is pleb tier, I mean, I liked it WHEN I WAS FUCKING 16 FAGGOT!

>> No.8772355
File: 80 KB, 520x770, ririchiyolaughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I don't like something because it's popular and the fanbase is lame


>> No.8772358

I'm going to smash your fucking face in cunt. You've got no idea who you are fucking with.

In any case that band basically split up for years and formed Joyless which is sort of Velvet Underground-ish pop weirdness.

>> No.8772359

nice gaytext, now go accompany him.

>> No.8772370


>I like things that are shit

gaylord fagbutt

>> No.8772371

That's funny because I ended up like this partly due to listening to them so much during my youth.

>> No.8772393

I"m seriously fed up with your shit now, motherfucker. Try it one more time and see what fucking happens.

>> No.8773015

All their albums were legendary, but it's just the faggots that like only the popular DSotM, the Wall, and WYWH, which bothered me. They only knew about that shit. They probably couldn't name more than 2 people in the band, if they even knew someone other than Roger Waters. It's that people claimed to be such big fans.

People didn't even know about Syd Barrett, his solo albums, or how so many of the popular music was about and inspired by syd barrett

([S]hine on [Y]ou crazy [D]iamond)

Their older stuff like their singles such as Paintbox, and See Emily Play (fucking masterpiece) were unknown to most faggots. sigh.

>> No.8773030

I love greenday

>> No.8773031

Pink floyd is like Naruto

>> No.8773050

Who are you directing that towards?

>> No.8776129

Pretty good analysis.

My favorite song is Pigs from Animals though. It's so ... desperate? I don't know the term.

>> No.8776159
File: 51 KB, 700x700, pinkfreud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the few sensible posts in this thread.

>> No.8777732

Atom Heart Mother is their best cd.

>> No.8777774
File: 56 KB, 700x722, bost rog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug pig floy :-DDDDDD

i like lisen to bost rog :---DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.8778260

>considering it's biggest themes are isolation, loneliness

Some sociable musician from a popular rockband has no understanding of the loneliness or isolation, so how can he make a song about it?

>> No.8778268

that's not Boyz-n-the-Hood

>> No.8781143

That's why The Wall and Pink Floyd itself is fucking awful.

>> No.8781281 [DELETED] 


>> No.8781390

What are your thoughts on Elliott Smith?

>> No.8781406

Who Division Bell here?

>> No.8781436



Now get out.

>> No.8781490

Even worse.
