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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8769336 No.8769336 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/.

This is my first time on this board, and I don't really know how things are done here. So, if there's no interest in this type of thread I'll delete it.

I'm half Japanese, and have been to Japan many times. I have Japanese grandparents and many relatives in Japan- my father is also pure Japanese. I've studied Japanese in school for 3 years.

Ask me anything you want.

>> No.8769339
File: 1.67 MB, 1857x2631, Battle Garegga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go play BattleGaregga

>> No.8769338

Can you read?

It reads Otaku Culture, not Japanese general.

>> No.8769342

There is nothing interesting about you, or related to the topic of this board.
You're also calling attention to yourself, which is frowned upon in this board.

>> No.8769343
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>> No.8769344
File: 202 KB, 750x700, 1324986256241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont kid yourself. Whole Japanese or delete your thread

>> No.8769345

well since otakus are by definition obsessed with Japan, a Japanese ask me anything thread seems to fit the theme of the board

>> No.8769348
File: 95 KB, 586x680, 1325989536043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8769355


No that's a weeaboo thing. Take that shit to >>>/a/. I am sure that they will love you.

>> No.8769359

ok. Sorry about this whole thing. As I said I don't know anything about this board

>> No.8769364

People here are some of the most arrogant shitposters on 4chan. Don't take it personally.

>> No.8769365

whats the other half? american?

>> No.8769369

>otakus are by definition obsessed with Japan

>> No.8769370

You will probably have more success in /int/ or /trv/ as they will actually ask you questions about the country.

Here we discuss Touhous, Otaku culture, and shitposting.
Most things we like only happen to come from Japan. I'm sure many people would be happier if Germany or Sweden made Anime and Touhou.


>> No.8769372


I am not trying to be a dick but you said it yourself in the original post that you didn't know anything about this board. It's best to lurk a board to understand what is usually accepted and what is not.

>> No.8769374

Why is tsuzuku written as つづく and not つずく?
There are other examples as well but that's the most common one that I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.8769376

No, it just refers to having an obsessive interest. It doesn't have to be Japan.

>> No.8769378

Isn't this a /b/ thing?
“I'm half-Japanese, ask me anything.”

>> No.8769381


Though it's considered shitposting since it ain't Touhou.

>> No.8769382

Wait, don't go yet! Can you give us a detailed first hand experience on what is it like raping a japanese elementary school girl? You have done that right? At least your japanese relatives must have forced you to do it, they are japanese after all.

>> No.8769387

Try /r9k/ or something, OP, as you can see, this kind of thread really won't be received very well here.

>> No.8769388

In the West it does, because you're using it in the West. That's how loan words work. In Japan "anime" refers to all animation, and they stole the word from the French where it also refers to all animation. However if you say, "I like anime," then that means you like Japanese cartoons because you're a nerdlord.

>> No.8769390

ethnically eastern european

>> No.8769396

Why haven't you deleted this thread?

>> No.8769397

Do you know what 東方Project is out-of-hand? Do any of your relatives?

>> No.8769398

Even if it was relevant, why would you post it?

Hey /jp/, I like visual novels. Ask a person who likes visual novels and knows about them anything! ^__^

>> No.8769399

>If it ain't Touhou, it's shit.

>> No.8769400

I actually have no clue, sorry

>> No.8769402

If it ain't Lisp, it's crap.

>> No.8769404

because I'm browsing using chan elite on an iPhone, and there's no way to delete posts

>> No.8769406

>if there's no interest in this type of thread I'll delete it.
...and yet when you're met with scorn and disdain, you leave it?

What the hell kind of conditions would you have deleted it in, then?

>> No.8769408


Delete it via Safari.

>> No.8769409

But Touhou ain't lisp. Is it crap?

>> No.8769413

This is how "apps" work? There are individual apps for different sites?
There's already an interface to the Web, and it's called a "Web browser". Why don't phones use that?

>> No.8769414


Hi aaeru

>> No.8769415

Ok, due to the overwhelming negative reactions to this thread, I will のw (get it) proceed to leave, and will show up elsewhere, and you'll have no idea who I am. Feel free to do the same
