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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 478 KB, 720x1000, 7925641593351968dedc52fb839b8389[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8763427 No.8763427 [Reply] [Original]

I've decided I really like Mokou. I think it's the pants.

What are some good non-porn doujins that feature her?

>> No.8763433

The best Mokou doujins are porn, I'm afraid. That Kaguya vs Mokou x Anon x Kaguya vs Mokou was particularly good.

>> No.8763450

Mokou has a man face and a man body.

>> No.8763481
File: 902 KB, 1404x2000, _010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amida kuzu has some. He ranges from serious to insane though, so you might read a couple of his works before final judgement
Koge croquette is a cool guy too

>> No.8763725
File: 44 KB, 540x405, 1319076979unamused-540x405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mokou is a shitty touhou OP Yukari is where it's at

>> No.8763742
File: 184 KB, 305x512, Mokou[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst design
Worst boss theme
Worst fanbase
Worst gimmick
Worst hair accessory
Worst hair color
Worst pants
Worst danmaku
Worst boss from the worst game
Worst Touhou

>> No.8763748
File: 68 KB, 360x360, moko-1-11..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mokou has a man face and a man body.

>> No.8763760

Which one you be talking about? I'm not big on the IN cast when it comes to porn.

>> No.8763762
File: 215 KB, 300x604, 603428-th08kaguya01_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst design
Worst music
Worst fanbase
Worst crappy stolen character
Worst haircut
Worst hair color scheme
Worst crappy shirt
Worst danmaku
Worst boss from the worst game
Worst Touhou

>> No.8763763

kaguya shouldn't you be looking for a fucking job?

>> No.8763772


>> No.8763773
File: 47 KB, 600x400, 1329349564133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't you suck my cock, dude?

>> No.8763775
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>> No.8763785
File: 699 KB, 1394x2000, sparrow_first_love_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this and the sequels

>> No.8763805

Anything by Vivet Grey, although all of it is Mokou x Keine.

>> No.8763812
File: 175 KB, 1132x1600, 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Chihagura. Assuming you like MokouxKaguya.
Or do you prefer Keine?

>> No.8763818
File: 990 KB, 2170x1519, better_tomorrow_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Better Tomorrow by DEMOUR402 is one of the best Touhou doujin ever made. Everyone that's a Touhou fan can enjoy it; it's pure fan and nostalgia. Also very rare, it doesn't show yurishit (There's a short moment of Meiling being straight), but true BROMANCE between characters. It's also one of the best doujin that has Mokou as it's central character. Go go go and read it up. Then go read A Bright Future.

>> No.8763819

ITT unfappable touhous?

>> No.8763833
File: 885 KB, 1036x1449, e4ee395354d76a8829ad88fe6e01d6b98cb2eea1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ.

>> No.8763838

Sounds like complete and utter shit.

>> No.8763846

nigga they got guns and shit u gay

>> No.8763847


Stfu and go bak to ur cocks you nerd

>> No.8763843

no pal, its just your taste that smells like that

>> No.8763849

Thanks for confirming it.

>> No.8763854

that you have shit taste? oh, no problem at all! you know you an count on /jp/.

>> No.8763858

>Mokou with a muzzleloader like the old-fashioned girl she is
>Marisa with a Beretta and a 1911

Marisa is classiest touhou

>> No.8763855
File: 14 KB, 190x117, OHSNAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8763879

what is in Reisen's hand?

>> No.8763884
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>> No.8763886
File: 11 KB, 422x358, sasdas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8763896

>claim to be elitist
>quick to ask, "who are you quoting?"
>spoonfeeds /r/ threads because they're on-topic
>meido leaves them despite request threads being bannable on every other board

>> No.8763904
File: 51 KB, 494x461, I AM POINTING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus Christ samefucker, get the fuck out already

>> No.8763909

So well, who ARE you quoting?

>> No.8763914

I was one of those but none of the others.
Also lol @ babby /jp/er discovering Sai (probably in that Chinese Wikipedia thread the other day).

>> No.8763927

The irony of this accusation is rather amusing.

>> No.8763934

How is asking ``who are you quoting?" not elitist?

By the way, who are you quoting?

>> No.8763945

>quick to ask, "who are you quoting?"
>Can't accept that the usage of green text has evolved over the years

>> No.8763946

We've been over this, probably-Tokiko.
It's `` and ''. It is not `` and ". You are not being an epic troll by being wrong, you just look silly.

>> No.8763947


Yukari with bushy eyebrows, I hope.

>> No.8763950

I don't care that it's evolved, and I don't mind it on other boards sometimes. Most people that use it though, including you, are complete idiots.

>> No.8763954

Who are you quoting? Don't you have anything to say yourself?

>> No.8763957

This. It's like smilies. I don't mind smilies on mailing lists or in IRC because they're useful and serve a purpose when they are used tastefully. However, I would never dare use them the same way (even sarcastically) on 4chan because then I'll look like a complete moron.

>> No.8763964
File: 63 KB, 255x93, bfd2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not tokiko. " and '' look mostly the same.

>> No.8763973

why are you posting Mokou instead of Chen?

>> No.8763980

If you aren't browsing 4chan with a fullwidth/monospace font, you don't know shit about being a weeaboo nerd, you weeaboo nerd.

>> No.8763985
File: 435 KB, 600x791, insane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does sort of serve a purpose though. That kind of green text can be used a quick summary, as opposed to writing something out completely.

But hey, this is /jp/, where only old stuff is good, and a picture of a smiling gorilla is a shitty meme, while a picture of a smiling man is brilliant.

>> No.8763992

Please take your memes out of here.

>> No.8764001
File: 128 KB, 680x848, Rustled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8764000
File: 444 KB, 1214x1055, 1332242294791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8764006
File: 25 KB, 298x311, 1332622042600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8764007

You realize it doesn't take much longer to write it like a normal fucking person? Normal as in more intelligent than an ape.

>> No.8764009

>this is /jp/, where only old stuff is good
Finally someone said it.

>> No.8764014

These people are the reason /jp/ looks like the average weeaboo board now, not only because they're new and think wrongly of this place, but because they believe anything associated with other boards of 4chan ever mattered here.

Except /prog/.

>> No.8764019
File: 12 KB, 251x251, 1329705463861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/, get out of /jp/, and take your hetshit with you.

>> No.8764028

There's a difference between late-teens and twenty-somethings acting like retards for kicks and posting a funny picture they found on the Internet, and actual teenagers spamming obnoxious catchphrases and images over and over until they've lost what little humour they never had to begin with.

Plus even if it was 2005 and I was on /c/ or something and someone posted cockmongler, I would tell them to fuck off back to /b/.

>> No.8764029

Besides, EVERY FUCKING BOARD ON 4CHAN EXCEPT FOR GODDAMN /JP/ uses greentext in the "who are you quoting?" way.

No one on 4chan uses emoticons other than ";_;" and maybe "D:", except for ironic posts, troll posts, and /cgl/ or /soc/ or some normalfag boards.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.8764033

‘He doesn't use kaomoji!’
<丶`∀´> ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

>> No.8764035

No board is an island.

>> No.8764036


Emoticons aren't really necessary when you have images, anyway.

>> No.8764038

‘He uses reaction images!’

>> No.8764042

Most people from the other boards are complete idiots. I surf most the boards.

>> No.8764051

<丶`∀´> colea is best country east
 kimchi nida

>> No.8764046

This is an image board :)

>> No.8764053



>> No.8764060

I go to /a/ or /co/ when there are no shitposts on /jp/.

Shitposts are the only thing /jp/ excels at more than any other board. I only come here for the A+ quality trolling (oh, and some Touhou).

>> No.8764057

Exactly, but greentext can be used to quickly summarize a series of events or something similar. If someone says ">MFW I mad u jelly xD", blame them and the shitty memes they use, not greentext itself.

>> No.8764065


>> No.8764076

>delete saten thread
>leave this shit off-topic shit just because the OP is a 2hu

>> No.8764074


I'm pretty neutral on the greentext thing. It doesn't bother me but I don't want to derail topics, so I don't use it.

>> No.8764079
File: 33 KB, 250x250, 1330013467744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it ``can't``. It's a sign of being a complete fucktard if you have to use greentext to convey your thoughts into text. Either do it properly or not at all.

>> No.8764086

You make me want to use it just to spite morons like you.

>> No.8764089
File: 158 KB, 467x410, Smug Crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a sign of being a complete fucktard if you have to use greentext to convey your thoughts into text

>MFW u mad

>> No.8764091

Consider that the same problem has existed in English itself for centuries. People were able to summarize things properly before Usenet and email settled on using > as a functional means to block quote previous text.
It's an insult to the reader anyway. I'm not so stupid you have to baby step me through your story. Just type the goddamn story. Look at super long narratives like Blindmute Loli or Nurse-kun. People read them and they're classics. The only greentext stories that get copy-pasted are zany stories about spaghetti that the authors seem to find more funny than the readers do.

>> No.8764095

It's not hard to beat zero. Meaning, my amusement level.

>> No.8764096

That's not childish at all...

>> No.8764101

Actually, me too.

Though pretending I'm more intelligent than that is one of the few things I have left in my miserable life.

>> No.8764103

But whining about `improper use' of a typographic character is.

>> No.8764104

Shitposts and trolling aren't the same. Trolling is only supposed to irritate people who "fall for it." Shitposting is just shitposting.

>> No.8764111

>It's an insult to the reader

now that i read this, its like the userbases of other boards have been degraded to subhuman level, and they can no longer feel shame

>> No.8764112

More like, a whole set of incomplete sentences getting praised as a good ``storytelling'' mechanism.

>> No.8764113

I know they are not the same. But most shitposts are meant as trolling anyway.

>> No.8764118

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8764115

It's not childish. It's an attempt to keep a board from falling into the same pit as so many other boards on 4chan. Elitism is what keeps good boards alive.

>> No.8764117

No way. I shitpost to make people happy.

>> No.8764123

Adding a single character to the beginning of every sentence fragment does not excuse such shitty writing.

>> No.8764126

Maybe if the people behind them are retards, yeah. Unless they're just trying to troll people who don't use the catalog because "then the presence of forty shit threads on the first five pages wouldn't affect you."

>> No.8764121

I am quoting

>> No.8764129

I don't see the word `storytelling' in his post.

>> No.8764134

Well one serves a functional means and we're arguing about that right now.
Even if it was childish, it's certainly not as childish as doing something stupid on purpose just to "spite" someone, especially online. Think of all the other readers you aren't "spiting". Even if you don't care about faceless strangers on the Internet, they're ultimately the people you're writing for/to.

>> No.8764135

People still use this?

>> No.8764132

Greentext is improperly used as a storytelling mechanism, though.

>> No.8764141

God damn it, I just wanted a Mokou thread.

>> No.8764143

I think a lot of people do. You could replace it with 4chanX or the script of your choice.

>> No.8764144

Don't try to divert the attention from yourself. Why did you use double-quotes there when you didn't quote someone?

>> No.8764137

-Go to /jp/
-See shitty thread
-Post in it


>> No.8764150

People use convenient tools that have no drawbacks, yes.

>> No.8764157

2fukwitulmaoXD (I didn't even realize I used them.)

>> No.8764155

You made a /r/ thread in /jp/. What the hell did you expect to happen?

>> No.8764159


Me too.

>> No.8764160

Except that it's not convenient, but stupid and goes against 4chan policy.

>> No.8764163

Being able to see every thread on a board isn't convenient? Are you an idiot?

>> No.8764164

I'm not the OP, I just saw it on the catalog and assumed. I guess I should have assumed the worst considering it's /jp/.

>> No.8764169

Delete it you retard. This won't ever return to a Mokou thread.

>> No.8764171

the spirit of greentextfaggotry is still burning strong.
so no

>> No.8764177

No. The ASCII/plaintext standard for bullets is the asterisk (*), or you should use one of the Unicode bullet symbols, U+2022 (•) or U+2023 (‣).

>> No.8764184

I just posted in a shitty /jp/ thread. Does this make you happy?

>> No.8764187

The spirit of poor punctuation is strong in your post.

>> No.8764188

B-But, my text isn't green!

I just wanted to make you happy, anon-kun...

>> No.8764190

I would contribute, except all the ones I can think off the top of my head are already listed and I'm looking for a few others that I've forgotten the name of.

>> No.8764201

No, because you need to see more than just the first post or a picture to decide if a thread is worth looking at. Stop using it.

>> No.8764213

Then suck my cock, dude.

>> No.8764221

Ummm... O-Okay... Pull your pants down then, I guess...

>> No.8764229

Reported. Roleplay is not allowed on /jp/.

>> No.8764231

*whips out dick*

>> No.8764227

>worth looking at
The three seconds it would take to open the thread and realize it is shit is not a notable amount of effort so worth doesn't really come into it.

>> No.8764233


>> No.8764247
File: 669 KB, 800x800, 1301168343907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool argument you're having in here.


>> No.8764261

Isn't it fun talking with /jp/ about stuff that no one truly cares about, though?

>> No.8764268

Only if fun is feeling yourself die a little inside every time you see this argument.

>> No.8764273

I like it. It's like self-harm but without the scars and stereotyping from Internet meanies.

>> No.8764277

Just take it easy with /jp/, at least these arguments prove it's the last refuge.

>> No.8764278

OP here. Thanks for the handful of suggestions.

Vivet Grey doesn't get me anything on exhentai.

>> No.8764280
File: 79 KB, 256x256, face_st08ls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nobody cared they wouldn't be arguing about it so fiercely. Or retardedly.

What a shame...

>> No.8764296

Probably because its spelled Vivit Gray. Also the circle is on the wikis.

>> No.8764308

But, I was arguing against it fiercely, though. I was just joking around, I don't really mind the greentext elsewhere, just most of the people that use it.

Why can't 4chan be more civil and educated?

>> No.8764315

Although I have nothing against green-text and believe most cases of "Who are you quoting?" to be unwarranted, I rather enjoyed this debate, and would suck the cocks of all involved if I could.

>> No.8764332


>> No.8764333

Can we now argue about fellatio?
People have always joked about cock sucking since ironically pretending to be gay became cool, but when the "suck my cock, dude" meme started to be spammed humorlessly, it seems a lot of people genuinely took interest in fellating phalluses.

Why is this, /jp/? At no point in the history of /jp/ would I be able to express the slightest curiosity about any heterosexual sex act because 3DPD. Why does this stop mattering when they are homosexual sex acts, even with real people (usually other roleplaying /jp/ posters)?

>> No.8764350

I have no interest in sucking /jp/'s cock, actually, and have never said I would. I just want a nice anime showing and tea party. Some of those 2D guys though? I'm not fully heterosexual, I'd bet. I mean, I don't like 3d women that much either. (I don't have much against their looks, though. I don't think I'm so smart, but people's personalities and idiocy level have made me a paranoid person who doesn't like people much.)

>> No.8764475

It depends on whether you find a vagina or a penis more aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.8764500

I just opened this thread, hoping I'd find a decent Mokou thread

This is what I found

Fuck you /jp/

>> No.8764582

That's what you get for using the catalog.
